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Advertising policy of the enterprise. Advertising policy and advertising campaign of the company - abstract Psychological aspect of advertising


Department of "Management"

Graduation project

6th year student

specialty 080507.65 "Organization Management"

Asaturov Georgy Eduardovich

Head of the diploma project Desyatkov A.N.

Standards inspector Astafieva I.A. /

Allowed to defend a diploma project

Head of the department Sorokina G.P. /


Assignment for graduation project

Object of study : LLC "Master of Products" task for collecting and processing information (specific indicators are determined that need to be included in the data bank on the problem and object of study, as well as the main sources of information; conduct a situational analysis of the object of study as of the beginning of the calendar year according to the scheme developed by the department (calculation of analytical indicators, forecasting , development of programs at various levels))

Assignment on calculating analytical indicators, forecasting, developing programs at various levels

Develop the main directions of the advertising policy of the research object, determine the types of advertising, media channels, size, time and volume of advertising messages, determine the budget for the advertising activities of the research object, determine the dynamics of the development of the research object before and after changing the advertising policy of the organization, determine the effect of changing the advertising policy of the organization, determine the effectiveness of the proposed measures.

Determine the purpose and objectives of the project; develop activities and necessary work (using a work breakdown structure); determine the deadlines for completing activities and work (build a network graph/Gantt schedule); identify performers and those responsible (responsibility matrix); budget and resources for project implementation (plan/cost structure, sources of resources); determine the effectiveness of the proposed measures (economic/social, etc.)


Chapter 1 Theoretical and methodological foundations for researching an organization’s advertising policy

Chapter 2 Study of the organizational and economic activities of Master Products LLC in modern economic conditions

2.1 Brief description of the enterprise

2.2 Analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise

Chapter 3 Project of measures to improve the mechanism for the formation and development of advertising activities of Master Products LLC

3.2 Determining the communication and economic efficiency of an advertising campaign and making the necessary adjustments to the advertising policy


List of sources used


Advertising is a subtle psychological tool that manipulates people’s tendency to trust and the desire to purchase new goods (services). The basis for creating advertising is knowledge of the psychology of consumers and people in general. The psychological influence of advertising only creates the preconditions for economic influence, which is the main goal of advertising. Like any other communication activity of an enterprise, advertising has its own policy and strategy.

Advertising policy is part of the company's communication policy. It also builds on the overall strategic goals and objectives of the company and is aimed at its current and potential customers. This policy represents certain actions for the creation and placement of advertising events in order to create an image, attract customers for the sale of products, it is closely related to the trade and business policy of the enterprise.

The relevance of the diploma project is determined by the need of companies to develop the concept of advertising communications in global and local perspectives, taking into account the transformation of socio-economic relations connecting the consumer and the manufacturer, as well as the effectiveness of advertising costs, the effect (return) of the enterprise’s costs on the implementation of the advertising strategy .

The object of the study is the confectionery company limited liability company "Master Products".

The subject of the study is a set of organizational and economic relations that arise during the development and implementation of an organization's advertising policy.

The main problem encountered in this study is that it is difficult to separate the effects of advertising from all other effects that affect sales.

It makes sense to consider advertising as the only factor that determines sales volume only if all other factors, including the nature and scale of competitors’ activities, remain constant. But such conditions are not met in any situation that occurs in real life, and, therefore, it is not possible to prove that it was advertising expenses for a given period of time that influenced income in a future period. You can only strengthen the connection between advertising and income, and also determine the effectiveness of advertising policy using direct and indirect assessments, for example, by assessing the growth in the volume of concluded contracts (or sales); comparison with forecasted volumes; assessment of the ratio of advertising costs to sales volume; assessment of the balance of the “reserve” advertising fund and other methods.

The objectives of the work are to study and evaluate the impact of advertising activities on the income of the enterprise, as well as the rationalization of advertising activities based on marketing research at the enterprise Master Products LLC.

In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the diploma project:

Reveal the main theoretical aspects of advertising policy management.

Consider the stages of development and implementation of advertising policy.

Reveal the organizational and economic characteristics of the organization;

3. Develop measures to improve the advertising policy at Master Products LLC.

The research methods directly used in the work correspond to the objectives set in it:

Analysis of company documents, statistical reports;

Studying special professional literature;

Observation, research.

The structure of the diploma project consists of three chapters, a conclusion, a list of used sources of 47 titles and appendices. The volume of work amounted to 77 sheets of typewritten text, includes 38 tables, 7 drawings.

The theoretical part of the project examines the basics of managing advertising policy, and the practical part examines, using a specific example, how advertising policy is analyzed.

The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that it offers specific conclusions and assessments that can be used to develop advertising strategies in the domestic Russian food market.

Chapter 1 Theoretical and methodological foundations for researching an organization’s advertising policy

.1 Advertising as the main element of product promotion

In the face of ever-increasing competition, “a profitable increase in sales volume becomes the main desire of every manufacturer.” In order to win a potential buyer, companies need not only to produce good and in-demand products, but also to notify consumers about their advantages and benefits, achieving a clear positioning of the manufactured goods (products and services) in the minds of consumers. To do this, organizations must use various means of promotion, among which one of the most important is advertising.

World experience testifies to the power and role of advertising. It contains, first of all, information presented in an artistically expressed, compressed form that is emotionally charged. Advertising brings to the consciousness of potential buyers the most significant facts and information about your product and service. At the same time, it should be noted that advertising is information, and information is not always advertising.

The magical power of advertising is its influence on the inner world, on the subconscious. Advertising plays on people's feelings and desires. Bright colors, rhythmic music, creating an atmosphere of celebration, prosperity, prestige - all this increases attention to advertising, and a person is ready to perceive information that is new to him. Advertising is a subtle psychological tool that manipulates people’s tendency to trust and the desire to purchase new goods (services). The basis for creating advertising is knowledge of the psychology of consumers and people in general. But despite this, there are a lot of annoying, vulgar and incomprehensible advertisements. Such advertisements are ineffective. Viewers and listeners do not perceive this advertising or it irritates them. The latter situation is dangerous for the advertiser, since it can create anti-advertising, that is, the advertised product, brand and the company itself can be assessed by the consumer from a negative position.

Advertising is given a special place in the communication policy of an enterprise, since it is designed to solve the most complex marketing problem, namely to form and stimulate consumer demand. In this regard, the problems of development and implementation of promotional activities are given great importance. In economically developed countries, considerable amounts of money are spent on advertising as a specialized branch of the economy.

Advertising is a method of promoting a product through the media. The most widespread way to influence the audience. Advertising is a paid form of impersonal influence of the advertiser on the target market through the media. Advantages - the ability to reach a very large circle of customers, low costs. Disadvantages - relatively high one-time costs for organizing advertising, no feedback, non-personalized, no control over the process of promoting the product.

The qualified use of sound, font, and color makes advertising particularly eye-catching, which contributes to the effective presentation of the company and its products to attract a significant number of buyers.

Product advertising, as one of the main areas of advertising activity, is aimed at promoting goods (services). It informs the potential consumer about the merits of the product, awakening the interest of the consumer in it, who will strive to establish contacts with the seller and be interested in purchasing the product or service.

Formation of demand for a product;

Instilling confidence in the product and its manufacturer;

Providing the necessary information about the product (service);

Ensuring sustainable sales growth;

Identification of the buyer with the product and its manufacturer;

Giving the product recognition and a certain image;

Competition with similar products, etc.

Advertising of a product should be addressed directly to a group of target consumers, who need to be convinced of exactly what benefits they can receive from purchasing and using this product. Therefore, the advertising message should arouse unconditional interest and desire of the consumer to make a purchase.

It should be noted that the place, time and scope of advertising must be closely coordinated with the organization of sales of advertised goods.

The advertised product (service) must meet the requirements of the relevant market, the tastes and preferences of consumers, and moral and ethical standards adopted in the state. The information contained in the advertising message must be true. It should not contain direct comparisons with competitors' products or services, as well as negative reviews of competing products (services). The text should be simple and memorable, well-reasoned and not long. You should formulate an effective title in which you must immediately declare the product. Illustrations in advertising should arouse curiosity because they are the first thing people notice. At the same time, the trademark, the brand of the organization must be noticeable. In general, advertising should be short and not bore the consumer.

Prestigious (branded) advertising is an advertisement of the company’s advantages that distinguish it from its competitors. The purpose of such advertising is to create, both in society and among its potential and active buyers, an attractive image and a winning image of the enterprise that would inspire confidence both in itself and in the products it produces.

Advertising serves to attract attention to the product of a specific manufacturer, intermediary, trader and distribute, at their expense and under their brand, offers, advice, appeals, recommendations to buy this particular product or service.

The most important means of advertising distribution, their advantages and disadvantages are given in table. 1.

Table 1 - Main means of advertising distribution

No advertisement can sell a product a second time if it failed the buyer’s expectations the first time. If false advertising can create some success, it will only be apparent and temporary. Advertising must be: respectable, reliable, decent, friendly.

World experience in the field of advertising activity reveals that complex and systematic implementation of advertising activities developed in the context of a marketing strategy is much more effective than disparate individual advertising campaigns not connected by a common goal and separated in time. The effectiveness of the latter is achieved only through widespread communication and the use of mass advertising media, which complement and enhance each other’s actions. Moreover, advertising events in a certain advertising campaign must form a single whole, that is, have one range of colors, one shape. Accurate identification of a group of potential buyers, correct adherence to the time and timing of publication, publication or broadcast of advertising videos make it possible to achieve the implementation of established goals in the optimal time frame, however, subject to one condition, namely the quality of the advertising material: text, video, etc.

