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Termination of support for 1c zoom 2.5 information letter. TANAIS company starts a project to implement DIRECTUM in the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation

Today, 1C company officially informed its partners and users that it will implement limited support for the 1C Salary and Personnel Management 2.5 configuration in 2015.

This is stated in information letter No. 18981 for users and partners dated 10/13/2014 “Recommendations for the transition to version 3.0 of the configuration” Salary and Personnel Management. Limited support for version 2.5 in 2015."

Initial plans for the transition to edition 3.0 of the ZUP.

In 2013, 1C announced the release of version 3.0 of the Salary and Personnel Management configuration, developed on the 1C Enterprise 8.3 platform. I wrote about this.

Initially, it was planned to support edition 2.5 of 1C: Salary and Personnel Management until the end of 2014 with the possibility of submitting reports for 2014 in 2015. Preliminary plans for support were announced in information letter N 17186 dated September 13, 2013.

Change of plans based on the results of the partner workshop in September 2014.

However, after the autumn partnership workshop was held on September 26-29, 2014, plans were adjusted. The letter states that:

The partners expressed the view that the transition of users of the standard (unchanged) 2.5 configuration to edition 3.0 is not difficult and can be easily done using standard tools. But in cases where the “Payroll and HR Management” configuration is used with significant modifications and changes (high level of customization during implementation), the transition to edition 3.0 may be associated with a significant amount of work. In this regard, at the partner seminar it was decided to limit support for edition 2.5 of the “Salaries and Personnel Management” configuration in 2015.

What will be the limited support for version 2.5?

During 2015, in version 2.5 of the 1C configuration: Salary and Personnel Management of the PROF version, it is planned to support changes in legislation and updating of regulated reporting forms for users of the ZUP versions listed below. Development of functionality and measures to improve usability are planned to be implemented only in edition 3.0.

  • 1C:Control personnel management 8.0,
  • 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8.0,
  • 1C:Enterprise 8.0. Set of application solutions for 5 users,
  • 1C:Enterprise 8.0. Set for training in higher and secondary education
  • establishments,
  • 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 PROF,
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Set of application solutions for 5 users,
  • 1C: Integrated automation 8.

Support for version 2.5 for users of the above configurations is provided only within the framework of information technology support (1C:ITS). Users who have a valid 1C:ITS contract will be able to receive configuration updates on 1C:ITS disks or in their personal account online:

1C company recommends that users of edition 2.5 of ZUP switch to edition 3.0. The transition to edition 3.0 is carried out by transferring data from the information base of edition 2.5 to the information base of edition 3.0. The transfer of regulatory and reference information and accounting data necessary to continue maintaining personnel records in version 3.0, calculating salaries, preparing reports, etc. As a result of transferring accounting data, primary documents for personnel records, calculation and payment of salaries, calculation of taxes and contributions are created V.

Users of edition 2.5 of the Salary and Personnel Management configuration, changed during implementation (customized), are recommended to contact their official partner of 1C to switch to edition 3.0.

The very provision of version 3.0 to official users of the Salary and Personnel Management configuration, edition 2.5 does not require additional payment. However, users of the Salary and Personnel Management configuration of the PROF version must have a valid 1C:ITS contract, and the services of 1C partners for the translation from edition 2.5 to edition 3.0 may require additional payment.

In accordance with the office. By letter from 1C (N22222 dated November 18, 2016), in 2017 there will be limited support for the following configurations:

  • “Salaries and personnel management” edition 2.5 (hereinafter referred to as ZUP 2.5);
  • “Salaries and personnel of budgetary institutions” edition 1.0 (hereinafter referred to as ZiK 1.0);
  • "Medicine. Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" edition 1.0.

Limited support means that 1C will release updates until the 1st quarter of 2018(it will be possible to submit annual reports for 2017), however, the updates will not develop functionality, as well as increase the level of automation and user experience (including 100% automated completion of 6-NDFL reports will not be implemented), so 1C recommends switching for new editions of software products now. ZUP 2.5 will not be supported and updates will not be released after 04/01/2018.

  • fully automated military registration and generation of necessary reporting
  • there is no need to duplicate personnel documents with settlement ones: the corresponding accruals (for example, for vacation) are made together with the registration of the personnel fact
  • the problem with taking into account payments to employees who are not employees under an employment contract (former employees, shareholders) has been resolved
  • documents have been developed for assigning common types of deductions (trade union dues, voluntary insurance contributions, etc.)
  • The list of supported places for salary payment has been expanded: in addition to payment through a cash register, payment through a distributor has been implemented, and payment through a bank can be made both to a personal account within the framework of a salary project, and to an arbitrary bank account specified by the employee.
  • automated filling out of correction forms for Pension Funds in some common situations
  • statistical reporting forms have been implemented: P-4 (with the possibility of automatic completion), P-4 (NZ), 3-F, MP (micro), PM
  • automatic completion of the 6-NDFL report has been implemented (there are several rare operations that have to be reflected in the reports manually. 1C plans to 100% automate the completion of 6-NDFL reports in future releases). and much more.

