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Festive scenario “Donut Clown visiting the birthday boy. Entertainment scenario for an early age group

Natalia Aparina

Story simulator "Cheerful Clown"

This is the simulator I made for my children to develop fine motor skills. The idea was taken from the book by E.V. Polozova. Necks and lids from plastic bottles, a box of chocolates and self-adhesive film.

The kids liked "The Cheerful Clown". Although I made the simulator three years ago, the children still play with pleasure.

Target: Development of fine motor skills of the hands;

Formation of the ability to understand the quantitative characteristics of aggregates of individual objects, using the words “many”, “one” in speech;

Development of the ability to distinguish and name primary colors.

Equipment: candy box, threaded necks from plastic bottles, bottle caps of different colors, Moment glue.

The box is covered with self-adhesive film, then the paper on which the clown is depicted is glued. Holes are cut in certain places and necks are glued.

Progress of the game

I show a clown toy or a picture of a clown. I'm reading a poem about a clown.

The clown is cheerful and mischievous,

With a red nose and a funny hat,

If he gets sad, he will make you laugh,

And you will want to laugh from the bottom of your heart!

Loved by both children and adults

Who can call this clown?

That's right, children are our "Button"! We'll play with him now!

I offer children lids of various colors; I show a circle of a certain color and suggest that you name the same object by color on the simulator and screw on the lid of the corresponding color.

We made you a shirt

Did you forget about the buttons? (No)

They chose the color they needed

And they began to screw them on.

My nose is always round and red,

It won't be difficult to screw it on.

Children use the simulator to find balls, determine their shape and color; trace the holes on the simulator with your fingers.

Here you can work with one or several colors. Children screw on the lids, saying the color of each ball and the number of items.

Fun in a group early age on the topic "Colorful games with the clown Klepa"

Kolemasova Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 12", Kamyshlov
Description of material: I offer you a summary of entertainment for children of an early age group (2-3 years old) on the topic “Colorful games with the clown Klepa.” This material will be useful for early childhood educators. This is an entertainment summary aimed at strengthening children's knowledge of the basic colors of the spectrum.
Scenario of entertainment in an early age group on the topic "Colorful games with the clown Klepa"
Target: creating a positive emotional state in children through an atmosphere of fun entertainment and participation in it.
Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge of the primary colors of the spectrum and the ability to correlate objects by color.
Educational: To develop children's attention, coordination of movements, spatial orientation; activate children's speech.
Educational: Cultivate children to have a friendly attitude towards each other.
Preliminary work: Didactic games and exercises to develop color perception.
Equipment: plastic balls in four primary colors, containers in four primary colors, paper butterflies in 4 primary colors, paper flowers in 4 primary colors, cardboard steering wheels in 4 primary colors, hoops in 4 primary colors, traffic lights with signals, balloons, ribbons .

Progress of entertainment.

The teacher enters the hall with the children and invites the children to sit on the chairs.
The teacher informs the children that she has invited a guest to kindergarten and he will come soon.
Clown Klepa runs into the hall to the sound of music.