Advertising is part of the system for promoting goods (services), in which an enterprise can communicate with potential consumers through the popularization of products, sales personnel, public relations, while using various sales promotion techniques. As a means of communication, advertising helps convey an advertising message to customers with whom immediate (direct) contact has not been established. As a result, advertising is a non-personal form of communication. However, there is direct marketing, which includes direct mail advertising, direct response advertising on radio, TV and other media.

There are three main distinctive features of advertising:

Various audiovisual media, which constitute advertising media, act as communication channels between the advertiser and consumers. Advertising media are classified into basic and additional.

Non-personal nature, due to the fact that the communication signal from the seller of the advertised product is received by the buyer not personally, but through intermediaries (mass media, various advertising media, etc.).

2. One-sided orientation due to the fact that the response of a potential advertising recipient may be significantly delayed in time.

Public character, associated with the fact that the advertised goods and services are generally accepted and legal.

The advertisement clearly defines the advertiser, the sponsor at whose expense, and also on whose behalf the advertising campaign is carried out. As a rule, the source of advertising communication is the one who pays for it.

Almost all states regulate activities in the field of advertising, creating an appropriate regulatory framework and a system of bodies that are designed to monitor the compliance by all subjects of advertising activities with the requirements of advertising legislation. The diagram of the main subjects of the advertising process is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Scheme of the advertising process

In this chain, the advertiser plays an initiating role, acting as a customer of advertising; An advertising agency and advertising means perform the functions of developing and delivering advertising to the consumer. An advertiser is a legal entity or individual who is the customer of an advertising agency (medium) and pays for the execution and placement of advertising.

Considerable attention in the works of famous Russian and foreign researchers is devoted to the functions of advertising in society, due to the diversity of its types and specifics.

Economic function. Advertising, as an economic phenomenon and an integral part of the socio-economic system, fulfills the tasks facing the manufacturer or seller of goods (services), influencing decisions made by the consumer. It is not just an instrument of market relations, but also an important part of the economy of developed countries. The economic function of advertising is expressed in informing about a product (service), in increasing demand, and therefore turnover. Advertising has a significant impact on the distribution of consumer spending, improving the situation in sectors of the economy that invest heavily in advertising. It brings certain economic benefits to all subjects of advertising communication (Fig. 1). Advertising is intended:

Provide production and trade with useful information necessary for consumers;

Maintain the recognition and viability of the brand;

Promote employment and employment of the population by creating jobs;

Becomes one of the main sources of existence of the media;

Stimulates the introduction of new products and new knowledge.

In fact, advertising is a business that brings large incomes to its participants, employing hundreds of thousands of professional specialists. Advertising, by popularizing the social, material, and cultural potential of free enterprise, stimulates the growth of labor productivity of workers of all categories, strengthens their desire to improve their standard of living. Advertising is also a source of material well-being for mass media. By providing financial support and mutually beneficial connections between production, trade, economic and other spheres of public life, advertising develops the economy, which ultimately has a significant impact on people’s living standards.

Social function advertising is, first of all, a function of informing the public about a product. Today, advertising has become one of the most common types of information and communication. According to Jacques Segel, one of the leading advertisers of our time, “in the third millennium, the consumer society is literally turning before our eyes into a society of information users. Information is assigned the role of a kind of currency of the future, in which communication will become the main activity. The invention of the telephone, television, computer is a kind of cornerstone moments in the history of the creation of communications and it is they who will become the key mass media of subsequent years. Already today, conditions are being created for the implementation of communication processes both on-line and virtually. Advertising always reflects the state of the soul of the people, their psychology, mentality. It is an original periscope , through which we can look into the near future with its new products, services."

Another important aspect of the social role of advertising is related to stimulating work, increasing motivation for a person’s work to achieve positive goals. Advertising, disseminating social values, contributes to the formation of a lifestyle and stereotypes that reflect the cultural characteristics of peoples and entire countries. The famous American historian D. Boorstin, confirming the idea that advertising is a reflection of the cultural and historical traditions of his country, wrote: “Show me an advertisement of this or that country, and I will tell you everything about this country.”

Advertising can also be considered as a special form of propaganda, since by introducing certain values ​​into people’s minds, it promotes a lifestyle based on these values. Advertising has a significant impact on our attitude towards the environment and ourselves, being always one of the most effective channels of sociological propaganda. It is based on the idea of ​​well-being, a happy family, a comfortable life and a complete disregard for the unattractive aspects of life.

Educational function advertising is due to the fact that as new goods (services) appear, which are the result of the introduction of technical and technological discoveries, it introduces consumers to them and the rules for using them (innovations). In the process of advertising communication, it sets behavior patterns for representatives of various segments of society and categories of consumers by clearly indicating the recipients of advertising information. Advertising can dictate the fashion for certain products. At the same time, in the West there is an ambivalent attitude towards advertising. Representatives of the sociological school, first of all, see advertising as a source of income, a unique form of competition and, in this regard, the reason for the spread of the psychology of consumerism and the consensus culture of consumers. A number of learned philosophers and historians in the 60s assessed advertising negatively, seeing in it a mechanism for manipulating mass consciousness. Fromm E., one of the prominent European philosophers of his time, wrote that “advertising appeals not to reason, but to feeling; like any hypnotic suggestion, it does not try to influence its objects intellectually. In such advertising there is an element of a dream, a castle in the air, and due to this, it brings a certain satisfaction to a person. All this does not mean that advertising and political propaganda openly recognize the insignificance of the individual. Quite the contrary. But this is only a way to lull the suspicions of the individual and help him deceive himself regarding the “independence” of his decisions." Marcuse Herbert also did not like advertising. In particular, he argued that “advertising ceases to be just advertising - it becomes a way of life. As a consequence, a model of one-dimensional thinking and behavior arises.”

Thus, advertising is an essential part of the production planning system, the process of product development and release, and the sale of goods on the market; advertising activity is not just a business, but a much more complex and broader social phenomenon that has a direct impact on almost all spheres of public life. The specificity of modern advertising is manifested in its versatility.

Advertising, performing a communicative function at the present stage, unites four participants in the information and production process: the organization itself (the advertiser), the advertising agency, the advertising medium and the potential consumer. With their help, there is a mutual exchange of information, which is the essence of advertising activities.

1.2 The essence of advertising policy

Advertising policy is a system of approved rules and ideas based on the key values ​​of the organization, regulating the targeted management of methods and means of advertising distribution in relation to the activities of the subject, in relation to objects to form relationships between them. In this case, the subject of advertising policy is an enterprise/company/firm, while the object of advertising policy is a representative of the target audience, a means of distributing advertising (TV channel, press, radio, Internet and other information distributors) and competitors.

The main source for developing an organization's advertising strategy is its overall marketing program. Based on this program, the goal of the advertising policy is formed, ways of implementing sales promotion measures are determined, and the goals set for the consumer are clarified.

Promotion of sales of goods or services;

Introduction of new products and services to the market;

Switching consumer demand from one product (service) to another;

Creating a favorable image of the organization (company) and product (service);

Attracting investors;

Clarification of the basic principles of organizing advertising activities;

Development of a system of advertising distribution media;

Selection and approval of methods for forming an advertising budget, etc.

Which means of advertising distribution should you choose?

What tools to choose to attract the target audience;

What are the principles for selecting advertising media;

The essence of advertising policy lies in the organization’s choice of advertising strategy and tactics. It should be noted that every enterprise or firm has a certain advertising policy, be it a bank, a manufacturer of consumer goods, a travel agency, a radio station, a television channel, a restaurant, a store or a cafe. The difference lies only in the scale and means of advertising. Moreover, depending on the market situation as a whole or on the situation within the organization itself, the advertising policy may or may not change for some time.

Figure 2 - Stages of developing an organization's advertising policy

The main groups of factors for choosing goals and objectives in advertising management are reflected in Appendix A.

An advertising plan is a component of a marketing complex, which, in addition to advertising planning, includes sales promotion, public relations and personal selling. These marketing tools must be coordinated within the framework of the overall marketing strategy, which in turn must be subordinate to the goals and objectives of the organization

Often, the marketing budget consists of the cost of distributing an advertising message, taking into account the fact that elements of advertising are present in most marketing tools, for example, working with the public, personal selling. In other words, marketing communication is based on advertising tasks, that is, attracting a potential buyer to the sales process.

First of all, the organization must clearly understand the purpose of advertising. The nature of advertising chosen by an organization depends on many factors, such as its size, target audience coverage, advertising budget, market objectives, behavior of competitors, position in the market, etc.

Each type of advertising has its own specific communication goals. For example, for informative advertising, the main goal may be to bring information about a new product to the market, offer a new use of the product, or describe the capabilities of the product. For incentive advertising: to show the advantages of a given brand or product, to encourage switching to the consumption of products of a given brand, to change the consumer’s perception of the qualities of a certain product. For reminder advertising: remind consumers where they can or cannot buy the provided product; that it may be needed in the near future. Then, for each product, an advertising campaign budget is developed, which takes into account: market share, stage of the product’s life cycle, level of competition, geography of its sales, etc.

The organization must clearly represent its direct object of advertising.

The difference between product advertising and organizational advertising lies in the object of the advertising message. An enterprise, as a rule, is engaged in advertising of individual products and the enterprise itself as a whole. In the first case, the special qualities of the goods (product, services) are emphasized, and in the second - the size of the enterprise and its global connections, the advantages of its entire production program. You need to be able to highlight the uniqueness of your products.

It is necessary to clearly understand what results the organization expects at the end of the advertising campaign. Having theoretical ideas about this, as well as practical results from an advertising campaign, can significantly facilitate the analysis of the work done, identifying errors, and eliminating them in subsequent advertising events.

