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Why you shouldn't start a coffee vending business. Business coffee machines (reviews)

Where to put the coffee machine?

Anyone who has ever thought about installing coffee machine wondered this question. There are several factors influencing the installation of the machine:

Thirst. Every time you leave after training, what do you want most? Of course, something to drink, and then He caught my eye - coffee machine. And when it comes to thirst, it doesn’t matter how much coffee costs, 10 or 50 rubles. We think for the first time about the question “ Where to put the coffee machine?».

Expectation. Coffee machine should be in a building where people are waiting for some service or waiting for someone, where people can buy coffee because they are thirsty, but simply to make the wait more pleasant. We think a second time about “Where to put coffee machine?”, we begin to sift out the unnecessary.

Patency. This factor doesn't have that much of an impact. A good place to install the device is also a place with a lot of passersby. After all, you never know what you want at a given moment. We think for the third time “Where to put coffee machine?”, good thoughts should already appear.

Wealth. People must have money to buy coffee. The likelihood of buying coffee from a coffee machine will be much higher in the traffic police building than in a free clinic in your area.

Youth. Young people are very fond of coffee machines for their speed, simplicity and convenience, and they are one of the main buyers in the vending business.

Light. Purity. Visibility. Every time I install a new coffee machine, I pay attention to these factors, because who wants to go to a dirty, dark corner and buy something else.

Based on all these factors, we get the answer to the question “Where to put coffee machine" - install coffee machines It is most profitable in: universities, colleges, government buildings (traffic police, tax service, Rosregistration), shopping centers, gyms and fitness centers, car services, train stations, private clinics.

This is just a small list of where you can install a coffee machine. If you are delayed in a queue somewhere, then ask yourself the question: “Where should I put the coffee machine?”, ask others: “And if there was a coffee machine here, would you buy coffee from it?” and the client himself will answer you Yes or No. You need to approach the location for installing the device very seriously, because your future profit depends on it.

Which places are the most profitable?
As you understand, these are points with large crowds of people, as well as places where people have 15-30-60-120 minutes of free time.
Everyone knows standard places like a train station, traffic police, tax office (and other government agencies), large offices, shopping centers, universities and hospitals. As a rule, these places are already occupied. We will talk about less popular places to install your device, but the most profitable ones.

So, where to put the coffee machine? Go:
- anti-cafes, where there are a lot of young people, here people study/have a good time/communicate;
- teachers' lounges in schools, when teachers have a free minute or two;
- fire Department;
- beauty salons, this also includes antenatal clinics, beauty salons, spa salons;
- reading rooms;
- car wash/hotel halls;
- veterinary clinics;
- children's clubs/sections while parents are expecting a child;
- places for conferences;
- fitness centers, when people come out of aerobic classes, yoga classes or other sports activities;
- coworking spaces, with a constant influx of freelancers, designers and programmers.

Main advice: read newspapers and follow the news in your city to monitor new buildings, shops, offices, etc. that have opened. Having noticed the place first, you can safely go to the landlord and agree on what place in his building where to put the coffee machine.
If a building or premises has just opened, you will probably have the opportunity to install a machine for free.

Where to start and what should you know?
Once you have chosen where to put the coffee machine, you can go to the landlord, who usually already has a lease agreement. If not, our specialists will help you draw up an agreement.
The average rental cost for a vending machine will be 1000-3000 rubles. Of course, if you decide to be located in a large shopping center, you will pay 2-5 times more.

By the way, to conclude a successful deal, it makes sense to bring an image of a coffee machine in the desired interior to the first meeting with the landlord, having previously photographed your future place. This way, the landlord will be able to clearly see that your device fits very well into its surroundings and occupies a small area.

Remember that coffee machines are devices with electronic filling, so you will need to supply water and electricity to your machine, or only electricity if the coffee machine already has a built-in water tank. A sofa or chair next to your coffee maker will allow you to further increase the profit from the machine.

Bottom line: you should choose the location for your coffee maker very carefully. There is no need for haste here. While you are deciding where to put the coffee machine, find out how much traffic the chosen place has? Ask if there will be a demand for coffee? How busy will people be - will they be able to wait for the coffee to be made?

Dear friends, we hope that you have discovered some useful things for yourself with the help of our article. You will find even more interesting information in our blog. We wish you success in choosing a location for your device and prosperity for your business!

