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The difference between wholesale and retail. How to make wholesale purchases Small wholesale with a specific group of goods

Whatever definitions for the concept of “trade” are published in “smart books”, in essence it is always the exchange of some goods for money or a corresponding amount of other goods in order to obtain a profit. Today it is both an independent branch of the economy, which ensures the movement of goods from producer to consumer, and a type of economic activity that represents an intermediary service and includes a number of related processes, such as direct customer service, delivery of goods, their storage and preparation for sale, etc. But, most importantly, trade is, on the one hand, a significant source of tax revenue, and on the other, an important social and political factor, which means that government attention to this area is inevitable and tangible. Especially in our country.

Russia, having gone through a difficult path from respected merchants of the 1st (richest), 2nd and 3rd guilds, through workers of Soviet trade who had a special position in the era of socialist shortages, speculators and traders despised by all, to spontaneous “shuttle traders”, finally came in our time to a more or less civilized market. However, the legislation in this area is still so imperfect that a seemingly simple question - how wholesale trade differs from retail trade - can make even an experienced accountant “spread out of his mind.”

From the point of view of simple common sense, wholesale- this is trade in consignments of goods, and retail - accordingly, the sale of goods individually. From here it naturally follows that the wholesaler is an intermediary between the manufacturer and the retailer, and retail, in turn, serves the demand of the end consumer. Thus, retail prices are formed from purchase prices set by the manufacturer, plus trade margins. In all civilized countries this is the approach. In Russia, it also underlies pricing and the “philosophy” of trade, but with significant legislative variations.

They relate mainly to the civil law sphere and, naturally, to taxation. Retail regulated by Article 492 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Retail purchase and sale agreement”. It states, in particular: “Under a retail purchase and sale agreement, the seller engaged in business activities of selling goods at retail undertakes to transfer to the buyer goods intended for personal, family, home or other use not related to business activities.” The definition of wholesale trade was found in Art. 2 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2009 N 381-FZ: “Wholesale trade is a type of trading activity associated with the acquisition and sale of goods for use in business activities (including resale) or for other purposes not related to personal, family , home and other similar uses." Hence the determining role of such a concept as “the purpose of purchasing a product” arises, and its quantity is not taken into account at all. If a private individual purchases an entire batch of any product for personal use, such an operation will be considered retail! If the product is purchased by a legal entity to support its activities, then the sale of even one ballpoint pen from the point of view of Russian legislation will be a wholesale transaction.

Accordingly, the design of such sales is different. For retail sales, a cash receipt or sales receipt is sufficient. For wholesale, delivery contracts, invoices, cash receipt orders, etc. are required. Considering that clarifying the purpose of purchasing goods is not the responsibility of the seller, it turns out that in Russia all trade transactions with individuals are retail, and with entrepreneurs or legal entities - wholesale. And this has nothing to do with the quantity of goods purchased!

Tax legislation has gone even further. When registering an enterprise, the application must indicate the types of economic activities that the organization or entrepreneur will engage in. The All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) describes in detail all possible types of trade, but! - with a clear division into wholesale and retail. A manufacturer that officially sells wholesale cannot sell its goods at retail - this will be considered a violation and is fraught with a fine. A retail trade enterprise located, for example, on UTII loses its right to imputed tax for wholesale transactions, since this special regime applies only to activities related to retail. Of course, it is not prohibited to indicate both types of classification, but this will complicate accounting, reporting and taxation.

However, market relations dictate their own laws, and in the sphere of pricing, factors such as the purpose of purchasing a product or the execution of a transaction, as well as the status of the buyer, do not have any influence on the result. The manufacturer sells goods at certain prices based solely on considerations of its profit, as well as the volume and frequency of purchases of products by a specific buyer. The more often and more a partner buys, the more profitable contracts are concluded with him, and he can count on a larger discount. In retail, it is similar - regular or large customers are offered lower prices, discount cards and other bonuses almost everywhere, designed to attract and retain customers. Trade is trade - price is price, and it’s called wholesale or retail, it’s only important to the fiscal authorities!

