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Breeding and keeping rabbits at home. Breeding rabbits at home in a personal plot

Rabbits are one of the most successful objects for domestic animal husbandry. If you provide these animals with proper care, they will reproduce beautifully and quickly. In addition to the fact that rabbit meat is an excellent dietary meat, rabbit fur, although not very valuable, is widely used. Therefore, in order for you to succeed, you need to know how to properly breed rabbits. Let's look at 4 basic rules you need to know.

Rule 1. Recognize the disease in time

Today there are many different breeds of rabbits. Each has individual characteristics, but there are also behavioral norms common to the entire family. Caring for the health of animals is extremely important; the ideal option would be. A rabbit breeder should learn to identify the initial stages of the disease, otherwise one sick individual can infect the entire herd.

Having noticed the first alarming signs, you should isolate the animal and call a veterinarian. It is not difficult to identify the first symptoms of the disease - the rabbit becomes inactive and hides in a corner. He may have a cloudy look, uneven breathing, and the color and appearance of stool will change. It is better to vaccinate the entire herd for prevention, since rabbits are prone to many diseases.

A novice rabbit breeder needs to keep in mind that rabbits have very delicate skin; cages for keeping them should not have sharp protrusions and corners. If the animal does get injured, immediately disinfect the wound.

Rule 2. The right cage for rabbits

Unfortunately, one of the common mistakes of novice rabbit breeders is a careless attitude towards the living conditions of the animals. This issue should be taken more carefully. Although rabbits can be raised in kennels, cages, and pits, cages are best suited for indoor rabbit farming.

There are special standards for rabbit cages. The sensitivity of animals to colds requires the absence of drafts in their homes. There should also be no sudden changes in temperature; the average temperature that is suitable for rabbits is 12-18 degrees, with a humidity of 60-70%. The illumination of the cells should be close to natural, but without direct sunlight.

It is especially important to keep rabbits clean. Animal waste products must be regularly cleaned from cages, and the sanitary cleanliness of the home must be maintained. Rabbit feces and urine, when decomposed, release substances that can lead to illness and even death of the animals.

It is very important to know about the peculiarities of keeping them during the cold season. Frosty winters place special demands on the insulation of premises for breeding rabbits. The indoor rabbitry is heated more or less simply. But cages located outside need to be carefully insulated. Cover the floor with a thick layer of hay or straw, and cover the walls with plywood, not forgetting about ventilation. Without the threat of colds, rabbits quickly gain weight and grow healthy.

You can easily make a rabbit cage with your own hands, video below

Rule 3. Proper nutrition for rabbits

The basic rules for proper breeding of rabbits must include adequate nutrition. It doesn’t hurt for new rabbit breeders to immediately learn that rabbits are not at all unpretentious animals, including in relation to food. A monotonous diet will certainly lead to metabolic disorders, diseases and possible death of the animal. In any guide for a novice rabbit breeder, you will find that the diet of rabbits consists of hay, grain, fresh grass, various roots and branches. Of course, it is better to arrange food for rabbits according to a schedule, at the same hours. Regular nutrition is great for growth.

Today you can purchase specially developed feed for rabbits, enriched with microelements and vitamins. Starting from spring, fresh, slightly dried grass must be introduced into the animal’s diet. However, not all grass is suitable for feeding rabbits, because there are also herbs that contain toxic substances. Dry grass, hay and straw no longer contain poisons. An experienced rabbit breeder makes complex dishes for his pets from mixed feed, vegetables, grains with vitamin supplements.

Vitamins are of great importance for active growth and the formation of high-quality fur in animals. Vitamin supplements are of primary importance in winter, when there is no fresh, vitamin-rich grass. Fish and meat and bone meal are used as vitamin supplements. A little table salt should also be added to the rabbits' diet; without it, animals develop poorly. Under no circumstances should rabbits be allowed to eat foods with mold or the slightest signs of rotting - this is fatal for rabbits.

Rule 4. Breeding rabbits is unthinkable without healthy offspring

There is an opinion that the number of rabbits is increasing extremely quickly and the herd can grow tens of times in a year. Rabbits, indeed, reproduce actively, but achieving such an increase requires high labor efficiency from the farmer. General advice for beginners is this: you need to start rabbit breeding by purchasing several females from different litters; one male is enough. It is better to mate animals when they have already grown up and become stronger, that is, not earlier than 7–8 months of age, although sexual maturity occurs already at the age of 4 months.

Pregnancy in rabbits lasts from 27 to 33 days. Naturally, you need to take every possible care of the female so that she does not experience any stress. It is necessary to equip a nest out of hay. Just before giving birth, the female rabbit plucks fluff from her belly, thus preparing a nest. It is extremely important that there is always fresh water in the cage, otherwise the rabbit may eat the droppings.

They are blind, without hair, weigh about 50 grams. Due to the high fat content and nutritional content of mother's milk, after a week their weight doubles, and by the age of a month it already reaches 500 grams. They need special attention and care from their owners. For the first few weeks, it is necessary to ensure that all the rabbits are fed and that no one is outside the nest, as this is fraught with hypothermia and, as a result, the death of the baby. Although baby rabbits begin feeding at 3 weeks of age, it is advisable to keep them with their mother for a couple of months.

For young animals, a special diet should be provided - nutritious, light feed. Be sure to include vitamins, raw and boiled vegetables, and milk powder.

Instructive video about the correct purchase of rabbits. This is the personal experience of a person who encountered unscrupulous sellers.

Raising rabbits on homestead farms is aimed not only at producing skins, but also meat, which is distinguished by high taste and is considered dietary. Raising rabbits for meat has certain differences compared to raising fur-bearing animals.

Fattening rabbits for meat

The amount of meat obtained depends on many factors: housing conditions, time of birth and quality of feeding. Therefore, when choosing a breed for breeding, you should take into account the requirements for feed, maintenance and take into account the labor costs for caring for animals.

The best option for raising rabbits for meat at home is the following: th:

  • The best females are kept in separate cages and are released upon reaching five months of age;
  • After giving birth, the females are kept with the cubs for some time and then sent to slaughter;
  • The offspring are fed for up to three months, after which they are also sold.

A drawing and photo of cages intended for keeping meat breeds are shown in Figure 1. A one-time mating of young females makes it possible to obtain numerous and high-quality offspring, while reducing feed consumption. However, in this case, the homestead must have a sufficient number of cages to support females and young animals.

Figure 1. Drawing and photo of cages for keeping rabbits

If there is enough quality food, young females can be bred twice in the first year of their life. This reduces the required number of cells and allows you to grow numerous and productive young animals. From the video you will learn how to properly assemble a cage for individual breeding of rabbits.