Vending is trading using vending machines. The use of vending machines turned out to be so profitable that more and more goods began to be sold this way. However, as it turned out, not every product, despite low costs, pays off. The most profitable area of ​​vending has become the coffee machine.

Selling coffee and tea using coffee machines is so profitable that in public places even in small towns you can see several of these machines at once. Vending trade has a number of advantages compared to other types of trade:

  • low entry threshold. Even a small capital of up to 100 thousand rubles is enough to get started;
  • The coffee machine occupies a small area. A space of 1 square meter is sufficient for installation. m. The coffee machine can be installed even in a small corridor. This makes it possible to significantly save on rent;
  • no need to hire salespeople and pay them salaries. The entire process of cooking and serving is performed automatically;
  • savings on advertising;
  • the coffee machine can be moved to any other location if the previous location turned out to be unfavorable;
  • high profitability and quick return on investment.

Vending coffee machines have one significant drawback. They can be hacked. Most often, it is the fear of losing proceeds from the actions of criminals that prevents many entrepreneurs from starting this type of business. But if you install them in a secure area, then there will be no reason for concern.

How to set up a coffee vending business

The profit from an installed coffee machine largely depends on its location. In uncrowded places, in buildings that are rarely visited, the revenue will be very small. It will hardly be enough to pay rent, pay taxes and buy toppings (coffee, tea, cream, etc.). Therefore, the choice of retail location should be treated with particular scrupulousness. At the planning stage, statistical data is studied, personal experience and observations are used. The most advantageous places for installing coffee machines are:

  • airports and train stations;
  • clinics;
  • higher and secondary specialized educational institutions;
  • shopping centers and shops;
  • office centers;
  • parking lots and lots;
  • bazaars;
  • gas stations;
  • any premises in which there is a high turnover or congestion of people.

At all of the above facilities, conditions of fierce competition have already developed. To get maximum profit, simply installing a coffee machine is not enough. It should have many functions so that the buyer has plenty to choose from, and a convenient control panel. You can try to squeeze out competitors by installing several coffee vending machines at once in a profitable area, but for this you need to have more funds than a novice businessman can afford.

Coffee and snack machine

How to influence work efficiency

It is profitable to sell coffee on vending machines, but only if economic factors were taken into account when opening a business. The level of business risk has been determined. An analysis of the work of competitors was carried out. The break-even level and the minimum price per unit of goods were calculated. The market volume was determined.

Despite some peculiarities, this is a business like any other. The problems that an entrepreneur will face are exactly the same as with regular trading behind the counter. Only it will depend not on the behavior of the seller, but on the state of the equipment. If the device does not work, it runs out of materials, then the businessman will suffer losses due to repairs and downtime. To prevent this from happening, you should check the condition of the coffee machine at least once every 2-3 days.

Timely checking and price comparison will help increase your competitiveness. If competitors have reduced prices, then the only way to maintain the market is to set the same price, even lower, provided that this step does not lead to a loss. If you cannot do this, you should change the location of the device.

You can place a table and/or bench next to the coffee machine. In some cases, this improves operational efficiency better than cutting prices, but only works when the competitor's machine is much further away.

Choosing a coffee machine

For a novice businessman, the main selection criterion most often becomes price. The price depends not only on the functionality of the device, but also on the brand, country of origin and date of manufacture. A novice entrepreneur can purchase a coffee machine for business that has already been used. It costs less than a new one. This is often an outdated model, but it can be a good start. But if funds allow, it is better to buy a new one. When purchasing, you should consider the following factors:

  • is there a service center in your city or region for servicing the selected coffee machine for business;
  • How is it staffed? Does it have an anti-burglary system installed on it and, accordingly, can it be installed outdoors or is it only suitable for secured premises;
  • availability of warranty and post-warranty service;
  • functionality. A wide range of drinks and prices will help satisfy the preferences of different customers, thereby increasing the efficiency of using the machine;
  • maximum possible load of the machine: the number of glasses of coffee the selected machine can dispense without refilling.

Buying a new and expensive coffee machine for business is often more profitable than purchasing an old but cheap one. The new one performs more functions, works faster and without failures. There is virtually no risk of downtime due to breakdown. This means he can sell more drinks per day.

