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Craft from an old magazine Christmas tree. Christmas tree from master class magazine

Christmas tree from a magazine - great idea for New Year's decor. Making such a craft will not be difficult; even a child can do it. All you need is an A4 magazine, you can take free catalog from the shop. To make the tree bright and elegant, it is better to take a magazine with bright pictures, but this is not necessary, since we will use golden spray paint.

DIY Christmas tree from a magazine

How to make a Christmas tree from a magazine with your own hands

You will need:

  • magazine
  • glue gun
  • spray paint
  • decor (stars, beads, ribbons, beads, sparkles, sequins)

How to do:

On a flat surface, unscrew two last sheet magazine and fold them as shown in the photo.

Fold the remaining sheets in the same pattern, gradually moving towards the first pages of the magazine. If the magazine pages are quite dense, you can fold them one page at a time.

After this, roll each folded page into a bag, holding the top of the future Christmas tree with your hand, as shown in the photo.

Tape each page tightly to the end of the magazine.

When the Christmas tree is ready, you can move on to painting. Spray paint from a can over the entire surface of the tree and let the paint dry.

When the paint is completely dry, you can start decorating. Using a glue gun, decorate the Christmas tree - decorate it with beads, sequins, and add sparkles. The Christmas tree from the magazine is ready!

How to make a Christmas tree from a magazine with your own hands video

On the eve of the New Year, we often want to get rid of various things that have accumulated in the house. trash. However, do not rush to throw away thick (or not so thick) magazines. They can find a second life, becoming a full-fledged New Year's decor - Christmas trees.

Christmas tree pyramid

To make such a Christmas tree with your own hands, you will generally only need a thick magazine of a size like A4 (it can be larger or smaller, the most important thing here is that the height of the magazine is noticeably greater than its width).

Sometimes, to make such Christmas trees, it is advised to choose magazines that have a lot of bright large pictures. I don’t think that this is the only correct solution (although this option has a right to exist), because both Christmas trees with exclusively printed black and white “branches” and those painted with spray paint will have their own charm (then it doesn’t matter at all , whether the pictures in the magazine were in color and whether they were there at all).

My magazine has 140 pages, and this turned out to be quite enough for a decent lush Christmas tree. If you have thinner magazines, you can take several at once, but always of the same format (and preferably with paper of the same quality).

Open the magazine and start folding pages one at a time. First we bend top right corner first page to the spine (down and left).

A lower right corner- until it meets the edge of the sheet from the previous fold (up to the left).

Now let's take it corner on the right, and bend the magazine page one last time, connecting the corner to the spine (down to the left).

We continue, repeating the operations described above with all the pages of the magazine.

In order to connect the magazine (“in a circle”), I glued the covers and folded them like all the other pages (in the same direction). In a similar way, you can combine several magazines into one Christmas tree.

I must say that the covers of my magazine were much thicker than the pages (and even folded in half), so they were noticeable among the other “branches”. But the Christmas tree can be turned to the audience with a different, more uniform side.

It took me about 15 minutes to make the Christmas tree itself!

After you have made the pyramid-shaped Christmas tree itself, as I said above, you can spray paint, you can stick or hang small homemade or purchased Christmas tree decorations on paper clips (piercing holes with a thick needle or awl), wrap the tree with tinsel, rain, cover it with confetti or sequins, and place a star on the top of the head.

Carved Christmas tree

The second way to make a Christmas tree from a magazine with your own hands is to cut it out.

We draw a template in the form of half a Christmas tree (the height of the magazine) on paper, cardboard or directly on the cover of the magazine.

We arm ourselves with a paper knife (as a last resort, scissors, because this will slow down the already difficult fast process making this Christmas tree) and begin to cut out the outline of the Christmas tree.

If the template was made of cardboard or paper, from time to time I advise you to apply it to the page to check whether the cut out outlines. This advice is especially relevant if you decide to cut out your Christmas tree from the same thick magazine (the spine is a little more than 2 cm thick), so as not to repeat my mistake.

Now we unfold the magazine and get a Christmas tree self made.

Unfortunately, thick glued magazine spine didn’t let my Christmas tree turn 360 degrees. If you use a different type of magazine, try gluing the cover sheets together or at least connecting them with paper clips, then your Christmas tree will be equally beautiful from almost all sides.

The process of cutting out a Christmas tree from a magazine took me at least an hour (not counting rest breaks, because cutting paper with a knife is not an easy task!).

To make your life easier, draw a Christmas tree template without unnecessary bends. It's much easier to cut straight lines with a paper knife!

This Christmas tree If desired, you can also paint it using spray paint.

Such a Christmas tree can serve decoration in the office or home, if for some reason you do not have the time, opportunity or desire to acquire a more realistic New Year's beauty.

In addition, such a Christmas tree (rotated 180 degrees) can be glued for decoration. to a postcard, gift box,wall newspaper

You will probably come up with other ways to create and use handmade Christmas trees from unwanted magazines.