Diet of rabbits when fattening for meat

Juicy and tender meat is a special dietary product that can be obtained by following proper and balanced feeding. Nutrition should include a large amount of organic and mineral substances, which will accelerate the growth and natural maturation of individuals.

Fattening rabbits for meat is carried out according to the following diet y (Figure 2):

  • Complete proteins- animal and plant origin. They are found in leguminous crops, fresh herbs, fish and meat and bone meal.
  • Carbohydrates- cereals, legumes, root vegetables. The animal body perfectly absorbs carbohydrates obtained from carrots, potatoes, clover, alfalfa, and turnips.
  • Compound feed used to add variety to the diet and increase the muscle mass of animals.

Figure 2. Example of a diet for fattening meat

The diet of medium and large breeds should be varied and contain mineral and vitamin supplements. Bean-cereal mixtures provide the animals' bodies with essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Vegetable and gardening waste is used as green food: potato and carrot tops, cabbage leaves and stalks, apples, strawberry leaves, etc.

Note: Juicy feeds from root crops, melons and silage contain a lot of carbohydrates and vitamins. Also suitable are zucchini, pumpkin, feed watermelon and potatoes, which can be given raw, but preferably boiled - with mixed feed, cake, meal.

Silage is a valuable feed that replenishes vitamin deficiencies in winter and early spring. Corn, sunflower, quinoa, cabbage leaves, carrot and pea tops, and forbs are used for silage.

Sources of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals are roughage, such as hay, certain types of straw, and twig feed. Legume-grass hay is the most valuable for young animals and females during pregnancy and lactation. Dried hay is processed into grass meal and mixed into soft food.

Oat/millet and pea/lentil straw are also used for feed, and other types are used for bedding. Useful substances and vitamins are contained in branch foods, such as: willow, willow, aspen, acacia, linden, etc.

Growing technology

Rabbits are bred on special farms. Raising these animals for meat is very profitable, since they are distinguished by early ripening, and their meat is tender, white and is in high demand among consumers.

Breeding on a farm requires the purchase of special cages for their maintenance. Modern cages are equipped with light, heating, ventilation, automatic feeding, watering, and manure removal systems. Such conditions keep the animals healthy, which makes it possible to quickly recoup production.

Note: You can also breed livestock at home. To do this, buy or construct cages, placing them in a clean, dry room. They are well looked after, given nutritious food and vaccinated against myxomatosis on time. To allow animals to grind their teeth, tree branches and bark are placed in cages. A constant supply of clean water is also necessary.

At the age of 4-6 months, individuals are allowed to mate. The duration of estrus in a female is 3-5 days every 8-9 days. After birth, estrus resumes for 1-2 days. In a year you can get 4-5 litters from adult females and 1-2 from young ones. For 8 females, one male is left. For intensive growth, females are crossed with males of other breeds. For one litter, the female brings from 6 to 18 cubs. Slaughter for meat begins at the age of 3-4 months.

Growing methods

When raising rabbits for meat at home, two methods are used: purebred mating and crossbreeding.

Purebred breeding is to enhance the good qualities in the offspring of a given breed, therefore they mate only with the best representatives of the breed. When selecting a female and a male, their compatibility and the compatibility of family lines are taken into account.

Note: A lineage is a productive and numerous group of animals with one common male ancestor. A related group that has a female as its common ancestor is called a family. Lines are an important link in animal husbandry, making it possible to obtain individuals that will pass on the necessary useful traits to generations.

The most effective pairing of this method is the mating of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, nephews and nieces. If mating is incorrect, unnecessary and even harmful genes can be formed.

In interline crossing, representatives of the best lines are crossed to obtain and consolidate the necessary qualities. On farms, industrial crossing is used - representatives of different breeds are mated.

What meat breeds

All rabbits intended for slaughter for meat must comply with GOST. All animals are divided into groups:

  • First: it is usually divided into the first and second subcategories. Animals of this group have well-developed muscles, the dorsal vertebrae are weakly palpable and practically do not protrude, and the hips are well developed and rounded. Fat deposits can be easily felt on the withers, belly and groin.
  • Second: in animals the muscles are slightly less developed, and the spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae protrude slightly. Representatives of the second group have toned thighs, a slightly flat butt, and may have no fat deposits.
  • Third: This group includes animals with poor muscle development and protruding vertebrae. They are considered skinny and are not suitable for breeding for meat. Figure 3 shows the main defects that make animals unsuitable for slaughter for meat.

Figure 3. Possible external defects of individuals

The hair should not be dirty, tangled or in the active shedding stage. Females should not be in the last stage of pregnancy.

Broiler rabbits belong to the first category, and their fatness must meet the following requirements:

  • Dense and well developed muscles, thighs and rump;
  • The spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae are palpated;
  • You can feel small fat deposits on the withers.

Animals intended for slaughter for meat can be transported by any type of vehicle, but in accordance with existing rules for transporting animals and poultry in containers, boxes, metal or wooden cages.

Meat rabbit breeds that are suitable for breeding include(Figure 4):

  1. New Zealand White: the weight reaches 6 kg, and in one litter the female gives birth to 7-12 cubs. Their soles are down, so the breed can be raised on mesh floors.
  2. New Zealand Red: females are much larger than males, and after birth, the cubs quickly gain the weight required for slaughter.
  3. Gray giant: The weight of adults is 5-6 kilograms. The female gives birth to 7-8 cubs, which are distinguished by their early maturity, rapid growth and good weight. The meat is of average quality. You can also get large skins.
  4. California breed characterized by rapid growth and weight. During the year, the female gives birth to 30-35 rabbits. The skin is of high quality, with thick and dense wool, the meat has a high taste.
  5. European Silver: Animals of this breed are not picky, have a calm character, require a minimum of feed, and tolerate severe frosts. The skin is thick and soft.
  6. Poltava silver- a breed that allows you to get juicy and tasty meat. The fur is fluffy and prized for its color. Animals tolerate frost well.

Figure 4. Popular meat breeds: 1 - New Zealand white, 2 - New Zealand red, 3 - gray giant, 4 - Californian, 5 - European silver, 6 - Poltava silver

Keeping at home (rooms, temperature, care)

On a personal plot, it is better to keep rabbits outdoors rather than indoors. The place where the cells will be located should be dry, on a hill with minimal exposure to sunlight (Figure 5).

Note: It is better to make cages from wood, arranging them in two tiers. The internal corners must be covered with iron strips. The ceiling and walls of the cages must be wooden. The floors are double: the upper part is a grate, the lower part is a tray to remove dirt.

