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Affiliate programs from scratch. Earn from $500 per month on Affiliates! Types of Affiliate Programs

"with a prize fund of $1,111!

By following all the steps sequentially from this scheme, even a person who does not know all the technical intricacies of the Internet business can earn money here.

In order not to miss other ways to make money on the Internet,.

So, first, let's figure out what an affiliate program is? Affiliate- this is your special link, by clicking on which the client makes a purchase, and you receive your percentage of this sale. Everything is simple here. Someone already has their own product, and you simply sell it and get a certain percentage into your pocket.

And I’m sure that you immediately have questions: “How to sell this product on the Internet?” and "How to attract clients?"

Well, it's time to answer the question:

How to make money for a beginner on the Internet through affiliate programs


A niche is a topic in which you want to develop. How to determine this? Take a pen and paper and write down what topic you are interested in moving forward with. Do it right now! Which topic will be interesting and comfortable for you to develop in?

This is necessary in order to choose from the tens and hundreds of thousands of courses that are sold on the Internet today the one that is close and interesting to you.


Enter the word into the Yandex search VIDEO COURSES and go to the site you like.

For example, go to the site. Next, based on the niche that you have identified, select the category you need. For example, I’ll choose a category Business, Job, Career.

The affiliate program itself must be selected according to the following characteristics:

The product you want to promote must have correct name. This means that the name must attract and sell. Example:“Selling Articles” is an average title, without intrigue or attractiveness. And the title “How to sell articles on autopilot” is already closer to the goal, there are specifics and the desire to learn about “autopilot” immediately arises. In other words, this name is already somehow catchy.

For example, from the section Business, Job, Career- I chose the course.

The product being promoted must have clever cover. This is a beautiful, professional 3-D picture cover. There are covers that are done “on the hood” in 10 minutes. They are immediately visible. And sometimes the covers are made of very high quality, they look presentable and demonstrate the results that this course gives.

The cover of the selected course looks presentable and professional.

Must be high-quality sales page of this product. I wrote what it looks like and what should be on it.

You can evaluate the sales page of the selected course yourself.

It should be free mini-course (video), which introduces the future buyer to the contents of the paid course and shows all the benefits. In other words, a person sees how the material is presented. Sees that he can really solve his problem. And it is precisely with this presentation of material that sales are made much more effectively.

Must be good commissions, 15% - 50%. This is the same percentage that you will receive from each sale of the selected product.

Possibility of increasing commissions after a set number of sales. For example, you had 40%, and after 10 sales it will be 50%! In fact, this is a good motivation for a beginner and not only.

It should be flexible commission payment schedule.

After you have chosen an affiliate product, register in its affiliate program. In our example, we scroll down the entire sales page and click the link.

Next, on the proposed page, fill out the form into which we enter your data.

After this, go to your partner account, select our affiliate product and studying his .

There may be sales letters, various sales tips, strategies, banners, etc. You study everything and choose the best methods from the materials that you like. You also copy and rewrite sales letters (if any).

There is one wonderful service . We go to it and select the CATALOG tab.

And from the presented thematic catalogue, you choose your niche, i.e. the topic you chose in Step 1. For example, from the E-COMMERCE tab, select COURSES AND GUIDELINES.

Then you will be presented with a list of mailing lists from which you will need to choose the best one.

For example, I chose the newsletter "The best ways to create and promote a business online", wherein 9025 people. This newsletter has a good name (suitable for our example) and many subscribers.

At this step, you will have to negotiate with the owner of the mailing list you found to advertise your affiliate product in his mailing list. And these negotiations should take place with maximum benefit for you. You need to achieve your goal. You must write in such a way that this author will answer you.

Here is a short outline of quality negotiations:

Write what you want (I want to advertise such and such a project...)

Write what this will give to newsletter subscribers (with this product your subscribers will receive this and that...), write a specific and clear benefit.

Write about the terms of cooperation. Offer some kind of barter or money. Barter can be some quality service or something else. If you have nothing, then offer money accordingly. But before that, ask the author how much it will cost.

Constant cooperation. After all the above recommendations, write: “I am very pleased with our cooperation and am confident that it will be long and successful. The fact is that I am determined to work with serious people for a long time and fruitfully...”

Write approximately this way or in your own way. You need to make it clear to the author that you are a reliable person and work with equally reliable people all the time.