4. Analysis and determination of the target audience. It is necessary to identify the characteristics of the target audience in such areas as: place of residence, social status, gender, age, etc.

Selecting a specific means of advertising distribution, taking into account their advantages and limitations, as well as their cost at the current time.

Deciding on the amount of allocations for advertising. It is not surprising that different sectors of the national economy and different organizations spend on advertising amounts that differ significantly in size from each other.

Among the currently most widely used methods for determining advertising costs used in drawing up a budget for product promotion, we highlight: the “percentage of sales” method, “of cash”, the “based on goals and objectives” method and the competitive parity method. The main methods for determining advertising costs and their characteristics are presented in Table 1.

It should be noted that in the process of developing a budget it is necessary to take into account: the costs of alternative options (for example, the price of an advertisement in magazines with the cost of television advertising, with radio advertisements); the number of repetitions of advertising in order for it to be effective; the recent increase in the price of advertising in the media. You should also take into account the stages of the life cycle of goods (services) of the enterprise, whether they are standard or significantly different from other goods, whether there is a constant need for these goods or whether they have to be sold “under pressure”, etc.

Table 1 - Methods for determining advertising costs

After determining the desired audience response, an effective message is developed.

Creating an effective appeal involves solving three problems: the content of the appeal (what to say), the structure of the appeal (how to say it logically) and the form of the appeal (how to express the content in the form of symbols).

An advertising manager must know the potential and specifics of the main types of advertising activities, the means of distributing advertising messages, the stages of the advertising process and the associated set of works. He needs to master modern approaches to organizing advertising activities, assessing their effectiveness, and have a clear understanding of the main means of psychological influence that are used in advertising.

1.3 Methods for managing the advertising activities of an enterprise

It is advisable to consider the problem of advertising management from various angles. From this point of view of the systems approach, advertising is presented as one of the functional subsystems of marketing. In turn, marketing is one of the components of a larger system, namely the integral system of functioning of the organization. In this regard, management of advertising activities should be understood as an integral part (element) of the marketing management system in close connection with other elements of the organization’s marketing (product, pricing and sales policy).

The subjects of advertising management (participants who make management decisions) are the top management of the advertiser company, as well as managers of lower levels (linear and functional), its marketing services, employees of advertising departments, etc.

As objects of management (those to whom decisions are directed in order to achieve a certain result), we can consider consumers, trade intermediaries, public opinion, etc. Direct influence on objects of management can be carried out using various advertising messages, advertising campaigns, relevant policies, communicators in in general.

Attractive - to attract the attention of potential consumers to the company or its goods and services;

Trust and image - to evoke a positive attitude towards the company or its goods and services;

Argumentation and guarantee - to prove, provide convincing arguments and guarantees in favor of the consumer choosing these particular goods and services.

No less important than the systemic aspect in the analysis of advertising management is the functional aspect. The management classic A. Fayol identified the following among the main management functions:

Information support of the management process;

Goal setting (planning);

Organization and management of the practical implementation of set goals;

Control .

A schematic diagram of the relationship between the main functions of advertising management is presented in Figure 3.

At the same time, the identified functions of advertising management should be considered not as mechanically interconnected parts, but as interdependent and interconnected components of a single management process.

As you know, management methods represent ways and means of influence. Then a number of questions arise: who carries out this influence? and who or what is it directed at?

In practice, it is customary to use a variety of management methods and methods. Of greatest importance is the classification of methods based on objective patterns, which are also called “general management methods.”

First group administrative methods that are based on a system of mandatory regulatory, directive and methodological documents of the organization; system of programs, plans, tasks; operational management system. This also includes various regulations on departments involved in advertising activities, job descriptions of advertising managers, methods for developing advertising campaigns and other similar documents of long-term use. In addition, the organization’s agreements with advertising agencies for the provision of advertising services, agreements with distributors for the sale of goods and products.

In market conditions, most organizations are faced with the question of whether to create their own advertising service or engage the services of advertising agencies. However, it should be noted that even if an organization has its own advertising service, it is impossible to completely do without the services of advertising agencies.

When using a centralized management method, the advertiser entrusts the organization of an advertising campaign to an advertising agency, which becomes the control center. Agency employees participate in the formation and development of the advertiser's strategy and take full responsibility for solving applied creative problems of the advertising campaign. The advertiser only approves the decisions of the advertising agency. The second type of advertising campaign management, the decentralized method, involves independent decision-making by agencies about the locations of the advertising campaign. The mixed type of advertising campaign management has two features. Advertising agencies develop and implement elements of an advertising campaign locally only after its full coordination with the central advertising agency.

Economic methods management is based on the knowledge and use of objective economic laws, as well as on the use of the economic interests of work collectives and individual workers (impact through economic interest) are divided into methods:

Methods of direct economic calculation. These are lending policies, investment policies, taxation policies, and pricing policies.

2 Methods of intra-company calculation. The interest of the enterprise is financial stability, financial stability, creditworthiness, investment attractiveness, profitability.

Economic methods of managing advertising activities are based on the action of economic mechanisms of stimulation and motivation for active production activities. Unlike administrative and organizational methods, these methods are focused not so much on administrative influence (orders, instructions, etc.), but on incentives and economic rewards for effective work. The role of economic management methods increases in market conditions focused on obtaining the highest possible income and profit.

Economic management methods used at the organizational level usually include:

The system of wages and other forms of material incentives;

A system of responsibility with the appropriate application of rewards or sanctions for the quality and efficiency of work;

A system for stimulating innovation activities aimed at increasing the efficiency of a given organization and improving the quality of its products.

In addition to general management methods, specific methods for solving certain problems are also used. These methods include forecasting. The high expenses of entrepreneurs on advertising and its large role in achieving the success of an enterprise make it understandable to try to make this tool more reliable through forecasting. Forecasting methods are divided into two classes: objective and subjective.

Subjective are methods that are based on a subjective assessment of advertising media by experts or consumers. The main disadvantage of expert assessments is that they are not representative of the target group in the aggregate. Experts also have their own ideas about how effective advertising is created, and consumer assessments do not allow us to draw a conclusion about the level of advertising quality. First of all, this refers to the method of checking opinions, in which the examined advertising options are ranked, arranged in a row depending on quality, or are given scores in the form of points. In general, a good or bad rating of an advertising medium says little about its ability to convey an advertising message. Also, the respondents feel in exceptional conditions, which certainly reduces the value of their subjective statements. These problems can be solved by using objective methods. With their help, it is possible to determine the type and intensity of advertising, and on this basis to check its quality. To begin with, you can use a partial check of one element (font, picture, speech, etc.).

Management of advertising activities is a targeted activity to regulate the market sustainability of an organization through advertising campaigns, taking into account the influence of trends and patterns of the advertising and consumer markets. It includes a set of principles and methods for organizing and managing the process of planning, motivation, development and production of advertising media, information support for advertising activities, delivering advertising messages to the target audience and monitoring effectiveness.

Management means subjecting it to all management functions to achieve marketing goals in an advertising campaign. The management process is based on market principles and the methodology of modern management, the operation of the economic laws of the advertising market, the characteristics of the consumer market and includes the collection, processing and transmission of information necessary to develop management decisions.

Analysis and planning of demand management;

The main goal of managing advertising activities is to concentrate efforts on a small number of advertising promotion activities that can achieve set marketing objectives through efficiency (economic and communicative) with a limited advertising budget.

It can also be stated that if the consumer is interested in the product, he will pay attention to the advertisement, regardless of where it is placed and how big it is. The mixed results of a number of studies indicate that when creating advertising, one should rely less on favorite rules, and it is much more reliable to conduct general studies of advertising. People don't react to individual elements of advertising, they react to advertising as a whole. According to the psychological integrity teaching of advertising, effective and successful advertising must have both internal and external unity.

Recently, psychophysiological methods have begun to be used for a comprehensive study of advertising. These methods are used to analyze activation as a prerequisite for attention caused by an advertising medium in viewers or listeners.

Thus, advertising is one of the main components of the modern market and the manufacturer’s marketing policy. The key feature of modern advertising is its transformation into a qualitatively new form, into an advertising business that has its own principles and functions, structure, staff, operating large sums of money and making profits in accordance with the effectiveness of campaigns. Therefore, we can conclude that, like any phenomenon of a market economy, advertising activity requires high professionalism of the personnel involved in it, a sense of responsibility, tact, and artistic taste.

The essence of new advertising is that it has become an integral part of a comprehensive system of promotion and marketing that meets the new requirements of the world market and the needs of the population. With the help of advertising, it is possible to form and consolidate in a potential buyer a stable system of preferences for advertised objects, and to make certain adjustments to the sales activities of the manufacturer.

The classification of various advertising media gives a fairly complete, but by no means exhaustive, picture of the currently existing arsenal of advertising means. Among the main means of advertising, advertising messages (ads) in the media and print advertising are most often used. The main prerequisite for the rationalization of an organization's advertising policy is the methodical and planned preparation of advertising messages, their rational use at all stages of the advertising process.

Chapter 2 Study of the organizational and economic activities of Master Products LLC in modern economic conditions

.1 Brief description of the enterprise

Limited Liability Company "Master Products" (hereinafter LLC "Master Products") was founded in 2009.

The confectionery LLC "Master Products" is located at KBR, Nalchik, 8th Promproezd.

The organizational and legal form of the enterprise under study is a limited liability company (LLC), private form of ownership.

The main activity of Master Products LLC is the production and sale of confectionery products (wholesale trade and small wholesale trade), transport, and catering.

Additional types of activities of Master Products LLC are: order delivery and production of products to order.

