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Example of a letter of invitation to work. How to effectively write an invitation to an interview

Any company is faced with a situation where it is necessary to find a new highly qualified employee or manager to join the company’s staff. In addition to the standard ways of posting vacancies and conducting interviews, you can attract the right specialist through a job offer. The format of a job invitation depends on who needs to send it - an experienced worker, a student or a foreign specialist.

Job offer

An invitation to work (also referred to as), issued on company letterhead, is rarely used by Russian employers, but is well common in foreign business practice. It gives the employer a number of advantages over other companies wishing to hire highly qualified personnel.

However, it must be remembered that such a letter is not a preliminary agreement to occupy a position. And even in the case where the applicant has agreed, he may subsequently refuse to enter into an employment agreement. The employer also has the opportunity to select another applicant for the proposed position.

In Russia, there has been a practice of discussing preconditions for hiring personnel when a candidate for a vacant position is personally identified. At the same time, problems often arise during the final registration of a potential employee. The future employer may “forget” that the new employee will receive the salary offered at the interview only after a three-month probationary period, during which he will be paid only a salary without any allowances or bonuses. Or the potential employer did not explain to the applicant for the position that the work schedule is irregular or shifting.

A written invitation to work allows you to clarify all these nuances at the stage of preliminary consent. Therefore, when writing a letter offering a position, it indicates:

  • brief information about future positions and functionality;
  • basic information about salaries and incentive payments;
  • additional preferences and benefits.

If the proposed position involves performing duties that may negatively affect the employee’s health, then this must be indicated in the job offer.

For example, an applicant thinks that he will develop some parts and components of equipment while in the office, but when applying to the company he learns that he will have to spend most of his working day testing equipment in a “hot” shop. Silence about such nuances of the work process will lead to the fact that the person refuses the job at the last moment and the employer will have to look for a new candidate.

A letter of invitation to work is drawn up in a business style with a respectful address to the addressee.

This letter can be signed on behalf of the company by either the head of the HR department or the head of the department where the new employee is being invited to work. As a rule, the applicant is given a couple of days to respond, but at his request this period can be extended.

Sample of a job invitation

Additional liability company "Metalloprodukt"

Perehvatov M. I.

G. Nizhnevartovsk, st. Severnaya, 17-44

Dear Mikhail Ivanovich!

ODO "Metalloprodukt" invites you to work as the company's leading marketer.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • rebranding the company;
  • development of marketing strategy;
  • holding exhibition and presentation events.

We are offering to you:

  • salary of 60,000 rubles;
  • bonuses based on the results of the month and year in the amount of at least 40% of the base salary;
  • other payments and benefits provided for by law;
  • additional medical insurance;
  • payment of 50% of the costs for renting residential premises.

Additionally, the company provides its employees with:

  • payment for advanced training courses;
  • reimbursement of travel costs during vacation;
  • free access to a company-owned fitness club.

We ask you to respond to this invitation no later than October 12, 2018. If you have any questions, you can contact us by email, or by phone. +79123456789.

Sincerely, Deputy Head of Personnel Service Vodov A.D.

Invitation to work (internship) for a student

One of the ways to minimize personnel costs and expand opportunities for finding a suitable specialist is to hire final-year university students. On the one hand, an invitation to undergo an industrial internship will be a good way to evaluate a future specialist and prepare him for the needs of the company. On the other hand, an internship at an enterprise requires less pay than the work of a qualified employee.

You can find a suitable candidate by contacting an educational institution in the department where they train specialists in the required profile. In return, after selecting a student, he must provide a letter of invitation to work in order for the institute to include this workplace in the internship program.

In addition to writing a letter of guarantee, the student must be assigned a mentor who will teach him the practical side of the profession and report on the results of the training.

An employment contract must be concluded with the trainee.

This requirement is due to the fact that during practical training the student will actually perform the job duties of a specialist. This period can also be further equated to passing a probationary period when entering a job after graduation.

