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Presentation on the topic of Russian literature. Presentation "Education and Literature of Ancient Rus'"

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Slide text:

Slide text: Today, reader interest in Russian, especially ancient Russian literature, has sharply decreased with the advent of new video technologies. But to modern man you need to know the history and culture of your people. We can glean this knowledge from primary sources: chronicles, chronographs, lives, historical stories.

Slide text: If I attract the attention and interest of children and adult readers to the works of ancient Russian literature, then every citizen will be imbued with pride in his people: their glorious military and labor feats, the enormous creative search of monastic chroniclers, historians, cartographers and the spiritual culture of past generations.

Slide text: Get acquainted with the main genres of ancient Russian literature. Give brief analysis“The Tale of Bygone Years” and “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” Determine the role of the author in works of ancient Russian literature. Get acquainted with the origins of Christianity in Rus'. Arouse reader interest in works of ancient Russian literature.

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Slide text: More than a thousand years ago, Russia was inhabited by a people calling themselves Slavs. It was divided into tribes: Polyans, Drevlyans, Krivichi, Northerners... Only one of the tribes was simply called Slavs. Having settled in separate clans, which constantly quarreled among themselves, they could not give a strong rebuff to the enemy and often paid tribute.

Slide text: Then the Ilmen Slavs, Krivichi and two Finnish tribes, all and Chud, gathered at a meeting and began to discuss how to establish peace and order in themselves. They decided to install a prince who would own them and judge them by right.

Slide text: And so that the prince would not favor his family more than others, the veche decided to summon a foreign prince from the Varangians, equipping ambassadors for this.

Slide text: There was a small tribe of Rus among the Varangians, and the ambassadors turned to them: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it, come to reign and rule over us.” Three brothers Rurik, Sineus and Truvor responded with their relatives in 867 came. It was from them that the land was called Russian.

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Slide text: Rule of the Russians on Slavic land. In 879, Rurik died, leaving an infant son, Igor; his relative Oleg began to reign. Having gathered an army, Oleg went down the Dnieper, saw a large and beautiful city, and learned that Askold and Dir, people from Rurik’s squad, reigned there. This angered him.

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Slide text: He told them: “You are not princes or a princely family, but I am a princely family and here is the son of Rurik.” Then he pointed to Igor. Askold and Dir were killed, and Oleg remained in Kyiv and called it “the mother of Russian cities.”

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Slide text: Oleg reigned for 33 years. After him, Rurik’s son, Igor, reigned. One day he went to the Drevlyan land, took tribute, and it seemed to him that what he collected was not enough. He returned back, but the Drevlyans came out of their city and killed him. The young widow Olga remained, she avenged her husband and conceived a big deal: she went to Constantinople, became acquainted with the Christian religion and accepted its religion. In holy baptism she was named Helen.

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Slide text: Vladimir, Olga’s grandson, also began to waver in the pagan faith. He thought for a long time about different religions and settled on Christianity. But he wanted to remain the same free Russian prince. Oleg promised to convert to Christianity on the condition that the emperors marry his sister Anna to him.

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Slide text: The emperors replied that they would marry his sister if he accepted baptism, but a Christian woman could not marry a pagan. Vladimir was immediately baptized, was named Vasily in holy baptism, and after baptism he and Anna walked down the aisle.

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Slide text: Returning to Kyiv, Vladimir ordered to chop and burn all the idols. And the next morning the Grand Duke went out to the Dnieper with the Tsaritsyn and Korsun priests to baptize the people of Kiev.

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Slide text: Book art came to our ancestors in the 10th century along with Christianity, and therefore the first literate people we had were priests and monks.

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Slide text: Nestor the Chronicler. The name of the first chronicler was Nestor. He was a monk of the Kyiv Pechora Monastery, born in 1056, settled in the monastery at the age of seventeen and lived until 1114... About the reign of the first Russian princes, only what Nestor wrote down has reached us. In his stories, fiction is mixed with the truth, but we do not have more reliable information.

