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Drawing migratory birds in spring. Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Migratory Birds”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten No. 8

municipal formation Temryuk district.

Direct educational activities

"Drawing Birds"

Educational area: artistic - aesthetic

Kind of activity: direct educational

Age group: senior group

Subject:"Drawing Birds"

Target: consolidate methods for conveying bird proportions. Conveying volume in tone and color. Development of fine motor skills of the hands, color perception, spatial thinking. A conversation about the beauty of birds.

Software tasks:


Practice drawing birds;

Fix the methods of making a sketch with a simple pencil and then painting it with watercolors;


Develop the ability to analyze drawings;

- develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the hands, and the ability to enjoy the results of one’s work.


Caring for birds and nature;

To form in children the desire to complete the work they start.

Preliminary work : looking at illustrations of birds;bird watching in nature,reading fiction “Birds of Migratory”.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: looking at illustrations (paying attention to the characteristics of birds - size, color, leg length, beak shape.

Verbal: conversation, explanation;


Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of birds, viewing slides “Migratory Birds”.

Material and equipment: pictures of birds; drawing paper, pencil, eraser, watercolor, brushes, water jar, palette.

Implemented technologies : health-saving, TRIZ, person-oriented approach, brush painting, subgroup method, use of electronic resources

Progress of educational activities:

Educator: Guys, I want to tell you a riddle:

I didn’t count the versts

I didn’t travel on the roads,

And I’ve been overseas

Sparrows, swifts, penguins,

Bullfinches, rooks, peacocks,

Parrots and tits:

In a word, these are………(birds) (Yu. Svetlova).

It was not without reason that I asked a riddle about a bird, because soon April 1st is “International Bird Day”. Look how many beautiful birds we have visiting. Does anyone know what these birds are called? Maybe you have seen any of them on our site or in the city? (children's answers)

Please consider all of these and name their similarities and differences. (similarities are the body, head, tail, etc.; differences are the color of the plumage). You and I have already drawn a bird with a pencil. Today we will also draw with paints. Let's remember the diagram for drawing a bird.

In the middle of the sheet we mark the line of the bird's inclination. On this line we mark the middle, from it in different directions there are two more points (of the same size from the center). This will be the torso. Draw an oval along the line between these points. Draw a circle on top of the oval (this will be the head).

At the bottom there is a narrow, long rectangle (tail).

On the left side of the circle we mark the beak with a strip.

Now let's start drawing the bird. We start drawing from the head.

We start drawing from the beak, draw the head and back upward. Below the beak is the breast, slightly thickening the oval. Please note the bird's head smoothly transitions into a plump tummy (our bird's neck does not stand out).

Now we draw the tail and the eye.

(remembering and explaining the drawing technique, at the same time showing on the board how it should be done, the children are on their sheets.)

To draw the legs correctly, you need to “plant” the bird on a branch. To do this, we retreat a small distance from the body, draw two lines parallel to the bird and this will be a twig. Please note that the bird has thin and long legs with strong claws. The wings are not long, but pointed at the end. This is the kind of bird we got.

Please look at the board, what kind of bird did we draw? (children's answers)

Of course, our bird looks like a bullfinch, a titmouse, and a sparrow. has a more rounded body shape, a small beak and a small growth.

Would you like to fly like birds? (answers)

Then get up from the tables and come to me.

Physical exercise to a melodious melody

A flock of birds flies south

The sky is blue all around

(children flap their arms like wings)

To arrive sooner,

We must flap our wings.

(children wave their arms more intensely)

The sun is shining in the clear sky

An astronaut flies in a rocket

(stretching - hands up)

And below the forests, fields -

The ground is spreading.

(low bend forward, arms spread to the side)

The birds began to descend

Everyone sits down in the clearing.

They have a long way to go

The birds need to rest.

(children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds)

And it's time to hit the road again

We have a lot to fly

(children stand up and flap their “wings”)

Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray!

It's time for us to land

(children sit at the table)

Since our bird looks like several birds at once, I suggest you decorate them differently.


After the children have completed the task, we evaluate each work and point out the advantages and disadvantages of the drawing. At the same time, be sure to explain why it didn’t work and what, and how to fix it next time.

Well done guys, you did a very good job today. With each lesson your work gets better and better! Well done!

After class, the work is displayed in a corner along with the original pictures, so that other children can look and compare.

Master class on drawing for children 3-4 years old. Unconventional drawing technique "Migratory birds"

Author of the work: Victoria Golikova, a student of the 2nd junior group at the MBDOU “General Developmental Kindergarten No. 452” in the Samara urban district.
Supervisor: Anna Aleksandrovna Lisova, teacher at MBDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 452” in the Samara city district.
Description of work. This master class includes photographs and text material, aimed at the development of children in a preschool educational institution. It involves a combination of a child's drawing and the teacher decorating the drawing. Can be used in the educational process of both schools and kindergartens.
Purpose. The work can be used in drawing classes, you can decorate an exhibition of works on an autumn theme, or use it as a gift.
Target: familiarizing students with the technology of creating images of migratory birds using non-traditional drawing techniques.
GCD tasks:
- introduce unconventional drawing techniques;
- introduce children to the technology of drawing migratory birds;
- teach how to draw on a plane;
- teach to distinguish colors;
- be able to use brushes and paints.
- develop observation skills, the ability to reason, discuss, analyze, and perform work based on drawings, diagrams and instruction cards;
- learn to use your knowledge and skills in new situations, draw analogies;
- develop artistic abilities.
- cultivate interest in visual arts;

