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The concept of the activities of advertising agencies. Types of advertising agencies Suggestions and recommendations for improving the activities of an advertising agency



The topic of this course work is “Studying the activities of an advertising agency.” The work contains 47 pages, 3 graphics, 2 tables, 3 appendices, 18 sources used.
The theoretical part contains information about the concept of an advertising agency, the types and types of advertising agencies and the processes of creating advertising in an advertising agency.
In the second chapter of the course work, an analysis of the activities of the advertising agency Yaroslavl-Media LLC is carried out, which includes the organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise, an analysis of marketing communications used in the agency’s activities, and also typical errors are identified in the development and implementation of advertising events using the example of the LLC company "Yaroslavl-Media".
The third chapter of this work provides recommendations and proposals for improving the activities of the advertising agency Yaroslavl-Media LLC, by intensifying work on maintaining the agency’s website, improving the organizational structure and image policy. Introduction
1 Theoretical aspects of organizing activities and managing an advertising agency
1.1 Advertising agency, its functions and organization of relationships between participants in the advertising process
1.2 Types and types of advertising agencies
1.3 The process of creating advertising in an advertising agency
2 Analysis of the activities of the advertising agency Yaroslavl-Media LLC
2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the activities of the advertising agency Yaroslavl-Media LLC
2.2 Analysis of marketing communications used in the advertising agency Yaroslavl-Media LLC
2.3 Typical mistakes when developing and conducting advertising events using the example of the company Yaroslavl-Media LLC
3 Proposals for improving the activities of the advertising agency Yaroslavl-Media LLC
3.1 Analysis of the results of the advertising agency achieved through advertising
3.2 Suggestions and recommendations for improving the activities of an advertising agency
List of sources used
Appendix A – Brief for the development of an advertising campaign
Appendix B - Customer Survey


Advertising is a striking phenomenon of our time: all-pervasive, omnipresent, professional.
When the owner of a large store or small stall wants to expand his trading business, most likely he will not just wait for an increase in the number of customers. He will put up bright, eye-catching price tags, make a beautiful display of goods, brightly design windows, and post eye-catching advertisements with lively, witty information about the goods.
In other words, the owner of a trading enterprise will ensure fame for himself, that is, advertising, without which he will not be able to achieve an increase in trade turnover.
The national economic problem of timely delivery of goods from production to the population, the formation of demand for them taking into account the socio-demographic characteristics of individual consumer groups, and the education of rational needs of people require the use of advertising. Its role especially increases in conditions of a market economy, a competitive environment, constant updating of the range of goods, increasing complexity of the design and designs of many technically complex products, goods for cultural, household and household purposes. Timely and comprehensive information of the population about the consumer properties and methods of using goods is the most important task of advertising.
The creation of advertising agencies that organize it at a high professional level, use financial resources more rationally and ensure high quality advertising contributes to increasing the efficiency of advertising activities.
Advertising agencies play a positive role, being qualified coordinators between trade and production, in the interests of consumers and the whole society, promoting rational supply and, conversely, limiting the volume of irrational or premature proposals.
Today, only a few commercial enterprises can successfully conduct business without advertising in one form or another, so the topic of this work is relevant. In large companies, where there are full-time specialists and the support of an advertising agency, various functions can be easily distributed among employees suitable for their performance. Many national advertisers spend millions of dollars annually and are willing to risk enormous sums to bring new branded products or services to market.
The object of the study is the advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media"
The purpose of writing this course work is to develop recommendations for improving the activities of the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:
- consider the theoretical aspects of the activities of an advertising agency;
- analyze the main indicators of economic activity of the advertising agency “Yaroslavl-Media”;
- analyze marketing communications used in the agency and the main shortcomings in the development of advertising messages.
When writing the course work, educational literature, various articles from periodicals, as well as various Internet sources were used.

1 Theoretical aspects of organizing activities and managing an advertising agency

1.1 Advertising agency, its functions and organization of relationships between participants in the advertising process

Advertising is a type of activity or products produced as a result, the purpose of which is to implement the sales or other tasks of industrial, service enterprises and public firms by disseminating information paid for by them, formulated in such a way as to have an intense impact on individual or mass consciousness, thereby causing a given reaction of the selected target audience.
As everyone knows, every person has something to sell. Advertising is a way to sell something in the most effective way.
One of the main prerequisites for the improvement and development of advertising activities is the planned and methodical preparation of advertising messages, their correct application at all stages of the advertising process. Advertising provides information to consumers that allows them to make the most intelligent choice when purchasing certain goods and services. It supports the media through certain funding, and also promotes the expansion of production and increased competition.
In order to increase the efficiency of advertising activities, special advertising agencies are created that create advertising at a high and professional level, guarantee high quality advertising, and also wisely use financial resources for its implementation. Advertising agencies are equipped with special computer technology that ensures fast and accurate processing of the information received; carry out market assessments and comprehensive market research. They play an important role because they are professional coordinators between production and trade, restrain premature, irrational proposals and, conversely, contribute to the creation of rational proposals in the interests of consumers.
An advertising agency is a professional organization that plans, creates, develops and places advertising.
Based on advertising theories, each advertising agency builds its own philosophy, that is, approaches to advertising. Beginners in the advertising business should clearly know that the goal of an advertising agency, as it may seem at first glance, is not the task of getting as much profit as possible in the shortest possible time. The agency's philosophy includes the following:
1) what kind of advertising, from the agency’s point of view, is good;
2) which product, from the agency’s point of view, is good;
3) how, from the agency’s point of view, good advertising should be developed and implemented;
4) how, from the agency’s point of view, it is necessary to conduct business and create the “face” of the agency;
5) what makes the agency competitive.
Most agencies pride themselves on their philosophy. A large amount of time is spent refining these philosophical principles so that the client sees and notices the reflection of his views on the business.
Reasons why you need to cooperate with advertising agencies:
- advertising agency - an organization that unites diverse specialists into a single business enterprise and ensures effective communications within it and with the external environment;
- experience of an advertising agency organized with a large number of clients;
- objectivity of the opinion of the advertising agency;
- Extensive experience in managing the creative process.
In order to implement advertising processes, the participation of the following entities is necessary:
1) advertiser - an individual or legal entity who is the customer, the source of advertising information necessary for the production, placement or further distribution of advertising, that is, this is the person, institution at whose request the advertising was made.
The advertiser can be an investment company, a bank, a commercial firm, a private entrepreneur and many others who pay for advertising in accordance with the order.
The advertiser performs the following main functions:
- identification of goods and services that require advertising, and the features and methods of advertising these goods or services;
- planning an advertising campaign and advertising costs;
- preparation of necessary documents for concluding an agreement with the contractor for advertising services;
- preparation and provision of primary materials for creating an advertising campaign;
- assistance to performers (advertising agencies) in preparing photo and video shootings;
- approval of sketches, layouts, scripts and other originals of advertising products;
- settlements with the contractor.
The advertiser needs:
- be able to create an advertising strategy for the company and its products or services, that is, correctly argue their position in the long term;
- to form a choice of strategy for the company’s behavior, an image in the minds of consumers and in the public consciousness through the transmission of information about the product, its uniqueness and quality, important advantages and distinctive features;
- try to stick to the chosen direction, that is, produce goods better, because consumer disorientation may occur, and they will purchase competitors’ goods;
- change the company’s position in such cases: when producing a new product and promoting it, when new competitors emerge that advertise the same advantages of a product or service, when the preferences and tastes of potential buyers change, or when there is a possibility of changing markets;
- remember that the right position creates a favorable image and a good idea of ​​the product (service) and the company, guarantees stable demand for them. The benefits from purchasing goods can be: high quality, low price, unique product design, after-sales service, etc. The main motivation for making a purchase is pleasure;
- know your products perfectly, their main features and advantages, as well as the structure of potential consumers, that is, you need to know who, where, how much and when is purchasing, the hopes of consumers that can be satisfied during the sale of a product or service;
- study competitors and their products, their weaknesses and strengths, prices, terms of sale and advertising, as well as work experience and positive aspects of competitors;
- independently or together with an advertising agency, develop effective advertising messages and choose the right advertising means;
2) advertising producer - an individual or legal entity that fully or partially prepares advertising information for distribution;
3) advertising distributor - an individual or legal entity that distributes advertising by any means, in any form and using any means. Advertising distributors are communication channels that are used by advertisers and advertising producers to inform actual and potential consumers.
Advertising agencies act as advertising producers and distributors on the market, which can be divided into full-service advertising agencies and agencies that specialize in providing special, individual types of services. The first group includes agencies that are engaged in research, creative activities, planning, production of various advertising media, as well as the provision of non-advertising services: creating packaging, providing public relations, organizing presentations, sales exhibitions, and more.
The development of advertising agencies is caused by the following reasons:
deeply understand the interests of consumers, acquire skills and contribute to improving their competence. This makes it possible to create high-quality advertising tools and ensure the effectiveness of their use;
- advertising agencies, as independent organizations, eliminate negative impacts on advertising from factors such as excessive dependence of advertising on the taste of individual managers, false attitudes regarding the expected response from consumers, etc.;
- advertising agencies have close ties with the media, stably and timely purchase space and time from them for advertising. Cooperation with advertising agencies helps the advertiser to effectively solve their problems, allowing him to save time and money;
- the use of advertising agency services provides a systematic approach to advertising, which supports the growth of its effectiveness.
Main functions of advertising agencies:
1) maintaining relationships with the media, placing orders in them, as well as monitoring their implementation;
2) creation of advertising products based on orders received from advertisers, development of plans for complex advertising campaigns and other advertising activities using the potential of creative and technical specialists;
3) conducting settlements with advertisers and the media;
4) cooperation with studios, advertising factories, printing houses and freelance specialists.
Many organizations and companies in the market are deciding the following question: whether they need to form their own advertising service or resort to the help of advertising agencies. The organization of your own advertising service is determined by the expected volume of work, directions and amounts allocated for advertising purposes. At the same time, you need to know that even if there is an advertising service in the company, it is still impossible to do without the services of advertising agencies. This is due to the fact that some jobs that are related to advertising require certain equipment and experience.
Advertising agencies allow advertising companies to save their time and money. It should be noted that not every agency is fully responsible for the types and means of advertising they offer. The organizational structure of an advertising service depends on its size, the availability of certain resources, the characteristics of the goods produced and the specific features of the target market, the role and place of advertising in the company's marketing strategy and in the marketing mix.
First, the advertiser needs to correctly determine the agency before entering into an agreement with it. Advertising experts believe that large clients are attracted to large agencies, while conventional advertising agencies are suitable for small firms.
When choosing an agency, you need to pay special attention to the time of its creation, the availability of qualified advertising specialists, the level of specialization and interest rates for advertising services.
The time of creation of an advertising agency makes it possible to determine its activities in the services market. It is necessary to pay attention to examples of certain works that were performed previously and to the list of companies with which the agency worked previously.
The presence of specialists in the area that interests the advertiser allows us to draw conclusions that to carry out advertising processes and tasks, the agency employs not random people, but professionals. Interest rates for services provided may vary quite a bit depending on the agency. You need to know that low prices for services are a significant, but not the most important selection criterion, because good work is usually expensive.
Interaction between advertising agents and advertisers can be carried out in the following main areas:
- the advertiser indicates to the agency what needs to be done and within what time frame;
- the advertiser does not delve into the work of the advertising agency on his behalf;
- advertising agents and advertisers work together, while finding common solutions.
In the first case, if the completed advertisement did not achieve its goals, the agency can decline responsibility for the failure, because it acted as the executor of the advertiser’s ideas.
In the second case, if the advertising does not achieve its goals, the advertiser risks losing the funds that were allocated for advertising his product. This is due to the fact that an advertising agency sometimes cannot create a competent and effective advertising program without the help of the advertiser with his knowledge in the field of his product.
The third case is the most effective, since the experience of the advertiser and advertising agency specialists is shared when creating and implementing an advertising program.
When performing complex creative work and in order to be able to regulate misunderstandings and disagreements that arise, an agreement must be concluded with an advertising agency. In the process of creating, preparing and distributing advertising, the concluded agreement regulates the rights and obligations of the parties to the advertising process. The contract must include:
1) types of services provided by the advertising agency and the creation of an advertising program;
2) a list of advertising items, their characteristics;
3) duration of the contract;
4) the amount of the contract;
5) the procedure and timing for the transfer of initial data;
6) the procedure and terms for submitting the advertising program for approval;
7) the procedure and timing for approval of plans for advertising events, artistic originals, texts and scripts;
8) the procedure and deadlines for submitting reports on the implementation of promotional activities;
9) conditions of property liability of the parties for failure to comply with the procedure and deadline for execution of the contract;
10) other conditions that the advertising agency and the advertiser consider necessary to take into account in the contract;
11) postal and payment details of the parties to the agreement.
The conclusion of an agreement does not exempt participants in the advertising process from complying with the rules for advertising goods developed by domestic and foreign practice and enshrined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Advertising” and other regulatory documents that regulate advertising activities in our country.
When establishing a favorable relationship with an advertising agency, the advertiser should strive to become the desired client.

