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The role and importance of a business plan in the tourism industry. Features of developing a business plan for a new tourist destination


The article analyzes the problems of business planning in tourism in conditions of a stagnating economy and uncertainty. The purpose of this work is to consider business planning in tourism for more efficient resource management, reducing risks and obtaining additional benefits. The main methods of the research should be deduction, induction, synthesis, analysis, analogy and comparison. The authors conducted a study of the effectiveness of business planning in tourism. The obtained research results can be used in the financial and economic activities of tourism industry corporations, as well as in educational and scientific work in the field of management and economics of organizations. The main results of this study include the conclusion about the feasibility of business planning in tourism to solve current problems in the field of company management, and the directions for increasing the efficiency of corporate management in times of crisis are substantiated.


business planning

tourist services

tourism product

organizational and legal forms of organizations

tourism industry

investment in tourism

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In each industry, including tourism, the features of business planning are identified primarily based on the specific nature of the activity and the material base for their implementation. From this point of view, tourism as an industry sector is a composite complex object. It would be wrong to concentrate only on the tourism product itself and on the activities for its implementation, since a significant and, in our opinion, central place in this industry is occupied by tourists - consumers of tourism services.

In modern conditions, as is known, the development of the tourism industry is significantly influenced by geopolitics, problems in the financial sector of the economy, devaluation of the ruble and the fall in real incomes of the population.

According to the authors, when forming a business plan in the tourism industry, legal, financial, managerial, economic and other aspects should be taken into account. It is important to take into account factors not only internal, but also external environment. The tourism services market is inherently highly competitive, and therefore it is necessary to create a system of highly efficient resource management.

Experience shows that stated indicators are often not related to the real state of affairs. Indeed, unforeseen events (“black swans”) may occur, but even with the proper approach they can be predicted with a fairly high probability. It is important to actively use methods of economic and mathematical modeling, forecasting and planning. Planning should be based on detailed calculations and not on intuition. It is important to skillfully forecast costs. As practice shows, the costs in most plans are underestimated.

Organizations in the tourism industry still make insufficient use of modern IT technologies, which can significantly reduce costs and increase the economic efficiency of business activities.

A systematic approach will help to understand the essence of tourism activities. In our opinion, the object of tourist interest is the primary element in tourism. In a broad sense, this object can represent a certain territorially determined set of criteria that encourages a tourist trip.

These parameters include a wide variety of objects: territories characterized by certain natural and climatic conditions, foreign countries, natural landscape territories, cultural and historical monuments, etc. Territories with many such objects have an increased potential for tourism development, since they are of interest to a significant number of tourists.

The level of tourist attractiveness can be considered as a criterion for certain territories or objects. However, tourist interest is difficult to measure from the point of view of socio-economic, political and other criteria, which is a certain obstacle when taking this criterion into account when planning the activities of an enterprise.

In this situation, software products such as the software “DEMIS” come to our aid, used in practice when creating systems for assessing the tourist attractiveness of territories and objects.

Thus, tourist interest is one of the main determining factors in business planning for the development of tourism industry facilities. Without taking into account this most important factor, it is impossible to predict the likely demand for tourism services and identify their optimal characteristics. In the marketing planning sections of industry business plans, the ideas of creating and maintaining tourist interest should be basic.

With a systematic approach, the sphere of tourism can include the entire set of informational, organizational, material and other criteria that create conditions that can satisfy the interest of a tourist. The enterprises and organizations involved in this complex are important here, such as:

Facilities providing tourist accommodation services;

Objects engaged in travel agency and tour operator activities;

Companies performing service and other support functions in the provision of tourism services.

Organizations that can be classified as objects of the first group are the material basis of the tourism sector. These enterprises include hotel-type accommodation facilities (hotels, boarding houses, motels) and additional accommodation facilities (guest houses, campsites, youth hostels, tourist and sports complexes, etc.). Today, there is no unified system for classifying accommodation facilities in the world, which certainly complicates the process of choosing the required type of accommodation.

Objects of the second group include tour operators and firms that carry out agency activities.

In turn, the last fairly broad group includes organizations that perform auxiliary functions in relation to the provision of basic tourism services. Among such companies are companies producing souvenirs and goods with symbols, advertising agencies, information and analytical services, motor transport companies, translation agencies, etc. .

As already noted, in the tourism industry, the bulk of industry funds come from accommodation facilities. Like the tourism industry as a whole, this area has undergone major transformation over the years of reform. This process is mainly due to the fact that society, which was previously quite homogeneous, has become significantly stratified, and a demand has arisen for much more diverse tourist services than before. Also, the provided range of tourism services was significantly influenced by liberalization processes in the field of entry and exit from the country and other similar socio-economic factors. Unfortunately, the global transformation of the tourism industry is still hampered by the insufficient financial situation of the population.

