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Intermediary business: how it works. Intermediary business: the most profitable and promising options Is it profitable to be an intermediary?

Mediation is a form of doing business in which a person or organization acts as a connecting element between the seller of a product and its consumer. The profit received by the intermediary is based on the markup on the goods, as well as a certain amount as remuneration. The intermediary business has both advantages and disadvantages.

The essence of mediation, its advantages and disadvantages

This type of business is multifaceted. A person is able to organize a business not only in the real world, but also on the Internet. The essence of the business idea is to sell goods or provide any services to the public that were made by a third party. In this case, the intermediary will act as a conduit between the manufacturer and the buyer. For his services in bringing these two parties together, he receives a guaranteed reward.

Any brokerage business has positive and negative sides. Its advantages include:

  • the minimum amount of required investments and investments;
  • making a profit in a short period of time;
  • the ability to combine several business schemes at once;
  • unlimited income from the provision of intermediary services.

Among the negative aspects of such a business are:

  • high risk of fraud;
  • frequent breakdowns of transactions due to unforeseen circumstances.

Almost anyone can act as a mediator. But this does not mean that he should not have certain business qualities. Before becoming an intermediary, a person should acquire general knowledge of management, basic finance and marketing.
The success of any mediation event depends on how well the person understands the products he is selling. The profitability of a project also depends on the right direction of business. Additionally, the intermediary must have communication skills, activity and perseverance when promoting products or services.

Popular options for organizing an intermediary business

The implementation of most business projects requires a considerable amount of investment. Additionally, there is a need to attract hired workers, purchase equipment, and rent premises. But when conducting certain types of intermediary business, it is possible to significantly simplify the issues of its organization.

The following examples of creating a business based on intermediation deserve attention:

  • real estate activity;
  • nanny agency;
  • organization of holidays;
  • goods delivery;
  • cleaning companies;
  • construction business, repair;
  • recruitment;
  • mediation in the trade sector.

These types of mediation are ways in which services are provided to the public offline, that is, not on the Internet.

Real estate activity

This type of activity is relevant at any time. Most often, when organizing a business, a real estate agency acts as an intermediary. The client is forced to pay him a high percentage for transactions. But if you organize a business on behalf of a private intermediary, then his services will cost much less, which will attract the first clients and allow you to develop a base.

This type of mediation directly depends on the human factor. To organize it, the following is required:

  • rental of premises;
  • qualified personnel with experience working with children and recommendations, as well as having undergone a medical examination;
  • advertising of the agency in social networks, the media, in the form of business cards distributed in crowded places near kindergartens.

The advantage of such agencies is that their activities are not regulated in any way by law. But at the same time, the reputation of the staff matters, since not every parent is ready to entrust the life and health of their child to an unqualified and little-known nurse.

Organization of holiday celebrations

Entertainment agencies are widespread. This type of mediation is relevant at any time of the year. Moreover, such an agency does not necessarily have artists or showmen on its staff. They are involved as needed when organizing celebrations.

The essence of the agency comes down to proposing and organizing any event. It takes care of all organizational issues and also attracts the necessary personnel. With proper preparation of the celebration, it is possible to receive up to 15% of commissions from its budget. As a bonus, the intermediary can receive 10% from each artist attracted.

Goods delivery

Delivery of goods as a business does not require large investments. There is not always a need to rent premises. You can run a business from your own apartment, and hire students as staff or independently distribute goods.

Cleaning companies

There are several types of such organizations:

  • providing services in commercial facilities every day;
  • performing one-time cleaning services;
  • narrow profile companies.

The work of cleaning companies can be organized according to several schemes:

  • an agreement is concluded with a large shopping center where cleaning services are provided daily;
  • The organization specializes in private orders for cleaning apartments or individual interior items.

Construction business, repair

Mediation in construction and repair work is one of the most profitable activities. Minor investments are required, and you can simultaneously combine different directions. The intermediary will be required to engage qualified performers for repair work, with whom it is important to first enter into a formal cooperation agreement.



Many employers seek to save on HR services in their companies by turning to recruitment agencies for help in finding new employees. Job search mediation is currently the most popular type of business. At the same time, the agency is required to maintain a constantly updated database of vacancies. The business itself can be run from home with minimal investment.

