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Open a business with China in 1 day. How to establish a business partnership with China on favorable terms? I want to start a business without investment - is this realistic?

Become part of the training group and in just 2.5 months with us, right in the classroom, launch your business resale of goods from China or expand your existing one, starting to earn 300 - 500% profit from sales.

Here's what you'll learn

Choose profitable products

How correctly you assess the prospects of a particular product greatly determines how easy it will be for you to sell it.

Find reliable suppliers in China
It is very important not just to find a Chinese supplier, but to find a reliable Chinese supplier.
We will tell you in detail and show you how to check the supplier, how to negotiate with him, what needs to be agreed upon and what to pay attention to. As a result, you will be able to find a reliable Chinese supplier of quality goods at a competitive price.

It is profitable to deliver wholesale quantities
Unfortunately, there is no super-fast, cheap and safe delivery, but there are always options to consider.
We will teach you how to deliver wholesale shipments from China quickly (in 3-4 days) at an affordable price, or wait a little and save on delivery. We will provide contacts of trusted intermediaries, transport companies and customs brokers + unobtrusively offer our services

Create selling websites
In order to make good money on the Internet, you need sites that sell.
What is a selling site? This is a site that performs 2 functions and solves 1 problem. Function number one: the site must convince the buyer that the product or service you are selling is necessary and necessary. Function number two: the site must convince the buyer that it is profitable and convenient for him to order this product from you. The main task: to encourage the buyer to place an order or call the phone numbers listed on the website right now.

We will tell you and analyze with examples what parts a selling website should consist of, how it should be designed, how to make it, how to check its effectiveness and how to ensure the best result from its work.

Run effective advertising
For a profitable business to exist on the Internet, advertising is needed. We had examples of successful participants who used only free advertising methods, but, of course, it is better to immediately work with paid methods too.

We will teach you how to set up the most popular advertising methods at a basic level, measure results, identify effective advertising channels and disable ineffective ones, determine where improvements are needed and how to increase the effectiveness of advertising depending on the target audience of buyers.

PART 1. Buying goods in China and training on the Chinese:

Block No. 1
How will we get to the result?
You will do important things in advance that are necessary for your effective learning.

You will be added to a closed group of participants

You will understand the whole principle and structure of our course

You will see where and how you can send your questions about the course for analysis in special classes

Goal of block No. 1: Take 1 step for your effective learning

Block No. 2
First steps to China
Prepare yourself for online shopping in China

You will learn to distinguish reliable Chinese sellers from scammers

You will learn how to communicate with the seller even without knowing English

You will learn to protect your money when paying for goods

You will understand how to choose the right size of a product (if it is clothing or shoes)

You receive a list of useful links for shopping in China

Goal of block No. 2: You will learn which trading platforms you need to buy on and how to do it correctly

Block No. 3
Subtleties of passing customs and receiving goods
You will learn the basic rules for customs regulation of purchases from China

You will understand in which case your parcel will not even be inspected at customs

You will figure out for what amount and how many goods you can order in China so that they are not subject to customs duties

You will learn how to receive a parcel correctly to avoid any troubles.

You will understand what “Form 51” is and in what case it should be used

You will understand how to protect yourself if the contents of the package do not correspond to what you ordered.

You will learn how to get all or part of your money back if you received a defective product

You will figure out how you can get your money back if what you received is not what you ordered.

Purpose of block No. 3: You will understand where problems may arise when passing customs and receiving goods, and also learn how to solve them

Block No. 4
Chinese dropshipping sites
You will learn how to use the PayPal payment system to safely make any purchases on the Internet

You receive a list of verified sites where you can make purchases directly from China

You will learn how to communicate with Chinese people in Chinese

You will be able to get a Chinese phone number, a Chinese address and a Chinese bank card - for making purchases on sites intended only for Chinese

You will learn how to choose a reliable seller on a Chinese website

From now on you will know how to buy almost any product at 300-500% cheaper than you are used to

Goal of block No. 4: You will learn to buy even cheaper on trading platforms, having a greater opportunity to choose prices and conditions between different companies

You will order on a Chinese website, paying 3-5 times less for it than it costs in Russia.

In addition, you will make a list of 10 products that can be bought on a Chinese website and resold very profitably in your home country.

You will learn to negotiate competently and extract discounts from the Chinese.

Just knowing how to buy directly from the Chinese will help you save tens of thousands of rubles annually on purchasing various goods for yourself and your needs.

And the ability to get big discounts will save you hundreds of thousands of rubles in the future on wholesale purchases.

PART 2. How to make money selling goods from China:

Block No. 5
Selecting a profitable product. Testing.
You understand the 4 most important primary parameters of a product for sale

You will determine for yourself the category of goods you want to trade

You will calculate the potential profitability of your product

You will describe the target audience of buyers to whom your product is aimed

You will conduct an indirect demand test

You will begin to develop your unique selling proposition that will set you apart from your competitors

You will create a special phone number that greatly increases the trust of your customers

You will begin direct testing of demand for your products and receive the first calls on the product without yet having the product in stock

Goal of block No. 5: Selecting a profitable product on which you will begin to build your business

Block No. 6
Creating a selling website
You will learn 3 simple ways to create your own website

You will analyze competitors' websites and identify the most attractive features of these sites

You will choose for yourself one of the selling models of Internet sites

You will plan the structure of your selling website taking into account the characteristics of your product and target audience

You will create your own selling website on the Internet

You will fill your website with special blocks that will increase the level of trust in you among potential buyers

You will register your domain and hosting

You will connect a system for receiving and processing orders to your website

Goal of block No. 6: Creating your selling website with parameters sufficient for successful competition in the market

Block No. 7
Let's start selling
You will receive the first free orders from social networks and message boards

You will learn how to snatch hot clients from the Yandex Direct system

You will learn how to make emotional sales for users of the social network VKontakte

You will learn to work with UTM tags and determine the advertising source of each specific order

You will begin to calculate the result of each advertising method and, based on this, you will be able to control the effectiveness of advertising

You will achieve a growing flow of orders and clients into your business

You will connect telephone numbers 8-800 and 495 and will be able to sell to Moscow and all of Russia

You will learn about the operating principles of goods distribution centers, courier and transport companies

You will decide on the product that you will promote and make sure that people want to buy it.

Make your own selling website with special blocks that increase customer loyalty.

Create a stream of incoming customers and make your first sale.

At this stage you make your first profit!

PART 3. How to make China a source of stable income:

Block No. 8
Search for suppliers and manufacturers of goods in China
You will learn 7 ways to find a reliable supplier in China

You will choose a supplier depending on your planned orders (from box to container)

You tailor your email so that suppliers see you as a more valuable client.