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Slide text: The greatest monument of Kievan Rus, the basis of the chronicle tradition of the 11th century, is the “Tale of Bygone Years.” It was compiled in the 10th-11th centuries by Nestor. The author set as his goal not just to talk about the settlement of the Slavic peoples of antiquity, about morals and customs, but to emphasize the unity of peoples, their culture, language and writing created in the 9th century by the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

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Slide text: The main genres of Old Russian literature Literature in Rus' arose after the adoption of Christianity, therefore the oral folk art of the ancient Russians received almost no response in Old Russian literature. The exception is chronicles. The main genres of ancient Russian literature: lives, chronographs, chronicles and cartography. Slavic writing was created in the middle of the 9th century specifically for the needs of Christian worship. That is why “useless” worldly works did not appear in Rus' in the first centuries after baptism.

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Slide text: Style in Old Russian literature. In ancient Russian literature, style depended not on the genre of the work, but on the subject of the story. The descriptions used “stencils” and biblical quotes. In ancient Russian literature, the canon ruled - rules and images: the saint was called an “earthly angel” and a “heavenly man”, the enemy surrounded the Russian army like a forest, the princes were fair.

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Slide text: The role of the author in Old Russian literature Old Russian authors did not try to be original, and scribes were not careful with other people's texts. As a rule, the authors mentioned their names only when it was necessary to give the story authenticity and documentary quality. The concept of authorship appeared in the 17th century.

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Slide text: Even in ancient times, they discovered the truth that books, like people, have their own destiny. The Bible was truly destined for great things. It became a kind of code that opened access to the values ​​of European culture, and also had a great influence on the development of medieval literature. The Bible is the sacred history of man, the history of man’s relationship with God, a history unfolding into the future.

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Slide text: Life is a work of art in the modern sense of the word. It always tells about events that its compilers and readers consider to be true and not fictitious. Lives were classified as works of church literature. A chronicle or historical story about the military campaigns of Russian princes, a battle with foreigners, or a story about internecine strife are secular texts.

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Slide text: Historical works telling about the events of world history by year and reign were called chronograph in Rus'. In its meaning, this word is very close to the word “chronicle” (from the Greek “chrono” - time and “graph” - writing). Any chronograph is, first of all, a version of history, permeated with a Christian worldview. Medieval Rus' became part of the Christian world and thereby turned into a “historical country.”

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Slide text: The Golden Word of Russian literature is called “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” created in 1187. Folk images in the work are closely related to its folk ideals. The artistic and ideological sides in “The Lay” are inseparable from each other. For example, a comparison of the battle with the harvest, in the battle of Igor with the Polovtsians, “the black ground under the hooves was covered with bones, and the clearing was covered with blood.” The word calls for a fight against the Polovtsians, first of all, in the name of peaceful labor.

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Slide text: The meaning of “The Word...” is especially great for us because it is a sacred and indisputable witness to the height of ancient Russian culture, its identity and its nationality. This is not a historical narrative about the distant past - it is a response to the events of its time, full of grief that has not yet dulled.

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Slide text: Among various cultural monuments, cartographic works occupy a special place. Figuratively and succinctly, old maps reflect the level of material and spiritual culture of past generations, the centuries-old history of our Motherland. Before the appearance of drawings in the 16th century, there were already textual descriptions of various territories, i.e. geographical descriptions of the area.

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Slide text: For example, one of the oldest Russian texts about the transfer of land ownership to the Novgorod Anthony Monastery reads: “... and the allotment of that land from the river to the Volkhov by a branch stream up, and to Lyuschik, and by Lyuschik along the prest, and from the prest to a cow run, and by a cow run to the alder, and from the alder to the spruce bush, from the spruce bush to the upper reaches of Dontsovoye, and down Dontsovoye...". The oldest Russian geographical drawing with inscriptions that has come down to us dates back to 1536.

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Slide text: We know that the purpose of Russian literature is to give readers, first of all, artistic and aesthetic pleasure. But in Ancient Rus' everything was not like that. Wasting God-given time and energy on empty “useless stories and fictitious incidents” was considered sinful. Old Russian literature is connected with everyday life, rituals and practical details of society in a completely different way than the literature of modern times.

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Slide text: Old Russian literature is the first source of writing that has come down to us from time immemorial, a source of culture and spirituality in Rus', a reference book on history, geography and a biographical messenger about the life of our ancestors.