So, taking into account all the previously studied material, let’s consider some features of business planning for objects related to the tourism industry. Analyzing the development processes of organizations carrying out various activities in the field of tourism, we can identify two main areas of investment activity:

1)development and improvement of existing accommodation facilities;

2) the creation of new accommodation facilities, taking into account the increased diversity of types of tourism activities and tourism services.

As a rule, investment projects for already functioning accommodation facilities involve bringing them to the required level in terms of quality and completeness of the range of tourist services provided as a result of modernization or reconstruction. The need for accommodation facilities providing top-class services has led to fairly large-scale construction in a number of cities where a steady demand for such facilities has been identified (this is, first of all, the capital, a number of resort towns, etc.).

It seems to us that for Russia, a fairly promising direction for investing in tourism could be the creation (mainly as a result of new construction), for one reason or another, of such hospitality organizations as the hotel industry, or additional accommodation facilities (campsites, motels) that have not previously received wide distribution. and so on.).

We should not forget that an equally important aspect in business planning is the determination of the most rational organizational and legal form for implementing an investment project. To modernize or reconstruct hospitality industry enterprises, it is necessary to have fairly compelling reasons. In our opinion, among the main prerequisites for this process are the following:

Transition to an organizational and legal form that expands the possibilities of attracting additional financial resources for the implementation of investment projects;

The need to establish more convenient relationships between property owners.

A similar question faces the initiators of investment projects for the creation of new enterprises. The fundamental principle that must be followed in this case is the principle of rational sufficiency.

As is known, all organizational and legal forms, according to the degree of freedom of owners to participate in the management of their property (including the right of ownership itself) and business, can be distributed according to the degree of flexibility from simple partnerships to open joint-stock companies.

At the same time, these organizational and legal forms are arranged according to the degree of simplicity and stringency of requirements when creating specific legal entities in inverse relation. And this is natural, since, on the one hand, in enterprises created in more flexible organizational and legal forms, it is precisely this freedom of action that should be regulated by federal legislation, however, on the other hand, it is reasonable to be limited by federal legislation, it is necessary to ensure the protection of the interests of the owners, which presupposes the presence of a lot of requirements, restrictions and conditions in such matters as the relationship between owners and managers, the relationship of owners among themselves, etc.

Also, one should not forget (especially the initiators and developers of investment projects for the creation or development of accommodation facilities) that in the real economy most processes are very inertial.

As domestic and foreign experience shows, for existing organizations one of the most acceptable ways to attract financial resources is the issue of securities.

Bibliographic link

Kotlyachkova N.V., Kugusheva A.N. FEATURES OF BUSINESS PLANNING IN THE TOURIST INDUSTRY // Fundamental Research. – 2015. – No. 12-2. – P. 380-384;
URL: (access date: 10/11/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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The specifics of business planning in the industry, including tourism, are determined, first of all, by the characteristics of the types of activities, the material base and organizational and legal forms of their implementation. In this regard, tourism as an industry complex, i.e. the complex of enterprises whose activities are directly related to the provision of tourism services is a very complex object. It would not be entirely legitimate to limit ourselves only to the concept of a tourism product and the activities for its implementation, since a significant volume of services provided by tourism infrastructure enterprises falls on clients who can be classified as unorganized tourists.

To understand the essence of tourism activities, it is useful to resort to a systematic approach. In this case, the primary object of tourism, in our opinion, can be considered an object of tourist interest. Such an object, in the most general sense, is a certain territorially fixed set of properties that arouses tourists’ interest and encourages them to take a tourist trip to get acquainted with it. This definition includes a wide variety of objects of tourist interest: foreign countries, domestic cultural and historical monuments (churches, monasteries, unique architectural objects, objects associated with the lives of prominent historical figures, etc.), natural landscape areas (parks, unique natural objects: groves, caves, waterfalls, lakes, mineral springs, etc.), territories characterized by certain natural and climatic conditions (sea coast, steppe, desert, etc.). Territories with a significant number of objects of tourist interest have high potential for tourism development, primarily because they are able to attract a significant number of tourists.

An indicator of tourist attractiveness could act as a characteristic of certain objects or territories. However, the difficulty here is that tourist interest is determined by many heterogeneous and, sometimes difficult to quantify, factors. The same can be said about specific forms of manifestation of tourist interest, expressing the tourist attractiveness of objects or territories. It should also be noted that in some way the “virtual” nature of the concept tourist interest. Here we mean the fact that, despite the objectivity of the reasons underlying it, this interest largely depends on the emerging cultural and value orientations of the population and the mass media influence on it. It is not possible in this material to discuss this issue in detail. However, it can be noted that one of the ways to formalize the assessment of tourist attractiveness is precisely by taking into account heterogeneous and qualitative factors of economic, social, political, etc. character could be the use of the theory of multicriteria decision making. There are software products, for example, the DEMIS software, which in practice can be used to create systems for assessing the tourist attractiveness of objects and territories.