You will request price lists and working conditions from at least 100 suppliers of the products you are interested in

You will check suppliers based on indirect signs and learn to distinguish normal suppliers from dubious ones

Find out how much it will cost to deliver your shipment of goods from the carrier

Goal of block No. 8: Find for you a reliable supplier of quality goods on favorable terms

Block No. 9
Wholesale orders from China
You will learn how to properly negotiate with suppliers and bring them to favorable terms for you.

You agree on an acceptable configuration of your product

You will agree on a favorable price for your shipment with the Chinese supplier

You will discuss important points about your products before ordering from China

You will learn 4 possible payment terms for wholesale shipments

You will choose a reliable payment method to China for your goods

You will learn how to avoid possible deception by managers from wholesale companies

You will learn how to order product samples from China to check product quality

Purpose of block No. 9: Negotiate with suppliers: discuss prices for goods, nuances of shipment, delivery and quality control of your batch of goods

Block No. 10
Efficiency and action
You will learn how to organize inspections to ensure complete confidence in the reliability of the supplier

You will learn to calculate and determine all the main parameters of a transaction based on AQL, MOQ and supplier guarantees

You will analyze the set of documents and contracts that you will need to properly conclude a transaction

You will learn to calculate the economic feasibility of delivering goods from China

You will understand delivery methods from China, their features and differences

You will select the most optimal delivery method in terms of price/quality ratio

You will analyze and calculate customs duties for your products

You will understand what you will need for customs clearance

You will understand the issues of certification, insurance and guarantees for your cargo

You will learn to control the delivery process from China

You can deliver wholesale quantities from 10 kg. and more from China

You will learn how to deliver goods from China even without having an individual entrepreneur or LLC

Goal of block No. 10: Learn to deliver goods from China from 10 kg. and more without individual entrepreneur or LLC with the greatest savings and security

Training in Business with China from $100 to $10,000 in 2 months coaching Version 20

You are scaling your business.

Contact the desired manufacturer directly, check it, agree on all terms and deliver the goods.

You can sell in bulk and get high profits.

Today, China produces a huge range of useful products. The world's best brands have opened their factories here. Investments made in Chinese business pay off very quickly if the investor used the right tactics and chose a profitable direction. If earlier everyone bought Chinese products, but no one appreciated them, then today there is not a person who would not use them. Buyers are happy to purchase goods made in China and do not complain about its quality. Since there is demand, it means it’s worth doing business with China.

There are plenty of opportunities to earn money here. At the same time, it is possible. But to organize a serious business, you need to have start-up capital. The scale of the future enterprise is determined by the amount of available funds. Readers will think about their capabilities for themselves. Here you can learn how to work with Chinese partners. To purchase small volume products, you do not need to meet suppliers in person.

There are enough advantages in this partnership to safely distribute your assets to launch a new project.

  • The products are much cheaper compared to analogues on the market in another country. The retail price for a Chinese product is very low.
  • The items are very high quality. If previously consumers gave a low rating to the quality of Chinese products, now the situation has changed for the better. Now it is high quality and meets the international standard. Working closely with the European Union, the Chinese produce high-quality products in a wide range.
  • Here you can order not only small things, but also large things, such as industrial equipment or a car. This country even has products that are not available anywhere else.
  • You can go to a direct supplier and order the necessary products on a large scale or in small quantities. The Chinese are capable of making anything.

Additional benefits

You can find analogues. Instead of buying an expensive branded item, they order a high-quality and reliable replica, which is difficult to distinguish from the real thing.

Providing discounts and bonuses. If you maintain constant cooperation, your partner will provide the product with a discount and a pleasant bonus.

Where do you find suppliers?

What do Chinese partners know?

For successful cooperation, they establish a partnership via the Internet or in person by visiting the office of Chinese manufacturers. If you have problems with the language, then you don’t have to worry about it. Company employees speak not only Chinese, but also English or Russian. True, you need to get used to their characteristic accent. They are very hardworking and attentive people. But you can also run into unscrupulous partners.

A novice entrepreneur who runs into a problematic counterparty can face various difficulties. To prevent this from happening, it is determined under what conditions the delivery is made from a large supplier or a small contractor.

Equipment for production purposes

If you purchase Chinese equipment, the costs will quickly pay off. When a businessman is just starting to build his business, he tries not to invest a lot of money at first. To find reliable special equipment, you should turn to Chinese manufacturers. Only they have good equipment at a low price.

If you cooperate with the Asian market, you can find a profitable solution for any enterprise. Judging by numerous reviews, equipment made in China is no worse than its European counterparts. In addition, I am pleased with the price.

The Chinese deliver equipment along with comprehensive support, setup, adaptation, personnel training, guarantees, and technical maintenance. If the equipment suddenly breaks down, the suppliers will repair it.

Important! Thanks to this service, it is profitable to open a small business using Chinese equipment. If an entrepreneur is not afraid of the difficulties that he will have to overcome when collaborating with China, then he can safely choose this direction in business.

Problems will arise when overcoming the language barrier, complex delivery, and customs clearance of large equipment. When ordering equipment, they check whether the factory engineers can set it up. Some companies do not provide such a service, so if you don’t think about it right away, you can end up with problems later.

What's best to order here?

To make various components, toys, jewelry, clothing, souvenirs, it is worth ordering a 3D printer. They also buy equipment for the production of packaging, plastic products, and building materials.

To realize your plans in reality, take the following steps:

  • Go to reliable suppliers on the Alibaba or Made-in-China website. Based on the reviews left by customers, you can find out about its reputation. They conduct a detailed study of all his data, determine whether he has the necessary certificates, what year the company was founded and other points.
  • They find a more attractive company, contact it via the Internet, and agree to provide a commercial offer for the product of interest.
  • Next they will learn about the possibility of cooperation with Russia. Then they negotiate with the Russian partner so that he confirms his reliability.

Important! Before purchasing equipment, commercial offers are carefully analyzed and the most profitable ones are selected.

Contact the supplier for negotiations.

Agree on prices and transportation conditions. A contract is signed. The transaction is verified and an advance payment may be made.

Payment for the order is made. A 50% advance payment will be required. The equipment is manufactured within a month. The remaining cost is paid after shipment is confirmed.

It is better to pay for equipment using a revocable letter of credit. Then no unscrupulous supplier will do any harm.

It is worth selling Chinese equipment only if there is a big benefit from it. To do business with foreign partners, they learn about the peculiarities of work and study the market.

Subject "Business with China" is gaining momentum on the Internet! Every day, many websites, blogs and simply information products dedicated to this topic appear. Our eastern neighbor has always attracted us with its mystery and centuries-old history. Now Chinese business has been added to this list. Just as mysterious. But, like China itself, business from the Celestial Empire is promising, shows constant growth and, characteristically, is itself striving for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Why not take advantage of this?