Mediation in the trade sector

This type of business is called dropshipping. Its essence is that the goods are delivered to the buyer not by the seller himself, but by an intermediary. In this case, the intermediary’s income is formed due to the difference between the retail and wholesale prices. According to the first, he sells the product to the client, and according to the second, he first purchases it from the manufacturer himself.

The specificity of dropshipping is that products are delivered to the client directly from its manufacturer. This type of business has minimal risks and does not require start-up capital or the presence of retail warehouses.

Internet mediation

There are several ways to make money through mediation via the Internet:

  1. Partnership programs. They are the simplest type of income, but do not allow you to achieve high earnings. They consist of distributing invitation links to go to certain sites. Each user who follows a link brings a small reward to its distributor.
  2. Online stores. A business can be organized on the principle of joint purchases. The intermediary looks for wholesale suppliers of goods and offers products from them to its clients. The intermediary creates a minimum order, according to which an invoice is issued to the buyer, according to which he sends money to the wholesale organization. The latter delivers the goods in a certain way. The intermediary receives about 5-30% commission for organizing a transaction for the sale of goods.

During a crisis or when business activity declines, the most promising direction for building a business is mediation. You can achieve high results with minimal investment. There are a large number of examples of intermediary business; let’s look at the most striking of them.

Specifics of intermediary schemes

An intermediary is a person who acts as a link between the seller of goods or services and the person who is interested in purchasing them. By bringing these people together, the intermediary receives a commission. Like any other type of business, intermediary has a number of pros and cons. The benefits include low investments at the start, the ability to quickly reach the payback point and earn income. Disadvantages include the risk of the deal being disrupted and one of the parties refusing to pay for mediation services.

The intermediary business is multifaceted. It can develop successfully in everyday life or on the Internet. It is based on the offer of finished products that were produced by another company. Each such proposal is aimed at the client. To negotiate with him, the intermediary can use.

Who can become a mediator? Absolutely any person who has basic knowledge of marketing, management, and financing. He must also understand the specifics of the products he plans to sell. The key issue when implementing an intermediary business is the choice of direction. It is extremely important to focus on a promising and profitable vector, which is primarily of interest to the intermediary himself.

note: all examples of intermediary business have proven that instead of large investments, energy, perseverance, communication skills, organization and activity are needed.

Examples of intermediary business

Organizing any type of business on your own is always difficult, for example. Requires capital, hired employees, rental premises and the purchase of commercial or industrial equipment. But there are examples when all organizational issues can be simplified. These include the intermediary business. Let's look at the most effective and profitable examples.

Nanny and caregiver agency

A good nanny is always in short supply in any city and even country. This is an example of an intermediary business in which success depends on the human factor. There is practically no legislative framework in this area; the market itself can be called “black”, and the competition is enormous. Money is needed to rent premises (a small office for meeting with clients), recruiting staff and advertising. When selecting personnel, you need to focus not only on education and love for children, but also on recommendations from other clients and work experience. To do this, you need to conduct a personal interview and psychological testing. A mandatory requirement is the availability of the results of a medical examination.

Event agency

Those who know how to generate creative ideas and give others a good mood can use the example of opening a business organizing holidays.

There are no actors, dancers or musicians on the staff of the event agency. All of them are involved in organizing a specific event. The goal of the event agency is to offer a creative idea for organizing a holiday and organize the process itself. Based on the examples of such agencies, for holding small children's parties the intermediary takes 10-15% of the commission from the total budget spent on the organization, and 3-5% from large corporate events. If you organize your intermediary business correctly, another 10% commission can be collected from the artists who have been attracted.

Delivery service

Until recently, paid delivery services were considered a high-class privilege, but in recent years the format of the services provided has changed, prices have become more affordable and accessible. There are many examples of successful intermediary delivery business.

For this option, a small office with a telephone, a minimum set of computer equipment and a vehicle will be enough. Companies with a low budget generally make do with delivery using public transport, and set up an office at home.

Typically, courier services provide standard and express delivery. If an entrepreneur who wants to start an intermediary business has limited financial resources, he can perform the duties of a courier independently. In small companies, their role is often filled by students who work on a part-time basis.

cleaning company

The initial investment for opening this intermediary business may be minimal and limited to the cost of purchasing cleaning equipment and cleaning products.

If we analyze examples of the activities of cleaning companies, we can divide them into three types:

  1. one-time cleaning of objects (general, after construction, garbage removal);
  2. daily service in commercial properties;
  3. narrowly focused companies (for example, carpet dry cleaning).