Klepa the Clown: Hello guys! My name is Clown Klepa!
Educator: Let's say hello to Klepa. Hello, Klepa!
Children repeat the words of greeting.
Klepa the Clown: I came to visit you and invite you to play fun colorful games with me. Do you agree?
Children: Yes.
Klepa the Clown: Guys, I didn’t come empty-handed. I brought colorful balls for you... (hurries and drops the basket with balls, the balls scatter)
Educator: Oh, what a clumsy Klepa you are, you scattered all the balls. Guys, can we help Klepa collect everything? But you need to collect the balls in boxes according to color: what color is the ball, we put it in that box.
Game "Collect the balls".
Klepa the Clown: Well done boys! All the balls were collected correctly. Look, look, guys, the butterfly is flying! I'll catch her now. (pretends to catch a butterfly).
Educator: Guys, butterflies have really come to us. But is it possible to catch butterflies?
Children: No.
Educator: Let's hide the butterflies on the flowers from Klepa. Whatever color the butterfly is, we’ll plant the butterfly on a flower of the same color.
Game "Butterflies on Flowers".
Klepa the Clown: Oh, where are the butterflies? I don't see any. Everyone hid from me.
The teacher praises the children for completing the task correctly.
Klepa the Clown: Guys, now I invite you to ride in cars. (hands out cardboard steering wheels in primary colors)
Children move around the hall to the sound of music. The music stops.
Klepa the Clown: Now let's put our cars in the garages. What color is the steering wheel, what color is the garage.
The teacher helps the children complete the task.
Game "Colored cars and garages".
Educator: Clown Klepa, do you know that you need to drive cars while following the rules? traffic?
Klepa the Clown: No, but which ones?
Educator: And which ones - traffic light signals will tell us. All drivers obey traffic signal rules. When the light turns red, the cars are stopped; if the light turns yellow, we need to get ready - we walk in place; and when the light turns green, we drive!
Klepa the Clown: Let's practice, guys.
Game "Traffic Light".
Klepa the Clown: Thanks guys for telling me the rules of the road! And I have prepared a surprise for you. (takes out balloons)
Look at the wonderful miracle
How many balloons
Appeared in our hall.
The balls are all different, the balls are beautiful!
What colors are they? who is ready to give me an answer?
Children name the colors of the balls.
Klepa the Clown: Well done! But my balls are without strings. I have beautiful ribbons, let's match them to the balls.
Game "Match the ribbon to the ball."
Klepa the Clown: Now let's play with balloons.
Children play with balloons to the music.
Klepa the Clown: I have a treat for you.
Treats you with colorful M&M's candies.
Klepa the Clown: Thanks guys for funny Games. I really enjoyed visiting you. But the time has come to say goodbye. Goodbye!
Teacher and children: Goodbye, Clown Klepa!

Scenario for the holiday “Games with Clowns”

(senior and preparatory groups)

Clowns run into the hall holding hands to cheerful music.

Gosha and Igoresha together : Hello, here we are!

Gosha: Hello bike!

Igoresh : Fireworks, parachute!

Gosha : Let's get acquainted! My name is Gosha.

Igoresh : And I’m Igoresha!

Both together : Do you remember? Gosha and Igoresha!

Gosha: How are you? I can not hear! Let's do this: I ask you, and in response you stomp, clap, shout... Got it? So, get ready! - How are you? (children stomp, clap, whistle).

Igoresha: Your mood is simply super, top class!

Gosha: So we can start our program!

Igoresha: Well, shall we play, dance, have fun? I'm asking you!

(children answer)

(dance “Radiant Sun”
Gosha and Igoresh show, the children repeat after them).

Gosha: Since we decided to have fun today, let's have fun!

Igoresh : Gosha, do you think these guys can solve riddles?

Gosha: It’s unlikely, it seems to me that they don’t even know what it is.

Igoresh : Let's check who is the best at guessing riddles: boys or girls.

Game "Find and bring the answer"

(Gosha and Igoresha take turns asking the boys and girls riddles, and they climb into the tunnel, take the riddle toy and return back, putting the toys in a hoop. Whoever collects the most toys, that team wins).


    Which toy is first broken in half?
    And then they play it? (Matryoshka)

    You can't put this fat toy on your pillow.
    You know, I took an example from a horse: Sleep standing up, not in a crib!

    One-legged Ivashka – Painted shirt!
    Singing and dancing is a master, but standing is impossible. (Top)

    I hold him by the leash, Although he is not a puppy at all.
    And he broke off the leash and flew under the clouds. (Balloon)

    I'm building a house out of bricks, It's still nobody's.
    Here's brick by brick - I build whatever I want!
    If I don’t like it, I break it and start again. (Cubes)

    If you throw it into a river, it won’t drown, if you hit it against a wall, it won’t groan,
    If you throw it on the ground, it will begin to fly upward. (Ball)

    My outfit is colorful, my cap is sharp,
    My jokes and laughter amuse everyone. (Parsley)

    She doesn't need a driver at all. You will start it with the key -
    The wheels will start spinning, place it, and it will rush.
    (Wind-up machine)

    Gray, flannelette animal. Long-legged long-eared.
    Come on, guess who he is and give him a carrot!

