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Profession customs inspector. Overview of customs officers' salaries in Russia How much does a customs inspector earn?

The sphere of customs service is one of the dominant ones in the development of a modern state. Through it, a thorough inspection and strict control is carried out over what enters the territory of the country and, accordingly, leaves it.

This executive system is engaged in the fight against smugglers and other groups who plan to illegally export goods abroad, and also monitors “undesirable” imports that can undermine the economic situation of the country. The fight against drugs is also fundamental to this area of ​​activity.

Customs officers are people who perform the work entrusted to them at customs with duty and honor. Usually people perceive representatives of this profession as quite hostile and treat them unfavorably due to the thoroughness and pickiness of the specificity of their work. So how much do they earn at customs? To answer this question, it is necessary to consider this area in more detail.

The work and responsibilities of a customs officer

A person working in the customs service must be prepared for constant negative emotions from residents, irregular daily routines and emergency situations. They have no right to make a mistake, otherwise it could end extremely badly.

The customs service operates directly from the government apparatus and is subordinate to it. The responsibilities of employees of this profession include:

  • controlling the specifics of foreign trade;
  • monitoring the import of large amounts of money and their transfer to bank accounts;
  • investigation into customs violations;
  • maintaining and filling out documents;
  • control at the checkpoint;
  • thorough inspection of things transported at airports, train stations, etc.
  • keeping records of goods obtained through confiscation;
  • work to detect prohibited goods;
  • work to detect contraband;
  • work to eliminate violations in the field of customs law.

At its core, this profession is very noble, because it serves people and is aimed at the security of the entire state. In order to become a real professional, you need to have versatile knowledge in various fields: psychology, canine science, jurisprudence. Knowledge of a generally accepted foreign language (English) is a prerequisite for working in customs.

Professional training

Also, in order to work as a customs officer, you need to obtain a higher education in the field of “Customs Affairs” in a specialized institution or any other that has been accredited for this industry. In order to enroll in this area, you need to pass the Unified State Exam in social studies and the Russian language, as well as pass the internal exam in physical education.

Training lasts according to the system of specialty, bachelor's and master's degrees. You can also study in the customs field after the ninth grade by enrolling in a customs college. Afterwards, it is easier to enroll in a higher education institution in this field by completing the appropriate preparatory courses.

To work in this field you must have the following qualities:

  • diligence;
  • responsibility;
  • communication skills;
  • stress resistance;
  • ability to overcome force majeure and other non-standard situations;
  • punctuality;
  • developed intuition;
  • caution;
  • good reaction;
  • tolerance;
  • ability to absorb large amounts of information.

There are a number of provisions where customs service is contraindicated for citizens. You cannot work if you have:

  • mental and neurological diseases;
  • alcohol and drug addiction;
  • criminal record.

What does salary depend on?

The salary of a customs officer consists of a salary and bonus parts. The salary portion is always fixed and is calculated on two points - salary by position and salary by rank.

But the bonus is calculated using allowances and payments that depend on the nature of the work. For example, state secret of “special importance” gives a salary increase of 75%, top secret information — 50%, information "secret" with permission to fill out documents - 15%, and information "secret" without access– 10% of salary.

Also, bonuses can be accrued based on the place of service - hard-to-reach areas of the country, the Far North, etc., which provide increasing coefficients when calculating earnings. Every month, customs officers receive a certain ration. If for some reason this does not happen, then the ration is converted into the appropriate cash equivalent and accrued along with the salary.

Each customs officer can apply for financial assistance once a year, the amount of which varies depending on the situation, but cannot be more than two months' salary.

Customs officers can retire early based on their years of service. There are vacation allowances for specialists in this field, which is 28 calendar days. With 10 years of service, the vacation bonus is 5 calendar days, for 15 years - 10 calendar days, and from 20 years - 15 calendar days.

Salaries in Russia

On average in the Russian Federation, the salary of a customs officer is 33 thousand rubles per month worked. But in different regions of the country, the amount of earnings fluctuates from more to less, and vice versa.