During the cold period, animals should be kept in warm rooms with heating and protection from drafts.

High-quality feed is used for feeding. The diet should contain green food, vegetables and plenty of hay. Iodine or potassium permanganate should be added to drinking water to protect animals from coccidiosis. For pregnant rabbits, apple cider vinegar is added to their drink to increase fertility. Animals must have constant access to water and food. Feeding utensils must be constantly washed and disinfected regularly.

Figure 5. Conditions for keeping rabbits for meat

In a city apartment, you can also raise rabbits for meat, provided that they are not frightened by pets or children. The cages should have two compartments: a place for walking and a mesh floor with a tray. The nesting compartment for females is fenced off. Animals must be fed with mixed feed, as well as herbs, vegetables and fruits. In summer they are kept on the balcony, and in winter they are moved indoors.

Profitability of raising rabbits for meat

First you need to determine for what purpose you are getting rabbits. If you are just starting to breed them, then it is more profitable to take well-known local breeds.

The profitability of raising rabbits is determined by several factors(Figure 6):

  1. You need to purchase healthy, active individuals, with a well-fed, well-built body, clean eyes and shiny fur. Animals with elongated heads, floppy ears, sagging backs and bellies, and balding hair are considered unsuitable.
  2. You need to take care of the housing for the livestock in advance. For outdoor keeping, cages with two compartments are equipped. Feeders and drinkers are fixed inside.
  3. Indoors in winter, cages with double ceilings and thick walls are insulated. Cages can be made of different materials, but they should not have drafts. It is important to ensure a constant flow of fresh air and optimal daylight.
  4. The cells are arranged in several tiers with a passage between them and moderate lighting. When raising rabbits for meat, the light intensity is reduced for the fattening period.

Then choose a maintenance method that will suit your conditions. If there is not enough space on the site, but there is a basement or cellar, then you can keep animals using the pit method.

Rabbit meat is a quickly digestible, high-quality product containing a lot of protein. It is recommended for children, athletes, women during pregnancy and lactation.

Figure 6. Calculation of the profitability of rabbit breeding

When raising rabbits for meat, profit will be brought by meat breeds with rapid growth, weight gain, good quality products, as well as representatives of the meat-skin direction of productivity.

All carcasses must comply with approved GOSTs and quality standards. After slaughter, carcasses are cleaned of all internal organs except kidneys. The head is separated at the first cervical vertebra, the hind limbs at the hock joint, and the forelimbs at the carpal joint (Figure 7).

Rabbit carcasses are usually separated as follows::

  • Cooled - temperature no more than 25 degrees;
  • Chilled - from 0 to 4 degrees;
  • Ice cream - no more than 8 degrees below zero.

To sell rabbit meat, it must be frozen or refrigerated. It is not allowed to sell carcasses to retail chains if they have the following defects:

  • Bone fractures;
  • Back fat takes up more than a third of the total length of the carcass;
  • Cleaning up bruises or bruises;
  • Carcasses that were frozen more than once, after which the color changed (became flesh-colored).

During marking, each carcass is marked with a mark on the outer side of the drumstick: carcasses of the first category are given a round mark, carcasses of the second category are given a square mark, and broiler carcasses have an oval mark. If the carcass does not meet the requirements, a triangular mark is placed on the back. From the video you will learn basic recommendations for fattening rabbits for further sale for meat.

Business plan "rabbit farm"

To benefit from rabbit breeding, a business plan is drawn up that considers the main aspects of rabbit farming. A farmer needs to become an individual entrepreneur, since this form of ownership reduces taxes and makes accounting easier.

Figure 7. Cutting a rabbit carcass

The profitability of raising rabbits for meat is average, since this product is not considered the most popular on the market. Fattening animals for meat as a business includes several preparatory stages.

First of all, you need to select a plot of land. A profitable option would be a plot with a minimum rent. The next step is purchasing cells. By building them yourself, you can save your money. At the third stage, you should purchase rabbits. And also hire an employee who will take care of the animals.

The organization of sales must be thought out before starting the organization of the farm. Clients can be meat markets, supermarkets, and individuals. The skins can be sold to fur studios and private fashion designers.

» Rabbits

Many people living in rural areas are involved in rabbit breeding. Mostly to provide my family with fresh, tasty meat. In addition, rabbit meat is dietary and is indicated for consumption in many diseases, as well as for baby food. Rabbit breeding as a business is not widespread.

But this is the only business that can be started with minimal costs. Fertility of animals, high cost of meat and low competition are important components of a constant, high income from this type of activity. With a skillful approach and organization, this business can become exactly what will bring you a stable and high income.

In this article we will look at rabbit farming as a business, find out where to start and how to succeed.

Any entrepreneurial activity has its pros and cons. Rabbit farming is no exception. The advantages of a mini farm include:

  1. Low financial costs to start a business.
  2. High fertility, which does not require purchasing young animals.
  3. Minimum documents for the organization.
  4. Low maintenance costs.
  5. High cost of meat.
  6. Wide opportunity for sales.
  7. Low competition.
  8. Receiving additional income from the sale of skins and manure.


  1. The disadvantage of rabbit breeding is the susceptibility to infectious diseases and the high mortality rate.
  2. Strict sanitary requirements for care and breeding.
  3. Preparation of relevant documents.

Organizational and legal aspects

What is better to register - a personal subsidiary plot, individual entrepreneurship or farming?

Any type of activity must be registered and taxes must be paid. It is clear that if there are 20-30 rabbits on the farm, then this is not necessary for personal consumption and registration. The choice of form depends on the number of animals and how many hired workers there are on the farm. Let's take a closer look at the registration forms:

  1. Private household plot (personal subsidiary plot).
  2. IP (individual entrepreneurship).
  3. Peasant farm (peasant farm).

Private household plots

An ideal option for a novice businessman. Starting with private farming on your own land, you have many opportunities for development. When conducting this form of production, taxes are not paid, but in order to conduct business activities, you must provide a certificate of the availability of a land plot. Selling meat through markets and to your friends.

What does registering as an individual entrepreneur provide?

With this form, it will be possible to open your own retail outlet for selling meat. And also supply them to other retail outlets. An entrepreneur is required to pay tax. You should contact your local tax office for clarification on this issue because the law on this issue is constantly changing.

Including you will need:

  1. Certificate for the farm.
  2. Receive the GOST-R declaration.
  3. Issue a phytosanitary certificate.

If you lack accounting knowledge, you will need to hire a specialist to keep records. Therefore, it is better to register a business with large volumes of production.