A wholesale purchase and sale agreement is not provided for in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unlike a retail purchase and sale agreement, which has a very negative impact on law enforcement activities. In conditions of the low level of contractual work that currently exists, entrepreneurs do not independently develop the terms of the contract and use the supply contract model provided for in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, even when there are no objective grounds for this. The lack of legislative support for a wholesale purchase and sale agreement leads to contradictory qualifications of one-time transactions for the wholesale sale of goods by arbitration courts. In some cases, arbitration courts qualify such transactions as supply contracts; in others, general rules on sales contracts are applied to them (§ 1 of Chapter 30 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Meanwhile, although the supply agreement is one of the types of purchase and sale agreement, and a number of general provisions on the purchase and sale agreement, provided for in § 1 Ch. 30 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the rules of the supply agreement are designed for its application in commercial circulation, therefore, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (§ 3 Chapter 30) provides for some special rules on the terms of the supply agreement, which differ from similar rules provided for in the general provisions on purchase and sale (as Examples include Article 512 on the assortment of goods when making up for shortfalls in goods, special rules on the rights of the buyer in the event of underdelivery of goods, failure to comply with requirements to eliminate defects in goods or to replenish goods).

It should be noted that the wholesale purchase and sale agreement is provided for as one of the main trade agreements in the legislation of developed Western countries. It is also widely used in foreign trade, which led to the adoption in 1980 of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

Considering the relationship between the supply agreement and the wholesale purchase and sale agreement, it should be noted that both of these agreements are concluded in the field of wholesale trade. The difference between a wholesale purchase and sale agreement and a supply agreement lies in the one-time nature of the wholesale purchase and sale transaction, the absence of long-term contractual relations between the parties, and the one-time transfer of a wholesale batch of goods. These features also require their regulatory reinforcement. A supply contract designed for a large, most often annual, order from the buyer requires organizational and technical preparation for production. Accordingly, long-term commercial relations between the parties require detailed elaboration of the terms of the contract.

A one-time purchase of goods under a wholesale purchase and sale agreement necessitates a simplified procedure and form for concluding an agreement, and the conclusion of a supply agreement is carried out according to special, more complex rules. In the future, as civilized rules of conduct in the market become stronger and the pre-revolutionary “indestructible word of the merchant” is revived, oral forms of transactions between entrepreneurs may also be used.

Contracts concluded in wholesale trade require a clear definition of the deadline for fulfilling obligations. When concluding a wholesale purchase and sale agreement, it is important for both parties to determine the exact period for the transfer of goods. This is important for determining the shelf life of goods in order to optimize storage costs, acceptance of goods, and ensure coordination of the terms of acceptance of goods with the production terms. It is no coincidence that the principle of “just in time” delivery, without warehousing, is becoming quite widely used in foreign commercial activities. Application of the rules of Art. 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation when concluding a supply and wholesale purchase and sale agreement, which states that if an obligation does not provide for a deadline for its fulfillment and does not contain conditions to determine this period, it must be fulfilled within a reasonable time after the obligation arises, not meets the interests of entrepreneurs. A reasonable period is a subjective concept. Based on the rules of Art. 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it is quite difficult to fill in the missing term or delivery terms in the contract<1>. Rule Art. 315 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the right of the debtor to fulfill an obligation before the deadline does not apply to obligations related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities. The qualifying feature of a wholesale purchase and sale agreement, as opposed to a retail one, should be considered the period of transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer. This will give clarity and certainty to the parties’ relationship and help avoid arbitration disputes.

The main idea of ​​a wholesale business is purchasing goods in large quantities at one price and selling them in small wholesale with a markup. Alternatively, you can open your own retail store, selling the goods at an even higher price. You can open a wholesale business from scratch, even without having huge capital to purchase the first batch of goods. It can be taken for sale. The scheme for building any business can easily be copied from any existing enterprise.

Main business advantages

The first advantage that entrepreneurs take into account when trying to open a wholesale business from scratch is big money. This advantage is perfectly complemented by a simple and understandable starting scheme, even for beginners. They usually start with small volumes, gradually increasing the scale of the business.

A wholesale business requires specializing in one specific product or niche. This allows you to delve completely into one area, studying it thoroughly and increasing your expertise in it. And the better, the more detailed you understand your business, the easier it is for you to conduct your business more efficiently.