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Slide text: From those distant and glorious times, time moves with small steps, The voice of the Slavic tribes is heard, Having endured the most difficult burden.

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Old Russian literature

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev 1906-1999 “Ancient Russian literature fills us with pride for our distant predecessors, teaches us to respect their work, struggle, and their concern for the good of their homeland”

Interior decoration of Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv

The Church was a microcosm for the man of Ancient Rus', and at the same time she was a macroman

Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich 956 (?) - 1015 St. Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv

Perun Christians and pagans Overthrow of the idol of Perun

In 988, Rus' converted to Christianity

Rus' in the time of Vladimir

Cyril and Methodius - creators of the Slavic alphabet Cyrillic

Psalter This is what the first books looked like Birch bark letter

Chronicle writing began in Rus' in the 11th century. 14

Basic terms: 15 Chronicler - compiler of a chronicle. Chronicle - compilation of a chronicle. Chronicle is a weather record of historical events produced by a contemporary.

Chronicles – weather (by “summers” by “years”) records. In the chronicles, learned monks reported on the events that took place in a given year “The Tale of Bygone Years” Nikon Nestor Chronicle

The message was usually used for journalistic purposes, that is, it was dedicated to some current problems The first message of Andrei Kurbsky to Ivan the Terrible Message

Kiev-Pechersk Patericon Patericon – collection short stories Patericon about monks and lay people

The Mother of God Walking is a genre that described all kinds of journeys to other lands or adventures “The Virgin Mary’s Walk through Torment” Walking

Life - a description of the life of the saint Archpriest Avvakum Peter and Fevronia of Murom Sergius of Radonezh Life

Teaching is a genre that sets out the rules of life that the author wanted to convey to the reader: he taught him. Vladimir Monomakh 1053-1125 Teaching

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Old Russian (or Russian medieval, or ancient East Slavic) literature is the totality of written works written on the territory of Kievan and then Moscow Rus' in the period from the 11th to the 17th centuries. Old Russian literature is the common ancient literature of the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples. Features and genres of Old Russian literature

Academicians: Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev Boris Alexandrovich Rybakov Alexey Alexandrovich Shakhmatov. Major researchers of ancient Russian literature

all works were of a religious or historical nature; in ancient Russian literature there was no concept of authorship, since the works either reflected real historical events or were expositions of Christian books. Features of Old Russian literature:

works were created in accordance with etiquette, that is, according to certain rules; Old Russian literature developed very slowly: over seven centuries, only a few dozen works were created. Features of Old Russian literature:

CHRONICLE is a description of historical events by “year,” that is, by year. Goes back to ancient Greek chronicles. Examples of works: “The Tale of Bygone Years”, “Lauren’s Chronicle”, “Ipatiev Chronicle” Genres of Old Russian literature

LIFE is the biography of a saint. Examples of works: “The Life of Theodosius of Pechersk”, “The Life of Alexander Nevsky”, “The Life of Sergius of Radonezh” Genres of Old Russian literature

TEACHING is a spiritual testament from a father to his children. Examples of works: “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” Genres of Old Russian literature

WALKING is a description of travel. Examples of works: “Walking across Three Seas” Genres of Old Russian literature

WORD is a genre of church or secular eloquence. Examples of works: “The Tale of Law and Grace”, “The Tale of the Destruction of the Russian Land” Genres of Old Russian Literature

A MILITARY TALE is a description of military campaigns and battles. Examples of works: “Zadonshchina”, “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev” Genres of Old Russian literature

Written literature in Old Russian appeared in the 11th century, shortly after the baptism of Rus' by Prince Vladimir. Its basis was initially made up of church books brought from Byzantium and works of oral folk art. The emergence of ancient Russian literature:

1. Kiev-Novgorod period (10-12 centuries) - the first chronicles were created, the first lives and religious books and historical chronicles were written. - the first proper Russian written work was created - “The Word of Law and Grace” In the development of Old Russian literature, two periods are distinguished:

sermon “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” autobiographical work “On ways and catches” chronicle collection “Life of Theodosius of Pechersk Works of Old Russian literature of the 1st period

The first part of the chronicle is a story about world history according to the Bible - from the creation of the world to the global flood and the distribution of the earth between the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth. Then Nestor talks about the settlement of the Slavic tribes, about their relations with neighboring tribes, about the founding of Kyiv, about the emergence of the Russian land, the state, about the first Novgorod and Kyiv princes.

