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Schedule of master classes. How to make delicious cakes to order - a master class on baking, starting your business from scratch Cooking courses on baking cakes

My friends, I greet you! As promised, I found another way for you to earn good money - creative and very “tasty”! And now I will give you my first free master class on how to learn how to bake custom cakes from scratch.

From this article you will learn:

I have never met people in my life who didn’t like to eat sweets. How nice it is to relax with a cup of tea and sweets after a long day of work. And, despite the craze of the entire Internet community for sports and healthy eating, no, no, and you will treat yourself to something forbidden. And if a big holiday is coming up, such as New Year, a birthday or a wedding, then you can’t do without a cake! It should sum up the celebration, become a pleasant surprise and the main decoration of the table.

Some of us buy baked goods in the store, some make them ourselves, and some order from a private pastry chef.

Have you noticed that home bakeries have become very popular lately? All my friends have been ordering cakes and cupcakes for Birthdays exclusively from private artisans for a long time. So, I suggest you become such exclusive confectioners yourself.

What is needed for this? Of course it's a wish! Even if you have never baked anything, this is not a reason to refuse such a tempting idea. It’s just the opposite - it’s high time to start!

Top 5 easiest recipes

In any business, first of all, use common sense! There is no need to jump straight into recipes with an asterisk. Choose something simpler. Simpler is better!

  1. Cheesecake- the most popular dessert, it is on the menu of any cafe and restaurant. Do you think it's difficult to prepare? At first glance, it might seem so. But in fact, everyone gets it right the first time! In addition, the cost of all ingredients will not be more than 600 rubles, and preparation will take a maximum of 20 minutes of your time! Well, if you plan to bake to order, then this will be the most profitable cake. After all, you can sell it for 1,500 rubles or more. Don't believe me? Then watch the free master class
  2. bird's milk- a cake that we have known since childhood. A delicate, melt-in-your-mouth dessert soufflé will not leave anyone indifferent. The main advantage of the cake is that it can be prepared in the morning and served at lunchtime.
  3. Pancho- an amazing combination of chocolate sponge cake, pineapples and walnuts under a delicate cream. What you'll love about this recipe is that you can bake the sponge cake in any shape you want, and it doesn't have to be even and perfect - you'll still end up cutting it into pieces. And assembling Pancho is just a song! No leveling or complex techniques - just soak the biscuit pieces with cream and fold them into piles!
  4. Mousse cake “Three chocolates”— despite the long name and the word “mousse,” which frightens many, this cake does not require any fundamental skills from you. Not the cheapest set of ingredients, but the result is a gift for gourmets and a complete delight!
  5. Pancake cake- a brilliant invention! Each of us can bake pancakes. And all you need to do is mix any cream, grease the pancakes with it and put it in a stack! Really amazing idea! And most importantly, you can experiment. You can bake yeast pancakes, or unleavened ones. Add cocoa to them and it will be a chocolate cake. Bake with oatmeal or rice flour - you get a pp cake. And some even manage to make them savory - for example, from liver or zucchini!

Very often, these are the recipes that are included in basic courses for novice confectioners. Clear and consistent, they will decorate any holiday.

How to learn confectionery art?

Independently and free

This is where I and many of my friends started. How does this usually happen? We look for some recipes on the Internet, in books, and from friends. And the recipe seems cool, judging by the stories/photos/reviews. You run to the store, buy a mountain of expensive products, then stay in the kitchen all day, trying to do everything exactly. But as a result, something didn’t work out here, there was a joint there, and now, all the efforts went down the drain. The finished cake flies into the trash can. You know those internet memes called “Expectation/Reality”? This is exactly what happens here. I wanted to surprise the guests, but in the end I made them laugh and got upset myself.

No, it's not that you are a bad housewife. It’s just that most of the free recipes on the Internet are untested, and no one guarantees you the perfect result. You yourself understand perfectly well that you can write anything, attach a completely wrong photo, and no one will guess anything.

And as a result, you will waste energy, time, money, spoil a bunch of expensive products, and everything will go down the drain. And most importantly, it will be such a shame that all desire to bake something will disappear.

