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Board of Trustees in dow documents. The board of trustees in a preschool institution is a factor in the effectiveness of development

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 9 of a combined type in Oryol POSITION about the Board of Trustees of municipal kindergarten No. 9
I. General provisions.

1.1. These Regulations regulate the work procedure of the Board of Trustees without the status of a legal entity, functions, tasks, organization and content of work.

1.2. The Board of Trustees of kindergarten No. 9 is a community of philanthropists of an educational institution, a voluntary association of parents of pupils to carry out charitable activities without forming a charitable organization (without creating a legal entity).

1.3. The Board of Trustees may also include legal entities in the form of organizations, institutions, their teams that exercise their rights through authorized representatives, and individuals - educators, pensioners, creative workers, entrepreneurs, employees of legislative, executive, judicial authorities, and government bodies. etc.

1.4. The goal of the Board of Trustees is to promote the effective functioning and development of the kindergarten by attracting additional sources of extra-budgetary funding and strengthening ties with other organizations.

II. Functions of the board of trustees.

2.1. Social - involving representatives of different social and professional groups of the population in the activities of the council.

2.2. Economic - implementation of multi-channel extra-budgetary financing schemes.

2.3. Political - implementation of state (regional) educational policy.

III. Tasks of the board of trustees.

3.1. To form among the population an understanding of the importance of the quality of education received to determine the further social status of a citizen.

3.2. Search for additional funding for the kindergarten, primarily through voluntary donations from parents and other individuals.

3.3. Implement state policy in the field of education.

IV. Organization of the work of the board of trustees.

4.1. The Board of Trustees is created at a general meeting of members of the parent committee of the kindergarten, who voluntarily unite to carry out charitable activities. The General Meeting in this case acquires the status of the Constituent Assembly.

4.2. The community of trustees (parents) elects from among its members a permanent coordinating body - the Board of Trustees. The number of members of the Board of Trustees and its term of office are established by the Constituent Assembly. An odd number of members of the Board of Trustees is recommended (two representatives (parents) per group), the term of office is 2 years. The head of the kindergarten is a member of the Board of Trustees.

4.3. The Board of Trustees elects a chairman and secretary from among its members for the term of office of the Board of Trustees (2 years). If necessary, the election of the Chairman of the Council and the Secretary is possible before the expiration of the term of office.

4.4. Meetings of the Board of Trustees are held as needed, but at least once a quarter.

4.5. The board of trustees, without convening a general meeting of trustees, may by its decision accept other members: legal entities and individuals who have expressed a desire to provide charitable assistance to the kindergarten.

4.6. All decisions of the Board of Trustees are made by a majority vote in the presence of at least 2/3 of its members; decisions are documented in minutes and signed by the chairman of the Board of Trustees and the secretary.

4.7. The documentation is kept by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

4.8. Members of the Board of Trustees perform their functions free of charge.

V. Contents of the work of the board of trustees.

5.1. The Board of Trustees of MBDOU-kindergarten No. 9 is the manager of extra-budgetary funds of the second level. The main manager of extra-budgetary funds is the head of the kindergarten.

5.2. Board of Trustees:

· coordinates charitable activities,

· collects voluntary donations from parents, targeted donations from individuals and (or) legal entities;

· constantly searches for additional sources of financing;

· identifies, together with the kindergarten administration, the needs of the institution, determines costs and a plan to meet these needs;

· approves the estimate of income and expenses as recommended by the head for the coming financial year (it is allowed to draw up an estimate for the quarter during the formation of the Board of Trustees and instability of income);

· controls the execution of the estimate;

· informs parents, the media, institutions and enterprises of the district about the problems of state educational institutions in general and kindergartens in particular;

· involves, in agreement with the kindergarten administration, various social and professional groups of the population in the activities of the educational institution;

· bears responsibility for the use of extra-budgetary funds along with the main manager - the head of the kindergarten;

· at least once a year informs the general meeting of trustees about the state of charitable activities, reports on the use of funds of the Board of Trustees

5 3. Funds of the Board of Trustees are those financial resources that it independently finds or helps the administration of the kindergarten find; they are an integral part of the extra-budgetary funds of the kindergarten and are spent:

· for the functioning and development of the kindergarten,

· to pay for emergency expenses not foreseen by the estimate - a reserve fund.

