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Development of an advertising strategy for an election campaign - abstract. Formation of an election campaign strategy Approximate list of election campaign resources

  1. G. Saratov about the competition among students, graduate students and teachers of higher educational institutions of the Saratov region for the best work on issues of electoral law and the electoral process, improving the legal and political culture of voters


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  2. I. Nomination by political parties of federal lists and lists for single-mandate constituencies


    ... elections, several times. So, to the beginning electoral campaigns By elections State other informal factors. TO example, in group No. 14 (Orenburg, ... deputy State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Union of Right Forces, President of the Institute Foundation Regional projects ...

  3. Election campaign technology


    ... Example. One woman really wanted to become deputy regional Duma... information about competitors 4.2 Project"right of the first night" ... By law on elections means electoral campaigns...tool electoral campaigns to local and regional ...

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    Base Regional public reception is being implemented regional project"UNITED RUSSIA" advises." Implementation project...during the election period campaigns. In 2014, in connection with the electoral campaigns By elections Heads of the Udmurt Republic...

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    AND regional authorities, as well as between regional structures (to example, between... elections deputies State Duma are carried out By mixed rules electoral systems: 225 deputies are elected By single-mandate electoral ...

The strategy (strategic plan) of an election campaign is the most important and necessary document when conducting any election campaign (regardless of its level, scale, type) that ensures the effective organization of the election campaign and the achievement of the candidate or party’s goals. A strategy is a set of main ideas of an election campaign, its content, which formulates what information needs to be conveyed to voters so that they vote for the relevant candidate or political party. In contrast to the tactics of the election campaign, that is, the communication part of the program, which regulates the following: in what form and sequence it is necessary to implement the strategic, substantive part of the company.

It should be especially emphasized that the strategy of an election campaign is its most comprehensive plan (meaning the main ideas, solutions, technologies), which cannot be completely changed due to the actions of competitors or other external circumstances, with the exception of those associated with the change " rules of the game”, i.e., for example, the adoption of a new law during elections.

The practice of organizing election campaigns in different countries of the world, including Ukraine, allows us to distinguish the following types of election campaign strategies. First of all, the “naive” approach is distinguished in its, so to speak, pure form. The candidate is guided by the opinions of his friends, acquaintances, and his own opinion and thinks that what they like will be liked by all voters. Unfortunately, according to a widely known rule in marketing, not everything that the manufacturer of a product likes causes delight among consumers.

The “software” approach assumes the following. The candidate and his team believe that the main thing is to give the electorate a good program and explain everything. And the electorate, reading this program in the subway or trolleybuses, will understand and support everything. I wish I could find more voters who read candidates' programs in the subway! And lately, people have not been very confident in these programs. This explains the rather naive nature of this approach.

The “hardware” approach to strategy development, as the name suggests, is based on the candidate’s belief that it is enough to win over the regional leadership and everything will be fine. Interestingly, quite often in rural regions, during elections to local authorities, a similar approach works. However, increasingly, the common sense and sense of humor inherent in Ukrainian voters demonstrate the naivety of this approach.

The “issue” approach comes from focusing the campaign strategy on one (or several interrelated) issues that are vitally important to voters in a given district. And, indeed, if a similar problem can be found (for example, a problem of terrible ecology or corruption in the government of a district or city, or a solution to the land problem, in particular, in a number of regions of Crimea, etc.), such an approach works. But the possibilities of putting forward some global problems or original ways to solve them in modern Ukraine are increasingly limited.

The “advertising” approach is based on the fact that the main thing in organizing an election campaign, as in the case of the market for goods and services, is the most active advertising of the candidate or his program, using a wide variety of media. There are even situations when a campaign strategy is replaced by a media plan that regulates how much information, when and through what channels should be conveyed to the electorate. This approach also sometimes brings success. Just remember the 1998 campaign led by the Green Party of Ukraine. After all, apart from good commercials on television, she had practically nothing to her name. This is probably why a similar move taken in 2002 left this party outside parliament. In principle, this approach is often used by so-called “technological” parties.