Your favorite project website constantly pleases you with popular business ideas. From various areas of human activity and entrepreneurship. We also did not ignore this topic -. From the point of view of information, it has scale and breadth, which we share with you when we describe the next Chinese business idea.

Therefore, traditionally, in May-June we review the most popular business ideas from China. Make yourself comfortable and, in express mode, briefly, in about 40 minutes, get acquainted with the most wonderful articles on the topic of Chinese business. By the way, if you read all the business ideas carefully, you will become a real expert in this field. And you can sell your knowledge!

In first place, as our regular readers already know, is perhaps the most popular series on the Internet about business with China - Ideas for business with China.


Review of Chinese online stores, recommendations on where you can safely and quite honestly buy goods from China for resale. Valuable advice - what to buy, how, and who to give it to. The statistics speak for themselves. More than 100 thousand people became acquainted with this cycle in literally a short period of time. And, surprisingly, the material does not lose its relevance. Don’t wait, hurry up, as you know, there is nothing more valuable than new knowledge. Especially free ones.


Dropshipping from China is one of the popular initial forms of business with China. Almost all cases and examples of successful “Chinese” businesses are based on it. The idea is simple - we buy goods in China, sell them to those who wish - at retail or wholesale.

The scheme can be constructed in such a way that the intermediary will have no physical contact with the shipment of goods at all. After all, the Internet works wonders. Using it you can search for both suppliers and buyers. Linking them together. Don’t forget to integrate yourself into this chain, as an intermediary. And make money on the simple movement of goods! This business idea goes well with.


Everything is very simple. A list of the most popular product niches, products from which are profitable to sell in Russia and other countries. The list turned out to be very large and voluminous and has not lost its relevance. All that remains is to choose a niche that you understand most fully and start making money in it. The list is structured so that the information in it can be found by anyone, even those without expert knowledge.


Small and easy instructions to start your own business in China. We reveal the features of this business, the form and principle of organization.

Without this knowledge, your business with China will not be as complete as you would like. By the way, this article tells the whole truth about webinars that promise you Chinese earnings with a margin of up to 500%. We strongly recommend that you study it.


A separate review of some Chinese goods and a number of profitable niches for small-scale and operational trade. Suitable for beginners who want to learn business with China.

After all, any successful path is built on mistakes and learning from past achievements. Without understanding this, it is impossible to build success in the future. This article, like no other, shows this path and ways to achieve results in the future.


By the way, any Chinese business is built on this principle. What you undoubtedly already learned from the first articles of this TOP.

Fermentation bedding can reduce costs and improve the quality of livestock housing in enclosed spaces. Its advantages sell themselves, you just need to have it in full demand in a timely manner. And make money from it!


High-margin goods- the most delicious and sought-after goods for those who do business with China. Everyone who is more or less involved in such business is busy searching for these goods. High-margin goods promise big profits even from a minimal first wholesale batch, and if you import and sell 3-5 batches, you will have enough money for many years to come. This article discusses a principle diagram of the approach to such a product. A must read.


Seven business ideas with the Chinese platform This platform is an intermediary between Chinese businessmen and other entrepreneurs from all over the world. On Alibaba you can find everything in bulk. And what is not there yet will definitely appear in the coming days. Seriously! Almost all experienced entrepreneurs who make money from goods have an account on this site.

Therefore, those who dream of starting a business with China in wholesale quantities, those who want to find Chinese manufacturers, those who need a production line from Chinese equipment - they will definitely find what they are looking for on Alibaba. An indicator of the popularity of the site is the fact that Russian companies that produce goods in China have also opened their representative offices there. Therefore, if you still doubt Chinese entrepreneurs, try starting a business with your compatriots. And Alibaba, in this case, will act as an independent guarantor of the transaction.


An addition to a previous business idea. A little practice on how to buy on Alibaba: searching for a product, choosing a supplier, features of purchasing and delivering the product to you.

We look at examples of how to choose the right sellers, what you should pay attention to, and how to distinguish scammers (unfortunately, they are there too) from honest partners. The instructions are suitable for both small and medium-sized businesses.


“Small” Chinese goods have always enjoyed deserved popularity. It is very cheap, even a huge batch will cost a modest budget. At the same time, it weighs extremely little and takes up little space.

For example, inflatable products from China, which beat all indicators of popularity on our Internet. Practice shows that even a batch of 10 thousand products can easily fit on the average balcony in 5 boxes. What's it like, huh?

Therefore, the site could not bypass this niche and presents you with a list of 30-cent products, that is, a product that costs around $0.3, with sales figures. It will help you form your own opinion about what to buy in China, with subsequent profitable resale at home.


Nothing extra. Just a list of 10 popular Chinese products. Which sells extremely well in China. And it is bought throughout the rest of the world.

That is, we have done a lot of work for you. We studied and selected from a variety of Chinese goods exactly what people need. Believe us, there is 10 times more product range in China than there are people. And both this and this quantity increases every day. So here's a silver platter for you. Of course, if you understand what we are talking about.


Infobusiness is a new word about a long-forgotten old one. This word - education. If you know or have become an expert on Chinese business (that is, as we said above, you have studied our material), you can easily teach everyone about business with China. You have everything for this, and what you don’t have - you will find a description of this in this business idea.

Bonus idea: make money on cashback from China

This is not even a business idea, but a life hack - how you can make money in China without doing business. It would seem a complex condition, but the solution is quite compact and interesting.

Each of us, we are sure, has encountered purchases on Aliexpress. Now you can make money by shopping in this online hypermarket. All you need to do is open a Tinkoff+Aliexpress credit card. Ooh, credit! - you say, and you will be partly right. The interest-free loan period on the card is 55 days, that is, during this period you need to top up the card with the amount you spent. But you were still going to buy on Ali, right? And the most important thing is that 5% of the purchase price is returned in points and can be spent again on a purchase on Ali.

For example, if you buy something for $100, you get $5 back. Few? Additionally, we register for a cashback service and receive up to 15% of the purchase on top, that is, the same notorious cashback. The total refund from a $100 purchase is $15+5. Very profitable.

How to make money from this? Invite all your friends and acquaintances to buy through you, place an ad, offer a discount of 5-10% from the standard price and then your earnings will be 10% of the turnover, which can amount to several thousand rubles monthly. Quite a good increase in salary for simply having a card and registering for the service. Right?


We remind you that if you want to keep abreast of all the new events, know everything about the business and even more - sent out in various ways. And be the first to receive the latest information, without advertising or spam - only business!

