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Draft lesson notes with presentation of used literature. Literature lesson notes with multimedia presentation. Life and work of M

Literature lesson notes

for 10th grade students

MAOU gymnasium No. 12 named after G.R. Derzhavina city ​​of Tambov

teacher of Russian language and literature Samarina Svetlana Yurievna

Topic: “Comparative characteristics of the poetry of A.S. Pushkin and F.I. Tyutchev"

The purpose of the lesson:

deepen the concept of individual style, traditions and innovation in poetry, using ICT in a literature lesson


    Develop research and intellectual activity, the ability to obtain information, distinguish the individual author's style of two authors, solve problems, benefit from experience;

    Teach to cooperate in a group, make the right decision, resolve disagreements, fulfilling agreements;

    Develop the ability to bear responsibility, get involved in a common cause, and adapt in a difficult situation;

    Show the unity of content and form using the example of the proposed texts.

    To form a culture of behavior, moral and aesthetic literary taste

Equipment: presentation, portraits of poets, information card (for each group), cards for the game "Alice", hourglass, Whatman paper for syncwine, pictures of nature, epigraph on the board, texts of poems, music

    Teacher's word

Today we have an unusual lesson, it will be held in the form of Batller (in the form of a discussion), although this form of work involves playing together via the Internet, using a personal game account manager. We'll simplify it a little, you have a personal team card and an individual account on the tables. In this card you will record the points that you will earn personally by playing in a team, after the lesson we will sum it up and I will give grades!

To play the game, you should divide into teams:

1-team that supports the views of A.S. Pushkin and will analyze his lyrics

2- the team that supports Tyutchev’s views will analyze his lyrics

Team 3 will lead the game, let's call them experts, whose mission is to support the discussion by asking leading questions to the teams, analyzing their answers and during the conversation compiling a table “Comparative characteristics of the poetry of Pushkin and Tyutchev” (there is already a table template on your tables, you just need it fill in!)

    Text analysis (group work)

so let's get started.

1) Philosophical lyrics, what is hidden behind this direction, what the poets A.S. Pushkin and F.M. Tyutchev wanted to tell us in their poetic masterpieces

To analyze the lyrics, I propose to take the poems by A.S. Pushkin “To the Sea” and Tyutchev’s “How good you are, O night sea...”

Reading poems (first the Pushkinists, then the Tyutchevites)

Analysis. Pushkinists speak, then Tyutchevites, experts take notes along the way and ask questions if they have not heard a reasoned answer.

(Sample questions from experts)

How are the poems structured? What genre can they be classified into?

What is characteristic of this genre?

-(The message assumes sincerity, intimacy).

Agree. What visual images arise when reading? What illustration would you draw?

-(Sea. The lyrical hero who stands on the shore. Rocks. Fog, and in the fog there are subtle images of Byron and Napoleon (in Pushkin). Stars and the moon in Tyutchev)

What else do the poems have in common?

What prompts them to think?

- (The sea serves poets as a source for thought and philosophical reasoning)

What two artistic images appear before us?

-(images of the sea and the poet)

But meanwhile, are these verses so close? Now we will try to answer this question. Let's get started.

Determine the mood of the poems.

- (Pushkin’s lyrical hero says goodbye to the sea, to the south, so the mood is sad. The tune of farewell sounds. Tyutchev’s hero feels delight, admiration, quiet joy, but not sadness.)

Let's look at each lyrical hero separately. What causes love and friendly feelings for the sea in poets? What causes delight and admiration?

-(Pushkin is primarily attracted by freedom: “free element.” The element is a free, unbound force. There is a strengthening - free force. The sea is a symbol of freedom. And everything else: beauty, greatness - seems to be relegated to the background, although this is also very important. Tyutchev admires the sea for its beauty and grandeur. But it is difficult to determine what symbol it is, almost impossible. The sea is a mystery for Tyutchev)

Why did Tyutchev choose the night hour for the description?

- (Probably because at night vision and hearing are heightened, you can see and hear things that you would not notice during the day. This hour expresses that life does not stop, it goes on day and night)

Fine. What can you say about the person? About the poet? About the lyrical hero?