LLC "Master Products" is a medium-capacity enterprise (the unit of capacity of a confectionery factory or workshop is one thousand tons of confectionery products per year) and has structural divisions such as: "Production" and "Warehouse". Master Products LLC is located in a separate building, has a daily stock room, a raw material preparation shop, a finishing shop, a baking shop, and a cooling shop. The company has sufficient fixed assets for the uninterrupted work of its personnel.

The technical base of the enterprise contains modern equipment that meets European standards, which ensures the production of high-quality competitive products. Master Products LLC employs 300 people, of which 30 are management personnel. Age category - from 20 to 55 years. The company has a low staff turnover. Working conditions satisfy employees. All employees work on the basis of labor legislation. Almost all of the company's personnel have higher education; workers in the workshops have mostly secondary technical education.

The enterprise has fixed assets in sufficient quantities for the uninterrupted work of its personnel.

Fixed assets include:

Oven - 4 pcs.;

Four-burner stove - 4 pcs.;

Beating machine MV-60 - 4 pcs.;

Mixer - 6 pcs.;

Production tables - 16 pcs.;

Flour sifter - 2 pcs.;

Dough mixing machine - 2 pcs.;

Refrigerator compartment and - 2 pcs.;

Low temperature chamber - 2 pcs.

LLC "Master Products" operates on the basis of the charter; licenses; certificate of registration in the register of "Consumer Market Objects of the City of Nalchik".

In its activities, Master Products LLC is guided by:

Laws and legislative acts:

2. Fundamental GOSTs ("Classification of POP", "Culinary products sold to the public", "Services provided to the population. General requirements", etc.);

Sanitary norms and rules;

MBT (Medico-biological requirements).

The factory also develops its own documentation:

Job descriptions;

2. Internal regulations;

Safety instructions.

An analysis of the revenue of the company under study is presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Dynamics of revenue from the sale of confectionery products of Master Products LLC for 2011-2013. *


Dynamics of 2013 to 2011

absolute, +/-

relative, %

Sales, tons

Proceeds from the sale of property. products (excluding VAT), thousand rubles.

Sales revenue (excluding VAT), thousand rubles.

Average selling price per kg, thousand rubles.

*Source: according to the company

In 2013, the enterprise received a profit of 430 thousand rubles from production and economic activities; it will be possible to conduct a qualitative analysis and draw conclusions about the financial position only if the next annual report for 2014 is available. The conclusion today is that the company is break-even.

The share of production of confectionery products (flour) in the total volume of products of Master Products LLC is 99.3%, and 0.7% is other types of activities (wholesale and retail trade, transport, public catering).

The organizational structure of Master Products LLC is presented in Figure 4.

The organizational management structure of Master Products LLC can be called vertical; the disadvantage of this structure is the difficulty in making decisions quickly and promoting managers. There is clear interaction between managers and subordinates in the organization. One can observe the delegation of powers of the General. Directors are heads of departments, and, therefore, the organization is partially centralized. Communication between departments is carried out on the basis of orders and instructions, as well as job descriptions. Each position includes a number of tasks that are seen as essential contributions to achieving the organization's goals. It is believed that if a task is completed in such a manner and within such a time frame as prescribed, the organization will perform successfully.

Figure 4 - Organizational structure of Master Products LLC (compiled by the author based on company materials)

There are democratic relations in the team. Management cares about its employees. The company has a low staff turnover. Working conditions satisfy employees. All employees work on the basis of labor legislation. Almost all of the company's personnel have higher education; workers in the workshops have mostly secondary technical education. In addition, the factory is working with personnel, i.e. training, development. Many managers engage in self-development and self-organization.

2.2 Analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise

Any enterprise has two operating environments:

Microenvironment (external, internal);

Macro environment.

The main variables within an organization that require special attention from management include: purpose, objectives, structure, technology and people. The goal of Master Products LLC is to satisfy consumer demands with high-quality, tasty and safe products. Therefore, all efforts are concentrated on creating high-quality and innovative products. Based on this, the mission and goals of Master Products LLC were determined.

Figure 5 shows the Goal Tree of Product Master LLC.

Figure 5 - Tree of goals of Master Products LLC (compiled by the author based on company materials)

Master Products LLC is constantly expanding and improving the range of products offered. Its main goal is to increase the competitiveness of manufactured products while improving product quality and meeting consumer demand. Therefore, the main directions of the development strategy of Master Products LLC are related to increasing the profitability of production and sales, increasing the competitiveness of products both in the domestic market and in the markets of Russia and other CIS countries.

The production function is the main content of the work of Master Products LLC, therefore, the enterprise, in each of the workshops, organizes clear management of the production process. The most responsible job in production management is planning production volumes. This work is carried out by functional services and line managers of production shops (divisions) in accordance with the planned periods established by Master Products LLC.

The external microenvironment includes the following elements: suppliers of goods, intermediaries, competitors.

The main raw materials used in Master Products LLC are: flour, sugar, condensed milk, whole milk, molasses, various essences, dyes, additives, etc.

The maximum stock of raw materials in the warehouse of Master Products LLC is two weeks, and for some types of raw materials several days, which is caused by the need to reduce additional costs associated with storing raw materials. Work with suppliers is based on concluded contracts, which specify delivery times, payment terms, etc. Therefore, there are practically no interruptions in the supply of raw materials. The main sources of goods are: manufacturing enterprises, wholesale centers, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

The most important suppliers of goods and services of Master Products LLC are:

LLC "Virom Technology" - provides services for warranty and post-warranty maintenance of equipment, selection, training of personnel, as well as assistance in calculating payback periods and profitability of business projects, in drawing up a calendar schedule for the implementation of all stages of production organization, etc.

The Vertical company is currently the largest supplier of raw materials for confectionery and bakery production in the Caucasus. The main groups of products offered to customers are: fat and oil group, yeast, jam and confitures, condensed and powdered milk, vegetable cream, grain mixtures, glazes, canned fruits, nuts and much more - more than 1,500 items.

OJSC Sukhonsky Dairy Plant has been the largest Russian manufacturer of canned milk and whole milk products for more than 70 years. The range includes natural dairy products (butter, pasteurized and melted milk, kefir, fermented baked milk and drinking yoghurts, cottage cheese, sour cream) and dairy products condensed with sugar (milk, cream, coffee, cocoa, boiled milk). The company is a supplier of condensed milk to Rosrezerv. Repeated winner of the “Test Purchase” program.

LLC "Dietprom" - supplies flour of the highest grade, first grade.

OJSC "Dairy Plant" supplies high-quality dairy products.

OJSC "Upakovservice", which supplies corrugated cardboard boxes for product packaging.

Currently, the products of Master Products LLC are sold in retail outlets in Kabardino-Balkaria, in other republics of the North Caucasus, as well as throughout Russia and abroad. By offering confectionery products on the market, the organization guarantees individual design and unique taste, which is a great advantage for consumers.

LLC Confectionery Factory "Zhako";

LLC "Nalchik-Sladost";

Simba LLC;

LLC "Elbrus-K"

An analysis of their products is presented in Table 4:

Table 4 - Assortment of competitors' products (compiled by the author based on company materials)

An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors is presented in Table 5.

Table 5 - Strengths and weaknesses of competitors (compiled by the author based on company materials)

To assess the effectiveness of the company Master Products LLC, we will conduct a SWOT analysis of the enterprise (Table 6).

Table 6 - SWOT analysis of Master Products LLC (compiled by the author based on company materials)


Weak sides

1 Reliable market monitoring. 2 Well-functioning sales network. 3 Large range of products. 4 High quality control. 5 High profitability. 6 Growth of working capital. 7 Highly qualified personnel. 8 Good staff motivation.

1 Supply disruptions. 2 Weak promotion policy 3 Production capacity is not fully utilized. 4 Non-participation of personnel in management decision-making. 5 Insufficient control over the execution of orders and instructions


1 Increase in market shares. 2 Withdrawal of sellers of imported products from the market. 3 Unsuccessful behavior of competitors. 4 Emergence of new suppliers. 5 Reduced taxes and duties. 6 Improvement of production technology

1 Increase in prices for raw materials and finished products. 2 Disruptions in the supply of raw materials. 3 Declining living standards of the population. 4 Inflation rate growth. 5 Unfavorable shift in exchange rates 6 The emergence of foreign competitors with low-value goods 7 Increase in taxes and duties on the import of imported raw materials. 8 Fierce competition 9 Rising unemployment. 10 The emergence of new companies on the market

An analysis of Master Products LLC showed the following:

The strengths of the company are the availability of the necessary financial resources, the skills and professionalism of its employees;

The company's weaknesses are: lack of a clear strategy, weak promotion policy, ineffective advertising;

The company's capabilities include increasing market growth rates, serving additional consumer groups;

Threats for the company include unfavorable changes in growth rates in exchange rates, a downturn in the economy, and changes in consumer tastes.

Table 7 - Summary of the results of PEST analysis (compiled by the author based on company materials)

Legal factors 1. Development of legislation regulating business activities 2. Increasing requirements from the state. institutions that monitor compliance with laws 3. The growth of public interest groups

Positive Positive Positive

Acceleration Braking Acceleration

Indirect Direct Indirect

Indirect Indirect Indirect

Natural factors 1. Depletion of resources 2. Increased environmental pollution 3. Rising prices for energy resources

Negative Negative Negative

Braking Braking Braking

Direct Indirect Direct

Total influence of all factors

Among the factors that have a positive impact on the activities of the enterprise, we note legal factors, technological and political factors related to the stabilization of the political situation in the country. Among the negative ones is the rise in energy prices.