Good afternoon, dear readers! With you is Evgeniy Guryev, an expert in the online business magazine “PAPA HELPED” on the topic of commodity Internet business and business with China. The topic of this article is business with China.

If you think that the times of brisk trade in Chinese goods are irrevocably a thing of the past, then I hasten to please you - this is not so! Thousands of businessmen from Russia and other countries continue to make money from supplies from China, selling goods at prices in 3-5 times more expensive than purchase price.

Do you want to open your own business with minimal risk, small initial investments and a work scheme that has been proven over decades? Then business with China suits you in all respects. In this article, I described the features and nuances of trading Chinese goods, plus step-by-step instructions for “dummies” on launching a business project from “A” to “Z.”

Are you interested in how to earn money? from 100,000 rubles per month“clean” in the trade of Chinese goods? Then read the article to the end!

Is it realistic to start a business with China from scratch in 2019 or is it a runaway train?

Yes, it's real! And from my own experience I have proven this many times, having earned millions of rubles .

Chinese-made goods still account for a significant share of the global market. This is not surprising - China has developed industry, cheap labor, many years of economic growth and, after all, a population of 1.5 billion.

The “Made in China” label is no longer an indicator of low quality. Modern goods from the Middle Kingdom have become more functional, high quality and durable. And they look much better than 15-20 years ago.

In the Russian Federation, up to 80% of light industry products are produced in China. There are such products in every home - wallets, watches, phones, household appliances, toys, jewelry, accessories, cosmetics and much, much more - do you agree with me?! Surely, at least half of the goods in your home are made in China.

What does this mean to you? This means that the market for Chinese goods is simply huge, billions of dollars are spinning here every year, and why don’t you take a piece of this huge financial pie?

The main advantage of doing business with Chinese goods is that the resale scheme is worked out to the smallest detail and is accessible to everyone. To start your own business, you don’t even need to have initial capital.

For example, the dropshipping model* allows you to earn income with almost no investment. If you wish, you don’t even have to leave your home - all operations will be performed online.

By working according to the dropshipping scheme, you reduce financial risks to a minimum!

The work algorithm comes down to three points:

  1. Find a supplier in China and purchase goods at the manufacturer's price.
  2. Deliver to Russia.
  3. Sell ​​at a premium.

You may ask: what about customs, documents, taxes? But don’t rush, we will analyze each stage of the business process in detail in the following sections.


philistine skepticism and the position “this niche has been occupied a long time ago, there is no point in breaking in” are the main obstacles on the path to success. Any entrepreneurial activity requires courage, but at the same time a meaningful approach.

Why China? Everything is simple - mass production in this country was initially “tailored” for export to other countries. The cost of production here is extremely low due to low wages and the use of industrial technologies.

Chinese factories work non-stop, supplying products to all corners of the planet.

The stereotype “Chinese means poor and breaks down quickly” is no longer relevant. My Chinese e-reader has been working for five years without failures or complaints. The quality of products from this country is constantly growing, but prices remain low. In this parameter, the PRC has no competitors. This means that you need to purchase the goods there.

Practice shows that Business with China is not a “runaway train”, but on the contrary, it is a direction that is gaining momentum

If you are still in doubt, here is a visual list of the main advantages of working with Chinese manufacturers:

  • Low prices. Working with domestic manufacturers, you will get a “markup” on the product in the area 20-50% . Trade in Chinese goods will bring from 100 to 1,000% markup.
  • A wide range of. Not just an assortment, but an “assortment”. The selection of products is almost endless. There is absolutely everything on the Chinese market. If you want to deal with popular products, please do. If you prefer an exclusive niche that has no analogues in the country, no problem.
  • The proven algorithm. There is no need to invent anything. There are suppliers' websites, there are product delivery schemes. Even if you work with a large wholesaler, you won’t have to spend a long time looking for transport companies, conducting tedious negotiations, etc. The manufacturer will deliver the goods either himself, or professional intermediaries will do it for a reasonable fee. They will also help with customs, paperwork, and certificates.
  • High competition among Chinese manufacturers. There are many sellers in China, and each of them is trying to occupy their own niche in the market. Firms value every client and are ready to enter into contracts on the most favorable terms for the buyer (price reduction, compensation for transportation costs, bonuses for wholesale purchases). They are in touch around the clock, ready to start with minimum quantities, you can bargain with them, request product samples for free. Experienced buyers know how to reduce the price to a minimum and earn maximum profit by selling expensive Chinese goods in their country.

You may ask, if goods are so easy to buy from a supplier, why do people need middlemen?

It's simple!

People don’t have the time or desire to understand the variety of Chinese websites, calculate the cost of products including delivery, or wait for packages. It is much easier to act through a responsible intermediary who has already agreed with the manufacturer and posted the product with a clear description in Russian on its website.

I am sure that I was able to clearly convey to you the prospects and advantages of building a business with China and prove that this is not a runaway train, but a real opportunity for you to start your own business.

Where to start Business with China without large investments - 10 simple steps for a beginner

Now let's move on to practice.

Below is basic diagram business. Delete and add items depending on the specifics of the product you have chosen and other objective factors.

Step 1. Choose a business model

There are several effective business models for reselling goods from China. First, you need to choose the best option depending on the specifics of the product and the size of the initial capital.

Trading methods (models):

  1. Dropshipping. I have already talked about this model above, but I will briefly repeat it. This method does not involve purchasing goods in large quantities. You don't need a warehouse - just a website for sales. In other words, this is purely an intermediary activity. You simply look for clients, collect money from them, and only after that you order goods from the supplier, and he himself sends the goods to the client’s address. With the dropshipping model, you simply receive the difference from that sale.
  2. Wholesale. The main thing here is to find a reliable supplier and clients who will purchase goods from you in large quantities. You again take on the role of intermediary, but this time for large deliveries.
  3. Retail sales offline and online. A method for those who have their own point of sale online or in real life. Competent marketing, attractive prices, professional design - these are the main components of success.
  4. Joint purchases. A group of several people buys wholesale quantities of goods from the supplier and then sells them. The goal is to reduce delivery costs and purchase products at a minimum (wholesale) price due to volume.

Whatever scheme you choose, success depends on competent organization of the process and a responsible approach to business.