I wish you a sea of ​​brilliant ideas and creative success!

Magazines. This technique for making a New Year tree is no longer new, but if you get a little creative with the New Year theme, you can make completely unusual, original New Year trees.

First, let's figure out how to make the simplest Christmas tree from magazine.

We will need a magazine of at least 60 pages.

We begin to bend the page at an angle 45 degrees.

And bend it again.

Expand the sheet. We bend the lower protruding corner upward.

And we hide this corner inside the folded page.

All folds Fine press down fingernail or a suitable object, such as scissor handles. This is necessary so that the pages of the magazine do not unfold.
So we add it up every page magazine until they run out.

It turns out we have this Christmas tree from a magazine.

You can use magazines with fewer sheets. For example, if in the magazine 32 sheets(the number must be even), you will get a Christmas tree like this.

To improve the look, you can secure the edges of such a Christmas tree in the following order.
We fasten each two corners of the tree in a circle at the bottom with a stapler.

This is what should happen.

You will now have such an original Christmas tree.

You can leave this tree as it is.

You can paint a Christmas tree from a magazine.
Paint better spray paints in the entrance or in a ventilated room (the paint smells strong), after covering the entire floor with newspapers.

Or you can not fasten with a stapler, but take the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdesigning the edges from the advice.

And we bend the corners or in one side, or push the corners inward. Whoever likes it.

New Year tree from newspaper

If there are no suitable magazines for making a Christmas tree, then the same Christmas tree can be made from a newspaper. Newsprint paper is softer than that used for magazines, so there should be more sheets in the newspaper than in the magazine ( from 200 sheets). Newspapers are usually not sewn together, so you can take several newspapers and sew them together. Poke several holes along the central fold with an awl.

And stitch with a needle and thread.

And then we roll the sheets as usual.
The Christmas tree can be decorated if its edges are coated with glue and pressed to a surface with semolina or sparkles.
This is the Christmas tree made from newspapers, the number of sheets is approximately 120 pieces.

You can place the sheets in only one plane, cut off the bottom corner, apply three elements and make a decoration in the form of a Christmas tree on the wall.

Small Christmas trees made using this technique can be used as Christmas tree decorations.

Elena: Hello everyone! Those who came to visit us yesterday already know that a story competition “THE MOST UNUSUAL GIFT” has been announced. Tell us briefly why you received it, or maybe you yourself presented it to someone. Everything about the competition and two stories are already in the article, and your story will become the basis for the next publication. We wait!

In the meantime, we suggest you take a closer look at... which you are probably going to get rid of during the pre-New Year cleaning. Don't worry, we don't need all the junk, just an old glossy magazine or a colorful catalogue. It is now fashionable to make all kinds of crafts from them. Half an hour of time, a little imagination and creativity and you will have a gorgeous tree from a magazine.

Albert: Preparation before actual production Christmas trees from a magazine:

  • You need a fairly thick glossy magazine with large, bright pictures. But, if you decide to paint the finished Christmas tree, the presence of pictures is not necessary; you can even use a book with black and white printed text.
  • The size of a book or magazine is A4 format, give or take, the main thing is that the height is greater than the width.
  • Number of pages - from 100 or more. You can use 2-3 magazines of the same size and paper quality. But even a “one-sided” tree looks original.
  • If necessary, buy in advance a can of spray paint (green, white, etc.), decorations in the form of snowflakes, glitter, small Christmas tree decorations, prepare an awl, glue and scissors.

Manufacturing Christmas trees from a magazine:
1. We bend each sheet twice: the first time by the upper right corner at an angle of 45 degrees towards itself, then again in half diagonally already folded.

2. We smooth the fold lines properly with a finger or using a ruler so that the edges of the future “branches” look equally clear everywhere.
3. The bottom corner, which, when folded, ends up at the bottom and extends beyond the magazine, should be folded upward and hidden between the resulting fold of the page in a “pocket.”

4. Do similar actions with all leaves, including covers.
5. If the cover is thick, it can be torn off.
6. If you want to make a three-dimensional Christmas tree from a magazine, you should glue the covers together and roll them in the same way as a regular magazine sheet.
7. If necessary, paint the Christmas tree, decorate it with toys, and attach a star to the top of the head.

Elena: Alternatively, you can make a Christmas tree from a magazine like this:

1. Do not fold each page of the magazine, but cut it out according to the prepared template. Don't make the template too complex, with a lot of curves. The simple option, believe me, looks better.
2. For the first time, we apply the template, trace it, and cut it out. And then the cut page itself becomes a template for the remaining pages.
3. You should not cut out several sheets at once: the edges turn out torn, uneven, and the tree does not unfold well.
4. Decorate the Christmas tree in the same way as the first one and place it on the table to wait!

Such tree from a magazine may well replace a living forest beauty,