Also familiarize yourself with the benefits of the “Salary and HR Management” configuration, ed. 3" compared to edition 2.5 can be found on the 1C company website, and with the benefits "Salaries and personnel of a government institution" - /advantages/ .

There are currently no plans to remove the “Salary and Personnel Management CORP” configuration from support for edition 2.5. The deprecation of this configuration will be announced at least one year in advance.



On the completion of support for the standard configuration "1C: Salaries and Personnel Management" edition 2.5 and the need to switch to the new edition 3.1

The 1C company confirmed its intentions to stop supporting old versions of payroll configurations in 2018:
  • "1C: Salaries and personnel management" edition 2.5;
  • "1C: Salaries and personnel of budgetary institutions" edition 1.0;
  • "1C: Medicine. Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" edition 1.0.
For the specified configurations, the release of updates necessary for submitting reports for 2017 will be carried out before the deadline for submitting reports for 2017, that is, until the end of the first quarter of 2018.
There are no plans to support 2018 legislation in released updates!

1C notified users and partners about plans to stop supporting outdated editions of these configurations more than a year ago (see Information for users and partners No. 22222 dated November 18, 2016 Completion of support for old editions of payroll configurations in 2018).

Upgrade to CORP version

Users of edition 2.5 of the "Salaries and HR Management" configuration of the PROF version, who for some reason do not want to switch to the ZUP 3.1 edition, can upgrade to the more expensive version "1C: Salaries and HR Management 8" CORP" (ZUP KORP), limited support of which will continue in 2018.

The total cost of "1C: Salary and personnel management 8 CORP" (Article 4601546081506) is 109,000 rubles.

The cost of the upgrade is calculated as the difference in price between the kit purchased and the kit handed over for upgrade + 150 rubles. and will depend on the credit value of the delivered set 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 PROF.

There are no plans to complete support for the CORP version 2.5 of the “Payroll and HR Management” configuration, but this is possible in subsequent years, so the transition to the CORP version is a temporary solution.

The procedure for switching to the new edition 3.1 of the standard configuration "1C: Salary and HR management"

To install version 3.1 of the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management configuration, you need a version of the 1C: Enterprise technology platform no lower than 8.3.10.The exact version of the required platform is indicated in the "New in version" file included in the configuration delivery.
To migrate to Revision 3.1, you must install the latest officially released version of the Revision 3.1 configuration. It is recommended to update the configuration to edition 3.1 from the latest officially released version, edition 2.5.

All required versions of the platform and configurations are published on 1C:ITS disks, and are also available in the 1C:Program Update service on the 1C:ITS portal at Methods for migrating to version 3.1 are included in the delivery of the corresponding configurations.

Transition to edition ZUP 3.1 from the standard configuration ZUP 2.5

The transition to edition 3.1 is carried out by transferring data from the information base of edition 2.5 to the information base of edition 3.1. The transfer of regulatory and reference information and accounting data necessary to continue maintaining personnel records in version 3.1, calculating salaries, preparing reports, etc. is carried out.

To transfer data from the previous edition 2.5, it is enough in edition 3.1 to follow the instructions of the initial setup assistant when starting the program.

Transition to the ZUP 3.1 edition forchangedconfigurations

For users of "1C: Salary and HR Management 8. Basic version"
Registered users of the product "1C: Salary and HR Management 8. Basic Version" can receive version 3.1 of the "Salary and HR Management Basic" configuration at no additional cost in the "1C: Software Update" service on the 1C:ITS portal at ., however, the services of 1C partners for the translation to edition 3.1 from the previous edition may require additional payment.

For users of "1C: Salary and HR management version 8 PROF and CORP"
To receive the new edition 3.1, users of the PROF and KORP versions must have a valid 1C:ITS agreement.
For users who already have a valid contract 1C:ITS edition 3.1 of the “Salary and HR Management” configurations is provided free of charge, however, the services of 1C partners for transferring to edition 3.1 from the previous edition may require additional payment.

You can enter into an agreement for the support of “1C: Salary and HR Management” with our company, even if you are in another region of the Russian Federation and purchased the program itself elsewhere! The only condition is that the program must be licensed. You can also switch to us for service if you were previously served by another company. Access to downloading updates on the official technical support website will be opened a few hours after payment for the ITS contract.

