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Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at catering establishments


A cafe is a catering establishment designed to organize recreation for consumers. The range of products sold is limited compared to a restaurant. The cafe sells signature, custom-made dishes and offers a wide range of fast food dishes. A selection of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes are provided, the bar offers a variety of hot and cold drinks, and pastries. One of the main conditions of a cafe is quality service. Visitors are served by a bartender and waiters with special education and experience in the service sector.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is due to the fact that today one of the main problems for the modern Russian restaurant business is maintaining competitiveness and maintaining activity in a constantly changing external environment.

The purpose of this course work is to study the features of the work of a cafe-confectionery.

The objectives are:

show the distinctive features of the cafe-patisserie;

study the technological process of production of a cafe and confectionery;

analyze the activities of the cafe “Sladost”;

The object is the activity of a cafe - confectionery.

The subject is the peculiarity of organizing the work of a confectionery shop producing 800 products per shift.

confectionery shop trade cafe

1. Organizational part

.1 Characteristics of the cafe confectionery “Sladost”

Cafe-confectionery “Sladost” is located in the center of Khabarovsk at the address: st. Lenina, 85.

The capacity of the cafe is 40 seats. In the café's confectionery shop, a large number of flour confectionery products are prepared and sold for consumption, and some purchased goods are also sold.

The cafe's opening hours are from 10:00 to 22:00 daily.

The cafe provides an additional service - accepting orders for the production of confectionery products with home delivery.

All elements of the room, including walls, ceilings and floors, are painted yellow and black. A huge counter invites you to familiarize yourself with the full range of products offered. The microclimate is maintained by a supply and exhaust ventilation system.

1.2 Characteristics of the confectionery and bakery shop

A confectionery shop can be an independent production facility or be included as a structural unit in the food department of a larger complex. In any case, it works autonomously. The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (molding) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, fondants, whipped egg whites.

In rooms for sifting flour and kneading dough, flour is sifted manually through sieves, placing them above the dishes in which the dough will be kneaded, or through mechanical sifters. After sifting the flour, the dough is kneaded in dough mixing or whipping machines. After kneading, the bowl with the dough is placed in special thermostatic chambers, and if they are not available, they are placed near the ovens in the baking room. The workplace for kneading dough is equipped with a boiler and measuring tanks for salt and syrup solutions. In the same room, a table with a built-in sink is installed for sorting raisins and preparing poppy seeds.

In the dough cutting department, the finished dough is cut, rolled out and formed into products from it. These operations can be carried out at one workplace, which is equipped with production tables with tool boxes and retractable flour chests; dough sheeters; mobile and wall racks, cabinet racks in which products do not dry out during proofing.

The room for baking confectionery products is equipped with confectionery ovens or ovens, proofing cabinets, mobile racks for finished products and prepared for baking, a bowl with yeast dough for fermentation, a stove for boiling syrup and a deep fryer for deep-frying pies. The room is provided with good ventilation.

Work in the workshop begins 2 hours before the hall opens and ends simultaneously with the closing of the hall.

The walls of the production premises are covered with tiles to a height of 1.75 meters, which allows for regular wet cleaning.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the operation of a confectionery shop:

the layout of the confectionery shop corresponds to the sequence of the technological process of preparing confectionery products and eliminates the possibility of counter or intersecting flows of raw materials and finished products;

confectioner's workplaces are organized clearly in accordance with the production operation being performed and the type of product being prepared;

all equipment is kept clean and thoroughly washed with hot water and detergents after use;

production tables have a flat, smooth, durable, stainless surface. After each production operation, they are washed with hot water, and at the end of the working day - with hot water and detergents and rinsed with hot water. Tables with wooden tops are cleaned with a knife and washed with hot water;

All workshop equipment is washed with hot water and detergents.

Wooden equipment is disinfected and rinsed with hot water at least 65°C.

tools (knives, recesses, molds) are kept clean during the work process. After washing with hot water, all metal instruments are disinfected by boiling in water or calcining in an oven. During working hours, clean equipment is stored in special cabinets or on closed shelves.

All production shop workers follow the following personal hygiene rules:

a) come to work in clean personal clothing and shoes. Upon entering the enterprise, clothing is thoroughly cleaned;

b) keep their hands and face clean, cut their nails short;

c) do not eat or smoke in production areas.

Eating and smoking are carried out only in places specially designated for these purposes.

1.3 Technical equipment of the confectionery and bakery shop

Mechanical, thermal, refrigeration and handling equipment is installed in the production premises of the confectionery shop.

Mechanical equipment includes dough mixing machine, whipping machines, dough sheeting machines

Flour sifter for making croissants.

Associated equipment: slicing processor, blender or mixer, portion scales, bread slicer, production tables, rack.

Thermal equipment includes: electric oven, deep fryer, stove.

Refrigeration equipment: refrigerated cabinet, refrigerated table.

Handling equipment: lifts, trolleys, conveyors

1.4 Features of storage organization and quality control of raw material reserves

The number and composition of the production premises of the cafe-confectionery “Sladost” is fully designed for the volume and range of products produced by the workshop.

The daily storage pantry is intended for short-term storage of products arriving at the workshop and is equipped with stock shelves, racks (for bulk products), refrigerated cabinets or chambers (for perishable products).

In rooms for sifting flour and kneading dough, flour is sifted manually through sieves, placing them above the dishes in which the dough will be kneaded, or through mechanical sifters.

Requirements for the quality of sweet dishes: the serving temperature for cold sweet dishes should be 12...15 0C, hot - 55 0C, ice cream - 4…6 0WITH.

Fresh fruits in the workshop are ripe, good quality and thoroughly washed.

Compotes are prepared with a concentrated taste and smell of fruit, moderately sweet, with a pleasant sourness.

The consistency of the jelly is gelatinous, not rough or granular, and retains its shape when broken.

The mousse is a frozen, tender, finely porous, fluffy and slightly elastic mass of pale color (cranberry - pink, apple and lemon - white or slightly yellow). Before release, cut into rectangular or triangular pieces with smooth or corrugated edges. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness.

Sambuca - elastic consistency, homogeneous mass, heavier than mousse, finely porous, sweet taste, with slight acidity, smell of apples or apricots.

Puddings have a soft and delicate texture inside, a toasted crust, and a sweet taste; The cut shows candied fruits or raisins evenly distributed throughout the mass. The mass is well baked.

2. Technological part

.1 Classification and assortment of confectionery and bakery products

Cafe-confectionery “Sladost” produces baked goods depending on the flour: rye, wheat, rye-wheat and wheat-rye.

Based on the recipe, they bake: simple, improved and rich (wheat only). The recipe for simple products includes: flour, water, yeast and salt. Additional raw materials are introduced into the recipe of improved products - dairy products, sugar, molasses, malt, etc. Butter products contain a lot of fat and sugar; In addition, nuts, raisins, candied fruits, eggs, powdered sugar, etc. can be added.

Confectionery products are divided into two groups: sugary and floury.

Sugary foods include fruit and berry products, chocolate, cocoa powder, caramel, candies, toffee, dragees, halva and oriental sweets such as caramel and candies. Flour confectionery products include cookies, gingerbread, waffles, cakes and pastries, muffins, baba, rolls, and oriental flour sweets.

Flour confectionery products differ from sugar confectionery products in that their recipe includes flour. These products are high in calories and digestibility, have a pleasant taste and attractive appearance.

Depending on the recipe and production method, they are divided into groups: cookies, crackers (dry cookies) and biscuits; gingerbread; waffles; pastries and cakes; cupcakes, rolls and rum baba; flour oriental sweets.

2.2 Features of the technology for preparing confectionery and bakery products and modern design

The cafe serves confectionery products:

cakes are portioned in production, placed on plateau vases with a carved paper napkin and a spatula for laying out;

Assorted cakes are also served on plateau vases and laid out with tongs. The table is served with small dessert plates and dessert cutlery;

pies with sweet filling (apples, dried apricots, etc.) are served on round dishes with a dessert spatula for serving. The table is served with small dessert plates and dessert forks;

boxes with assorted chocolates are opened, the top lid is placed on the table with the indentation down, and the second part of the box with the contents is placed on the hard bottom, moving it slightly.

The supply of bakery products is organized:

Each guest is served individually with baked goods on pie plates;

When serving a group of visitors, bread is served in a wicker basket with a linen napkin folded in four.

Serving sweet dishes:

to serve hot sweet dishes, use an oval metal dish, a round lamb, or a portioned frying pan;

most cold dishes are served in glass bowls or on small dessert plates;

bread pudding is served in a small dessert plate, the table is served with a dessert knife and fork;

biscuit pudding is served on the table in a mold or frying pan placed on a shallow dessert plate;

airy pie (soufflé) served in a portioned frying pan or in a round ram;

apples fried in dough (apple slices deep fried), served on a round cupronickel plate with a carved paper napkin

ice cream, mousse, jelly, sambuca, cream, whipped cream, canned fruit compotes are served in a glass bowl placed on a pie plate with a carved paper napkin and a dessert spoon;

jelly, cream, mousse are served on a small dessert plate;

a composition of ice cream scoops, sliced ​​fruits, berries and whipped cream is served on a shallow dessert plate with a dessert spoon.