While you wait for an answer, let's move on to the next, most important step.


This stage is the most key for making money on the Internet through affiliate programs. There are also rules for writing such a letter.

Below is an example of a sales letter outline:

Heading. You write an intriguing title. For example: "How to get $1000 in two months quickly and easily."

Leader-paragraph. What it is? Already in the letter itself, in the first paragraph you write: "Link for the impatient".

Motivation + link. Here you paint in front of the person some kind of terrible and terrible picture of what will happen to him if he does not click on this link. You write in detail, in numbers and emotionally. Motivation based on fears is the most important feature!

Closing for action. This is an important point! At the end of the letter you need to write an aphorism about action and determination. You write something like this: "Business is a natural selection. Only the fastest and most decisive ones win here. The slow and weak ones die and drop out of the game. Therefore - ACT!"

Click, press, choose, act, improve your life, etc. Write calls to action that need to be completed right now. And after the call, you give your affiliate link again. And at the very end: "Best regards, so-and-so". This is exactly the outline of a sales letter. You've probably received letters like this in your inbox. Choose one of your favorites and customize it for yourself.

In order to see the output of your sales letter in the author’s mailing list and track orders, you need to do the following:

Ask to send a screenshot (screenshot) about sending letters.

Monitor the number of transitions via your affiliate link. Track transitions in your partner’s personal account.

Calculate sales conversion. This point must be done always and without fail. This will help you see the whole living picture of whether your costs paid off or not. What have you achieved, etc.

    • 1. Referral programs
    • 2. Earning money from clicks
    • 3. Earning money from views
    • 4. Earnings from sales
  • 4. Conclusion

First, let's define the concept Affiliate programs (affiliate), maybe this concept is unfamiliar to someone.

There are many online stores on the Internet where sellers offer goods and certain services. But if the site is not promoted enough, then few people may know about it.

Therefore, it is necessary to actively attract buyers in order for purchases to be made from the seller. And often sellers cooperate with people who are engaged in attracting buyers to the seller’s websites.

These people sell products or services to a certain company and become an affiliate of that company, and their earnings are a percentage of sales. The very cooperation between the seller and the buyer is called an affiliate program.

Participation in affiliate programs is beneficial for both the seller and the partner. The seller’s number of buyers increases, which brings profit for him, and the partner’s earnings from a percentage of sales increase.

1. How to make money on affiliate programs - where to start

In order for affiliate programs to start generating good profits, it is necessary. The site will contain information about the products or services of the seller whose affiliate you are.

Thus, by distributing your site, you can attract more and more buyers. This way you can achieve real earnings that generate passive income. Without your own information resource, you can also earn money by placing advertisements on message boards, various forums, blogs and social networks. But in this way, building a business that brings in a stable income will most likely be very difficult.

2. Affiliate programs for earning money - how to choose

In order to earn money from affiliate programs, you need to choose the right affiliate program. When choosing an affiliate program, you need to pay attention, first of all, to the product itself being sold. It is necessary to consider whether there is a demand for this product and what target audience it is aimed at.

The name of the product itself is important. The name should attract the buyer's attention and reflect the essence of the product itself.

Also, when choosing an affiliate program, you need to pay attention to the seller’s page. Is the page made in a hurry and unprofessionally, or does it contain all the necessary information about the product, brightly and colorfully made by a professional designer.

The next thing you need to pay attention to is how to pay for the work done. Will payments be made daily or monthly? It is important to clarify with the seller which payment system the payments will be made to.

3. Earnings from affiliate programs, main types

1. Referral programs

2. Earning money from clicks

By advertising a product, you attract people to your site who must click on the link. This method is most suitable for most people, since there is no need to register and purchase a product. You only get paid for clicks.

3. Earning money from views

4. Earnings from sales

You can earn a lot of money on affiliate programs where you need to sell goods. This is the most complex type of affiliate program. Not only do you need to attract a buyer to the seller’s website, you need to sell the product itself, which is why such affiliate programs are the most highly paid.

4. Conclusion

Affiliate programs provide many opportunities to earn money. How and in what way to earn money is up to you. The main thing to remember is that no matter what method you choose, in any case you need to make a lot of effort.