  • In Moscow, a novice customs officer can count on 30 thousand rubles. More experienced representatives of this profession receive 45 thousand rubles and more per month.
  • In St. Petersburg, a customs officer receives almost the same as in the capital - 40 thousand rubles. A beginner specialist earns from 20 thousand rubles per month.
  • In smaller cities, the income of a customs service representative is about 25 thousand rubles. From the end of 2017, the government service plans to increase the salaries of customs employees by 20%.

Salaries in other countries

Abroad, customs officials are doing better with their income than in Russia.


In the United States, representatives of this field of activity at the initial stage (GS-5 qualification) receive a salary about 40 thousand dollars a year. Employees who are at the advanced GS-12 level earn $110,000 per year.

This salary also includes overtime (up to 45 thousand dollars per year), bonuses and other payments that may be paid for difficult working conditions. Every year, an employee has the right to improve his qualifications by passing a certain test.

In Germany

In Germany, a customs officer earns a little more than 1,100 euros per month during the first three years of service.. Then the income increases to 2,500 euros, if qualified - A9, the earnings of a customs officer are 3,300 euros per month worked, and with A13, the customs inspector can count on 5 thousand euros.

In Ukraine

In Ukraine, representatives of this profession earn slightly less than in Russia. The average salary in the country is 12-14 thousand hryvnia, which translated into Russian rubles is 26-30 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the level of corruption in the country is overestimated, so in fact the level of wages may exceed average values.

Customs is a promising environment for any state, therefore budget funds are constantly allocated to this area. The government apparatus is interested in ensuring that the quality of customs business is at the highest level and constantly tries to motivate employees to work conscientiously.

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(as amended on September 29, 2016)

Document's name:
Document Number: 459
Document type: Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
Receiving authority: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Status: Active
Acceptance date: March 13, 2013
Start date: June 24, 2013
Revision date: September 29, 2016

On the establishment of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation



On the establishment of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Document with changes made:
(Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 257, 11/12/2014);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 09.16.2015, N 0001201509160003);
by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 29, 2016 N 1881 (Official Internet portal of legal information, October 18, 2016, N 0001201610180022).

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 283-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of certain federal executive bodies and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53 (ch .I), Art. 7608), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2013 N 41 “On the establishment of monthly salaries for employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 5, Art. 385)

I order:

1. Install from January 1, 2013:

monthly salaries for non-standard positions of senior, senior and middle management employees in the central office of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (Appendix No. 1);

monthly salaries for non-standard positions of senior and middle management employees of regional customs departments (Appendix No. 2);

monthly salaries for non-standard positions of senior and middle management staff of customs houses and customs posts (Appendix No. 3);

the amount of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior command staff of state government institutions "Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service of Russia" and "Central Clinic of the Federal Customs Service of Russia" (Appendix No. 4);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on September 27, 2015 by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

the amount of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle management of maritime units of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 5);

the amount of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of senior and middle management employees of aviation units of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 6);

the amount of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of junior staff of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 7);

the amount of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of junior staff of the maritime divisions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 8);

the amount of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior management, middle management of the state government educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Customs Academy", its branches and representative offices (Appendix No. 9).
(Paragraph additionally included from September 27, 2015 by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated August 20, 2015 N 1709)

2. The Main Financial and Economic Directorate (A.V. Avdonin) must ensure the allocation of the necessary funds for the implementation of this order within the limits of the allocations provided for the salary of employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.

3. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the First Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia V.M. Malinin.

valid state
Customs Advisor
Russian Federation

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
May 23, 2013,
registration N 28487

Appendix No. 1. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior, senior and middle management in the central office of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

Appendix No. 1

Salary (rubles)

The line has been excluded since October 29, 2016 - order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 29, 2016 N 1881..

First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate. Chief Advisor to the Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

First Deputy Head of the Department, Deputy Head of the Main Department - Chief Accountant of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Advisor to the Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

Head of Service, Deputy Chief Accountant
Head of an independent department

(Line as amended, put into effect on November 23, 2014 by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 22, 2014 N 1824.

Deputy Head of Service

Deputy head of an independent department

(Line as amended, put into effect on November 23, 2014 by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 22, 2014 N 1824.