    In a linen country along a river sheet
    The steamer is sailing, then back, then forward,
    And behind it there is such a smooth surface, not a wrinkle can be seen. (Iron)

    Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous,
    I got into the barn and counted the chickens. (Fox)

    Seventy clothes and all without fasteners (Cabbage)

    The gardener with the long nose lives.
    Wherever your nose shakes, water will flow. (Watering can)

Gosha and Igoresha sum up.

Gosha: Igoresha, do you know what rhyme is?

Igoresh : Ha! Who doesn't know? It needs to be fun, and most importantly – fun! For example: Uncle Fedya ate... a bear! Stepan is a cockroach, Masha is yogurt, Tatyana is sour cream, the ball is a finger.

Gosha: Enough is enough, I understand! It's as simple as two and two.

And now, attention, game! We start, you continue, answer in unison, in unison, and we will help you.

Igoresha: 1. Dandelion wreaths in springOf course, they only weave... (girls)

Gosha: 2. Bolts, screws, gearsyou’ll find it in…(the boy’s) pocket

Igoresha: 3. The skates drew arrows on the ice,We played hockey in the morning... (boys)

Gosha: 4. We chatted for an hour without a breakin colorful dresses...(girls)

Igoresh : 5. Test your strength in front of everyone,of course, they only love... (boys)

Gosha: 6. Afraid of the darkThey are all panties as one... (girls)

Igoresh : 7. Silk, lace and ringed fingers –They go out for a walk... (boys).

-Well done! You did an excellent job.

Gosha : Guys, what holiday will soon come to visit us, what holiday do both adults and children love? (New Year).

Igoresha: Are you preparing for this holiday? Do you already know New Year’s songs? Now let's organize a pre-New Year's song competition: who can sing the New Year's winter song best - the eldest or preparatory group?!

Groups take turns performing 2 songs.

Clowns evaluate children's singing

Gosha: Children, do you like to dance?

(dance “Zverobika”)

Game "Mirror" (children repeat his movements after the clown; those who didn’t have time sit on the bench) - Gosha shows.

Game "Distorted Mirror" (children repeat the previous movement after the clown) - Igoresha shows.

Gosha: Well, today we sang and danced and solved riddles and played rhymes. It's time to compete.

Igoresh : I know one game, it’s called “The Fattest”.

Gosha: Well, as I see, there are no fat children here, everyone is athletic and fit. How are we going to play this game?

Igoresha explains.

Game "The Fattest" (2 participants put on large T-shirts, and 6 children collect balloons and put them under their T-shirts, then the children measure their bellies).

Game "Fastest" ( children jump on bouncy balls to the posts and back - 6 boys and girls).

Gosha : Igoresha, come on and we will measure our speed with you, which of us is the fastest.

Igoresh : Lets do it! Only you and I, if we jump on these balls, we will crush them. Let's better measure our speed in a different way.

Game "Quick Slipper". (the clowns take off their slippers and put them on plastic plates. 4 children wind strings onto sticks, pulling the plates towards them. Whose slipper “arrives first” is the clown who wins).

Game "The Strongest". (first the clowns measure their strength among themselves, and then the children pull each other, holding on to the ring rope).

Fun dance "Chicken Pi".

The clowns praise the children, treat them to candy and run away holding hands to the music.

Number of players: any
Optional: red scarves or headbands
All players are divided equally into two teams. Players from the same team are designated as "People": they are marked either with bright red scarves around their necks or with bright red wide tape wrapped around the biceps of both arms. Players on the other team are designated as “Vampires” and do not have any headband markers. The goal of the “Vampires” is to capture as many “People” as possible, who, after capture, also become “Vampires”. The main charm of the game is that the “Vampires” do not have any bandage markers and the “People” are in constant tension and ready to run away from the “Vampires” filling the playing area.