Master classes

So why not get it from real confectioners? Do you think it's long/expensive/boring?

Not at all! Sign up for a master class to try it out! By the way, most pastry schools regularly organize free master classes in the format of webinars, where they teach beginners live how to bake cool cakes in a matter of minutes, share the secrets of the skill and answer questions from participants. As a result, you will gain a lot of new information.



Of course, a one-time master class will not solve all your problems. But then you:

  1. Guaranteed to master the recipe.
  2. You will be able to ask your questions live.
  3. Surprise your loved ones with a new tasty treat.
  4. You will understand how easy it is for you to learn.
  5. Decide if pastry making is right for you and whether it's worth pursuing further education.

If the decision is positive, then you should think about choosing full-fledged courses.

Online courses

For some reason, many people want to attend live master classes. It would seem that everything is obvious. You stand next to the pastry chef, watch how he does it, maybe you’ll even be lucky and let you hold the mixer in your hands. But in fact, everything turns out to be different from the beautiful films and TV shows. Live lessons usually involve a large group of students. After all, you need to cover the rent for the studio, take into account the cost of food, and many other miscellaneous expenses. And eventually the bazaar-station begins. Someone didn’t see anything, someone didn’t hear, someone didn’t understand and asks to repeat it. And I left the course, got home, and completely forgot what I needed to do. But a lot of money was spent, time was wasted, and the benefits are not guaranteed to come.

That's why I prefer online learning. Modern shooting methods allow you to create the complete feeling that the teacher is standing right in front of you. Everything is clearly visible, if you don’t understand, you can rewind, or even pause it. And the main thing is the complete feeling that you are one on one with the teacher. No one interferes, no one pushes or interrupts. And in general, you don’t have to adjust, because you can study at a time convenient for you.

I usually watch the video, figure out what’s what, and then go to the kitchen, put my tablet or phone so that I can see it, and start cooking with the pastry chef. The immersion in the process is colossal!

There is always someone to ask a question. As a rule, when studying online, you get access to a general chat with a curator or, even better, an individual curator who is with you 24/7. He will explain what is not clear, tell you what to replace the ingredients with if you haven’t found what is indicated in the recipe, give practical advice, and then sort out the mistakes so that you can take them into account for the future. Isn't this a dream?

That’s how it is at the ProfiTrolli confectionery school, hand in hand with an individual curator, you can go all the way from a beginner to a professional pastry chef. An individual approach to each student makes a big difference.
Online courses of the school “ProfiTrolls”:

Beginner pastry chef course

Beginner pastry chef - a step-by-step 2-month online course, consisting of 2 main modules (theory/practice), thanks to which you will learn how to prepare 7 of the coolest and most unusual desserts. You will be able to please your loved ones and pleasantly surprise your friends. Even experienced pastry chefs will envy you!

Course "Candy bar"

Candy bar is a 2-month online course consisting of 8 of the most popular desserts that appeared quite recently, but have already managed to win the hearts of millions of sweet tooths. These desserts will be an excellent alternative to traditional cakes and the highlight of any children's or youth party, because with their help you can decorate a candy bar or a sweet photo area.

I myself have always loved to cook. But I attended a master class on cake making relatively recently. Quite by accident, I discovered a new talent in myself and began to develop it. And for several years now I have been treating all my relatives, friends and colleagues with homemade sweets.

What do we need at the initial stage?

How to bake cakes at home? First we need a kitchen. She can be anyone. It is absolutely not necessary to have expensive professional household appliances. Any, even the oldest stove and oven will do. If only everything worked properly.

To knead the dough, you will need a mixer or blender with special attachments, which will later be useful for whipping creams. Of course, you can do everything by hand using a whisk, but it will take much more time and effort.

You will also have to buy several baking dishes of different diameters. For the smallest desserts, a 20 cm cake pan is suitable, but a large group can easily eat a 30 cm cake.

The pie doesn't have to be round. Therefore, square and rectangular shapes also work well. A variety of flowers, hearts and stars - at your discretion. For example, a heart-shaped cake can be easily cut and assembled from a round or square base.