Step 2. Determine resources

Your resources could be:

  1. Time. The most important non-renewable resource. Sometimes even this alone is enough to successfully launch your business. Time can compensate for any other resource if used correctly.
  2. Money. Their presence will be a plus, but is not a prerequisite for starting your project. To get started, you only need a few hundred dollars. For example, a dropshipping scheme does not require money to purchase goods. Mediation eliminates the risk of failure, although the income will be small with such a scheme.
  3. Information and knowledge. A well-known expression says: “Who owns the information, owns the world.” In the topic of business with China, it is completely justified, since knowing the operating patterns, pricing and methods of promoting goods, you will always be one step ahead of your competitors.
  4. Experience. By experience I mean any commercial skills that you have acquired in the course of your life: negotiation skills, marketing, working with social media. networks, knowledge of special analytical and graphic programs, English, and even better Chinese. All this is the foundation for a successful start in the Chinese “theme”.
  5. Connections It's no secret that in our time, connections play as important a role as money. In contrast to “close ties” with the local city administration or a familiar prosecutor, here I mean the presence of friends and acquaintances in China or cities close to this country, in particular in Vladivostok.

One of my acquaintances successfully traded Chinese teas, goods with wow effects from the Middle Kingdom in the city of Stavropol, having experience in purchasing Chinese goods from his previous job and a friend in Vladivostok.

Step 3. Find your niche (product that we will sell)

Let's define this concept.

Niche- This is a product line. For example, a watch.

Product is a unit of production in this niche. For example, watches with a GPS tracker, CASIO G-SHOCK watches, etc.

What to trade? Beginners should start with products that are in constant attention (demand) among buyers.

Some tips for choosing the right Chinese products for resale:

Tip 1. Determine in advance the demand for the categories of goods you select using special Internet services, of which there are quite a few. But the simplest and most effective of them is YandexWordstat. This service allows you to determine how many times a month a particular phrase (word) was typed by Yandex users in the search bar. That is, this tool allows you to determine the demand for a specific product.

Now I will show you clearly how it works, and you repeat!

Using a watch with a GPS tracker as an example, let’s determine the frequency of the request: “ buy gps watch».

Go to YandexWordstat and type this phrase in the search bar of this service.

The higher the frequency of requests for a specific product in Wordstat, the more in demand it is

And you will see that this phrase was searched for 11,700 people per month. This means that there is a demand for this product.

In my experience, if this figure exceeds 10,000 requests per month, then you can easily start selling this product.

Another cool life hack from me! Type the same phrase in the Yandex search bar.

The presence of advertising in the “SPECIAL PLACEMENT” block of Yandex indirectly indicates the demand for this product

And one more piece of advice. Below I will give you several CPA networks and groups on VK (VKontakte) where you can purchase goods from China. So, you can use these groups and services to make a decision on choosing a product for sale. If a product is advertised in groups on VK, and the same product occupies TOP positions in CPA networks, then this means only one thing - the product is popular and you can make money on it.

Tip 2. Choose a product that is popular, but not very competitive. It shouldn't be sold in thousands of copies in every supermarket.

Before choosing a product to sell, go to large stores in your city and make sure that there is an offer of this product or its analogues, but it is small.

This will allow you to sell your product to potential buyers without much effort.

Tip 3. Pay attention to quality. If you sell handicraft products, the first customers in your store will be the last.

Tip 4. Understand thoroughly the product you have chosen. A real professional knows all the features and characteristics of the product being sold, correctly determines the price for it and selects a marketing strategy for promotion.


I have a friend who sells modern electronic gadgets. His knowledge in this area is simply amazing. He is aware of all the types of glasses for virtual reality and knows which health sensor is suitable for a weightlifter and which for a runner.

Tip 5. Do not purchase large quantities of a new product at once. It is always better to buy a trial quantity, evaluate the quality, “test” the demand, sell the entire test batch and only then make a large purchase.

When testing a niche, you can order a trial batch of goods from a small wholesaler in Russia. You will receive the goods much faster than when ordering from China. It will cost a little more, but you will quickly get results and be able to move on.

Step 4. Select a product

There are two routes you can take when choosing Chinese products to sell.

For a beginner who just wants to start a business and is considering cooperation with Chinese manufacturers, consumer goods with a high markup are suitable.

The ideal option is trendy products that are currently sold through one-page sites. These are products that solve consumer pain (lose weight, a bulging bone in the leg, back pain, loss of strength, moles in the garden, etc.) or have a WOW effect (new cool toys, glowing headphones, gadgets, unusual cases, etc. d.)

Where to look for them? Yes, even on the same CPA networks or in groups of domestic wholesalers on VKontakte.

Here are some of them:

  • - CPA network
  • ad1 - CPA network
  • m1-shop - CPA network
  • Goods from China wholesale- group in VK;
  • Goods from China wholesale— group in VK;
  • Buy goods from China Taobao- group on VK.

The main secret is to sell such goods not one at a time, but assortment, launching several one-page sites with different products at once.


You sell GPS watches on one site, on another you sell wireless headphones, on a third you sell DVRs, on a fourth you sell unusual toys. You earn money from every product. Profits per month are possible in 150-800 thousand rubles.

Now creating a landing page (one-page website) for you will not be difficult. For symbolic money ( 10$ ) or even for free, you can create a full-fledged website using intuitive builders.

And this is a short video for you to get acquainted with the designer:

Soon we will have a separate article with instructions on how to create a one-page website yourself.

For an existing entrepreneur , whose business is not related to the sale of Chinese goods, the strategy of expanding the range of already existing product categories and services of this businessman is more suitable.


Your business is suspended ceilings. You already know how to attract clients, your business is working, but would you like to earn more? What can you bring from China? As an option - LED chandeliers with control panels. There is no longer any need to attract and search for clients: the audience is all website visitors.

Today, to organize a trading business, it is not at all necessary to travel to China, communicate with company representatives and sign papers in offices. Any products are available online.

At first, while you do not have experience and knowledge, I recommend that you undergo preliminary training from experts. My team and I also provide support to newcomers in business with China and I am conducting training on this topic.

Comparative table of the most visited sites:

Name Peculiarities Pros (+) Minuses (-)
The platform is focused on small and large wholesale Security for customers - money is transferred only after delivery of products. There is a Russian-language version of the site. Excessive popularity drives up prices
The oldest site, suitable for wholesale purchases The main advantage is low prices Not suitable for retail purchases
One of the ten most visited Internet resources in the world, suitable for any business model Hundreds of millions of product items, some categories not available at all on the Russian market There is no Russian version of the official website

Two more life hacks when choosing a product on the AliExpress website.

Lifehack 1. Use product sorting filters correctly.

Do everything as shown in the screenshot below and you will find the cheapest product with free shipping.

Use filters on Alixexpress to get favorable prices and delivery conditions

Life hack 2. Use cashback services.

I recommend that you use the cashback service SmartySale. By making purchases using this service, you will receive up to 5% cashback (return of the paid amount for purchases made) to your bank card.

If you are counting on constant trade and long-term cooperation with Chinese manufacturers, be sure to register on one of the above sites to get started.

The lack of a Russian-language version is not a reason to refuse to work with a certain site: use an online translator, including for negotiations with suppliers. Successful online communication is the key to success.