- (Pushkin emphasizes the hero’s love of freedom)

When talking about visual images, you mentioned Byron and Napoleon. For what purpose are they included in the poem?

- (The poet thinks, and new heroes are included in this flow. And if you look at them like a map, Pushkin is Russia, Byron is an English poet, Napoleon is France. The border expands, the hero’s thought expands)

So whose fate is the lyrical hero thinking about? Is it only about your own?

- (These images reflect the fate of the earth; they speak of the poet’s desire for greatness.)

I want to draw your attention to the fact that Byron and Napoleon are romantic heroes. What else does the poet say goodbye to?

With romanticism?

- (Certainly. Remember that the poem was written when Pushkin received orders to go into exile in Mikhailovskoye. But this was a completely different life, completely different works.)

What other feelings does the poet experience when he is on the seashore?

- (He wanted to run: “how often have I wandered along your shores, quiet and foggy, tormented by my cherished intentions!” But love became the reason for giving up the idea of ​​escaping. He wanted to become free like the sea, but it didn’t work out)

- We conclude: Pushkin’s lyrical hero wants to merge with nature into a single whole, but cannot.

What can you say about Tyutchev’s hero?

Tyutchev's hero is a receptive, attentive person who subtly senses the beauty of nature. He is not interested in the fate of the earth.

I agree, but don’t rush to the conclusion that Pushkin’s thought is broader. I'll ask you a question that may seem primitive:

Where is Tyutchev’s lyrical hero?

-(By the sea, on the shore)

Is it so? Re-read the last stanza, pay attention to the preposition.

-(The lyrical hero does not observe the seascape from the shore, but is depicted as part of this nature. This is indicated by the preposition “c”)

What does he want?

- (He wants to find complete harmony with nature. The lyrical hero disappeared into nature)

We conclude: this is not just a landscape, it is nature itself. What is Tyutchev’s leading trait in poetry?

- (This is the cosmism of Tyutchev’s lyrics.)

3. You found so many similarities and so many differences in the content of the poems. What can you say about their shape? Stanza and rhythm?

Pushkin’s lyrical hero is excited, worried about his future, so the lines are shorter than Tyutchev’s; and the rhythm is clearer, faster. Tyutchev's hero experiences quiet joy, calmness, nothing disturbs him, therefore the lines are long and the rhythm is slow.

How is this achieved?

- Pushkin's poem is written in iambic, and Tyutchev's poem is written in dactyl. The rhyme and method of rhyming are the same: female and male rhymes alternate, cross rhyming.

Sound recording?

- The authors use assonance and alliteration. Example: Pushkin has an abundance of the sound “r” - this is a strong, powerful, loud sound; “u” - sad, dark. Tyutchev has a lot of “o” sounds, which expresses delight, triumphant space.

Stylistic figures?

- The texts contain many appeals (“free element”, “sea”, “ocean” and “night sea”, “the sea bathed in a dim glow”, “you are a great swell”) and anaphoras (“like a friend’s mournful murmur, like a call to him in farewell hour”, “you waited, you called”, “another..., another...”, “how are you... how are you...”).

Artistic and visual media?

- The language of the poems is very rich. Lots of epithets, metaphors, comparisons. For example, in Pushkin: free elements, proud beauty, mournful murmur, sad noise, solemn beauty, etc. In Tyutchev: like a living thing, it walks and breathes, bathed in radiance, you celebrate, the waves rush, the stars look; there is an oxymoron “dim glow”. Both use personification: the sea is depicted as living.


- Pushkin has a lot of exclamatory sentences. They serve to convey delight, anxiety, and regret. There are rhetorical questions. The lyrical hero tries to imagine his future. Tyutchev’s tone is more even: 1 exclamatory sentence. 1 rhetorical question - the desire to understand the secret of the sea. There are a lot of ellipses - as if he cannot find words to express his feelings.