VI. Final provisions

6.1. The Board of Trustees acts on the basis of these Regulations in accordance with the Charter of the kindergarten and current legislation in the field of education.

6.2. These Regulations may be amended and supplemented as necessary by the Board of Trustees.

6.3. The validity period of these Regulations is established for the duration of the existence of this organizational form of the Board of Trustees, or until the adoption of a new Regulation.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten in the village of Bobrovy Gai


about the board of trustees.

General provisions.

1.1. These Regulations on the Board of Trustees, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”, are developed formunicipal preschool educational institution"Kindergarten in the village of Bobrovy GaiPugachevsky district, Saratov region"(hereinafter referred to as DOU) in accordance withLaw of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions, Charter of the Preschool Educational Institution.

1.2. These Regulations regulate the work of the Board of Trustees without the status of a legal entity; functions, tasks, organization and content of work.

1.3. The Board of Trustees acts as a public organization in the preschool educational institution and is a form of self-government of the preschool educational institution.

1.4. The Board of Trustees may include participants in the educational process, parents and other persons interested in improving the activities and development of preschool educational institutions, legal entities and individuals providing sponsorship to preschool educational institutions.

1.5.The purpose of the Board of Trustees is to promote the effective functioning and development of the kindergarten by attracting additional sources of extra-budgetary funding and strengthening relations with other organizations.

II. Functions of the Board of Trustees

2.1. Social - to form among the population an understanding of the importance of the quality of the education received to determine the further social status of the citizen.

2.2. Economic - to seek additional funding for the kindergarten, primarily through voluntary donations from parents and other persons.

2.3.Political - implement state policy in the field of education.

III. Tasks of the Board of Trustees

3.1. Promotes the attraction of extra-budgetary funds to support the activities and development of preschool educational institutions.

3.2. Contributes to the improvement of the material and technical base of the preschool educational institution, the improvement of its premises and territory.

3.3.Promotes the creation in the Institution of optimal conditions and forms of organizing the educational process.

3.4.Participates in the consideration of conflict situations between participants in the educational process in cases where this is necessary.

3.5. Ensures that the public is informed about the state of affairs in the educational institution.

3.6. Participates in the development and approval of local legal acts of preschool educational institutions, establishing: types, sizes, conditions and procedures for making additional payments and allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments, indicators and criteria for assessing the quality and productivity of labor of preschool educational institutions within the limits of funds available in the preschool educational institution for wages.

3.7.Participates in assessing the quality and productivity of work of preschool educational institutions employees and distributing incentive payments to employees.

IV. Organization of the work of the Board of Trustees

4.1. The parent meeting and the kindergarten administration have the right to nominate candidates for members of the active Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is elected personally at the general parent meeting of the preschool educational institution by a majority vote.

4.2. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the secretary are elected by active members of the Board of Trustees from among their members. Members of the Board of Trustees, represented by the chairman or other responsible member of the board (trustee), can participate in the work of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution with a decisive advisory vote.

4.3. An odd number of members of the Board of Trustees is recommended, the term of office is 2 years. The head of the kindergarten is a member of the Board of Trustees. If necessary, the election of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Secretary is possible before the expiration of the term of office.

4.4. Meetings of the Board of Trustees are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter.

4.5. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees and his deputy represent the Board of Trustees both in the preschool educational institution and outside it.

4.6. All decisions of the Board of Trustees are made by a majority vote in the presence of at least 2/3 of its members, decisions are documented in minutes, signed by the chairman of the Board of Trustees and the secretary.