The literature of this period reflects the gradual revival of Rus', the unification of Russian lands. New genres emerge: the satirical story and the everyday story. The author's principle is strengthened, fiction appears in literature. Muscovite Rus' period (13th-17th centuries):

military stories “Zadonshchina” and “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev” “The Life of Stefan of Perm” and “The Life of Sergius of Radonezh” the autobiographical work “The Life of Archpriest Avvakum, written by himself” “Domostroy” - a set of instructions and rules of behavior in the family and society of a pious person. Works of Old Russian literature of the 2nd period

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" (1187)

The time of the central event described in the “Tale...” - Igor’s campaign - refers to the period from April 23 to May 10, 1185. However, the author states in the introduction that his story will cover times “from old Vladimir to present-day Igor,” that is, two centuries. Chronological framework of the work

Prince Igor's unsuccessful campaign in the Polovtsian steppe was an occasion for the author to reflect on the fate of the Russian land and call on the Russian princes to unity. At the beginning of the campaign, Igor’s army encounters a solar eclipse, which was considered a bad sign in those days. Igor calls on the soldiers to be brave. In the first battle, the Russians win, but in the second they suffer a crushing defeat, and Igor himself is captured. The author admires the prince’s courage; on the other hand, he condemns Igor for his short-sightedness, since the defeat in the battle with the Polovtsians opened the way for enemies to new raids. Plot

Thank you for your attention Completed by a 10th grade student of the MBOU “Suleevskaya Secondary School” Gayazova Ilyuza Nailevna

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The origins of Old Russian literature The chronicler Nestor The Tale of Bygone Years

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The Origins of Old Russian Literature

Parchment is specially treated lambskin. Birch bark - a light layer of birch bark Manuscripts, scrolls, individual sheets CHARTER-SEMI-STARTER-CURSIVE WRITING Oral folk art - ACCEPTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY - sermons, lives, teachings

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HISTORICAL PERIODS OF LITERATURE OF ANCIENT Rus': Literature of Kievan Rus: XI-XIII centuries Literature of the period of the Horde yoke and the fight against Mongol-Tatar invaders, the beginning of the formation of the Russian state: XIII-XV centuries Literature of the era of the formation of a centralized Russian state (principalities united around Moscow, first under the rule of the great prince, and then the sovereign of all Rus'): the end of the 15th-16th centuries. Literature of the 17th century: the process of transforming medieval literature into the literature of modern times is taking place. XVII century - the literature of Ancient Rus' ended as a special phenomenon of Russian and world culture.

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Genre originality of Old Russian literature

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    Lived in the second half of the 11th century - early 12th century. CHRONICLE Description of events in Russian history by year (years) What happened this year What descendants should know and remember NESTOR - monk (monk) of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, CHRNICAL

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    The beginning of Russian literature

    Baptism of Rus' In 988, the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich decided to be baptized by the Church of Constantinople. After which, during the reign of Emperors Vasily II and Constantine VIII the Porphyrogenitus, the clergy baptized the Kyiv people in the waters of the Dnieper and Pochayna. According to the tradition of the Russian Church, this happened on August 1, although there is no reliable information about this. According to the Russian chronicle The Tale of Bygone Years, the prince offered the following prayer during the baptism of his people: Prince Vladimir the Red Sun

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    The adoption of Christianity by Prince Vladimir largely determined the spiritual and political development of Rus' for many centuries to come, contributed to the spread of writing, the development of architecture and painting in its medieval forms, and the penetration of Byzantine culture. K. Lebedev “Baptism of the Kievites” Great God, who created heaven and earth! Look at this new people and grant them, Lord, to lead You, the true God, as You led the Christian countries, and establish in them a faith that is right and incorruptible, and help me, Lord, against the opposing enemy, and trusting in You and Your power, I will escape his wiles!