1.2 Types and types of advertising agencies

There is no accepted classification as such. However, based on the functions performed, there are many different typologies.
There are the following types of advertising agencies:
- agencies providing services;
- independent media agencies;
- “A la carte” agencies;
- sponsorship agencies.
Advertising agencies providing services include full- and part-cycle agencies, industrial advertising agencies.
Full service agencies are medium or large organizations that are capable of implementing a full-fledged advertising campaign. This is a group of people from creative and business professions who specialize in the creation and preparation of advertising, advertising plans and other promotional materials. These advertising agencies, in essence, are advertising companies with their own production of advertising products, with their own specialists in all areas of advertising. Full-service advertising agencies are trying to master all possible types of advertising, starting with conventional advertising and ending with the more effective Internet advertising in the past. They may cooperate with other firms specializing in marketing, personnel advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and may also have corresponding branches.
Part-time agencies - specialize in one type of advertising, for example, outdoor advertising, media advertising or video advertising. These are relatively small agencies implementing simple, non-primitive projects. If necessary, they can use the services of highly specialized agencies or freelance specialists. It is possible that in the future many representatives of creative professions will work from home. They will be able to create texts on a computer and produce layouts, and then send them electronically to agency terminals. This is an effective way to reduce agency costs for renting premises in the city.
Industrial advertising agencies specialize in advertising industrial and technological goods and services, which is mostly carried out in the professional press, at specialized exhibitions, and also through the distribution of printed materials: advertising literature, technical reference books and catalogs. Typically, fees for the services of such agencies take the form of a fee. The head of this agency must have experience in the relevant field of industry, experience as an advertising manager. Representatives of creative professions must know the relevant technology and its professional vocabulary so that they can develop reliable texts and drawings. In general, the budgets of such projects are small, but they are more stable compared to projects of large consumer goods manufacturers, where clients often change agencies in search of new ideas.
The development of the sphere of high-tech goods, such as mobile phones, computers, Internet software, electronic editors, video games, copiers, faxes, is accompanied by the high development of agencies that specialize in advertising just such products.
Independent media agencies make up a significant portion of advertising agencies because there are a significant number of advertising distribution channels, and therefore the same advertising product can be distributed to many of them in different variations. Media agencies have their own specialization: agencies that place advertising only on radio, only on television in the press, and so on. But there are also larger media agencies that advertise across all distribution channels. In the work of these agencies, the creative part is determined by the quality of the creation of programs and media plans. The level of their work is distinguished by the choice of advertising distribution channels for a particular product that meet the requirements of the advertising campaign plan, as well as the benefit for the client, which is expressed in obtaining the best result of the advertising campaign and saving the advertising budget, due to the favorable conditions that exist between such agencies and owners advertising distribution channels. Some agencies are direct owners of one of the media and therefore are more attractive to advertisers than others.
Media agencies are successful due to the following factors:
- destruction of the old system of fixed commissions;
- the unstoppable development of the media, as well as new publishing technologies and alternative television;
- increased prices for time and advertising space.
“A la carte” agencies usually carry out “one-off” projects. They are exclusively creative agencies, performing various types of work: sales consultation, development of a company's corporate identity, design of exhibition stands or the creative aspects of a full-scale advertising campaign. In turn, “A la carte” agencies are divided into three types:
- creative agencies;
- agencies involved in the development of a new product;
- contact advertising agencies.
Creative agencies formulate the theme of an advertising campaign, event and develop an advertising product for various media, for example, they come up with advertising characters and write “jingles” (advertising couplets, musical phrases from a commercial advertising program) and music for television commercials. Creative agencies complement media agencies, which are responsible for acquiring time and advertising space.
This type of agency may seem difficult, but the high competition caused by the economic downturn has given clients the opportunity to be more demanding. It is believed that the emergence of new agencies is a reaction to the inadequacy of traditional full-service agencies.
Agencies involved in the development of a new product consider themselves the best agencies, since they begin to carry out any actions even in the first stages of the marketing structure. They can influence the initial concept of the product and are necessarily involved in the formation of the name of the new product, its packaging, pricing, selection of the market segment, sales, market testing, sales of the product to other companies and the main advertising campaign.
Contact advertising agencies conduct advertising campaigns for organizations that sell goods by mail. In turn, they advertise magazine subscriptions, full-service travel and business travel arrangements, investments, savings, credit cards and other services that can be purchased through the mail. The scope of activity of such agencies should include “off the page” offers, which we can periodically see in color weeklies. Mail advertising is usually the only advertising medium for these campaigns. Letters of offer, catalogs and promotional literature are used here. Contact advertising is often used by organizations such as department stores and financial houses, outpacing the catalog firms that once dominated the industry.
The essence of this type of activity is to sell goods or services directly to the consumer using mail, fax, telephone or the Internet.
Sponsor agencies. The purpose of sponsorship can be marketing, advertising, public relations, and often all combined. Sponsorship is big business and is essential to the marketing of many companies. Sponsorship has two sides: people, events and activities that require financial support, and companies willing to invest money in any cause that can fit their marketing strategy. The Law on Television and Radio Broadcasting gave permission to sponsor television and radio programs. Such innovations are important for broadcast advertising. Subsequently, such agencies were born, offering creative and inventive solutions for announcing sponsors in a ticker during the start of a program or during a commercial break.
The following types of advertising agencies are distinguished:
- creative agency (design studio). It creates the concept of an advertising campaign, including its individual elements: ideas for print, audio and video advertising, advertising style, design and much more.
At the moment, the most subtle marketing mechanisms are in demand. It is not for nothing that organizations have appeared on the market that specialize only in creating ideas for advertising campaigns, or in other words - creativity.
Creative approach is a creative approach in which advertising costs can be significantly and significantly reduced. At the same time, you can promote almost any brand at a lower cost by coming up with an idea that will be talked about in the future. But this cannot be achieved if you are not attentive to the target audience. We need to know what she thinks about the product, to what extent she thinks about it, and what she thinks about when she is not thinking about our product. With such knowledge, you can observe some interesting communication phenomenon that will lead to good results.
Having studied the target audience, you can achieve success by shocking them, calculating positioning, and applying geographic segmentation.
Creative ideas in advertising differ from typical ones in that, firstly, even in the toughest competition they make it possible to distinguish a product from similar ones, and secondly, creativity helps reduce advertising costs. Since the concepts of “creativity” and “creativity” are not identical, the art of creative thinking is significantly different from the process of simple invention.
Any advertising operates on this simple principle - the people included in the target audience are the same. If every person was unique, then advertising would be extremely ineffective. But in people's minds there are cliches and automatically made decisions. Changing the mood, type and speed of events over time are some of the main ways to create creativity.
There are several principles that must be followed when developing an original idea for any organization or product. The first principle is that a creative idea must solve the customer's problems and difficulties. The second principle is that the quality of the creator's ideas should be relatively high, regardless of the size of orders and the mood of the creator. The third principle: the company must have project management at a high level. Without this, the safe and successful implementation of creative ideas is impossible;
- BTL agencies – agencies that organize special events to promote goods, for example, promotions with various prizes for consumers. BTL organizes unconventional promotions with all kinds of prize distribution, drawings and lotteries. It is especially effective when introducing a new product to the market and is designed to create brand loyalty. During BTL promotions, consumers are usually given souvenirs with branded symbols that inform the consumer about the organization, serve as a reminder of it during use, introduce him to the product, and form pleasant memories. BTL agencies also offer this type of service, such as secret shopping. Such an inspection, which is carried out by a person completely unfamiliar to the organization’s employees, makes it possible to identify violations and, in general, identify omissions in working with consumers, and give a comprehensive assessment of the principles of the organization’s work. These agencies organize interviewing in the form of tests and questionnaires and other ways of getting to know buyers’ opinions about the tastes of target consumers, about goods or services;
- PR agencies - agencies that specialize in creating PR campaigns for clients. The main job for advertising professionals, whose purpose is to increase the value of a brand or establish its reputation, create awareness of goods and services and motivation to purchase them, is the creation of strategies and advertisements, as well as the purchase of space or advertising time. But the ultimate goal of PR specialists is to communicate with interested people and manage the company's image and reputation. If you take an integrated approach to marketing communications, then PR and advertising must interact with each other, because advertising is aimed at promoting a product, and PR is aimed at promoting a company.
In many organizations, PR and advertising perform different functions that are not coordinated with each other. This is partly due to established traditions, and partly due to differences in the functions they perform. Traditionally, PR work has been physically separated from advertising due to the nature of public relations work itself and the people who work in the field - they are often journalists by profession who have some training in advertising and marketing. PR functions in many companies are carried out at two levels. At one level there are technical staff writing press releases and producing brochures and flyers, while at another level the PR advisor makes various recommendations to senior management on how to shape public opinion and the expected impact. Since PR cannot be considered as a direct way to make a profit, there are difficulties in assessing the effectiveness of this activity. Professionals who work in advertising are sometimes reluctant to include PR in their plan. And people who work to establish PR are usually not willing to collaborate with marketing or sales specialists. Different orientations can cause inconsistency in an organization's communication activities;
- Internet agencies that provide services in the field of website creation, Internet marketing and Internet advertising. Such agencies create full-fledged Internet resources, carry out projects that are related to the development of corporate identity, produce audio and video advertising, design and production of representative and printed products, etc.;
The following types of agencies are distinguished by scale:
- global;
- national;
- regional;
- local.
By services:
- full service;
- specialized;
- media;
- industry.