2.3 Analysis of the advertising activities of Master Products LLC

The organization of work on carrying out advertising events at Master Products LLC is carried out in several stages. The company has a marketing department, so the factory does not use the services of advertising agencies when developing advertising projects.

At the 1st preparatory stage, the goal and objectives of the advertising campaign are determined, as well as the choice of means of distributing the advertising message.

At the 2nd stage, the funds allocated for the advertising campaign are determined and the optimal advertising plan is drawn up.

At the 3rd stage, the developed and approved advertising version is brought to the audience.

Table 8 - Analysis of costs for promoting confectionery products (compiled by the author based on company materials)


Deviations from 2013 to 2011

absolute, +/-

relative, %

Confectionery products sold, thousand rubles

Revenue, thousand rubles

Gross profit, thousand rubles.

During the analyzed period, costs for product promotion increased by 456.72 thousand rubles. (55.35%), while revenue from product sales increased by 244,917 thousand rubles. (56.9%). In the reporting period, Master Products LLC produced and sold products by 118,335.76 thousand rubles more, which amounted to 121.9%. This indicator is the main one when assessing the dynamics of the volume of economic activity; its increase indicates the stable work of Master Products LLC. Positive dynamics of this indicator have been observed throughout all three years. Analyzing these indicators, we see that the investment in product promotion was effective.

Table 9 - Costs of production and sales of products of Master Products LLC (compiled by the author based on company materials)


2011, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

2012, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

2013, thousand rubles

specific gravity, %

Material costs


Contributions to extra-budgetary funds


other expenses

Total costs

The table shows that the largest share in cost items falls on material costs - 65.8%, with wages in second place at 19%. Promotion costs account for only 0.1% of total costs.

TV advertising is expensive and therefore is used in the period November - December. During these months, on the channel of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Kabardino-Balkaria", television viewers could see an advertising screensaver of Master Products LLC, which informed viewers about the products of Master Products LLC, as well as its contact information - the phone number and address of the company. In addition to the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Kabardino-Balkaria" TV channel, the company actively placed its advertising on the STS TV channel, broadcast in the republics of the North Caucasus.

To place its advertising, Master Products LLC also uses newspaper advertising, placing it, as a rule, in the newspaper “Services and Goods of the North Caucasus”. The newspaper "Services and Goods of the North Caucasus" is published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, advertising campaigns are placed 12 times a month.

Table 12 - Advertising costs in the newspaper "Services and Goods of the North Caucasus" (compiled by the author based on company materials)

Summing up the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the advertising campaign of Master Products LLC, we can conclude that advertising plays an important role in the work of the enterprise under study. Moreover, the organization of this direction of communication policy is effective at the enterprise. The budget for advertising events is carefully considered. The work of Master Products LLC uses both expensive and less expensive advertising means, which, as research has shown, have an effective impact on potential and active consumers.

Thus, an analysis of the activities of Master Products LLC shows that it is a successful company that continues the process of promoting confectionery products on the Russian market, improving its position every year.

Master Products LLC does not use image advertising, which is an integral part of the companies’ communication process. In the work of the enterprise, too expensive means of influencing the consumer are used, therefore, in the third chapter of the diploma project, it is advisable to develop measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the advertising campaign to promote and reduce the costs of promoting the products of Master Products LLC on the market.

Chapter 3 Project of measures to improve the mechanism for the formation and development of advertising activities of Master Products LLC

3.1 Development of the main directions of the advertising campaign

Recently, there has been an increase in consumer interest in Russian-made confectionery products. The Russian confectionery market is developing exponentially. Currently, the production volume of confectionery products in Russia is 16 kg per person per year. The demand for confectionery products is determined by the general economic situation in the country - if the well-being of the population grows, the consumption of confectionery products increases.

Today, the most capacious segment in the confectionery market is flour products, accounting for 53.7% of the total volume of this market, the chocolate products segment occupies 31.5%, respectively, sugar products account for 14.8% of the confectionery market. At the same time, the structure of market demand is constantly changing.

The confectionery enterprise "Master Products LLC" is a dynamically developing company that, since its inception, has set itself the goal of providing consumers with high-quality confectionery products.

Enterprise goals:

Marketing: increasing brand sales by attracting new customers.

2. Communication: Increasing brand awareness.

Media: Maximizing reach and duration of impact.

There are two possible scenarios for achieving your goals:

First scenario:

A strong and short front loaded campaign, with the help of which a high level of fame is quickly achieved. Sales are a consequence of the level of fame achieved and gradually decrease from the end of the first campaign to the next.

Second scenario:

A gradual growth strategy that involves long-term but not too intense advertising support and a gradual increase in fame. Sales are the result of the consumer’s gradual familiarization with the brand.

The scenario that provides maximum media efficiency will be selected.

Maximum efforts should be directed to television advertising, but advertising in transport and outdoor advertising should also not be neglected.

Tasks of the confectionery enterprise LLC "Master Products":

Generating interest in products and a positive image of both the product and its manufacturer;

Increased brand recognition, promotion, consumption and brand loyalty;

Increasing sales volumes, including through expanding the range;

Increasing the volume of production;

Profit maximization.

If you ask yourself what a buyer needs, you can confidently answer: a quality product at an affordable price, a pleasant and warm atmosphere.

A barrier that needs to be overcome in working with the target audience: the brand is young and little known, but dynamically developing and winning its audience. It is enough to try it once to form a positive opinion about the product. We need to encourage you to make your first purchase.

Why should the consumer believe it: only a combination of all these factors allows a young brand to win over its consumers.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the target audience - which social stratum the product is intended for, and how its price and other characteristics are determined (Table 14).

Table 14 - Definition of the target audience by socio-demographic characteristics (compiled by the author based on company materials)

The consumption of Master Products LLC products has no special restrictions among the population; any person can be a consumer. Products are not subject to serious seasonal fluctuations, being directly dependent on purchasing power.

One of the most popular ways to promote products is TV advertising. Television is the most effective in terms of: cost-effectiveness ratio; achieved audience coverage; possibility of geographic targeting; combinations of audio and video effects. Advertising will be broadcast 7 times a day on MIR, 5 times a day on the STS channel, 5 times on the Kabardino-Balkaria State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company channel. To develop a story video, it was decided to contact the specialized advertising agency “Everything and At Once.” The video will be produced in MTV format and will include various types of graphics, as well as selected voices and 2 actors.

Advertising in the press: "Newspaper of the South", "Izvestia", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Moskovsky Komsomolets", "Kabardino-Balkarian Pravda". One distinctive feature of advertising in the press, from other types of advertising, is the specificity of conveying the advertising message to the consumer.

Advertising in them will be placed in size 20x15. Advertising in print media will contain slogans such as “brightness of taste”, “quality at the highest level”, “delicious holiday”, as well as the following pictures (Fig. 6).

Advertising on city banners. To more clearly remember our products, it was decided to place the same pictures on the city banner as in printed publications. The intersection of Idarova Street and Kirova Street (the area of ​​the intercity bus station) was chosen to place the banner. The banner will be ordered from “Everything and At Once” LLC. There is a lot of car traffic at this intersection, the proximity of the bus station, the city shopping center ("Deya"), all this determines the attractiveness of this advertising space (Fig. 7).

3.2 Advertising campaign schedule

Table 15 shows the planned period of the advertising campaign and advertising means in 2014.

The advertising campaign is planned for the whole year, but the main emphasis will be on the autumn period October - December. It is during this period that the buyer, preparing for the holiday, purchases a huge number of gifts for family and friends.

TV channel "STS"

TV channel State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Kabardino-Balkaria"

TV channel "MIR"

Newspaper "Newspaper of the South"

Newspaper "Izvestia"

Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets"

Newspaper "Kabardino-Balkarian Truth"

Radio Europe Plus

Radio "Russian Radio"

Having analyzed this table, we see that the company plans all advertising funds for the pre-New Year period.

  • a) advertising of consumer goods;
  • b) advertising of goods for industrial or industrial purposes;
  • c) prestigious advertising aimed at raising the image.

Advertising policy is a system of targeted actions that should ensure a favorable attitude of consumers in selected market segments towards goods and the organization offering them so that its economic goals are achieved.

In everyday consciousness, advertising is most often associated with publications in print and the display of clips on television. In essence, the advertising complex is a fairly broad concept, including, in addition to advertising in the media, sales promotion, personal (personal) selling, the creation and use of videos, public relations, design and printing of the necessary catalogs, brochures, leaflets, etc.

Promotion is any form of communication used by a firm to inform, persuade or remind people about its products, services, images, ideas, social activities or to influence society.

It is impossible to give a clear definition of advertising policy. This is a fairly multifaceted concept. Most likely, these are certain actions to create and place advertising and promotional events in order to create an image and attract customers to sell products. Advertising policy is closely related to the trade and business policies of companies. The concept of advertising policy is also closely related to the concept of advertising strategy and tactics. We can say that advertising policy is a company's mode of action aimed at achieving certain goals; strategy general guiding line and guidelines for achieving ultimate goals; tactics - a set of means and techniques aimed at achieving a goal, a course of action, a line of behavior. In fact, the essence of advertising policy lies in the choice of advertising strategy and tactics.

Suppose a company is being created. In order to be recognized, she needs to declare herself. This can be achieved through advertising. But in order to get the highest possible results with minimal costs, you need to think about how to advertise yourself and your products.

Every company or enterprise has a certain advertising policy, be it a bank, a manufacturer of consumer goods, a radio station, a television channel, a travel agency, a store, a restaurant. The only difference is in the scale and means of advertising.