Unlike a personal invitation to work for a qualified specialist, a letter of guarantee is issued not in the name of the student, but in the name of the head of the educational institution where the future trainee is studying.

The letter must:

  • indicate the invitation of the student for internship;
  • provide guarantees for the implementation of the approved practical training program;
  • provide information about a mentor from the company.

You can also indicate the payment of wages to the student and other conditions for internship that may be of significant importance for the educational institution.

The style of such an invitation to a future place of work is official business. It is drawn up on letterhead. This document is signed by the head of the company.

Example of a letter of guarantee for a student

Research and Production Center "Computerra"

Rector of the Ural Technological University

Murantsev A. G.

Dear Arkady Gennadievich!

We ask you to send N. I. Pechenkin, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, for practical training in the period from 10/25/2018 to 02/17/2019.

For our part, we guarantee exact compliance of practical training with the internship program. The student will be provided with a workplace with the conclusion of an employment contract and the assignment of a basic (official) salary in the amount of 12,000 rubles.

Also, NPC Computerra will assign Petr Semenovich Yakontsev, head of the application software development department, to the student N.I. Pechenkin, as the head of practice from the enterprise. Mentor contact details: tel. +79123456789, email

Sincerely, General Director of SPC Computerra V.Z. Mukhoboytsev

Inviting a foreigner to work

If necessary, the company can also hire foreign specialists. In addition to the usual letter sent to the specialist personally, for citizens of some countries it is necessary to issue an invitation to work in order to obtain a Russian visa and further employment. The issuance of such a document is carried out by the migration divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

An official invitation to work does not need to be issued for foreign citizens who:

  • received a patent (permission) to work in Russia;
  • temporarily or permanently reside in the Russian Federation and have a temporary residence permit, residence permit or refugee status;
  • equal in rights to Russian citizens by virtue of intergovernmental agreements (for example, citizens of Belarus or Kazakhstan).

A work invitation for a foreign citizen can be issued in two ways.

  • First, contact the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of registration of the company.
  • Secondly, in electronic form through the State Services portal.

In order for a foreign specialist to receive this document, the employing company provides the following package of documents:

Forms for filling out an application and a letter of guarantee can be found on the official website of the migration service or the State Services portal.

When preparing documents on paper, you will additionally need to confirm the authority of the representative of the employing company who will submit the application.

Every person seeking to find a suitable job must know and understand the business schemes of interaction with potential employers. After the candidate has correctly compiled his resume and sent it to the desired positions, he awaits an invitation to an interview. If the employer is interested in your resume, he will definitely get in touch.

And when an invitation to an interview has arrived, the applicant must confirm the meeting, usually in a letter. And prepare for the coveted interview. How should you respond to an invitation to an interview? Should I respond immediately or should I wait? We will tell you in our article.

Confirmation of the invitation is your official consent to the meeting and interest in cooperation. How to answer correctly so as to interest the employer?

To begin with, it is worth noting that you should not give consent instantly. Wait half a day before writing a response. The HR specialist will get the impression that you are a serious, busy person. Thus, if you receive a letter during the day, you should respond to an invitation to an interview in the evening. And if the invitation came at the end of the working day, give an answer the next morning. At the same time, you will have time to think again about whether you are really interested in this job. If there is something in the invitation that is not clear to you, do not hesitate to call back and clarify.

How to confirm an invitation?

After a potential employer has sent you a letter with the date and time of an upcoming meeting, you need to confirm receipt of the letter and inform that you are ready for the meeting at the specified time. Your letter must be serious. Avoid familiarity.


Hello, Ivan Ivanovich!

Thank you for the invitation. I will be glad to come to your office at such and such a time (indicate dates and times that are convenient for you. If already offered, confirm the meeting at the appointed time).


Full name, telephone

Dear Sergey!

I have received and read your letter. I am very grateful to you for the invitation. I will be at the interview at the appointed time.