1.3 The process of creating advertising in an advertising agency

The process of creating advertising is the production activity of an advertising agency, that is, its main function. As a result of this business, the agency receives a product - advertising aimed at meeting the needs of the customer.
An advertising message is a means of providing the necessary information to the consumer by the advertiser, which has a certain form (visual, text, symbolic, sound, etc.), a ready-made advertising product with which the advertiser addresses consumers. Whether an advertising campaign will be successful and successful depends on how and in what way the advertising message is formed. Each advertising message must be seen as a major contribution to the company's image, and not as a disposable product.
There is no exact theory for developing advertising messages. We can highlight general principles for creating advertising and recommendations that relate to the procedure for developing an ad, its structure, the features of creating illustrations and text, composition, etc. Let's consider the most important of them, which, of course, should be the basis for creating an advertising message.
1 An advertising message must be devoted to only one specific topic, one product or service, as well as a group of similar products. One advertising message that advertises many different products at once is ineffective, because the reader will not be able to remember all the information. In addition, advertising for different products has different target audiences and therefore should be shaped and positioned differently in different advertising media. For the same reasons, you cannot mix different topics in one ad. For example, informing about a product and changing the image of a company, or hiring.
2 The message must have an accurate and correct focus on the target audience (reflect all its desires, requests, purchasing motives and interests). It is necessary to appeal not to abstract large masses, but to specific consumers. It is necessary to study their characteristics and possible motives in advance.
3 It is necessary to specifically formulate the market position of the product (differences from the goods and services of competitors, which form consumer preferences for them). The essence of the advertising message must be expressed clearly and as clearly as possible.
4 The advertising message must be provable and truthful, contain arguments and facts, justifications in favor of the product or service. To advertise personal consumer goods, one to three arguments are sufficient. It is advisable to use only real facts and refrain from generalizations. You should not dramatically exaggerate the merits of goods or services. Information about the advertised product must always be checked, because the dissemination of false information in advertising is punishable by law.
5 You cannot load advertising text. It should only contain what is really needed. An effective perception effect is achieved when the advertising text consists of approximately two to four sentences or paragraphs. The presentation should be aimed at the average reader.
6 The appeal must contain a true and successful advertising idea - preferably original, which does not repeat well-known solutions and is easy to understand. The originality of not only the idea, but also the text is important, because it can be spoiled by hackneyed phrases, platitudes, clichés (a set of frequently used phrases and words) and cliches. Such phrases bore consumers (they need to study competitors’ advertising and not repeat others), especially meaningless clichés should be avoided. We need to look for unexpected, sharp, fresh, unhackneyed and relevant words, phrases and images.
7 The message should contain something that can attract and hold attention (some bright, unusual, memorable illustration, an original headline, etc.).
8 Text, colors, illustrations and font design of advertising should convey the character and image of the product.
9 The advertising message must correspond to the medium of distribution (must be developed taking it into account).
10 The name of the product (company) must be introduced into the consumer’s consciousness, because the consumer may not remember what product or service is being discussed. In advertising, the visual image of the brand (brand name) must also be implanted in the memory of consumers.
11 The ad must refrain from negative associations (for example, the image of a suitcase that survived a plane crash does not stimulate purchase).
12 Changes that are made to advertising messages (in a series of advertisements or in different advertising media) should not change the general style and emotional coloring of the advertisement; they must correspond to the same product positioning.
The process of developing advertising messages is a combination of specific actions that are carried out in a certain logical sequence and includes the following stages:
- a clear understanding of the purpose of advertising;
- conducting and analyzing the results of advertising and marketing research;
- development of a creative advertising strategy and advertising idea, choice of style and tone of appeal;
- determining the structure of the appeal and creating its main elements;
- building a composition and creating a layout of an advertising module.
First of all, the developers of the message must fully understand the purpose of this advertising campaign, which follows from the objectives of marketing, because approaches to developing an advertising message are determined precisely by the goals of advertising.
The informational essence, text and visual elements of the ad will also depend on the purpose of the advertisement. For example, if the goal is to ensure that potential buyers remember a new brand name, you need this name to be repeated several times in advertising.
If the advertising has a different goal (it is necessary to achieve recognition of the product at points of sale), then its photo and packaging are shown. If you need to introduce a visual image of a brand into people’s minds, then the main emphasis is on the brand name.
When the purpose of advertising is to create a belief among consumers about the superiority of a brand over others or to switch consumers’ attention from a competitor’s brand to their own, then comparative advertising is used. They present various compelling arguments in favor of their product compared to competing brands, focusing on evidence and advantages.
Advertising is structured differently if its goal is to stimulate increased consumption of the product by existing consumers. Therefore, in advertising, for example, you can try, using special arguments, to convince people to brush their teeth with toothpaste X not once, but several times a day, or to drink juice not only at breakfast, but throughout the day.
At the maturity stage, when the purpose of advertising is to remind about a well-known brand, short, laconic advertising is already used. These advertisements are basically key pieces of informational advertising.
Having clearly understood the purpose of the advertisement, developers must collect all the necessary information to create the advertisement, study the object of the advertisement, the target audience, various purchasing motives, the actions and advertisements of competitors, and also find out where the advertisement will be placed. Based on such research, a creative advertising strategy, idea, style and tone of the ad are determined.
Then they think through the structure of the address and create the main text and visual elements, think over their layout (determine the composition).
The advertising idea must be expressed through images and language. Therefore, the structural components of an advertising message can be divided into two groups:
- text;
- figurative.
Text elements of an advertising message include:
- title;
- tagline;
- introductory part;
- information block;
- reference information;
- echo phrase.
Basic visual elements:
- illustrations;
- fonts;
- colors;
- rulers and other graphic elements;
- “air” (empty spaces);
- form of address.
Each of these elements in an advertising message solves its own problems, because creativity in advertising must be very strictly subordinated to specific communicative goals.

2 Analysis of the activities of the advertising agency Yaroslavl-Media LLC

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the advertising agency “Yaroslavl-Media”

Yaroslavl-Media LLC is the largest full-cycle multifunctional media agency in the Yaroslavl region, which specializes in corporate and intra-corporate PR.
Advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" is a leader in the advertising market of the city of Yaroslavl.
The advertising company "Yaroslavl-Media" was founded in 1999 and is located in the city of Yaroslavl on Chkalova Street 43a, room 306 b. With the concept of “full-cycle media advertising agency,” Yaroslavl-Media wanted to reflect its comprehensive approach to work: we can do almost everything, from developing a PR strategy to its implementation. We have an extensive, proven network of contractors. This is our advantage. The client will not need to involve any other additional specialists.
In addition to the fact that the client receives “everything in one window,” most likely, in the end, the agency’s services will be at the same level or even cheaper than if he separately contacted different media and advertising agencies, because as a large customer , the agency enjoys significant discounts from almost all media outlets. I would also like to note some trends in recent years among large companies. We're talking about outsourcing. Non-core activities go beyond the company, including PR and advertising. It is very profitable and effective. Instead of maintaining a staff of PR specialists, you can effectively spend these funds on promoting the company by contacting a professional organization, that is, the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency.
Over the entire period of its existence, the agency has taken a stable position in the field of advertising, has shown only the best results, has achieved many good reviews from its clients, because it employs only professional specialists who, throughout the entire time, carry out their tasks efficiently and in the shortest possible time, and achieve the company's goals.
Today, the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency can offer a large selection of highly effective events to promote the products and services of any company. All advertising agency employees undergo special professional training. The agency has extensive experience and a close-knit professional team. An established system for monitoring the work performed allows us to provide high quality services.
The business reputation of the Yaroslavl-Media agency is based on the principles of quality, efficiency, and an individual approach to solving the problems of its clients. The Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency is always fresh ideas and a professional approach.
The advertising agency is proud that over the years they have acquired many clients, partners and friends.
Yaroslavl-Media LLC has solid experience and a staff of professional employees, and can also offer its clients comprehensive full-cycle services, starting from the development of information, advertising, PR strategies, media plans, and ending with their implementation. Cooperation with the agency is possible both on an ongoing basis and on one-time orders. The company offers the following services:
- development of strategy and implementation of PR and advertising campaigns, both in the regional and federal press, media planning, ongoing information support;
- development of an internal corporate PR system;
- monitoring of the regional press (more than 75 sources, including the main federal publications and electronic media of the cities of the region, in addition - more than 20 main online media) - daily preparation of a complete or thematic, according to the client’s parameters, review;
- preparation and placement of materials in any regional and federal media;
- development and implementation of any image and advertising projects, including the use of outdoor advertising and representative printing;
- branding, development and implementation of campaigns to create and promote a brand;
- organization of press conferences, events, exhibitions with the participation of the media;
- development and implementation of PR campaigns: corporate celebrations, press conferences, briefings, concerts, presentations, ceremonies and much more;
- current coverage of the customer’s activities in the ONAKO-Media news feed with information posted on the feeds of federal information and network agencies;
- conducting marketing and sociological research;
- development, creation and ongoing maintenance of an Internet representative office;
- production of video products, in particular, videos, image, presentation films;
- management of media assets (mass media).
Yaroslavl-Media LLC has modern outdoor advertising boards (3x6 m).
Advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" is a full-cycle advertising agency, therefore, with its main activities it confirms its main advantages:
- own production;
- comprehensive advertising support;
- a decent, competent approach to each client;
- flexible pricing policy for advertising;
- compliance with legislation, as well as advising on possible discrepancies in the field of advertising.
Starting from the first order, the agency conducts a mini-research, learns everything about your company - its place in the market, information about competitors, advantages, determines strengths and weaknesses, as well as the needs of the target audience. All this allows you to work much better and more efficiently on each subsequent order, quickly develop new advertising products for your organization, ensure effective cooperation and guarantee good results.
Corporate identity is the calling card of any established company; it is an excellent help for a developing company, and it is also a sure guideline in advertising your brand. Advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" is engaged in creating a professional, effective and memorable corporate identity in Yaroslavl.
In order for the development of a corporate identity to be successful and productive, employees of the Yaroslavl-Media agency carry out their work in several stages. The client's idea is an important guideline. In order to create a good corporate identity, you need a precisely formulated design that takes into account industry specialization and traditions of national perception.
One of the main criteria in the effective development of a corporate identity is the combination of auditory, visual and psychologically oriented impact on consumers. The impact on the consumer should be unobtrusive, soft, but at the same time it should evoke a desire to get to know the company that positions itself through the brand, logo and corporate identity.
The main elements of developing a corporate identity are:
- trademark, logo;
- test sign;
- corporate colors (color palette);
- corporate font;
- business card;
- company letterhead;
- envelope.
All stages are carried out according to the customer’s plans at all facilities that are related to the company. Manufactured products, documentation, equipment, packaging, branded clothing, room design, advertising are elements of one chain and components of a corporate identity.
Additional corporate identity elements:
- slogan (motto);
- folder;
- booklet;
- Web site;
- plastic bag;
- package;
- audio/video clip;
- outdoor advertising;
- Internet advertising.
At the same time, the use of a cumulative combination of the main stages of work and additional elements when creating a corporate identity helps the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency create conditions for identifying advertised goods and services, indicate a connection with the company that provides goods and services, and most importantly, highlight the company in environment of competitors.
The main difference in the work of the employees of the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency is a thorough analysis of the factors that influence the perception of the company's corporate identity by consumers. You need to be especially careful to avoid any miscalculations in creating a holistic, vibrant image of a representative or manufacturer of goods or services.
Also, the advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" in Yaroslavl conscientiously and in the shortest possible time develops a corporate identity, taking into account all the pitfalls of such work and achieving the greatest effect in the formation of the company's corporate identity. The agency promotes confident management of the organization's corporate identity, combining the creation of the company's corporate identity with the development of a brand book
The Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency strongly recommends that its clients, relying on high-quality advice from agency employees, demonstrate not only the quality of their products, but also do not forget that the meeting with the product occurs “by clothing.” Therefore, the stylistic design of goods, office supplies, branded clothing for staff and retail premises contributes to the maximum return on the components of the organization’s corporate identity. After summing up the results, customers will be able to fully experience the pleasure of the fruits of their labor, and grateful consumers will be able to consciously and unconsciously make a choice in favor of a product or brand that was developed by specialists of the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency.
The organizational structure of the advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" is presented in Figure 1.

Although the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency has been operating for quite a long time, it has a small staff. The company employs 22 people. The structure of the enterprise and its divisions is determined by the enterprise independently. The company uses a linear-functional management structure. Each division is headed by one manager, in whose hands all management functions are concentrated. He exercises sole leadership over the company employees subordinate to him. The orders he gives are binding on lower levels. Each manager, in turn, reports to the director of the company.
Responsibilities of some advertising agency employees.
Strategic planning of marketing activities is carried out by the general director of the enterprise. He also performs research functions (monitors the main trends in the advertising market, changes in market conditions, collects information about competitors and customer needs, etc.).
The creative director has complete control over the advertising production process: from the presentation of the idea to its implementation and sale to the client. The work of a creative director primarily involves leading groups of people, the ability to unite different personalities with their own ambitions and interests into one team aimed at a common result. One of his main functions, like any manager, is the development and implementation of a motivation system for department personnel, the distribution of tasks among projects, taking into account the individuality and workload of subordinates, monitoring the timing and quality of work performed at all stages, and maintaining reporting documentation.
Responsibilities of the executive director: strategic and tactical planning of the agency's activities, control of office activities, operational financial and economic management, support and control of the agency's websites, resolution of administrative and legal issues and claims, organization, control and analysis of the implementation of sales plans, preparation of commercial proposals, optimization organization costs. The executive director also performs selection, organizes adaptation and motivation, management of office staff and monitoring of employee activities.
The accountant performs the following functions:
- performs work on maintaining accounting records of business transactions, property, liabilities, etc.;
- participates in the development and implementation of activities that are aimed at the rational use of resources and compliance with financial discipline;
- carries out control and acceptance of primary documentation on the appropriate areas of accounting;
- prepares data on the relevant areas of accounting for reporting, and also monitors the safety of accounting documents and prepares them for subsequent transfer to the archive;
- participates in the inventory of inventory, cash and payment obligations;
- carries out work on creating, maintaining and storing databases of accounting information, and also corrects regulatory and reference information that is used in data processing.
Main functions of the PR department:
- formation of a favorable public image of the company;
- formation of a system of methods and techniques that are aimed at improving mutual understanding of the agency and its numerous audiences;
- implementation of measures aimed at eliminating barriers to the dissemination of positive information about the organization and unnecessary interference that arise in the communication process (false rumors);
- development of a system of measures in crisis and conflict situations;
- increasing influence on recipients by reducing the level of misunderstanding of the company’s goals and ways to achieve them by the public;
- constant monitoring of the situation that is developing among the employees of the agency itself, and the development of measures to optimize and control it;
- creating a bright and individual image of the agency;
- optimization of relationships with government authorities and others.