12 Ways to Make Money with Affiliate Programs - video

Many people know that in mid-June I organized a week of discounts on popular information products from popular bloggers and information businessmen. This was specifically in honor of the opening of my second blog, a small holiday after all, everyone needs gifts... If anyone is not aware of this event, you can read this article. Or see the promotion page itself here.

This action was taken for two reasons:

2. Earn extra money on affiliate programs.

The second reason will be discussed in more detail in this article. Did I manage to earn a lot of money? What did I do that was right and what was wrong? More on this and more below, you are welcome!

A week before the opening of the second blog, a wonderful thought struck me: why not hold some interesting event on this occasion? Without thinking for long, I decided to organize a week of discounts on popular information products.

I immediately started contacting the popular ones through the support service and “asking” them to give me a coupon with a 30% discount for two weeks. "Why not?" - they thought. “After all, this is good for both me and him.” Indeed, information businessmen do not lose anything; on the contrary, they make a profit, although not in full.

I wrote to six information businessmen whom I trust, from whom I personally learn, and all of them, all six, answered me positively! They all gave a 30% discount for exactly two weeks, as I asked. I thought that this time would be enough for me to make a little money...

Next, I chose several of the most interesting and important products from one author (2-3 pieces) and in total I got 16 courses with an amazing discount. I created a special page (I talked about how it was created in my free course “How to create a video course: from A to Z”) and placed all these courses on it, beautifully designed. I also made an offer that those who buy at least one course will receive gifts from me worth more than 900 rubles.

And after the page with the courses was ready and the week of discounts had already begun, I started doing free PR (advertising) for my page. I’m going to write more about how to promote courses for free and paid in one of the following articles, so I recommend it.

After free PR gave me only two sales within one week, and that was a course for 500 rubles, I decided to donate some money to paid advertising.

As they say, “you need to invest money in any business, otherwise there will be no results,” and that’s right! For a long time I didn’t think about which type of paid advertising to choose, and made my choice on the “Maillist based on the subscriber base”.

I didn’t have to look for a long time for a person who would send me a newsletter for 1000 rubles (I was looking within these limits), since one blogger I knew recommended me one with a base of about 6000 people. Just imagine this figure! I personally was very happy and decided that this figure would be more than suitable for me.

I contacted the author of the newsletter, he sent me screenshots so that there were no misunderstandings and we agreed on a certain date. I wrote an interesting selling text that asked people to click on the “Buy” button. Then it was sent out, and on the first day more than 500 people visited my sales page.

And in the next two days there were about 300 visits... BUT, there was not a single sale ! « How so, what was the problem? - you ask. This will be discussed below.

For a long time I myself did not understand what I was doing or why there were no sales as such. I analyzed my letter, which I sent to my database - everything is fine! I analyzed the sales page, I also came to the conclusion that it’s not ideal, but it should work! The letter that was sent via paid mailing was also attractive and said “Buy the product.” But then what's the problem?

After that, I began to study a lot of information on the information business from experienced practitioners, and I understood, realized and learned a lot. Therefore, soon (in a month or two) I will organize a similar action, but I will correct all the mistakes and do everything correctly.

It turns out that I spent a considerable amount of time and effort on this promotion, I also paid 100 rubles, and in the end I earned about 500 rubles. It turns out that I was not even a plus, but a minus. But don’t be upset, it didn’t work out the first time, it will work out later!

1. If you are going to make money on affiliate programs, you should warm up your audience as best as possible before selling any affiliate product (this also applies to the author’s product).

2. Promise interesting gifts, discounts, etc. for purchasing goods. And naturally keep your promise!

Today, earnings from affiliate programs are our main source of income. You can make money on affiliate programs even without your own website, you just need to know how to do it correctly

Greetings, dear friends! In touch Alexander Berezhnov - one of the founders of the business magazine

Now many people are looking for ways and tools to make money online without investment or special knowledge.

In the article, I told you how we make money on affiliate programs and how you can do it with and without your website.

You will also learn what affiliate programs are, how much you can earn from them, and what is the best place for a beginner to start.

1. What are affiliate programs and how do they make money?

affiliate program- this is a type of commercial interaction between the manufacturer (owner) of a product or service and its partner (seller).

The essence of making money on affiliate programs comes down to the fact that you receive a percentage of sales of goods and services if buyers came to them through your recommendation (affiliate link).

How is the earning process carried out?