Peasant farming

Carrying out any type of agricultural activity. It is similar to entrepreneurship, with the exception of some points:

  • can have several farm managers with equal rights;
  • no statutory or constituent document is required.

In theory, this form of activity is practiced to obtain various subsidies and benefits from the state, which I dare say are difficult to obtain.

Be prepared to solve problems on your own.

Hence the conclusion that if you do not have production on an industrial scale, then at first it is better to stop at registering private household plots.

Tax form

For the agricultural sector there are two forms of taxation. This is a Simplified view, where income minus expenses and Unified Agricultural. Which one is more convenient for you, you can ask advice from a person involved in accounting activities. Because it depends on the form of activity, on the number of employees and on the volume of production.

Upon registration, you will be assigned an OKVED code with encoding - A.01.25.2. This means: raising rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm. This code does not include meat and skins of animals obtained by hunting or trapping.

How to start breeding livestock from scratch?

Consider what kind of cages the animals will be kept in. What food supply will they be able to receive? On what plot of land will the complex be located? Also read about all the breeds of rabbits and think about which one will be more convenient for you to work with. Study the market.

Leave couples for divorce from those parents who have the best results.

The best breeds for breeding

It is best to choose breeds for breeding that can tolerate our Russian climate and are not particularly demanding on living conditions. In this case, rabbit breeding will be profitable.

Rabbit breeds for breeding are divided into:

  • meat;
  • meat-skin;
  • downy

There are also decorative rabbits, but they are kept as pets.

  1. Meat breed.

Fast growing rabbits. They gain maximum weight by six months. With sufficient care, by 4 months the carcass weighs from 2 to 3 kg.

  1. The meat is skin-on.

Rabbits from which you can get both skin and meat.

  1. Downy.

Rabbits have beautiful soft fluff, which many use to make clothing.


They belong to the meat breed. These rabbits are the largest. The body length reaches 70 cm. The weight of an adult reaches 10 kg. Flanders were used to breed other large meat breeds.

Rabbits have large, wide ears. Strong, muscular body. Tender, soft meat. The color of the fur is similar to that of a kangaroo or beaver. Flandres are popular among breeders due to their balanced and calm character.

Flanders rabbits

But this breed has its drawbacks. They need large cages, but are better kept in enclosures. They eat a lot of food. Late-maturing rabbits. Often have difficulties during childbirth. But if you create decent conditions for them, then it is quite possible to breed them to generate income.

Maintain accounts. Record the weight, color of the skin, surviving rabbits. How many babies does each rabbit bring?

New Zealand

Refers to meat. The average weight of these animals is up to 5 kg. Pure white. Compact body with well-developed muscles. Small head with erect ears. Developed skeleton. The carcass is dense without excess fat.

Rabbits of this breed are fertile and milk producing. They are ways to feed up to 12 babies. Rabbits grow quickly and at 3 months can weigh up to 3 kg. Since there is dense wool on the soles of the paws, it can be kept on a net. Calm and balanced.


Refers to meat. The breed got its name due to its long, folded ears. Large breed. Body length up to 70 cm. Weight 7-8 kg. Velvet skin of different shades. Knocked down, strong body. Wonderful taste of meat. The female rabbits are late ripening. They bring 9 rabbits each. Calm. Regular ear care is required.

Meat also includes:

  • - white giant;
  • — gray giant;
  • — Californian.


A popular representative of the downy breed. Various colors: white, black and blue. The average weight is 4 kg. Body length 55 cm. They bring 7 little rabbits. The fluff is combed out from 700 g to 1000 g.


Body weight 3 kg. The female rabbit brings up to 6 rabbits. They grow slowly. They are mostly kept at home. They require maximum skin care. Cheerful, playful character.


They belong to the meat-skin breed. They have beautiful skin and tasty, tender meat. Hardy rabbits. The female rabbit brings up to 8 rabbits, which are actively growing.

Avoid closely related matings. In such cases, the offspring become smaller, born with defects and weak.


They have an interesting color. On a white background there are specks like butterfly wings. Specks of various shades: blue, yellow, black and gray. Highly fertile female rabbits. Excellent for keeping in the Russian climate. Beautiful skin and tasty meat.

First of all, they have a beautiful gray-blue skin. They grow quickly. They bring 8 little rabbits. The weight of adults is from 5-8 kg.

Arrangement of the place of detention

There are several methods of keeping rabbits:

  1. Yamochny.
  2. Cellular.
  3. Shadowy.
  4. According to the Mikhailov system.

And now about each method in more detail.
The pit method of maintenance is the most ancient. This is a method closer to natural conditions which has its pros and cons. The advantages of this method are:

  • arrangement of a pit from available materials;
  • when we introduce several families into it, we get a large, healthy offspring;
  • early ripening increases;
  • rare cleaning of the pit;
  • obtaining healthy animals due to their active lifestyle;
  • there are no animal health problems;
  • saving space, in a 2*2 pit it is possible to keep up to 200 individuals.

For all its advantages, pit content has its disadvantages:

  • infections spread to all animals;
  • cleaning a pit is a complex process;
  • It is better not to breed large breeds and those with valuable fur in pits;
  • closely related relationships, animals become smaller over time;
  • catching the animal is difficult.

However, with the right approach to arranging the pit, this method can be used for breeding pets.

Mating at an early age is harmful to the health of animals.

Standard pit:
We choose a dry place without close groundwater. A hole of 2*2 m is suitable for 200 animals. We dig at least 1.5 m deep. This is due to the fact that the animals dig horizontal holes and can dig a passage to the surface. To prevent this from happening, strengthen the walls with mesh, brick or slate. One wall remains open. There will be nests in it. To start the burrows, make a depression 20 cm from the bottom.

Pour a 20 cm layer of sand onto the bottom, and install a mesh or slatted floor on top. Cover with straw or sawdust and clean once a week.

It is advisable to make a roof over the pit. To prevent it from overheating, it should not be covered with metal sheets. Be sure to make a pipe for air circulation.

In winter, arrange artificial lighting. Equip drinking bowls and feeders in such a way that there is enough space for all animals. Finally, fence off the area.

The cage method is the most popular among rabbit breeders. The side and back walls are made of wooden boards. The ceiling, floor and doors are covered with mesh. In cold climates, cages are made portable. During cold weather, they are moved to barns or any insulated room.

It is possible to install in several rows on top of each other. There are one-section and two-section. Two-section ones are used for rabbits, where one compartment is for nesting, the second is for feeding.

Standard sizes of single-section cages:

  • length - 110 cm;
  • width - 60 cm;
  • height - 60 cm.


  • length - 150 cm;
  • width - 60 cm;
  • height - 60 cm.