3. Practical part

3.1 Production program of the confectionery shop

The production program of the confectionery shop is based on the workshop working in one shift on any day of the week and is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Production program of the confectionery shop

No. Name of products Weight. one product, gKol. item, pcs. Weight of products, kg 1 Cake “Spring” 1006062 Rum baba 1003033 Bun with nuts 100595.94 Baked pies with apple filling 1007075 Cheesecake with cottage cheese 75604.56 Cake “Short” with cream “Glasse” 45502.257 Cake “Pod” Moscow"1000778Shortbread cone with poppy seeds508049Cupcake "Stolichny"75604,510Cake "Cranberry" 10007711 Feast. “Sponge” fruit-jelly 54703,7812 Cake “Puff with cream” 200071413 Cake “Puff tube with cream” 39803,1214 Feast. “Pipe head. with cream cream"38803.0415Eclairs with cream75806 Total: -80081.09

3.2 Calculation of raw material consumption

The calculation of raw materials and food products is based on the production program shown in paragraph 3.1. The daily amount of raw materials is determined by the formula:

G = g R *n/1000, (1)

where G is the mass of raw materials of this type, kg;

g p - rate of consumption of raw materials per 100 pcs. confectionery products or per 10 kg of semi-finished product, g;

n is the number of confectionery products of this type (in hundreds of pieces).

The total mass of raw materials of this type is determined by the formula:

G generally = G 1+G 2+…. G n = ∑(g p *n/1000) (2)

The calculation of the required amount of raw materials is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Summary grocery list

Name of raw materials Total, kg Regulatory documentation 123 Premium wheat flour 62.826 GOST R 52189-2003 Granulated sugar 31.245 GOST 21-94 Butter 34.637 GOST R 52969-2008 Melange 13.464 GOST R 53155-2008 Ammonium carbonate0 .231 GOST 9325-79 Pressed yeast 1.494 GOST R 54731-2011 Salt 0.518 GOST R 51574-2000 Raisins 4.235 GOST 12003-76 Candied fruits 0.788 OST 10 20-86 Nut kernels 2.617 GOST 16833-71 Refined powder 1.948 TU 9111-006-44412347-10 Rum essence 0.010 OST 18-103 -84 Essence 0.206 GOST R 52101-2003 Cognac 0.120 GOST R 51618-2009 Molasses starch 1.951 GOST R 52060-2003 Margarine 2.884 GOST R 52178-2003 Milk 7.800 GOST R 52090-2003 Vanillin 0.858 GOST 16599-71 Potato starch 0.496 OST-18-158-74 Eggs 1.108 GOST R 52121 -2003 Cocoa powder 0.725 GOST 108-76 Citric acid 0.006 GOST 908 -2004Agar0.007GOST 16280-2002Color0.001OST 10-093-96Canned cranberry puree4.250TU BY 790685880.001-2012Natural apple juice12.975GOST R 52186-2003Dogonel liqueur0.500GOST R 52191-2003 Strawberry filling 3.528 GOST R 52817-2007 Strawberry 1.371 GOST 6828-89 Whole milk condensed with sugar1.205GOST R 53436-2009Cream 20% fat content1.756GOST R 52091-2003Sour cream0.878GOST R 52092-2003Cream 30% fat content1.400GOST R 52091-2003Fresh apples10.500GOST 211 22-75Cottage cheese11.661GOST R 52096-2003Drinking soda0 .075 GOST 2156-76 Fruit and berry jam 24.050 GOST R 51934-2002 Poppy 0.098 GOST R 52533-2006

.3 Calculation of the number of production employees

We determine the number of production workers using the formula:

N 1= G * N, (2)

where G is the daily consumption of raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products, t, thousand units; - number of employees per unit of processed products.

In accordance with VNTP 04-86 from clause 4.1 per 1 thousand units. products are rationed by 3 workers. Hence,

N 1= 6 * 3 = 18 people.

The total number of production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations and sick days, is determined by the formula:

N 1= N 1* TO 1, (3)

where K1 is a coefficient taking into account weekends and holidays; the values ​​of the coefficient K1 depend on the operating mode of the enterprise and the working hours of the employee.

The operating hours of the enterprise are 5 days a week. The working hours of a production worker are 5 days a week with two days off. Then K 1 = 1,13.

N 1= 18 * 1.13 = 20.34 people. We accept 20 people.

Conclusion: 20 production workers are needed to work in a confectionery shop. Work is organized in one shift lasting 12 hours.

3.4 Calculation of the area of ​​the confectionery shop

The area of ​​the trading floor is calculated using the formula:

S h = f * P, (4)

where S is the estimated area of ​​the hall, m 2,

f - norm of area per place (1.6 m),

P - number of seats in the hall.

S = 1.6 * 40 = 64 m 2.

The area of ​​production premises is calculated using the formula:

S generally . = S floor / TO joint venture , (5)

where S generally . - total workshop area m2,

S floor - usable area occupied by equipment, m2,

TO joint venture - area utilization factor, taking into account passages between equipment.

Stotal = 11.02 / 0.4 = 27.55 m 2.

Consequently, the total area of ​​production premises will be 27.55 m 2.

3.5 Calculation of the load on the sales floor in the cafe-confectionery “Sladost”

The number of consumers is determined based on the loading schedule of the hall and the turnover of seats in the hall during the day.

When determining consumers according to the hall loading schedule, the main data for drawing up the schedule are: operating mode of the enterprise; turnover of seats in the hall during a given hour; percentage of the hall's occupancy by hours of operation and the capacity of the hall.

The number of consumers served per hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

N = P * Y * X / 100, (6)

where N is the number of consumers served per hour of operation of the enterprise, people;

P - capacity of the hall, people; - turnover of seats in the hall during a given hour; - load of the hall at a given hour, %.

Calculations for determining the number of visitors in the cafe hall are presented in Table 1.

Loading schedule for a cafe hall with 40 seats.

Opening hours Turnover of space in the hall per hour Average occupancy of the hall, % Number of consumers 10-111.5302311-121.5503812-131.51007513-141.51007514-151.5806015-161.5503816-171.5302317-181.54030 18-191.5604519 -201.5503820-211302521-220.55013Total: 511

3.6 Operational planning of the activities of the confectionery shop

Operational planning of production work includes the following elements:

drawing up a planned menu for a week, a decade (cyclic menu), on its basis, developing a menu plan reflecting the daily production program of the enterprise; menu preparation and approval;

calculating the need for products for preparing dishes provided for in the menu plan and drawing up requirements for raw materials;

distribution of raw materials between workshops and determination of tasks for cooks in accordance with the menu plan.

The first stage of operational planning is drawing up a planned menu. The presence of a planned menu makes it possible to provide a variety of dishes by day of the week, to avoid repetition of the same dishes, to ensure a clear organization of the production supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, timely sending applications to wholesale bases, industrial enterprises, to properly organize the technological process of food preparation and the labor of production workers. The planned menu indicates the assortment and quantity of dishes of each type that can be prepared at a given enterprise by day of the week or decade. When drawing up a planned menu, the qualifications of cooks, consumer demand, the possibility of supplying raw materials and the seasonality of raw materials, and the technical equipment of the enterprise are taken into account.

The second and main stage of operational planning is drawing up a menu plan. The menu plan is drawn up by the production manager on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the enterprise. It contains the names of dishes, recipe numbers and the number of dishes, indicating the timing of their preparation in separate batches, taking into account consumer demand. The main factors that must be taken into account when compiling a menu include: the approximate range of products recommended for catering establishments, depending on its type and the type of diet provided, the availability of raw materials and its seasonality. When drawing up a menu plan, it is necessary to take into account the availability of raw materials in pantries and its seasonality. Dishes and snacks included in the menu should be varied both in the types of raw materials and in the methods of heat treatment. By approving the menu plan, the director and production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are on sale throughout the enterprise's trading day.

At catering establishments with a free choice of dishes, operational planning begins with drawing up a menu plan for one day in accordance with turnover.


1. The success of any enterprise related to the provision of services in the field of public catering directly depends on the degree of consumer satisfaction. In this regard, the development of management decisions is one of the most important management processes. The success of the business, and sometimes the very existence of the organization, largely depends on the effectiveness of management decisions. Therefore, it is very important to make competent, economically sound management decisions.

The target audience of the cafe has been identified - young people under 25 years of age, employees and students who strive for a healthy lifestyle or love sweet dishes (37.5%). The category and characteristics of regular customers of the cafe have been identified. They make up 58.6%, most of them have a sweet tooth (41.5%), visit the establishment 1-2 times a month or several times a year, the average time a client spends in a cafe is 1 hour. Regular customers provide a larger check amount, but the average check for a cafe is about 600 rubles.

Disadvantages of the cafe-confectionery "Sladost":

Service: not a high level of novelty/renewability of the assortment of main dishes, variety and quantity in the names of drinks (breadth and structure of the assortment), other customer wishes (44.3% of respondents)

Promotion: low speed of service, low traffic in the morning and afternoon.


Periodically carrying out activities to monitor and train service personnel, introducing a new work uniform for service personnel. Expenses for these activities will amount to 49,700 rubles, revenue - 181,272 rubles/month.

Carrying out measures to increase the speed of service (additional cash register, food warmer) and informing customers about ongoing promotions in the cafe and the availability of a discount system in the morning and afternoon. Expenses will be 82,100 rubles. Revenue - 640,800 rubles/month.


1. Charter of the cafe-confectionery “Sladost”

Kovalev N.I., Kutkina M.N., Kravtsova V.A. Cooking technology. Textbook manual - M.: Publishing House "Business Literature", Publishing House "Omega-L", 2005. - 480 p.

Matyukhina Z.P. Food merchandising. Textbook for beginners prof. education - M.: Educational and Publishing Center "Academy"; OJSC "Moscow Textbooks", 2010.-336 p.