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    "The Tale of Bygone Years"

    “This is the story of the bygone years, where the Russian land came from, who began the first princedom in Kiev...” - this is a literary presentation of the history of the Russian land from ancient times to the events of the beginning of the 12th century “The Miracle of George about the Serpent” Oleg the prophetic Prince Igor and Princess Olga Prince Svyatoslav “The Tale of Belgorod Kisel” “The Tale of Nikita Kozhemyak” Author - monk Nestor Compiled around 1113

    Slide 10

    Think and answer:

    How did books spread in Ancient Rus'? What is a list? Manuscript? Are the names of the authors known for all works of ancient Russian literature? What do ancient Russian writers value most in a person? What is the humanism of ancient Russian literature?

    View all slides

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    Old Russian literature
    Literature lessons in 9th grade

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    D.S. Likhachev
    “Ancient Russian literature fills us with pride for our distant predecessors, teaches us to respect their work, struggle, and their concerns for the good of the Motherland.”

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    Christians and pagans
    Overthrow of the idol of Perun

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    In 988, Rus' converted to Christianity

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    Old Russian literature arose around the 11th century. and developed over seven centuries. The emergence of literature contributed to the emergence of literature. Writing existed long before the adoption of Christianity in Rus' (before 988). After the baptism of Rus', the development of writing, and therefore literature, went much faster.

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    Old Russian literature has gone through a centuries-long path of development. Its origins go back to the end of the 10th century and the first years of the 11th century. Old Russian literature existed and developed over seven centuries. There are six periods of development of ancient Russian literature.

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    Six periods of development of ancient Russian literature.
    1. XI century – first third of the XII century. 2. Second third of the 12th century – first third of the 13th century. 3. Second third of the 13th – end of the 14th century. 4. The end of the XIV - XV centuries. 5. Late XV – XVI centuries. 6. XVII century.

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    Old Russian literature of the 11th - first third of the 12th century
    “The Tale of Bygone Years” Creation of the Slavic alphabet. Death of Oleg. The death of Igor and Olga's revenge. The Legend of Belgorod Kisel. The Legend of Kozhemyak.
    "Teaching" by Vladimir Monomakh. "The Word about the destruction of the Russian land." "A Word on Law and Grace"

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    Old Russian literature of the second third of the 12th - first third of the 13th century
    “The Lay of Igor’s Host” Kiev-Pechersk Patericon “The Lay” by Kirill Turovsky “Prayer” by Daniil Zatochnik

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    Old Russian literature of the second third of the 13th - end of the 14th centuries
    The third period is associated with the Mongol-Tatar invasion and the fight against it. The heroic theme and belief in national revival dominate. “The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu” “Zadonshchina”
    Invasion of Khan Batu into Rus'.

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    Old Russian literature of the late XIV - XV centuries
    The fourth period is a time of rising national self-awareness and the formation of a moral ideal. This was reflected in the lives of the saints written by Epiphanius the Wise. "The Life of Sergius of Radonezh"

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    Old Russian literature of the late 15th – early 16th centuries
    The fifth period is the era of the Moscow centralized state. There is a merger of regional literatures into all-Russian literature. “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” “Walking across the Three Seas” “Domostroy”

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    Literature of the 17th century.
    A time of collision between old and new writing principles. “The Tale of the Shemyakin Court” “The Tale of the Mountain – Misfortune” “The Life of Archpriest Avvakum”
    Autograph of “The Life of Habakkuk” with a note from Elder Epiphanius.

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    Distinctive features:
    The book was handwritten. The author was absent from most of the works. Literature was divided into 1) church and secular 2) translated and original

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    This is what the first books looked like
    Birch bark letter

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    Cyril and Methodius - creators of the Slavic alphabet

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    Human deeds are preserved in stone, in wood, in paint. And all of them become the object of close attention of a historian who studies culture, and in it - art, crafts, literature, books...