Head of Flight Safety Inspectorate


Advisor to the head of the main department

Advisor to the head of the department

Assistant to the Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

Deputy Head of Department - Chief Metrologist of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

Assistant to the First Deputy (Deputy) Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

The chief inspector is the secretary of the first deputy head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Chief inspector - consultant to the first deputy (deputy) head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Chief pilot - inspector, Chief navigator, Chief specialist in regulating flight activities, certification and classification of aviation specialists, Chief engineer, Chief engineer for aircraft (helicopter) and engines

Chief engineer for operation of aircraft radio-electronic equipment
Chief Engineer for Operation of Aircraft Equipment

Leading inspector - secretary of the deputy head
Federal Customs Service of Russia. Lead onboard engineer. Leading engineer for operation and repair

Appendix No. 2. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of senior and middle management employees of regional customs departments

Appendix No. 2

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

Head of Service

The line was excluded from November 23, 2014 - order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 22, 2014 N 1824..

Deputy Head of Service

Head of SOBR*

Deputy Head of SOBR*, Assistant Head of Department


Appendix No. 3. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of senior and middle management staff of customs houses and customs posts

Appendix No. 3

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

Deputy head of the customs post, Deputy head of the customs post - chief accountant, Head of the customs service

Deputy Head of Customs Service

Head of SOBR*

Deputy Head of SOBR*

* SOBR - special rapid response unit.

Appendix No. 4. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of senior management staff of state government institutions "Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service of Russia" and "Central Clinic of the Federal Customs Service of Russia"

Appendix No. 4
(As amended,
put into effect
from September 27, 2015
by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
dated August 20, 2015 N 1709. -
See previous edition)

Amounts of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of senior management staff of state government institutions "Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service of Russia" and "Central Clinic of the Federal Customs Service of Russia"

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

Head of the hospital - specialist doctor

Head of the clinic

Deputy head of the hospital

Deputy Head of the Clinic

Appendix No. 5. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle management of maritime units of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Appendix No. 5

from November 23, 2014
by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
dated September 22, 2014 N 1824. -
See previous edition)

Amounts of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle management of maritime units of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

Commander of a large customs ship

Commander of a medium customs vessel

Assistant Commander of a Large Customs Vessel

Assistant commander of a medium customs vessel

Commander of a small customs vessel

Head of service of a large customs vessel

Assistant Chief of Service of a Large Customs Vessel

Head of service of a medium customs vessel

Appendix No. 6. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior and middle management of aviation units of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Appendix No. 6

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

regional customs departments

Aviation flight commander

Senior helicopter commander - instructor, Pilot - flight navigator, Chief inspector - flight safety pilot, Lead navigator,
Leading Aircraft Operations Engineer, Leading Flight Engineer - Inspector

Aircraft commander - aircraft instructor, aircraft navigator

Helicopter commander - instructor, Pilot - navigator, Aircraft operation engineer, Assistant aircraft commander

Senior Aviation Engineer

Aviation objective control equipment operation engineer, flight mechanic

Onboard technician

Specialist in operation of aircraft radio-electronic equipment, Specialist in operation of aircraft aviation equipment

Aircraft (helicopter) and engine specialist

Aviation technician for aircraft operation

Appendix No. 7. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of junior staff of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Appendix No. 7

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

customs authorities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, capitals (centers) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

customs authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation)

Junior inspector - specialist, Junior detective (ROPU and operational customs), Junior inspector - pass office duty officer, Junior inspector - assistant shift manager, Junior inspector - dog handler,
Junior inspector - aviation mechanic, Junior inspector - operational driver, Junior inspector - senior driver, Junior inspector - senior SOBR gunner*, Junior inspector - driver, Junior inspector - duty officer, operator of technical security equipment, Junior inspector - security post duty officer, Junior inspector - controller, Junior inspector - assistant, operational duty officer, Junior inspector - SOBR gunner*

* SOBR - special rapid response unit.