Foster accuracy and independence;
- cultivate a love of work.
Material support: white A4 sheet, paints, brushes, black felt-tip pen, pencil, orange paper, scissors, glue.
The teacher organizes goal setting, offering to guess the topic of the GCD lesson by listening to a piece of music. To do this, he includes the musical work “Oh, what autumn!” (Music - Z. Root, lyrics - Z. Root).
Educator: Guys, what time of year do you think this song is about?
Pupils: This song is about autumn.
Educator: Right. Let's remember what changes in nature occur in the fall?
The teacher offers to examine the territory of the kindergarten through the window: examine the sky, the surrounding area.
Pupils: In autumn it becomes colder, it may rain, tree leaves turn yellow and lose their foliage, birds fly south.
Educator: That's right, many birds fly south in the fall, as it gets cold and food runs out. But not all birds do this. But, of course, not all birds leave their native lands. For example, the following birds fly south in autumn and winter: swallow, swift, rook, goose, crane. What do you know about birds?
Pupils: Birds come in different colors: there are yellow, brown, orange and even red birds. Previously, information was transmitted with birds through letters and reports; there are birds that change their plumage by winter.
Let's decorate the wires together with birds getting ready to fly. They sat down to rest on the path and will soon fly south.
Creating conditions for organizing practical activities for students to make the drawing “Migratory Birds”.

Materials needed to create the image:
- sheet A4,
- gouache in 8 colors,
- brushes (squirrel 2, 8),
- palette,
- sippy cup.

1. We start painting the picture from the background, for this we mix blue paint with white paint in the palette in a 1:1 ratio.

2.Then, with a thin brush (squirrel 2) we draw the wires on which migratory birds rest before flying.

3. Wet our fingers with water and select the required colors, “planting” the birds on the wire.

4. Add a crest and beak to the birds.

5.Draw the eyes with white paint, first outlining the whites of the eyes.

6.Then we draw the pupils.

7.Add wings to the birds.

9.Complete the shoals of migratory birds.

The illustration can be used to explain the behavior of birds in the autumn season, and also to decorate a hall with an autumn theme.

Svetlana Gayazieva

Goals: improve image skills birds; develop creative imagination;

cultivate a caring attitude towards the environment; correctly determine and depict the shape of objects, their proportions; observe the sequential execution of the drawing; cultivate a love for birds.

Materials: Album sheets, gouache, brushes, palette, jars of water, napkins, oilcloths, educational video"Starling".

Preliminary work: View illustrations migratory birds; reading poems, stories; viewing educational video, monitoring birds on walks.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, listen poem:

Spring has arrived in the snow,

On a damp carpet,

Scattered snowdrops

I sowed grass.

Now spring is beautiful

Calling from all over

Geese, swifts and storks,

Cuckoos and starlings.

What time of year is the poem talking about? (Spring).

By what signs did you know that spring had come? (The snow melts, the buds swell, green leaves and grass appear, the sun shines brighter and warms the earth, etc.).

What is the most important sign of spring? (In the spring they come to us birds) .

Where do they fly from? (From warm countries).

What do they call birds who fly to warmer climes for the winter and fly back in the spring? (Migratory) .

And what kind migratory birds you know? (Rook, starling, swallow, cuckoo, nightingale).

Guys, pay attention to the screen.

Educator: Guys, what is this? bird? (Starling) Right, starling. Birds delight us not only with their appearance, the wonderful coloring of their plumage, but also with their songs.

On the past during the lesson we drew a rook, and today I offer you draw a starling.

Look in what order we will be draw a starling.

Let's start by filling in the background. In the upper right part of the sheet, draw a small circle in white - this will be the sun. Then, adding light yellow paint to the white, we draw around this circle, getting a glow from the sun. Next, add a dark yellow color and continue draw around. Having obtained a light blue color, paint over the sky. Using ocher we paint part of the tree. Using dark brown we draw lines on the trunk and make the bark. We draw branches. Let's get to the image starling. Having obtained a light gray color, by mixing white with a drop of black, we draw an oval of the body and a circle of the head. Then we draw the wing and tail. Having mixed white with a drop of ocher, we draw the beak and small strokes on the head and chest. This is how it turned out starling.

Let's go with you before Once you get to work, let's prepare our fingers. Finger gymnastics " The birds are coming"

With the coming of spring,

The birds are coming.

We spread the fingers of both hands, connect the thumbs, and wave the rest like wings.

Are returning starlings,

Hard workers and singers. -Clench your fingers into fists and unclench them.

And we connect the rooks near the puddle-Palms together in a cup.

They circle in a noisy flock. -Circular movements with the fists of the hands.