Fillers for coffee machines

A coffee vending machine is installed in a building that is visited every day by the same people. The main task of an entrepreneur is to make them his regular customers. If coffee from one machine is tasty, but not from another, then people will buy more often from the first. Therefore, coffee for vending machines and other products must be of high quality. Before signing a supply agreement, try drinks made from the supplier's ingredients, but not from samples. You can try drinks from competitors. If you like the taste, feel free to sign the contract.

To fill, use the following components:

  • powdered coffee (instant or grain);
  • tea drinks;
  • filtered water.
  • cocoa;
  • powdered milk and cream.

These components differ in shape and processing technology from conventional ones. For vending machines, coffee is roasted and ground in such a way that during the entire storage period, grains of sand or granules cannot cake and lose their taste and aroma. In addition to fillers, you will also need paper or plastic cups and stir sticks made specifically for vending machines.

Enterprise registration

You can start a business with coffee machines only after registering as an individual entrepreneur. During registration, a businessman will be offered several taxation options to choose from. It is more profitable to use the simplified tax system or UTII. Keeping records using such systems is simpler and taxes are lower.

A license to run a coffee machine business is not required. But there must be quality certificates. In case Rospotrebnadzor employees or buyers demand to see these documents. Certificates can be obtained from suppliers of fillers for coffee machines.

Expenses and income

First you need to find out how much a coffee machine costs and calculate the approximate costs of fillers, materials and maintenance. On average, the price of coffee machines for business ranges from 90 to 350 thousand rubles and depends on many factors. A used machine can be bought for 40-60 thousand rubles. Although such devices are cheaper, they can be expensive to maintain. For obvious reasons, it is better not to take them. Usually they have already exhausted their resource and often fail. The coffee machine sits idle for several hours and days. As a result, the businessman receives less profit.

Therefore, it is better to buy new coffee machines. This will not make your business any less profitable. The payback period may only increase, but it will last longer, and repair and maintenance costs will be minimal. It costs on average about 150-160 thousand.

How profitable coffee machines are as a business can only be assessed after calculations of costs and revenues have been made:

  1. price per cup of coffee for the buyer - 26-35 rubles;
  2. consumption per unit of production - 6-15 rubles;
  3. profit from the sale of a unit of product is on average 15-20 rubles;
  4. the average number of units sold per day is 55-100 units (depending on the location);
  5. Accordingly, gross profit per day is from 800 to 2000 rubles or from 23,000 to 60,000 rubles. per month.

In addition to the costs of purchasing components, that is, variable costs, there are also constant ones, let’s do the calculation:

  • electricity fee – 2-3 thousand rubles per month;
  • rental payment for the premises - from 2000 to 25000 rubles. (it all depends on the region and area) per month;
  • depreciation – 8000-30000 rub. per year (500-600 rubles per month).

From the given expense it is clear that the profitability will average 23,000-25,000 rubles per month. This level can be achieved with the right choice of location and inexpensive rent. This combination is rarely successful on the first try. You may have to change the location of the device several times.

The coffee machine does not require much space

Payback of the coffee machine

The payback for a coffee machine usually occurs within 1-2 years, depending on how well the location was chosen, the level of competition and the cost of purchasing equipment and materials. At the same time, a coffee machine gives a monthly profit of approximately 20 to 120 thousand rubles. The income will be stable for a number of years. As you can see, coffee machines are a profitable business.

The main source of risk, as strange as it may sound, may be the manager of a public building or the owner of a store in which the coffee machine is located. Since a lot depends on the right location, there is a high probability that the owner of a retail outlet will want to install a coffee machine for the business himself, rather than rent out the place.

Selling coffee using coffee machines is a profitable business that quickly pays off and does not require large initial investments.

Vending trade is a very popular type of income for owners and a great way to save time and gain a number of significant conveniences for the buyer. After all, you just need to press the desired button and insert a certain amount into the bill acceptor, and you can get what you want.

The most popular type of vending machines are coffee machines with coffee beans (or instant), but there are many other vending machines for many types of goods, from chewing gum to souvenirs. Let's look at the most popular vending machines that can bring significant profits to their owner. In this article we will look at other profitable vending machines.

Coffee machine

Naturally, the most famous type, which we will talk about in a little more detail. This device will be appropriate in the office, store, and wherever you place it. This unit is installed even on the street, and there it is able to provide high profits to its owner.