4.7. The documentation is kept by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

4.8. Members of the Board of Trustees perform their functions free of charge.

5.1. Board of Trustees of the MDOU "Kindergarten s. Beaver Guy" is the manager of extra-budgetary funds of the second level. The main manager of extra-budgetary funds is the head of the kindergarten.

5.2. Board of Trustees:

coordinates charitable activities,

collects voluntary donations from parents, targeted donations from individuals and (or) legal entities;

Additional sources of financing are constantly being sought;

Identifies, together with the kindergarten administration, the needs of the institution, determines costs and a plan to meet these needs;

approves the scheme of income and expenses as proposed by the head for the coming financial year (it is allowed to draw up estimates for the quarter during the formation of the Board of Trustees and instability of income);

controls the execution of the estimate;

informs parents, institutions and enterprises of the district about the problems of the kindergarten;

involves, in agreement with the kindergarten administration, various social and professional groups of the population in the activities of the educational institution,

is responsible for the use of extra-budgetary funds along with the main manager - the head of the kindergarten,

at least once a year informs the general meeting of trustees about the state of charitable activities, reports on the use of funds of the Board of Trustees.

5.3. Funds of the Board of Trustees are those financial resources that it independently finds or helps the administration of the kindergarten find; they are an integral part of the extra-budgetary funds of the kindergarten and are spent:

on the functioning and development of the kindergarten,

to provide financial assistance to students and kindergarten employees;

to pay for emergency expenses not foreseen by the estimate - a reserve fund.

VI. Final provisions.

6.1. The Board of Trustees acts on the basis of these Regulations in accordance with the Charter of the kindergarten and current legislation in the field of education.

6.2. These Regulations may be amended and supplemented as necessary by the Board of Trustees.

6.3. The validity period of these Regulations is established for the duration of the existence of this organizational form of the Board of Trustees, or until the adoption of a new Regulation.

Board of Trustees in a preschool educational organization

Elvira Maratovna Chainikova – Head of HR

Nowadays, in the context of the emergence of a market economy, the question arises about the need to involve various social institutions, mainly enterprises and families, in solving educational problems. Governing and trustee boards are being created. This system helps solve many financial and economic problems of an educational budgetary institution.

Just a few decades ago, this concept did not exist in our domestic education system. The public learned what it was only with the arrival of new trends in the country. As Article 35 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states, this is a self-government body of an educational institution that exercises control over the receipts and expenditures of charitable donations to the institution. This applies to proceeds from legal entities and individuals interested in helping a school or kindergarten. The Council establishes the procedure for using funds and manages contributions to charity.

What is the Board of Trustees? The Board of Trustees is one of the forms of public participation in the management of education; it is a non-state, non-governmental, public, non-profit organization that unites on a voluntary basis everyone who is interested in the development of education and a specific educational institution. The board of trustees is able to take into account the interests of students and their parents; it is an addition to the already existing self-government bodies of a preschool educational institution: the general meeting of a preschool educational institution, the pedagogical council, etc.

The goals of the Board of Trustees are:

    full, comprehensive, all possible support for the educational institution, including financial and material;

    assistance, stimulation, information and promotion of its activities;

    legal support, protection and support of the rights and interests of the educational institution, its students and employees.

The functions of the Board of Trustees are quite broad and varied. Moreover, they are not at all limited to managing finances. Its main functions are:

    assistance in organizing the educational process, the activities of students and teachers of the institution, improving their working conditions;

    assistance in holding sports and cultural events, improvement of premises and territory;

    raising funds (in addition to budget funds) for the development of the institution and increasing the efficiency of the educational process;

    monitoring the safety of students and staff.