Table 1 - Main indicators of economic activity of the advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media"
Indicators 2008 2009 2010 Deviation in thousand Growth rate, %
2009 to 2008 2010 to 2009 2009 to 2008 2010 to 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Revenue, thousand 305 317 364 12 50 103.9 114.8
Gross profit, thousand 112 123 178 11 55 109.8 144.7
Profit from sales, thousand 45 64 98 19 34 142.2 153.1
Net profit, thousand 54 63 92 9 29 116.7 146

Let us analyze the main performance indicators of the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency over three years, which are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 shows that in 2010 the company significantly improved its overall performance indicators. Gross income increased in 2010 by 44.7% compared to 2009, revenue increased by 14.8%, and profit from the provision of services increased by 53.1%, net profit increased by 46%. This positive trend is associated with an increase in production capacity, an active advertising and marketing policy of the agency, an improvement in product quality, as well as the successful adaptation of the company to the market.

2.2 Analysis of marketing communications used in the advertising agency Yaroslavl-Media LLC

Activities related to market analysis, organizing a marketing communications system, conducting marketing research, analyzing competitors, and creating an image at the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency are carried out by a PR manager and a marketer. Together they perform the following functions:
1) establishing contacts with the media;
2) organization and holding of presentations and conferences;
3) development of brands and strategies for their promotion;
4) carrying out promotions;
5) development of new ideas;
6) positioning of the company and products;
5) studying the company from the inside and monitoring the development of the industry as a whole;
6) organization and planning of sales promotion activities;
7) working with customer databases.
A PR manager and a marketer perform a fairly wide range of marketing functions, and the company carries out its activities in two main directions: research and promotion.
The advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" uses various marketing communications tools in its activities.
In the process of promoting goods and services on the market, the following communication channels are used:
- printed and souvenir advertising;
- outdoor advertising;
- advertising on radio and television.
Not long ago, the agency produced a promotional video lasting about 40 seconds, which shows its main activities, advantages and information about the agency itself as a whole. Such advertising increased the number of orders from advertisers by almost 20%. On the television screen, a “creeping line” advertised the company’s products with the most informative, but at the same time concise and concise text. However, this type of advertising does not always give the desired result because:
- grammatical errors of the television operator when typing text lead to distortion of information;
- the speed of the “crawling line” does not match the speed of human perception of information;
- advertising of various other services is given interspersed with advertising of goods sold and other advertisements.
Therefore, the Yaroslavl-Media company sometimes receives phone calls that are not related to the company’s activities.
Yaroslavl-Media advertises its products on the Internet. Such advertising is certainly new and very effective at its low prices compared to other types of advertising. The Yaroslavl-Media company has its own website on the Internet. Consumers can find on the website a lot of useful information about the company’s activities, the history of its creation, get acquainted with existing prices, approximate topics of work, and much more.

Figure 2 - Home page of the Yaroslavl-Media company website

An advertising agency periodically publishes catalogs and magazines with information about the company and the services provided.
Yaroslavl-Media often conducts sales promotion activities, which include several methods:
1) distribution of free samples. The agency holds various conferences, presentations and exhibitions. When visiting these events, clients can receive various printed products of their own production: leaflets with the necessary information, booklets, catalogs, desk calendars, business cards, packages, and also souvenirs;
2) short-term discounts. The company often applies price discounts that are valid for a certain period (holidays; temporary reduction in prices for services when demand drops);
3) promotions and discounts in honor of the company’s anniversary.
Public Relations (PR). Maintaining good relationships with journalists and other media professionals is critical to creating a climate conducive to news dissemination and audience reception. The agency often acts as a sponsor of various events that arouse wide public interest, during which the company's name and logo are constantly repeated on banners and billboards.

2.3 Typical mistakes when developing and conducting advertising events using the example of the company Yaroslavl-Media LLC

It is quite difficult to draw clear conclusions about how successful the advertising campaign was. Even a drop in sales is not always associated with unsuccessful advertising. It may depend on various factors. At the beginning of its journey, the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency often made typical mistakes when conducting or developing various advertising events. Advertising that seemed irritating or wrong to advertising executives and managers may, in fact, perfectly implement the goals they set for themselves. Therefore, at first, none of the specialists was ready to highlight the “deadly” mistakes of advertising campaigns.
Currently, the most typical mistake for the Yaroslavl-Media company is the lack of a stable advertising image, that is, the agency does not follow a certain direction in its advertising policy. It often happens that a lot of money is spent, but the consumer does not develop a personalization with this product or brand.
Western companies, as a rule, do not allow themselves to do this, because maintaining a single brand image is much more profitable in the long term than inventing something new every month.
Another common mistake an advertising agency makes is getting carried away with a creative idea that poorly reflects the essence of the brand the company is promoting. As a result, so-called vampire images are born. They remain in the memory and attract attention, but do not contribute at all to sales and brand recall.
Sometimes an advertising campaign, which is developed by the Yaroslavl-Media company, does not fit into the general communication concept of the company for which this advertising is created. This happens when a company's marketers forget about the company's overall strategy when developing tactical advertising projects. The Yaroslavl-Media company first encountered such a situation when representatives of the customer company poorly conveyed the idea of ​​their advertising concept, and the feedback channel was also poorly established.
To avoid similar situations in the future, the company tries to immediately establish mutual understanding with agencies and ensure maximum compliance of the set of advertising events and the promotions being developed. To do this, the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency uses a tool called a brief. Brief (from English brief) is a small questionnaire, a conciliation plan between the contractor and the client, in which the most important data and parameters of the service or product being developed are fixed. It makes it easier for advertising agencies to understand the company’s image. The brief is also one of the best methods that can ensure advertising effectiveness from the very beginning. An example of the questionnaire is presented in Appendix A.
The next mistake that the Yaroslavl-Media agency sometimes makes at the stage of preparing an advertising project is incorrect planning of deadlines.
There are established deadlines for the preparation of promotional events, which include training and personnel search, as well as payment and ordering of places at points. The Yaroslavl-Media company must remember all these significant points when planning the implementation of any project. Correctly setting deadlines will help to avoid situations in which extreme preparation for an event is carried out several days in advance with the risk of failing the event.
In order to avoid disagreements, the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency invites clients to attend a casting and one of the staff trainings. This will be done so that the client can verify the communication skills and external suitability of the staff.
Also, the head of the agency should pay more attention to the staff. It plays a critical role in interacting with consumers. The promoter's image, especially its appearance, must correspond to the general concept of the brand that is being promoted, and also correlate with the parameters of the target audience. A significant factor is also the promoter's ability to communicate with people.
One of the main mistakes made by the head of a company is inattention to the activities of competitors. Such inattention can become a rather serious mistake when preparing an event, since it makes no sense to conduct advertising events where a competitor is already working. The fact is that the competitor’s offer to the consumer may become more attractive to the latter. This indisputable factor can significantly reduce the effectiveness of most activities, which is often forgotten by company leaders.
These mistakes are made by the company at the stage of preparing a promotional event. But the Yaroslavl-Media agency has certain points that need to be paid attention to at the project implementation stage.
A serious drawback can be poor organization of information flows between project participants. The success of an advertising project often depends on the system of information exchange between its participants. With the help of timely receipt of information, the process can be effectively controlled and coordinated.
Late and incorrect reports also hinder the successful implementation of an advertising agency's advertising project. Questions about the timing and form of reporting should be resolved at the stage of preparing the advertising campaign, but the main difficulties begin during the implementation of the project or towards its end. As a result, even before the start of the promotion, you need to approve the reporting form and understand what parameters it must meet.

3 Proposals for improving the activities of the advertising agency Yaroslavl-Media LLC

3.1 Analysis of the results of the advertising agency achieved through advertising

Advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" today is a stable organization that is successfully developing. It pursues a policy of conquering the market by providing its clients with a wide range of advertising products produced according to world standards. Advertising of products of the Yaroslavl-Media company occurs using all of the listed means of advertising distribution, therefore, it knows how to correctly offer its products to the consumer. That is why the agency has a fairly high level of wages, high consumer demand and no staff turnover. The Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency has a staff of highly qualified specialists who are trusted in making decisions about where and how advertising should be placed.
By performing all of the above activities, the advertising agency achieves its goals. The company successfully competes with other advertising agencies. The main task of the advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" is to satisfy the needs and desires of consumers, which means providing only high-quality products and quality services, maintaining a stable price, and constantly updating the assortment.
The advertising agency uses the observation method in its work, while observing a number of conditions:
- observations are carried out on weekdays;
- the duration of observations depends on the nature of the advertising media, the effectiveness of which is directly established.
Also, along with the observation method, the experimental method is used. During observation, it is possible to record how a consumer feels about a specific display of goods, and the experimenter can rearrange these goods and observe changes in the consumer’s reaction.
The advertising agency actively uses the survey method. It is more reliable than others and allows consumers to identify their attitude towards certain advertising media. Using the survey method, the impact of advertising media on consumers is assessed and it is established which design elements are most memorable to them and which are most attractive. In order to determine whether certain advertising means are effective, the agency compiles questionnaires, which, according to programs developed in advance, are brought to the attention of consumers. Then, based on the responses received, a comprehensive analysis is carried out, allowing appropriate generalizations and conclusions to be made.
Rational organization of remuneration in a company stimulates the activities of its employees and also increases labor productivity. Analyzing the results of the impact of advertising media on a company, we can highlight both negative and positive aspects.
Positive impact of advertising:
- increases sales volume;
- provides coverage to a large target audience;
- increases profitability indicators;
- provides attention to quality and a wide range of products;
- determines the possibility of purchasing goods on credit.
Negative impact of advertising media:
- a small percentage of advertising for outdoor advertising and radio;
- high costs for advertising campaigns.
Thus, the Yaroslavl-Media company continuously evaluates its work and deservedly advertises the beauty and quality of its products.

3.2 Suggestions and recommendations for improving the activities of an advertising agency

Based on the above, the advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" is one of the best advertising agencies in the city of Yaroslavl. It operates successfully and strives to increase sales levels. An organization needs good advertising to ensure a high influx of customers.
Therefore, there are a number of recommendations and suggestions where advertising will work most actively and effectively. The result will not be long in coming:
- first, it is necessary to intensify work on maintaining the site, that is, to monitor the timeliness of updating information, so that consumers are aware of changes in the range and prices;
- it is necessary to hold lotteries and competitions - this is interesting and exciting for people;
- It is important to open a channel on television that would show only commercials, and at the same time. For example, first advertising industrial goods, products, then clothing, housing, cars, etc. To advertise a certain type of product, a time was established and all this would be indicated in the television program. This time could alternate and change, for example, every other week, so that it does not happen that one product is advertised only at night, and another during the day. This arrangement would allow people, when they need to watch advertisements for the products or goods that they need at the moment. And at the end of each advertising program for any product, briefly present the highlights and talk about the benefits and advantages of other products. This way you can smoothly move to other categories of services and goods so that people want to watch other advertisements.
There are no “Job Descriptions” in an advertising agency; in this regard, it is necessary to develop “Job Descriptions” for advertising agents who must perform certain functions.
The advertising agency Yaroslavl-Media LLC is invited to carry out the following activities aimed at increasing the demand for advertising:
- improve the media planning system, with an emphasis on target audiences (character, behavior, needs);
- organize surveys of uninterested persons to determine their understanding of the purpose and meaning of the advertisement;
- introduce a new advertising service Product placement.
Product placement is a way of placing a brand, as well as the goods and services themselves, in films, television films or television programs. The purpose of such placements is not only to display and describe the product, but also to further associate this product on a subconscious level with the hero or plot of the work of art.
There are three main types of placements (Table 2).