In order to engage in this type of service, you can use two ways: open a company for a specific client (conclude a deal with a shopping or business center) or focus on a specific niche. For example, cleaning apartments or caring for hard floors.

A small company can present itself to clients as a highly specialized specialist who provides modern cleaning products, high-quality equipment and specially trained personnel. At the first stage of work, you can save money on opening an office. It is enough to hire a person who will take calls and send workers to the site.

Organization of joint purchases

When identifying profitable examples of intermediary schemes, one cannot help but think about Internet business. This includes online trading and opening, dropshipping, buying and selling websites, etc.

Organizing joint purchases is beneficial because it does not require investment. All that is needed from the organizer is access to the Internet, a mobile phone and a current account. This business involves finding wholesale suppliers who sell quality products at reasonable prices and offering products to potential clients (usually users of social networks or special services). Each of them orders a product, and the organizer creates a minimum order, transmitting information to the manufacturer’s warehouse. After this, buyers are issued an invoice, which must be paid as soon as possible. Then the money is transferred to the wholesale company, and the received goods are delivered to customers in the agreed way. In this scheme, everyone wins: the buyer receives 1-2 units of goods at a wholesale price, the manufacturer receives a new distribution channel, and the intermediary receives commissions from each transaction. In most examples, this is 5-10% of large transactions or 25-30% of the sale of inexpensive goods.

Today I want to look at a very interesting and popular view today - making money through mediation on the Internet. As in the offline sphere, on the Internet you can find simply a huge number of different kinds of intermediaries who make money by connecting sellers and buyers of freelance goods and services, and in many cases it is not even immediately possible to determine that these are intermediaries. Who are they Internet intermediaries, what they do there and how they earn money - more on that later.

So, what does it mean to make money through mediation on the Internet? To make it clearer, let's compare this with the provision of traditional services offline, for example, in construction. There are painters, plasterers, plumbers, electricians and other workers who are ready to provide their services to customers - in this way they work for themselves, engage in offline freelancing and earn money. But when you call about an advertisement, say, about plastering work, you get... no, not to the master who performs it, but to an intermediary-foreman. He comes to you, evaluates the scope of the work, you agree on a price with him, and you pay him money, and he sends you a master who does all the work. Naturally, the foreman pays only part of the money received from you, and takes the rest for himself. This is exactly the same situation on the Internet.

Let's say you earn . When you take an order on a freelance exchange, it is very likely that you are writing an article not for a direct customer, but for an intermediary, who will then resell it to someone who really needs it, at an even higher price. Even when you cooperate with the customer directly, it is possible that he makes money through mediation on the Internet.

Many people have probably noticed how often various types of SEO website promotion services are offered on the Internet. In the vast majority of cases, these are all intermediaries too. For example, they are engaged in the so-called. link promotion - they purchase links on different sites for their customer, who already pays a larger amount for them than the owners of those sites receive. All the difference “settles” with the intermediary.

Well, any of them are already more powerful intermediaries, whose work is systematized and automated. However, the essence is still the same: making money through mediation on the Internet.

The vast majority of people who sell some goods have their own online stores - these are also intermediaries on the Internet. Moreover, in many cases, their business does not even require practically any investment if they work according to the system. Just the intermediaries of Chinese online stores are worth it...

How do all these people make money? It’s very simple: on the Internet they play the role of “foremen”, solving all administrative and technical issues. The intermediaries themselves do not produce any goods or perform any work, although, in an amicable way, they should have a good understanding of their field. Their income from intermediary lies in finding customers and performers, sellers and buyers. As a rule, an Internet intermediary already has its own “working team”, its own “team” of performers - specialists in various fields who are always ready to do their job, if we are talking about Internet services, or their own suppliers of goods, if we are talking about about online trading.

An Internet mediator must be able to negotiate, negotiate, find compromises, and possess the art of persuasion - this is precisely what success in his work lies in. Even knowledge and skills in his field of activity, perhaps, come into the background.

Intermediaries on the Internet try to focus on large, systematic orders that require a large amount of work, have a high cost and, accordingly, allow them to earn more. Exactly the same as in our example with construction: the foreman is more interested in taking an order for a turnkey house renovation than for replacing one outlet (he may not even want to get involved with this).