So, using these texts as an example, we have proven that the content and form of the work form a single whole. It remains to draw conclusions about the work of two poets: Pushkin and Tyutchev. Experts write down these findings. Read what you came up with (table)

2) the teacher’s word

Love is a great feeling. It elevates, inspires a person, makes his life meaningful. Many Russian and foreign poets and writers were in the grip of this feeling. It can be love for one person, and it has gone with him through his whole life, through all the troubles and adversities. But this is extremely rare. And sometimes a poet falls in love more than once, but still the feeling of love does not diminish, but, on the contrary, only deepens with age.

So how did Pushkin and Tyutchev express this wonderful feeling in their poetic lines?

reading a poem about love and

their analysis


Many poems present a kind of “story about feelings”, which is accompanied by their free exploration.

The lyrics of love occupy a large place in the works of many poets. Lyrical masterpieces are the poems by A. S. Pushkin “I remember a wonderful moment...”, written in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, and F. I. Tyutchev’s “I met you - and all the past...”, written on July twenty-second, one thousand eight hundred and seventy.

These poems united by the theme of love. For both poets, love is poetry that takes possession of a person’s entire being, and all his internal forces come into motion:

I remember a wonderful moment:

You appeared before me,

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty.

Like late autumn sometimes

There are days, there are times,

When suddenly it starts to feel like spring

Both poems sound very melodic, written sincerely, sincerely, the words found by the poets are very simple, but they are filled with deep feeling, and make you experience what Pushkin and Tyutchev felt. The poem “I remember a wonderful moment...” and “I met you - and all the past...” are permeated with sadness, memories, and the happiness of a new meeting. Words:

And you have the same charm,

And that love is in my soul!..

And deity and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love.

reveal the beauty and completeness of a person’s inner world when he loves.

Works similar in poetic plot(“awakening” of the soul of the lyrical hero), due to the specialness and sublimity in his image, have identical images (“lovely features”, “heavenly features”). If the soul of the lyrical hero Pushkin was asleep (“the soul has awakened”), then the heart of the lyrical hero Tyutchev was dead (“an obsolete heart”). The return of his beloved “awakens” Pushkin’s hero and plunges Tyutchev’s hero into sleep (“I look at you as if in a dream”).

The poems differ in their depiction of heroines. Pushkin deifies, depicts woman as an ideal(“without deity”, “heavenly features”), Tyutchev’s heroine has earthly “sweet features.”

“I remember a wonderful moment...” by A. S. Pushkin is written in rhymed iambic pentameter, and in Tyutchev’s work “I Met You - and All the Past” alternates iambic tetrameter and pentameter:

I remember a wonderful moment:

You appeared before me,

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty.

I met you - and everything is gone

In the obsolete heart came to life;

I remembered the golden time -

And my heart felt so warm...

Both poems are easy to understand by ear. Sincerity and deep sonority are largely due to the fact that that the poems are written in iambic, with alternating female and male clauses and cross rhymes.

Compositionally works can be divided into three completely equal parts, each of which has an independent semantic content: a memory of a long-standing meeting of poets with young beauties, a reproduction of what was especially remembered in those hours, then a sorrowful consciousness and the re-awakening of deep spiritual feelings for them.

The poems are close in the use of expressive epithets (“the genius of pure beauty”, “lovely features”, “golden time”, “spiritual fullness”), comparisons (“like late autumn sometimes”, “like after a century of separation”, “like a genius of pure beauty ", "like a fleeting vision"), repetitions:

There is more than one memory here,

Here life spoke again, -

And we have the same charm,

And that love is in my soul!..

And deities and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love.

All this helps to achieve the emotionality of the works and the accuracy of the verbal designation of objects. Melodiousness and smoothness of tone are achieved in both poems due to assonance (vowels o - a - and - e alternate):

In the languor of hopeless sadness...

There is more than one memory here...

Both vowels and consonants are successfully combined; sonorant sounds are often used:

Like late autumn sometimes

There are days, there are times,

When suddenly it starts to feel like spring

And something will stir within us...

In the languor of hopeless sadness,

In the worries of noisy bustle,

And I dreamed of cute features.