Who can serve on the council? The board of trustees has the right to include all participants in the educational process, these include parents (legal representatives) of students and other individuals (representatives of local authorities and organizations of any form of ownership, interested in the effective development of the educational institution and having public authority in its staff) Its personal composition is approved once a year at a meeting of the council by simple vote. The council is headed by a chairman, who is elected at the same annual meeting. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees signs all necessary documents and bears full responsibility for the decisions made regarding their use. At the end of the reporting period, the council is obliged to provide parents and employees of the educational institution with a report on the receipt and expenditure of funds.

To date, a fairly extensive regulatory framework for the activities of boards of trustees of educational institutions has been formed.

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 52, Part 1, Ch. 4, paragraph 5.

2. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 1999 No. 1134 “On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation.”

4. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 1999 No. 275 “On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation”: “In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 1999 No. 1134 “On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation” .

5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 1999 No. 1379 “On approval of the Model Regulations on the Board of Trustees of a general education institution.”

The board of trustees as a form of self-government of a preschool educational institution is also mentioned in the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on October 27, 2011 No. 2562. Moreover, the Model Regulations provide that the procedure for electing self-government bodies and their competence are determined by the charter DOW.

Due to the fact that the board of trustees is engaged in charitable activities, it is necessary to take into account the norms of the Federal Law of August 11, 1995 No. 135-FZ “On charitable activities and charitable organizations.”

If the Board of Trustees of a preschool educational institution is created in the form of a public organization, its activities are also regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations” dated May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ, as amended and supplemented.

The totality of the above documents forms the legal basis for the activities of boards of trustees. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the norms of tax legislation and know the rules of accounting in non-profit organizations that are not budgetary.

Why is a board of trustees still needed in a kindergarten? This is a self-government body that controls the intended use of charitable contributions. It is this kind of collective control that is most effective for the optimal distribution of funds according to the needs of the institution. Thanks to the board of trustees, the level of the educational institution as a whole increases, and, consequently, the quality of each individual child’s stay there. Boards of trustees in kindergartens not only increase the level of safety and comfort, but also improve the effectiveness of the educational process. The use of charitable funds by the board expands the financial capabilities of the institution in accordance with parental wishes.

The Board of Trustees has the right to receive from the head of the institution or his deputies the information necessary for its work, make proposals for improving the conditions of training and education, strengthening the health of students and organizing meals, and conduct public control over the targeted expenditure of funds received from individuals (as well as legal entities) for the needs of the institution.

Thus, by studying materials about the structure of the Boards of Trustees, the goals and objectives that their founders set for themselves, we can come to the conclusion that in modern civil society the creation of such non-profit organizations whose activities are aimed at the development of educational institutions is simply necessary. Trustees can become a very influential force in education. The Board of Trustees is not intended to replace the head of an educational organization - it should constructively complement their functions in terms of strategic management of the preschool institution.


1. General Provisions

1.1. The Board of Trustees is a voluntary public organizationmunicipal budgetary preschool educational institution compensatory kindergarten No. 11 (hereinafter referred to as preschool educational institution), acts as a form of self-government in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 35 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” without the right to legallysky face.

1.2. The Board of Trustees in its activities is guided by the Law “On Education”RF Article 35, this Regulation, the standard regulation on preschool educationeducational institution, the charter of the preschool educational institution, the civil code of the Russian Federation (Article 52), ForLaw of the Russian Federation “On Non-Profit Organizations”, Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Objects”", by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1999 No. 1134 "On additional measuresRakh on support of educational institutions in the Russian Federation", by the Resolution of the Governmentof the Russian Federation dated December 10, 1999. No. 1379 “On approval of the Model Regulations onBoard of Trustees of a General Educational Institution."

1.3.The Board of Trustees assists in attracting extra-budgetary funds forensuring the activities and development of the institution, organization to improvelabor catchment of workers, improvement of the material and technical base of the institution, organization of mass events, considers other issues related tofalling within the competence of the Board of Trustees.