Step 5. Finding a supplier and checking its reliability

In the 4th step, I told you on which sites to look for the desired product. Now let's figure out how to choose the right supplier and check it.

Select a supplier based on the criteria described below

When choosing a supplier, pay attention to the following points:

Any activity related to money involves certain risks. Chinese suppliers are full of scammers and dishonest “businessmen”. Never negotiate with intermediaries or companies without first checking.

Every company on the Internet now has reviews. Each official seller has documentary evidence of its status and recommendations. The best option when working with large wholesalers is to request product samples, certificates, and permits. Most of the scammers successfully disappear after such requests.

I answered frequently asked questions about choosing a supplier in this short video:

Types of deception that beginners and sometimes experienced businessmen encounter:

  1. Supply of low quality goods. There are thousands of semi-legal factories in China that produce goods from second-rate and sometimes hazardous materials. In the picture the product looks like it costs a hundred dollars, but in reality it’s not even worth one.
  2. Fake shell companies. Fraudsters register a domain and conduct an advertising campaign on the Internet. The buyer is tempted by fantastic prices and favorable conditions. After receiving payment, the company successfully ceases to exist.
  3. Scammers during the negotiations, they gain access to your data - card details, bank account and payment systems.

To protect yourself from these types of deception, follow the tips above when choosing a supplier.

Signs of fraud:

1) A domain that was registered only a few weeks or even days ago. You can check when a domain is registered on the website To do this, enter the domain name in the search bar of the service and click the “ WHOIS" See the picture below.

Checking the lifespan of a website on in 3 steps

2) Lack of contacts, legal and actual addresses on the supplier’s website.

3) Low quality website design. Almost 100% indicates that this is a one-day site created by scammers on their knees.

Conclusion: check everyone you deal with!

Step 6. Calculate profitability


You bought 100 wristwatches from a well-known company in China 1,000 rubles per piece. Having spent on it 100,000 rubles. During the year, you sold the entire volume of goods at 3,000 rubles per piece. The profitability of your business in this case will be: (300,000/100,000)*100%=300% per annum or 25% per month.

This is a very rough example, since other expenses include the costs of attracting customers, staff salaries, and transportation costs, which will reduce the profitability of your business. However, you need to plan this indicator in order to understand whether your commercial activity makes economic sense.

Step 7. Study the terms of product delivery

Here I will tell you how to deliver goods from China and further to the end consumer.

1. Delivery from China

Official suppliers detail the terms of sale and delivery on their websites. But each buyer has the right to offer his own terms of cooperation, which are more beneficial to him. For small consignments of goods, customs clearance and other manipulations with documents are not required.

How to bring a wholesale batch? Is there a way to deliver goods from China in small quantities in 1-2 boxes or is it necessary to transport a container at once? Is it possible to do all this without registering an individual entrepreneur?

Use options such as “cargo” and “groupage cargo”.

In short, these are ways to bring goods from China in small quantities without registering an individual entrepreneur and without hassles at customs. In terms of money it comes out to approximately 3,5 $ behind 1 kg and auto delivery 28 days.

Issues with customs are already included in this price. This is an excellent option for those who are already ready to purchase goods directly from China with significant savings, but have not yet developed to such a level as to purchase in containers.

With the advent of such delivery methods, the prospects for budding entrepreneurs immediately expanded - now they can purchase goods directly from China in small quantities. It's convenient and profitable.

Here is an example of the company, which is engaged in cargo delivery. The video below describes in detail this delivery method, its advantages and features.

2. Delivery to the final consumer.

The next question that every entrepreneur needs to solve is “How to deliver your product to the client in order to receive payment from him?”

Let's imagine that an entrepreneur lives in Ryazan. Of course, he is interested in selling his goods in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other regions. By the way, Moscow and St. Petersburg are more than 70% of all online sales in Russia. You probably want to cut yourself a small, but tasty piece of such a pie.

How can you sell goods via the Internet throughout Russia from Ryazan?

Muscovites want courier delivery. It is advisable that the goods are delivered yesterday or, at the very least, tomorrow. You can’t deliver from Ryazan to Moscow in a day, or you can deliver it, but it will cost a pretty penny. What to do?

It's simple. There are such wonderful ones fulfillment services who can store your goods in a warehouse, issue them to your customers, deliver them by couriers in Moscow and St. Petersburg and send them by cash on delivery throughout the country.

Simply magicians and wizards of logistics. Examples are the following company, Reworker.

Watch the video of how the fulfillment service works:

Ideally, for those who have been running a business for a long time, everything is done like this:

  1. Goods from China go directly to the fulfillment service warehouse in Moscow.
  2. All accepted orders from the Internet are transferred to the CRM system.
  3. The fulfillment service delivers the goods to the client and accepts payment.
  4. Once every 2 weeks, he transfers money to the owner of the online store.

That is, ideally, it is possible to achieve a format of work where the entrepreneur does not see either goods or clients and is not limited in any way by his geographical location.

Step 8. Find buyers

Finding a product at a good price is only half the battle. Attracting customers is the main difficulty of business in conditions of oversupply. If you want to make a stable profit, you will have to be creative in using marketing techniques.

Now the main battlefield is the Internet.

Let's consider several options (channels for attracting customers).

1st option. One page site.

You can purchase it for some trendy product for 250 rubles. To do this, you just need to go to Yandex search, enter the query “ Buy landing page" or " Buy a one-page website" Renting hosting, a domain and purchasing a one-page website will cost no more than 1,000 rubles .

As I said above, you can create such one-page websites yourself using the LPGenerator website builder.

2nd option. Avito and Yula bulletin boards.

The first orders can be received from these boards. Especially if you write the title of the ad correctly and choose an attention-grabbing picture. You should build your ads according to the system ODC (Offer-Deadline-Call-to-Action) and pay for a couple of ads so that they appear higher in the search results.

An example of an advertisement created using the ODC (Offer, Time Limit, Call to Action) method.

3rd option. Targeted advertising on social networks.

To get more profit you will need advertising on social networks. Modern advertising allows you to make an offer only to those people who are really interested in this product.

But there are more interesting approaches. Remember how the famous Sherlock Holmes found criminals? He used the so-called deductive method, that is, he thought outside the box. And you must develop innovative thinking as a marketer in the process of finding clients.

Friends, to make your life easier in searching and segmenting your target audience, I recommend that you use the clear and convenient Targethunter service. It allows you to quickly find the audience you need, save 90% of your advertising budget using analysis tools and automate many processes.

Use the promo code: papahelp and get 2 days of free access at the maximum tariff + two months of using the service for the price of one.

Watch a short video about this service:

4th option. Yandex.Direct.