Take care of storing food and finished cakes. You will definitely have to free up a separate shelf in the refrigerator for this. And if possible, buy a separate refrigerator specifically for orders.

This is the minimum set of tools you will need. And you will definitely learn about professional devices and little tricks in my online school.

Let's start with the main thing - bake cakes

The basis of any cake or pastry is the shortbread. They can be biscuit, honey, sour cream, kefir, shortbread, puff pastry or choux pastry. There are countless different options.

Each housewife has her own preferences and recipes. In order not to spoil the products and not waste your time, find a proven master class on making cakes. Nowadays, tall cakes with a small diameter are in fashion. They look compact and stylish. To assemble such a dessert we will need at least 3 cake layers.


Cakes without impregnation are dry and lifeless. That's why we just need cream! For my taste, the more cream the better. The most popular creams are made from whipped cream, condensed milk and butter, sour cream, cottage cheese or mascarpone; there are also various custards, chocolate ganaches and curds. For a bright taste and color, you can add a variety of flavors and dyes.

The cream is a kind of “cement” necessary for assembling the cake. Therefore, the cream must be applied evenly and thoroughly coat all parts of the cake with it.

Assembling the cake

If you are making the cake for yourself and plan to eat it at home, you can assemble it on a large flat plate or platter. But if you are baking for sale, then it is better to use disposable cardboard or plastic substrates.

Place the first cake layer and cover it with an even layer of cream, then the second cake layer on top of it and again with cream. You can use several different creams and fillings in one cake, place nuts, berries or jam between the layers. If you do not want your masterpiece to look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, then use a pastry bag and spatula to apply the cream.

Jewelry and decor

There are a huge number of decoration options. It all depends on your imagination and the wishes of the customer. And don’t forget that the beauty of the cake and its design will determine its price, and in general, the demand for your baked goods.

  1. Mastic is a paste based on powdered sugar, similar to plasticine. It is very convenient to sculpt figurines of animals, fairy-tale characters, comic book and cartoon characters. Such cakes are often ordered for children's parties. Their cost ranges from 800 to 2000 rubles. for 1 kg.
  2. Fresh fruits and berries are not inferior to mastic in the popularity rating. Women who watch their figure love to order them. Yoghurt and curd creams are lower in calories, and fruits are in perfect harmony with them. Plus, decorating baked goods with fruit is the easiest way of all. For such a dessert, buyers are willing to pay from 500 to 1500 rubles. for 1 kg.
  3. Gingerbread figurines and sweets are the current favorite in the market. All the salt here is in printed gingerbread cookies with designs made from multi-colored glaze, which are prepared separately and then stuck into the cake using special skewers, or “glued” onto the cream. Making such gingerbread cookies is not easy, because in order to decorate them you need to have a steady hand and artistic talent. In addition to gingerbread, such cakes are generously sprinkled with candies, meringues, dragees, waffles, marshmallows and other ready-made sweets that can be bought at any store. Average price 1200 - 1700 rub. for 1 kg.
  4. and velor cakes are the latest in fashion. They are considered the most difficult to prepare and expensive. Their cost can reach up to 3.5 thousand rubles per kilogram.

Decor is a topic that worries all novice confectioners, so the ProfiTroll school examines more than 10 options for current cake design, and also provides a manual on modern types of decor that every beginner can easily repeat. Just look at what beautiful desserts the students of online courses produce after a couple of weeks of training.

Were you able to learn how to bake beautiful cakes? Then you will probably want to expand your range. What desserts are now in high price?

  1. Cupcakes are small cupcakes with a massive top of cream, which is sprinkled with various toppings. Price 100-200 rubles per piece. But they are not sold one at a time. As a rule, the minimum order is 6 pieces.
  2. Trifles are an English dessert made from sponge cake, custard and whipped cream. Garnished with fresh fruit and served in portioned glasses. Approximate price 200-300 rub. a piece.
  3. Cake pops are round cupcakes placed on a stick. They resemble lollipops in shape and size. They are poured with chocolate on top and sprinkled with toppings. Price 80-150 rub. a piece.