Table 2 – Types of Product placements
Type of accommodation Description
Visual Product placement Viewers will only see the product, service or logo
Verbal Product placement Information about a product, service or company is mentioned behind the scenes on behalf of the actor
Posting with use or application The actor or actress interacts with the product or service in any way. Placement, which involves application, usually includes both a visual and a verbal element.

Main accommodation options:

Fiction series;
- art films;
- television films;
- music videos;
- television programs and shows;
- computer games.
Comparison of a product with a film, in particular with the stars starring in films, which largely shape the preferences and tastes of the population.
There is a guarantee that a competing product will not be able to appear next to the placed goods and services, as can happen in a television advertising block.
A positive attitude of consumers towards a product as a result of a trusting attitude towards film characters; its appearance in a film is not perceived as direct advertising.
Product placement does not interrupt the flow of the film and does not irritate people like regular traditional TV advertising.
Product placement is an advertising-free environment, which ensures that advertised products are highlighted and remembered by the consumer.
Thus, thanks to its placement in the film “Tomorrow Never Dies,” SonyEricsson was once able to enter the American market, which had always been dominated by Motorola.
You can also recommend the Yaroslavl-Media company to carry out active image advertising, by ordering and distributing wall and pocket calendars, pens, tabletop calendars among partners, to increase the range of keychains and other advertising products with the image of the company’s brand. These seemingly small details can not only positively characterize a company, but also increase its brand recognition.
It is necessary to improve advertising on the main website of the advertising agency. It was noticed that the agency began to update the website less frequently and provide reports on its activities. It is proposed to introduce tracking, that is, the ability to analyze the behavior of visitors on a website, introduce a system of reaching the target audience, carried out by thematic sites, by time and geography, conduct various surveys, interact interactively with clients online, post a large amount of necessary information, including sound, graphics, various special effects and video. There needs to be an increase in the availability of detailed descriptions of the goods and services provided by the agency. You can place banner advertisements on most of the popular Yaroslavl sites so that customers can easily discover the company’s website.
It is proposed to introduce a mailing system, that is, create your own list of target audience clients and notify them by e-mail about existing promotions and new offers. This method does not require large investments and capital expenditure. The effectiveness of such an event will be very high, because the newsletter will not be distributed randomly, but only to the target audience.
The advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" needs to increase advertising costs. Even if a certain image of the company has been created, it needs to be stimulated and supported; in modern conditions, if this is not done, it will be quite difficult to withstand competition from companies that provide the same services, and there are many of them in the city of Yaroslavl.
It is proposed to add an office manager to the staff (an employee with a pleasant voice and manner of speech), who, using various directories, will call companies in the city of Yaroslavl and offer cooperation in the field of development, creation and placement of advertising. If clients are interested, the office manager arranges for an agent to visit him, who, if a positive response is given, will come and make a presentation of the agency, talk about its activities and available opportunities.
During the research of the course work, a questionnaire was developed, which is presented in Appendix B, and a survey was conducted among clients of the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency. The sample consisted of 100 people.
Consumers were required to rate statements on a five-point scale that reveal how consumers generally learn about a new product. The questionnaire includes 5 statements that the respondent compares and considers in terms of importance for him.
The survey results are presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3 – Results of a survey of Yaroslavl-Media clients

According to the survey results, it was revealed that the majority of respondents, 33%, learn about the appearance of a new product on television.


Advertising development is a special type of activity, a process of interaction between its participants, the result of which is the production, promotion and research of an advertising product in order to stimulate consumer activity or create an image and public opinion.
An advertising agency can be compared to a clockwork. If any part of this mechanism does not work, then nothing will work.
Organizing the advertising development process is a special type of activity for organizing targeted activities that are aimed at improving the advertising process.
The process of creating advertising represents the production activity of an advertising agency, that is, its main function. As a result of this process, we receive an agency product - advertising, which is aimed at meeting the needs of the customer.
To improve the activities of advertising agencies, it is necessary to instill foreign work skills developed in theories of advertising. Thus, it follows that there are certain theoretical developments in the field of advertising agency activity that need to be studied. All of them are aimed at establishing an effective advertising business system. Advertising agencies must adhere to the basic tenets of theoretical developments if they want to make a profit and stay in the market, since they contain mistakes and successes of past years that must be taken into account.
Having developed its policy, the advertising agency takes on fulfilling orders. The basis of activity is to satisfy the needs and requirements of the client. Therefore, in the process of preparing an advertising campaign, the agency repeatedly contacts the client in order to adjust its activities to his needs. Any advertising campaign begins with a general meeting at which the customer sets his conditions, and agency employees compare them with their capabilities. Then comes the process of advertising production, the result of which is an advertising campaign. Consequently, any work, including advertising, requires careful study of theoretical developments in this area.
During the course work, an analytical review of theoretical material was carried out in the field of the activities of an advertising agency and the advertising development process, a general description of the company was given and an assessment of the organizational structure, an analysis of advertising activities and an analysis of the advertising development process in the advertising agency "Yaroslavl-Media" was carried out, and ways of improvement were identified. organizing the advertising development process.
Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that the services of the advertising agency are competitive. The advertising agency is ready to actively promote its services to the market, since it has trained specialists who can correctly assess the current situation, the scale and complexity of the tasks facing the enterprise.
The research carried out in the course work allowed us to formulate the conclusion that the organization of the advertising development process in the Yaroslavl-Media advertising agency is carried out quite successfully, but with some deviations associated with the organization of employees and the development of advertising on site.
To improve the efficiency of this company, some recommendations were proposed aimed at improving the main website, monitoring the powers of employees, ongoing promotions and tastings, and replenishing personnel.
The effectiveness of the events will increase the productivity of the advertising agency as an advertising producer, attract new clients and consolidate stable cooperation with regular advertisers.

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12 Jeffkins Fr. Advertising: textbook for universities - M.: Unity-Dana, 2002. - 301 p. – ISBN 8-769-01437-4.
13 Zavyalov P.S. Formula for success: Marketing (one hundred questions - one hundred answers on how to act effectively in the foreign market) / P.S. Zavyalov, V.S. Demidov. – M.: International relations, 1991. – 380 p. – ISBN 9-6541-0946-7.
14 Isaenko E.V. Organization and planning of advertising activities M., 2004. – 405 p. – ISBN 15-0594-0073-4.
15 Kachalov I. Seven reasons for the decline in advertising effectiveness/I. Kachalov // Advertising. – 2000. - No. 1. – pp. 20-22. - ISBN 4-364-07689-8.
16 Krylov I.V. Theory and practice of advertising in Russia - M., 2002. – 653 p.
17 Kolomiets V.P. Television advertising market: trends and prospects / V.P. Kolomiets // West. Moscow un-ta. Series 18. Sociology and political science. – 1999. - No. 4. – P.98 - 106. - ISBN 16-0394-0066-2.
18 Musician V.L. Theory and practice of modern advertising / V.L. Musician. - M.: Eurasian region, 1998. – 400 p. - ISBN 2-39434-0059-2.

Appendix A

1 General information
Company name
history of the company
Goals and objectives set for an advertising agency
Deadlines for submitting proposals
Proposal form
2 Information about the product/service
How long the brand has been on the market, brand history
List the consumer properties (characteristics) of the advertised product/service
What are the competitive advantages of the advertised product/service? How is it different from other brands on the market? The most attractive properties and advantages
Why do buyers choose your product/service?
Rate the quality level: very high; higher than competitors; at the level of competitors; lower than competitors
Is product consumption seasonal? What are the seasonal variations?
Product/service market share
3 Sales channels
Form of sale (large, small wholesale, retail)
Places of sale (wholesale markets, shops, supermarkets, etc.)
Distribution channels (structure, volume and regions of distribution of goods)
Market position (the undisputed leader in sales volume; No. 2 in the market; a medium-sized company among numerous competitors; specialization in a narrow market niche; a newcomer with a small market share)
4 Price
Retail price (price segment)
Price level for the product/service (very high; higher than competitors; at the level of competitors; lower than competitors)
5 Target audience
1 2
Corporate consumers (field of business, form of ownership, number of employees (from - to), other important characteristics)
Private persons:
- who is the consumer and buyer?
- primary and secondary target audiences (gender, age, education, occupation, place of residence, marital status, etc.)
Purchasing motives (what in the buyer’s life makes it necessary to use your product/service)
Who, when and how makes the decision to purchase a product of this brand?
Other important signs
6 Information about competitors
Main competitors, competing brands that are similar in any of the criteria (quality properties, price, design, etc.)
Competitor that poses the greatest threat
Retail price (price segment) of a competitor’s product/service
Competitive advantages (why buyers choose competing brands)
What is your opinion about competitors' advertising?
Market share of main competitors
7 Information required to conduct an advertising campaign
1 2
Marketing goals (long-term, short-term)
Objectives of the advertising campaign (creating brand awareness, resembling an advertising campaign, etc.)
Estimated advertising budget and preferences in budget distribution across media
Proposed means of advertising distribution (wishes, if any)
Timing of the planned advertising campaign or its individual parts
Product positioning
The meaning of the main advertising message
An offer made to the target group
Character of the brand, tone of the advertising message
Availability of advertising materials (video, audio spot, advertising image for outdoor advertising, etc.)
8 Additional information
Available materials from previously conducted marketing research
Other important points not included in the brief
9 Contacts
Full name of the director
Mailing address
Phone fax

Date of completion ____________________________________
Customer's signature ___________________________________
Signature of the Contractor ________________________________

Appendix B

Customer survey

“Where do you most often find out information about a new product?”
Please rate the following answer options on a five-point scale:
Source of information Assessment
From friends
From an ad on the radio, in a newspaper
Saw in a store window
While inspecting goods in a store

Advertising is a complex concept, the intricacies of which take many years to understand. Any merchant needs advertising to gain fame and expand his business. In order for the company’s advertising activities to be effective and successful, it is better to contact specialized companies, which are called advertising agencies. These firms will be able to organize high-quality advertising and at the same time help to spend as little financial resources as possible on this. What is an advertising agency?

Main functions of advertising agencies

Accordingly, each step means performing some important function of the company. Here are the main ones:

— the stage of drawing up plans involves studying various products, as well as the situation on the market regarding competitiveness, researching the market system as a whole in the required volumes, methods of selling goods, existing advertising means, as well as drawing up a plan according to which the advertising company will work;

— the stage of direct advertising preparation includes the creation of advertising products, as well as complex advertising campaigns. Also, the staff of such agencies cooperates with various external specialists, studios, and printing houses;

— the stage of advertising placement is carried out by specialists at a “frantic” pace and involves the purchase of advertising media services, transmission of the original message, control over the placement of this message, creation of mailing lists, holding exhibitions, fairs, as well as carrying out all kinds of settlements with both advertisers and the media information;

Classification of advertising agencies

There is a special classification of companies depending on what types of advertising agency activities are implied:

1) agencies specializing in providing services:

  • full cycle - large companies that are able to produce serious advertising campaigns that cooperate with other companies involved in marketing, personnel advertising issues, and so on. These agencies may also have their own branches.
  • incomplete cycle - small firms engaged in relatively modest projects. These could even be independent artists, designers or copywriters who prefer to work alone.
  • agencies specializing in industrial advertising - companies that advertise products in the field of industry and technology. Such advertising is distributed mainly in print media.

2) media agencies with independent status–special agencies that play a significant role in all advertising agencies, since this type has so many placement channels. Among this type, there are those companies that are engaged in advertising only on radio or only on television, and there are large companies that are capable of placement in all channels. The quality of work of these companies is determined by the quality of the compiled media plans and corresponding programs.

3) one-time order agencies or “alacarte” agencies - these are mainly creative companies that are engaged, for example, in introducing new products or promoting already proven ones among consumers.