The greatest mastery of Tyutchev and Pushkin lies in the fact that this amazing selection of sounds was done naturally, as if imperceptibly, the words were chosen not according to their sound composition, but according to their meaning. It is important for poets to convey the sensations and feelings they experienced, For what Tyutchev uses the technique of reticence, oratorical techniques (rhetorical exclamations):

I look at the cute features...

Not silent in me...

And that love is in my soul!..

IN poem by Pushkin unlike Tyutchev's poem syntactic transfers are used, which give it a conversational intonation:

Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust...

The forms of first-person verbs and the use of the personal pronoun “I” help to feel the presence of the lyrical hero in the image of the author himself:

I met you - and all the past...

I remember a wonderful moment...

Both poems refer to love lyrics, to the genre of lyric work. Key, the central word is the word “love” (“and the same love in my soul”, “and life, and tears, and love”).

-experts, summarize the above (table)

Thus, a comparative analysis of the poems by A. S. Pushkin “I remember a wonderful moment ...” and F. I. Tyutchev “I met you - and all the past ...” allows us to see the great artists of words who created vivid images of Russian poetry, deep in content and graceful in form.


F.I. Tyutchev throughout his life he loved several women. He loved them deeply, sublimely, sincerely. The poet's feelings for each beloved were genuine. They were often accompanied by suffering. But they brought extraordinary depth, passion, and selflessness into the poet’s life. If these women had not existed, there would have been no wonderful poems in which the poet laid bare his soul and revealed the secret of a wonderful feeling - love.

Reading Pushkin's poems about love, we understand how deeply and devotedly the author is able to love, how willing he is to sacrifice himself for his beloved, how love fills his life with meaning and light. She inspires, makes you live and create. These poems revealed the entire ardent, tender soul of Pushkin. And therefore his love poems will forever excite the hearts of people! For Pushkin, love is the strongest feeling, a natural manifestation of human relationships. He loves sincerely, tenderly, violently and passionately.

Consolidation and generalization of knowledge

    (Being flexible in the face of rapid change!)

Today we looked at only a few poems by poets, but I know for sure that your horizons are great, let’s prove it by playing the popular game for young people “Alias” (“Elias” - say otherwise) This is a verbal team game.

Let's choose 1 representative from each team, name the number, the player takes a card from the pile and answers the question that is on each card under this number! The more tasks are solved in a certain period of time, the more points the team earns.

you have to remember synonyms and associations for a variety of words, and more specifically, continue a line from the poems of Pushkin and Tyutchev, the one who remembers the most in a minute wins.

(cards with words are laid out, each player answers in turn, 1 person from 3 teams)


Amazing! With your answers, you proved that you know how to quickly find the right ways to explain words, and that you know poetic works well. These skills will be useful to you for successful communication, because it is always pleasant to communicate with an intelligent, creative and imaginative person.

    Reflection (lesson summary)

In order to summarize this topic, I suggest you create a syncwine in which everyone realizes their talents and abilities: intellectual, creative and imaginative. We work in a group, let each group make up its own syncwine. I remind you of the rules of compilation ( you see them on the screen)

    The first line contains one word - noun. This is the theme of syncwine.

    On the second line they write two adjectives, revealing the theme of the sequel.

    Third line - three verbs, describing actions related to the topic of syncwine.

    The fourth line contains the whole phrase - aphorism, with which you need to express your attitude to the topic. Such an aphorism can be a catchphrase, quotation, proverb, or a phrase composed by the student himself in context with the topic.

    The fifth line includes summary word, which gives a new interpretation of the topic, expresses the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the topic.


sublime, soulful

hope, wait, believe

I loved you


Students read out their syncwines

Thus, we came to the conclusion that the poetry of Tyutchev and Pushkin is truly brilliant, although they are poets of different eras, and each has their own individuality. But they have one thing in common - creativity, genius, inexhaustibility.


Please hand in your cards, I will grade you based on the points you earned in class.

At the end of our conversation, I would like to say a few parting words to you, think about them, because today you definitely noticed that poetry works wonders, and happy is the one who knows how to read between the lines!