Butenko L. A., Kovtunenko L. Ya., Khovikova Zh. A. Technology of preparing confectionery products: Textbook. a manual for technical experts. - Kyiv: Vishcha school. Head publishing house, 1980-184 p-32102. 2907000000

Kucher L. S., Shkuratova L. M. Organization of catering services: Textbook. - M.: Publishing House "Business Literature", 2002. - 544 p.

Confectionery shops are provided at procurement enterprises that produce semi-finished products, and at public chain enterprises (cafes, restaurants and canteens). Unlike small confectionery shops organized in public catering establishments, confectionery shops of procurement enterprises have greater capacity, are technically better equipped and therefore more profitable. The workshop produces a wide range of products from yeast, shortbread, puff pastry, biscuit and choux pastry, and also produces yeast, shortbread and puff pastry in the form of semi-finished products.

As a result of the re-profiling of the production of many procurement enterprises, which occurred in recent years, the production of confectionery and flour products was divided with the formation of confectionery and flour shops.

The technological process in the flour shop is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • - preparation of products;
  • - kneading dough;
  • - cutting and baking products;
  • - cooling;
  • - styling;
  • - storage;
  • - transportation.

Raw materials entering the workshop are unloaded into the daily supply storerooms. The flour is sifted in the sifting room, from where it is fed through a flexible hose to the department for kneading, cutting and baking flour products. To obtain good quality yeast dough, it is necessary to place a layer of yeast dough.

Finished products are stored in the finished products pantry on racks until they are sent on an expedition.

The technological process in the confectionery shop is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • - preparation of products;
  • - cooking;
  • - baking dough and products.
  • - cooling;
  • - finishing;
  • - styling;
  • - cooling and storage;
  • - transportation.

Raw materials are unloaded into daily supply storerooms (refrigerated and non-refrigerated). After sifting the flour and preparing the products, dough of all types is prepared and products from shortbread, puff pastry, choux and biscuit dough are cut and baked.

The cooled products are finished with creams, jam or other finishing semi-finished products, placed in containers, cooled and stored in refrigerated and uncooled chambers of the finished products until sent on an expedition.

In high-capacity confectionery shops, additional rooms may be provided for preparing biscuit dough and cooling products; in the cutting and baking department there are separate areas for preparing yeast dough and products made from it, as well as puff pastry, shortbread, biscuit and choux pastry. Each site is equipped with appropriate equipment.

Low-capacity confectionery and flour shops (up to 5 thousand products) are not divided into separate premises - they allocate only premises for finishing products and processing eggs, with a capacity of up to 15 thousand; products are designed with departments for the daily supply of raw materials, egg processing, preparation of raw materials and cooking dough, cutting and baking, cooling and finishing products, short-term storage of finished products, as well as washing equipment and a refrigerator for storing finished products with cream. The premises of the confectionery and flour shops are located in a single block, on the second and third floors of the procurement plant, providing convenient communication with the premises for receiving and storing raw materials, as well as with the expedition. The premises are located sequentially, along the technological process, in order to provide the shortest routes for moving raw materials and finished products.

The workshops are equipped with equipment corresponding to the technological processes occurring in them:

  • - mechanical - sifter, dough mixing machines, tippers, dividing and rounding machines, dough sheeters, machines for depositing dough pieces, beating machines, universal drives, complexes for cleaning bags from flour dust and dough crust;
  • - refrigeration - refrigerated cabinets of various capacities, tables with a cooled surface for rolling out and cutting shortcrust and puff pastry products, refrigerated collapsible chambers for storing food, semi-finished products (puff pastry, fillings, creams, syrups, etc.);
  • - thermal - ovens, automatic machines for frying pies, three-chamber bakery cabinets, frying pans, cabinets, autoclaves, complexes with three shelf cradles for dough;
  • - auxiliary - production tables, mobile racks, stock racks, sectional tables with a refrigerated cabinet, cabinets for drying pastry bags, dough mixing machines, washing baths with mesh inserts. Equipment in workshop premises is placed sequentially, along the technological process, in compliance with permissible distances, perpendicular to the windows to ensure normal illumination of workplaces. The confectionery shop must have the following departments:
  • - pantry for daily food supplies;
  • - dough mixing;
  • - dough cutting;
  • - baked goods;
  • - finishing of products;
  • - preparing minced meat;
  • - washing machines for eggs;
  • - dishes and containers;
  • - expedition.

The jobs of confectioners are determined in accordance with the technological process of preparing flour confectionery products, which usually consists of the following stages:

  • - storage and preparation of raw materials;
  • - preparing and kneading dough;
  • - molding of products;
  • - preparing fillings;
  • - baking;
  • - finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Important factors for the rational use of confectioners’ working time are: proper preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary equipment, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, and electricity during the shift.

The daily food storage pantry is designed for short-term storage of food, equipped with chests, racks, stock shelves, and a refrigerator. For weighing products, there are scales of various capacities (from 2 to 150 kg).

The dough mixing department should be more mechanized than other areas. Here we need machines for kneading dough with bowls of various capacities, and a sifter for flour. A workplace for auxiliary operations is also organized here - dissolving and dispensing sugar, salt, sorting raisins, etc. It should be equipped with a table, a sink with cold and hot water supply, a cabinet for storing equipment, a chest for salt.

The eggs are processed in a special washing room, where an ovoscope and baths with four compartments are installed for their sanitization. The eggs that have passed through the ovoscope are kept in sieves in the first compartment of the bath in warm water for 10 minutes. if necessary, they are washed here with hair brushes. In the second compartment, the eggs are kept for 5 minutes in a 2% bleach solution. In the third compartment, the eggs are kept in a 2% solution of baking soda and in the fourth they are washed with warm running water for 5 minutes. washed and dry eggs are separated from the shell, and if necessary, the white and yolk are separated using a special device.

Melange in jars is washed and thawed in the same baths for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 45 C.

Before kneading the dough, flour is sifted in a separate room or directly in the dough mixing department, as far as possible from other workplaces.

For sifting flour there is a special sifter with swinging and stationary sieves. The sifter with a swinging sieve is driven in reciprocating motion by an electric motor. A “Pioneer” type sifter feeds flour using an auger to two fixed sieves and a magnet, after passing through which the flour is freed from foreign impurities and saturated with air.

The dough mixing machine consists of a body with a kneading lever and three containers with a capacity of 140 to 270 liters. The products included in the dough are placed in a bowl, rolled into the machine and the dough is kneaded. If there are no dough mixing machines, wooden bowls are used for kneading, which, covered with a lid, are used as cutting tables. Yeast dough after kneading requires a high temperature of 30-35 0 C for fermentation, so the bowl is rolled closer to the confectionery ovens. Other types of unleavened dough are kneaded at a low temperature (15-17 0 C). In large workshops for the fermentation of dough and dough, special chambers are installed in which a certain temperature can be maintained.

To dose the dough, install a table, a dividing and rounding machine or a dough divider, a flour chest (under the table), a knife box (in the table), and dial scales.

For rolling out dough, tables are installed with tool cabinets and pull-out chests, a dough sheeter, and a refrigerator for cooling butter and dough when making puff pastries.

Workstations for molding products are equipped with tables, pull-out chests for flour, tool boxes, mobile shelving and shelving cabinets and shelving - “hairpins”. Mobile racks are needed to transport products from the forming station to the baking ovens and then to the department.

To prepare biscuit dough, set up a separate workplace near the universal drive, since the dough is beaten in a mechanical beater included in the kit of this drive. In addition, it is necessary to have a separate table or tables for preparing eggs, sugar, pouring dough into sheets or molds.

Yeast dough is prepared in two ways: sponge and without sponge. To knead yeast dough, depending on the capacity of the workshop, dough mixing machines of various capacities are used. The workplace for kneading dough is equipped with a boiler, production sink, and commercial scales. All auxiliary equipment is installed next to the dough mixing machine for the convenience of the technological process. After kneading the dough, special thermostatic cabinets are installed for its fermentation and maturation. It is necessary to equip a separate table where the processes of dividing and shaping the dough will be carried out. The division of yeast dough into pieces is carried out manually or using dough dividing machines. For rolling out and cutting dough, the workplace is equipped with confectionery equipment: pastry spoons, cutters, border boards.

The workplace for preparing puff pastry is equipped with a dough mixing machine, a separate production table in the immediate vicinity of which is provided with a refrigerated cabinet or a chilled table section and mobile shelving are installed. Rolling out puff pastry is done manually or using a dough sheeter. Equipment used: pastry rolling pins, cutters, knives, brushes.

To make choux pastry, an electric stove and production tables are installed. To brew the dough, use cauldrons or special electric ones, from the equipment: a whisk, a whisk. Depending on the capacity of the workshop, pastry bags or a special machine are used to deposit choux pastry products onto production sheets.

To prepare shortcrust pastry, a dough mixing machine, production tables and various equipment are used: pastry rolling pins, knives, metal molds. Products made from shortcrust pastry are molded on production tables using cutout shapes; metal molds are used to make baskets.

To prepare minced meat and finishing semi-finished products, install a small stove, a meat grinder, equipment, mobile bowls, stools for boilers, and a table for making lipstick. You can also prepare choux pastry at this workstation.

The most rational organization of the work of confectioners is possible in large workshops that produce confectionery semi-finished products in a full range and large quantities: various doughs, fillings and creams, soaking syrups, sprinkles, candied fruits, etc. Such enterprises have ample opportunities for mechanization of all labor-intensive work, and, consequently, to sharply increase labor productivity, machines and mechanisms are used to their full capacity, quality control is simplified, and work culture is improved.