You find a contractor (online store, author of a training course, service or person) who sells goods or services and help him sell his product for a percentage.

Let's look at this circuit using a real-life example.

You have a friend Vasya who makes websites, you need a website and you turned to him.

Vasya did his job perfectly and you were pleased with the result.

Now, if your friends need a website, then you will naturally recommend Vasya to them.

There are a lot of such examples.

I’m sure that over the past month you have, in one way or another, recommended something to your friends just like that (as they say, out of the kindness of your heart).

Thus, you have become a freelance sales manager in many companies without compromising your personal time.

Now this is interesting, isn’t it?

Let's now just look at the numbers, and you will immediately understand that earning money from affiliate programs is a great opportunity to earn additional income or even make it your main one.

Let's assume that some time ago you or someone you know made a home renovation using the services of a team of finishers.

You liked their quality, timing and price.

Just agree with these craftsmen that you will recommend them to everyone who needs an apartment or house repair, and they will pay you 10% of the amount of work performed as a reward for the recommendation.

Considering that the cost of an average apartment renovation costs people several hundred thousand rubles, and even by “selling” one renovation per month, you can earn from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles from the “repairmen” affiliate program alone.

And if you recently had built-in furniture installed - a wardrobe, a kitchen, and so on...

In general, you understand the principle.

Now let's look at how to make money on affiliate programs on the Internet

Everything here is exactly the same as in real life.

And first, on the network you need to find someone with whom you will “partner”.

The opportunity to make money on your affiliate program is provided by online stores (for example,, hosting companies, information businessmen (people who sell information on the Internet in the form of training courses), various automated services (for example, the mailing service or the product service affiliate programs)

This is where newbies have a question.

How does your contractor (the one who provides you with the affiliate program) know that the customer who made the purchase came from you (via your link)?

This is not difficult, since when you use the Internet on your computer, all the latest data is recorded in special “cookie” files.

This is how the computer remembers the entire route of the buyer of a product or service who came on your recommendation.

If a person who came through your affiliate link buys something from your contractor, then you receive the percentage specified in the affiliate program in the form of a commission for such a recommendation.

It’s interesting that the commission amount for an affiliate program can reach up to 100% ! That is, the contractor gives you all the money received, for example, in exchange for contacting a potential client.

This is especially common in the information business, where the information product has no cost. That is why affiliate commissions here often reach 70% , 80% , 90% and more.

Typically, partners' remuneration ranges from 10% before 70% depending on the type of product or service, as well as its price.

Unlike information products, where your commission is often higher 50% , in product affiliate programs this value usually does not exceed 30-40% .

One of the powerful services that provides you with the opportunity to earn money from product affiliate programs is apishops (

Here you will find a bunch of different products (mostly exclusive) that you can sell by simply creating an advertising campaign, and all other actions - purchasing the product and promotional materials for it, communicating with customers and delivery will be taken over by the service.

For the sake of experiment, I sold Chinese watches here, and in principle I managed to make good money. Try it if you're interested.

There are also so-called CPA affiliate programs.

In them, you are charged for actions, for example, for a confirmed user application for a loan or registration in an online game.

CPA affiliate programs are now gaining popularity. This is especially true for banking products, such as loans.

Surely you have heard about such a famous bank as Tinkov.

He also has his own CPA affiliate program " Tinokoff».

Here are its conditions for rewarding partners:

  • Payment for a credit card application – 155 rubles
  • Payment for an activated credit card - 160 rubles
  • Payment for application for deposit - 952.52 rubles

2. How much can you earn from affiliate programs?

This question worries many people, especially those who are just starting to look for ways to make money online.

Let me answer it right away. Personally, our result with Vitaly: more than 50,000 rubles per month.

Here is a screenshot of an example of monthly earnings:

In a word, everyone earns differently.

For some, the earnings from affiliate programs are barely enough to buy ice cream, while others are scraping by, raising hundreds of thousands of rubles a month.

So our result is quite average.

By the way, if you want to know more about that, read our article.

Let me now tell you what income depends on or what you need to do to earn money in this way not only for bread, but also for butter and caviar.

So, the factors influencing the amount of income from affiliate programs:

Factor 1. Quality (interest) of the offer

The product or service of which you have become a partner must be in demand and of interest to consumers. They must have adequate price, quality and characteristics that can withstand competition in the market in comparison with similar products.