(against the background of music by I. Krutoy “When I close my eyes..”, the teacher reads a poem)

Know how to appreciate someone who can't live without you
And don't chase after someone who is happy without you
Don't trust those who don't believe you
Don't wait for those who are in no hurry
Press the bell at your door...
When trouble destroys your home

FORGET those who are in the new life
I forgot who I was yesterday,
Whose hastily thrown word
Gargle the time of the wind

LOOK for those who will hear you,
He will recognize him in the crowd and call
With whom is a thread from above
Fate will guide you firmly

TRUST those who believe the call
Bells, not coins
Who measures your conscience by your standard?
Whose... YES... - so YES!..
A... NO... - so NO!..

HURRY to those who are eager to meet,
Who is waiting for you as a personal holiday...
With whom to spend an evening once a year...
Nourishes the soul for a whole year...

KEEP those who are dear to your heart,
Over whom time has no power
Who then leads you up the mountain?
When the top is not visible
How many illuminated by the light
On our life's journey
God grant that we meet them. And wherein find YOURSELF within yourself..!

Thank you for the lesson!

Lesson according to the program of A.V. Gulin, A.N. Romanova. The material can be used in an extracurricular reading lesson that expands students' understanding of fables, or after studying fairy tales about animals. Children can get acquainted with Panchatantra, a monument of Sanskrit prose, a collection of instructive stories.

Target audience: for 5th grade

A lesson preceding the study of the works of M. Yu. Lermontov in the ninth grade. Program "School 2100". Textbook “The History of Your Literature”, 9th grade, R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva, O. V. Chindilova. The lesson notes and presentation help to awaken interest in the poet, a controversial personality, which affected the reviews of his contemporaries about him and was reflected in the dissimilarity of his lifetime portraits.

I offer material for a literature lesson in 10th grade as part of preparation for the final essay. The main goal of the lesson is to use the material from M. Gelprin’s story “The Candle Was Burning” to awaken high school students’ interest in literature and reading. During the analysis of the story, interesting methodological techniques are used. The lesson is structured in accordance with the basic requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The outline includes navigation through the presentation slides. Links to sources of information are provided. At the beginning of the lesson, at the challenge stage, a video “Pushkin wrote Yesenin” is used, which must be downloaded from the link and inserted into the presentation yourself.

Target audience: for 10th grade

The lesson is designed for 7th grade. The lesson is aimed at developing the skills of writing a characterization of a literary hero; text analysis; research work with text; to repeat and consolidate the ability to work with the text of a work of art.
Problem-search (stimulating and leading to dialogue) methods, the method of independent work with text, and a visual method (presentation) are used.

Target audience: for 7th grade

Unfortunately, one lesson is not quite enough to cover the entire cycle. But an analysis of one tragedy will allow students to see that the themes raised by the author are universal and timeless. "Mozart and Salieri" is a work that is still interpreted in different ways. In this play A.S. Pushkin again addresses the question of the nature of the Artist’s creativity. Having committed a crime, Salieri is doomed to disgrace, because it is important for the author to bring to mind the inevitable retribution for his sins. But still he shows a possible way of saving a person.

Target audience: for 9th grade

Summary and presentation for the lesson: “Native nature in poems by Russian poets of the 19th century.”

During the lesson, students turn to poetic texts, learn to understand the thoughts and feelings of Russian poets who wrote poems about their native nature, develop the ability to use literary terms and analyze poetic texts. During the lesson, conditions are created for the formation of artistic taste, emotional perception of the surrounding world through poetic images of Russian landscape lyrics.

The stages of the lesson include the following types of activities: artistic reading of poetic works, working with literary terms, working with illustrations, writing poems, composing syncwine.