Earnings from mediation on the Internet are quite significant, especially when it comes to the service sector. Prices for the same services vary greatly (as an example -), so the intermediary always has room for price maneuvers. He can easily find a contractor who will agree to do the work even at 2 times cheaper than what the customer will pay the intermediary. Thus, an intermediary on the Internet can earn up to 50% of the amount of their cash turnover and even more.

Very often, freelancers who start out doing various types of work independently, gaining experience and knowledge, become Internet intermediaries in the future. This can be observed on many freelance exchanges: a person first acts as a performer, then his rating increases, he becomes a popular and sought-after performer, and now he is already a customer, the number of work performed decreases, and the number of orders grows. Ultimately, he is a sought-after customer.

Let's summarize. Intermediaries on the Internet earn good money themselves, and also provide work and income to the performers with whom they cooperate. Their presence is disadvantageous only for customers who are forced to significantly overpay. However, many people are willing to pay “for convenience” and completed “turnkey work”, so saving their time, they turn to online intermediaries for services. Here, as they say, to each his own.

Now you have an idea of ​​how online intermediaries work, and you might want to join their ranks.

That's all I have for now. Perhaps in the future I will consider some options for mediation on the Internet in more detail. Stay tuned and subscribe for updates. See you again!

Many people know that mediation provides an opportunity to make very good money, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. There is a very important detail in the question of how to become an intermediary, which helps to bring this business to a successful level. The intermediary must have important information that is not available to either the consumer or the contractor. This is the only way he can manage transactions in his favor.

How to become an intermediary

Let's be clear right away that this business is not for everyone. For mediation to be profitable, you must have certain skills and qualities. The main ones among them are:

  1. The ability to find unique data that is inaccessible to others. It is important that they are not available to the consumer and the performer.
  2. The ability to present this information in a favorable light to both one and the other party. In this matter, it is important to be able to negotiate.

Only with these qualities can you safely take on a business such as mediation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the activity

Like any business, mediation has its pros and cons. Among the main advantages are the following:

  • starting capital is optional;
  • technically the work is not difficult;
  • good income.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • ignoring agreements on payment for intermediary services;
  • failure of agreements and deals.

Where to start a business

First of all, you need to decide on the area in which you prefer to work. Then you need to establish all the necessary connections for a profitable partnership. With the high development of Internet technologies, today this business is usually divided into two main areas: online and offline. In each of them you can find your own niches for mediation.

Online mediation

Ideas for mediation on the Internet are multifaceted and diverse, both in areas and in level of implementation. One thing is for sure, you will still have to work a lot.

Partnership programs

About 70% of products sold via the Internet are the work of intermediaries. Most often this is done through affiliate programs. The essence of the idea is simple. The intermediary, who in this case is usually called a partner, opens his account on the affiliate program website. After receiving his unique link, he begins to advertise the product or resource through it. When a product or service is purchased through this link, the affiliate receives a percentage or commission from the transaction. Money is credited to an electronic account, from where it can be withdrawn at any time.

Advertising on Internet resources

Advertising is perhaps the first thing that came to the Internet business. To make money on it, you need to open your own resource - a website or blog. An advertising banner is installed on it, and you receive money at an agreed rate or from transitions to the advertiser’s website. Depending on the level of promotion of the resource, the price of a click can be 15 kopecks, or maybe a couple of thousand rubles. Intermediaries are offered up to 50% of this click. Of course, direct advertising will cost much more.

Selling websites

This idea can be implemented in two ways. You can order an inexpensive website on specialized sites, pay for its development, and then look for buyers for this product and sell them at a higher price. The second way is to first look for the customer, sort out all the technical details with him, and then look for a contractor on the same sites. In any case, the risks with implementing the idea are quite high. The Internet is available to everyone, so on the sites you can find both a professional and a complete amateur who will miss all your deadlines.

Opening an online store

Despite the fact that purchasing and delivering goods from a foreign online store is available to everyone, many are still afraid to make such purchases due to the high risks of not receiving the goods when the money is paid for it. You, as an intermediary, can take on these risks and make purchases from a foreign online store for a certain percentage. Sometimes this costs the buyer even less than ordering from a domestic online store.

Resale of goods

You can resell goods without creating your own online store. In this case, you need to focus on a product of a narrow specialization, but of high cost, so that you can get a good percentage. Or a popular product, but for a large batch.