1.4. The competence of the Board of Trustees includes:

— protection of the rights and interests of the child;

— making proposals to improve work with children;

— providing assistance in creating conditions for the development of intellectual, artistic and physical abilities of children;

— obtaining information about the activities of the head and teachers at work with kids;

— participation in the distribution of received sponsorship and charity funds.

2. Goals and objectives of the Board of Trustees of the preschool educational institution.

2.1. The Board of Trustees assists in attracting extra-budgetary funds to ensure the activities and development of the institution in order to create conditions fordevelopment of intellectual, artistic abilities, protection of life and healththe level of children, their physical development.

2.2. Promotes the organization and improvement of working conditions for teachers and othersemployees of educational institutions.

2.3. Considers other issues within its competence according to the Charter of the institutionbody institution.

2.4. Helps strengthen the economic and material base of preschool institutionseducation, organizes participants in the educational process in the repair of premises,equipment and household tools, landscaping and landscaping, production of manuals, etc.

2.5. Ensures that all educational participants implement their decisionsnew process.

3. Composition of the Board of Trustees of the preschool educational institution. Structure.


3.1. The Board of Trustees includes participants in the educational process(parents and teachers), other persons and organizations interested in the activities and development of the institution.

3.2. Admission to and withdrawal from the Board of Trustees is carried out on the basisissuing a written statement.

3.3 The highest governing body of the Board of Trustees is the general meetingmeeting, convened as necessary, but at least once a year. General meetinghas the right to make decisions if more than half of the members of the Board of Trustees are present. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes fromcovered voting.

3.4. The elected bodies of the Board of Trustees are the Board and the Chairmantel elected at the general meeting of the Board of Trustees for a period of 1 year. The Audit Commission is also elected at the general meeting for a period of 1 year. RightThe meeting of the Board of Trustees is the supreme body in the intervals betweengeneral meetings and holds meetings at least once a quarter, as well asas needed.

3.5. The composition of the Management Board and the Audit Commission, as well as the Chairman of the Management Board,The secretary and cashier are approved by order of the head of the kindergarten.

3.6. The implementation of their functions by members of the Board of Trusteesfree of charge.

4. Rights and obligations of the Board of Trustees.

4.1. The Board of Trustees works according to a plan drawn up in accordance with the planwork of the kindergarten and approved by its Chairman and head of childrensky garden.

4.2. The Board of Trustees establishes connections with other organizations, physicalcivil and legal entities on issues of providing assistance to preschool teacherscutting.

4.3. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees interacts with the founderlem, the pedagogical Council of the kindergarten and other persons and organizations forissues of the functioning and development of a preschool institution.

4.4. The Board of Trustees has the right to delegateto the head of the institution, execution of the budget for spending off-budgetfunds, hears reports from the manager on the expenditure of funds, on the statusand prospects for the work of a preschool institution.

4.5. Members of the Board of Trustees who do not participate in its workon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Board, may be recalled and replaced in their placesothers are angry.

4.6. All members of the Board of Trustees have equal rights and perform equalresponsibilities.

4.7. To achieve its goals, the Board of Trustees in accordance with the established procedure has the right to:

— freely disseminate information about your activities;

- represent andprotect their rights, legitimate interests of their members in government bodiesmilitary authorities, local governments and public associationsnikah;

- take initiative on various issues of public life,make proposals to government bodies.

4.8. Members of the Board of Trustees participate in the implementation of goals and objectives through personallyth labor, as well as by contributing money and material resources, providing assistancecabbage soup in any other form not prohibited by law.

4.9. Members of the Board of Trustees have the right:

- participate in the activities of all its organs, as well as in all activitiesour events;

— elect or be elected to the governing bodies of the Trustee


— discuss any issues related to the activities of the Board of Trustees and

make proposals to improve its work;

— receive information about the activities of the Board of Trustees;

Enjoy the moral and social support of the TrusteeCouncil;

— discuss any issue relating to their rights and obligations.