Appendix No. 8. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of junior staff of maritime units of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Appendix No. 8
to the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
dated March 13, 2013 N 459
(As amended as put into effect
from November 23, 2014
by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
dated September 22, 2014 N 1824. -
See previous edition)

Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of junior staff of the maritime divisions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Name of non-standard

Salary (rubles)


customs authorities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, capitals (centers) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

customs authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of Moscow,
St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation)

Chief boatswain

Senior technician

Cook instructor

Appendix No. 9. Monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior management, middle management of a state government educational institution of higher professional education...

Appendix No. 9
to the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
dated March 13, 2013 N 459
(Extras included
from September 27, 2015
by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
dated August 20, 2015 N 1709)

Amounts of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of employees of senior management, middle management of the state government educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Customs Academy", its branches and representative offices

Name of atypical position

Salary (rubles)

Head of the Academy

Deputy Head of the Academy

Deputy head of the academy - director of the branch

Director of the Institute

Head of the center

Deputy Branch Director

Deputy Director of the Institute

Deputy head of the center

Dean of the Faculty

Head of the department


Director of the representative office

Department head

Deputy Dean of the Faculty

Deputy Head of the Department

Deputy Head of Department

Deputy director of the representative office

Department Director

Senior Lecturer

Chief Inspector


Lead Inspector

Chief Inspector


On the establishment of monthly salaries for non-standard positions of customs officers of the Russian Federation (as amended as of September 29, 2016)
Document Number: 459
Document type: Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
Receiving authority: Federal Customs Service of Russia
Status: Active
Published: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 125, 06/13/2013
Acceptance date: March 13, 2013
Start date: June 24, 2013
Revision date: September 29, 2016

The position of inspector is, as a rule, the position of a person who is an employee of government supervisory authorities. Such supervisory authorities include the State Labor Inspectorate, Tax Inspectorate, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Customs Inspectorate, Rostekhnadzor Inspectorate, Fire Inspectorate and other government bodies performing supervisory functions.

Due to the fact that the state inspector is vested with very large powers, many people have a very reasonable question: what is the salary of an inspector?

State inspector: salary

According to statistics in the context of Russian regions, the most paid profession of a State Inspector is the position of an inspector in the Republic of Bashkotorstan with an average salary of 33 thousand 333 rubles. In second place is the Kamchatka Territory, and in third place is the Magadan Region with salaries of inspectors of 30 thousand 36 and 33 thousand rubles, respectively.

Among Russian cities, the State Inspector receives the highest salary in the city of Zheleznodorozhny - 22 thousand 500 rubles, followed by the cities of Khabarovsk - 21 thousand rubles and Komsomolsk-on-Amur - 20 thousand 500 rubles.

Paradoxical and extremely surprising is the fact that according to statistics, the average salary of a junior inspector in Russia is 20 thousand 883 rubles, and the salary of senior inspectors is less and averages 18 thousand 333 rubles.

Tax inspector: salary

A tax inspector is an employee of a government agency charged with collecting and administering taxes for both legal entities and individuals. Its daily activities are regulated by the provisions of the Tax Code in terms of establishing the amounts and monitoring compliance by enterprises and citizens with the requirements of tax legislation and the receipt of tax payments into the state account.

The place of work of tax inspectors can be both federal, city and district tax inspectorates, as well as the tax police.

Answering a completely logical question, what is the salary of a tax inspector, the tax inspectorate gives data that its size ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles and largely depends on the length of service, position held, and the region in which the inspector works. At the same time, the average monthly salary of a tax inspector is about 34 thousand rubles.

The average inspector in Russian regions receives is 20 thousand rubles, although the actual salary may depend on length of service, position and region.

Customs inspector: salary

The duties of the customs inspector are to administer the declaration of goods by individuals and legal entities when they cross the state border, prevent the transportation of contraband goods and collect customs duties.

According to statistics, the average salary of customs service employees significantly exceeds the average Russian salary and amounts to 52 thousand rubles, the salary of a customs inspector is only 15 thousand 800 rubles. This is explained by the fact that the salary of a customs officer, as in many categories of civil service employees, as a rule, consists not of just one salary, but of various additional payments and the real salary can significantly exceed the salary.