Very often, sellers and buyers of such goods do not have time to search for each other, so you can provide them with such a service. The algorithm for doing business is simple. Having found a suitable product, call the seller and clarify all the details of the product. Then find a buyer as quickly as possible and negotiate a deal. Preferably for a certain percentage. After this, call the seller again, inform him that you have a buyer for the product, but you want a percentage of the transaction. Having received your share from everyone, you will get a good income.

Offline mediation

Business in the offline sphere is familiar to everyone. The main ideas for implementing your mediation business could be:

Real estate

Looking to exchange an apartment, buy a new one, or buy office space – these questions are raised constantly. They are dealt with both by realtors officially and by ordinary citizens unofficially. Real estate is sold or rented, usually through realtors, who charge an impressive percentage. In this sense, the services of an intermediary are much cheaper, which helps in the implementation of this idea.

Renovation of offices and apartments

Apartments are ideal for implementing this idea, since office renovations are not needed as often as apartment renovations. It is best to look for clients in new buildings. Then you can place several orders within one home. Naturally, for this it is necessary to have several teams. You can look for them in the same new buildings.

Sales Representative

Business will not give up this idea anytime soon. Many manufacturers need representatives in various regions of the country or other countries where they want to expand their influence. It is best to choose several manufacturers of similar products and negotiate the sale of their products in your region. The next step is advertising the product and concluding supply contracts with end consumers - shops, supermarkets, etc.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of mediation options. But, it is quite possible that in the process of implementing them you will find some kind of your own way to make money through mediation.

Capital investments: from 12,300 rubles

Business payback: 1 month

Every person’s dream is to receive money out of thin air.

This sounds fantastic, of course.

Nevertheless brokerage business provides just such an opportunity.

This is one of the easiest ways to organize a source of profit with minimal or no investment.

Each of us constantly buys something, orders various services, and contacts organizations.

The intermediary becomes a guide who allows you to reduce efforts to a minimum and not rack your brains over finding a performer.

To become a mediator, you do not need to have specific skills or higher education.

It is enough to show intelligence, patience, and resourcefulness.

And, of course, find a common language with different people.

If you think that you have such qualities, you can safely try yourself as an entrepreneur who makes money through mediation.

This article will tell you what you need for this, and in what area you can find yourself.

What is mediation as a business?

Every person has resorted to the services of intermediaries more than once.

True, not every businessman is ready to openly admit that he acts only as a “conductor” in the provision of services.

The only glaring exceptions are realtors.

Everyone knows that their job is to help find properties to rent or buy.

Realtors are paid 30-50% of the deal simply because they bring two people together: those who have an offer, and those who have a need for this offer.

Sounds quite simple and attractive, right?

Although it is worth noting that this task is not as simple as it might seem from the outside.

The intermediary business now exists in many areas of life.

But in all of them the principle remains the same.

The intermediary brings the client and the contractor together, and for this he receives a certain percentage of remuneration. A business is built literally “out of thin air”, however, it often brings not “air” profits at all.

What are the advantages of a brokerage business?

“Mediation is the cleanest and most profitable business.”
Bakhtiyar Mamedov

The activities of intermediaries have long been popular and are not losing ground.

This is one of the common ideas for generating income among entrepreneurs.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • It is possible to combine mediation in several areas, increasing business income.
  • The upper limit for earnings is unlimited.
    The result depends only on your efforts and ambitions.
  • In this type of business, you can get by with minimal investments or even operate without investments.
  • An entrepreneur is not required to be aware of the services in which he acts as an intermediary.
    However, it is worth noting that knowledge helps to conduct business more confidently, and also protects the entrepreneur from fraudulent schemes and mistakes.

But there is also a fly in the ointment in this ointment:

  • The customer may not pay for the work, which means the intermediary will not receive a percentage.
  • In the event of conflict situations, it is often the mediator who gets caught.
  • The intermediary business is not exactly an area that you can safely brag about to your friends.
    It is also not the best option for self-realization.

What are the options for a brokerage business?

You can act as a mediator in almost any area of ​​our lives.

However, some destinations are much more popular and profitable than others.

Business mediation on affiliate programs

This is the simplest idea for starting a brokerage business.

Some resources on the Internet have an affiliate program.

This means that you can register in it and receive a personal invitation link.

Using affiliate programs is very simple.

All the conditions necessary for mediation have already been created, all you have to do is distribute your personal link. But the level of income in such a job, as a rule, is not particularly impressive.