In large workshops, production lines are organized for the production of each type of semi-finished product, and they also use small-scale mechanization and various devices in individual areas.

To increase labor productivity, install an apparatus for welding dough and a device for “jigging” it.

Products made from liquid dough - choux, biscuit, boucher, almond, puffed - are “pipeted” using a pastry bag with a nozzle. The operation is labor-intensive, so in some confectionery shops the “jigging” is mechanized. Confectionery sheets pass through a chain conveyor belt under the depositor. A certain amount of dough is automatically extracted from the four cone-shaped tips. The weight of the deposited dough can be adjusted.

The finished dough is placed in a hopper, from where it is “deposited” into the dosing chamber using pistons, and through 6 tubes with depositing holes, a portion of the dough is laid out on a moving sheet.

Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which whipping machines of various capacities and different capacities of the bowl and boilers are installed. Creams are cooked in special tilting boilers with a steam jacket or in stove-top boilers. They provide a special table with drawers for storing tools; powder is sifted on it and other operations are performed.

To make lipstick, a production line is organized, consisting of an electric stove, a boiler, a special table and a beater. The table cover is metal with sides and two pipelines with cold and hot water are placed under it. One of the side boards, adjacent to the overhead tray, is made removable.

The baking department is equipped with pastry cabinets and ovens with electric, gas and, less often, fire heating.

Special electric or gas deep fryers are designed for deep frying pies. Near the deep fryer there are racks and a table with a mesh tray (to drain excess fat). This compartment should have especially good ventilation, since the decomposition of fats releases products harmful to health (acrolene, etc.). Pastries and cakes are processed in special rooms or, in extreme cases, on separate production tables, isolated from other work places. The tables are equipped with drawers for tools, a tripod for strengthening pastry bags, and a special tank for syrup (for impregnating the biscuit). The work of the pastry chef is facilitated by stands mounted on tables that rotate on an axis, on which cakes are placed during finishing.

In the washing room, bathtubs with three compartments and a sterilizer are installed for washing tools and equipment. Shelving is located next to the washing tubs. In large workshops, a machine is used for washing functional containers. Pastry bags are dried in an electric drying cabinet.

Finished confectionery products are stored in an expedition, which is equipped with a refrigerator, shelving, scales and production tables.

The confectionery shop must have its own washing department for washing dishes and equipment. It is especially important to monitor the cleanliness of pastry bags and tubes, since even the slightest residue of cream can lead to bacterial contamination.

The processing of equipment and utensils must fully comply with that prescribed by current sanitary standards. Confectionery enterprises under construction or design must be located in relation to residential buildings at a distance of at least 50 m (class V sanitary protection zone). In all production and support areas, measures must be taken to maximize the use of natural light.

Premises intended for the production of cream and finishing of cakes and pastries should be designed from the north-west side.

For enterprises producing cream confectionery products with a capacity of more than 300 kg/day, in addition to the technological laboratory, a bacteriological laboratory must also be provided.

New iron molds and sheets intended for baking flour products should be calcined in ovens before use. The use of sheets and forms with defective edges, burrs, or dents is prohibited.

Molds for confectionery products must be periodically (as necessary) subjected to editing (elimination of dents and burrs) and removal of carbon deposits by firing in ovens.

Each line feeding flour into a silo must be equipped with flour sifting and a magnetic trap for metal impurities.

The flour sifting system must be sealed: pipes, burats, auger boxes, silos must not have any cracks. The flour sifting system must be disassembled and cleaned at least once every 10 days, while simultaneously checking its serviceability and treating it against the development of flour pests.

Conveyors and conveyors that come into contact with food products should be cleaned and washed with hot water after the end of the shift.

After draining the molasses, the tanks must be washed with hot water, steamed with live steam, the top hatches closed and sealed. After stripping the cream from the cream, washing and disinfecting solutions are poured sequentially into the cream machine; processing is carried out while the machine is running for 10-15 minutes for each stage of processing. Tables used for finishing cakes and pastries must have a smooth surface. Tables should be treated with any approved detergents and disinfectants in accordance with the instructions for their use.

After each return from the retail chain, trays, sheets, and lids used for transporting cakes must be washed with approved detergents and disinfectants, followed by rinsing with hot water (at least 65 °C) and dried.

Equipment, containers, and utensils used for the production of egg mass should be thoroughly washed and disinfected after completion of work with any approved detergent and disinfectant, followed by rinsing with water at a temperature not lower than 65 °C. After washing, small equipment should be boiled for 30 minutes.

Selective monitoring of safety indicators in finished products of the confectionery industry is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the product manufacturer in agreement with government agencies. rank epid. supervision and guaranteeing product safety.

Fillings and semi-finished products for finishing prepared for the production of flour confectionery and cream products must be stored in labeled, closed containers or containers at a temperature not exceeding 6 °C. Fats, eggs and dairy products should be stored in refrigerators at temperatures from 0 to +4 °C.

Egg melange can be added to dough for the production of small-piece confectionery and bakery products if it meets the required organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological parameters. Egg melange is stored at temperatures from -6 to +5 °C; re-freezing it is strictly prohibited. Storing melange for more than four hours is not allowed.

Pasteurized cow's milk is stored at a temperature from 0 to +6 °C for no more than 36 hours from the end of the technological process of its production.

Dyes, flavors, acids and other food additives must have hygienic certificates and be stored in original packaging with appropriate labels.

The cream is produced only in the required quantity for one shift. Transferring its remains for finishing cakes and pastries to another shift is strictly prohibited.

All remaining cream should be used in the same shift for baking semi-finished products and highly processed flour products.

Rolls, cakes and pastries with cream after production should be sent to the refrigerator for cooling.

The storage and transportation of pastries and cakes are carried out as per industry standard requirements.

Cakes are placed in colorfully decorated cardboard boxes, the bottom is covered with a parchment napkin.

Cakes are placed in trays or on sheets, which are placed in wooden boxes. Trays and sheets can be metal with an anti-corrosion coating or wood, coated with food grade varnish, or other material approved for use by the Ministry of Health.

All materials that come into contact with food must have certificates indicating that these materials can be used for storing and transporting food.

The bottom of the tray or sheet is lined with parchment or glassine. To avoid deformation, the cakes are placed in one row. There must be at least five different types of cakes placed in a tray or sheet. If you have an order from a trading organization, you can place cakes of the same name. Undecorated cakes are placed vertically. Small cakes (dessert) are placed in boxes or trays and on sheets. Cakes such as “basket”, bouche, and puffed cakes are placed first on paper capsules and then in trays.

The following markings are placed on boxes of cakes and boxes of pastries: name of the manufacturer, name of the product, net weight, date and hour of manufacture, shelf life.

Delivery of cakes and pastries is carried out in compliance with the relevant sanitary rules in dry covered vehicles with a sanitary passport. They should not be transported together with products that have a strong odor.

Cakes and pastries are subject to technical control by the manufacturer.

Their guaranteed shelf life in the refrigerator is determined based on the time of manufacture.

Confectionery products, including those with cream, are sold in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations “Conditions, shelf life of highly perishable products”, current SanPiN and regulatory and technical documentation for finished products.

Confectionery products with cream can be returned to the manufacturer no later than 24 hours from the end of the sales period. It is prohibited to return for processing confectionery products with altered taste and odor, contaminated, containing foreign inclusions, contaminated with flour and other pests, affected by mold, as well as crumbs of flour products.

A conclusion on the return of confectionery products from a retail chain for processing is given on the basis of organoleptic indicators by a representative of the product quality inspection and, if necessary, samples are taken directly from the trading organization for laboratory testing.

Confectionery products returned for processing must be stored in the retail chain separately from products intended for sale.

The shelf life of confectionery products is from 7 to 36 hours.

Finished products are transported in containers using special transport. Each tray must have a label indicating the name and quantity of confectionery products. It is necessary to indicate the time of production and the name of the installer.

The production plan determines the quantity and range of confectionery products. It is compiled taking into account the need for confectionery products, the qualifications of workers and the equipment of the workshop.

When working on a dough mixing machine, the safety guard must be lowered. You cannot load products into the tank of the dough mixing machine while the lever is operating; before turning on the dough mixing machine, you need to check that the replacement bowl is correctly attached to the platform. All machines included in the universal drive should be tested at idle before loading products.

The pastry chef must wear special gloves when removing confectionery products from the oven. Exhaust devices should be installed above stoves and frying pans for frying pies.

The management of the confectionery shop is carried out by the head of the shop. In confectionery shops, a line chart is used. In large workshops, work is organized in two shifts, in small enterprises - in one. Each shift employs two to three teams, depending on the capacity of the workshop, with an operational division of labor.

Among the workers of the confectionery shop there are confectioners of I, II, III, IV, V categories and bakers of II, III categories. They perform various types of work according to their qualifications.

The confectionery shop occupies a special place in the restaurant industry. As a rule, he works independently, regardless of the kitchen, and usually supplies his products, in addition to the main one, to small enterprises, buffets, etc. The total area of ​​the workshop and its layout depend on the quantity and range of products that are manufactured. A confectionery shop producing 2-3 thousand products may consist of two divisions: procurement and finishing. In the procurement department, the preparation of products for baking and the actual baking of the product is carried out, and in the finishing department, its design is carried out.

Large workshops, producing up to 10-12 thousand products per shift, allocate separate rooms for kneading dough, cutting (molding) products, baking and decoration. It is clear that such enterprises produce products for supply to other restaurant and trade enterprises; they must provide for expedition facilities and washing containers when designing the premises.