Another advantage of this machine is that it allows you to try more than a dozen different types of drinks without the intervention of a bartender or barista. Self-service is a very convenient thing, whatever one may say. And yes, the price in Moscow for such coffee is very low.

You can install a coffee machine in the following places:

  1. Shopping mall. In fact, it’s easiest to see coffee machines there.
  2. Waiting rooms. For example, airports, train stations and other places. The most profitable vending machines are installed there.
  3. Financial institutions. Here you can drink coffee while you stand in line to pay your rent. Very comfortably.
  4. Schools. Of course, coffee machines are rarely installed in places where children study. The fact is that this drink is harmful for a small organism. But no one bothers.
  5. Mail. The benefits here are the same as in financial institutions. You just need to buy the device.
  6. Cinemas and other entertainment centers.

The coffee machine itself is priced between $1,500 and $5,000. The price depends on the functionality of the model, as well as the ability to buy a used coffee machine. Additionally, you need to spend from 150 to 200 dollars on coffee refills and about the same cost on chocolate and other drinks. The total cost will be $1,800, which in principle is not that expensive.

As for payback, the machine will begin to bring you profit only after 1-2 years, which is, in principle, normal. Although it all also depends on how many people are passing nearby. In principle, many people love coffee, and therefore a direct relationship can be established between the number of people passing by and potential profit. Selling hot aromatic drinks is a very profitable idea.

Snack machine

Business with snack machines in our territory is a relatively new phenomenon. These machines are equipped with refrigerators and their main purpose is to sell packaged products. In addition, such machines can sell sweet water, chips and other small products.

Snack machines are divided into the following types:

  1. Conveyor. Such devices got their name due to the principle of supplying goods. A huge advantage is that you can load any small-packaged products into them.
  2. Spiral. Their essence lies in the fact that first the purchased products are placed in a special tray, and from there they reach the buyer. If the goods are fragile (may break), then a special elevator is designed for this purpose.
  3. Cellular. Everything is simple here - a person takes out all the products he needs from a special cell. Using this method, you can sell a huge number of goods, from fruits to cakes.
  4. Mini snacks. This type of snack machine is characterized, first of all, by its small size. Therefore, it is intended for dispensing tiny products that usually go well with coffee. Therefore, it is recommended to place such vending machines near coffee machines; people like to eat cookies with tea or another warm aromatic drink.

It is impossible to provide exact figures on payback, because everything depends on many factors: the location of the machine, the product sold (each has a different price and demand), the economic period (for example, in times of crisis, people are more inclined to save and not buy small things like chips).


Many people have vision problems, and contact lenses are one of the possible solutions to this problem. Therefore, installing lens mats (that’s what these devices are called) is quite a promising activity. The cost of such devices is about 150-200 thousand rubles. It all depends on the brand. The lens machine pays for itself within 5-8 months if you place the device in the right place. And where can you install the device?

  1. Shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Clinics.
  3. Schools, universities.
  4. Gyms.

In general, lenses are an expensive product. Therefore, a special infrared sensor determines whether the product has been issued. If this does not happen, then the money is not debited from the client’s card. If it is not possible to sell lenses, the device can always be converted into another type of vending machine.

Soda vending machine

The business of selling sparkling water, despite the fact that Soviet times are long gone, is still considered a very profitable business with a high return on investment. The cost of a vending machine will be from 75 to 200 thousand rubles.

The price for one glass usually does not exceed 10 rubles. At this price, you will receive 15 thousand per month from one machine if you buy 50 cups. The math is simple. But if you sell sparkling water with syrup at a price of 20 rubles, then your monthly income can be 90,000 rubles, since it sells better with syrup. Well, of course, net income. That is, you need to subtract taxes, electricity and other expenses from this amount.

Ice cream machines

Another popular type of vending machines are ice cream devices. Their advantages are novelty, and hence low competition. Such devices have an interesting way of serving ice cream. The product is dispensed using a pump arm, a process that is usually very popular with children.

There are many interesting vending machines. It's better to buy them from us. Why? Because we install devices and teach you how to use them for free.

We looked at different vending machines that make a profit. But the choice is not limited to them. We have only listed the most profitable vending machines.

Often business ideas lie on the surface, but people do not notice them or underestimate them. But in vain, sometimes you can make good money on familiar and ordinary things. One such idea is a coffee machine business. They do not require the constant presence of an operator and bring good money. That is, the owner of the devices has passive income with minimal effort and time.