The simplicity of the scheme of any wholesale business allows you to copy any convenient and effective scheme of competitors. You can start a business with minimal investment. Moreover, it does not require significant time investment. Therefore, you can easily start a business while working at your main job.

Deciding on the type of business

Before you start a wholesale business from scratch, you need to decide what type of wholesale enterprise you will have. There are several opportunities to make money from wholesale sales.

  1. Become a large wholesaler. Your task is to purchase large quantities of goods from production and sell them in smaller quantities. Often such entrepreneurs work with several manufacturers, offering a wide range of products.
  1. Become a mid-level wholesaler. These people prefer to open a store selling goods from one specific industry, but specialize in it very well. They may offer one type of product and various accessories for it from different manufacturers.
  1. Highly specialized wholesaler. Usually offers one type of product, for example, only shoes, or only bags. Often works with different manufacturers.
  1. Mediator. It is not necessary to open a store for this activity. It is enough to find a buyer with a specific request, and find a seller for him. Then monitor the progress of the purchase and sale, receiving a percentage of the transaction. The process can also go in the opposite direction: first, a seller is found with the product for which a buyer is being sought.

These are just the most common forms of business organization with which you can start your own wholesale business. If you search, you can find other interesting business schemes on the market.

We are looking for our industry

Before you start your own business, it is advisable to understand what industry you plan to work in and what basic laws work in it. Therefore, it is easiest to open a business in an industry in which you already have some experience. Although, if you wish, you can master other areas of interest.

To decide in which industry to open your wholesale store or base, think about what industry you most often encounter in life, what do you understand the most? This can be either your main job or a hobby. Of course, it is advisable that you like this industry and are sincerely interested in it.

In addition, it is important to understand the following nuances that influence the choice of industry for wholesale activities:

  1. What production does your region specialize in? After all, these are the goods that can be purchased here at the lowest possible prices. At the same time, you will not have problems with delivery and all issues can be resolved as quickly as possible - the manufacturers are, as they say, close by.
  1. Having chosen a product, try to determine the market capacity: what is the demand for it, what is the turnover of the product, average prices for it and other details.
  1. Assess the seasonality of the product. Of course, it is easiest to work with goods that are not subject to seasonal fluctuations. But in other cases, you can find ways to smooth out these differences. It is always better to focus on those goods that are in demand in any economic conditions.
  1. How easy is it to store the product? This question is especially relevant when you are thinking about how to open a wholesale warehouse. If perishable products become the object of your business activity, you need to pay special attention to the warehouse space to ensure the necessary conditions. And these are additional expenses.
  1. How easy is it to transport the goods? This applies not only to the size of the product, but also to its fragility. For example, it is very difficult to deliver glass and porcelain products, as there can be a high percentage of broken goods. This must also be taken into account when calculating the profitability of your business.

How to choose the right product

Before opening a store, you should not only decide on the product, but also test the demand for it. To do this, it is recommended to conduct such a campaign. Choose about three to five products that you are interested in working with and that can really be in demand in your region. Then post advertisements for their sale on free boards on the Internet.

It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • post advertisements on the same boards;
  • post them in a unified form, one for everyone, so that you can compare the results later.

After posting your ads, carefully collect and analyze feedback. Consider the number of calls and what the callers are interested in: volumes, prices, willingness to place an order, etc. In this way, you can estimate the demand for the product that your store plans to sell. You can answer potential customers that the product is not yet in stock, or call back a little later and report that it is out of stock.

Determining viability

Only after you have decided on a niche, a product, an approximate market need, its capacity, and you know the needs of buyers and sellers, can you assess how viable your endeavor really is and whether it is worth opening a store of this kind.

Calculate how long it will take you to deliver the goods and how much it will cost you. Monitor the road transport market that operates in your region and choose the right carrier for yourself. Then calculate how much you can receive in the saddest and most optimistic scenarios. Based on the data received, he can decide whether you should open a wholesale store, base, warehouse or not.

Let's get down to business

Having resolved all the preliminary issues, decide on what scheme you will follow to conduct your business. There are two main directions of running such a business:

  • You look for a buyer, find a seller, organize and control the purchase and sale process, receiving a percentage of the transaction. For this type of activity, you must first conclude an agency agreement with the manufacturer.
  • You buy goods at your own expense at a wholesale price and sell them at a premium, making a profit from the difference.