The cranes are flying in a hurry, - We spread the fingers of both hands, connect the thumbs, and wave the rest like wings.

And the robin and thrush,

Started making nests. -We connect the fingers into a lock, palms are open.

Educator: Well done! Now, get to work.

These are so wonderful we got starlings!

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary for the senior group “Migratory Birds” Target. Formation of elementary ideas in children about migratory birds through active forms and methods of children’s activities. Tasks. Priority.

Summary of an integrated lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic: “Wintering and migratory birds.” Goal: clarify and expand.

Summary of direct educational activities on speech development in the senior group “Birds of Migratory” Goals: -replenishment of children’s vocabulary on the topic “Migratory Birds”, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech, training in composition.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group of the compensatory orientation “Birds of Migratory” MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION KINDERGARTEN No. 29, AZOV Abstract of educational activities on speech development in the senior group.

Summary of OOD on drawing “Migratory birds are flying” with children 6–7 years old Drawing “Migratory birds are flying” Integration of educational areas: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”, “Cognitive.

Hello, dear visitors of the blog about the creative development of children!

I suggest you conduct our thematic lesson “Birds of Migratory” with your children.

For convenience, I divided it into two parts.

In one we will analyze who migratory birds are, where, how and when they fly away.

And in another part, spring comes, and the birds return to their native lands.

In these classes you will find games for the development of speech, attention, logic games, geography games, creative tasks, physical education minutes, finger games and much more.

In order not to forget anything and conduct the lesson in one breath, I decided to take notes on everything in detail.

You will find a summary of the first part at the end of the article.

We spent the first part, my daughter was delighted, now she wants to become an ornithologist)).

This is what we got.

First we remembered who birds are and how they differ from other animals.

We remembered birds that cannot fly, parts of a bird’s body.

We remembered that there are wintering birds, and there are migratory birds.

Then two Arctic terns came to visit us (even though they were owls, we decided that they should be terns).

They showed us a presentation about migratory birds with riddles and bird voices.

We had a physical education session with the guests.

Then they played speech development games and a finger game.

After that, we got creative and built birds in a wedge shape.

Thematic lesson: migratory birds, part 1

Then they helped the swallow find its way to the nest.

We found a pair for each ring.

Then they played the game “Where do the birds fly?” The birds flew mainly from Russia and flew all over the world for the winter.

Thematic lesson: migratory birds, part 1

And finally, we got creative and made a paper craft called “Storks are flying home.”

I have already prepared the second part of the thematic lesson “Birds of Migratory”, and as soon as I conduct it with my daughter, I will immediately share it with you.

Detailed summary of the thematic lesson “Migratory Birds”:

Part 1

The Rook (or any bird of your choice) flies to visit the children:

Hello guys!

I flew for a long time, got tired and decided to fly to you and relax. And I was flying from distant warm countries, because I, Rook, am a migratory bird.

Do you guys know why migratory birds are called that?

Right! Because they fly to warm regions and back home.

There are wintering birds that do not fly anywhere in winter. And there are migratory birds that, with the onset of cold weather, fly south to warm countries.

Physical education lesson Migratory birds.

The insects are gone
The birds in the forest got bored. (Flap your arms (wings).
They began to think and guess,
How can they avoid trouble? (Fingers to the temples of the head, shaking the head to the right - left).
Gathered together
They called themselves a pack. (Children stand in a circle, holding hands.)
They took off together
We flew south. (Turn to the right, wave their arms, run in a circle).
We flew for a long time, we were tired,
They sat down, rested, (Stop, crouch).
We took off again
Then we flew. (They get up, run in a circle, flapping their wings).
Here are the southern edges,
We've arrived, friends!
You are tired, take a rest.
Look for insects! (Children stop and go in different directions.)

(Volkova Nina Aleksandrovna)

What migratory birds do you know?

Riddles about migratory birds. (Presentation) You can find a presentation with audio voices of birds on this page

Children say the answer, show a slide from the presentation or a picture of a bird and audio of the birds' voices.

And these, of course, are not all migratory birds; there are a lot of them.

Guys, let's play a game with you!

Game for speech development.(Choose 1-2 games at your discretion; if more, the child may lose interest in the game and activity).

Game exercise “Who has who?”

- The rook has rooks - rooks.

- The duck has a duckling - ducklings

- The swan has a baby swan

- The nightingale has a nightingale - a nightingale

- The crane has a baby crane - baby cranes

- The thrush has a thrush - thrushes

- The siskin has siskin - siskin.

- The stork has little storks - little storks

- The starling has a starling - starlings.

Game exercise “Who cares about whom?”

— The stork takes care of the storks.

— The rook takes care of the rooks.

— The crane takes care of the baby cranes.

— The swan takes care of the swans.

— Chizh takes care of the little ones.

— The nightingale takes care of the nightingales.

— The blackbird takes care of the blackbirds.

— The duck takes care of the ducklings.

— The starling takes care of the starlings.

— The goose takes care of the goslings.

Game exercise “Whose tail is who?”