The placement of the premises of the confectionery shop may be different, but it is always necessary to prevent the possibility of counter flows during the technological process. The premises of the confectionery shop must be bright; the rest of the requirements are the same as for the hot shop.

The following operations are performed in the confectionery shop: sifting flour and preparing (kneading) dough, shaping, baking, decorating products after baking, preparing sweets, syrups, creams, beating egg whites.

At the workplace for sifting flour, appropriate equipment and sifting machines are installed. Depending on the capacity of the workshop, sifting machines can have different capacities. Modern sifters take up little space and are convenient for use in confectionery shops. In the absence of machines, flour is sifted using a sieve, which is installed above the container in which the dough will be kneaded.

Kneading is an important operation when preparing all types of dough. It involves the application of physical effort, which is why modern confectionery shops are equipped with dough mixing machines. The simplest one consists of two units: a beater with a drive mechanism and a mobile bowl. The mobile bowl is delivered to the place where flour is sifted, filled with dough ingredients and brought to the beater, which does the kneading.

You can also install a universal drive for confectionery shops and use it to do this job. This usually happens in small workshops. The process of kneading dough by machine lasts from 10 to 20 minutes.

In addition to the dough kneading machine, this workplace should have a water heating apparatus, a production sink with a hot and cold water mixer, and a commercial scale for weighing flour.

Flour is supplied to the workplace sifted, salt and sugar are supplied in the form of a strained solution of a certain concentration. For convenience and ease of dosing salt and sugar, install a measuring steel container with a tap and filter at the bottom.

In the absence of dough mixing machines and universal drives, dough is kneaded manually. For this, it is recommended to use a special table-box of the following dimensions: length 100 cm, width 75 cm, height 98 cm, depth 43 cm. A box with a height of 90, a width of 70 and a depth of 50 cm is also used.

In the dough mixing department, a workplace is organized for performing auxiliary operations: sorting and washing raisins, preparing and straining sugar syrup and salt solution. Here a production table is installed with a sink built into the lid, to which cold and hot water is supplied. A box for salt and sugar is placed next to the table. A locker is installed at the workplace for tools and equipment.

As in the baking industry, to create the necessary conditions for the fermentation of yeast dough in large confectionery shops, special rooms are allocated in which the optimal temperature is maintained. If there are no such premises, the dough is transported or brought to pastry ovens, where the air temperature is higher. Fermentation of the dough occurs in the same tubs in which it was kneaded.

After fermenting the yeast dough or kneading it, the products are formed. When performing this operation, the dough is divided into pieces of a certain weight and given the required shape. Forming products takes a lot of time, although this operation is often mechanized. These are special semi-automatic dough makers that divide the dough into portions of a certain weight, automatic and semi-automatic machines that divide the dough and shape the products. At the workplace for dosing dough there should be a production table equipped with a drawer for flour, a drawer for knives and scales. A tub of dough is installed to the left of the worker, and to the right is a dough divider and a table for forming the dough. Dough sheeters are used to roll out the dough. In small enterprises or when producing a small number of products, rolling can be done manually, although it is difficult to obtain the dough of the required thickness. The rolling process is much easier when using a control rocker, consisting of a hollow metal working roller with a diameter of 80 mm with an axis located inside it. Control rings are placed on the edge of the roller on both sides. The roller axis has handles secured to the axis with screws and washers. The control rings are secured to the roller using pins. The roller set includes five numbers of rings with an outer diameter from 88 to 100 mm

Roll out the dough on a table with a lid that has a flat surface. To roll out and apply a specific pattern to the dough, wooden rolling pins with stamps cut out on them are used. The molding of products can be carried out by various recesses adapted for the production of semi-finished products of a certain weight.

To cut the dough, a cutter is used, with the help of which the dough with jagged edges is obtained, the fragments are formed, the dough is cut into equal strips, and the cutter is used for cutting into circles. These devices are not used in large enterprises.

Workstations for dispensing, rolling out dough and molding products are organized differently, depending on the degree of division of labor of the confectionery shop workers. As a matter of fact, all these three operations can be performed at one workstation. In workshops where operational division of labor is applied, three specialized workplaces are organized, located nearby. The number of workers at each of them is determined taking into account the labor intensity of a particular operation.

At the workplace for rolling out dough, in addition to production tables, a dough sheeter and a refrigerator for cooling the dough are installed. It is recommended to make production tables with cabinets for tools and drawers for flour.

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1 - Confectionery pins for transporting finished confectionery semi-finished products to pre-production or auxiliary workshops.

2 - Refrigerated cabinets for storing the ingredients of confectionery products.

3 - Production table.

4 - Wall shelves for storing bulk confectionery ingredients.

5 - The universal drive is used for preparing dough, confectionery mincemeat, and whipping cream using a planetary mixer. A mechanism for chopping nuts is also used.

6 - Rack for storing equipment and attachments for the universal drive.

7 - Pastry tables.

The workplace for molding products is equipped with the same specialized tables as for rolling out dough. To the left of the table, movable small-sized racks and cabinets with confectionery sheets are installed, on which the molded products are laid out. As they are filled, they are rolled back to the proofing area.

At the filling preparation workplace, a production table and a small gas or electric stove are installed for preparing fudge, choux pastry, and cream. They also use a wiping machine and a meat grinder from a mobile universal drive. To transport and store fillings, bowls on wheels, mobile bathtubs or chairs with trays installed on them are used.

If a pastry shop produces deep-fried pies, a special workplace equipped with electric or gas fryers is organized. For a large task of producing pies, a pie machine can be installed.

Products made from puff pastry and shortcrust pastry are prepared at the same workplaces as products made from yeast dough, but at a different time. If it is necessary to simultaneously produce products from these types of dough, additionally organize workplaces similar in equipment to workplaces for the production of products from yeast dough.

A separate workplace will be equipped for preparing biscuit dough. Beating of biscuit dough is carried out on a mechanical beater with an individual electric motor or from a universal drive.

To perform preparatory operations (preparing egg mass, sugar, etc.), as well as to place the whipped dough into molds, a production table is installed. After the products have been given a certain shape, they are laid out on confectionery sheets and placed on racks. Mobile metal racks are the most convenient to use; they are easy to move and can be installed near the workplace. In addition to mobile racks, stationary metal shelves built into the wall.

After molding and proofing, the products are subjected to heat treatment - baking. Baking time depends on the size of the product; readiness is determined by appearance.

Electric and gas ovens are used for baking confectionery products. Nowadays, there are electric frying and pastry cabinets equipped with thermostats that allow you to automatically maintain the set temperature within any range.

Baking different types of confectionery products requires the appropriate temperature. Thus, buns, pies, cheesecakes, kulebyaki are baked at a temperature of 200-250°C; biscuit dough - at 200-210°C; sand piece products - 210-220°C; sheet piece products - 250-260°C; tubes and buns made from choux pastry - 215-220°C.

After baking, the products are removed and placed on cooling racks, and then sent to the finished product storage room. Biscuits, cake layers, cream buns, etc. are cut, moistened with syrup, covered with cream or fondant and decorated. In large workshops, a special room is allocated for these operations. To wet the biscuits, you can use a 2-3 liter funnel.

The decoration of confectionery products is carried out mainly by hand. Various devices are used to perform this operation. So, to grease cakes and pastries with cream, you should use a large and small spatula. It is more convenient to fill cakes with cream using a pastry bag secured in a rack. Various shaped tips attached to piping bags make it possible to apply a variety of designs to pastries and cakes. To facilitate this process, you can use wire stencils with a diameter of 4 mm.

In large confectionery shops, a pneumatic device is used to fill products with cream, which is mounted on a mobile metal table. An air compressor with an electric motor is installed at the bottom of the table, from which compressed air is supplied to tanks with cream installed on the table. A rubber hose is attached to each tank, at the end of which there is a tip with a handle.

The next operation is the preparation of syrups, creams, whipped egg whites, and sweets. To carry it out, the confectionery shop has simple heating equipment - stoves or special devices on which confectionery boilers are installed. Large enterprises use open steam and electric sauce boilers without lids. In small workshops, cookware is available for this purpose.

For small production volumes, it is advisable to use a water bath to heat and store heated fudge. To do this, place a smaller saucepan with fudge in the bath and use it if necessary, always having it on hand. In a water bath it does not crystallize and always has the desired temperature.

To beat and mix products, large enterprises install whipping machines, others use universal drives, meat grinders, and low-power grinding machines.

Universal drives for confectionery shops in combination with a universal whipping machine make it possible to prepare many types of semi-finished products: choux pastry, dough for sponge cakes, cakes and pastries, fudge, butter and protein creams. In the absence of machines, these processes are carried out manually using pastry whisks.

To perform other operations, various tools and devices are used - mortars and pestles, manual and electric coffee grinders, sieves, colanders, screens, etc.

When preparing puff pastry, cool it after each rolling. To do this, in the processing room, away from the confectionery ovens, a refrigerated cabinet is installed, which also serves to store perishable products (butter, minced meat, etc.). Finished confectionery products are laid out in trays and stored until sale in a separate room - an expedition, equipped with shelving. They are transported from the workshop on mobile racks or carts.

In a large confectionery shop, it is necessary to provide a warehouse for a daily supply of raw materials to ensure uninterrupted operation during the day.

Tool cabinets are installed in the workshop to store tools, fixtures and equipment.

In confectionery shops that produce products with buttercream, a separate room is set up for washing eggs. Before entering the workshop, eggs are checked for freshness, treated in a disinfectant solution, neutralized in a soda solution, and then washed in running water.