Date, signature

Hello... (sender's name)!

Thank you for the invitation to the interview. I carefully studied the information provided about the company and the vacancy (if the letter contained a detailed description or links to the company website and the vacancy). I'm interested in your proposal. I am ready to meet with you... (indicate the date previously discussed).

Best regards, (your name)! (telephone and other means of communication)

“We respect (the name of the person to whom you are writing a response)! I received your letter. I confirm the meeting on (date, time). Thanks a lot for the invitation. Sincerely, (your name, date, signature)

How to give a negative answer to an employer's invitation to an interview?

If you are not satisfied with one or more points in the job offer, then you should give a negative answer that you refuse the meeting. You shouldn’t leave “in English.” A written refusal will show your business side and perhaps the employer will offer you more favorable employment conditions. One way or another, a well-mannered person will definitely answer that the offer is no longer interesting to him.

Sample refusal

“Hello, (name of the person you are replying to),

I have received your invitation, but I cannot accept it at the moment. The fact is that I am not entirely satisfied (Here list all the points that cause you doubts). I am counting on (Here list your conditions under which you are ready for employment). I look forward to our further cooperation. Sincerely, (Your name, surname, signature and date)"

If you change your mind, try to correctly indicate the reason for the refusal.

Good afternoon, (name of the person who contacted you)! I have carefully studied your proposal and at the moment I am forced to refuse the meeting because:

I have decided to stay at my old job;

I have already received a job offer and I have given my consent;

At the moment, I do not need to look for a new job;

Due to personal reasons, my job search is currently on hold.

Be sure to clarify the following points:

Date, place and time of the interview;

What documents do you need to have with you?

Who will the meeting be held with?

Specify the name and phone number of the employee who can be contacted in case of unexpected situations.

If you are invited for a telephone interview

You received a long-awaited call from the company you wanted to work for. The recruiter may call you not only to invite you for an interview, but also to conduct a telephone interview to begin with. During your telephone conversation, the recruiter will probably ask questions about your professional experience, knowledge, and will also understand how well you can conduct business conversations and the degree of your adequacy in general. If the answers satisfy the recruiter, you will definitely be invited to a personal meeting. Please note that during the telephone conversation you also have the opportunity to ask questions. And it's worth using it. Be sure to write down all the information provided by the recruiter.

If an unknown employer calls you. Then you should first listen carefully to the proposal, ask how they knew that you were looking for a job, and ask questions that interest you. Don't hesitate to ask again if you don't understand something.

As a rule, HR specialists duplicate all the information previously voiced in an email. But just in case, check this point. Once you understand that all the important criteria have been met for you and the proposals are interesting to you, you should give a positive response about the meeting. You should not go beyond the agreed period, if such have been announced.

And so now you know how to write a letter confirming an interview. Have faith in yourself and start preparing for the interview. We wish you successful employment and the job of your dreams!

An invitation to an interview is usually made by telephone or email. For each situation there are certain regulations.


What is an invitation to an interview? The invitation to an interview expresses the recruiter's desire to talk with the applicant personally. It shows that something in the candidate’s resume caught the attention of the company employee and seemed interesting and worthy of attention.

By phone

How to invite for an interview by phone?

How to arrange a telephone interview? To arrange a telephone interview, dial his number, introduce yourself briefly invite and set a time.

Perhaps the applicant will ask how to get to the company or ask other clarifying questions.

Be prepared to answer them.

Invitation letter

Typically, the recruiter composes a text written in standard business style. A sample email invitation for an interview looks like this:

Dear Kirill Vladimirovich,

I have reviewed your resume for the position of art director and would like to invite you for an interview.

Call me on tel. 00-00-00 to set the date and time of the interview.

Sincerely, Anastasia Igorevna Polivanova.

This is only an approximate and shortened version. At all Each company creates its own invitation template for an interview.. The invitation may additionally contain a few sentences or even a few paragraphs about the company and position.