How to calculate the cost of a finished cake?

After you learn how to cook all these magical delicacies, and move from the category of beginners to experienced bakers, you can think about opening your own bakery. And I’ll tell you right now how to make this business profitable.

  • Cost of products used in the preparation of cakes and cream;
  • Cost of decorative elements, dyes, fruits and toppings;
  • Price of substrate and packaging;
  • Transport costs for cake delivery;
  • Payment of utility costs (electricity, gas, water).

Make an increase by the amount at which you value your work and time spent.

Compare the figures obtained with the average market price of similar cakes.

Where to find your first clients?

After completing my courses, you should not immediately try to sell your baked goods. Try practicing on your friends and relatives first. I am sure that they will only be grateful to you for such experiences. And you will fill your hand.

It is through social networks that the easiest way is to find your first customers. Create a separate account on Instagram or post an ad on your wall in contact. Ask your friends to repost your post. More advanced users can create their own website dedicated to baking. You can advertise on thematic forums and mommy blogs, for example, or


Choose only fresh and high-quality products for your cakes. Then satisfied customers will come back to you again and again.

Try to make your style individual. Consider packaging carefully. It should not only be beautiful, but also ensure the safety of your creations during transportation.

My advice to you is to cook cakes only in a good mood. That’s when they will turn out unforgettably delicious. Therefore, I wish you a great mood, more inspiration and new creative ideas! Don't forget to subscribe to my blog and share the link on social networks. See you soon!

Confectionery courses exist for those who want to develop their talents, reach new heights in making sweets, or learn everything from scratch. Annushka School specialists will share their knowledge and help everyone become a master of their craft. Sign up for confectionery courses and learn how to create culinary products under the strict guidance of professionals. Master classes are available to everyone.

Training program

The confectionery school “Annushka School” is located in Moscow. You can attend different courses on making certain types of sweets. The page has a specific list of master classes for beginners and professionals. Confectionery courses are taught by teachers with extensive experience.

Master classes are planned for the near future:

  • “Sponge cakes from A to Z”;
  • "Eclair Boutique";
  • “Assembling a multi-tiered”;
  • "Baking and Decorating" and much more.

We analyze current trends in the world of confectionery products in order to share truly useful information with students.

Practical master classes. Everyone will work with their own hands and gain real experience. Students are involved as much as possible in all processes. This will allow you to better understand the specifics of making and decorating sweets. All pastry courses are designed for participants to gain certain knowledge, learn how to work with chocolate, prepare fillings, bake biscuits and much more. No one will leave without new knowledge and the desire to actively apply their capabilities in practice.

Annushka School courses are the best solution

The world of confectionery products is rapidly developing and changing. Our specialists know this, so they help everyone who wants to improve their experience and get acquainted with new opportunities. Confectionery courses are intended for beginners and those who have been working in this field for a long time. In any case, everyone will learn a lot of useful things. We organized master classes at a decent level:

  • furnished a spacious kitchen with everything necessary for training (appliances, equipment, products, etc.);
  • we selected the best teachers in the confectionery business;
  • developed training programs so that all students receive attention;
  • We chose available ingredients and equipment for working with confectionery products.

Wedding cakes, fondant, cupcakes, cheese candies - you can create this and much more with your own hands, having become acquainted with the skills of the Annushka School specialists.

Call now to sign up for pastry courses. If necessary, we will clarify the prices and schedule of master classes.


Class time is from 10:00 to 15:00


For those who have decided to master the art of confectionery, we recommend starting their training with this program. During the course, a “foundation” is formed, fundamental knowledge and technologies are laid. You will learn everything about working with dough, study the technologies for making creams, soufflés, mousses, ice cream, marmalade and much more. Learn how to make glaze, prepare popular cakes as they are served in the best restaurants in Moscow, and decorate finished products in accordance with modern decorating and serving technologies. But even experienced pastry chefs will learn a lot of interesting things, because the course covers current trends in the art of confectionery.

Course duration: 20 actual hours

The course takes place in a weekend group, on Saturdays and Sundays, for 5 actual hours a day, for two weeks.