To process eggs, a bathtub is installed at the workplace, next to it there is a table with an ovoscope and a table with a box for eggs intended for testing. The eggs checked on an ovoscope are placed in a net and lowered alternately into a bath with a disinfectant solution, then into a bath with a soda solution, and then into a bath with running water.

Equipment and its types for a confectionery shop are selected depending on the expected productivity of the workshop. This takes into account the number of downloads, operating time and utilization rate of each machine.

Thermal equipment (pastry oven, cabinets) is selected depending on the hourly productivity of the devices. To do this, you need to know the weight of the baked products, their number on one baking sheet, the number of decks, and the duration of baking.

Organization of work in a confectionery shop.

The management of the confectionery shop is carried out by the head of the shop. He introduces the foremen to the range of manufactured products, distributes raw materials between teams, and controls the technological process.

In confectionery shops, as a rule, a linear graph is used. In large workshops, work is organized in two shifts, in small workshops - in one. Teams are formed either by type of product (one produces products from yeast dough; the other produces cakes, pastries), or by technological process operations (kneading, molding, baking and product design). Two or three teams work in each shift, depending on the capacity of the workshop according to the operational division of labor.

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1 - mobile confectionery rack; 2 - metal stock; C - refrigerator; 4 - office table; 5 - production table; 6 - washing bath; 7 - table with cooling; 8 - whipping machine, 9 - vibrating sieve with stand; 10 - dough mixing machine; 11 - table with built-in washing tub; 12 - production rack; 13 - sterilizer; 14 - washing bath; 15 - cream dispenser, 16 - electroshafa; 17 - dough sheeters; 18 - bowl for kneading dough; 19 - electric stove; 20 - device for cooling syrup

Confectioners of the V category make custom-made figured cakes and pastries. They prepare and check the quality of raw materials, fillings, finishing semi-finished products, prepare dough, shape products, and carry out their artistic design.

IV category confectioners produce various muffins, rolls, premium cookies, complex cakes and pastries.

Confectioners of the III category produce simple cakes and pastries, bakery products, various types of dough, creams, fillings. Qualification requirements for a pastry chef:

o the confectioner must have primary or secondary vocational education;

o know the recipe and technology for the production of flour confectionery and bakery products from various types of dough, finishing semi-finished products;

o know the commercial characteristics of raw materials, types of flavoring and aromatic substances, leavening agents and dyes permitted for the manufacture of confectionery products;

o comply with sanitary and hygienic conditions for the production of flour confectionery products, their storage, transportation and sale periods;

o know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of confectionery products;

o use methods and techniques for highly artistic finishing of complex types of confectionery products;

o comply with the operating principles and operating rules of technological equipment used in the manufacture of confectionery products.

The qualification requirements for a pastry chef are determined in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard GOST 30524-97 “Catering. Requirements for production personnel,” which is used when certifying the services of restaurant enterprises.

Confectioners of the II category perform individual work in the process of making cakes, pastries, and prepare syrups and creams.

Confectioners of the 1st category perform work under the supervision of confectioners of the highest category, remove baked goods from sheets, read out confectionery trays, sheets and forms.

Bakers of the II and III categories bake and fry confectionery and bakery products. They determine the readiness of semi-finished products for baking, prepare the ice cream and lubricate the products. The baker must study the technological process, modes and duration of baking of confectionery products, know the yield standards of finished products, their cooling mode, as well as the rules of operation and maintenance.

Confectioners must be aware of the responsibility for the work they perform. The workshop manager and foremen monitor the rational organization of work in the workshop, which is carried out in accordance with the planned production target.

Every confectioner must remember that the health of the people to whom he offers his products largely depends on compliance with the rules of the sanitary and hygienic regime of his work. Therefore, the workshop premises, equipment, and utensils must be immaculately clean and meet safety requirements. And for successful work, you need to properly organize your workplace and select the required amount of utensils and equipment.

For normal maintenance of the technological process, the confectionery shop must have the following departments: a pantry for a daily supply of products; dough mixing; dough cutting; baked goods; for finishing products; for preparing minced meat;, dishes and containers;

Confectioner's workplaces are organized in accordance with the technological process of preparing flour confectionery products, which usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials; preparing and kneading dough; product molding; preparing fillings; bakery; finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Important factors for the rational use of confectioners’ working time are: proper preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary equipment, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, and electricity during the shift.

The scientific organization of labor requires the selection of the most rational methods and techniques for performing work, taking into account the achievement of the greatest productivity and maximum simplification of work, reducing the fatigue of workers, ensuring their high performance throughout the entire shift.

The daily food storage pantry is designed for short-term storage of food, equipped with chests, racks, stock shelves, and a refrigerator. To weigh products, scales of various carrying capacities (from 2 to 150 kg) are used.

The dough mixing department is more mechanized than other areas of work. There are machines for kneading dough with bowls of various capacities, and sifters for flour. A workplace for auxiliary operations (dissolving and dispensing sugar, salt, sorting raisins, etc.) is also organized here, which is equipped with a table, a sink with cold and hot water supply, a cabinet for storing equipment, and a chest for salt.

Before kneading the dough, flour is sifted in a separate room or directly in the dough mixing department, as far as possible from other workplaces, so that the finished products do not become dusty.

There are special sifters with swinging and fixed sieves. The sifter with swinging sieves is driven in reciprocating motion by an electric motor. A “Pioneer” type sifter feeds flour using a screw to two fixed sieves and a magnet, after passing which the flour is freed from foreign impurities and saturated with air.

The dough mixing machine consists of a body with a kneading lever and three rolling bowls with a capacity of 140 to 270 liters. The products included in the dough are placed in the bowl, rolled into the machine and the dough is kneaded. If there are no dough mixing machines, wooden chests are used for kneading, which, covered with a lid, are used as cutting tables. Yeast dough after kneading requires a high temperature of 30–35°C for fermentation, so the bowl is rolled closer to the pastry cabinet. Other types of unleavened dough are kneaded at a low temperature (15–17°C). In large workshops for the fermentation of dough and dough, special chambers are installed in which a certain temperature can be maintained.

For further preparation of products for baking, work stations for dosing dough and molding products will be equipped. These operations can be combined at one workplace.

To dose the dough, install a table, a dividing and rounding machine or dough divider, a flour chest (under the table), a box for knives (in the table), dial scales and provide a place for a mobile bowl with dough.

For rolling out dough, tables with cabinets for tools and retractable chests, a dough sheeter, and a refrigerator (for cooling butter and dough when making puff pastries) are installed.

Workstations for molding products are equipped with tables (with retractable chests for flour, drawers for tools), mobile shelving and shelving cabinets. The most convenient are cabinet racks, in which the products do not air out or dry out during proofing.

To prepare biscuit dough, a separate workplace is equipped near the universal drive, since the dough is beaten in a mechanical beater included in the kit of this drive. In addition, it is necessary to have a separate table or tables for preparing eggs, sugar, pouring dough onto sheets or into molds.

To prepare minced meat (fillings) and finishing semi-finished products, install a small stove, a meat grinder, grinding equipment, mobile bowls, stools for boilers, and a table for preparing lipstick; You can also prepare choux pastry at this workstation.

The baking department is equipped with pastry cabinets and ovens with electric, gas and, less often, fire heating. The stoves are installed in a row (sections) and provided with local ventilation. Equipment and tables for deep-frying products are placed in the same sectional order. This saves workshop space and creates favorable working conditions.

Confectionery ovens used in large catering establishments have greater productivity than ovens. In addition, the products do not need to be turned over during baking, as a result of which they do not settle and are baked well. Due to uniform heating, baked products have the same color.

Cakes are finished in special rooms or on separate production tables, isolated from other workplaces. The tables are equipped with drawers for tools, tripods for strengthening pastry bags, and a special tank for syrup.

It is convenient to arrange stands on tables that rotate on an axis, on which cakes are placed during finishing. Shelves for finished products and cardboard boxes are placed near the tables.

The main equipment of the workshop is production tables, mobile shelving, refrigerators, beaters, low stools with a metal-covered lid and a round cutout for installing boilers with a hemispherical bottom.

In the washing room, bathtubs with two compartments and a sterilizer are used to wash tools and equipment used for finishing confectionery products. Dry the pastry bags in an electric drying cabinet. At the same time, 25 bags can be dried in it in 15–20 minutes. Such rapid drying greatly extends their service life and contributes to good sanitary condition of the workshop.

Shelves are installed next to the washing tubs. A tray washing machine washes away solid residues, rinses the trays with soda and sterilizes them with steam.

The expedition serves for storing finished confectionery products. It is equipped with refrigerating chambers, shelving, scales and production tables.

Confectionery products are transported in containers using special transport. Each tray must have a label indicating the name and quantity of confectionery products. In addition, the time of production and the name of the stacker are indicated.

Dishes and equipment.

Pans of various capacities are used for kneading dough, mixing products, beating eggs, cooking cream, syrups and other operations.

Metal baking trays with three and four sides are needed for baking biscuits, pies, and rolls. Metal sheets with one side are used for baking cookies, cakes, gingerbreads, and layers of dough. Cakes, muffins, puddings and pies are baked in metal molds.

Wooden boards, large and small, are used for cutting pies, rolls, chopping nuts, kneading and rolling out dough and molding confectionery products.

Mixers for kneading liquid dough, creams and syrup in a bowl, when cooking lipstick.

Beaters, whisks for whipping egg whites, cream, cocktails and mousses into foam.

Large and small sieves are used for sifting flour, powdering finished products and straining various liquids.

Pastry combs. They are used to apply straight or wavy lines on cream or lipstick when decorating cakes and pastries.