4.10. Members of the Board of Trustees are obliged to:

Take part in the work of the Board of Trustees and carry out its work solutions;

Support the Board of Trustees financially or by providing services.

4.11. Proposals for changes and additions to the Regulations on the Board of Trustees can be made by all members of the Board of Trustees.

Changes and additions are adopted at the general meeting of the Trusteesky Council.

Accepted changes and additions are recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

4.12. Termination of the activities of the Board of Trustees may be carried outbut through reorganization (merger, accession, division) or liquidation according todecision of the general meeting.

5. Responsibility of the Board of Trustees of the preschool educational institution, report information about the expenditure of extrabudgetary funds

5.1. The Board of Trustees, headed by its Chairman, is responsibleresponsibility for spending extrabudgetary funds.

5.2. Spending of extra-budgetary funds is carried out according to the estimate, approvedChairman of the Board of Trustees, agreed with the managementdriver of a preschool institution and head of the Education Department of the Novocherkassk City Administration.

5.3. The Board of Trustees has the right to redistribute funds according to budget items as necessary.

5.4. Extrabudgetary funds raised by the Board of Trusteesare charitable, accounted for, carried out through a current account40703810260151000703 KBK 90700000000000180, taken into account inaccounting departments, are tax-free and belong to a preschoolinstitution.

5.5. The Audit Commission exercises control over extra-budget spendingfunds, accounting and availability of purchased materials.

5.6. The Audit Commission informs about the expenditure of funds. General meetingBoard of Trustees once a year, Board - quarterly.

5.7. Plans, records of the work of the Board of Trustees, minutes of meetings and otherdocumentation is stored in the preschool institution and is handed over according to the act upon admission andhanding over of cases when changing the composition of the Board of Trustees.


Care – patronage.

Guardianship is a form of protection of personal and property rights and interests of various categories of citizens and measures for taking care of someone.

S.I. Ozhegov.


1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 52).

2. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 36, paragraph 1.2, Article 35, Article 13, Article 2);

3. Law of the Russian Federation “On Non-Profit Organizations” (Article 28, Article 14);

4. Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations”;

5. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 31, 1999 No. 1134 “On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation”;

6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 10, 1999 No. 1379 “On approval of the Model Regulations on the Board of Trustees of a general education institution”;

7. Model provision oneducational institution.

The board of trustees in a preschool institution is a factor in ensuring the effectiveness of development.


MADOOU of the city of Nizhnevartovsk

DS No. 34 “Thumbelina”

Shcherbinina I.V.

To fully organize work with children in a kindergarten, it is not enough to have only walls; you need a rich subject-development environment, which includes modern modules, construction sets, environmental corners, mini laboratories, didactic materials, sensory rooms, sports corners, soft modules, that is everything that gives a child the opportunity to find a place to his liking, contributes to the development of creative and intellectual abilities.

Part of managing a modern kindergarten is to involve various social institutions in solving the problems of the institution: parents, the public, which makes it possible to cope with the number of tasks in organizing the functioning of a modern educational institution.

We understand that kindergarten problems cannot be solved instantly and quickly. Analyzing experience and drawing conclusions, we are ready to introduce everything new into the practice of our activities.

Today, creating a developmental environment that meets all modern requirements, improving the quality of education, and enhancing the image of preschool educational institutions allows close interaction with parents.

It is possible to solve the problems of a kindergarten and make the wildest pedagogical dreams come true with the help of boards of trustees, on whose constant help and support teachers can count.

The activities of the Board of Trustees at the preschool educational institution make it possible to legalize sponsorship flows to the off-budget account of the preschool educational institution.

At meetings of the Board of Trustees, the Chairman and Secretary are elected, the Regulations “On the Board of Trustees” are approved, and cost estimates are drawn up. The possibilities of attracting extrabudgetary funds are being considered.

The expenditure of funds is directly controlled by the Board of Trustees. Accounting is 100% transparent and accessible to any parent.