Snowballs - winter game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: snow
In winter, you can remember this old Russian pastime.
The game usually involves two teams throwing snowballs at each other.

Monkey tag - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The driver must imitate the one running away like a monkey. For example, if the person being pursued unexpectedly (the runner will do such things on purpose) jumps on one leg, then the driver should jump after him on one leg. If the driver did not manage to repeat the movements of the runner in time, then the “greasing” does not count and the runner is given 5 seconds to run away again.

Gates - an outdoor game for children

Number of players: child and adult
Additional: no
If you have a very small but overly active child, then you can try to captivate him in this way.
Let's play outside! The child runs up to you, you spread your legs... and, as it were, “step over” him. He comes back, runs up to you, you again let him pass under you, as if through a “gate”. The main thing is energy in a peaceful direction. The game can be improved and furnished with jokes, add additional objects and tasks like “take the ball, carry it through the gate, put it in the stroller...”.

Catch-up games - an active game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: 2 spools of thread or very long threads in two colors (preferably blue and red)
We choose a leader. A thread is tied on everyone's hand in a visible place, but the knot is not tightened tightly. Boys and girls have different colors.
The task is to catch up with any person and break the thread from him. The difficulty is that the one who is caught can also tear the thread from the hand of the person who is snatching it. The one whose thread was torn off goes to the leader.

Dungeon Escape - Game for Kids

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The game is reminiscent of the old game "Cat and Mouse". The participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. Inside is a prisoner or captive, outside is his or her friend. The prisoner must break out, his assistant must deceive the guards. The one who lets the prisoner go takes his place.

Bells - an outdoor game for children

Number of players: any
Extras: bell
Children stand in a circle. Two people come out into the middle - one with a bell or bell, the other with a blindfold. Everyone sings:
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils called:
Guess where the ringing comes from!
After these words, the “blind man’s buff” catches the dodging player.

Bottomless Barrel - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: barrel without bottom, ball
On playground an ordinary barrel without a bottom is suspended at a height of three meters. The player on the run must throw the ball into the barrel with an accurate blow from the bottom up. The one who does this three times wins.

Clowns- a special type of pop, circus or theater actor, working in the style of buffoonery, often with elements of the grotesque. It is customary to divide clowns into two categories: cheerful (“red”, Harlequin) and sad (“white”, Pierrot). They often appear in pairs, creating contrast for the viewer and complementing each other.

The reason for the popularity of clowns lies in the specific manner of performing and interacting with the public. A simple and trusting manner of communicating with the audience, a bright and expressive costume and makeup, infectious laughter and jokes understandable to any audience make clowns favorites of children and regular participants in many holidays.

As for the holiday program, each professional clown actor has a set of his own. However, situations arise when, for a child’s birthday, one of the parents wants to take on the role of the clown, or maybe entrust this to one of their relatives or friends.

In this case, you can create a performance program yourself, using a ready-made one as a basis (including reworking one of the options for yourself).

Scenario “Doughnut the Clown came to visit a child’s birthday party.”

The average duration of a script is two to three hours. The number of participants is not of fundamental importance, but the optimal value is from 5 to 10 people.

The age for which the script is designed is 3-10 years.

What you will need to prepare in advance:

For the scenario you will need a costume: wide pants (preferably bright colors) with large pockets and suspenders attached to the pants, a plaid shirt, a red (red or orange) wig, boots or shoes 1-3 sizes larger. You can put a pillow or something else under your shirt to create a protruding belly.

Makeup: the face is covered with a thick layer of white powder, the lips are heavily painted with red lipstick. You can also make red spots on your cheeks.

You will need a dozen balloons. You should put a candy in each of them, and then inflate and tie. The balls will be used in a riddle competition.

You will also need to find a medium-sized ball so that it is not heavy and it is convenient for children to catch it.

For Game "Draw an animal" You will need 20-30 cards with animal names.

For the final game, you will need ordinary cake candles (one for each year of the birthday person) and three identical boxes with lids (size enough for the candle to fit inside, but not very large), as well as a small table.