  • creative agencies– develop themes or events for advertising campaigns, and then create a product for the media. For example, their work can be considered the creation of characters or music from advertising. This subtype is a kind of addition to media agencies.
  • agencies specializing in attracting product development c – as agencies of this type themselves believe, they are the best, since their work begins at the very first stages of the appearance of a product. They should be involved in creating its name, pricing, sales issues, and so on. And in fact, the main pride of these agencies can be considered a large number of effective campaigns, since at the moment many products experience sales failures in the very first steps.
  • specialization in contact advertising– these companies are engaged in advertising of those companies that distribute their goods using postal services. In addition, their responsibilities include advertising all kinds of subscriptions to printed publications, as well as advertising on the spreads of color weekly magazines. Efficiency of advertising agencies A This type can be considered more than successful, since advertising by mail is very popular.

3) sponsorship agencies– these companies create all kinds of programs and offer ideas for advertising sponsors. The decisions of the teams of such agencies can be seen in the news ticker when showing a television program or during a commercial break on the radio.

Advertising agency staff

Relatively large advertising agencies most often unite specialists competent in a particular field of activity into departments, the main goal of which, naturally, is the creation of advertising. Typically, managing the personnel of an advertising agency does not fall on one person, since each department performs its own functions:

— work with distribution channels;

— compilation of all document flow related to accounting;

If we consider the standard composition of advertising agency employees, we get the following list:

  • director responsible for the specifics of working with the client base. His responsibilities include communicating with customers, as well as drawing up reports on the profitability of the work done;
  • manager working with clients of this advertising agency a, who is an intermediary between the latter. This mediation cannot be called simple, since this specialist must have a good understanding of the client’s preferences, his activities, and also be able to convey all this to his company. In a word, the main task of the manager is the backbreaking work of retaining clients, as well as the talent of working with all employees of the advertising company, aimed at uniting the efforts of the staff in favor of meeting the needs of the buyer;
  • marketing manager. This person is required to conduct various marketing research, as well as order the same research from other organizations that are engaged in independent work;
  • decorator or designer, creating layouts of a future advertising product. It is worth noting here that the main work is the creation of original layouts, which are compiled with all metric rules. Today, all this work can be carried out on a computer, which significantly increases the speed of work;
  • media buyer. A specialist who works with the media regarding where, how and at what time an advertisement will be placed. The quality of the advertising space, as well as the profitability of the prices at which this space is purchased, depends on the effectiveness of the work of this personnel.
  • media planner. An employee who deals with issues regarding the use of advertising media. The most basic task of a media planner is to establish a match between the media and the target audience. Thus, the specialist searches for a suitable target audience, and then selects means of advertising distribution. Next, the media planner recommends to the client any media that is most suitable for this audience. If we talk about small agencies, these specialists are also buyers of advertising distribution media, while in large agencies a whole staff of employees is engaged in this.
  • art-directo r, which has a subordinate department consisting of visualizers, artists, and so on. In small organizations, this specialist is both the director and the performer of all creative work.
  • copywriter. The person who is responsible for all verbal aspects regarding promotional products. The copywriter's style must be highly unique, as he must put forward topics and ideas that will attract clients, and also be able to put forward arguments that can be turned in favor of the product being promoted.
  • visualizer. A copywriter’s copy in matters of creativity, as well as an embodiment of the copywriter’s ideas visually. Basically, these two specialists work together. The visualizer must create several sketches that, not yet completed, can be shown to the client for approval.
  • press manager or editor. The responsibilities of this employee include formatting texts so that they can be easily understood. Having received all the necessary materials, the manager must select the best fonts. Also, this employee must calculate the number of words, phrases and determine which place is suitable for this ad in size in the overall layout system.
  • TV advertising producer. An employee who develops advertising campaigns on television. In addition, the producer’s tasks are to select actors, music, and an organization that will perform actions in this area.
  • production manager. A person who is responsible for monitoring work in an advertising agency, namely the timing of its completion. If an advertising company requires contacting a printing house, then the manager’s responsibilities also include placing orders there, as well as delivering ad layouts there.
  • OIRP manager. This abbreviation stands for responsible executor of an advertising project. This employee is responsible for the entire production process as a whole. basically also “lies on his shoulders.” This manager must, as it were, distribute project tasks to managers and heads of all departments, distribute and direct financial resources, then collect materials from all participants in the production process and, finally, provide all materials to the financial director.

In a word, OIRP can be called an ordinary manager who has grown in his position. The knowledge of such personnel should be no less than that of an ordinary manager, but it should cover a wider range of information about advertising. Also, the OIRP must provide a document flow that corresponds to the level of the financial director, and in addition, this manager has much more rights to make independent decisions, including financial ones.

So, taking into account all of the above, you can make a list of rules and responsibilities that the OIRP must adhere to:

— constant search for new products and technologies related to a particular area;

— constant work with partners aimed at establishing optimal relationships;

— protecting the interests of your company before partners and clients (within permissible limits);

— exceptional knowledge of document management;

— compiling price lists of presented products, as well as updating them at the right time;

— search for orders using all the means and capabilities available to the OIRP;

— monitoring the work of other managers, as well as the ability to solve problems that may arise during the production process;

— ambition and lack of conflicts on the part of the OIRP;

  • advertising manager. The list of responsibilities of this employee includes the following items:

— organizing work on the sale of promoted goods on the market by advertising them, conveying to consumers reliable information about the qualities of products, their differences and advantages relative to other goods;

— control, planning, coordination of work directly related to advertising campaigns;

- development of all kinds of plans and schemes of activities related to advertising of a product or service, as well as calculating the costs necessary for this;

— direct work on the choice of advertising methods and its form, colors, text and music;

— research of all possible aspects in the product sales market in order to select the best conditions for advertising placement, its scale, selection of the target audience depending on age, profession, gender, ability to make purchases;

— control over the correctness of drawing up contracts regarding advertising of goods and services;

— organizing effective connections with internal and external partners, collecting information aimed at expanding these connections;

— analysis of factors motivating customers to purchase certain goods, research of customer needs;

— organizing connections with other structural institutions and organizations and their support, attracting all kinds of consultants and experts to the advertising campaign;

— leadership over other participants in the production process;

  • manager specializing in print advertising e. An employee who prepares an advertisement for printing communicates with typesetters, printers, and so on.
  • publicity manager. An employee who provides popularity to clients, provides communication with the press and mediates between the customer and the public;
  • product manager. The responsibilities of this personnel include organizational issues of marketing certain products or brands, as well as commercial issues and advertising.

Recently, advertising agencies have had a hard time in terms of competition, as more and more similar companies are appearing every day. Modern consumers are not so easy to surprise, so it is necessary to look for as many unique ideas as possible.

I love learning everything new, interesting and unusual. And also - wrap yourself in a warm blanket, take hot cocoa and tell you about the latest in the financial market, hot stories from the offices of bank consultants and other interesting things.

Most full-service agencies offer certain functions to be performed by agency specialists. Smaller agencies offer the same basic functions but employ fewer staff whose specializations are not as deep. For a more complete explanation of agency organization, we consider the structure of large agencies.

While most advertising agencies tailor their in-house structures to the needs of local advertisers, the typical full-service network agency prioritizes four departments: Account Management, Creative Services, Media Planning and Buying, and Research and Planning. advertising campaigns.

Figure 1 - Organizational structure of a typical full-service advertising agency

The organizational and technological diagram of a large advertising agency providing a full range of advertising services is presented in Figure 2.

In smaller agencies operating in regions and especially in small or developing countries, many of the functions listed may be assigned to one person.

Figure 2 - Organizational and technological diagram of RA

Full-profile advertising agencies (in foreign literature - full-service agencies). Today, a full service advertising agency is hired to serve its clients in all areas of communication and promotion. By their essence, their services are divided into two categories - advertising and non-advertising. Advertising services include advertising planning, creative development and production, as well as media research and selection. Non-promotional functions can range from public relations to development of promotional materials, annual reports, and sales techniques materials. The two main types of full service agencies include a consumer agency and a business or industrial agency.

  • 1. At the advertising planning stage:
    • * study of goods or services as such and their competitiveness in the market;
    • * market research to the extent necessary to justify advertising campaigns and determine the prospects for the sale of goods or services;
    • * study of methods of organizing sales and distribution systems;
    • * study of available means of advertising distribution and selection of the most effective and cost-effective among them;
    • * drawing up a schedule for an advertising campaign.
  • 2. At the advertising preparation stage:
    • * create advertising products based on orders received from advertisers, develop plans for complex advertising campaigns and other advertising events, using the potential of both creative and technical specialists;
    • * cooperate with printing houses, studios, advertising factories, and freelance specialists.
  • 3. At the advertising stage:
    • * purchase of advertising media services and transfer of original advertising messages to them;
    • * control over the appearance of advertising messages in press, broadcasting and other places where advertising is placed;
    • * conducting direct mail;
    • * organization and holding of exhibitions, fairs, press conferences, events within the framework of "public relations", provision of services;
    • * conduct settlements with advertisers and the media.

In addition, advertising agencies can develop trademarks and corporate identity, interiors of sales floors and offices, and carry out state registration of trademarks (providing such a service is practiced only by Russian advertising agencies).

  • - sales department;
  • - creative department;
  • - media planning department;
  • - buying department;
  • - Analytics department;
  • - media placement department;
  • - accounting.

1. Creative department, which brings together text writers, artists, graphic specialists, directors, editors, etc. They generate ideas for advertising messages and find the right means for their implementation. The role of such a department is high and the psychological factor is taken into account here, as well as a certain direction of art.

This department performs the functions of creating various types of advertising media and coordinating them with customers.

2. Order execution department (customer relations department), which includes a manager and employees with the rights of working group leaders, called responsible project executors or contactors. They represent the interests of customers in their agency, and vice versa - the agency is represented by project executors in relations with the customer. The head of the working group (project) coordinates all work within the agency to complete the order from the beginning of its creation to its implementation.

It is recommended to assign contractors to a specific category of customers (wholesale and retail trade enterprises, industries, insurance companies, banks, etc.). This allows you to take into account the specifics of the advertising activities of advertisers, the difference in the scale and geography of advertising events, and systematically maintain contact with advertisers.

The remuneration of employees in the customer relations department should be directly dependent on the volume of orders that they received and correctly completed, since the financial position of the agency will be largely determined by their entrepreneurship and good relationships with potential managers.

3. The marketing department is created with the aim of identifying and systematizing the needs of domestic advertisers and their resources, the state of the market for specific goods and services, possible communication channels, as well as research to determine the effectiveness of the use of advertising means. In addition, this department accumulates the necessary information on the organization of trade and methods of selling goods, the state of the current policy in the field of advertising and sales promotion.

The main employees of these departments should be specialists in developing questionnaires, compiling samples, conducting targeted group interviews and statistical analysis of experiments. Employees of this department take part in all stages of advertising planning by the agency.

  • 4. The production department is engaged in the production of advertising media and in some cases combines such production units as printing houses, television studios, workshops for the production of advertising media, etc.
  • 5. In addition to its specific advertising functions, an advertising agency must effectively conduct its economic and financial activities, ensure effective management, and also have appropriate support services. These functions are handled by the agency's economic and financial department and accounting department.
  • 6. The agency must have a permanent editorial and artistic council, which includes not only the main specialists of the agency, but also specialists in the field of advertising, art, artists, employees of research institutes who are not employees of the agency. The Council is recognized to evaluate and approve produced advertising materials taking into account the opinion of the customer's representative. The proposed agency structure is not universal, and therefore other agencies may have a different structure depending on the specific conditions in which they operate.

So, let's summarize. An advertising agency is an organization that provides its clients with a wide range of advertising services for the preparation, planning, execution and placement of advertising. The structure of advertising agencies includes: a creative department, an order fulfillment department, a marketing department, a production department, a financial department and an editorial and artistic council. Advertising agencies play a positive role between trade and production for the benefit of consumers and society at large. The following entities take part in the implementation of the advertising process: advertiser, advertising producer, advertising distributor. There are three stages of the advertising process. At the first stage, advertising planning occurs, where an advertising campaign plan is drawn up. Then comes the advertising preparation stage, where finished products are created based on orders received from advertisers. And finally, the advertising process is completed by the advertising placement stage, where ready-made advertising services are organized and carried out.