- Who has a crane's tail? (Crane's tail on a crane)

- Who has a rook's tail? (Rook's tail on a rook)

- Who has a swan tail? (Swan tail on a swan)

- Whose duck tail? (Duck tail on a duck)

- Who has a goose tail? (The goose's tail is on the goose)

- Who has a stork tail? (The stork has a stork's tail)

- Who has a nightingale's tail? (The stork's nightingale tail)

Game exercise “Who will become who?”

- The little rook will become a rook.

- The nightingale will become a nightingale.

- The little bird will become a starling.

- The baby swan will become a swan.

- The duckling will become a duck.

- The baby stork will become a stork.

- The baby crane will become a crane.


Migratory birds come to us in the spring, live here all summer, and hatch their chicks. And in the fall they fly away again to warmer climes.

Their journey is long and difficult; sometimes some birds have to fly for several weeks, or even months.

Tell me, guys, what makes birds leave their native lands, their homes and go on such a long and sometimes dangerous journey?

That's right guys, it's cold, and also hungry.

Birds that stay and do not fly anywhere in winter have adapted to obtain food from dried plant seeds, cones, and eat grain left in the fields, frozen or dried berries.

Some of them move closer to human habitation.

But birds that fly away to warmer regions with the onset of cold weather feed mainly on insects.

In the fall, insects hide and fall asleep until spring. Therefore, many birds have nothing to eat. So they fly away to warm countries, fleeing hunger and cold.

Finger game “Birds of Migratory”.

Tili-teli, tili-teli -

Birds have arrived from the south! ( Cross your thumbs, wave your palms).

A starling flew to us - Little Gray Feather. (Alternately bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger of the left hand).

Lark, nightingale

We were in a hurry: who is faster?

Heron, swan, duck, swift,

Stork, swallow and siskin - (Again, cross your thumbs and wave your palms)

Everyone has returned, arrived,

They sang sonorous songs! (Use your index finger and thumb to imitate a bird singing.)


Flocks of migratory birds can be very large (for example, several thousand for starlings),

and there are small ones - up to ten (in ducks).

Some birds fly alone - the cuckoo, the kingfisher, the hoopoe.

Before flying, birds gather in flocks and prepare for flight together.

They line up like this:



In line


Game “How Migratory Birds Fly”


Some birds fly at night, some during the day.

Guys, do you know how birds find their way in flight, because they don’t have a map or compass?

Birds find their way by the location of the Sun, by the stars, by the magnetic field of the Earth (as if they have a compass in their head).

Dictation game based on the cells “A swallow flies to its nest”


How did people know where migratory birds fly?

Scientists who study birds (ornithologists) catch them and put small rings on their paws. Each ring has its own number.

When a bird flies to another country and is caught there, the ring number will determine which path the bird has traveled and from which country it has flown.

Guys, let's play ornithologists and find birds with the same rings.

We will also determine which birds are more numerous, with blue rings or red ones and by how many.

Game for developing attention “Ring for the Bird”


Some birds fly not far away, where it is a little warmer and there is food.

And some fly long distances. Let's play an interesting game with you!

Game "Bird flies to winter"


And now I propose to get creative, and

do craft, which we will call “Storks return home.”

Elena Medvedeva.

Children love to draw the world of wildlife, and they like to depict birds no less than animals. This theme of drawing in the senior preschool level is presented in a wide variety of interesting options: just look at an elegant cockerel, a graceful swan, a clumsy owl, a funny penguin, and, finally, a fairy-tale bird.

preschool educational institution group

Children 5–6 years old are able to create beautiful, expressive drawings and convey the shape of objects and their components well. Children's horizons broaden significantly: new knowledge is acquired in the process of observing the world around them and reading fiction. The guys can already depict objects that they have never seen (as for birds, then this is, for example, a penguin).

The color spectrum with which children work is expanding. The drawing is based on beautiful color combinations.

If in elementary and middle preschool age children portrayed birds in the form of checkmarks, then in the older group task teacher - teach them to draw correctly. The teacher must form in children an idea of ​​the external appearance of birds, an understanding that they all have a similar structure, although they differ in color, size and shape of body parts. The boys learn that everyone birds elongated body, identical head landing. When moving, the position of the head and tail changes, and the wings open.

Drawing birds should ideally be preceded by modeling on a similar topic.

For preschoolers to depict realistically birds, before such classes preliminary work must be carried out: observing birds on walks, examining numerous illustrations.

In drawing birds there are some difficulties. Children must learn the basics of depicting them. The drawing begins with a contour - this is an elongated body in the shape of a large drop (pointed towards the end) and an oval head. After this, wings, a tail, paws and an eye near the beak are added. The accuracy and quality of the entire drawing depends on the correct contour.

Teacher explains to preschoolers how body parts are located birds s during flight and when moving on the ground (the tail is straightened or folded). In addition, you can draw birds that peck food or sitting on a tree branch.