1. Shortbread dough (Sable). Choux pastry (Patashu). Practical work.

  • Secrets of working with dough.
  • Tools.
  • Decorating products made from tulip dough.
  • Dough preparation technology.
  • Baking secrets.
  • Creams, ganaches, glazes, glosses.
  • Products (tartlets, cookies, tarts, profiteroles, shu, chouquettes).

2. Chocolate. Cupcake dough. Theory and practical work.

  • Specifics of working with chocolate. Temperature conditions.
  • Types of chocolate.
  • Tools for working with chocolate.
  • History of chocolate.
  • Making decorative elements from chocolate.
  • Products (sweets, mousses, brownies, cupcakes).

3. Biscuit. Practical work.

  • Types of biscuit.
  • History of biscuit.
  • Technology for preparing different types of biscuits.
  • Practical work. Production of semi-finished products. Baking cakes. (Dacquoise, Genoise, Mona Lisa, classic, pistachio sponge cake, butter sponge cake, frangipane).

4. Cakes. Practical work

  • Types of cakes.
  • Soufflés, mousses, ganaches, glazes, jelly.
  • Cake assembly technology.
  • Design and decoration.
  • Practical work (Tropical Cake, Red Velvet Cake, Esterhazy Cake, Hazelnut-Pistachio Cake, Belle Cake, Bird's Milk with Strawberries Cake, Safari Log).

Reservation of a place in a group is carried out only after making an advance payment

Sign up

Artistic sophistication and impeccable execution of confectionery products are a constant hallmark of elite-level holidays and celebrations. In addition to demonstrating excellent taste, exclusive cakes decorate the table and create a spectacular aesthetic background for videos and photo shoots.

Sign up for courses on decorating mastic cakes at Elena Dvurechenskaya’s school! Thanks to the acquired knowledge and skills, you will be able not only to decorate family celebrations, surprising children and adults, but also to implement the most complex plot compositions, creating cakes for weddings, anniversaries and other unique events with ease and grace.

What do they teach in cake decorating courses?

Mastering the most interesting and practical ways of creating beautiful sweets takes place under the auspices of experienced craftsmen. We will help you master classic techniques, proven by generations of confectioners, and completely new techniques based on the capabilities of modern ingredients and equipment. Take a cake decorating course, and soon the products coming out of your hands will become worthy of sincere admiration.

Each topic is studied in detail not only in theory, but also reinforced with a full-fledged master class with the obligatory achievement of an impeccable result.

Courses on decorating cakes from mastic

The applied value of our courses lies in mastering the arsenal of existing confectionery tools and equipment, getting acquainted with the achievements of leading confectioners from around the world, as well as discoveries of domestic talents. We place special emphasis on courses on mastic cakes: this material is used in 90% of cases to decorate elite sweets.

Our meetings will help unleash your creative potential and give you many pleasant moments of communication with passionate and talented people.

Friends, fellow pastry chefs and people who love to create beautiful and tasty things!


Making cakes decorated with mastic figures

You can learn how to create sweet, unforgettable surprises
November 30 - December 1, December 21-22, January 5-6 at the address: st. Dmitrievsky, 1


  • aspiring professional pastry chefs; those who want to improve their professional level. For you, this course is an opportunity to quickly gain valuable knowledge and learn from my experience. Olga spent many months experimenting. And he will transfer this knowledge to you in 2 days. After completing the course, you will receive a corporate training certificate from the “Cakes from Audrey” workshop.

Do you want your customers to squeal and jump to the ceiling when they see a finished order, and then recommend you to their friends? Olga’s clients do this and yours will too.

  • those who want to please their family with their art, evoke the envy of their friends and, proudly bringing the cake to the table, hear delighted oohs and aahs.

And to the question “Where did you order?”, modestly answer “It’s me myself.”And watch how your family swells with pride for you.

You can do it too!

We invite you to get to know Olga better by reading her story about herself.

I, Olga Patrakova, a professional pastry chef, started creating my workshop “Cakes from Audrey” just three years ago. Back then it was my home kitchen and oven where I baked my first cake.