Glushchevskaya Elena Vladimirovna
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution "secondary school No. 62, Makeevka"
Brief job description: The development of a literature lesson in the 5th grade was created with the aim of: continuing to acquaint students with the personality of the writer, artist, animal connoisseur and his work, tracing how the image of the wolf is interpreted in folk art and literature; reveal the history of the creation of the story “Lobo”; deepen the skills of analysis of an epic work, expressive reading and oral speech, develop skills of logical thinking and search activity; cultivate a love for nature and animals

Sergazina Anar Amangeldinovna
Educational institution: GKKP "Nursery-garden "Gulliver"
Brief job description: The main thing is to introduce children to K. Chukovsky’s work “Chicken”, develop the ability to listen carefully to the work, memorize the text, understand the meaning of the work, answer questions about the content of the text, be able to convey one’s attitude towards the characters, and cultivate interest in the work of K. Chukovsky. Expand children's knowledge about poultry (rooster, hen, chick), develop the ability to name the body parts of birds, what they eat, how they move, what sounds they make, about the work of adults in caring for birds, to cultivate children's caring attitude towards birds, respect for the work of people on a poultry farm.

Edomina Galina Nikolaevna, Ivanova Ekaterina Anatolyevna, Ogannessyan Vera Mikhailovna
Educational institution: ANO "Pavlovskaya Gymnasium"
Brief job description: To create the basis for two educational computer games - “walkers about Prince Oleg”. The purpose of the games is to introduce schoolchildren to Prince Oleg 1) as a historical figure and 2) as a literary image. Problematic question: is it possible to combine two games into one?

Zdanovich Irina Vladimirovna
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 27
Brief job description:: mastering the content and ideological and thematic originality of the story, the ability to work with text, characterize the heroes of the work, carry out comparative characteristics of the characters; create oral monologues; select and structure material on a given topic; create your own text in limited time.

Khairullina Leila Saubanovna
Educational institution: MBOU "Shemordan Lyceum of the Sabinsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan"
Brief job description: The development contains materials for conducting a general lesson on the creativity of I.A. in the 5th grade. Krylova. The lesson is structured in the form of a journey and is aimed at identifying students’ assimilation of what they have studied from the work of the Russian fabulist.

Dyuzhenko Tatyana Anatolevna
Educational institution: GBPOU KK SET
Brief job description: Goals:1. Get acquainted with the biography and work of A.T. Tvardovsky; 2. Show the significance of his creativity and social activities during the Great Patriotic War; 3. Develop cognitive interest in the poet’s work; 4. Foster a patriotic feeling

Shipitsova Yulia Leonidovna
Educational institution: MAOU "Secondary School No. 30", Perm
Brief job description: The presentation contains a short biography of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, an analysis of three poems: 1) “Reluctantly and timidly”; 2) “The kite rose from the clearing”; 3) “Leaves”, including artistic means of expression (epithets, personifications, metaphors, comparisons). A variable homework assignment corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard is provided.

Gavrish Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna
Educational institution: KSU "Comprehensive secondary school No. 3", Karazhal
Brief job description: The purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the new textbook and the new syllabus for the 7th grade literature course. Objectives: 1) give an idea of ​​the world of fiction, the difference between fiction and mythology and folklore, the role of the reader in the world of fiction. literature, about the meaning of art. literature for shaping the worldview of readers. 2) develop reading, speaking, thinking skills, the ability to work with text, analyze, and highlight the main thing in the text. 3) cultivate a love of artistic literature, reading, respect for the work of the author and writer, and respect for textbooks.

Literature is taught in Russian schools in grades 5-11. On our website, materials on literature can be found in the following sections: Lesson notes Technological maps Control and testing Laboratory and practical Independent tests Preparation for the Unified State Exam Preparation for the Unified State Exam Olympiad assignments Quizzes and games Extra-curricular activities Work programs Lesson planning Master classes Didactic materials Presentations for lessons

Lesson plan on literature according to the Federal State Educational Standard

This section of the educational portal Conspectek presents lesson plans on literature. A literature lesson outline is a detailed plan, including the content and detailed description of the stages of a lesson in this academic discipline.

A well-written lesson outline serves the teacher as a reference plan for conducting the lesson, and is also a document that is used when certifying literature teachers. Therefore, we can say that lesson plans play an important role in the process of building a competent and effective process of teaching literature in Russian schools.

According to the new requirements of the new generation state educational standards (FSES), the outline of a literature lesson must meet the following requirements: the goals, objectives and methods of conducting the lesson must correspond to the age group of the students, the goals and objectives of the lesson must be clearly formulated, the course of the lesson must contribute to the achievement of the objectives and achieving goals.