Salary of a juvenile affairs inspector (PDN)

A PDN inspector is an employee of the internal affairs bodies who supervises teenagers in order to prevent them from committing crimes and reducing the level of neglect among minors. In addition to preventive measures to prevent crime among teenagers, the PDN inspector conducts an analysis of the teenage population and identifies persons capable of unlawful acts.

The salary of a traffic police inspector depends, first of all, on length of service, position held, rank and region of his service and can range from 20 thousand to 72 thousand rubles.

Salary of a traffic police inspector (DPS)

The most paid profession of a traffic police inspector (DPS) among the regions of Russia is the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where a traffic police inspector receives an average of 45 thousand rubles. The second place in the ranking of salaries of traffic police inspectors is occupied by the Moscow region - 42 thousand 333 rubles, and the third place is by the Chelyabinsk region with a salary of 38 thousand 167 rubles.

Among the cities of Russia in terms of salaries of traffic police inspectors with the same salaries of representatives of this profession of 40 thousand rubles, the cities of Kirovsk, Ataptsevo and Besedy shared the first – third places.

To compare the salaries of inspectors among other special state supervision services, we present the following data:

  • fire inspector: average salary - 18 thousand rubles;
  • Rostechnadzor inspector's salary is on average 20 thousand rubles;
  • the salary of a labor inspector is about 30 thousand rubles;
  • the salary of a personnel inspector is from 17 to 40 thousand rubles, on average – 30 thousand rubles;
  • the salary of an employment center inspector is from 16 to 30 thousand rubles.
  • You might be interested.

The profession of a customs inspector involves checking documents, inspecting things and passengers crossing the border. For certain categories of citizens and legal entities, the inspector must control the payment of customs duties and fines imposed for violation of customs rules. The tasks of a civil servant include searching for contraband, so a specialist will need such qualities as the ability to understand people and lightning-fast decision-making.

Places of work

Currently, working in the customs system is prestigious. Customs offices are usually located:

  • at airports;
  • in sea and river ports;
  • at border points;
  • at railway stations.

History of the profession

The first customs inspectors appeared at the beginning of the 13th century, they were called customs officers. At the same time, the first scribe books appeared, in which customs officers kept records of cargo passing across the border. The customs officer stamped the cargo and charged a fee for it.

Duties of a customs inspector

The main duties of a customs inspector include:

  • verification of documents;
  • inspection of belongings and passengers;
  • search for contraband goods;
  • collection of government duties and fines;
  • compiling work reports.

Requirements for a customs inspector

Here is a list of basic requirements for a customs inspector:

  • higher education;
  • knowledge of the basics of customs affairs;
  • Experience from 1 year;
  • PC knowledge.

Since the customs inspector must constantly communicate with foreigners, knowledge of English is often required.


A person who has a legal education and at least 1 year of public service experience can become a customs inspector.

Salary of a customs inspector

The salary of a customs inspector ranges from 12 to 40 thousand rubles per month. An additional bonus may be the benefits inherent in public service. The average salary of a customs inspector is about 25 thousand rubles per month.

The economic crisis continues in Russia. It affects both businessmen and government officials. The government needs to save money, so it is greatly reducing the number of government workers. Everyone is also wondering whether the salaries of civil servants will be reduced. A few years ago everyone was wondering... Due to the difficult economic situation, everyone is now wondering what will happen to the salaries of customs officers. About this in our article.

General information

For a long time, the job of a customs officer was considered very prestigious. However, many were not happy with the salary, so the government planned to increase the salary of customs officers in 2017 in Russia. Due to economic instability, everything is up in the air.

The customs service is a special executive structure of power. It deals with the regulation of goods imported into the Russian Federation. Customs officers are also fighting criminal smugglers who smuggle prohibited goods across the border. Particular attention is paid to narcotic substances. Several illegal drug roads pass through the Russian Federation, along which criminals transport heroin from Afghanistan to European countries. Criminals have great connections. They have a lot of money, which allows them to bribe a large number of government officials. If the customs officer’s rate for 2017 in the Russian Federation decreases, then many civil servants will have to commit crimes in order to feed their families. Therefore, everyone hopes that there will be an increase in salaries for customs officers in Russia; the latest news says it's possible.