Mediation in the construction business

Mediation in the provision of repair and construction services is more difficult, but also much more profitable.

You need to look for specialists with a narrow profile (wallpaper hanger, painter, electrician) and customers.

The main advantages of this option are that it does not require any special investment.

You can also easily combine several areas (for example, repairing equipment or cleaning premises).

You are required to find performers for the most popular services, and then launch advertising on the Internet and newspapers.

At the same time, it is worth concluding a cooperation agreement with the specialists you find so as not to get into trouble.

Mediation in online stores

Perhaps the most common area of ​​business for mediation is shopping.

Now they have become an absolutely common occurrence.

But many people are still unable to buy products from overseas websites.

The problem is the language barrier, unusual payment systems, and so on.

But a wide range and affordable prices attract, which makes the services of intermediaries popular and in demand.

The scheme of work is simple: the buyer selects a product on the website, leaves a request to the intermediary and makes a payment.

The possibility of sending cash on delivery is practically not used.

We advertise business mediation

Any promotion method will produce results if used wisely.

But only a combination of several techniques will give a noticeable result.

If an entrepreneur has the funds for this, you can use advertisements in newspapers, commercials on television and radio, and external advertising.

But the main assistant is, of course, the Internet.

The role of the Internet is especially important if you decide to provide intermediary services in the field of trade. It is on the Internet that your target audience “lives”.

It is also ideal because it provides all the necessary tools for free promotion.

A successful entrepreneur will need a website in almost any case.

And if you resell goods, then it is simply irreplaceable!

After all, how else can you show your product to potential buyers?

Not everyone can create a website themselves.

Although there are many tutorials and services on the Internet that help you study this area.

But if you don’t want to delve into website building or don’t have free time, entrust this to specialists in this area.

What investments are needed to start mediation as a business?

Basically, to start a brokerage business, capital investments may not be needed at all.

But let’s consider the option when an entrepreneur still has funds to invest in the start-up:

Business expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:from 12,300 rubles
Self-registration will cost
800-4000 rubles for you (depending on the form).
And if you turn to intermediary companies -
4000-13000 rubles.
(domain, hosting, development)
If you can't do it yourself,
get ready to shell out 5,000 rubles.
Advertising campaignYandex.Direct – from 5,000 rubles.
(forms, contracts)
1000-2000 rubles
TelephonePurchasing a separate number and unlimited tariff
will cost at least 500 rubles/month

Do you need premises for a brokerage business?

The intermediary business is one of the areas of entrepreneurial activity in which there is no need to rent housing, at least at first.

There is nothing special or “undignified” about working from home.

If you act as an intermediary for purchasing goods in online stores, you can send orders exclusively by mail.

And if the mediation is in real estate rental or construction business, come to the customer’s territory.

Only if things get really serious, then you can rent a small office.

In it you will be able to make calls in a relaxed atmosphere and supervise the site, without being distracted by household chores.

It will also be possible to arrange a warehouse there to store customer orders, documents, and receive visitors.

This development of events will be especially appropriate if you decide to open an online store.

If you are interested in starting a brokerage business,

Payback of business through mediation

The profitability of a business through intermediation can only be judged using a specific example.

But if we evaluate the situation in general, the payback is at a very high level.

If only because capital investments are often minimal.

So the entire percentage of the “cheat” goes into your pocket.

And the more effort and enthusiasm you show, the more you will get.

For example, consider an entrepreneur who plays the role of an intermediary in the provision of construction services.

One master will bring in about 30-40 thousand rubles per month (according to average statistics in Moscow).

About a third of this amount will go to pay for telephone bills, Internet, and advertising. But the remaining money is your net profit from just one person!

What if we increase our staff or engage in parallel mediation in other areas?

In any case, it’s much better than just sitting at home and spitting at the ceiling.

Thus, the payback for a brokerage business usually occurs within the first month of this activity.

And this is an excellent result for work with virtually no investment.

If we evaluate mediation as a business In general, we can note the great promise of this idea for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

Its main advantage is the huge number of different options for activities.

In their diversity, every businessman can find a direction to his liking.

And, as you know, if a person does what he really likes, then success is not long in coming.

Mediation is also interesting because it can often be done without any investment at all or with “little bloodshed.”

So if you decide to organize a business through mediation, go ahead and show persistence, patience and hard work!

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