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    The book as such came to Rus' along with Christianity. Russian writing was adopted from neighboring Bulgaria, a country that was baptized more than a hundred years earlier than Rus'. Bulgaria already had Slavic church books. At that time, the Old Bulgarian and Old Russian languages ​​were so close that there was no need to translate Bulgarian into Russian.
    Kupriyanovsky or Novgorod sheets. Gospel aprakos X-XI centuries. (?). Central Bulgarian edition (?). Fragment

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    Before invention printing press all books were handwritten. At that time they were written on parchment, and sometimes on birch bark, in outline or semi-indentation with bird feathers.
    Examples of half-character Cyrillic (Ananyin Gospel, late 16th – early 17th century) and Glagolitic alphabet (Zograph Gospel, 11th century)

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    The beginning of each chapter in the book - its title and the first lines of the text - were written in cinnabar - red paint, and sometimes gilded, decorated with multi-colored initials. Since then, the concept of “red line” has remained in our language.
    Page written by the charter. Ostromir Gospel, 11th century

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    The book was carefully bound. The covers were wooden, covered with leather. You will read the book from beginning to end and you will understand where the expression “read a book from board to board” came from.
    Gennady Bible

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    Chronicles testify that in Rus' in churches “the cages are filled with books”, in the cells of monasteries “nothing is visible except icons and books”, and in every boyar’s mansion there is a “chamber of the cross”, and in it there are books under the icons-images.
    Cross Chamber - Moscow Kremlin

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    Old Russian handwritten books are distinguished by high culture decoration, original calligraphy. All handwritten books are irreplaceable witnesses of the era, the main and reliable source of studying national culture.
    Gospel aprakos complete. 1362 Novgorod. Scribe Mikula

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    Ostromir Gospel
    The Ostromir Gospel is the oldest accurately dated book written in Cyrillic.

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    It was written in 1056 - 1057. on parchment, contains 294 sheets of beautiful statutory writing in two columns, 3 colorful miniatures, bright headpieces and numerous different initials.
    Ostromir Gospel 1057, sheet 245b

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    Information about the origin of the Ostromir Gospel is contained in this book itself and is confirmed historical sources: its copyist was Deacon Gregory, and the customer was the Novgorod mayor Ostromir. This is where the name of the Gospel comes from - Ostromirovo.
    Ostromir Gospel 1057, sheet 271 b

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    Izbornik Svyatoslav
    The second oldest (after the Ostromir Gospel) dated manuscript that has come down to us (1073) is the Izbornik, which belonged to the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav Izyaslavich.

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    This is a Russian copy from a Bulgarian manuscript of the 10th century. The collection is encyclopedic in nature. It contains excerpts from the Holy Scriptures and the works of the holy fathers of the church, philosophical and natural science texts. The manuscript was written on parchment; two scribes worked on it.
    Collection of Svyatoslav. Frontispiece depicting the world-encompassing temple

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    Title page from Izbornik 1073
    Collection of Svyatoslav. Drawings in the margins

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    Gennady Bible
    For every nation, the creation of a complete Bible codex in their native language is an important milestone in the history of culture. For Russia, this milestone was the year 1499. It was that year in Veliky Novgorod that a huge work was successfully completed on compiling the first complete handwritten set of all biblical texts in the Slavic language in Rus', that is, the first complete Slavic Bible.

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    This work was carried out on the initiative of Archbishop Gennady of Novgorod. Therefore, in science the book was called the Gennady Bible.

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    The Gennady Bible is the highest example of book art of its time. It is written on high-quality paper, has 1002 sheets, the size of which is 33 by 23.5 cm.

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    1) transferable;
    2) original (from the 11th century).
    Genres of Old Russian literature

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    Genres of Old Russian literature.
    A chronicle is a narrative about events of historical importance, arranged “by years,” that is, in chronological order. The lesson is a heartfelt conversation about spiritual values. The story tells about the most important historical events. Walking - tells about long journeys. Life - a description of the exploits and good deeds of the saints. The word is an example of solemn eloquence.

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    Our Lady
    Walking is a genre that describes all kinds of journeys to other lands or adventures
    "The Virgin Mary's Walk through Torment"

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    Life - description of the life of a saint
    Archpriest Avvakum
    Peter and Fevronia of Murom
    Sergius of Radonezh

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    Life was an indispensable attribute when a person was canonized, i.e. were canonized. The life was created by people who directly communicated with a person or could reliably testify to his life. Life was always created after the death of a person. It performed a huge educational function, because the life of the saint was perceived as an example of a righteous life that must be imitated. In addition, life deprived a person of the fear of death, preaching the idea of ​​​​the immortality of the human soul. Life was built according to certain canons, from which they did not deviate until the 15-16 centuries. One of the first works of the hagiographic genre in ancient Russian literature was the life of the holy princes Boris and Gleb.