To begin with, the company must clearly understand the purpose of advertising, that is, why the advertising campaign will be carried out. The goal may be to build a name and prestige for the company in order to subsequently occupy a strong position in the market. The goal may simply be to sell a product. In other words, goals can be economic and non-economic, or advertising can be purely economic or non-economic in nature. It is not always possible to count on the high effectiveness of advertising for economic purposes, because almost always such advertising involves the purchase of a product by the consumer almost “instantly.” In principle, advertising of a non-economic nature also achieves economic goals. Another thing is that it does this not directly, but indirectly, then what kind of advertising a company or enterprise will have depends on many things: on the size of the company or enterprise itself; from the budget (the company’s budget may not allow spending money on advertising that creates the company’s name and prestige; in this case, the company will produce advertising of an economic nature); from goals in the market in general; depending on the specific advertising situation; from the behavior of competitors; from its position in the market.

Advertising policy is a system of approved rules and ideas, based on the basic values ​​of the company, regulating the targeted management of advertising media in relation to the activities of the subject, in relation to objects, in order to form relationships between them.

· organize the basic principles of organizing advertising activities;

· develop a system for selecting advertising distribution media;

· select and approve methods for forming an advertising budget;

· prescribe basic methods for assessing the effectiveness of advertising activities.

· what means of advertising distribution to choose;

· principles for selecting advertising media;

· what tools to choose to attract the target audience;

· how to distinguish yourself from competitors using advertising distribution methods

Strategy is a general guiding line and guidelines for achieving ultimate goals.

Tactics is a set of means and techniques aimed at achieving a goal, a course of action, a line of behavior.

Suppose a company is being created. In order to be recognized, she needs to declare herself. This can be achieved through advertising. But in order to get the highest possible results with minimal costs, you need to think about how to advertise yourself and your products.

Every company or enterprise has a certain advertising policy, be it a bank, a manufacturer of consumer goods, a radio station, a television channel, a travel agency, a store, a restaurant or a cafe. The only difference is in the scale and means of advertising.

1. Setting goals

2. Identification of the target group

3. Decision to develop a budget

4. Choice of treatment

The advertising strategy of an enterprise acts as an important component of marketing strategies. After an advertising concept has been created, it is necessary to implement it, that is, to actually reveal its meaning. A meaningful advertising concept should be presented consistently, like the contents of a book. Since the reader cannot familiarize himself with the entire book in one moment, but can only perceive it page by page, the advertiser is faced with the task of developing consistency in presenting the necessary piece of information. This is the task of advertising strategy.

For him, this is control and management of advertising influence. Advertising strategy is important for the task setter, i.e. for the advertiser. He is active here, and at the stage of processing the concept into a strategy, the role of the designer is already important, modeling the influence in time and content. The first part is the creative creative work part, the second part is the design and planning part. The functions in management are also divided in a similar way: the owner, the master of business administration and the manager who implements certain ideas related to the development of the company. So, the advertising concept looks like a kind of concept map; it can be converted into a short verbal or visual image. Now the task is to distribute different accents in customer aspects.

Strategy comes from the Greek word stratos. Strategy is the selection and prioritization of a certain set of information. These priorities may be temporary or permanent, depending on how the strategist decides. Strategy can be static or dynamic. A static strategy is the setting of some priorities without reference to time.

Therefore, a strategy does not exist without a hypothesis, it must, of course, include it, and if we are talking about a theory or a concept, then it rather includes a hypothesis about what should be in the client’s head, in the image of the client, so that he makes a purchase. And the strategy just includes a hypothesis about how it should be done, what it should consist of, and how it should take place. What is the most important, influential, weighty in this method of implementation.

To develop a concept, a word like “creative” or “creativity” is more suitable. Because a lot here is based on intuition, previous experience, and expert assessment.

For an advertising strategy, “design” is more suitable. Design is always used for a more deterministic task. When developing an advertising strategy, the task is the following: how to achieve such an optimal combination of these aspects in a certain financial volume, informational, time, social, in order to have the greatest impact. This task is similar to creating a special combination, a composition that leads to a systemic effect of influence.

Of course, the designer, the constructor of this advertising is a manager, a specialist in the form of advertising, advertising influence, who speaks about what needs to be done and how.

Advertising influence must be holistic; the advertising strategy involves integrity both in content and in time, and in the sequence of this content, and in the emphasis in aspects. In fact, an advertising strategy is a matrix for content, where we put it in a certain chronology. This is, if you like, a constructor where we assemble some kind of picture from these elements. This picture is an image, and the sequence of how we collect it is a strategy hypothesis.

It is certainly possible to carry out advertising influence without a strategy, but each time we will not understand what the mistake was, why this influence did not take place. An error in the concept, in the method or its implementation, in the content, in the products, in the accents. Why is it often said that advertising influence cannot be measured? Of course, it’s impossible, because the initial conditions were described in an untidy manner. Because it is not written anywhere. It is not written to prove, there are no premises on which we rely, therefore it is impossible to construct an analysis of their legitimacy. Therefore, in order for us to build a qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of advertising influence, we must initially set the sequence of steps very correctly. A direct analogy with science is quite appropriate here. The advertising strategy must be scientifically correct. For example, if we have described the methodology of an experiment, it cannot be changed, since it will not be possible to explain what caused this or that result. We, of course, can change it, but then we will get another experiment and other results and we will understand what they are caused by: the physics of the process, poor laboratory equipment, poor training of the laboratory assistant, or something else.

For this reason, strategy must be viewed from the perspective of a tool for implementing the concept. In food production, violation of technology leads to negative consequences (for example, poisoning) and subsequently to a negative attitude towards a particular food product.

Therefore, strategy gives integrity to advertising, which is why strategists are specialists in the art of war who positioned troops in such a sequence in space that they would have the most effective success and at the same time took advantage of some natural conditions and some difficulties in the disposition of opponents in order to to win.

For this state of affairs to take place, we must form a certain image, which is accurately and well described, since all these conditions are given. It is against this concept that we must measure all other steps. First we need to evaluate whether we are doing the right thing or not? After this, we must make some assumption about what needs to be formed in the image of clients, for example, an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe quality of our products, it is for this reason that we present such an aspect as quality, and in the future we take it as a basis. Explaining how this aspect will unfold over time will be the emphasis here. At the same time, all other aspects (philosophy, name, etc.) should evoke associations with the quality of the product, i.e. work towards this basic idea.

To do this, we must develop a certain number of advertising ideas. Advertising ideas are a more detailed part of the concept, which becomes the basis for the future creation of advertising products. Those. in fact, if we break down the concept from the general to the specific, we get small ideas that we can arrange according to advertising products.

The strategy determines the sequence of these products. An advertising product has an impact due to the advertising message, i.e. there are elements of influence such as color, sound, word, visual image, attitude, value, information, etc. This is a certain element of influence associated with all possible human analyzers.

Very often, the marketing budget consists of advertising costs, given that advertising elements are present in most marketing tools such as public relations and personal selling. Regarding sales support, the goal here is not simply to stimulate buyers, sellers and their own sales staff, but first of all to inform the advertiser about a product, service or idea. Therefore, it is obvious that marketing communication has mainly advertising tasks - information and attracting the buyer (consumer, user) to the sales process.

· characteristics of the market of sellers of a particular product or service;

· characteristics of the buyers' market;

· characteristics of the sales volume of a particular product;

profit characteristics;

· characteristics of the product and its price.

This information makes it possible to analyze the position of the company in the sales markets and the stage of the life cycle of the product or service of this company. The overall strategy of the company, as already mentioned, determines the marketing strategy, including advertising. The company's strategy can be implemented in the following directions:

1. Gaining leadership in product performance.

2. Gaining leadership in terms of market share.

3. Maximizing the total current profit of the company.

4. Ensuring the survival of the company (under certain market conditions). Each direction has a certain feature in pricing, communication and communication with the public. A particularly important factor in the development of a marketing plan is the stage of the life cycle of a particular group of a company's products.

The life cycle stage of a company's individual product group determines the communication strategy. The pattern of development of a civilized country over several decades makes it possible to draw the following conclusions:

1. The stage of gaining leadership over a product indicator is characteristic of the stage of introducing a product to the market. At this stage, the marketing strategy is based on diversification through market penetration, and the communication strategy is attracting consumers to the product, promoting the product through intermediaries. At the same time, significant communication costs are necessary for intensive marketing and minimal for passive marketing. Entire advertisements at the stage of introducing a product to the market are informative.

2. Gaining leadership in terms of market share corresponds to the growth stage of the life cycle. This stage is characterized by a marketing strategy in the form of diversification through penetration into the depth of the market and development of its niche in the segment. The communication strategy of this stage is planned as attracting consumers to the product by improving the quality of the product, its packaging, and expanding the service. At the same time, there is an increase in the overall costs of product promotion. The goal of advertising at the growth stage is to persuade consumers.

3. Maximizing current profits reflects the stage of maturity of a specific product group. At this stage, the marketing strategy should be implemented as diversification through protecting one’s part in the market, and the marketing communication strategy should be implemented in the form of promoting the product through intermediaries and attracting consumers to evaluate individual properties of the product. The purpose of advertising at the maturity stage is to remind the buyer about the product, its features and properties, and the like. At this stage, the overall costs of promoting the product are reduced.

4. Ensuring the survival of the company corresponds to the fourth stage of the life cycle of a group of products of the company - the stage of decline. At this stage, the marketing strategy is planned as diversification, that is, a strategy for exiting a certain market and moving to other markets. At the stage of decline, the main strategic tasks of the company are to promote goods through intermediaries, and the total costs of promoting goods should decrease. Entire advertisements during a period of declining product sales - information about the sale of goods at discounted prices.