A pastry bag is necessary for depositing liquid doughs (choux, biscuit, protein, almond) and for finishing cakes and pastries.

Processing pastry bags. After work, the jigging bags are washed in warm water mixed with baking soda, boiled for 3–5 minutes, dried and stored in a specially designated place.

Processing tables and equipment. All workshop equipment is washed with hot water and detergents. Wooden equipment is disinfected by rinsing with hot water at least 65°C.

For boiling and storing pastry bags, use special, clean, labeled containers.

Brushes and sponges for washing equipment and dishes must be thoroughly washed daily using detergents, boiled for 10–15 minutes, dried and stored in a specially designated place.

Tools (knives, recesses, molds) are kept clean during work. Chef's knives, like cutting boards, must be secured to the work area and labeled. Chef knives made of rusting steel should be stored in a dry place.

After washing with hot water, all metal instruments are disinfected by boiling in water or roasting in an oven.

During non-working hours, clean equipment is stored in special cabinets or on closed racks.

To wash kitchen utensils, bathtubs with two compartments are used. In the first compartment, the dishes are washed with a washcloth and brush with detergents that are allowed to be used in food establishments, at a water temperature of 45–50°C; in the second, they are rinsed with hot water (not lower than 65°C).

Store kitchen utensils upside down on racks. Before use, be sure to rinse it with hot water, after checking the cleanliness of the inner surface. Kitchen utensils are not disinfected, as they are constantly subjected to heat treatment.

Violation of sanitary and hygienic rules for washing and maintaining equipment and utensils can cause the contamination of finished products with microbes, and, consequently, the occurrence of food poisoning and intestinal infections.

Occupational safety requirements

Occupational safety is a whole range of measures related to safety, industrial sanitation, hygiene and fire-fighting equipment.

Economic part

    Organizing the work of a confectionery shop 4

2.1.Organization of workshop workplaces 6

2.2. Equipment for a confectionery shop and operating rules 9

2.3. Kitchen tools 11

2.4.Organization of labor in the workshop 13

2.5. Safety in the workshop 14

    Conclusion 18
    Bibliography 19


Mass nutrition plays an important role in the life of society. It most fully satisfies people's nutritional needs. Catering enterprises perform functions such as production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect are no different from other enterprises. Food for the population is provided mainly by small private enterprises.

The mass catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing.

Every year, mass nutrition is increasingly being introduced into the everyday life of the broad masses of the population, contributing to the solution of many socio-economic problems; helps to better use the country’s food resources, promptly provides the population with high-quality nutrition, which is of decisive importance for maintaining health, increasing labor productivity, and improving the quality of education; allows you to use your free time more efficiently, which is a very important factor for the population these days. The network of food establishments used by the population is represented by various types: canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, bars, etc. the need for different types is determined by: the diversity of the population’s demand for various types of food (breakfasts, lunches, dinners, intermediate meals, business lunches ); the specifics of serving people both during short lunch breaks and during rest; the need to serve adults and children who are healthy and in need of therapeutic nutrition. The demand for mass catering products and services is constantly changing and growing.

Organization of the work of the confectionery shop.

A confectionery shop for baking bakery and flour confectionery products, cakes and pastries is organized at large and medium-sized catering establishments (mainly restaurants), which supply a wide network of small enterprises with their products. The workshop is part of the procurement enterprises.
For the normal maintenance of the technological process, the confectionery shop must have the following departments: dough kneading, dough cutting, baking, product finishing, preparation of cream, minced meat, a pantry for a daily supply of products, containers, washing (for eggs, dishes, containers). In the pantry for a daily supply of food, chests, racks, stock shelves are installed, and a refrigerator is equipped. For weighing products, scales with weight measurement limits from 2 to 150 kg are used. and measuring utensils. Here they also prepare raw materials for production (dissolving and dosing salt, sugar, breeding yeast, stripping oil, removing packaging, etc.).
The eggs are processed in a special washing room, where an ovoscope and baths with four compartments are installed for their sanitization. The eggs that have passed through the ovoscope are kept in sieves in the first compartment of the bath in warm water for 10 minutes. if necessary, they are washed here with hair brushes. In the second compartment, the eggs are kept for 5 minutes in a 2% bleach solution. In the third compartment, the eggs are kept in a 2% solution of baking soda and in the fourth they are washed with warm running water for 5 minutes. washed and dry eggs are separated from the shell, and if necessary, the white and yolk are separated using a special device.
Melange in jars is washed and thawed in the same baths for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 45 C.
Before kneading the dough, the flour is sifted in a separate room or directly in the dough mixing department, as far as possible from other workplaces, so that the finished products do not become dusty (there are special sifters with swinging and stationary sieves). Equipment for sifting flour must have a local ventilation suction with a filter to remove dust. Flour is stored on wooden racks in bags and, as needed, poured into the hopper of a sifting machine, which removes foreign impurities and enriches the flour with air oxygen. You can sift flour directly into a mobile bowl or plastic measuring cups with a lid.
The dough kneading room is equipped with dough kneading machines with bowls of various capacities. The dough is kneaded sequentially first with the shortest cycle - butter. Shortbread, puff pastry, and then yeast.

Organization of workplaces
A work shop, in relation to a confectionery shop, is a separate room or section of production space assigned to one employee.
Depending on the capacity and product range, the following workplaces are organized:
- for processing eggs;
- for sifting flour;
- for the preparation of other types of raw materials;
- for kneading shortbread, biscuit, almond dough;
- for finishing products;
- for baking products;
- for washing equipment and containers;
- storage department for finished products.
Correct placement of equipment, preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary equipment, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, electricity during the shift are important factors in the economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and mechanization of labor-intensive processes.
The workshop inventory is varied, since during molding and finishing it is necessary to ensure not only a beautiful appearance, but also the exact weight of the products. To decorate confectionery products, plastic or tin tubes are used, which are placed in bags made of thick fabric, special syringes, combs made of aluminum or tin, and a number of other devices.
The room for portioning dough is equipped as follows: install a table, a dividing and rounding machine or dough divider, a flour chest (under the table), a knife box (in the table), and dial scales. They also provide space for moving the bowl with dough. The dividing and rounding machine divides the dough into pieces of a certain mass and rolls them into balls, which facilitates the very labor-intensive operation of weighing and rolling each portion of dough.
To roll out the dough, tables with tool cabinets and retractable chests, a dough sheeter, and a refrigerator (where butter and dough are cooled when making puff pastries) are used. Currently, a machine is used that not only rolls out the dough of the required thickness into two strips, but also dispenses the filling between them and shapes the products.
The workplace for molding products is equipped with tables (with retractable chests for flour, drawers for tools), and wall-mounted shelving.
To prepare biscuit dough, a separate workplace is equipped near the universal drive, since the dough is whipped in a mechanical beater included in the kit of this drive. In addition, you need a separate table (or tables) for preparing eggs and pouring dough onto sheets or molds. A special machine cuts the semi-finished biscuit product into layers.
Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which whipping machines of various capacities and with different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. The cream is cooked in special tilting boilers with a steam jacket or in stove-top boilers. A special table with drawers for storing tools is also needed; powder is sifted on it and other operations are performed.
To make lipstick, a production line is organized, consisting of an electric stove, a boiler, a special table and a beater. The table cover is metal with sides and two pipelines with cold and hot water are placed under it. One of the side boards, adjacent to the overhead tray, is made removable.
The baking department is equipped with pastry cabinets and ovens with electric, gas and, less often, fire heating.
Special electric or gas deep fryers are designed for deep frying pies. Near the deep fryer there are racks and a table with a mesh tray (to drain excess fat). This compartment must have particularly good ventilation, since the decomposition of fats releases products harmful to health.
Pastries and cakes are processed in special rooms or, in extreme cases, on separate production tables, isolated from other work places. The tables are equipped with drawers for tools, a tripod for strengthening pastry bags, and a special tank for syrup (for impregnating the biscuit). The work of the pastry chef is facilitated by stands mounted on tables that rotate on an axis, on which cakes are placed during finishing.
In the washing room, bathtubs with three compartments and a sterilizer are installed for washing tools and equipment. Shelving is located next to the washing tubs. In large workshops, a machine is used for washing functional containers. Pastry bags are dried in an electric drying cabinet.
Finished confectionery products are stored in an expedition, which is equipped with a refrigerator, shelving, scales and production tables. The shelf life of confectionery products is from 7 to 36 hours.
Finished products are transported in containers using special transport. Each tray must have a label indicating the name and quantity of confectionery products. It is necessary to indicate the time of production and the name of the installer.
The production plan determines the quantity and range of confectionery products. It is compiled taking into account the need for confectionery products, the qualifications of workers and the equipment of the workshop.
Equipment for a confectionery shop
Dough mixing machine TMM-1M.
This machine consists of a plate, a body, a drive installed in the machine body, a bowl on a three-wheeled trolley and a kneading arm with a blade.
A vertical housing with a drive is assembled on a cast-iron base plate. Inside the housing there is a gearbox, an electric motor, a chain drive and a crank connected to a mixing lever. On the side wall of the case there are machine control buttons.
The bowls are a conical tank, and are attached to the shaft using a profile connection. The working body is a kneading lever, which is curved and has a blade at the end.
Operating principle. Rotations from the electric motor through two gearboxes and a chain transmission are simultaneously obtained by the dough mixing lever and the bowl. Thanks to the simultaneous rotation of the bowl and the dough mixing lever in the opposite direction, the loaded product is intensively mixed and forms a homogeneous mass saturated with air.
Beater MV-35M.
Designed to mechanize the process of whipping various confectionery mixtures (protein, egg-sugar, creams) and batter in the confectionery shops of public catering establishments. This machine consists of a body, a tank lifting mechanism and a driving mechanism.
A removable tank is mounted on a mobile bracket, which can be moved in a vertical direction using the handle of the lifting mechanism. The machine drive is mounted inside the housing, which consists of a motor, gears and a planetary gearbox. Replaceable beater mechanisms are attached to the working shaft using a pin. On the side wall there is a switch for starting and stopping the engine.