Of course the image birds in the senior It is better for the group to start with those individuals that children can observe in everyday life: this is a sparrow, titmouse, bullfinch, pigeon, etc. We need to teach children to notice the difference between birds ami, compare them, highlight key features, then drawing will be easier. For example, an owl is round and fat. The stork is thin-legged with a long graceful beak. The swan has a long neck, is very beautiful, with large, sweeping wings. The penguin seems to be dressed in a tailcoat, clumsy, with short wings, and has a funny crest on its head. The rooster has a powerful chest, strong legs, a beard, a beautiful comb, and most importantly, a multi-colored tail. The bullfinch is distinguished by its red breast.

When preschoolers learn to draw realistic images well, the teacher can invite them to draw birds in a fairy tale interpretation - “Heat” birds A", " Birds and happiness", "Magic birds A". Note that this topic is creative, and the teacher offers children several diverse samples for familiarization. In addition, children choose their own colors.

Materials used and base

Birds in the senior group are depicted on a sheet of paper in a familiar format. When painting with gouache or watercolors, the base is tinted in advance by the teacher. If children have to draw birds, soaring in the sky, then it should be a blue background.

For collective work, the teacher offers the children a sheet of whatman paper, where, depending on the nature of the composition, they first draw a tree with many branches, a large feeder, or a village poultry yard.

Birds Preschoolers of this age draw with both paints and colored pencils. It is better to paint white birds, for example, a swan, a stork or a goose, with gouache so that they are more visible against a colored background. The same applies to black and white - penguin and swallow. A titmouse, a bullfinch, an owl, a chicken, a sparrow, and a dove can be drawn with colored pencils or even wax crayons. In some cases, felt-tip pens are also suitable, for example, when depicting a bright cockerel.

Drawing with felt-tip pens

To preliminary draw the outline, use a simple pencil.

Techniques and techniques to use when drawing in the senior group

When drawing in high school In the group, the teacher should practice with the children the techniques of correctly painting a silhouette with a brush. Small parts of the body - beak, eyes, paws, tail - are carefully painted on with the tip of the brush. In this case, the instrument should be held in your hand almost vertically. Larger oblong body birds s and its wings are painted over with all the pile, while the brush is tilted towards the paper. When the paint dries, you can additionally use the tip of the brush to indicate the direction of the feathers - the image will become more realistic.

Hatching with a pencil should be done in one direction, in addition, there should be no white spots inside the outline.

Depending on the size of the part to be painted, preschoolers should adjust the range of their hand movements.

Additional types of visual activities used, the relevance of an individual approach

The image will become more original, and the productive activity itself will be more exciting for children, if you diversify the composition with applicative or plasticine elements. For example, a bird can peck at a worm or caterpillar molded from plasticine (in the form of a flagellum or sequentially stuck balls). Small black eyes of birds can be sculpted from plasticine. If birds and soars in the sky, you can depict the sun using plasticineography. A bullfinch can sit on a rowan branch with sculpted red berries.

Applique details will be especially appropriate when drawing fabulous birds. This can be colored foil, shiny sequins or candy wrappers. You can decorate an elegant cockerel in a similar way.

Specific options for compositions (including collective ones) within the theme

Drawing senior pupils groups are offered in winter (December). Traditionally this composition “ Birds we are blue and red" (based on the poem by the Japanese poet Kitahira Hakushu " Birds A, birds and red"). The children learn to recreate a poetic image in a drawing, choosing the appropriate color palette and beautifully arranging birds based.

A little later (for example, in February), the guys can be offered the composition “ Birds“We’re at the feeder” (pigeons, tits, crows, sparrows). Moreover, it can be organized as a team effort. Please note that this work must be preceded by modeling.

In winter, it would also be appropriate to draw a bullfinch or a penguin.

After sculpting the rooster (in the spring), the teacher invites the children to draw this beautiful birds s. The same applies to the turkey, which is designed as a decorative composition in the form of a Dymkovo toy: children draw this birds with an open fan tail and paint it with characteristic patterns. At the same time, the emphasis is placed not only on object drawing, but on developing a sense of rhythm, color and composition in the design of the pattern.

Drawing birds is good to coincide with April 1, when the International Day of birds». On this day, children can portray any birds by choice or those whom preschoolers have not yet drawn (for example, an owl, a swan, a stork, etc.).

At the end of the school year, children can be offered a creative theme - drawing a fairy tale birds s.

Note that the plots of the drawings can be associated with outdoor games on a bird theme: for example, “Day and Night” (owl), “Dog and Sparrows.” “Birds in the Nests” “Sparrows and the Cat.” These will be plot compositions.

In addition, preschoolers really love drawing based on fairy tales. In this regard, we can offer them the following topics:

  • Based on the plots of Russian folk tales: “Hen Ryaba”, “Finist - a clear falcon”, “Winged, shaggy and oily”, “Cockerel and bean seed”, “Brave cockerel” (“Zayushkina’s hut”.
  • “The Swan Princess” (based on the work of A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”).
  • “Rooster and Paints” (based on the work of Vladimir Suteev)
  • “Cuckoo” (illustration for a Nenets folk tale, this may be birds and with a woman's face and hair)

Older preschoolers enjoy doing work collectively. The teacher can offer them the following topics: “ Birds eferma" (domestic birds s), “Poultry Canteen”, “Duck with Ducklings”, “Hen with Chicks”.