Make the most of the Yandex advertising network (YAN). Have you ever noticed that if you are interested in or were looking for a product in Yandex or Google, then advertising for this product will then haunt you everywhere on all sites and even on social networks. This thing also works well: offers are sent to those who are most interested in this product.

This is what it looks like:

Yandex.Direct contextual advertising is succinctly integrated into the website text

You can use all options for searching for buyers at once, or stop at just one. In any case, don’t spread yourself thin, study each one sequentially and only then apply them.

Step 9. Purchase and testing of goods

Be sure to check the quality of the product. Nobody needs cheap fakes now. If you start selling third-rate products, it will kill your business in the bud. Reputation in business circles is expensive.

If according to some criteria the product does not satisfy you, it is better to refuse the transaction, despite low prices or favorable delivery conditions. An honest name is more valuable than short-term profit.

Step 10. Launching a business

The decisive moment is the start of sales.

Don't rush things: if you have done the preliminary work and chosen a niche, the result will definitely come.

To work in the dropshipping system, there is no point in legally registering your activities. Start thinking about this as your turnover increases and your customer base increases.

And remember – commercial success favors the brave. Don't let failures discourage you. In commerce, local failures are inevitable, which will certainly be followed by recovery.

How to understand which products can now “rise” in resale

Demand changes every year and every season. The same service, which I already mentioned, will help you understand what the buyer needs.

But there are universal human needs that are relevant more or less constantly. Proper selection of a niche for trading is the most important condition for a successful business.

We have prepared for you a list of the most cost-effective Made in China products:

  1. Gastronomic disposable trifle. The markup for such goods purchased in bulk is from 200 to 500%. Disposable tableware, plastic cups, hygiene products, clothespins, ropes and other small things that are always needed.
  2. Cloth. China has long learned to make high-quality clothes for people of all ages. It looks aesthetically pleasing and is cheap. And the demand for it is constant.
  3. Shoes. There are entire markets in China that sell only shoes. Choose this product depending on the season.
  4. Accessories– women's handbags, wallets, umbrellas, belts.
  5. Mobile devices– smartphones, iPhones.
  6. Cases for them and other accessories.
  7. Chinese electronics (branded). In terms of quality, Chinese computers, video cameras, and cameras are, of course, inferior to South Korean and Japanese ones, but the difference is no longer as noticeable as it was 15-20 years ago.
  8. Electronic gadgets– DVRs, navigators, devices for computer games.
  9. Food products (bulk) with a long shelf life– teas, dried fruits, nuts.
  10. Auto accessories. Brushes, air fresheners, stickers, steering wheel covers.
  11. Furniture. Oddly enough, furniture in China is made of high quality. Moreover, even with delivery, it will cost you less than that of domestic, and even more so, Western manufacturers.
  12. Household appliances and household goods.
  13. Toys. In China they make inexpensive analogues of all successful brands. For example, construction sets like Lego are ten times cheaper, but children like them just as much as branded ones.
  14. Special equipment. An option for serious businessmen, since the price for such a product is, by definition, higher than for gastronomic items. Tractors, trailers, cranes, and other construction and industrial equipment from China are inferior to their European counterparts, but such equipment has been in good service for several years.
  15. Industrial machines. In conditions of economic blockade, this is a promising niche - wear and tear on equipment and spare parts is inevitable. Chinese analogues of European models will cost tens of times less.

This is not a complete list of popular products. It is in your power to find your niche and promote it on the Internet or in your city.

The success story of Evgeny Guryev in launching his own business in China

Dear friend, you are greeted by the founders of the online business magazine “PAPA HELPED” Alexander Berezhnov and Eduard Stembolsky.

Here we will tell you the success story of our good friend Zhenya Guryev, so that, inspired by her, you can take action and soon launch your own business selling goods from China.

Evgeny Guryev - expert on business with China

Before Zhenya became an entrepreneur, he worked as a loader, waiter, laborer, and manager. He started his business with retail sales of Chinese goods through coupon sites and landing pages.

Then there were wholesale deliveries, successful online stores and even more large-scale and profitable projects. In business he had not only ups, but also downs. Both brought results - invaluable entrepreneurial experience.

Now Evgeniy is the speaker of a large online project to organize a business partnership with the PRC. Sells goods from China not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. I am ready to share my experience with representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, aspiring merchants, and have already helped hundreds of people create their own profitable online stores.

His students make a profit on Chinese goods in tens of millions of rubles . Here is one of his students, Sergei Lipin.

Zhenya writes books, conducts both paid and free training events on BSC - for example, 5-day marathon on this topic For everyone.

By visiting it, you will receive answers to all questions about BSK that you have and may arise in the future.

Do I need training before starting a business?

Dear reader, I told you in some detail about the steps and nuances necessary to start a business with China. All of them are extremely practical and will help even beginners get started. 100,000 rubles net profits and more in the next few months. It all depends on your persistence and available resources.

Whether the training is worth it is up to you to decide!

However, it is obvious that any professional and commercially successful activity is impossible without deep theoretical knowledge and developed practical skills.

Another important point is that training will reduce the time to start a business, protect you from serious mistakes and save tens, or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Successful trading also needs to be learned from those who have achieved real success in this direction.

I suggest you sign up right now for a five-day free marathon on BSK, which will allow you to start your own successful business selling Chinese goods online.

You will learn:

  • what products are profitable to sell right now;
  • get contacts of reliable suppliers in China;
  • Find out which sales algorithms are most effective.

All this is based on specific examples and diagrams that work and are used right now.

7 golden tips for a newbie from an expert on business with China - Evgeniy Guryev

If BSC is so profitable, why is it that not everyone succeeds in trading? The reason is not high competition or interference from the state. No one is stopping you personally from launching a successful project for selling goods from the Middle Kingdom.

The main problem in the specifics of business is that without knowing the nuances and details, you will miss out on profits.

Some useful tips for those who decided to try their hand at the BSC niche:

  1. Always vet suppliers before entering into a commercial relationship with them.
  2. Learn! Books, trainings, courses, business clubs. No less 10% from profit It is recommended to invest in yourself through training.
  3. Show concern for the client - he must be sure that he is receiving a quality product. Test the samples in person - do not believe the photographs and the seller's assurances.
  4. Bargain with the Chinese as if your life depended on it. You will get favorable conditions and beat your competitors if you don’t hesitate to discuss the terms of the deal.
  5. Enter into formal contracts.
  6. The first sales should be made on those goods that are already on the market. It will be much easier for a beginning entrepreneur without experience and resources to earn his first money this way than by getting into places where there is “no competition.”
  7. Expand your range. It’s much easier to earn a couple of million on 10 products than on just one. Try to work without intermediaries and unnecessary steps - they take both money and time.

