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Converted KS 100 with outboard motors.

The engine is a YaMZ-238GM ​​diesel unit with a power of 170 hp. The rotation speed is 1700 rpm. Purpose of the model: towing and crew boat. The body is made of steel. Main geometric parameters: length - 12 m; width - 3 m; side height - 0.89 m. Value maximum speed reaches 30 km/h. The vessel is designed for swims whose range does not exceed 380 km. 5 personnel are allowed for transportation. Fuel consumption is 29 kg/hour, while its reserve is 450 kg.

Description and review

This boat model was designed at the Kostroma Ship Mechanical Plant. Production began back in 1963. It was at the facilities of this plant that a huge number of KS-100 water-jet boats were produced (2214 units). The unit was very popular among logging offices, as well as various water services. Used on small rafting raids. First of all, the model is characterized as an excellent boat for water trips along shallow rivers. Thanks to its shallow draft, the KS-100D can be approached to any shore without any fear. It is also worth noting the stationary engine of the Yaroslavl Motor Plant. This productive element is very reliable in operation and practically does not cause errors. Very easy to use. Perhaps the only drawback is the labor-intensive replacement motor oil. In other aspects, water workers do not find any problems. Thanks to the large engine compartment, the engine can be approached from any side.

The cabin is spacious and has soft seats. There, inside, there is a factory stove “potbelly stove”. It can be said to “help out” in bad weather. The boat lends itself perfectly to modernization. If you slightly improve the “hard worker”, then it is quite possible to organize trips on the water for tourists.

Price policy

The boat “KS 100” was manufactured at the Kostroma Ship Mechanical Plant, which still operates today.

The entire structure of the vessel was created from Russian components; the KS 100 boat was completely created and tested at the enterprise.

The vessel has such characteristics as: ease of operation, practicality in operation. Can accommodate a large crew of 12 people.

Thanks to the simple design, unpretentiousness of the boat and reliability, it is used not only for rafting timber, but also for patrolling rivers.

The water-jet propulsion system was created individually for this vessel and has no analogues in the whole world. It was originally created for the movement of timber rafting structures and small rafts.

Surely, after getting acquainted with the boat and looking at its photos, the question arose about its cost. The price depends on many factors. The technical component of the model is very important. For example, when purchasing equipment, you need to pay attention to the condition of the main power unit(engine). You should also look closely at appearance, absence of corrosion and any mechanical damage on the hull of the timber boat. After getting acquainted with the technical aspect, you need to carefully inspect the cabin.

Streamlining vehicle, reduces the possibility of any damage, it can easily pass through both mud and shallow water. Made entirely of steel, it easily passes obstacles and withstands loads.

The main task of this vessel is endurance and long service life. During repairs, you can find any parts, even those produced thirty years ago, due to the fact that all the components are simple, but together they create a unique boat, which can still compete in endurance with other vessels.

There are models (most) with standard seats and cabin furnishings as a whole. But, there are many boats with modernization from folk craftsmen. It is even possible to completely replace the furniture. Let's move directly to the price. In working condition, a boat can cost from 400 thousand rubles to 1.5 million.

Advantages of the model

  • Reliable performance element.
  • Low draft.
  • Compared to modern boats, it is very low price for this model.

Disadvantages of the model

  • Difficulty changing engine oil due to design features boat "KS 100D".
  • Outdated design from the USSR era.
  • High fuel consumption.


The engine is a YaMZ-238GM ​​diesel unit with a power of 170 hp. The rotation speed is 1700 rpm. Purpose of the model: towing and crew boat. The body is made of steel. Main geometric parameters: length - 12 m; width - 3 m; side height is 0.89 m. The maximum speed reaches 30 km/h. The vessel is designed for swims whose range does not exceed 380 km. 5 personnel are allowed for transportation. Fuel consumption is 29 kg/hour, while its reserve is 450 kg.

Description and review

This boat model was designed at the Kostroma Ship Mechanical Plant. Production began back in 1963. It was at the facilities of this plant that a huge number of KS-100 water-jet boats were produced (2214 units). The unit was very popular among logging offices, as well as various water services. Used on small rafting raids. First of all, the model is characterized as an excellent boat for water trips along shallow rivers. Thanks to its shallow draft, the KS-100D can be approached to any shore without any fear. It is also worth noting the stationary engine of the Yaroslavl Motor Plant. This productive element is very reliable in operation and practically does not cause errors. Very easy to use. Perhaps the only drawback is the labor-intensive replacement of engine oil. In other aspects, water workers do not find any problems. Thanks to the large engine compartment, the engine can be approached from any side.

The cabin is spacious and has soft seats. There, inside, there is a factory stove “potbelly stove”. It can be said to “help out” in bad weather. The boat lends itself perfectly to modernization. If you slightly improve the “hard worker”, then it is quite possible to organize trips on the water for tourists.

Price policy

The boat “KS 100” was manufactured at the Kostroma Ship Mechanical Plant, which still operates today.

The entire structure of the vessel was created from Russian components; the KS 100 boat was completely created and tested at the enterprise.

The vessel has such characteristics as: ease of operation, practicality in operation. Can accommodate a large crew of 12 people.

Thanks to the simple design, unpretentiousness of the boat and reliability, it is used not only for rafting timber, but also for patrolling rivers.

The water-jet propulsion system was created individually for this vessel and has no analogues in the whole world. It was originally created for the movement of timber rafting structures and small rafts.

Surely, after getting acquainted with the boat and looking at its photos, the question arose about its cost. The price depends on many factors. The technical component of the model is very important. For example, when purchasing equipment, you need to pay attention to the condition of the main power unit (engine). You should also take a closer look at the appearance, the absence of corrosion and any mechanical damage on the hull of the timber boat. After getting acquainted with the technical aspect, you need to carefully inspect the cabin.

The streamlining of the vehicle reduces the possibility of any damage; it can easily pass through both mud and shallow water. Made entirely of steel, it easily passes obstacles and withstands loads.

The main task of this vessel is endurance and long service life. During repairs, you can find any parts, even those produced thirty years ago, due to the fact that all the components are simple, but together they create a unique boat, which can still compete in endurance with other vessels.

There are models (most) with standard seats and cabin furnishings as a whole. But, there are many boats with modernization from folk craftsmen. It is even possible to completely replace the furniture. Let's move directly to the price. In working condition, a boat can cost from 400 thousand rubles to 1.5 million.

Advantages of the model

  • Reliable performance element.
  • Low draft.
  • Compared to modern boats, the price of this model is very low.

Disadvantages of the model

  • Difficulty replacing engine oil due to the design features of the KS 100D boat.
  • Outdated design from the USSR era.
  • High fuel consumption.
