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Presentation on the topic of the letter G. Presentation "Sounds and the letter G" presentation for a literacy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic

This presentation will help the speech therapist teacher introduce preschoolers to sounds and the letter G while going on a trip with Hans. Hans's ship began to sink. The guys have to save Hans by completing a number of tasks.


Slide captions:

Find all the toys
prepared by: speech therapist teacher
MADOU No. 66 "

Find words with the sounds G-
- si
Hans Gi-ta-
What words
consist of
1st, 2nd
3 syllables

Game "On the contrary"
Quiet - ... clean - ...

cheerful -... smart -...
Well-fed -... rare -...

small-... rough

Hans is getting ready to go

Read the syllables and words

What did the goose want to say?
Read the word based on its first sounds.

Drilled the earth
I left the spine
He came into the world himself,
Covered myself with a cap
Hans's ship is sinking. Captain
throws Hans a life preserver. We will save Hans if we make sound patterns of the words on lifebuoys: Hans, geese

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Look at the pictures on slide 3 with your child. Listen to the first sounds in the words mushroom, pear. The sound [g] is consonant, hard. Listen to the first sound in the word guitar. The sound [g"] is a soft consonant. When we pronounce these sounds, we hear a voice. These are voiced consonant sounds. The sounds [g] and [g"] are denoted by the letter “ge”.

Watch the video about the letter. Ask your child to remember words that had new sounds. Determine the place of the sound in the word. Hard or soft consonant.

Watch a fragment of the cartoon. Ask your child what the cartoon was about. Pay attention to speech. Help your child formulate sentences correctly. At the end of sentences there is a pause. What words with new sounds were in the cartoon? Divide the words into syllables. Determine in which syllable the new sounds occur. Make up your own words with new sounds. Determine the place of the sound in the word (at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word).

Read the poems on the following slides. Let your child clap his hands when he hears new sounds. Read slowly. Name words with sounds [g], [g"]. Write the letter in the album. Think about what the letter looks like. Hold a competition to see whose image is more interesting, draw with your child.

Play the game “Find the Sound”. Assignment: look around, are there any new sounds in the words that denote the objects around us?

Program tasks:

  • To acquaint children with the acoustic and articulatory features of the sounds [g], [g’].
  • Improve sound-syllable analysis and synthesis, phonemic perception.
  • Learn to differentiate the sounds [g]–[g"] in syllables, words, sentences.
  • Activate your vocabulary.
  • Develop spelling vigilance.
  • Learn grammatical form of sentences.
  • Develop arbitrariness of attention, auditory and visual memory, logical thinking, hand-eye coordination, imagination.
  • Cultivate interest in speech therapy classes.

Equipment: notebooks, pens, colored pencils, leaves for each child.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

1. Rule of speech. (Slide 4).

Every day, always, everywhere.
In class and in play,
Let's speak clearly
And we won't rush.

2. Getting to know the sounds of the lesson. (Slide 5)

Speech therapist: Today we will go to visit the gnomes. Here one of them meets us. He will be our guide in the fairy forest. Who is a guide? (teacher explanation).

What sound does the word “Gnome” begin with? And from which “guide”?

Who guessed what the topic of our lesson is? (students' answers)

Today in class we will practice listening to sounds and distinguishing [g] - [g’] from each other.

II. Main part

1. Comparative characteristics of the sounds being studied. (Slides 6-8).

Speech therapist: Tell us about the sounds of our lesson.

G – consonant, voiced, hard.

G’ – consonant, voiced, soft.

2. Correlation with the letter G (slide 9-10).

Speech therapist: Listen to a poem about the letter G (Slide 9).

Find this letter in the Gnome's house . (Slide 10)

3. Differentiation [g] – [g’] in syllables. (Slide 11).

Speech therapist: Read the syllables together with the donkey as many times as he spins GA - GO - GU - GY - GE - GYU - GYO - GI - AHA.

What occupation sound is there in each syllable? First name the syllables with a soft sound [g’], then with a hard sound [g].

4. Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis, visual perception. Clarification of the dictionary. (Slide 12)

Speech therapist: Unravel the words.


5. Physical exercise. Gymnastics for the eyes. (Slide 13-14)

Speech therapist: Let's relax with the gnomes. Carefully follow the objects on the screen with your eyes.