Flour sifting machine MPM-800.
It consists of a cast iron platform on which a drive, a loading hopper, a pipe with an auger and a screening head are installed. The drive consists of an explosion-proof electric motor and two V-belt drives that drive a screw with a sieve.
The loading hopper has a safety grid that prevents foreign objects from falling into the flour, which feeds flour to a vertical pipe and a lifting mechanism for feeding bags of flour.
Inside the vertical pipe there is an auger that feeds flour from the sifting head of the machine. The screening mechanism consists of a cylindrical body with a discharge tray, a sieve with fixed blades and a discharge window. A cover with a rubber gasket and a hinged securing bolt is installed on top. The discharge tray of the sifting head has a magnetic trap to remove magnetic impurities from flour.
To turn on the machine, a magnetic starter, a circuit breaker and control buttons are installed.
Operating principle. Flour from the loading hopper is fed by an impeller to the auger of a vertical pipe, through which it enters the sifting head. Here, under the influence of centrifugal force, the flour, loosened, passes through the sieve into the space between the body and the sieve, sinks to the bottom and, with the help of blades, enters the unloading tray. The unsifted flour remains at the bottom of the sieve and is removed when the machine stops.

Kitchen tools
Pans of various capacities are used for kneading dough, mixing products, beating eggs, cooking cream, syrups and other operations. It is better to use stainless steel pans.
Enameled and stainless steel basins are useful for washing vegetables and fruits, kneading and cooking jam.
Meat grinders are necessary for preparing minced meat and squeezing juices from berries using a special attachment.
Metal baking trays with three and four sides are needed for baking biscuits, pies, and rolls. Metal sheets with one side are used for baking cookies, pies, gingerbreads, and layers of dough.
In frying pans of different sizes with high and low sides, pies, pancakes, pancakes are fried, and minced meat is also prepared.
Tin molds are used for baking piece goods, as well as for stamping cookies of various shapes. They can be smooth or corrugated.
Wooden boards, large and small, are used for cutting pies, rolls, kneading and rolling out dough and molding confectionery products.
Using rolling pins, roll out the dough into a layer. To apply a pattern to the dough, use rolling pins with patterns on the surface. Wooden spatulas are convenient for kneading liquid dough, creams and syrup in a bowl, or when cooking lipstick.
Beaters, whisks and spirals are convenient for whipping egg whites, cream, cocktails and mousses into foam. The simplest beater can be a fork. In addition, electric beaters of various sizes and designs are used.
A colander is used for washing berries, fruits and vegetables.
Regular and combined graters are used for removing zest from citrus fruits, chopping food, spices, vegetables and fruits.
Large and small sieves are used for sifting flour, powdering finished products and straining various liquids. Sieves can be hair, silk, metal, with cells of various sizes.
Pastry combs with various teeth are cut out of tin or thick cardboard; they are used to apply straight or wavy lines on cream or lipstick when decorating cakes and pastries.
A pastry bag with tubes is necessary for depositing liquid doughs and for finishing cakes and pastries; it can be made from thick paper or fabric. Cut a triangle out of parchment and glue it together with egg white to form a cone. The narrow end is given any shape with scissors: the cut can be straight, oblique, oblique on both sides, jagged, etc.
Brushes are used to coat confectionery products with eggs, butter or margarine.

Organization of work in the workshop.

The work of the workshop in large enterprises is managed by the workshop manager, and in small and medium-sized enterprises by the cook-foreman.
The shop manager distributes work among team members, determines the required amount of raw materials, types of semi-finished products and the timing of their release.
When assigning tasks, the qualifications and experience of the cooks should be taken into account.
The foreman (or shop manager) is obliged to monitor compliance with the rules of the technological process, the output of semi-finished products, the serviceability and correct use of equipment, tools, and inventory. He is also responsible for the sanitary condition of the workshop, compliance by employees with labor discipline and internal regulations.
The main requirements for organizing work in the workshop include:
- correct preparation of the production program, taking into account the specifics of the products being manufactured, the production capacity of the workshop, the number and qualifications of workers;
- clear distribution of responsibilities between employees in accordance with their qualifications and the production building;
- correct accounting of product movement and timely reporting of work done.

Safety precautions in the workshop.

To avoid accidents, kitchen workers must learn the rules for operating equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, it is necessary to post the rules for its operation. The floor in workshops must be level, without protrusions, and not slippery.
When working in the workshop, the following rules must be observed:
During work, it is necessary to promptly remove and recycle waste, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each workplace, and thoroughly rinse and wipe all machines after finishing work.
Disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication of any equipment can only be done when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from sources of electricity, steam and gas.
Aisles near workplaces should not be cluttered with dishes and containers.
It is prohibited to heat stoves with flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline).
The workshop must have a first aid kit with a set of medications.
In case of accidents associated with disability, an act should be drawn up in the form
All electrical equipment is grounded, i.e. connect metal parts to grounding conductors laid in the ground. Thanks to this, when a person is connected to the circuit, a current passes through his body that does not pose a danger to life. There should be rubber mats in front of switches and machines. The risk of electric shock increases with elevated room temperatures; in humid and damp air.
The safety of working on mechanical equipment depends on the design of the machine, the presence of fencing, and signaling blocking devices. Before starting the machine, you must make sure that there are no foreign objects in the working chamber and near the moving parts of the machine, put the work area and work clothes in order, check for the presence of guards on the moving parts of the machine; check the serviceability of the starting equipment and the correct assembly of the replacement parts of the machine.
When working on a universal drive, removal and installation of replacement machines must be done only with the electric motor turned on, after the machine has completely stopped, monitor the heating of the electric motor. While the machine is operating, you are not allowed to leave it for long periods of time. To prevent hand injuries when working on a dough mixing machine, the guard must be closed. Replaceable bowls are secured with a locking mechanism; the strength of the fastening is checked before start-up. Roll and roll the bowl only with the kneading lever in the upper position. The bowl is loaded after stopping the machine; before transportation, the bowl is secured to the carriage with a screw brake. Add products to the dough mixer and beater with the engine turned off.
After finishing work, you need to stop the machine, turn off the switch and only then disassemble the working parts for cleaning and washing.
The maximum weight of carried cargo for women and adolescents is 20 kg, for men over 18 years old - 50 kg. To move cargo weighing from 80 to 500 kg or more, loaders are equipped with special mechanical devices depending on loading and unloading operations without proper lighting.
Carrying a load weighing 50 kg is allowed at a distance of no more than 60 m or to a height of no more than 3 m along inclined gangways. Lifting the load onto and removing it from the back should be done with the help of another worker.
Heating equipment is used in confectionery shops using fire, gas or electric heating. Each type of fuel requires precautions and compliance with labor safety rules. However, it is necessary to adhere to general labor protection rules. You cannot work on heating equipment without working fittings. The pressure gauge dial must have a red line marking the maximum operating pressure. The safety valve and purge valve should be checked daily, the pressure gauge once every 6 months. Work safety instructions are posted at each device.
The fireboxes of the fire stoves and digester boilers are separated from the workshops by a partition. When lighting a stove or boiler, it is not allowed to use kerosene or gasoline, or to cool the firebox or stove deck with water. The handles of fireboxes and doors of heating cabinets must be well insulated. In stoves equipped with water heaters, water cannot be heated above 80°C. Boilers must be filled with water and its unhindered flow must be ensured. Check whether the float valve operates normally and whether the hot water outlet valve opens.
Particular care should be taken when working with gas fueled equipment. Gas-air mixtures are explosive, the gas is poisonous and can cause poisoning. Persons who have received a certificate of completion of the technical minimum for its operation are allowed to service gas equipment. The inspection is carried out annually.
To avoid gas leaks, check the sealing of the gas pipe system and equipment at least once a month. The burners are lit from a spark plug and the complete combustion of the gas is monitored. There is an automatic safety system that prevents the flow of unburnt gas from the burners.
The general safety rules when working with electric stoves and cabinets are the same as with gas ones: do not overheat the burners and do not artificially cool them. Before starting work, you need to check the serviceability of the thermostat and switches. The thermostat automatically maintains the set temperature in the cabinet within the range of 100 – 350°C, which protects the equipment from overheating. In an electric boiler, when the container is overfilled with boiling water, the electric heating elements automatically turn off.
Tiltable electric frying pans and electric frying pans must be disconnected from the electrical network before being tipped over. The fryer is equipped with automatic temperature control using an electric contact thermometer.


Since ancient times, it has long been considered the most honorable occupation to teach, treat and feed. In France in the last century, a craftsman could not become a nobleman, but an exception was made for cooks, since his work was equated with art. The work of a talented cook is close to the work of a painter and sculptor; it requires artistic taste, especially a sense of light and form. We must kindly remember the Russian chefs who work in the darkened basements of taverns and restaurants, unknown workers who created culinary art as our inheritance. Without them, without cooking, there would not be our modern cooking, there would not be those dishes that are now the PRIDE OF RUSSIAN CUISINE


1. N.G. Buteykis, A.A. Zhukov “Technology for preparing flour and confectionery products”. Moscow. Publishing house "ProfObrIzdat" 2001.