Today, the administration of the kindergarten and most parents have already realized that at the moment the Board of Trustees is the most correct form of communication in the material plan of the kindergarten with parents and sponsors - city enterprises that provide assistance.

It is no secret that more than 50% of the city’s budget goes to education: major and cosmetic repairs, purchase of equipment and furniture, meals for children in kindergartens, salaries of educators and teachers. But there are still not enough funds for everything.

And the work of the Board of Trustees helps to strengthen the material base for the development of children.

And at the same time, if we concern the collection of funds from members of the Board of Trustees, or parents wishing to provide assistance, I make reference to the legislation:

In accordance with Federal Law No. 135-FZ of August 11, 1995 “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations,” charitable activities can be carried out in order to promote activities in the field of education. At the same time, charitable activity, according to this law, is understood as the voluntary activity of citizens and legal entities in the disinterested (free of charge or on preferential terms) transfer of property, including money, to citizens or legal entities, the disinterested performance of work, the provision of services, and the provision of other support. Citizens and legal entities have the right to freely carry out charitable activities, individually or in association, with or without the formation of a charitable organization. All donations must be voluntary. This is the right of parents (legal representatives), not an obligation. Collecting cash from educational organizations is prohibited. Funds are transferred to accounts opened in banks. Educational organizations are obliged to inform parents (legal representatives) about the intended use of voluntary donations at parent meetings, through the board of trustees, post information on the website of the educational organization, etc. If facts of unfounded, non-transparent “extortions” are revealed in educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) have the right to contact law enforcement agencies

Accordingly, for the most part, the activities of the Board of Trustees should be aimed at attracting funds from sponsoring organizations and formalized in a donation agreement, as well as considered and recorded in the minutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees. For transparency in the expenditure of these funds, the preschool educational institution is developing a Regulation. Below is its approximate form

Regulations on the expenditure of extrabudgetary funds

Financial resources at the disposal of the board of trustees and received by the Charitable Fund for Preschool Educational Institution No. are distributed depending on their purpose as follows:

1. Charitable donations for the development of preschool educational institutions:

All funds received are spent on the development of the material and technical base of the preschool educational institution.

2. Charitable assistance to preschool employees:

62,5 % - for charitable assistance to group personnel;

25 % - for charitable assistance to preschool employees not employed in the group;

12,5 % - to pay for unforeseen expenses that arise during the month.

3. Charitable assistance to ensure the safety of preschool children:

All funds received are spent on charitable assistance to employees who ensure the safety of children in preschool educational institutions.

4. Charitable assistance for the development of educational processes in preschool educational institutions.

62,5 % - for charitable assistance to specialists conducting the educational process beyond the program;

37,5 % - for holding holidays, sports competitions, competitions and exhibitions.

In addition to the above, a report from the Board of Trustees on the expenditure of funds is required. An example report form is presented below.

Report of the Board of Trustees of the preschool educational institution No. for the month (year)

The Board of Trustees of Preschool Educational Institution No. brings to the attention of the members of the Board of Trustees of Preschool Educational Institution No. information on the receipt and expenditure of funds for charitable purposes of the Preschool Educational Institution for ______.


1 group -

Group 2 –

Group 3 –

Group 4 –

Sent to:

For charitable assistance to group staff -

For charitable assistance to employees of preschool educational institutions -

For charitable assistance to teachers of additional education -

for the development of preschool educational institutions - including:

Construction Materials -

toys -

stationery –

household expenses -

methodological literature -

The preschool educational institution team expresses gratitude to the parents who took part in the charity program _________________________________

Special thanks to parents ___________
Chairman of the Board of Trustees _________ //

Secretary of the Board of Trustees _________ //

Agreed by: Head of Preschool Educational Institution No. _________ //

Thus, the implementation of partnerships with the parent community in the form of organizing the activities of the Board of Trustees will contribute to the development of the institution within the framework of legislation.