Fattening young animals are kept in cages up to 3 m long. Dense plantings are not recommended. The fewer animals in the cage, the higher the weight gain.

Equip pull-out trays for quick cleaning of cells. Along the aisle, manure is transported on carts or removed mechanically. Automatic drinking stations are being installed. Feeders with gradual feed supply.

In this way, from several tens to several thousand animals are kept. In most cases, shad keeping is used by farmers and large farms. Depending on the climate, shad are located under shelters or in enclosed areas with ventilation.

According to the Mikhailov system. The system was developed by academician Mikhailov. This method allows you to raise rabbits in special mini-farms. It is intended for raising rabbits on an industrial scale. It is possible to keep a large number of livestock there. At the same time, they are served by three to four people.

In this method, animals are kept outdoors on rabbit farms. Everything you need is present in the mini farm. It is warm in cold weather, cool in hot weather. The animals are provided with water and food around the clock.

Rabbits do not like to be disturbed once again, and the mini farm for rabbits developed by Mikhailov allows you to feed and water them without worry.

The animals gain weight quickly and are absolutely healthy. They are also called Mikhailov's accelerators. Do not be confused - the Accelerate is not a breed, but a rabbit raised by a special method. It’s a costly system because the cost of the cells is high, but if you make them yourself, the costs are reduced. Using the system allows you to increase the speed three times. Next, let's see how to make cages for rabbits with your own hands, drawings according to Mikhailov.

How to make a cage using the Mikhailov method with your own hands according to a drawing with dimensions?

The farm consists of several compartments. It includes:

  • - nest compartment;
  • - for young animals;
  • - hood;
  • - heating for the nest;
  • - feeders;
  • - drinking bowls.

The cell is built in several tiers:

The first tier is the stand. It rests on four posts. The racks are made of strong beams. The supports of the upper tiers consist of beams.

A stand frame is adapted to support the structure. It has compartments for electrical equipment and tool storage. There is also a ladder and a barrel for feces on it. It is better to assemble it from a material that does not rust. Below are drawings of a rabbit cage with dimensions according to the Mikhailov method.

The middle tier is located on the stand. It is intended for walking animals and a maternity ward. With the help of racks, the tier rests on a stand. The dimensions of the racks are 2*10 cm. On the east side the hole is covered with a mesh. There is a window 250*250 mm in the mesh. On this tier there is a trap for control and jigging, as well as shelter.

The farm is divided into several sections. The bunker feeder and automatic drinker are located in the walking compartment. A 20*30 cm gap is made from the bottom. It leads into the slope mines. Deflected 100 mm to the right. This makes it combined with the lower compartment on the first floor. The flooring is inclined at 45°. Rats are protected from metal strips.

The bottom is filled with 2*45 cm slats. Poop falls into the gaps and the cage is always clean.

The design includes a pipe for ventilation. Thanks to this, gases do not accumulate inside.

The nesting compartment has a door that opens up. When it is open, it turns out to be a table for working with kids. This compartment has a solid floor. It is located a little lower level. External walls are insulated. The hole is closed with a view on the south side.

Since the queen cell is made removable, there are gaps on the sides. To prevent animals from entering this hole, they are covered with planks. It is better to make a metal damper that blocks the nest. The door is made of wood.

On the upper tier there are growing rabbits. A separate section was made for the male. She protrudes beyond the frame.

The water container is located between the compartments on the front wall. Moisture comes into it automatically from other containers that are located outside on the wall of the walking compartment. To keep the water warm in cold weather, it is heated with a boiler.

Next to the drinking bowl there is a bunker feeder. A recycler has been added to it. When rabbits rake out hay, crumbs fall into it. The crumbs can be reused. The top of the feeder is folding. When you need to put in the next portion of food, it opens.

For hay and root crops, feeders are located between floors. The heavy lid pushes the food down.

It’s a complex design, but having built one with your own hands, the rest will be easy to do. After you try it at work, transfer the rest of the animals to such cages. After all, it is easy to work with animals in such cages, and they, in turn, feel great.

Let's talk in more detail about organizing a rabbit farm.

Farm organization

You do not need any special permission to build it. The main thing is the availability of a plot of land and a ready-made business plan with calculations. It is important that this site is located at some distance from residential buildings; ask local authorities about this. Moreover, this applies to farms, and not households with 10-20 heads.

Choose a place for the farm on some hill or with a slope. After clearing the entire area, it needs to be asphalted or concreted. Also make a water drainage system.

By the way, it is worth remembering that rabbits can get sick. And you need to know, and.

In order to produce about 1000 carcasses of meat per year, the farm area will be approximately 1000 sq.m. of land. What to place on the site:

  1. Shed - 3 pcs (360 sq.m).
  2. The feed workshop requires access by car (200 sq.m).
  3. Sheds where equipment and building materials are stored (50 sq.m.).
  4. Room for slaughterhouse and refrigerators (50 sq.m.).
  5. Manure collector (30 sq.m.).
  6. Passages for mini tractors.


Using sheds saves time on maintenance and building materials. We install two tiers of cages. Make windows 20*100 cm on the back walls.

  • length 20 m;
  • height 2 m 40 cm;
  • passage width 1 m 40 cm.


The cages are according to the sizes given below, then divided for males, females and young animals.

  • length 1m 30 cm;
  • width 70 cm;
  • front wall height 55 cm;
  • rear wall height 40 cm.

The roof is sloped for easy manure removal. Make such pallets for all tiers.

When making cages, use galvanized mesh with cell sizes 18*18, 20*20, 16*48 mm.

Mesh mangers for hay are installed between the cages. Drinkers and feeders are installed under the nurseries. For females, the cages are divided into nesting and feeding compartments.

This shed holds 60 cells. During the year it is possible to raise 400 or more heads of young animals.

Feed shop

On your farm you will need a feed mill. Feed, grain and a grain crusher are stored in this room. You can also install a granulator and...

Place a separate shed for storing equipment and building materials.

Slaughterhouse and refrigerators

It is more convenient to do mass slaughtering in special premises. Therefore, install a slaughterhouse next to the farm. It is better if you attach it to a room with refrigerators. The slaughterhouse must be equipped with a blood supply and an oven. A stove will be needed to burn waste (paws, heads, entrails and unnecessary skins). Thus, a continuous process occurs: slaughtering, cutting, packaging and freezing. read in a separate article.

Manure collector

We should not forget about manure. Equip a pit for collecting manure on your farm. It should be located in the farthest corner. As far as possible from rabbits and slaughterhouses. The walls of the pit should be concreted. The depth of the pit is at least 3 m. The length is arbitrary.