For example, if you sell an IPhone through the affiliate program of the online store “N”, and its price is higher compared to other online stores, then the chance of purchasing it will be less, and accordingly, your potential earnings will be small.

Factor 2. Number of offers

Factor 3. Quantity and quality of traffic coming to the offer

Let's assume that every hundredth visitor who follows your link will order a product or service.

Then it turns out that you need to attract at least 100 people for one click on the link.

Read more about where to get potential buyers from and how to advertise your affiliate link in the next section of the article.

Factor 4. Relevance (compliance) of the proposal to its location

These could be specialized forums, articles on your blog on the topic, groups on social networks with a target audience.

Factor 5. Commission amount

Pay attention to the commission amount for your affiliate program. The higher they are in percentage terms and in pure monetary terms, the better.

In trade, this is called the average check, that is, it is the average income per customer.

At the same time, do not forget about all the other factors, because if they are not met, then you will not receive a commission at all.

3. Earning money from affiliate programs - step-by-step instructions for beginners using the example of the service

Attention, all the technology described below is not something I just pulled out of thin air! It really works and then I will tell you why.

You will learn what steps you need to take and what steps I took in order to earn good money from affiliate programs (more than 50,000 rubles per month).

This kind of income from affiliate programs is now generated by the site, where you are reading this article.

All money from affiliate sales comes to me through the instant payment service Using this service as an example, we will look at a step-by-step technology for making money on affiliate programs for beginners.

Step 1. Find an affiliate program

You can find it in different ways, but in this article we will look at the entire step-by-step algorithm from finding an affiliate program to withdrawing money earned from Glopart.

First, go to the website and register.

The registration procedure is intuitive and should not raise any questions.

Now we read the description of the product and choose the one we like best.

At the same time, we pay attention to the cost of the goods and the amount of commission deductions.

In order to make sure that the offer (product) you want to advertise is adequate, go to the website selling the product and study it carefully.

To assess the adequacy (quality) of the offer, be guided by the following criterion - would you buy this product yourself? Yes/No and why?

Only then make the final decision whether you will promote it.

To add this product to your affiliate list, click the “become an affiliate” button:

After clicking on this button, a window will appear in which you will see your affiliate links.

Step 2. Get an affiliate link

You can choose any of two links:

  1. Link to the product page (selling page);
  2. Link to payment page.

Step 3. Advertise the link

So, you have chosen an interesting product, received a link and it’s time to advertise (promote) it so that sales come through it and you start earning money.

  • on thematic forums;
  • on your own or someone else’s website/blog (in an article);
  • in groups and public pages on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki;
  • using contextual and abstract advertising set up through your affiliate link to the course author’s website;
  • creating a separate website (landing page) and advertising this course there, driving traffic to it with the help of advertising.

Eyeliner- this is a piece of text preceding an affiliate link and motivating a person to follow it. The eyeliner should be brief, contain intrigue and benefit for the user.

This will increase the number of clicks on your affiliate link.

Step 4. Making a profit

If a potential client purchases a product through your link, you will receive a commission, the amount of which was indicated as “affiliate royalties.”

After a certain period, for example a week, you will see how many products and which ones you sold.

This way you can focus on them and further increase your income by selling more profitable products and getting rid of unprofitable ones.

Step 5. Withdraw your earned money

In the Glopart service, the money you earn can be withdrawn both manually and automatically.

In the second case, the funds will be transferred to your Webmoney wallet, and then you can dispose of the money you earn at your own discretion.

For example, pay for goods or services via the Internet, withdraw your money to a bank card (for example, to a Sberbank card) and cash it out at an ATM. That's what we do.

4. Pros and cons of making money on affiliate programs

Dear reader, so that you have a complete picture of how to make money from affiliate programs, I decided to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of this method of making money on the Internet.

pros “+” earnings from affiliate programs

  1. Availability. Almost any person with average computer skills can make money this way and get their first money in the very near future (sometimes within a few minutes of starting to advertise an affiliate link);
  2. High incomes. Compared to other ways to earn money, affiliate programs provide the opportunity to make really good profits in the first month (from $100 to $1000 or more);
  3. Possibility to start without investment (from scratch). Since you can advertise your affiliate link on forums, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks, it will not cost you anything except your personal time. This is your personal business, which you can really open without any investment and start earning decent amounts from scratch.