The “socio-economic” approach to strategy development is based on the assumption that voters vote in elections based solely on their economic interests. Here, in the process of electoral research, the economic interests of the main groups of voters are identified, which are then, if possible, taken into account in the strategy and organization of the election campaign. This is not always an easy task, but it often brings success. Interesting in this regard are the elections carried out by large businessmen in majority districts or in regional, city, and district councils.

The approach based on the “ideal model of a candidate” is based on the assumption that voters quite clearly imagine their future deputy or president, the totality of personal, business and other qualities that he should possess. Therefore, in the process of conducting sociological research, the task of constructing such a “portrait” of an ideal deputy or other elected official is solved. The emphasis here, as can be seen, is on a certain type of electoral behavior. However, this approach rarely works. The whole point is that it is possible to determine the image of an ideal candidate, but it is very difficult to “select” a candidate for it. Therefore, more often the image of a successful candidate for an elective position has to be modeled.

The “targeted” approach to developing an election campaign strategy is most often used today in organizing elections in Ukraine. First of all, in majoritarian districts, as well as in local authorities. Its essence is to conduct, before developing a strategy, a wide range of electoral studies and identify target (“targeted”) groups of the electorate on a variety of grounds: socio-demographic, regional, behavioral, psychographic and others. Campaign strategy and tactics then develop the specifics and methods of working with these groups. An option is an approach based on identifying types of voting behavior.

Regarding the structure of the strategy, there are different points of view. Most often (regardless of whether we are talking about party elections or elections of candidates for representative bodies of local government), the strategy has the following structure.

1. Prerequisites for strategic planning of the campaign:

  1. Defining the goals and objectives of the campaign;
    1. Analysis of the specifics of the electoral district;
    2. Analysis of candidate resources.

2. The most important elements of the election campaign strategy:

2.1. Choosing the main strategic line of the campaign and type

2.2. Defining the key issue and themes of the campaign;

2.3. Modeling the image of a candidate or party brand;

  1. Identification of target groups of the electorate, models of their electoral behavior and areas of work with them;
    1. Development of the message and main slogans of the campaign;
    2. Preparing a propaganda strategy.

3. Campaign strategy and tactics. In this section, tasks related to the actual implementation of the strategy are solved based on taking into account the information received about the situation that developed during the period when the campaign began. These may be problems of organizing a campaign strategy in relation to competitors; counter-propaganda strategies; presentation of the organizational plan for the election campaign, etc. The elements of this section of the strategy during its initial development are formulated only under certain conditions.

Strategy development occurs as a result of certain activities. In order to diagnose the pre-election situation and plan PR events, it is necessary to collect information in several areas, such as:

1. demographic situation: population size, number of voters, gender and age composition, migration data, national groups, professional breakdown by group;

2. social sphere;

3. general economic condition of the region;

4. legal side of life in the region;

5. scientific field;

6. religious sphere;

7. cultural sphere: holidays, cultural events, traditions of the region;

8. dynamics of electoral activity;

9. information about the possibility of disseminating information, etc.

When planning election campaigns, you do not need to collect all of the information listed; you need to select what is especially important for a particular electoral district:

1. before forming a strategy, it is necessary to diagnose the electoral district, survey public opinion, analyze the structure of the electorate and identify target groups;

2. it is necessary to determine your weaknesses and strengths, study your opponents;

3. identify a complete list of resources owned by the electoral association, develop an image for the electoral association and the candidate;

4. formalize the goals and concept of the election campaign.

The general strategic line is developed depending on the level of elections; it should be ready 1–2 years before the elections. At this stage, there are several types of strategies.

Cruising strategy. This type of strategy is most used by candidates who are clear frontrunners from the start of the campaign and who seek to maintain their position throughout the campaign. This strategy presupposes a planned election campaign, an even pace throughout, depending on the level of the elections.

Rush strategy. This strategy is used by those candidates who are not known to a large audience at the beginning of the election campaign. The essence of the strategy is the breakthrough that a candidate needs to make at an early stage, several months before the election. To achieve this goal, a large amount of advertising time is purchased for 10–14 days in both central and regional television and radio companies, an order is placed for many newspaper publications, and a large number of propaganda products are distributed. There are trips of leaders (candidates) to regions, high-profile events, press conferences, congresses, etc.