Now I am a professional pastry chef. I have my own workshop of more than 100 sq.m. and a team of employees, including professional sculptors and artists.

I know how many questions a novice pastry chef has. Therefore, firstly, I will tell you the whole scheme of work, from “A” to “Z”.

Secondly, I will teach how to make not one specific model, but a universal doll that can be applied to any character. During the course, each of you will create a cake with the Tinker Bell fairy. And after the course you will be able to create other characters.

Thirdly, I will be able to ask questions not related to the topic of the lesson. I remember well what it’s like when there are a lot of questions, but no answers. And I will help you. We will find time for this.

The course will be for a few people. There are 10-12 participants in total. Especially so that there is enough time for everyone and all questions.

The goal of our two-day course: to teach novice pastry chefs how to prepare a mastic cake from the moment of coating it to handing it over to the customer. Or to listening to the admiring exclamations of family and friends.

After two days of training in the “Cakes from Audrey” workshop, you will be able to make popular cakes with figures. We will study using the example of a mastic cake with a “Tinker Bell fairy” figurine.

Course program


From 10 to 12- Intensive theoretical course on all tools and materials used in cake decorating:

  • Mastic, its varieties and properties, dyes of all types and manufacturers.
  • A complete course on the tools used in the work (molds, weiners, oven-works, extruder, etc.).
  • Features of fillings for mastic cakes, in particular for 3D cakes. Basic recipe, expiration dates.

From 12 to 12.15 - break, coffee break.

From 12.15 to 15.00

  • Preparing the cream for coating the cake.
  • Coating a cake, secrets of a smooth cake, working with complex cake shapes.
  • Answers to questions about multi-tiered cakes and so-called falling cakes.

From 15.00 to 15.30- break, lunch.

From 15.30 to 18.00- Hand sculpted “universal doll” figurine. The course is taught by a professional pastry sculptor.

Basic questions about hand sculpting:

  • Correct proportions of human and doll figures, differences,
  • How to choose the right skin color
  • Fastening parts (arms, legs, hair, wings: how and from what),
  • What is the danger of overheated mastic and how to avoid it?
  • Applying paint to small details (eyes, lips, eyelashes),
  • What to do if you drew it incorrectly.


From 10.00 to 12.00- Practical course: covering a cake with mastic. Features of covering cakes of various shapes. Tightening your cake.

From 12.00 to 12.15- Break, coffee break

From 12.15 to 15.00- Practical course:

  • Preparation of small decor for decorating cakes (ribbons, small flowers, beads, prints, etc.),
  • Making simple flowers (daisies) using 2 English techniques.

From 15.00 to 15.30- break, lunch.

From 15.30 to 18.00 -

  • assembling the cake, decorations, creating a complete composition,
  • basic principles of composition on a cake,
  • congratulatory inscriptions,
  • manufacturing principles.

As you can see, the program is very rich. After completing the course, you will be able to learn a lot - everything you need to make an amazing, unforgettable surprise cake.

In order to have time to train all participants in the course and pay attention to everyone, I recruit a maximum of 12 people for the course.

Therefore, if you want to spend November 30 - December 1, December 21-22, January 5-6 with us, learning the art of surprising, sign up for the course now. Do not delay so that your place is not taken.

Course fee- 14,500 rubles for 2 days of training.

Registration is made by 50% prepayment to Sberbank card.

You need to call 8-925-08-71-906 and clarify the details.

You can through the website "Confectioner's House"

  • The course price includes all necessary materials and tools, as well as coffee breaks and lunch (tea, coffee, sandwiches, cakes).
  • You will take the cake that you make during the course with you, so that your friends and family will appreciate how useful you spent these two days for yourself and them. And they rejoiced. And they were surprised.
  • The “Art of Surprise” course is a great way to spend 2 wonderful days in May in a fun and beneficial way. During these days you will actually receive a new profession. Or simply - learn a new art.

I look forward to meeting you on May 18-19, friends, colleagues and just people who share my love for beauty.

Pastry chef
Olga Patrakova