Possible options for a motivating start to a lesson: looking at toys, pictures, talking about issues, a fairy tale, etc.

To turn an image birds in an exciting process, thoughtful motivation for the lesson plays an important role. For example, if children have to draw Birds At Happiness, the teacher takes a magic wand and invites the children to go to a fairy tale. Everyone casts a spell together and is “transported” to a wonderful forest where a variety of people live. birds s. Having examined them all with the children, the teacher is upset that there is not only Birds s Happiness. But people since ancient times believed that it exists. The teacher leads the children to the fact that such birds You can draw it yourself to make yourself, your family and all the people on earth happy.

Another option for successful motivation is for the teacher to offer preschoolers a finger game:

  • The bird flaps its wings and flies to its nest.
  • She will tell her chicks where she got the grain.
  • Birds are sitting in nests
  • And they look at the street.
  • Everyone wanted to fly.
  • The wind blew and they flew.

The teacher is sad that the birds have flown away, but she would really like them to stay in kindergarten. Children happily agree to help - draw birds (and they can be just like ordinary birds ami, and fabulous).

A toy can come to visit the children in the group birds A. By the way, this could be the familiar Sovunya from the Cartoon “Smeshariki”. The character turns to the children with his problem, for example, drawing him friends. These can also be chicks for the mother - birds s who got scared and ran away.

Photo gallery: selection of toys and figures

Soft toy
Ceramic figurine
Rubber toy Character from the movie “Smeshariki”

During a drawing lesson, you need to actively use thematic pictures and posters depicting birds.

Photo gallery: a selection of images of birds

Poster for preschoolers
Poster for preschoolers Poster for preschoolers

The lesson can be interestingly built on the basis of fairy tales, always accompanying them with illustrations. For example, after reading the Russian folk tale “The Winged, the Shaggy and the Oily”, a sparrow may come to the children and ask them to take a photo of him with his friends - a mouse and a pancake.

Illustration for a Russian folk tale

You can remember the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” and invite the children to draw a brave cockerel who drove the impudent fox out of the bunny’s house. Moreover, the rooster can be wearing boots and holding a braid on his shoulders.

Illustration for the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut”

And in the fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed,” the cockerel, on the contrary, will be sick and weak. It will be interesting for children to depict him lying on the bed, with a thermometer wrapped around the neck.

Illustration for the fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”

The cockerel is also the hero of Vladimir Suteev’s fairy tale “The Rooster and the Paints”. Based on the plot of this short work, the boy Vova drew this birds I forgot to color it. The dog sent him to the paints, which helped and painted the rooster (red, green and yellow). This creates an excellent motivation for preschoolers to help the cockerel in the same way.

Illustration for a fairy tale by V. Suteev

After getting acquainted with the fairy tale “Finist - Clear Falcon”, the children can portray a falcon that was injured on sharp stakes or flies on them.

Illustration for a fairy tale

Illustration for a fairy tale

Children usually perceive the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo” very excitedly. After reading this work, the teacher invites preschoolers to portray a mother who has turned into birds u. The cuckoo may have a woman's face and flowing hair.

Illustration for the fairy tale “Cuckoo”

Preschoolers love to portray the Swan Princess from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A.S. Pushkin. The teacher can tell the children that if they portray beautifully birds y, then she will definitely turn into a beautiful princess. The swan is painted with a crown and other decorative details.

Illustration for “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A.S. Pushkin

Vitaly Bianchi has an interesting fairy tale called “The Owl,” from which you can also get motivation for drawing. According to the plot of the work, one old man was drinking tea with milk and inadvertently offended an owl that was flying past. The owl was very offended and decided to take revenge. She stopped catching mice at night. The mice felt the freedom and scared away all the bumblebees in the meadow. The bumblebees flew away - there was no one to pollinate the flowers. Without flowers, the cow's milk became liquid and almost disappeared. The old man had nothing to add to his tea, and he went to bow to the owl. From then on, he began to respect her and invite her to visit.

This wonderful fairy tale is very educational: children will immediately learn many interesting things from the natural world. After reading, they will probably want to draw an owl, which turns out to be so beneficial.

Book cover

About this forest birds we have another good fairy tale - “The Envious Owl”, which was composed by the Indian people. Here the owl reveals itself from the other side. One day she flew to the royal palace and saw how all the people, including the king, bowed to the nightingale. When she found out that the reason was his wonderful singing, she decided to sing too in order to earn the same honors. The owl started hooting so loudly that it woke up everyone in the palace. The king got angry and ordered to seize and pluck birds u. After being plucked naked and thrown out of the palace, the owl barely made it back to her forest and blamed the nightingale for everything. After all, she believed that it was he who was to blame for her misfortune, since he met her on the way.

In this fairy tale, the owl is no longer wise, as in the previous one, but, on the contrary, is endowed with negative qualities, and the teacher invites the children to draw it just like that.

Illustration for a fairy tale

The theme for drawing could be the sparrow Pudik from Maxim Gorky’s work “Sparrow,” who sang in the nest until he fell out of it. Pudik was almost eaten by a cat (if he had not learned to fly out of fear). Preschoolers can pretend to be a sparrow singing in a nest or flying away from a cat.