· reference data about the company's products;

· reference data on the attributes of the company's and competitors' products;

· background information about the company's competitors;

· actual data on competitors’ expenses for product promotion;

· actual data on sales volumes and costs of promoting the company’s goods (at least for a year);

The noted data is taken into account when determining specific advertising planning measures.

In addition, the business plan for the company’s advertising activities must have a database for subsequent calculations, as well as the following documents: advertising budget, advertising plan for a separate group of products, layouts of advertising messages, calculation of the volume of advertising messages, calculation of the amount of contracts and types of work, in the context of individual mass media.

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Depends on the situation on the market as a whole and on the situation within the company itself. Let's consider the basis on which the company's advertising policy is based and on what it depends. 2. Setting tasks. 2.1. Goals of the advertising campaign From the beginning, the company must clearly understand the purpose of the advertising, that is, why the advertising campaign will be carried out. The goal may be to build a name and prestige for the company, so that later...

Assessments of the company's strategic planning, its management, resource management and production costs, marketing and sales activities. 1.3 Factors influencing the profit and profitability of a trading enterprise Identification of factors influencing profit involves studying the economic conditions of its formation. Under the influence of external and internal conditions of economic activity...

Advertising policy is a system of approved rules and ideas based on the key values ​​of the organization, regulating the targeted management of methods and means of advertising distribution in relation to the activities of the subject, in relation to objects to form relationships between them. In this case, the subject of advertising policy is an enterprise/company/firm, while the object of advertising policy is a representative of the target audience, a means of distributing advertising (TV channel, press, radio, Internet and other information distributors) and competitors.

The main source for developing an organization's advertising strategy is its overall marketing program. Based on this program, the goal of the advertising policy is formed, ways of implementing sales promotion measures are determined, and the goals set for the consumer are clarified.

Promotion of sales of goods or services;

Introduction of new products and services to the market;

Switching consumer demand from one product (service) to another;

Creating a favorable image of the organization (company) and product (service);

Attracting investors;

Clarification of the basic principles of organizing advertising activities;

Development of a system of advertising distribution media;

Selection and approval of methods for forming an advertising budget, etc.

Which means of advertising distribution should you choose?

What tools to choose to attract the target audience;

What are the principles for selecting advertising media;

The essence of advertising policy lies in the organization’s choice of advertising strategy and tactics. It should be noted that every enterprise or firm has a certain advertising policy, be it a bank, a manufacturer of consumer goods, a travel agency, a radio station, a television channel, a restaurant, a store or a cafe. The difference lies only in the scale and means of advertising. Moreover, depending on the market situation as a whole or on the situation within the organization itself, the advertising policy may or may not change for some time.

The main groups of factors for choosing goals and objectives in advertising management are reflected in Appendix A.

An advertising plan is a component of a marketing complex, which, in addition to advertising planning, includes sales promotion, public relations and personal selling. These marketing tools must be coordinated within the framework of the overall marketing strategy, which in turn must be subordinate to the goals and objectives of the organization

Often, the marketing budget consists of the cost of distributing an advertising message, taking into account the fact that elements of advertising are present in most marketing tools, for example, working with the public, personal selling. In other words, marketing communication is based on advertising tasks, that is, attracting a potential buyer to the sales process.

1. First of all, the organization must clearly understand the purpose of advertising. The nature of advertising chosen by an organization depends on many factors, such as its size, target audience coverage, advertising budget, market objectives, behavior of competitors, position in the market, etc.

Each type of advertising has its own specific communication goals. For example, for informative advertising, the main goal may be to bring information about a new product to the market, offer a new use of the product, or describe the capabilities of the product. For incentive advertising: to show the advantages of a given brand or product, to encourage switching to the consumption of products of a given brand, to change the consumer’s perception of the qualities of a certain product. For reminder advertising: remind consumers where they can or cannot buy the provided product; that it may be needed in the near future. Then, for each product, an advertising campaign budget is developed, which takes into account: market share, stage of the product’s life cycle, level of competition, geography of its sales, etc.

2. The organization must clearly represent its direct object of advertising.

The difference between product advertising and organizational advertising lies in the object of the advertising message. An enterprise, as a rule, is engaged in advertising of individual products and the enterprise itself as a whole. In the first case, the special qualities of the goods (product, services) are emphasized, and in the second - the size of the enterprise and its global connections, the advantages of its entire production program. You need to be able to highlight the uniqueness of your products.

3. It is necessary to clearly understand what result the organization expects at the end of the advertising campaign. Having theoretical ideas about this, as well as practical results from an advertising campaign, can significantly facilitate the analysis of the work done, identifying errors, and eliminating them in subsequent advertising events.

4. Analysis and determination of the target audience. It is necessary to identify the characteristics of the target audience in such areas as: place of residence, social status, gender, age, etc.

5. Selecting a specific means of advertising distribution, taking into account their advantages and limitations, as well as their cost at the current time.

6. Deciding on the amount of allocations for advertising. It is not surprising that different sectors of the national economy and different organizations spend on advertising amounts that differ significantly in size from each other.

Among the currently most widely used methods for determining advertising costs used in drawing up a budget for product promotion, we highlight: the “percentage of sales” method, “of cash”, the “based on goals and objectives” method and the competitive parity method. The main methods for determining advertising costs and their characteristics are presented in Table 1.

It should be noted that in the process of developing a budget it is necessary to take into account: the costs of alternative options (for example, the price of an advertisement in magazines with the cost of television advertising, with radio advertisements); the number of repetitions of advertising in order for it to be effective; the recent increase in the price of advertising in the media. You should also take into account the stages of the life cycle of goods (services) of the enterprise, whether they are standard or significantly different from other goods, whether there is a constant need for these goods or whether they have to be sold “under pressure”, etc.

Table 1 - Methods for determining advertising costs

After determining the desired audience response, an effective message is developed.

Creating an effective appeal involves solving three problems: the content of the appeal (what to say), the structure of the appeal (how to say it logically) and the form of the appeal (how to express the content in the form of symbols).

An advertising manager must know the potential and specifics of the main types of advertising activities, the means of distributing advertising messages, the stages of the advertising process and the associated set of works. He needs to master modern approaches to organizing advertising activities, assessing their effectiveness, and have a clear understanding of the main means of psychological influence that are used in advertising.

Federal Agency for Education

GOUVPO "Udmurt State University"

Institute of economics and management


in the discipline "Marketing"


student gr.Z-060500-41 L.V. Slobozhanina


senior teacher Yu.V.Shishakova

Izhevsk, 2011


Advertising policy: concept, goals, objectives, management………………….4


List of references………………………………………………………17


The emerging market for goods and services in Russia increasingly requires the attraction and use of advertising. Advertising, on the one hand, conveys to consumers various information necessary for the purchase and use of products. On the other hand, combining its information content with persuasiveness and suggestibility, advertising has an emotional and mental impact on a person. Advertising, in itself, is both a business and an art.

In a market economy, one of the most important factors for the successful operation of any company is the ability to attract new customers. The main tool for solving this problem is advertising campaigns. In this case, the marketing department is faced with the problems of planning advertising activities, allocating resources and assessing the effectiveness and results achieved.

The relevance of this essay lies in the need for an advertising campaign and advertising policy for any self-respecting company, since advertising in the media contributes to the development of a mass market for goods and services, and, ultimately, investments from advertising begin to ensure the livelihood of newspapers and magazines seeking reach as many people as possible. Thus, millions of people, and even the nation, begin to receive both the latest news and advertising messages.

Advertising policy: concept, goals, objectives, management

Advertising policy is a system of approved rules and ideas, based on the basic values ​​of the company, regulating the targeted management of advertising media in relation to the activities of the subject, in relation to objects, in order to form relationships between them.

· organize the basic principles of organizing advertising activities;

· develop a system for selecting advertising distribution media;

· select and approve methods for forming an advertising budget;

· prescribe basic methods for assessing the effectiveness of advertising activities.

· what means of advertising distribution to choose;

· principles for selecting advertising media;

· what tools to choose to attract the target audience;

· how to distinguish yourself from competitors using advertising distribution methods

Strategy is a general guiding line and guidelines for achieving ultimate goals.

Tactics is a set of means and techniques aimed at achieving a goal, a course of action, a line of behavior.

Suppose a company is being created. In order to be recognized, she needs to declare herself. This can be achieved through advertising. But in order to get the highest possible results with minimal costs, you need to think about how to advertise yourself and your products.

Every company or enterprise has a certain advertising policy, be it a bank, a manufacturer of consumer goods, a radio station, a television channel, a travel agency, a store, a restaurant or a cafe. The only difference is in the scale and means of advertising.

1. Setting goals

2. Identification of the target group

3. Decision to develop a budget

4. Choice of treatment

Planning an advertising policy

An advertising plan is a component of the marketing mix, that is, a marketing plan, which, in addition to advertising planning, includes planning for sales support (stimulation), work with the public (public relations) and personal selling. All these marketing tools must be coordinated within the framework of the overall marketing strategy, and it must be subordinate to the goals and objectives of the company.

Very often, the marketing budget consists of advertising costs, given that advertising elements are present in most marketing tools such as public relations and personal selling. Regarding sales support, the goal here is not simply to stimulate buyers, sellers and their own sales staff, but first of all to inform the advertiser about a product, service or idea. Therefore, it is obvious that marketing communication has mainly advertising tasks - information and attracting the buyer (consumer, user) to the sales process.

· characteristics of the market of sellers of a particular product or service;

· characteristics of the buyers' market;

· characteristics of the sales volume of a particular product;

profit characteristics;

· characteristics of the product and its price.