Sale of drinks and goods through automated systems (vending machines) - vending. This is a fairly profitable business with a short payback period and guaranteed profit. To open your own business, you only need to buy a coffee machine, ingredients and choose a location for installation. With proper organization, business profitability can reach 130-150%.

Where is the best place to buy equipment?

There are many sellers of coffee machines. An Internet user just needs to enter the corresponding query in a search engine and select an acceptable option. It doesn’t hurt to study the reviews and capabilities of the device before purchasing. The leading positions in this business are occupied by European and Korean technology. In the first case, you will have to pay 130-150 thousand rubles for a high-quality device, in the second – 100-120 thousand. If there is no start-up investment, then the equipment can be rented.

You need to request the availability of documents for the machines from the seller or lessor. Their absence can lead to problems with regulatory authorities. A license is not required to operate this business.

Beginning entrepreneurs often wonder: how to properly organize a coffee vending business - buy or rent? Each solution has its pros and cons:

  1. A significant start-up capital is required for the purchase, but from the very beginning the businessman works only for himself, and he will not have to share part of the profit for rent. At the same time, a lot of effort should be made to find a profitable place for equipment, otherwise there is a high risk of going into the red.
  2. The monthly rental fee for a machine is about 10,000 rubles, while repairs and maintenance are at the expense of the owner. This approach makes it possible to study the business and check the profitability of the point without the risk of going broke and losing your hard-earned money. True, every month you will have to pay 10-15% of the profit for the device itself.
  • Rent amount
  • Audience of buyers
  • Presence of competitors
  • Safety
  • Registration of activities
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Ingredients and suppliers
  • Conclusion
        • Similar business ideas:

Just 10-15 years ago, the vending business in Russia was just emerging and not every entrepreneur wanted to start it. The market was still poorly studied and poorly understood by many operators. In this regard, we are far behind the USA, Japan and developed European countries. Today the picture is changing dramatically. The activity of operators is visible against the backdrop of an increase in the number of vending machines, and the consumer is becoming more and more discerning - the amount of products consumed through vending machines is gradually increasing.

Vending is one of the types of business

According to the general director of the VALEO Firm, Valery Rakitsky, in Japan, where vending is most developed, there is one vending machine for every 23 residents, in the USA - for 35, in Western European countries - for 110 people. In Russia, there are about 2200-2400 people per vending machine, which indicates the enormous potential for the development of the industry.

Why coffee machines? The answer is simple - coffee machines are considered the most profitable in the vending industry. This is achieved due to the low price of ingredients and the high selling price of finished coffee. Moreover, coffee machines are quite easy to install - such a machine can be “attached” anywhere, from the entrance to the metro to a bus stop, office or government agency.

Let's consider the main issues that arise when organizing a business with coffee machines.

Selecting a location for the machine

Before purchasing a machine, it is important to determine its location. The location where the machine is installed is the most important thing, because the income of the entire business depends on it. The more sales the coffee machine makes, the more profit we will receive.

Of course, the conclusion suggests itself that the greater the traffic of a retail outlet, the higher the income of the coffee pot. This is partly true, but not always. In addition to cross-country ability, indicators such as:

Rent amount

A retail outlet can be highly trafficked, but at the same time have a “non-raising” rental rate. Often, the landlord will guess the expected income of your coffee pot and will try to set the maximum price per 1 m2. For example, in megacities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, it is almost impossible to find a place with low rent (up to 2000 rubles / m2). In the regions, the rental rate is lower, but the price of the final product is somewhat lower.

The most unpleasant thing is that during a period of decline in demand, you will still have to pay high rent.

There is an option to reduce the risks of high rent - by installing a vending machine in a new location, you can offer the owner a fee not for 1 m2, but a percentage of the machine’s revenue. Often, this option can be beneficial to both parties.

Audience of buyers

When choosing a location for installing the machine, you should determine: Who will be the main buyer of coffee? How often does he consume coffee? What is his solvency? The answer to these questions will help you understand the expected demand and turnover of the coffee machine.

Presence of competitors

If there are other coffee machines or catering outlets in the immediate vicinity, then you should think about looking for another location. Or you will have to offer a better product, and perhaps at a lower price.