Illustration for M. Gorky's fairy tale

From modern works about birds ah, can I recommend “The Tale of Wintering and Migrating birds ah" by Nadezhda Nikolaeva. It takes us to the forest, where, with the onset of cold weather, birds We gathered for a council to decide how to live further. Alone birds We said that they can’t fly away - they have become winterers. For example, the woodpecker, the forest doctor, cannot leave trees unattended. And the owl must hunt for mice all year round, otherwise they will then eat all the mushrooms and berries. The pigeon is very accustomed to people; its warm nests are located on the roofs of houses. And the sparrow relies on the feeders that people hang.

Others birds We left for various reasons. Waterfowl (swan and duck, heron and crane) - because the water in rivers and lakes is frozen. Starlings, swallows and cuckoos feed exclusively on insects, which are absent in winter.

It is interesting that the rook thought for a long time, but when the grains disappeared under the snow in the fields, he still decided to fly away, but promised that he would return first.

This fairy tale reinforces children's knowledge about wintering and migratory birds ah, and, in addition, instills in them kindness and a sensitive attitude towards birds. After getting acquainted with the work, the teacher can invite the children to draw any birds at your choice.

Galina Pereverzentseva has "Mini fairy tale about birds e Bullfinch,” which teaches children to appreciate the beauty of nature and fosters a desire to take care of birds Oh. In a distant country where there is no winter, there lived a king who loved birds. Rare people were brought to him from all over the world birds whom he imprisoned in gilded cages and fed by hand. One day, merchants who visited the northern regions told the king about a bird whose beauty was like the rising dawn. He immediately ordered her to be brought. Only a year later the messengers returned with a beautiful birds to her - a bullfinch, the pink light from which filled the entire royal hall. They put him in a cage and gave him a lot of food. The king was waiting for birds She sang beautifully, but she sat sadly, hanging her head. The sage said that the bullfinch loves snow and frost and sings only in cold regions. The king, although he was very sorry, released the bird.

Illustration for a fairy tale

In Russian and foreign literature there are many wonderful poems about birds that are appropriate to introduce children to in class. In addition, the drawing itself can be tied to the plot of the poem.

This is the previously mentioned work by Kitahira Hakushu " Birds A, birds and red."

Birds A, Birds and red, why are you red?
- I pecked at the red berries.
- Birds A, Birds and white, why are you white?
- I pecked white berries.
- Birds A, Birds and blue,
Why are you blue?
- I pecked blue berries.

N. Rubtsov

Here is a crow sitting on the fence.
All the barns have been locked for a long time.
All the convoys have passed, all the carts have passed,
It's time for bad weather.
She's fussing on the fence -
Woe to her, real woe!
After all, the crow doesn’t have a grain
And there is no defense against the cold.

A. Barto
The nimble tit is jumping,
She can't sit still.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Spun like a top.

A. Prokofiev

Run out quickly
Look at the bullfinches!
They arrived, they arrived,
The flock was met by blizzards,

And Frost the Red Nose
I brought them rowan;

Well treated
Well sweetened
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet clusters.

We also give examples of physical education on a “bird” theme:

"The ducks came out into the meadow"


Drawing domestic and migratory birds birds: class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Volokhova O.
Educational objectives: learn to draw a cockerel with watercolors, conveying its characteristic features and creating an expressive image.
Developmental tasks: develop color perception, sense of proportions, improve brush painting technique.
Educational tasks: cultivate love and caring attitude towards family birds am.
Integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.
Demo material: a picture of a rooster, an audio recording of a rooster crowing.
Handout: sheets of white paper according to the number of children, watercolors, sippy cups, brushes, coasters, napkins.
Progress of the lesson:
Teacher's story about a rooster. It turns out that this birds and was not always home. The ancestors of the rooster from India and China lived in the forest in trees and built nests on the ground. Loud singing was their protection from others birds. Domestic roosters have not lost this habit either. Villagers tell the time by the crow of a rooster. “The first roosters” sound at one o’clock in the morning, an hour later the second roosters sound, and at four o’clock the rooster’s voice is heard throughout the village, announcing that dawn will soon come.
The guys look at the image of a rooster and a hen with a chicken, find out how they differ. The rooster is larger, it has a crest on its head, “spurs” on its legs (sharp claws for protection), and bright plumage, especially the tail.
The teacher reads a poem about a cockerel.

Walks like Napoleon
My handsome rooster.
He pleases my eyes
And delights the ear:
- Cuckoo! Ko-ko-ko!
Rise sunshine!
He loves fight. He loves power.
He is as formidable as an eagle.
And what a fox's mouth is to a hero
And a kitchen pot!
- Cuckoo! Ko-ko-ko!
Here's some grain for you, chickens!
A conversation about the character of a cockerel.