As a rule, the latter model is used by large market players who have large finances to carry out transactions. In addition, this form of doing business presupposes the presence of a warehouse, personnel to service it, and the costs of their maintenance.

A novice entrepreneur can limit himself to the first option, which eliminates these expenses, as well as the costs of purchasing goods. In addition, he does not have to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur; he can work as an individual by drawing up an agreement. And if you start such work via the Internet, organizing a wholesale business will be even easier.

Two words about competition

When planning to open your own wholesale store, take into account the competition in the region and in the industry as a whole. A small player in the market can go bankrupt if large distribution networks that have established great teamwork are already operating in this area. Therefore, if you want to compete with such giants, study their features, think about what you can win in front of your clients.

Get necessary tax documents and licenses in order. For example, in the US, you will need to obtain a tax ID and/or license, since items purchased in bulk are often not yet taxed. As you start looking for your best wholesale deal, get the following documents so you don't have to worry about the legal side of things and can focus on your business:

  • Obtain a Federal Employee Identification Number from the IRS. The application form is available online at You can obtain this permit as a sole owner.
  • Get federal And regular tax identification number valid at the place of residence. First, apply for a federal ID, as you may need it to obtain a second document. Then search online for your local tax office, where they can direct you to the correct agency.
  • Once you have the required ID, apply for a trade license in your state.

Determine the volume of purchase. In wholesale trading, volume is critical. The reason is that the more you buy, the lower the unit price. Wholesale trade is always volume oriented.

  • Your supply volumes and financial transactions must match your inventory capabilities. Simply put, it's great to buy a shipment of 2,000 laptops, but where are you going to store them safely and securely as the shipment arrives?
  • Search and study wholesale suppliers. There are many of them, the main thing is to know where to look. Most often wholesale deals are found as follows:

    • A thorough internet search. Search by the product type you want first, and then enter your zip code to limit your search. Research local information by checking classified ads, online associations, and wholesale directories.
    • Wholesale exhibitions and fairs. A little more expensive and a little less effective than searching on the Internet, but also a good solution.
    • Manufacturers. If manufacturers cannot sell directly to you (they usually sell in very large volumes), they can give you contacts of other wholesalers or distributors.
  • Collaborate with others. Connect with other people who have successful wholesale deals to expand your contact list. They will share information with you if you are not a direct competitor.

    Join professional groups that offer wholesale prices. Lists of such groups may be published in industry publications or Internet sites, or they may be part of companies with which you collaborate. Members of such organizations often receive discounts.

    • You may think that paying for access is a waste of money, but the membership fee is worth it when compared to the subsequent income.
  • Purchase wholesale listings at your own risk. Wholesale listings are exactly what they sound like - lists of "reliable" suppliers and distributors that you can buy. This sounds great in theory, but often these lists contain outdated information. Try to do without them.

    Start with a small amount. Do not try to immediately peddle quantities of 1000 units of goods, it is better to try to sell at least 20 units first. Many wholesale suppliers will allow you to sample a small quantity of product for a fixed price. This way you will try to sell the product yourself under real market conditions. If the product is not popular, then you will save yourself from ruin. If it sells like hot cakes, then you simply buy the required volume and continue trading.

    Don't be afraid to bargain. Discounts are available for everything, even in wholesale trade. Ask for an initial discount on any potential deal; The ruthless market forces suppliers to fight for you, and an initial discount will be an excellent sign of their respect and the basis for fruitful cooperation.

    Organization at OSNO, engaged in wholesale trade. Sells equipment to two individuals under a non-cash agreement. Documentation of such a transaction.

    Question: Our company is engaged in wholesale trade and is subject to the general taxation system. We are planning to conclude an agreement for the supply of equipment, the buyer of which is two individuals. Payment according to the agreement by buyers will be made by bank transfer. Do we have the right to sell goods under such an agreement, since we are not a retail organization (there is no cash register in the organization). If so, what documents must be prepared on the supplier side of this transaction and what documents must be requested from buyers?