We live in Russia, not in Europe - when installing a coffee pot for 200-300 thousand rubles somewhere at a street stop, you must assess all the risks from invasions of “vandals”. And they certainly will be. What is important is the presence of security, the type of coffee pot body (vandal resistance), the ratio of profit to risks (the coffee pot must earn a lot to cover the costs of possible equipment repairs).

The most common locations for installing coffee machines are: bus and railway stations, universities, office and shopping centers, bus stops, entertainment centers, banks, airports, government agencies. A gas station, as some operators claim, is not the best option for installing a coffee pot.

Registration of activities

Once you have decided on the intended location of the coffee machine, you can begin registering the business. The organizational form can be either a regular individual entrepreneur or entity(OOO).

What OKVED code to indicate when registering machines OKVED code - 52.63 “Other retail trade outside stores.” No operating licenses are required. As tax systems A single tax on imputed income (UTII) is applied. The amount of tax directly depends on the size of the retail space. In our case, this is only 1-2 m2 per vending machine.

Which equipment to choose

There are no exact recommendations for choosing equipment. There are a large number of different manufacturers on the market, from well-known “oldest” European brands to newly arrived Russian companies. The main thing that a novice businessman should pay attention to is the price, technical characteristics of the device and real reviews from operators (on forums and Internet portals). It would be a good idea to personally visit the machines installed in your city, check their operation, and conduct a coffee tasting. Thus, you can understand which devices are given the greatest preference.

The choice of a specific coffee machine manufacturer must meet the following criteria:

1. What kind of machine do you need (depending on the installation location): anti-vandal, street or office mode.

2. The capacity of the machine (number of cups, assortment of coffee) depends on the traffic of the outlet. As a rule, the more spacious the machine, the more expensive it is. However, there is no point in overpaying for the capacity of the cups if your machine will be located in a low-traffic area (office, government institution), where the majority of customers are regular consumers. Universities, shopping centers, bus stations, etc. are another matter, where the capacity and assortment of the coffee pot are very important.

3. Region and city of the equipment supplier - the closer, the better.

4. Technical characteristics of the device. Sometimes it’s better to pay an extra 20-30 thousand rubles, but get a more reliable and functional device.

5. Supplier guarantees and service. Also an equally important question. Coffee pots tend to break. It’s doubly offensive if this happens with a new device. Therefore, the longer the warranty period the supplier offers, the better for you.

6. Reviews from existing operators (as noted above). You shouldn’t put too much faith in all sorts of magazines and reviewers. Articles in such publications may be purely advertising in nature. The best opinion is the opinion of the real owner of the machine network. And these can be found either on forums/social media. networks, or in personal meetings.

7. Price (everything is clear here).

8. How many years has the company been operating on the market - the longer, the better. The age of the company should tell us about its experience, proven technology and customer trust.

The Coffeemar-G546 coffee machine has good reviews from operators (on thematic forums). The device is the older brother of the no less successful G250 model. It has a large supply of water and cups (500 pieces), an increased assortment of coffee (5 buttons), automatic grinding adjustment and electronic control of coffee extraction. It also has increased resistance to vandalism due to its durable 1.5 mm steel body.

This device is perfect for installation in any place: in offices, government. institutions, shopping centers, universities, etc. The average cost of a new machine is 150 thousand rubles.

Ingredients and suppliers

You will select ingredients by trial and error. All new vendors go through this. Much depends on the specific point. This is especially noticeable in office settings - where there are regular customers at the coffee pot. The quality of the drink in this case becomes crucial. It is necessary to select ingredients that appeal to the end consumer. Otherwise, you may face a lack of sales and a general loss of the outlet.

Choosing an ingredient supplier doesn't seem like a cakewalk either. The first step is to request samples of the ingredients to test their taste and quality. When starting to use the machine, you should compare at least 3 suppliers. You should alternately add the ingredients from the first manufacturer, then the second and third - and ask the consumer’s opinion. Whichever option is purchased more often, such a supplier may be the one you should work with.

Maintenance of the machine depends on the traffic of a particular point and the volume of sales - on average once every 2-3 days. If the point is extremely passable, a daily visit to the coffee pot is possible. In any case, frequent visits to the device cannot be superfluous. Proper maintenance involves: collection of the device, replenishment of the bunker with ingredients, checking the functionality of payment systems, sanitary cleaning of the device (inside and outside).