Flanders and Soviet chinchilla were crossed. With sufficient care, females and rabbits at one month of age had a weight of 1-1.2 kg of live weight.

Now let's look at the full business - the process of breeding rabbits.

Since we raise rabbits for meat, we choose breeds for meat production. The following breeds are quite good, and even successfully bred and paid off: white giant, gray giant, silver or black-brown, Flanders, Soviet chinchilla, Californian, butterfly, ram and there are several other breeds.

With proper care, by 3-4 months the carcass weight will be 2-3 kg. Early maturing and prolific breeds. Soviet chinchillas are wonderful mothers. The character is calm and able to accept other people's rabbits.

Two female Soviet chinchillas once fed 40 rabbits; by the way, they were of different ages. It was in winter.

When purchased, young animals must be vaccinated against infectious diseases. Since rabbits are stressed animals, in order for their transportation to go smoothly, they need to be given antidepressants or vitamin B6, which acts as an antidepressant, while drinking.

Newly arrived young animals should be planted separately from the rest. They must undergo quarantine for a month. If everything is fine with the animals, you can connect with the others.

How to organize feeding on a farm?

If anyone thinks that it is possible to feed rabbits with hay and grass alone, they are deeply mistaken. To be successful in business, they need complete food, and without feeding grain and flour feed, nothing will work.

Rabbit diet, daily dose in grams:

Main livestock:

  1. Meadow grass - 1500;
  2. Legumes - 1200;
  3. Branches - 600;
  4. Beet tops 200;
  5. Cabbage leaves (should be given with caution) 600;
  6. Carrots 600;
  7. Fodder beet 200;
  8. Sugar beet 600;
  9. Turnips 400;
  10. Boiled potatoes 400;
  11. Raw potatoes 150;
  12. Silo 300;
  13. Hay 300;
  14. Cereal grain 150;
  15. Legume grain 50;
  16. Oilseed grain 20;
  17. Bran 100;
  18. Cake 100;
  19. Meat and bone meal 15;
  20. Salt 2.5;
  21. Chalk 2.

Try to adhere to these standards. Animals should not be overfed.

To make it easier to figure out how much feed you need per year, see the following numbers, kg.

For females and males during the resting period:

  1. concentrates 3.50;
  2. hay 1.20;
  3. root vegetables 3.25;
  4. green food 4.50.

For females and males during the breeding period:

  1. concentrates 4.20;
  2. hay 1.50;
  3. root vegetables 3.8;
  4. green food 5.6.

The female is pregnant:

  1. concentrates 17;
  2. hay 6;
  3. root vegetables 16;
  4. green food 23.

Nursing female:

  1. concentrates 62;
  2. hay 21;
  3. root vegetables 57;
  4. green food 83.

Young animals 45-120:

  1. concentrates 10;
  2. hay 3.20;
  3. root vegetables 12.

In the morning, the animals are given succulent food and green food. At lunchtime and in the evening - concentrates. Drinking, fresh water should be available at all times.

Rabbit breeding is an important process in rabbit farming. Carry it out according to the diagram. In shad, the upper tier is occupied by females and one male. The young animals are placed in the remaining cages.

Each rabbit gives birth to about 3: in spring, summer and autumn. That makes about 25 babies. The young rabbits sit under the female until they are two months old. A total of 300 animals are fed for fattening. Keep in mind that waste is inevitable for one reason or another. They are freely placed in the remaining cells.

3 shad of 60 cages each results in 3*300=900 heads per year.

Feed saving

Feeding rabbits with store-bought food, as you understand, is expensive. It is impossible to grow grain. It is impossible to reduce the feeding rate. Therefore, it is better to produce feed yourself.

For this you will need a grain crusher and a granulator. Rabbits readily eat the pellets.

Several granule recipes. Option for everyone:

  • oats, wheat 30;
  • barley, corn 45;
  • wheat bran 12;
  • cake 12;
  • chalk 0.5;
  • salt 0.5.

Option for young animals:

  • oats, wheat 40;
  • barley, corn 45;
  • cake 8;
  • meat and bone meal 6;
  • fishmeal 6;
  • chalk 0.5;
  • salt 0.5.

Option for everyone:

  • oats, wheat 31;
  • barley, corn 32;
  • wheat bran 15;
  • cake 15;
  • meat and bone meal 3;
  • fishmeal 3;
  • hydrolytic yeast 2;
  • bone meal 1;
  • salt 1.

Harvesting hay also brings great savings. But silage and growing root crops is unrealistic. Therefore, it is better to purchase them.

Try to mechanize manual labor. Buying a mini tractor will greatly facilitate manual labor. It can be used to deliver feed to the Swedes, as well as transport manure. Set up automatic water supply.

Conditions for keeping rabbits and vaccination

To avoid various diseases, rabbits need to be provided with good living conditions.

The cages must be clean and dry. If the cages are wooden, it is advisable to whitewash them with lime every six months. Before entering the shed, make a square depression and also pour lime into it, so that those entering will walk on this lime. This way the shoes will be disinfected.

To avoid mass extinction of livestock from infectious diseases, vaccination is required. At this time, a comprehensive vaccination against VGBV and myxomatosis has been developed. This vaccination is given to adults in the spring, and young animals are vaccinated every three months.

Sales of domestic rabbit meat

Of course, everyone is interested in selling meat. First, treat and offer rabbit meat to your friends, acquaintances and relatives. If they like it, no doubt some of the rabbit meat will go off with a bang. Delicious kebab made from rabbit meat and baked rabbit with champignons is delicious. This creates your own customer base.

Selling meat from the yard does not require permits. But if you hand it over to resellers, you need a veterinary certificate.

You can try to offer it to restaurants. But since Russian restaurants do not cook rabbit meat, you will most likely be refused. Then you can do this: invite the chef to prepare a rabbit dish and give him a couple of pieces. If this works, you will have an established distribution channel. But then you will need several permits.

You can open your own retail outlet or offer your product to shops, wholesale centers or supermarkets. But the fact is that 1000 heads per year or 2000 kg of meat is a small volume. The annual issuance of documents will eat up most of the profit.

To resolve this issue, contact the point of sale directly and resolve it individually. Large suppliers sell their products to such points at extremely low prices.. But they have huge volumes. And you may end up going broke.

New foods should be introduced in small portions and gradually. When purchasing rabbits, be sure to ask what they were fed. A sudden change in feed negatively affects the health of animals.

Business profitability with a business plan

The amount of initial investment will be different for everyone. Because the cost of building materials varies across all regions. And then, perhaps you already have, say, a tractor, or some kind of equipment. And someone will start from scratch.