    Answer: You cannot conclude a supply agreement. Under a supply agreement, goods are purchased exclusively for business activities. That is, the goods cannot be transferred to people for personal, family, home or other similar use. Therefore, only commercial organizations or entrepreneurs can be parties to the transaction.

    In this case, only a retail purchase and sale agreement can be concluded.

    A retail purchase and sale agreement is considered concluded from the moment a cash receipt, sales receipt or other document confirming () is issued to the buyer. These documents confirm the conclusion of a retail purchase and sale agreement. That is, as a rule, a retail transaction is executed upon its completion, so it can be concluded orally. However, if the moments of transfer of goods and payment do not coincide (for example, a deferred payment is granted), then a written agreement must be concluded.

    If the buyer pays by bank transfer, then the cash register is not used.

    When selling, issue a sales receipt and invoice.

    It is permissible not to fill in the TIN of the citizen buyer in the invoice. The buyer himself may not know it.

    The company has the right to conduct one-time transactions that are not recorded in the register. There is no need to add additional OKVED for this.

    During retail sales, the buyer is not required to request any documents.


    In what cases should CCT be used?

    Situation: Is it necessary to use cash register systems for non-cash payments with citizens? Buyers pay bills through a bank without payment cards

    What kind of trade is considered retail?

    Situation: In what cases does a retail purchase and sale agreement need to be concluded in writing?

    Transactions between organizations among themselves, with entrepreneurs and citizens must be concluded in writing (Clause 1, Article 161 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). However, if the transaction is executed upon its completion, then a written contract is not required (Clause 2 of Article 159 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Consequently, the sale of goods may not be formalized by an agreement.

    A retail purchase and sale agreement is considered concluded from the moment a cash receipt, sales receipt or other document confirming payment (for example, a strict reporting form) is issued to the buyer (). These documents confirm the conclusion of a retail purchase and sale agreement. That is, as a rule, a retail transaction is executed upon its completion, so it can be concluded orally. However, if the moments of transfer of goods and payment do not coincide (for example, a deferred payment is granted), then a written agreement must be concluded.

    In some cases, a retail purchase and sale agreement must be concluded in writing, regardless of other conditions:
    - when selling goods by samples or remotely ();
    - when selling to citizens a multi-volume periodical published in separate volumes (clause 128 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55).

    Situation: what documents to use to formalize the sale of goods to the public for cashless payments. For example, a citizen paid for a purchase through a bank

    Issue a sales receipt and invoice.

    In this case there is no need to issue a cash receipt, but it is necessary to confirm the transfer of the goods. That’s why they issue a sales receipt ().

    With an invoice, everything is not so clear. VAT payers are required to present this document, although the citizen buyer does not need it. Therefore, issue an invoice, but only in one copy. In this case, VAT may not be highlighted as a separate line (clause and article 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 1, 2014 No. 03-07-09/14382 and dated May 25, 2011 No. 03-07-09/14).

    What is the ambiguity of the situation? Issuing an invoice is one of the conditions for recognizing the sale of goods as wholesale rather than retail. That is, the mere issuance of an invoice can lead to re-qualification of the transaction. If the document is not completed, the seller will be charged with gross violation of the rules for accounting for income and expenses and taxable items ().

    But there is a way out. In such a contradictory situation, it is necessary to prepare all documents correctly. The main thing is to show that the buyer is an individual, and not a representative of an organization or an entrepreneur. So, be sure to indicate the buyer’s full name on the invoice and issue a sales receipt. This will confirm that the sale is retail. And vice versa, by indicating an organization or individual entrepreneur in the invoice as the buyer, and also by issuing an invoice instead of a sales receipt, for example, in form No. TORG-12, you will contribute to the recognition of wholesale sales. This conclusion follows from the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 31, 2011 No. 03-11-11/144.

    It is permissible not to fill in the TIN of the citizen buyer in the invoice. The buyer himself may not know it. And despite the fact that usually the TIN is required to be entered, in the case under consideration this will not be a gross violation. In the empty column, simply put a dash (subclause 2, clause 5, article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation 6-NDFL with the amount of payments calculated for insurance premiums. Inspectors will use this control ratio from reporting for the first quarter. All control ratios for checking 6-NDFL are given in the table... For instructions and samples of filling out 6-NDFL for the first quarter, see the recommendations."