How to respond to an invitation?

The following is a response to an invitation to an interview (sample letter):

Dear Anastasia Igorevna,

I will be at the interview at the appointed time.

Another option can be used. The main thing is to thank you for the invitation, confirm your consent to come or refuse, indicate the date and sign.

How to refuse an interview?

You must refuse the interview polite and always motivated. It may happen that the reason for the refusal is completely negotiable and then the details should be discussed with the employer.

How to refuse a telephone interview?

If you want to cancel over the phone, call, politely introduce yourself, give the date of the interview and say that you cannot come, indicating the reason.

How to refuse an interview via email?

You can opt out via email in much the same way as you can consent.

Dear Anastasia Igorevna,

I received your letter and thank you for the invitation.

Unfortunately, I will not come to the interview, because due to family circumstances I cannot work full time and am forced to work remotely. If there is such an opportunity in your company, I will be happy to consider it.

08/15/2016 Sincerely, Kirill Bolshakov.

Why aren't they invited?

Why aren't they invited to an interview?

If there is no response to your resume, it means that you made mistakes when compiling it.

Perhaps there is no zest in it, and it looks like hundreds of others.

You may not be well qualified for the position in terms of education and previous experience.

Maybe you listed more than one desired position on your resume?, which in no case should be done, as this shows that the applicant is unsure of himself and does not know specifically what he wants.

If you are not invited to an interview, it is no reason to be upset, but just experience. You need to work on your resume.

For example, you can open one of the large portals dedicated to job searches and carefully read and analyze the resumes of specialists in your profile. It also makes sense to read the requirements of employers and make a resume that mirrors them.


Both the invitation to an interview and the response to it will have short and polite form. The response must contain gratitude and confirmation of acceptance of the invitation or an explanation of the reasons.

An invitation to an interview may take a more or less detailed form, depending on the traditions in a particular company. So, you have learned how to correctly invite for an interview by phone or email, good luck in your work, we hope our article was useful to you.

Filling a vacancy almost always involves searching for suitable candidates online. In order to invite an applicant to an interview, he needs to send an invitation in which he is most interested in coming to the interview.

An invitation to an interview is considered a kind of business card of the company. Any organization can design it in its own way; there are no generally accepted standards in this matter.

However, if a company positions itself as a serious employer and places high demands on employees, then it itself must observe business etiquette in communication. Personalized text of the appeal, the correct form of invitation, the communication process - every detail is important in finding an employee for a job.

How to format the text of an invitation to an interview so that the candidate responds and comes for an interview?

There is only one requirement for an invitation to an interview: it must be in a strict business style, and the text must be concise and truthful. It must not contain spelling errors. If you think that the text of the message may cause a double impression or is difficult to read, then it is better to completely redo it.

The invitation must contain the following information:

    Company name.

    The address of the office where the interview will be held, including the room number.

    If there are difficulties in finding the address, then it is worth attaching a directions to help guide the applicant.

    Write a list of documents that need to be taken for an interview: resume, passport, work book, diplomas and more.

    Date and time of the interview.

    HR manager contact details.

    You should also provide the job title, job description, and salary level.

After reading the letter, the applicant should have an understanding of who invited him and where, what time the interview is scheduled for, and what he should bring with him.

A sample invitation might look like this:

Dear ***!

The LLC "***" company invites you to consider a vacancy for the position "***".

We have carefully reviewed your resume and believe that your knowledge and experience meet our stated requirements.

We invite you to have an interview with the HR manager **.**.2017 at 12:00 at the address: ***, office **.

HR manager of the company "***"
Ivanova Ivana Ivanovna

To invite applicants for an interview whose resumes you have found on the Internet, we recommend the following template:

Hello dear ***!

My name is ***, I am the HR manager of the company “***”.

We have carefully read your resume (link) and believe that your knowledge and experience meet our stated requirements for the open vacancy of our company “***”.