List of things needed for breeding rabbits:

  1. Building materials:

— galvanized profile;

— galvanized mesh;

- roofing materials;

- lumber.

  1. Land plot:

— it’s better to rent, it’s cheaper.

  1. Improvement:

— storm drainage;

— water drainage;

— asphalt or concrete;

  1. Construction costs:

— construction team;

  1. Necessary equipment:

- mini tractor;

— grain crusher;

— granulator;

- refrigerators.

  1. Rabbits:

- at least 50 heads.

  1. Inventory:

- feeders;

- drinking bowls.

Annual cost of raising a rabbit on a mini-farm

The amount of feed consumed per year by one production unit is multiplied by the cost of feed. To this amount add the amount of other expenses: paperwork, fuel, etc. We get the annual cost per unit of production.

The farm, which consists of 3 sheds, has 42 production units. That is, 14 females in each shed. Now 42 multiplied by the amount of annual expenditure (let’s say 2000 rubles). The annual expense will thus be 84,000 rubles. But as you know, it doesn’t happen without some additional expenses, so let’s add a little to this amount. We will receive 100,000 rubles.

Little rabbit

Income calculation

A production unit is 50 kg of meat (25 grown rabbits * 2 kg). For most people, it is not the taste of the product that is important, but its cost, so let’s put it at about 200 rubles. Now 200*50=10,000 rub. This is obtained from one production unit.

Now 10,000 needs to be subtracted by 2,000 and we get net profit. That is, 8,000 rubles. This amount must be multiplied by 42 and the result will be 336,000 rubles of net profit per year. Divide by 12 months and we get that monthly 30,000 rubles. Judge for yourself - not a bad salary.

You can receive such a salary by devoting only 4-5 hours of time to a mini-farm. Agree, it is profitable to keep rabbits and creating a farm from scratch is not so difficult. Moreover, if you want more, you just need to increase the number of animals. Once the system is up and running, you can think about industrial production.

As you can see, the rabbit breeding business is quite a profitable business. Raising rabbits is quick and all costs are recouped within a year.

Self-sufficiency, low cost and accessibility even for beginners - these are the main reasons why breeding rabbits at home is gaining popularity from year to year. These cute eared animals are content with any kind of food, grow quickly and gain weight, reproduce intensively, thus contributing to the continuous rejuvenation of the livestock. In addition, their dietary meat and beautiful wool, thanks to their high quality, have found their place in the modern market. Next, we will talk about the features of this promising activity on the scale of a private farmstead.

Which breed to choose

In addition, the daily diet of both young and mature individuals should include root vegetables, feed and young branches. Rabbits especially liked aspen.

In winter, greens are replaced by and, and the amount of necessary nutrients in the animals’ bodies is maintained by oats, bran, barley,.
Of the treats, fluffy ones prefer and, but their quantity should be limited, as otherwise the animal will get diarrhea and allergies.

Important! The nutrition of an animal can be judged by the condition of its fur, behavior and smell. Eared animals do not like smoked meats, chips and chocolate bars. This food is destructive for them, as well as a sudden change in their usual diet.

Make sure that there is always fresh water in the drinking bowl, and hay or hay in the manger. A rabbit cannot live more than 3 days without drinking. In winter, water needs to be heated, and in summer its amount must be doubled. Be prepared for the fact that much more will be drunk than eaten - this is the specificity of bobtails.

You need to feed babies who have stopped feeding on mother's milk for a month 5 times a day, and older animals - 3 times.

Don't forget about vaccinations

Regardless of the scale and conditions of raising rabbits, their vaccination is very important. The fact is that animals of all types and breeds are exposed to myxomatosis and viral hemorrhagic disease (VHD).

Veterinarians are horrified by the statistics: about 10% of these mammals are slaughtered and another 20% are discarded. Moreover, mortality in both cases covers about 90% of the herd.

The risk of contracting myxomatosis increases during the demi-season period. The carriers of the infection are mosquitoes and other sucking insects, from which the animal can only be protected with a vaccine. It is easy to recognize the disease by watery eyes, difficulty breathing, poor activity, runny nose, drooping ears and redness around the eyes. A sick animal huddles in a corner and practically does not touch its food. Unfortunately, he has no chance of recovery.

3 days after infection, death also occurs in the case of a viral hemorrhagic disease, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. But it’s not always possible to understand the impending threat to the entire livestock. The fact is that the infection is characterized by hidden symptoms.

Rarely, in complicated cases, there may be fever, difficulty breathing, cramping, and bleeding from the mouth. If such a disaster occurs in your rabbitry, burn the dead animals and carefully disinfect the premises and equipment.
To save pets, veterinarians advise vaccinate baby rabbits, starting from one and a half months of age. The first vaccine is given before babies are weaned from the womb. The second - after 3 months, and then the procedure is repeated every six months.

Vaccination preparations can be found individually for each disease or in combination. Injections are given only to healthy individuals. Young animals from one cage can be pricked with the same syringe, and adults with an individual one.

Did you know? Rabbits and hares can simultaneously observe what is happening in front and behind. This is possible due to the unique structure of their eyes.

We breed offspring

In some early maturing breeds, sexual maturity occurs as early as five months of age. The fact that an animal is in heat becomes clear from its restless behavior and poor appetite.
Before mating, the male and female must be examined. For procreation unsuitable specimens that are underweight or overweight, as well as those who have had mastitis or were born from such parents. The mating process takes no more than half a minute. A male can cover 4 females in a day.

2017-07-19 Igor Novitsky

If you want to breed rabbits at home, then you should pay attention to the intricacies of their reproduction, maintenance and breeding of certain breeds at home. The basics of raising rabbits on private farms will create optimal conditions for generating profit and meat products for personal consumption.

Rabbit breeding is carried out by many people on different scales. For some, a few enclosures with animals exclusively for their own consumption and use are enough; others contain sheds, rabbit hutches, pits and burrows, and even rabbit farms. In particular, older people are involved in domestic rabbit breeding. This is no wonder: rabbit meat is considered dietary meat and is recommended for people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, stomach and intestines, and metabolic disorders.

Despite the fact that it is absorbed by the body almost completely, it is more useful than any other meat for both children and the elderly: young and old bodies most of all need healthy meat, rich in proteins, macro- and microelements, which is good is assimilated.

Of course, rabbit farms are also quite popular all over the world. This is due to the fact that rabbits are “precocious” animals, quickly reach marketable weight, and are unpretentious to feed and living conditions. In addition, rabbits are distinguished by their versatility: from their breeding you can get not only meat that is unique in its taste and properties, but also wool and fluff.