Documentation and educational materials

Methodological support on the ITS website

For users who have a valid 1C:ITS contract, detailed instructions for the transition are also available as part of methodological support, see


To effectively master the new edition, a description of the standard configuration "1C: Salary and Personnel Management" edition 3.1 has been released:

Registered users of software products that include the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management configuration can purchase updated documentation in accordance with the established regulations.

additional literature
To help users of the "Salary and Personnel Management" configuration, the "Handbook on remuneration and its calculation in "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" (edition 3). Edition 13" is offered.

This book is available in electronic form without additional payment on the website of the 1C:ITS information system at (subject to a valid information technology support agreement).

Tags: New edition of 1C: ZUP 3.1, Transition to the new edition of 1C: Salary and HR management 3.1, Upgrade to the new version of 1C: ZUP 3.1, Updating Salary and HR management to edition 3.1

Dear accountants and payroll and personnel accounting specialists!

We inform you that the software developer 1C, from January 1, 2018, will stop supporting version 2.5 of the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management program* and version 1.0 of the 1C: Salaries and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution program. At the same time, updates for old editions 2.5 and 1.0, necessary for submitting annual reports for 2017, will be released before the end of the 1st quarter of 2018. But support for legislative changes for 2018 is not planned in these updates.

Due to partial changes in the configuration structure of new versions, it is not possible to simply update the program to a new edition. Therefore, the transition was implemented by transferring (uploading and loading) data from the old edition to the new one. You can either make a free transition yourself or take advantage of the professional help of our specialists in transferring data from ZUP 2.5 (ZKBU 1.0) to ZUP 3.1 (ZKGU 3.1).

The following data is transferred:

  • Personnel information for creating a personal employee card (without the personnel documents themselves)
  • Directories (Employees, Individuals, Positions, Divisions, Staffing)
  • Data for calculating average earnings for vacations and sick leave for the previous two years
  • Data for generating reports for the current year (not editable)
  • Current planned employee accruals as of the date of transfer
  • Balance on mutual settlements as of the date of transfer

Not transferred:

  • Data on accruals, deductions, payments to employees. (The formation of a set of accruals or payslips should be done in the old program)
  • Other charges. (Some of the charges need to be re-configured in the program)
  • Documentation. (All data is transferred to specialized registers. Data for previous months cannot be corrected automatically)

Work required after data transfer for successful payroll calculation (paid separately according to the wishes and needs of the customer):

  • Generate reporting for the previous period and compare with reporting in the old program (6-NDFL, 2-NDFL, DAM, 4-FSS)
  • Check data before use
  • Check the calculation of average earnings for vacation and sick leave by calculating the documents in the old and new program.
  • Set up accounting for the specifics of the institution.
  • Set up all necessary types of accruals and deductions.
  • Customize reports to suit the needs of the institution.

In April 2018, support for “Payroll and HR Management” 2.5 ends

Dear customers, we remind you that in accordance with information letter No. 22222 dated November 18, 2016, in 2018, 1C announced the termination of support for the following configurations:

  • "Salaries and personnel management" edition 2.5;
  • "Salaries and personnel of budgetary institutions" edition 1.0;
  • "Medicine. Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" edition 1.0.

Users of edition 2.5 of the "Salaries and personnel management" configuration are recommended to switch to edition 3.1, and users of the "Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" and "Medicine. Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" configurations are recommended to switch to edition 3.1 of the "Salaries and personnel of a government institution" configuration.

We draw the attention of users: in order to facilitate the transition from old editions to 04/15/2018, not only updates, but also complete distributions of editions 3.1 configurations will be published in the 1C: Software Update service. Users of previous editions can immediately install and deploy information databases of new editions, and then transfer accumulated credentials to them.

New editions of configurations are developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform and use its technological advantages. For example, configurations support operation in thin and web client mode, which allows you to work with them via the Internet, including in cloud versions. The configurations implement the “Taxi” interface, the distinctive features of which are large font, maximizing the workspace on monitors with different resolutions, ease of navigation, and the ability to independently design your own workspace. All this significantly improves user comfort for a long time.

Due to the new architecture of application solutions in the new editions of configurations, a number of operations are automated that cannot be automated in the old editions - thus, the new editions are more suitable for adapting to current changes in legislation.

You can familiarize yourself with the advantages of edition 3.1 of the “Salary and HR Management” configuration compared to edition 2.5 on this page.

You can familiarize yourself with the advantages of edition 3.1 of the “Salaries and personnel of a government institution” configuration in comparison with the “Salaries and personnel of a public institution” configuration of edition 1.0 on the page.

The main features of editions 3.1 of the specified configurations can be found in the appendix to information letter No. 22222 dated November 18, 2016, as well as on the pages:

Plan in advance for the transition to the new edition so that you can update everything without rush jobs and without interrupting the main work of your enterprise.