And a few more tricks from me in video format:


So, business with China is still a promising and profitable commercial idea. To extract maximum profit from trading, it is enough to competently organize the process, find a reliable supplier and work with him directly, without intermediaries.

Where to start a business with China, starting from scratch and without investments? How to make money by reselling Chinese goods and what is better to sell? How to find suppliers and intermediaries?

Hello, dear friends! Welcome to the founder of HeatherBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov!

It's no secret that many people made their first million by reselling goods from China.

In this article, I will reveal all the tricks about doing business with China from A to Z, analyze expert advice and consider the most effective and profitable business models.

For now, this niche is relatively free: if you decide to start your own business and don’t know what to choose, it’s time to turn your attention towards the East.

Let's get it in order, friends!

1. Business on goods from China - is it realistic to start your own business from scratch?

Chinese-made products account for a significant share of the entire world market. In Russia about 60-80% light industry goods are represented by Chinese consumer goods. Modern Chinese products are no longer as artisanal and low-quality as they were 20 years ago: products have become more functional and durable, and look much better.

Even if you have never been involved in sales and are familiar with Chinese goods only from a consumer point of view, no one and nothing can stop you from starting a business with China and acquiring a new (and very profitable) source of income.

In this area, you can earn from 50,000 rubles every month and at the same time have time for life and rest.

Today, only the lazy do not do business with China. Business with China for resale without investments (or almost without any) is relatively simple and accessible to everyone with basic knowledge and entrepreneurial skills. You don't need to be a graduate of a trade institute or business school to understand how things work in the market.

In essence, the scheme for working with China comes down to three points:

  • find goods in China as cheaply as possible;
  • deliver it to the Russian Federation;
  • sell at a premium.

Don’t rush to object “but what about customs, certificates, document flow, taxes?” Below we will consider this scheme and all related issues in more detail and detail. Exactly philistine skepticism - the main obstacle to any successful entrepreneurial activity.

The second obstacle is lack of necessary knowledge . With the advent of the Internet, information has become more accessible and practically free: an example of this is the article you are reading.

Trade is the most attractive field of activity for budding businessmen. This is much simpler than production: you just need to purchase goods from wholesale suppliers and sell them at retail prices. Learning to do business with China does not take much time, especially if a person has a desire and goal.

So, if you have this very goal and a great desire, then in just 6 weeks you can build a business on goods from China.

And my trusted expert in teaching this area will help you get started -.

I’m already implementing this guy’s tricks in my business and they really work.

2. Chinese manufacturers are more profitable than any other

The interest of Russian business in Chinese goods is steadily growing. China produces everything without which it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person: clothes, cosmetics, accessories, household appliances, gadgets. Surely your apartment is full of things labeled “Made in China”.

Just 15-20 years ago, plastic Chinese products crumbled in the buyer’s hands; now the quality of goods from China is quite satisfactory, and sometimes even excellent. The stereotype “Chinese means short-lived and wretched” has almost lost its relevance. Even iPhones and other expensive brands are now produced in Chinese factories, since it is inexpensive due to cheaper labor.

This graph reflects the growth of trade relations between China and Russia in 2017-2018:

As you can see, the turnover is not small and it increases over time.

The quality of Chinese products is constantly growing, but prices (at least wholesale) remain low.

What conclusion can be drawn from these facts? Right: You can make good money by buying and reselling goods from the Middle Kingdom.

Wholesale supplies from China can become a reliable and constant source of profit.

Initial costs will be minimal if you use modern information technologies (meaning the Internet) in your business. There are already hundreds of companies operating on the market that act as intermediaries in the delivery of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer: why don’t you join the number of successful businessmen who receive stable incomes using a simple and understandable commercial scheme.

Advantages of doing business with China

Let's list the main advantages of working with China:

  1. Low prices. When working with local (domestic) suppliers, the markup is usually 10-20% (in the most successful cases - 50%). Buying goods in China and selling them will bring you from 50% to 1000% markup. Cheap labor reduces production costs to a minimum.
  2. Huge selection of goods. The range of Chinese goods is almost endless and limited only by your imagination. In China you can find absolutely everything, so you can fill your market niche with any goods you like - for example, an exclusive product that has no analogues on the local market.
  3. The focus of Chinese sellers is solely on sales. Due to competition and dumping, the Chinese value every customer. They are in touch 24/7, you can start working with them from minimum quantities, bargain, request free samples and models, photos and descriptions, and assign favorable delivery conditions. An experienced buyer knows how to reduce the purchase price to a minimum and conclude the most profitable contract.
  4. Possibility of purchasing exclusive goods. As your business progresses, you can move on to larger, more profitable deals. It is not necessary to work with intermediaries: you can establish direct contacts with the manufacturer and purchase goods from a specific brand that is poorly represented on the market.

Why is business with China profitable?

  • Firstly, due to the modern rhythm of life. The buyer today values ​​his time: he will not spend it on ordering and delivering goods from China, it is easier for him to place an order with you.
  • Secondly, not everyone will understand the variety of sites offering goods from China.

To understand the functionality, check the integrity of the seller, and calculate the cost of the product taking into account delivery, you need skills and knowledge. Most people will prefer to turn to domestic intermediaries operating through websites with simple and understandable terms of cooperation.

It is much easier for an ordinary buyer to choose a product on a Russian-language website: they always have the opportunity to call the seller or discuss the terms of interaction and delivery.

3. How to start a business with China - 10 simple steps from A to Z

Let's move on to practice and learn how to start a business with China from the first step.

Step 1. Studying business models on goods from China

There are several proven and effective business models that you can use in the early stages of your entrepreneurial career:

  • dropshipping;
  • Joint purchases;
  • offline wholesale sales;
  • retail sales;
  • work through an online store.

Now in more detail about each business model.

1) Dropshipping

Dropshipping– a method that allows you to start a business with virtually no investment. The essence of this model is extremely simple: you receive money from buyers, and then transfer an application for this product to a third-party supplier, who sends it to the buyer.

You receive a percentage for mediation. The client does not even realize that he is purchasing the product from someone else.

Your goal is to attract customers, convince them to purchase goods from you. Commission fees for intermediaries with this business model range from 30 to 500%. Agree, not the lowest profit in the absence of initial costs. At the same time, you do not need to worry that the product you purchased will lie in the warehouse for months - you buy it only when you receive a specific order from the client, paying with his own money.

2) Joint purchases

Joint purchases- this is when several people join a group and buy goods from an official supplier.

The commercial idea of ​​this event is to save money through wholesale purchasing. Another advantage of this option is reduced shipping costs. Typically, the cost of transporting goods from China is much higher than the price of the product itself.