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    According to legend, several years before his reign, Peter fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him. The legend says that it was revealed to the prince in a dream that he could be healed by the daughter of a “tree-dweller” beekeeper who extracted wild honey, Fevronia, a peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land. Fevronia, as payment for the treatment, wished that the prince would marry her after the healing. Fevronia healed the prince, but he did not keep his word, since Fevronia was a commoner. The illness resumed, Fevronia again cured the prince, and he married her.

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    Considering burial in the same coffin incompatible with the monastic rank, their bodies were placed in different monasteries, but the next day they found themselves together.
    In their advanced years, having taken monastic vows in different monasteries with the names David and Euphrosyne, they prayed to God that they would die on the same day, and bequeathed their bodies to be placed in one coffin, having previously prepared a tomb of one stone, with a thin partition. They died on the same day and hour - June 25, 1228.

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    St. were buried. spouses in the cathedral church of the city of Murom in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, erected over their relics according to a vow by Ivan the Terrible in 1553. After the revolution, in 1921, the relics were taken to the local museum. Since 1992, the relics have rested openly in the cathedral church of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom. In memory of the holy spouses, the day of Peter and Fevronia was established.

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    The story was written in the 16th century by Ermolai - Erasmus (Ermolai the Preregreshny). The story belongs to the “hagiography” genre. “Life” is a genre of ancient Russian literature that describes the life of a saint. Composition of the life: Birth of a saint. The life of a saint in his parents' house. The decision to serve God. Leaving the parental home. Lonely life in the forest, serving the Lord, the arrival of other hermits and the founding of a monastery. Lifetime miracles. Death of a Saint. Posthumous miracles.

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    Chronicles – weather (by “summers” by “years”) records. In the chronicles, learned monks reported on the events that took place in a given year
    "The Tale of Bygone Years"

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    Chronicle writing began in Rus' in the 11th century.

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    What is a chronicle?
    “Deeds of days gone by, legends of deep antiquity.” A.S. Pushkin
    Chronicle is a historical genre of ancient Russian literature from the 11th to the 17th centuries. A chronicle is a record of events, written down year after year as they happened.

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    How the chronicles were created.
    Ancient chroniclers wrote their stories on parchment.
    Each monastery had its own chronicler. Chronicle collections were compiled on the basis of primary chronicles.

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    "The Tale of Bygone Years"
    Nestor is the first Russian chronicler.
    “The Tale of Bygone Years” is the first Russian chronicle of the early 12th century.

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    "The Tale of Bygone Years"
    Monk Nestor

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    In 1073, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nikon the Great, using the “Ancient Kiev Code,” compiled the “First Kiev-Pechersk Code.” As a result of several revisions, a chronicle code emerged, which we now call “The Tale of Bygone Years.” It is known to us from later chronicle collections of the Laurentian and Ipatiev Chronicles

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    “This is the story of the past years, where the Russian land came from, who began to reign first in Kyiv, and where the Russian land began to eat...”

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    “THE Tale of Bygone Years” is an ancient Russian chronicle created in the 1110s. Chronicles are historical works in which events are presented according to the so-called yearly principle, combined into annual, or “yearly” articles (they are also called weather records). “Yearly articles”, which combined information about events that occurred during one year, begin with the words “In the summer of such and such...” (“summer” in Old Russian means “year”).

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    The earliest copy of the Tale of Bygone Years that has reached our time dates back to the 14th century. It was called the Laurentian Chronicle after the copyist, monk Laurentius, and was compiled in 1377.
    Another ancient copy of the Tale of Bygone Years was preserved as part of the so-called Ipatiev Chronicle (mid-15th century).