6. Differentiation [g] - [g"] in words. Development of logical thinking. (Slides 15-23)

Speech therapist: Solve the riddles. Write down the answers, underline the letter G. If there is a sound [g] in a word, use a blue pencil, if the sound [g’] - use a green pencil.

This string instrument
It will ring at any moment.
And on stage in the best hall,
And on a camping trip. (guitar)

Thick-skinned, clumsy,
He has a huge mouth.
Loves water, but not puddles,
Resident of the Nile.... (hippopotamus)

He's a swing and a bed,
It's good to lie on it,
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Will sway on the weight. (hammock)

Hairy, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Although there are many legs,
Still can't run. (caterpillar)

7. Differentiation [g] – [g’] in words. (Slide 24)

Speech therapist: Crocodile Gena came to visit the gnomes and brought words. Distribute the words into two columns, giving the Gnome (rake, pear, giant) and Gene (guitar, weight, giant).

8. Work on the grammatical design of sentences. (Slide 25)

Speech therapist: Make up a sentence about Gena the crocodile using these words. Check it out. Write it down in your notebook and underline the sounds of the lesson.

III. Lesson summary (Slide 26)

Speech therapist: What did you like about the lesson? What new did you learn?

  • Come up with and draw on pieces of paper your gifts for the gnomes based on the sounds [g’] - [g].
  • Describe the sounds of the activity.

Open lesson in 1st grade A

Teacher: Muzalevskaya G.F.

Topic: Sounds [g] [g’]. Letters "G, g".

Target: create conditions for students to become familiar with paired (in terms of hardness - softness) consonant sounds (g, g) and the letters G, g, denoting these sounds in writing.

Planned results:

Subject: students will learn: find a pattern of changes in words in columns and continue it, explain the origin of words (names of mushrooms), read a poem by role, reproduce poetic lines with different semantic shades.

Personal: acquire a sustainable interest in learning new things; assess the difficulty of the proposed task.

Universal learning activities (meta-subject):

Regulatory: maintain the goal of an activity until its result is obtained.


general education- reproduce information from their own life experience; check information, find additional information necessary to solve a learning task; brain teaser- characterize the sounds [g], [g’], establish analogies.

Communicative: build dialogue based on roles.


Primer by T.M. Andrianova, workbook for the primer by T.M. Andrianova, image of the letter G, drawings,


We came here to study

Don't be lazy, but work.

We work diligently

Let's listen carefully

Look at each other, smile like the sun smiles at you and go on a journey of knowledge!

Today we will go on a journey through the Primer to get acquainted with a new letter, meet fairy-tale characters, and learn a lot of new things. Our guest today is Lesovichok.

Do you know who Lesovichok is? (yes, he guards the forest)

Where does Lesovichok live? (In the woods)

The forest boy watches over the forest so that no one offends animals in the forest, throws garbage, breaks trees, or picks flowers.

He invites you to take a fascinating journey through the autumn forest with him, but you must complete the tasks that he offers.

2. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Guys, let's please Lesovich and correctly name the letters that we have already studied.

Now let’s complete Lesovich’s second task. He invites you to divide the letters into two groups: “b”, “c”, “p”, “f” into two groups

How will you do this?

(Children: Group of voiced consonants, group of voiceless consonants)

How can they be arranged to make a pair?

Lesovichok is pleased with your answers.

3. Learning new material

1. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today in class we must introduce you to a new letter. - Which? Attention to the screen...

2. Introducing the letter.

(Demonstration of an excerpt from the animated film-fairy tale “Geese-Swans”

Did you recognize the fairy tale? What is it called?

This fairy tale is called "Geese and Swans"

What kind of birds carried brother Ivanushka beyond the dark forests and high mountains?( Geese)

Let's pronounce the word GUSY, dividing it into syllables

How many syllables are in a word?

What is the first sound in the first syllable?

What sound is this, a vowel or a consonant?


How to pronounce the sound softly or hard?

Make a diagram of the word geese.

Let's say the word guitar. What is the first sound in this word?

3. Phonemic minute

Now let's play with Lesovichok.

I name the words. If you hear the sounds [g] [g’] in a word, then you need to CLAP.

If there is no sound [g], then you need to STOMP.


The hard and soft consonant sounds [g] and [g’] are designated by the letter “g”.