Creative advertising agency- an agency engaged exclusively in the creation of an advertising campaign (production of an advertising product). Such an agency creates and replicates advertising materials on various media. The creative side in advertising is a qualitative characteristic that can only be assessed using special techniques.

Media buying advertising agency- an agency engaged in the purchase of advertising airtime on television channels. Bayer, having accumulated the advertising budgets of several advertisers, receives maximum discounts, which affect the prices at which Bayer sells its products to shareholders - advertisers. The total share of Russian companies in the media buying market is 40-45% on the largest TV channels and about 50-55% on the television market as a whole.

Media selling advertising agency- an agency operating in the media market, selling advertising space on behalf of TV channels. A media seller (advertising structure) can carry out sales using a combined scheme together with the TV channels’ own sales departments.

Full service advertising agency(eng. full-service agency) - an agency providing a full range of services in the field of advertising and advertising communications - from market research, development of an advertising strategy and creation of advertising to the provision of media services. A generally accepted set of services: studying consumers in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a product (service); market research to identify the range of consumers; development of marketing strategy and budget; development of corporate identity and packaging; producing an advertising idea and testing it; formation of a media plan; choice of forms for implementing an advertising idea; execution of advertising messages; placement of advertising messages in the media; control over the release of advertising in the media; development and implementation of events in the areas of direct marketing, sales promotion, Public relations; preparation and publication of printed products.

Consulting agency- one of the types of consulting organizations that provide services to clients on various problems (political, economic, social, etc.).

The creation of advertising agencies that conduct it at a high professional level, use financial resources more rationally and provide high quality advertising contributes to increasing the efficiency of advertising activities. Advertising agencies conduct comprehensive market research and market assessments; they are equipped with computer technology that allows them to quickly and accurately process the information they receive.

Advertising agencies play a positive role by being skilled coordinators between trade and production. In the interests of consumers and the whole society, rational supply is promoted and, conversely, the volume of irrational or premature proposals is limited.

The main advertising producers and distributors on the Russian market are advertising agencies, which are conventionally divided into advertising agencies with a full cycle of services and agencies that specialize in providing only certain types of services.

The first group includes agencies that carry out research, planning, creative activities, production of advertising materials, as well as non-advertising services: public relations, packaging development, organization of sales exhibitions, presentations, etc.

However, such agencies do not have sufficient information in the field of marketing research, which may reduce the effectiveness of the use of advertising funds.

Study of goods or services as such and their competitiveness in the market;

Market research to the extent necessary to justify advertising campaigns and determine the prospects for the sale of goods or services;

Studying methods of organizing sales and distribution systems;

Studying available means of advertising distribution and choosing the most effective and cost-effective among them;

They create advertising products based on orders received from advertisers, develop plans for complex advertising campaigns and other advertising events, using the potential of both creative and technical specialists;

Organization and holding of exhibitions, fairs, press conferences, events within the framework of “public relations”, provision of services;

In addition, advertising agencies can develop trademarks and corporate identity, interiors of sales floors and offices, and carry out state registration of trademarks (providing such a service is practiced only by Russian advertising agencies).

Large advertising agencies that provide a wide range of advertising services feel the need to unite various specialists into certain departments. They can have their own creative and production base, or use highly qualified, freelance, creative workers. The second is more appropriate for small advertising agencies with a small structure of divisions. Typically, the activities of a department are focused on performing a specific function.

1. Creative department, which brings together text writers, artists, graphic specialists, directors, editors, etc. They generate advertising ideas and find the right means to implement them. The role of such a department is high and the psychological factor is taken into account here, as well as a certain direction of art.

This department performs the functions of creating various types of advertising media and coordinating them with customers.

2. Order fulfillment department(customer relations department), which includes a manager and employees as heads of working groups, called responsible project executors or contactors. They represent the interests of customers in their agency, and vice versa - the agency is represented by project executors in relations with the customer. The head of the working group (project) coordinates all work within the agency to complete the order from the beginning of its creation to its implementation.

It is recommended to assign contractors to a specific category of customers (wholesale and retail trade enterprises, industries, insurance companies, banks, etc.). This allows you to take into account the specifics of the advertising activities of advertisers, the difference in the scale and geography of advertising events, and systematically maintain contact with advertisers.

The remuneration of employees in the customer relations department should be directly dependent on the volume of orders that they received and correctly completed, since the financial position of the agency will be largely determined by their entrepreneurship and good relationships with potential managers.

3. Marketing department is created with the aim of identifying and systematizing the needs of domestic advertisers and their resources, the state of the market for specific goods and services, possible communication channels, as well as research to determine the effectiveness of the use of advertising means. In addition, this department accumulates the necessary information on the organization of trade and methods of selling goods, the state of the current policy in the field of advertising and sales promotion.

The main employees of these departments should be specialists in developing questionnaires, compiling samples, conducting targeted group interviews and statistical analysis of experiments. Employees of this department take part in all stages of advertising planning by the agency.

In many cases, the nature and volume of current information available is not sufficient to make an effective decision. If it is operational, not fundamental on the scale of the company, then intuition, personal experience of the manager and employees directly involved in advertising can help the matter. When the degree of risk is high and the amount of money spent is large, then intuition is not enough to make an effective decision. Therefore, advertising agencies prefer to reduce risk by obtaining additional information through marketing research.

These studies are aimed at collecting, systematizing and analyzing a certain range of data obtained as a result of special surveys in order to make informed decisions in the field of advertising. Advertising research is a type of marketing research. They are intended to form an assessment of advertising strategies, develop advertising campaigns, advertising messages, and monitor the effectiveness of their implementation.

Research conducted in the field of promoting a product to the market is a tool for understanding the market through the “eyes” of the consumer. Their goal is to identify how, then and by what means it is possible to stimulate the sale of goods and successfully carry out advertising activities.

Of no small importance is research into the opinion of the consumer community in order to determine the public’s awareness of goods and services.

In market conditions, the agency’s activities should be structured in such a way that it cooperates with the advertiser already at the stage of drawing up a preliminary product sales plan.

4. Production Department engages in the production of advertising media and in some cases combines such production units as printing houses, television studios, workshops for the production of advertising media, etc.

5. In addition to its specific advertising functions, an advertising agency must effectively conduct its economic and financial activities, ensure effective management, and also have appropriate support services. These functions are being solved economic and financial department and accounting department of the agency.

6. The agency must have a permanent Editorial and Artistic Council, which includes not only the main specialists of the agency, but also specialists in the field of advertising, art, artists, employees of research institutes who are not employees of the agency. The Council is recognized to evaluate and approve produced advertising materials taking into account the opinion of the customer's representative. The proposed agency structure is not universal, and therefore other agencies may have a different structure depending on the specific conditions in which they operate.

When choosing an advertising agency for ongoing cooperation, clearly find out for yourself:

1. When was the agency founded? Is it part of a group?

2. How many directors does it have?

3. Are they certified specialists who have passed the relevant exams? When and where did they receive their diplomas?

4. How many employees does the agency have and what are their responsibilities?

5. Who is the agency’s current client?

6. If these customers have products or services that compete directly or indirectly with yours?

7. Do any of the agency's leaders have recent experience working in your market?

8. If yes, with which brands or companies?

9. Is it possible to see samples of the agency’s products?

10. Does the agency agree to prepare, without any obligation on your part, a report with general recommendations? Will the agency require payment for this work?

11. What services does the agency offer? Which of these services are provided to the client by full-time employees?

12. Does the agency have a marketing department?

13. Will the agency provide a copy of the general terms and conditions of orders, including an explanation of the pricing methodology?

14. Will the agency provide the addresses of, say, three clients from whom it would be possible to obtain feedback about it?

15. Can you visit the agency to get to know its employees and current work?

16. The main thing is to try to grasp the atmosphere of the agency, is there purposeful activity taking place in it, are its employees similar to professionals in their manner of behavior and action, is there creativity in it?

When choosing an agency, you need to pay special attention to the time the agency was created, the availability of specialists, the level of specialization, and interest rates for services.

The time of creation of the agency allows us to determine its activities in the services market. In this case, you should pay attention to the list of companies with which the agency worked, as well as examples of this or that work performed previously.

The level of specialization of the agency shows that the agency is purposefully engaged in the area of ​​interest to the advertiser.

Interest rates for services provided can vary greatly depending on the agency. However, it should be remembered that low prices are an important, but not the main selection criterion, since good work is always expensive.

In the second option, the advertiser risks the funds allocated to advertise his product, since the advertisement may not achieve its goal. This is explained by the fact that an advertising agency cannot always draw up and implement a competent advertising program without the participation of the advertiser and taking into account his knowledge in the field of the advertised product.

The third option is the most acceptable, since it allows you to use together the experience of specialists from an advertising agency and an advertiser when developing and implementing a program aimed at advertising specific products.


· study of the company's product;

· study of consumers and the intended market;

· determination of cost estimates, choice of advertising format, determination of the most effective publications, programs, programs, publication dates;

· availability of a license for this type of activity;

· availability of production and printing facilities;

· availability of specialists in protecting and patenting the company’s trademark, etc.

· when concluding a contract, raise the issue of intellectual property protection.

Stage 1. Tourism market research includes: consumer research(allows us to identify groups and categories of potential tourists, their demographic, social and economic characteristics based on sample questionnaires or interviews), which allows us to establish the motivation of tourist demand, its compliance with the consumer properties of the tourist offer, and strengthen the effect of incentives; product research(allows you to identify the most attractive advantages of a tourism product, the unique properties of tourism services, is carried out on the basis of classification criteria - seasonality, type of route, population categories - youth, family, individual, school, etc.), focusing on the uniqueness of the proposed route, product, services; market analysis allows you to determine the segments of advertising efforts in various markets, allows you to assume the volume of sales of a specific tourism product in a specific market, is carried out on the basis of reporting data from previous years and their correlation for the future in the context of territorial and specific markets.

Stage 2. Advertising planning includes: determination of advertising goals(attracting attention to the possibilities and excitement of travel and to specific tourism services; maintaining demand and strengthening positions in the market; creating new demand and entering a new market; increasing sales in the market; counteracting competition), which are closely related to the volumes and consumer properties of the tourism product , structure and method of implementation, etc.; planning promotional events and advertising budget(determining the total amount and distribution of funds allocated for advertising purposes - itemized indication of volumes and means of advertising), taking into account that not only advertising affects the level of sales, but also improving the work of staff, opening a new - more convenient office or the onset of a new season - when In this regard, advertising is a long-term investment in the company's future profits. The size of the advertising budget is influenced by a number of factors:

· volume and size of the market to be covered by advertising influence;

· life expectancy of a tourism product (episodic advertising of congresses, festivals; long-term advertising of educational tours - year-round);

· differentiation of the tourism product (complexity of tours for a wide range of consumers and specialization of tours for the narrowest segments);

· sales volume and profit margin;

· costs of competitors (the share of a given tourism product in the total amount of costs exactly corresponds to its share in the total amount of advertising costs);

· financial resources of the company (the scope and size of advertising should be commensurate with the size and capabilities of available funding).

There are many methods for calculating the amount of advertising budget. The most popular is to determine the advertising budget based on the percentage of sales of the enterprise. In addition, there is a method of equity participation in the market, a method of matching with the task, a method of modeling the relationship between the level of communication and consumer behavior, a method based on the use of mathematical models, a method of residual funds and a method based on planning increased costs.