Election campaign strategy- the ability to clearly define goals, the most important and fundamental moments of the election campaign, arrange them in the most advantageous position for oneself and competently manage all available resources. We consider the most important points of the election campaign strategy to be:

1. Resource Inventory ( own and competitors), as well as identifying the strongest and weakest points. Accurate knowledge about resources, about the strengths and weaknesses (of one’s own and one’s rivals), allows one to use one’s resources most accurately and effectively, as well as neutralize the resources of one’s opponents.

3. Ability to arrange priorities. It is important to set priorities both ideologically (which problems need to be raised, which topics should not be touched upon; where, what, how and with whom to talk), structurally (forming the structure of information flows), and organizationally (budgeting, campaign administration , management principles) plans.

4. Campaign Time Management, knowledge of the features of each stage of the campaign, the ability to build a composition from various stages. Time is one of the scarcest resources in a campaign; one very often hears from political consultants that “there wasn’t enough time.” In fact, it is necessary to compare the impact technologies with the available time. It is clear that if time is short, then it is better to choose one special point in the ideology of the campaign and use integrated communications. In a time-poor environment, there is no time (pardon the pun) for development, for agendas, for long-term impact programs. In organizational terms, it is important to rationalize the use of time resources through clear administration, division of areas of responsibility, excessive control, etc.

5. Skill foresee and forecast. Before the start of the election campaign, a political consultant with good strategic thinking already has in his head the most likely scenario (maybe even more than one) for the development of events. And from a strategic point of view, perhaps the most important thing is the ability to reverse the possible course of events. In this case, positioning, agenda, and differentiation from rivals are just tools, structurally subordinate to the strategy of turning the tide of events.

6. Campaign Planning. Planning is an essential part of campaign strategy. And there are a number of important points here. Firstly, this is budget planning, based on the funds available, on the identified priorities and the structure of information flows. Secondly, it is planning the production process from conception to campaign contact with voters. This is planning the stages of the campaign, thirdly.

An election campaign strategy is defined as a broad-based program designed to help a candidate win an election. The formalization of this program is the election campaign plan. It is clear that in this case the emphasis is on planning, on drawing up plans.

Campaign strategy involves a top-down view of the campaign. Having taken such a point of view, it is already easier to draw up campaign plans, campaign ideology, look for tactical moves... And the selection of creativity (slogans, image photographs, etc.) will not proceed according to the principle: “like it - don’t like it”, but according to the principle of strategic compliance with the goals and objectives of the campaign.

technologies" E. Malkin and E. Suchkov, two parts: strategy, which answers the question What it is necessary to convey to voters so that they vote for this candidate, and tactics, defining in what form do it. Based on this distinction, practical activities in organizing and conducting an election campaign are carried out. Accordingly, the electoral technologies used can be divided into technologies strategic And tactical character.

The terms “strategy” and “tactics” in relation to an election campaign are defined differently in the literature on electoral issues. In accordance with a widely held point of view, strategy should be understood as a set of goals and objectives of any type of activity, and tactics should be understood as a set of ways to achieve goals and solve problems. This interpretation of strategy and tactics is generally comparable to the election campaign. However, in our opinion, it is not instrumental enough. Suppose two candidates are participating in the election and the goal of each is victory. How, in this case, will the strategies of their election campaigns be radically different? If we consider strategy as a meaningful component of the campaign, then such differences will appear.

So, the election campaign strategy is her meaningful the component on which the organization and conduct of the entire campaign is built.

The basis of the strategy constitutes the image, or image, of the candidate (party), which is the core of the information impact exerted on voters. The choice of the main parameters of this image will determine the essence of the election campaign strategy.

As part of the implementation of the election campaign strategy, a number of technologies are used, the main one of which is the technology of image formation. But since electoral technologies belong to the group of marketing-type technologies, the formation of an image is preceded by the study of voters’ preferences. However, one should start not even with a study of the electoral market, but with the goals of the campaign.