A conversation about the character of the rooster in this work (brave, courageous, courageous, capable of protecting hens and chicks). He is like this in almost all fairy tales.
The teacher asks the children in which fairy tales the cockerel appears.
The teacher reports that since ancient times, people believed that the crow of a cock protects the house and embroidered the image of a rooster on towels, tablecloths, and painted it on dishes and furniture. Preschoolers are also asked to pretend to be a rooster.
The game “Fighting Roosters” is played: two participants hide their hands behind their backs and, standing on one leg, try to push the opponent out of the circle (with their shoulder or torso).
Independent work - drawing a cockerel.

Exhibition of children's works. The teacher sums up the lesson and says that the cockerels will protect the children from adversity.

Geleverina Yu. "Wintering birds s"

The lesson begins with a game with a ball: children, standing in a circle, take turns calling birds u.
Conversation about birds Oh:
· Where do we meet them (in the city, in the forest, on reservoirs).
How do they differ from each other (size, color, singing, habitat)
· Where they find food in winter (in feeders, berries on trees).
· What can be put in the feeder (bread, grains, seeds, lard).
· How birds They keep themselves warm in winter (they tuck their paws under them and hide them in fluff).

The didactic game “Cut Pictures” is being played: children in pairs pick out images birds.

Physical education session “Swallows” is being held:

  • The swallows were flying
  • (they run in a circle, flapping their arms like wings)
  • All the people were watching.
  • The swallows have sat down
  • (squats with hands clasped behind back)
  • All the people were amazed.
  • We sat down, we sat,
  • (make rhythmic head tilts)
  • They took off and flew.
  • Let's fly, fly,
  • (they run in a circle again, waving their arms)
  • They sang songs.

Didactic game “Finish the sentence (for example, magpie is wild birds oh, and the chicken...).

The teacher reads the poem “Feeder”

On a winter day among the branches
The table is set for the guests.
The hut is new,
Dining room for everyone
Calls for lunch
Taste the crumbs.
What a table among the birches
Open air?
He treats in the cold
Birds grain and bread

Children are invited to draw a winter birds y by choice.

Borodacheva O.V. "Owl"

The lesson begins with a riddle about an owl:

  • Sleeps during the day, flies at night,
    It hoots and scares people.
    Eyes glow in the dark -
    She is a terror to all mice.

The teacher recalls with the children the fairy tale “The Owl” by V. Bianchi, knowledge about the meaning of this birds s in nature.
Looking at pictures of an owl. Highlighting its distinctive features: large head and eyes, almost no neck, thick plumage. Fly this silently birds Rounded wings and a short tail help. The owl's eyes, although large, see practically nothing. Because this birds and it is predatory, it has a powerful curved beak and sharp claws.
The didactic game “Who Says What” is being played (children reproduce the voices of different birds).

Physical exercise "Owl"

  • Little owl, big little head,
    sits on a branch, turns his head (children shake their heads, squat),
    Doesn’t fly during the day, doesn’t scare mice (Children shake their fingers),
    Night comes, the owl flies out to hunt (Children fly in a circle).
    The day comes and the owl falls asleep. (Children sit at tables).

The teacher explains the principle of drawing an owl, and then the children begin the practical part of the lesson (the owl is drawn sitting on a tree branch).
Analysis of children's drawings: the teacher asks to highlight the largest owl, the smallest, as well as the sad and cheerful one.
The outdoor game “Day and Night” is played.

Fomina I.A. "Swan"

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher tells the children that an artist she knows gave her black and white pictures. We need to figure out together what is depicted on them - children are shown slides depicting silhouettes of different birds. Preschoolers name them, highlighting characteristic features for each (for example, a swallow has a forked tail, a stork has a long neck, legs and beak). It is concluded that all these birds s - migratory.

The didactic game “Finish the sentences” is played (all phrases are related to the swan).

Demonstration of a sample image of a swan (swimming in a lake). Discussion on how to complete the drawing.

Before working independently, children warm up their fingers by rolling a pencil between them.

Independent activity of children.
Exhibition of works. The teacher appoints one of the children as a tour guide, and he talks about the children’s works.

Examples of finished works by senior group students on the topic with comments

Cockerel is one of my favorites birds which preschoolers love to draw. After all, he has such a bright coloring, an elegant comb, a beautiful beard (works “Cockerel”, “Brave Cockerel”, “Dymkovo Rooster”). The chicken in the picture “Ryaba Hen” looks charming.

As practice shows, children also like to pretend to be an owl, since this predatory forest birds and has an unusual appearance (compositions “Owl-owl”, Owl - round head”, “Owl with little owlet”).

Swans look beautiful in children's drawings (“Beautiful Swan”, “Swan Princess”). It is worth noting the wonderful collective work “Swans on the Lake”.

Drawing fairytale birds s is an opportunity to show your creative imagination, experiment in choosing colors (drawings “Heat- birds a", "Magic birds A").

Photo gallery: children's drawings of domestic and migratory birds

Pencil drawing Watercolor drawing Decorative watercolor drawing Decorative watercolor drawing Team work Gouache drawing Watercolor drawing Gouache drawing Pencil drawing Pencil drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor and pencil drawing Pencil drawing Pencil drawing Watercolor drawing Gouache drawing Pencil drawing Pencil drawing Watercolor drawing Gouache drawing