We invite you to have an interview **.**.2017 at 12:00 at the address: ***, office **.
Please bring a copy of your resume and passport with you.

If you have any additional questions, please call ***.

HR manager of the company "***"
Ivanova Ivana Ivanovna

If the invitation is drawn up correctly, then it will not be difficult for you to interest the candidate with an invitation to an open vacancy, and it will not be difficult for him to find a company and come for an interview. And we can hope that the vacant position will be filled very soon.

Now you know how to write an interview invitation letter to job seekers online, you can start finding the best people for the job.

With the online recruitment service JobHelp, you can do this most efficiently and in the shortest possible time: it unites all job sites available in Russia (more than 40) in a single Personal Account. Here you can view resumes that match your request from all recruitment sites, send messages to candidates, invite them to interviews and more.

All the best functions of recruitment platforms have become available in one place, and finding employees for work is cheaper, more comfortable and more efficient!

An invitation to work in an official form has relatively recently begun to be used in personnel practice by Russian employers. How to correctly compose a Job-offer, what points to pay special attention to - we will talk about this in the article.

From the article you will learn:

How to write a job invitation letter

An official written invitation to work is used when recruiting personnel. In Russian companies, Job-offers are often used when there is a need to fill a vacant position as a manager or leading specialist. , sent in writing, allows you to:

  • finally formalize and consolidate the agreements reached after the interview;
  • indicate the basic terms of cooperation.

It is necessary to take into account that a letter of invitation to work does not contain all the information recorded in the employment contract. But the employer indicates in the letter what position the candidate is being accepted for and under what conditions. The invitation may indicate wage, procedure for compensation payments, preferential conditions, probationary period.

During interviews, they often present general information about the vacancy. The candidate forms his own idea of ​​the vacant position. On the first day of work, a new employee often realizes that the position does not meet his personal requirements. The level of wages, incentive payments, compensation and other conditions are not satisfactory.

A written invitation to work allows you to describe all the conditions in detail. At the bottom, the candidate puts his signature and the date of familiarization with the document. This gives a kind of guarantee to the applicant that he will be accepted for the vacant position. The invitation provides the employer with a guarantee that the vacant position will be filled by a specialist with the appropriate level of education, qualifications and experience.

Is it necessary to send a job offer in the form of a letter?

Labor legislation does not regulate the mandatory issuance of a written invitation. The sample invitation to a position does not have a unified form. The employer has the right to develop such a document on an individual basis and indicate in the letter all the information that is considered the most important.

Argument 4.

Argument 4. The candidate was not actually allowed to work

They talk about actual permission to work when the company and the employee forgot to draw up an employment contract. But the employer (or his authorized representative with his knowledge) has already assigned the employee work (). In the situation discussed in this article, nothing like this happened. Point this out in court.

Argument 5.

Argument 5. A written reasoned refusal to hire was sent to the applicant

Just actually send the rejection to the candidate. And immediately. Article 64 of the Labor Code states: “The employer must inform the candidate of the reason for the refusal no later than seven working days from the date on which the candidate made such a demand.” This must be done in writing. Compose the refusal on the organization’s letterhead in any form (see sample below). Have the head of the company or another authorized employee sign it. For example, the head of HR.

It is better to hand the written refusal personally to the applicant or send it by registered mail with a list of the contents and a notification of delivery. If you conducted the interview via Skype, the refusal can be sent by email, affixing the document with an electronic digital signature.

Argument 6.

Argument 6. The refusal is motivated by the candidate’s business qualities - he is not capable of performing his job function

Indicate, for example, that the professional qualifications and personal characteristics of the applicant do not meet the requirements set by the company for the vacancy. Professional qualities mean: does the candidate have the required profession, specialty, qualifications. And under personal characteristics - health status, level of education, work experience in the specialty or industry (). And remember: the refusal should not be discriminatory or related to gender, race, nationality, or age.