This information makes it possible to analyze the position of the company in the sales markets and the stage of the life cycle of the product or service of this company. The overall strategy of the company, as already mentioned, determines the marketing strategy, including advertising. The general strategy of the company can be implemented in the following directions:

1. Gaining leadership in product performance.

2. Gaining leadership in terms of market share.

3. Maximizing the total current profit of the company.

4. Ensuring the survival of the company (under certain market conditions). Each direction has a certain feature in pricing, communication and communication with the public. A particularly important factor in the development of a marketing plan is the stage of the life cycle of a particular group of a company's products.

The life cycle stage of a company's individual product group determines the communication strategy. The pattern of development of a civilized country over several decades makes it possible to draw the following conclusions:

1. The stage of gaining leadership over a product indicator is characteristic of the stage of introducing a product to the market. At this stage, the marketing strategy is based on diversification through market penetration, and the communication strategy is attracting consumers to the product, promoting the product through intermediaries. At the same time, significant communication costs are necessary for intensive marketing and minimal for passive marketing. Entire advertisements at the stage of introducing a product to the market are informative.

2. Gaining leadership in terms of market share corresponds to the growth stage of the life cycle. This stage is characterized by a marketing strategy in the form of diversification through penetration into the depth of the market and development of its niche in the segment. The communication strategy of this stage is planned as attracting consumers to the product by improving the quality of the product, its packaging, and expanding the service. At the same time, there is an increase in the overall costs of product promotion. The goal of advertising at the growth stage is to persuade consumers.

3. Maximizing current profits reflects the stage of maturity of a specific product group. At this stage, the marketing strategy should be implemented as diversification through protecting one’s part in the market, and the marketing communication strategy should be implemented in the form of promoting the product through intermediaries and attracting consumers to evaluate individual properties of the product. The purpose of advertising at the maturity stage is to remind the buyer about the product, its features and properties, and the like. At this stage, the overall costs of promoting the product are reduced.

4. Ensuring the survival of the company corresponds to the fourth stage of the life cycle of a group of products of the company - the stage of decline. At this stage, the marketing strategy is planned as diversification, that is, a strategy for exiting a certain market and moving to other markets. At the stage of decline, the main strategic tasks of the company are to promote goods through intermediaries, and the total costs of promoting goods should decrease. Entire advertisements during a period of declining product sales - information about the sale of goods at discounted prices.

· reference data about the company's products;

· reference data on the attributes of the company's and competitors' products;

· background information about the company's competitors;

· actual data on competitors’ expenses for product promotion;

· actual data on sales volumes and costs of promoting the company’s goods (at least for a year);

The noted data is taken into account when determining specific advertising planning measures.

In addition, the business plan for the company’s advertising activities must have a database for subsequent calculations, as well as the following documents: advertising budget, advertising plan for a separate group of products, layouts of advertising messages, calculation of the volume of advertising messages, calculation of the amount of contracts and types of work, in the context of individual mass media.

1. sales goals;

2. communication goals.

· Identification of product characteristics that need to be communicated to the consumer;

· Determination of the life cycle of a product (product life cycle).

· When analyzing market conditions, the following is examined:

· Demand for goods;

· Market volume;

· Company market share;

An advertising campaign is an effective marketing business tool that can solve many specific tasks, but should not deviate from the main ones - inform potential consumers about the existence of a market offer, its features and advantages, and also show ways to take advantage of this offer. Otherwise, where will the profit come from?!

So what is an advertising campaign? Oddly enough, a clear answer to this simple question is not so obvious. In fact, an advertising campaign is like an offensive military operation, carefully planned, built on the basis of an original organizational decision and carried out in strict agreement and with a developed project. Success in increasing product sales is achieved only if the advertising campaign brings information about the product to the attention of the addressee, becomes embedded in his consciousness and leads to action. This is a kind of “attack on minds and hearts”, leading to a noticeable shift in the system of value orientations in the public subconscious as a whole. That is why it is so important to thoroughly prepare for it and act flawlessly - otherwise the money will simply “fly down the drain.”

The task of an advertising campaign is to allow the product image to “wedge itself” into the already fully occupied mental space of the mass consumer. Psychologically, this is very difficult - after all, people are prone to inertial thinking and, for the most part, do not want anything new. It is necessary to convince the consumer that the offer is truly unique - otherwise he simply will not make room in his psyche for posting information about the product and the place where it is sold.

The principles of advertising campaigns are universal - they allow you to successfully advertise any product, from hair clips to political figures. The laws of the psyche are the same and “work” in the same way both when promoting a new washing powder to the market, and when introducing global political ideas into the mass consciousness.

determine the “portrait” of your buyer;

· determine the most optimal timing for placing advertising events relative to each other in time;

· compare the amount received with the amount that you can allocate for its implementation;

· check the possible effectiveness of the chosen goal, idea, elements of the advertising campaign;

· if necessary, clarify and change elements of the advertising campaign;

Most companies are unable to accurately answer how their advertising campaign will develop three to four months after it begins. And this part of long-term media plans is treated rather indifferently: change it anyway! The lack of a clear strategy for the development of an advertising campaign is not the worst problem. There are mistakes that are much more catastrophic. But when the customer knows in advance all the dynamics of developments, he can save serious money.

The simplest examples:

Printing is much cheaper in the summer;

Get the best TV time by purchasing it in 3-5 months.

Most companies choose one of the options absolutely chaotically - under the pressure of circumstances. If we run out of money, we’ll stop advertising; if we get it, we’ll start again. Even more often it happens like this: everything is going well, let's save on advertising costs, everything has become bad - we urgently need to advertise a lot.

It is also called “city capture” - it is good when introducing a new product to the market. It can last from three weeks to two to three months. Then there comes a long pause of at least 6 months. And in some cases, the product immediately finds its place on the market that it only needs targeted and supportive advertising.

Such advertising is most applicable in the B2B sphere (“business to business”), when introducing a brand (not a product) with a short lifespan to the market, when trying to effectively “leave” the market with the help of advertising, reducing inventory and eliminating signs of decline in product life cycle. This is exactly how the most far-sighted paging companies, boutiques, and manufacturers of finishing materials left the market.

The most unsuccessful attempts to apply this strategy occur when they introduce a product or brand into a highly competitive market (to maintain their position, it is imperative to develop success). Therefore, mobile operators are doomed to eternal massive advertising. Or when a completely new product is introduced. An explosion of demand quickly gives way to indifference if advertising does not continue at least in smaller volumes.

It’s good because it doesn’t let the client go, and at the same time it doesn’t require such huge investments. The main thing here is to accurately define the cycle. Sometimes competitors encourage cyclicality. When you don’t have the strength to fight their advertising, you just need to take a break and then say: “Hello again!” This strategy has been worked out perfectly by Pepsi and Cola, as well as global sports and fashion brands (Addidas, Nike, H&M). In Kaliningrad, developers, retailers, and cellular companies advertise using similar methods. That is, this strategy is especially in demand in oligopolistic markets.

Another reason to resort to it is the cyclical nature of the demand for goods. Household appliances, New Year's toys, glasses, leather clothing, air conditioners and travel services are purchased at strictly defined intervals. That's why they advertise them with the same frequency. The main thing here is who will be the first (not too early and not too late to start their advertising and be able to attract attention to it).

The method is risky and somewhat similar to drug addiction. It is usually scary to interrupt the advertising wave, because the slightest decline in turnover can lead to disaster (default, conflict with a supplier, displeasure of the company owner). Permanent advertising is also important in those industries where the purchasing cycle is long (for example, a private owner buys building materials no more than once every three to five years) and involvement is low (you don’t constantly think about what computer you will buy for your child next spring).

The only problem with permanent advertising is that often companies cannot afford the large constant costs of it. And such low-budget advertising results in a plaintive drawn-out squeak instead of a strong and even soprano. So one of the important factors of success or failure is the accurate determination of the adequacy of funding for an advertising campaign. So we come to the second pillar on which the advertising campaign is based - its budget.


The company's advertising policy is the actions to create and place advertising and promotional events in order to create an image and attract customers to sell products. Advertising policy is a company’s way of acting aimed at achieving certain goals.

Proper organization of advertising policy contributes to the rapid, uninterrupted operation of any enterprise. But in order for advertising to work, you need to develop an advertising campaign strategy. Most Russian owners and managers of enterprises tend to use single promotions. They often resort to them in extreme cases as an “ambulance” and expect immediate positive results. Such a “cavalry” approach can hardly be called advertising in the modern sense of the word, and it is unlikely to bring the expected “fruits” in the form of increased sales of products or services.

Another approach is to develop advertising campaign strategies. This approach allows you to avoid mistakes when advertising. It allows you to minimize the risks associated with consumer misunderstanding, it allows you to increase the effectiveness of advertising. Those. developing an advertising campaign strategy allows a company to successfully cope with its sales problems, and even allows it to compete more successfully with other companies.

If a company develops an advertising campaign strategy, it avoids many mistakes in its implementation and makes advertising that is aimed at the consumer more accurately than thoughtless and senseless advertising campaigns, which sometimes simply harm the company, for example, by reducing its image.

List of used literature

1. Bagiev G.L., Tarasevich V.M. Marketing. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.

2. Basovsky L.E., Basovskaya E.N. Marketing. – M.: Infra-M, 2009.

3. Esikova I.V. Preparation and successful implementation of advertising campaigns. – M.: Dashkov and Co., 2009.

4. Isaenko E.V., Vasilyev A.G. Economic and organizational foundations of advertising activities. – M.: Unity-Dana, 2009.

7. Khapenkov V.N., Saginova O.V., Fedyunin D.V. Organization of advertising activities. – M.: Academy, 2008.

8. Tsakhaev R.K., Murtuzalieva T.V. Marketing. – M.: Dashkov and Co., 2009.