You also need to prepare a number of small souvenirs or gifts for awards to the winners of games and competitions.

1) Start of the script.

When all the guests have gathered in the house of the birthday boy, a clown comes to them, holding a bouquet of balloons in his hand.

Hello kids!

The clown Donut came to you and brought a trailer of sweets! He will amuse you and give you gifts. How beautiful it is here, how festive! What kind of holiday are you having?

I'm sorry, what? As you said? (puts his free hand to his ear)

Jam day? No?

Cookie day? Also no?

Treatment day? Not again?

Day of torment? This reminds me of something! Everyone asks me why my face is white, probably in flour? But this is not flour, this is powder! What is my name, remember, children? That's right - Donut! And donuts are always sprinkled with powdered sugar...

So what are we celebrating anyway? School day? No? But you still need to study, we must not forget about it!

Wait a minute... I think I understand. Ah-ah-ah-ah, that's it! Birthday! How did I not guess right away? Who is our birthday boy? Whose birthday is It? At your place? Let's congratulate our hero of the occasion!(here you can sing a congratulatory song or ask one of the children to read a poem)

(After the songs are sung and the rhymes are recited, Donut nods approvingly)

However, mere congratulations in words are not enough! My mother told me that you should give gifts on your birthday.

(looks around)

But where is my candy trailer? It seems I lost everything along the way... Well, let's see(turns out his pants pockets, spreads his hands) - empty.

Oh, that Donut! I thought his pockets were full of candy - but it turned out there was nothing!

Children, children, did you hide the candy? No? What's your name? (approaches one of the children). Well, we’ll find out what it is now!

(hiding the candy in his hand, he holds it behind the child’s ear and seems to take it out from there)

Now I know where my sweets are - you picked them up and hid them. No?(scratches his chin thoughtfully)

2) Riddle competition.

Then who picked them up? Let's try to solve it! Do you like riddles? Well, of course you will, I knew it!

So let's get started. I was traveling by train and mixed up the regions. I moved to the wrong place - there are no trains here! The candies all scattered and were left behind somewhere...

Now we will figure out who picked up the candy. Whoever tells me the answer will receive a chocolate bar!

Donut gives the one who guesses the riddle first a balloon with candy inside.


1) Who opened the huge mouth? That's right - it's... (hippopotamus).

2) He jumps and gallops briskly, he really loves carrots (hare)

3) Bristles with needles and hides under fir trees (hedgehog)

4) He lives in an earthen hole, and is simply called - (mole)

5) Milk gives us again, it’s called - (cow)

6) Cunning, shameless, and red-haired too! (fox)

7) He knows a lot about piglets, but they call him - (wolf)

8) A log is floating along the river, it’s all green. Green (crocodile) did not surprise us with his cunning

9) Huge, clubfooted, sucking his paw in the den. And he knows how to roar, and his name is (bear)

10) The dog barks angrily at strangers and bites robbers

3) Game “Freedom for candy!”

(Donut laughs joyfully) — We determined the answers, and received gifts!

But what are these magic balls? Children, look - it seems there is something inside. After all, these are candies! But how to get them out of there? You will have to play the game and defeat the resistance of the ball.

How to get candy, how to do this? You need to press down the ball to release it!

Children, you need to press on the balloon so that it bursts! If you can’t do it, call your friends for help and do it together. Friendship conquers all!

In the meantime, I’ll play you a funny song!

(so that the balloons don’t burst so loudly and the atmosphere becomes more active and cheerful, here you need to play some cheerful song for the children, for example, in a dance rhythm)

When all the balls are defeated, the children can eat the candy.

(Donut claps his hands) Finally we won and got the candy!

4) Game “Curious Ball”.

(Donut takes the ball) Our Masha is crying loudly - she dropped a ball into the river. Hush, girl, don't cry - now your ball has come to us!

Children, you love to play ball, don’t you? Raise your hands who loves! Very good. Do you know who asks the most questions? That's right - you yourself. This is because you are interested in knowing everything in the world. Now you are a know-nothing, but when you get answers to all the questions in the world, you will become a know-it-all!