The main components of a literature lesson summary are: topic, goals, objectives, type, form of delivery, sequence of stages, methodological materials and technical support.

On the educational and methodological portal Conspectek you can download notes from literature lessons for free

Teachers can post lesson plans on various topics on our Internet resource and receive personalized certificates of publication of original material. By posting your work, you allow other literature teachers to learn from your experience and help your colleagues improve. All author's works on literature on our portal can be downloaded completely free of charge for review purposes.

In addition to notes on literature, on our website you will find developments in reading, Russian, mathematics and all other subjects from the curriculum of Russian schools.

5th grade.



Introduce fifth graders to the concept of “epithet”; teach them to apply the acquired knowledge in various activities in Russian language and literature lessons.

Lesson objectives:


    Develop the skill of finding an epithet in a literary text.

    Begin to develop the ability to select epithets for nouns, to practice the skills of partial analysis of a lyrical work.

    Teach fifth graders to distinguish epithets from grammatical definitions.

    Motivate the development of the skill of finding an epithet in the text.


    Formation of the ability to compare texts with epithets included in them from texts without their use.

    To develop the ability to draw conclusions about the role of epithets in the text, to generalize the studied literary facts and concepts.

    Learn to develop monologue speech and the skill of expressive reading of lyrical texts.

    Develop a cognitive interest in literature and artistic creativity.


    Foster a responsible attitude towards educational work.

    To form the right attitude towards nature, to teach fifth-graders to “see” and “peer” into its beauty.

    Achieve awareness when studying the concepts of literary theory.

    To cultivate a love of reading, to teach students to see the beauty of the Russian literary language using the example of the work of Russian poets.

Equipment: 1. multimedia presentation for the lesson; 2) training cards; 3) printouts of K. Balmont’s poem “Snowflake”; 4) drawing supplies

(paints, brushes, paper), 5) audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s music “The Seasons”.


    Organizing time.

    Motivational - target block.

Teacher's opening speech.

One person looks at the landscape opening to his eyes and sees a boring road, forest, trees.

The second, looking at the same landscape, saw grass, plowed land, and a birch tree. And the third admired the landscape and took away much more in his memory. He was able to see the blue sea of ​​cornflowers in the meadow, repeating the color of the sky, saw the damp blackness of the plowed land, saw the dazzling white trunks of birches crowned with emerald crowns. Different people have different gifts of vision.

How do the pictures seen by different people differ? Why do different people have different powers of vision? How do you understand these words?

What words helped the third person to colorfully and figuratively describe the landscape that only he could truly “see”, and for us to imagine it? ( blue sea of ​​cornflowers, wet blackness of plowing, dazzling white birch trunks, emerald crowns).

So, the topic of our lesson today is “The concept of an epithet” ( Slide No. 1).

What do you think are the tasks facing you in class today? What is the purpose of our work? Try to determine the purpose and objectives of today's workshop yourself? (Slide number 2.)

Why will our lesson be called a workshop? (We will learn something, and maybe we will make, do, create something ourselves).

Our lesson motto: "WE ARE CREATORS!"(Slide No. 3). So, go ahead!

II. Block “Learning new material.”

    Awakening life's impressions (Slide No. 4).

Name the qualities of a person that reveal his character ( kind, sympathetic, hardworking, sincere, etc.)

Now guess, based on the named characteristics, what kind of flower we are talking about: scarlet, prickly, tender, morning, fragrant with the aroma of the southern night. (Rose).

Determine the time of day by its signs (work according to options: name the signs - guess the time of day. For example, cool, clear, dewy, fragrant - morning).

With the help of what words we identified the properties, qualities, signs of objects and phenomena.

2. Analysis of the initial definition (slide No. 5).

Read expressively the lines from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale.

And the weaver with Babarikha

Yes with a crooked cook
They sit near the king

They look like angry toads.

What words help us imagine the heroines of A.S. Pushkin? Did you like them? Why didn't you like it? (crooked cook, evil toads).

These words have special expressive power and are called epithets. Try to explain the meaning of this term.