Growing on private farms

Rabbit breeders claim that raising rabbits is successful and profitable not only on large farms or peasant farms, but also on people’s personal plots, or on small plots. Since dietary rabbit meat is always in great demand on the Russian market, since, among other things, rabbit breeding in Russia is not very popular.

In addition, rabbit fur is used to sew gloves, hats, collars, fur coats and other fur products, which are always in demand in the harsh Russian climate. It is claimed that up to thirty rabbits can be freely raised on an area of ​​at least 15 m2 without much labor or expense. In the summer, such livestock can be fed with gardening waste: weeds, herbs, cut branches, root crops, vegetable and fruit peelings, seeds and fruits of cereal plants. In winter, it is quite easy to obtain concentrated, mineral feed, and you can also prepare coarse branch feed and hay using your garden plot.

Since rabbits are unpretentious, they can be kept either in specially equipped pits (burrows), sheds or rabbitries, or in sheds, enclosures, or cages directly in the open air adapted for breeding rabbits.

Experts say that the effectiveness of rabbit breeding has been practically proven: rabbit breeding allows you to obtain huge volumes of environmentally friendly meat. Indeed, among all animals used in agriculture, rabbits are distinguished precisely by the fact that they have the highest fertility. The average female gives from 4 to 7 litters per year, which corresponds to an offspring of 45-55 individuals, which means that in marketable weight this will correspond to approximately 80-110 kilograms.

Rabbit Breeding Information for Beginners

As mentioned above, the average female gives up to seven litters per year, and the litter will contain up to 10 rabbits. The period of gestation, that is, pregnancy in rabbits lasts about a month (28-31) days. Three days after giving birth to the cubs, the female is ready for another pregnancy, and on the fifth day she can mate. Thus, with proper care, a fertile female can give up to 12 litters per year.

However, the fertility of female rabbits gradually decreases, so rabbit breeders recommend replacing females intended for procreation once every year and a half, and replacing males less often: once every two years. Rabbit products are allowed to be sold once the rabbit reaches a marketable weight of 3 kg, however, the maximum marketable weight can be up to 5 kg. When the rabbit reaches six months of age, growth slows down and fat accumulates. Therefore, it is not economically profitable to continue keeping rabbits.

Accordingly, starting from the age of six months, rabbits can be sold. According to farmers' estimates, it is possible to get up to a thousand rabbits from 30 males and 155 females in a year. For a small farm, it is most profitable to organize a mini-farm or an entire system of pits and burrows for keeping rabbits. Large-scale production requires a shed system or a combination of several rabbit hutches. In general, rabbits are poorly resistant to infectious diseases, so there are frequent cases of mass death of a large number of animals on the farm. In this regard, it is recommended to vaccinate rabbits twice a year and give them “silver water” containing silver ions Ag +, which has a bactericidal effect.

The food for rabbits should be varied and meet the needs of the animals. Based on economic indicators, we can say that a mini-farm for raising rabbits pays off in an average year. Larger production also pays for itself quickly, but requires greater costs to get started. But it should be understood that difficulties cannot be avoided in the rabbit farming business: there is competition everywhere, difficulties with the regulatory side of farming, morbidity and mortality of livestock. However, it is typical for rabbit farming that the cost of feed to produce 1 kg of meat is significantly lower than the cost of feed to produce 1 kg of meat of any other animal.

Keeping and breeding rabbits: what you need to know?

Rabbits are quite popular for breeding all over the world as they are very fertile; in addition, in addition to meat, rabbit production provides fluff, wool and fertilizer. Easily tolerate unfavorable conditions, undemanding; their breeding does not require large expenses. Female rabbits are very fertile, so they give a high litter. In addition, rabbits have rapid qualitative growth, so by the second month of life they are already able to eat and move independently, without the help of their mother.

They are born blind, but by the tenth day of life they begin to see, on the seventh day they are covered with fluff, and after a month the baby rabbit’s body is already completely covered with hair. Baby rabbits are born in size comparable to a human palm, and weigh up to 50 grams, but after a few days their weight doubles and increases just as rapidly. This is due to the high nutrient content in rabbit milk. On average, the lifespan of a rabbit is 8 years.

It is important to take into account that the female should not have a large amount of fat: she will not be able to bear normal offspring. In order to avoid obesity of the female, it is necessary to give her a minimum of concentrated feed, grain and compound feed, and more green and dry food, to have more space so that she has the opportunity to actively move.
Rabbits have a very good sense of smell: they have a hard time getting used to a new diet, food that they have never eaten, and females easily identify other people's babies. Rabbits have weak bones, which is why they often suffer from broken limbs and spinal injuries.

Main breeds of rabbits

Soviet chinchilla
Large individuals with thick light gray fur. They are used to produce fur and meat on an industrial scale. On average, their weight is 6 kg. Females of this breed are especially fertile: they give birth to 8 rabbits in a litter. The wool of these rabbits is in great demand, as it is widely used in the fur industry. Females of this breed are distinguished by their developed maternal instinct: they independently arrange nests before giving birth, and carefully monitor the rabbits, which by three months can reach 3 kg in weight. Animals of this breed are easily adaptable to different and changing conditions.

Gray giant
Large animals bred for meat and wool. The body has a streamlined shape, from 50 to 65 cm in length. The legs are voluminous, strong, and short. They weigh up to 8 kg.
They have high fertility (up to 10 rabbits). The color of these rabbits can be as follows: agouti, light gray, dark gray, black.

The coloring of these animals is gray and uniform, the eyes have a blue tint, and the claws are dark. The fur is thick. The fertility of representatives of this breed is average. Rabbits are born gray. Typical coloring appears after the second molt.

White down
Medium animals weighing 3-4 kg. Body length up to 60 cm. The breed is focused on producing fluff. Over the course of a year, one individual produces up to 700 g of fluff, the length of which is up to 15 cm.

White giant
A medium breed, focused on producing meat and wool. Body length is up to 70 cm. Weight is up to 5 kg. White rabbits often do not produce melanin, and therefore many rabbits are albinos, which makes them more demanding of their living conditions and diet.

Black and brown rabbit
Rabbits oriented towards meat and wool. Representatives of this breed have this name due to the fact that their color resembles that of a black-brown fox. Rabbits are born without hair, and by the age of ten days they acquire a pure black color, which remains until they are three months old. The color varies in different parts of the body, the back and back of the head are black, the sides and muzzle are brown, and the abdomen is bluish in color. These animals are strong and well-built. They have an elongated body measuring up to 61 cm in length, a wide chest and a large head, long and thick paws. The weight can reach 8 kg. Moderately fertile: up to 8 rabbits in a litter.