But we need to learn the rules of how to play the game “Curious Ball”! It's very simple: the one who caught my ball - I asked him a question!

Rules of the game:

Questions should be short and simple. For example, “what’s your name?”, “what color is the ball?”, “how old is the birthday boy?” and so on.

Having answered the question, the child returns the ball to the clown. You can complicate the task a little: the clown asks the first question, and then the children throw the ball to each other and ask the questions themselves.

If the child cannot answer the question, he must return the ball, after which the ball will be thrown to him again, but with a new question. Anyone who fails to answer a question three times in a row is eliminated from the game.

The smartest respondents receive small incentive prizes.

5) Game "Auction".

(Donut takes out a bag of gifts) Boys and girls, do you know what an auction is? This is the kind of game where you can win a prize!

Anyone who wants to receive a gift must tell everything about it!

The point of the game is as follows: the clown takes some object out of the bag and the children must name some characteristic of this object. Let's say the object is a banana. Answer options: yellow, oblong, curved, sweet, fragrant, soft, etc.

If someone wants to answer, they must raise their hand. The clown gives one of the players the floor, and if the answer is correct, then that player becomes a candidate to receive this item as a gift. If someone manages to come up with one more characteristic for the item, then the right to receive the gift goes to him. When no one else can offer their own original characteristics, the last one receives the gift, and the drawing of the next lot (item) of the auction can begin.

6) Game “Attentive Listeners”.

(Donut claps his hands) And now - pay attention! We listen diligently. Don't believe your eyes - better believe your ears. The monkey repeats - he doesn’t understand the words! You can’t knock us down that easily - we can tell where the lies are.

The principle of this game is as follows: children look at the clown and follow his instructions. For example, the clown says “let’s squat!” and begins to squat, then “raise your hands up!”, after which he raises his hands up, etc.

To test children's attentiveness, periodically the command does not coincide with the actions of the clown. For example, he says “let’s squat,” and he begins to clap his hands. The one who did not sit down, but also began to clap, is eliminated from the game.

By the end of the game, the most attentive players should remain.

7) Game “Imagine an animal”.

(Donut shows the children a basket with cards)

In order to be there in time for the holiday, I had to travel through many countries. And when I hurried to you, I met different animals. Funny and scary, decorated in different colors! To guess the name, you need to show the animal!

In the clown’s basket there are two or three dozen cards with the names of animals (more are possible). Donut chooses the child to play first. He comes up and pulls a card at random from the basket, reads to himself what is written there, and then must show the animal so that the audience can guess which one it is. we're talking about. If a child has difficulty reading, the clown can whisper the name of the animal in his ear.

Whoever guesses first what animal we are talking about becomes the next player.

If no one succeeds in guessing, then the clown allows the audience to ask a clarifying question, for example, “can this animal swim?”, “what does this animal eat?” etc. If this does not help to solve the pantomime, the clown himself can voice some clue, for example, “this animal has a lush mane” or “he has horns,” etc.

8) The finale is the game “Decorate the cake with candles.”

(The melody of the alarm clock or the clock on the phone in the clown’s pocket sounds loudly)

The signal has rung - our carnival is over! The donut must pack up, so we will say goodbye... Have I forgotten anything? How, did you forget? Really, kids - where's the cake?

(Donut goes into the kitchen and returns with a cake in his hands, puts it on the table)

Oh, but what is this? What I see? I can’t believe my eyes - a birthday cake without candles! We need to help and provide him with candles.

(Donut takes out a candle and three boxes, puts the candle in one of them, closes all three, then puts them on the table in front of the audience. After that, he begins to rearrange the boxes so that the audience forgets which one contains the candle)

I twist and turn - I want to confuse! Come on, come on, guess it and we’ll decorate the loaf!

The child who guessed which box the candle is in gets the right to place it on the cake.

After all the candles are installed, the clown lights them and gives the birthday boy the opportunity to blow them out and make a wish. Then the children sit down at the festive table.