"Ge" is the name of the letter. (Showing the letter G)

Lesovichok came up with an image of a letter made from rose hips:

Showing letters from rose hips.

Look at the rosehip bush. Lesovichok will tell you about the benefits of rose hips. Rosehip is one of the best sources of vitamins. A decoction is made from rose hips and drunk instead of tea. It is also known as an excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-cold remedy.
What else does the letter G look like?

What does the letter G look like?

On a hook, on a braid too.

The goose cackles: - Ga-Ga-Ga,

G – hatchet, poker,

Bent nail, boot,

Stick, hoe and flag.

Wore it on his shoulder.
On the lu G I mowed the grass.

Well done Lesovich liked your work and suggests opening the Primer on page 58.

4. Working with columns of words

A) 1 column of words

B) We work with the second column.

B) - We work with column 3

D) - We work with 4 columns of words.

D) - We work with 5 columns of words.

What words does this word go with?

Mushroom (rain, forest, soup)

Main (city, doctor)


What does this word mean?

Children: Grigory - proper name, male, full short - Grisha

5. Physical exercise

Lesovichok invites you to rest

Grisha walked, walked, walked,

I found a white mushroom.

Once - a fungus,

Two is a fungus,

Three - fungus,

I put them in the box.

6. Working with text

Guys, where do you think mushrooms are picked?

Children: In the forest.

Now we will read this story.

(Read by student)

Who knows what Bohr is?

Bor is a pine forest

(Display of Shishkin’s painting “Pine Forest”)

Now let's read this text in parts:

Read part 1...

(The student reads. The others follow with pointers)

What kind of mushroom do you think is being discussed in the first part of the text?

Boletus is the most important mushroom in the forest.

Lesovichok will tell us about the Boletus mushroom.

Boletus - The porcini mushroom is so named because it does not darken either when cooked or dried.

This mushroom lives under the spruce tree,
Under her huge shadow.
Wise bearded old man,
Resident of the forest -...

Part 2 will be read...

The student reads, the others follow

What are we talking about in the second part?

(Fly agaric is a dangerous inedible mushroom.)

Let's listen to Lesovich.

Fly agaric is an inedible mushroom; many insects, including flies, do not like it.

We walked into the dark forest
We met a fly agaric,
The red hat beckons,
But don't touch it. Poisonous!

And Lesovichok invites you to read the third part of the text in chorus?

What is said in part 3 (read in chorus)

The cart is full. It's time to go home!

Guys, Lesovichok invites you to fill your baskets with mushrooms. But he warns that not all mushrooms can be collected. What mushrooms cannot be picked?

Which ones are possible? What edible mushrooms do you know?

Explain the names of mushrooms.

Boletus, boletus - these mushrooms grow under the corresponding trees.

Honey fungus, honey agaric - mushrooms usually grow on stumps (stump).

Saffron milk caps are named for their color.

Butterflies - these mushrooms have a fatty (oily) film covering their cap.

7. Game “Collect mushrooms”

8. Dramatization of the poem

Work with a poem by A. Shibaev.

Lesovichok decided to ask you a tricky question

Anyone who watches the scene carefully will be able to answer it.

- Who you are?
- We are FOXES,
Friendly sisters.
Well, who are you?
- We are FOXES too.
- How, with one paw?
- No, also with a hat.

Who is it talking about?

What types of chanterelles are there?

Who asked the first question?

The first question is asked to foxes by chanterelle mushrooms.

9. Work in a notebook

Guys, Lesovichok lives in the forest. He doesn’t know what a notebook is, but we know. Let’s show how we can correctly complete tasks in the Workbook

Open your notebook to page 28

Look at task 1

Write the first letters of the names of the drawn objects in the cells.

(The teacher shows the object - the children say its name)

Now let's work on task 2 orally.

Make words from syllables

Needles, game, mountain, goals (2-3 words are enough)

10. Lesson summary Working with a proverb.

Learning to read and write is always useful

How do you understand?

Why do they say this? (Life is easier for a literate, educated person)

And we didn’t waste our time in the lesson in vain

Which letter did you meet?

What sounds does it represent?

What interesting things did you learn after reading the story “Picking Mushrooms”?

We learned that mushrooms can be edible and inedible, only a competent person can cope with any difficulties)

Are you satisfied with your meeting with Lesovichok?

And he is pleased with you and thanks you for your active work in class.