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    Laurentian Chronicler

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    Laurentian Chronicle
    The manuscript of “The Tale of Bygone Years” - the oldest chronicle code - inscribed by the hand of Nestor the chronicler himself, unfortunately, has not been preserved. Only 118 leaves have survived in the Novgorod Chronicle of the 13th century. Subsequently, Nestor's chronicle was rewritten many times and distributed to other cities of Rus'. Finally, in 1377, by order of the Grand Duke of Suzdal Dimitri, a monk named Lavrenty rewrote the chronicle of 1305. It is this chronicle that has survived to this day.
    The first page of the Lavrenevskaya Chronicle of 1377

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    Pages from the “Tale of Bygone Years”

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    The main events in the Tale of Bygone Years are wars (external and internecine), the founding of churches and monasteries, the death of princes and metropolitans - the heads of the Russian Church.
    The Tale of Bygone Years also includes legends. For example, a story about the origin of the name of the city of Kyiv on behalf of Prince Kiy; tales of the Prophetic Oleg, who defeated the Greeks and died from the bite of a snake hidden in the skull of a deceased princely horse; about Princess Olga, cunningly and cruelly taking revenge on the Drevlyan tribe for the murder of her husband.

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    Yaroslav the Wise

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    The largest chronicle work of medieval Rus' (XVI century). 10 volumes of the collection have reached us. The first three volumes are devoted to world history. The seven subsequent volumes set out Russian history, starting from 1114 to 1567. The volume containing the initial Russian history has not survived.
    Facial chronicle vault
    Miniature of the Front Chronicle of the 70s. XVI century

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    The facial chronicle was created by order of Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) in the period from 1568 to 1576. A whole staff of royal book writers and artists worked on its creation.

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    Book miniatures from the vault are also valuable historical sources that have brought to our time information about nature, material production, culture and life of Ancient Rus' and neighboring peoples.

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    Teaching is a genre that sets out the rules of life that the author wanted to convey to the reader: he taught him.
    Vladimir Monomakh 1053-1125

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    Teaching is a type of genre of ancient Russian eloquence. Teaching is a genre in which ancient Russian chroniclers tried to present a model of behavior for any ancient Russian person: both for the prince and for the commoner. The most striking example of this genre is the “Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh” included in the Tale of Bygone Years. In the Tale of Bygone Years, the Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh are dated 1096. At this time, the strife between the princes in the battle for the throne reached its climax. In his teaching, Vladimir Monomakh gives advice on how to organize your life. He says that there is no need to seek the salvation of the soul in seclusion. It is necessary to serve God by helping those in need. When going to war, you should pray - God will definitely help. Monomakh confirms these words with an example from his life: he took part in many battles - and God protected him. Monomakh says that one should look at how the natural world works and try to arrange public relations modeled on a harmonious world order. The teaching of Vladimir Monomakh is addressed to descendants.

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    The word is a type of genre of ancient Russian eloquence. An example of the political variety of ancient Russian eloquence is “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” Another example of political eloquence is the “Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land,” which was created immediately after the Mongol-Tatars came to Rus'. The author glorifies the bright past and mourns the present. An example of the solemn variety of ancient Russian eloquence is the “Sermon on Law and Grace” by Metropolitan Hilarion, which was created in the first third of the 11th century.

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    A story is a text of an epic nature, telling about princes, military exploits, and princely crimes. Examples of military stories are “The Tale of the Battle of the Kalka River”, “The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu Khan”, “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”.

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    Uniting genres
    Primary genres acted as part of unifying genres, such as the chronicle, chronograph, cheti-menaion, and patericon. A chronicle is a narration of historical events. This is the most ancient genre of ancient Russian literature. In Ancient Rus', the chronicle played a very important role, because not only reported historical events of the past, but was also political and legal document, testified to how it is necessary to act in certain situations.. The chronicle tells about the origin of the Russians, the genealogy of the Kyiv princes and the emergence of the ancient Russian state. Chronographs are texts containing a description of time. Cheti-menaia (literally “reading by month”) is a collection of works about holy people. Patericon - a description of the life of the holy fathers. Special mention should be made about the apocrypha genre. Apocrypha - literally translated from ancient Greek as “intimate, secret”

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    The message was usually used for journalistic purposes, that is, it was devoted to some topical problems
    The first message of Andrei Kurbsky to Ivan the Terrible

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    Kiev-Pechersk Patericon
    Paterik - a collection of short stories about monks and lay people