3. Summarizing the answers in the form of a supporting summary. Work in notebooks. The definition is gradually displayed on slide No. 6).

Epithet is an artistic definition. Most often, an adjective that highlights properties, qualities; conveys the author’s attitude; infects with mood; creates an image.

    Block "Creative workshop".


Who are the apprentices? (Apprentices, assistant masters)

    Distinctive features of epithets from grammatical definitions

(Slide No. 7)


Underline the epithets.

Wonderful day! - Saturday day.

Golden heart - Golden ring.

Fox character - Fox's tail.

It's like a crystal day - a long day.

b) The role of epithets in K. Balmont’s poem “Snowflake” (printouts of the poem are on every student’s desk).


Write down the epithets that create the “image” of a snowflake and make it unforgettable.

Light fluffy

Snowflake white,

So pure

So brave!

Dear stormy

easy to carry

Not to the azure heights,

Begs to go to earth.

Wonderful azure

She left

Myself into the unknown

The country has been overthrown.

In the shining rays

Glides skillfully.

Among the melting flakes

Preserved white.

Under the blowing wind

Shakes, flutters,

On him, cherishing,

Lightly swinging.

His swing

She's consoled

With his snowstorms

Spinning wildly.

But here it ends

The road is long,

touches the ground

Crystal star

Fluffy lies

Snowflake is brave,

How clean

How white!

Indicate where in the poem there is movement, flight, whirlwind, and where there is admiration and admiration?

How to convey this change of mood when reading?

What kind of snowflake did you imagine?

c) Game “Competition with the poet.”


Introduce epithets into A. Fet’s poem, which will help present the picture drawn by the poet. Compete with the author.(I study and work on training cards) (Slide No. 8).

(Wonderful) picture,

How dear you are to me:

(White) plain,
(Full moon.

Light of heaven (high)

And (shiny) snow

And sleighs (distant)

(Lonely) running.

In case of difficulty, you can conduct a collective discussion of the epithets proposed by the student or offer a number of definition words that can be used during work, and among them there should be those that cannot be included in the poem.

    "We create!" Masters of artistic expression.

Students are offered multi-level tasks of a creative nature (students of groups 1 and 2 work with training cards). It is advisable that the students choose the tasks themselves.

1 group

2nd group

3rd group.

4 group

Reading a poem by F.I. Tyutchev

“Winter Enchantress” and drawing a picturesque watercolor illustration for it, choosing a name for your work

(line from a poem using an epithet)

Introduction of epithets into the text so that the picture becomes visible. specific, expressive.


I stepped onto... the path and froze from... . I was surrounded by... trees. With my hand I touched... a birch tree. I fell in love with... pine. He froze next to... the aspen tree and whispered to it. He hid under ... a spruce tree, lifting its ... branches. Each tree has its own character, it needs... .

Listening to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky

" Seasons". Verbally paint the picture you imagined.

Write a story or poem using epithets so that the reader can imagine the picture the author has painted.

After independent work, 2-3 completed student works are reviewed. The rest are asked to be completed at home and presented at the next lesson.

    Lesson summary. Reflection (Slide No. 9)

    Questions for students:

– Name the secrets of the epithet.

How to see epithets in the text?

What is their role in a literary text?

What epithet can you choose for today's lesson?

How can you evaluate the work of our creative workshop?

2. Final word from the teacher.

Today each of you tried to be an artist of words. We watched the creations of poets and composers who gave us beautiful works of art. Such people need to be sensitive, attentive and caring, able to notice the seemingly unnoticed. So let's learn from them to “listen” and “peer” into the nature around us. The gift of vision must be developed. Try your hand at filling the world with colorful epithets. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!


    Complete multi-level assignments unfinished in class.

    Learn the basic outline, illustrating it with your own examples.


    Magazine Literature at school. No. 2 – 2002.

    T.Rick. Good morning Name Adjective! – M,: Astrel, 1999.

    I'm going to literature class. – M.: First of September, 2001.

    Game technologies in Russian language lessons, grades 5-9. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

    Kvyatkovsky A. Poetic dictionary. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1966.

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