Let's look at some of them:

· percentage of sales method based on a percentage of last year's sales, a percentage of next year's estimated sales, or a combination of both;

· task matching method, consisting of three stages - defining a goal, defining a strategy, estimating costs;

· equity method developed by J.O. Gekham, according to which, for advertising to be effective, it is necessary to maintain the share of participation in advertising at a level exceeding the market share (with a market share of 30%, you need to spend 35% on advertising), which does not guarantee against a simultaneous increase in the advertising budget by your competitors; when introducing a new product, the advertising budget should be 1.5 times higher than the market share expected in 2 years;

· method based on modeling the relationship between the level of communication and consumer behavior useful when introducing a new tourism product to the market, when in order to achieve the planned sales volume it is necessary to have a sufficient number of consumers (the number of people who saw the advertisement of the tourism product - the number of people who made the first purchase - ensuring repeat purchases - determining the required degree of coverage - frequency of exposure - plan for using advertising means – rough estimate of costs – derivation of a numerical budget indicator);

· residual funds method based on the principle of the remainder after allocating funds for all other purposes (ineffective, leads to unsuccessful advertising and marketing activities, typical for an inexperienced company that has not defined advertising goals;

· method of determining the amount of appropriations based on planning for cost increases used in cases where it is necessary to carry out an enhanced advertising campaign, allowing unprofitable results of the commercial activities of a travel agency for 1-2 years (investment expenses);

· method based on the use of mathematical models of decision making, including models of two types - 1) describing changes in turnover depending on the amount of advertising expenses (at the beginning of advertising activities, large-scale events and significant expenses are effective, which over time give less and less returns); was first described by M. Vidal and H. Wolf, who presented the main significance of modeling in describing the relationship of three factors - the amount of allocations for advertising, the volume of sales and its changes under the influence of advertising; 2) sequential relationship models, where the amount of allocations is determined by tracing their influence on some intermediate variables that are connecting links between the costs of advertising activities and the company’s turnover. G. Yul proposed the following calculation scheme: establish the market share that the company seeks to conquer - establish the percentage of all potential buyers exposed to advertising influence - determine the percentage of those who need to be convinced to make a trial purchase - determine, based on texts and field research, the number of single acts of influence , necessary for the “ripening” of the idea of ​​​​purchase - determine the total volume of advertising necessary to achieve the goal (a unit of advertising volume is a single act of influencing a unit of the target audience) - calculating the total amount of costs based on the average cost of a unit of advertising. The disadvantage of this modeling is that at the beginning, based on subjective considerations, desires and experience, the market share that the company plans to conquer, although it would be more logical to reach this indicator at the end of the calculations, outlining a sales volume that ensures maximum profit.

An important aspect of planning advertising activities is the distribution of allocations allocated for it over time (short-term and long-term) and drawing up a plan for advertising expenses, distributing these costs among the functions and tasks of advertising work.

In foreign practice, a stereotype has developed regarding the distribution of advertising budget:

· general administrative and overhead costs – 5-10%;

· production costs – 5-10%;

· research costs – up to 15%.

Budget allocations are also distributed among sales territories, which makes it possible to take into account the amount of costs by country, region, and tourist center.

It is necessary to provide for the distribution of the advertising budget by advertising media (TV, radio, press, outdoor advertising), by the nature of the advertised services (seasonal and non-seasonal types of tourism, individual routes and tourist centers, individual types of services), by advertising periods.

According to statistics, the widespread sale of complex (inclusive) tours abroad occurs in the fall of the previous year, when the majority of potential tourists choose their travel routes for the next year (from the beginning of autumn to the Christmas holidays, 60-70% of announced tours are sold, which determines the expenditure of 60% of the annual allocations advertising budget); the second activity of the advertising campaign falls on the period from the end of winter to the Easter holidays, being selective in nature, when the main attention is focused on advertising those tourist services, the implementation of which is sluggish, and the task of the advertising campaign is to stimulate the implementation of these tourist trips, which is 20-25% annual advertising budget; the remaining 15-20% is used during the summer active tourist season to maintain stable demand and stimulate individual trips and advertise additionally announced tours.

Stage 3. Tactical decisions. At this stage, the implementation of the developed plans is ensured. It consists of three main elements: 1) the choice of advertising media or advertising media based on a number of important factors (general goals and strategy of the campaign; the size and nature of the audience of each advertising medium; geographic coverage; attention, degree of clarity and motivation for the significance of this advertising medium; profitability; various approaches when choosing an advertising medium); 2) the cost estimate and control over its implementation allows us to link together 3 indicators - the amount of advertising allocations, the volume of advertising events and tariff rates or prices for publications in advertising media or advertising media; 3) a schedule for the release of advertising publications, providing for specific terms and dates for the release of advertising messages, which are linked primarily to the pronounced seasonality of tourist travel, the traditions of the autumn-winter period, and the characteristics of advertising media.

Stage 4 – creative, providing a certain share of success to advertising events. Searches for creative individuality of advertising based on general technological processes - development of a general concept - formulation of an idea - patterns of structuring advertising material (headline, main text, visuals) - knowledge of the psychological mechanisms of advertising influence (attention and emotions).

Stage 5 includes promotions, the results of which are recorded by the employees of the enterprise. Information analysis is carried out by type of media based on accounting of funds spent and performance (increase in trade turnover, changes in demand, etc.). An archive of advertising means is being formed, the study of which is the starting point for repeating or continuing the campaign with advertising.

Stage 6 includes assessing the effectiveness of promotional activities depending on the goals of advertising - for the purposes of communication and increasing sales based on the use of recognition tests (they study the percentage of members of the trial target group who remember having seen a specific advertisement), recall (respondents remember the appeal without any help from the interviewer) and physiological tests (used for the validity and reliability of data on recognition and recall tests - for example, changing the size of the pupil while watching a video). There are several methods for studying attitude changes in the dynamics of the sales market and consumer demand, including experimental methods, studying communicative effectiveness, assessing awareness, etc.

The creation of advertising agencies that conduct it at a high professional level, use financial resources more rationally and provide high quality advertising contributes to increasing the efficiency of advertising activities. Advertising agencies conduct comprehensive market research and market assessments; they are equipped with computer technology that allows them to quickly and accurately process the information they receive.

Advertising agencies play a positive role, being qualified coordinators between trade and production, in the interests of consumers and the whole society, they promote rational supply and, conversely, limit the volume of irrational or premature proposals.

1. Advertiser- a legal or natural person who is a source of advertising information for the production, placement and subsequent distribution of advertising. The role of advertiser can be any trading or manufacturing company, bank, investment company, private entrepreneur who pay for advertising in accordance with the order placed.

§ preparation and transfer of source materials to the advertising agency: formulation of the goals and objectives of advertising taking into account target groups of consumers, preparation of source texts with an emphasis on the main advantages and features of the advertised object, presentation, if possible, of a sample of the product;

§ preparation of an agreement with the second party - an advertising agency - on the creation of advertising materials and placement of advertising in the media, on conducting various advertising events;

§ approval of sketches, texts, scripts of created advertising means and originals of advertising products;

§ payment for work performed.

3. Advertising distributor- a legal or natural person who places and (or) distributes advertising information by providing and (or) using property, including technical means of radio and television broadcasting, as well as communication channels, airtime and other means.

The main advertising producers and distributors on the Russian market are advertising agencies, which are conventionally divided into advertising agencies with a full cycle of services and agencies specializing in providing only certain types of services.

The first group includes agencies carrying out research, planning, creative activities, production of advertising media, as well as non-advertising services: providing public relations, packaging development, organizing sales exhibitions, presentations, etc.

In recent years, there has been a trend in advertising practice towards agency specialization. The specialization of agencies contributes to the growth of the quality and creative level of their implementation of certain types of advertising work. However, such agencies do not have sufficient information in the field of marketing research, which may reduce the effectiveness of the use of advertising funds.

In modern conditions, advertising is one of the sectors of the economy, uniting tens of thousands of advertising agencies and bureaus. The efficiency of the economy as a whole depends to a large extent on how effectively this system works.

The emergence of advertising as an independent industry largely depends on the level of organization of the activities of advertising agencies operating in the Russian advertising services market, on the forms of advertising that advertising agencies choose for themselves, on their professionalism and the cost of advertising services.

First, advertising agencies are systematically exposed to a variety of marketing situations, which contributes to a deeper understanding of consumer interests, acquiring skills and increasing their competence. This allows you to create high-quality advertising tools and ensure the effectiveness of their use.

Secondly, advertising agencies, as independent organizations, exclude the negative impact on advertising of such objective factors as excessive dependence of advertising on the tastes of individual managers, incorrect attitudes regarding the expected response of consumers, etc.

Thirdly, advertising agencies have stable connections with the media, stably and promptly purchase time and space for advertising from them. Cooperation with advertising agencies allows the advertiser to quickly solve their problems and helps them save money and time.

§ maintain relationships with the media, placing orders with them and monitoring their implementation;

§ create advertising products based on orders received from advertisers, develop plans for complex advertising campaigns and other advertising events, using the potential of both creative and technical specialists;

§ cooperate with printing houses, studios, advertising factories, and freelance specialists.

Large advertising agencies that provide a wide range of advertising services feel the need to unite various specialists into certain departments. They can have their own creative and production base, or use highly qualified freelance creative workers. The second is more appropriate for small advertising agencies with a small structure of divisions. Typically, the activities of a department are focused on performing a specific function.

Typical organizational chart A fairly large full-service advertising agency has the following departments:

1.Creative department, which brings together text writers, artists, graphic specialists, directors, editors, etc. They generate advertising ideas and find the right means to implement them. The role of such a department is high and the psychological factor is taken into account here, as well as certain areas of art. This department performs the functions of creating various types of advertising media and coordinating them with customers.

2. Order fulfillment department(customer relations department), which includes a manager and employees as heads of working groups, called responsible project executors or contactors. They represent the interests of customers in their agency and, conversely, the agency is represented by project executors in relations with the customer. The head of the working group (project) coordinates all work within the agency to complete the order from the beginning of its creation to its implementation. It is recommended to assign contractors to a specific category of customers (wholesale and retail trade enterprises, industries, insurance companies, banks, etc.). This allows you to take into account the specifics of the advertising activities of advertisers, differences in the scale and geography of advertising events, and systematically maintain contact with advertisers.

The remuneration of employees in the customer relations department should be directly dependent on the volume of orders that they received and correctly completed, since the financial position of the agency will be largely determined by their entrepreneurship and established relationships with potential advertisers.

3. Research and Development Department is created with the aim of identifying and systematizing the needs of domestic advertisers and their resources, the state of the market for specific goods and services, possible communication channels, as well as research to determine the effectiveness of the use of advertising means. In addition, this department accumulates the necessary information on the organization of trade and methods of selling goods, the state of current policies in the field of advertising and sales promotion.

The main employees of these departments should be specialists in the development of questionnaires, sampling, conducting Focused Group Interviews, statistical analysis and experiments. Employees of this department take part in all stages of advertising planning by the agency.

In many cases, the nature and extent of current information available is insufficient to make an effective decision. If it is operational, unprincipled on the scale of the company, then intuition, personal experience of the manager and employees directly involved in advertising can help the matter. When the degree of risk is high and the amount of money spent is large, then intuition is not enough to make an effective decision. Therefore, advertising agencies prefer to reduce risk by obtaining additional information through market research. These studies are aimed at collecting, systematizing and analyzing a certain range of data obtained as a result of special surveys in order to make informed decisions in the field of advertising. Advertising research is a type of marketing research. They are intended to form and evaluate an advertising strategy, develop advertising campaigns, advertising messages, and monitor the effectiveness of their implementation.

Research conducted in the field of promoting a product to the market is a tool for understanding the market through the “eyes” of the consumer. Their goal is to identify how, when and by what means it is possible to stimulate the sale of goods and successfully carry out advertising activities.

Of no small importance is the study of the opinions of the consumer community in order to determine the public’s awareness of goods and services.

In market conditions, the agency’s activities should be structured in such a way that it cooperates with the advertiser already at the stage of drawing up a preliminary product sales plan.

4. Production Department engages in the production of advertising media and in some cases combines production units such as printing houses, television studios, workshops for the production of advertising media, etc.

5. In addition to its specific advertising functions, an advertising agency must effectively conduct its economic and financial activities, ensure effective management, and have appropriate support services. These functions are handled by the agency's economic and financial department and accounting department.

6. The agency must have a permanent Editorial and Artistic Council, which includes not only the main specialists of the agency, but also specialists in the field of advertising, art, artists, employees of research institutes who are not employees of the agency.

The Council is called upon to evaluate and approve the advertising materials produced, taking into account the opinion of the customer’s representative.

The proposed agency structure is not universal, and therefore other agencies may have a different structure depending on the specific conditions in which they operate.

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