There are a large number of myths around the customs officer profession. The most important thing is the conviction of a large number of people that customs officers are very vile people who want to extract the last penny from people. Because of this, many customs officers have to live under constant stress. Many of them have nervous breakdowns that end badly.

What is the salary of customs officers today?

A large number of people work as customs officers. These workers can boast moderately high salaries, as well as a large number of additional benefits and social guarantees. Now the average salary of a customs officer is about 30 thousand rubles. Junior workers receive about 20 thousand, senior workers - 50 thousand and even higher. The salary level also depends on the section of the border controlled by customs officers. So customs officers on the border with Finland receive much more than customs officers who work in the Far East. This level of salaries provides customs officers with a decent life (for example, doctors and teachers earn an order of magnitude less).

And this seems unfair to many, since customs officers, doctors and teachers graduated from higher educational institutions and underwent complex, labor-intensive practice. And at the end of the day, the teacher receives a small salary, while the customs officer receives a very large one. Why is that? You need to understand that the state cannot provide high salaries to everyone. Therefore, he has to choose who to pay more and who to pay less. At this stage of Russia's development, officials give preference to customs officers, since due to the escalation of the economic war with Western countries, they have to hope that customs officers cannot be bribed. This can be made possible only with the help of a high salary coupled with serious criminal punishment if the customs officer nevertheless violates his duty.

What do the government think?

The government is constantly negotiating to increase salaries for civil servants. Let us remind you that the planned salary increase is based on the principle of indexing. What it is? Every year, more and more paper money goes into circulation. Because of this, money depreciates. That is, for 1,000 rubles this year you can buy much more than for the same money next year. This phenomenon is called inflation. To minimize the damage from inflation, the state carries out indexation. Indexation is a monetary premium, which is determined based on the level of inflation. In other words, if money has depreciated by 3 percent in a year, then the government must increase wages by the same 3 percent so that a person can buy for himself with a new amount of money the set of things and services to which he is accustomed.

Economists believe the inflation rate will be around 5 percent. Therefore, the indexation of customs officers’ salaries will be exactly 5 percent. However, we must remember that it is physically impossible to calculate the amount of money that is in circulation (and many people do not keep their money in the bank, preferring their home “stash”). For this reason, there is little difference between the actual inflation rate and the expected one. It has been observed that the actual inflation rate is usually 1-2 percent higher than expected. The problem of discrepancy between real and expected inflation levels is very important, since the government often tells us that it fulfills all its social guarantees. However, this is not true, since real inflation is always slightly higher than the indexation level.

Will there be a reduction?

Also, many people are worried about whether there will be a reduction in customs officers in 2017. This question is very important. The state, in order to survive in difficult economic conditions, has to cut social spending and salaries. The state may also fire some of its employees in order to use the saved money for something more important. In case of staff reduction, the first thing to do is to cut the top management and the lower level; the middle staff is left unchanged. However, this year, many deputies in parliament are talking about a new scheme, according to which many states will be disbanded, but workers will not be fired completely, but will be transferred either to the average staff or to related jobs. For example, there is a project according to which some customs officers will be transferred to the border service staff.
Officials also plan to reduce benefits and introduce an incentive pay system. And this is quite reasonable - if a person works well, he should be given a bonus on top of his salary. If a person performs poorly, he should be demoted and not given any bonuses. If a bad employee continues to perform poorly after such punishment, he will have to be fired.


The profession of a customs officer is an important public service. The purpose of this profession is to protect the country from the import of illegal goods. Particular attention is paid to the fight against the import of drugs, since several drug routes from Afghanistan to Europe pass through Russia. For an official to work well, he needs to be paid a good salary. Therefore, there will be an increase in wages for customs officers in 2017 in Russia. It will be equal to the level of expected inflation, which is 5%. However, not everything is so smooth. There is talk in the government that some customs officers may be fired. The reason is simple - the state is in a difficult economic situation, so it has to save on everything. It is also planned to cut some benefits.