In general, I wrote about how to open a business from scratch in.

Minuses “-” earnings from affiliate programs

  1. Income instability. In some months, with the same efforts, you can earn $500, but in some months, affiliate programs will not bring you even $100. This depends on the seasonality of the topic of the product being offered and its relevance at a given time.
  2. Risk of losing time and money (in case of paid advertising of the link). You perform some actions in order to earn money. But the truth is that they may not bring the desired results.

If you lose time and gain experience, it's not a big deal. Although, it will be frustrating if you invest a significant budget in advertising your affiliate links and they don’t work.

To minimize financial risks, I once again advise you to familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing an affiliate program (the first paragraph of the article), which I called factors influencing the amount of income from affiliate programs.

This online marathon is part of the project “Knowledge base site”, just designed for beginners, it will help you understand all the intricacies of this type of earnings on the Internet and build a stable monthly income of 20 thousand rubles.

Anyone who has been reading my blog for months now knows that I have been studying affiliate programs for a long time and sharing my experience. I recently started writing a column in which I talk not only about how much I earned, but also what I did for it.

In just over 2 years, I built a source of income from affiliate programs from scratch, which consistently brings in more than 150,000 rubles per month.

Today my task is to give you material that will help you understand what it is and figure out where to start making money on affiliate programs.

But let's start with this, I want you to read at least the first half of the article. There I talked about the whole essence of the Internet, where the money comes from and who pays for everything. This will help you understand what earnings are based on in affiliate programs.

How to make money on affiliate programs?

In three words, I can answer this question like this: you take any product or service with an affiliate program and advertise it on the Internet, people buy it through your affiliate link, and you receive your commission for each sale.

Everything seems simple, but this leads to such unresolved questions as:

  1. Where to look for products and services with an affiliate program?
  2. How to register in an affiliate program and where to get a link?
  3. How to work with affiliate systems?
  4. What types of affiliate programs and commissions are there?
  5. How and where to withdraw your earned money?
  6. How to communicate with the authors of affiliate programs and receive special conditions?
  7. What is passive income based on?
  8. Well, the main question is how to advertise? There are hundreds of possible answers to this question.

You can get answers to all these questions by completing the online marathon “Earning money on affiliate programs from scratch.” I could cover this whole topic in a series of articles, but it would be confusing for you and not as effective as going through sequential lessons and doing simple homework.

Not only knowledge is important to you, but also the result in your wallet? Right?

Who can make money from affiliate programs?

Many, many people - the majority of users on the Internet do not know and do not want to know what affiliate programs are, and because of this they are losing easy money that absolutely anyone can earn.

In addition, you yourself can earn money through an affiliate program from your own purchases. How? Find the product you want to buy, register in the affiliate program, take the affiliate link and buy using it. This usually works for online stores and products participating in CPA networks. With services and various courses with large price tags, this rarely works. I'll tell you more about this at the marathon.

So, even an ordinary user can make money on affiliate programs. And if you work on the Internet, provide some services or build a business, then it would be stupid not to study this topic.

Where to start: free and paid methods

From the above, I think you already understand that you can start recommending something using affiliate links and making money right now, without any investment.

This kind of income will be simple as an additional one to your main activity.

But what if you are going to take it up on a more serious level and create an income of 20,000 rubles per month? In this case, it is worth considering 2 methods that contain different methods for promoting affiliate products.

The first method is free, when you create your own platforms that gather an audience and advertise affiliate products on them. For example: an account and group on social networks, your website/blog, YouTube channel, e-mail newsletter, etc.

The second method is paid, when you invest money in advertising on other people's sites. For example: purchasing advertising posts in popular public pages on social networks, Yandex Direct and other types of contextual advertising, purchasing advertising in top articles, banner advertising, etc.

The second method is more risky and may not always pay off; here, too, you need to have a good understanding of each individual method in order to make a profit and not waste money.

Therefore, I advise beginners to start with the free methods that I will now list.

The most effective:

  • Personal account on social networks (VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki). Efficiency also depends on the target audience of the product.
  • Group (public) on social networks.
  • Content site, forum, educational portal.
  • E-mail newsletter (mini-sales funnel, automatic series of letters, affiliate traffic).

Less effective:

  • Services for bookmarking, newsletters and reviews (such as Subscribe).