With such a systematic approach, it is easy to notice that the development of tourism in the region is a controlled process, significantly dependent on advertising and information activities. Using the example of a number of countries, it can be noted that a skillful advertising policy is able to maintain significant public interest in some pop stars for many years, bringing it to a stir at moments of memorable dates and anniversaries. And what can we say in this case about many outstanding figures of science and culture, military leaders and statesmen who are world famous. In this case, the tourist attractiveness of certain territories and objects can increase as a result of the policy of patriotic education and the strengthening of historical and cultural components in the educational process, that is, due to the growth of the general educational and cultural level. Naturally, this is not the only factor. Tourist interest should become the most important starting point in business planning for the development of tourism facilities. Without taking it into account, it is impossible to substantiate the likely demand for tourism services and determine their optimal structure. Strategic plans for the development of tourism facilities should undoubtedly contain proposals for the formation and maintenance of tourist interest in them. These points should be basic in the marketing planning sections of industry business plans.

As can be clearly seen from the example of the current economic situation in Kyrgyzstan, the most important factor in the development of the tourism sector is the level of material well-being, as the basis for ensuring the necessary degree of mobility of the population and the presence of effective demand for tourism services.

With a systematic approach to the tourism sector or tourism industry, we can include the entire complex of material, informational, organizational and other prerequisites that provide conditions for tourists that allow them to satisfy their interests. A special role in this belongs to the enterprises and organizations participating in this complex. With the most general consideration, the following main objects can be distinguished in its composition:

  • · providing accommodation (hospitality) services for tourists;
  • · carrying out tour operator and travel agency activities;
  • · enterprises performing auxiliary and service functions in the provision of tourism services (advertising agencies, transport organizations, enterprises producing souvenirs and other products).

Objects of the first group constitute the material basis of the tourism industry. This includes hotel-type accommodation facilities (hotels, boarding houses, motels) and additional accommodation facilities (campsites, youth hostels, guest houses, tourist and sports complexes and bases, etc.). There is no unified classification system for accommodation facilities in the world. Even objects of a relatively homogeneous hotel industry in different countries are classified according to various criteria (by type and nature of purpose, by the quality of services provided, by the degree of completeness of services provided, etc.).

The second group includes firms - tour operators and firms engaged in agency activities.

The last very large group includes enterprises whose activities are auxiliary and servicing in nature in relation to the process of providing basic tourism services. Here we can highlight advertising agencies, motor transport companies, translation agencies, information and analytical services, enterprises producing souvenirs and goods with symbols, etc.

As noted, accommodation facilities in the tourism industry account for the majority of the industry's fixed assets. Like tourism in general, this area has undergone profound transformations over the years of reform. In many ways, these transformations were due to the fact that the society itself, previously quite homogeneous, was noticeably stratified and showed a demand for tourism services that were significantly more diverse than before in terms of types and quality. The variety of tourism services was noticeably influenced by liberalization processes in the area of ​​entry and exit from the country, etc. The implementation of large-scale reforms in the tourism industry is, unfortunately, hampered by the insufficiently high effective demand of the population, which, however, we hope, is a temporary phenomenon.

Let's consider some features of business planning for objects engaged in various types of tourism activities. Analyzing the development processes of tourism industry enterprises that provide hospitality functions, we can distinguish two main areas of investment activity:

development and improvement of existing accommodation facilities;

creation of new accommodation facilities taking into account the increased diversity of types of tourism activities and tourism services.

Investment projects for existing accommodation facilities consist, as a rule, of bringing them, as a result of reconstruction or modernization, to the required level in terms of completeness of the set and quality of tourist services provided. The need for accommodation facilities that provide very high quality services was determined in a number of cities characterized by the presence of stable demand for them (this is, first of all, the capital, a number of resort towns, etc.) and their fairly large-scale new construction. A very promising area of ​​investment in tourism for Russia will be the creation (mainly as a result of new construction) of hospitality enterprises, both hotel management and additional accommodation facilities, that have not previously received wide distribution for three or other reasons. Here, first of all, accommodation facilities such as motels, campsites, etc. should be noted. Within the framework of this work, we do not have the opportunity to consider the features of business planning, taking into account the actual diversity of tourism industry enterprises and ongoing investment projects. Therefore, we will focus on studying the most general and fundamental aspects of this problem.

An important issue in business planning is determining the most rational organizational and legal form for implementing an investment project. For hospitality enterprises that are expected to be reconstructed or modernized, i.e. already existing, in one or another organizational and legal form, to change it you must have good reasons. The main reasons for this, in our opinion, may be:

the need to establish more convenient relationships between property owners;

transition to an organizational and legal form that expands the possibilities of attracting additional financial resources for the implementation of investment projects.

A similar problem is solved by the initiators of investment projects for the creation of new enterprises (as legal entities), within the framework of which they (the projects) are implemented. The main principle that must be followed in this case is the principle of rational sufficiency. The fact is that, according to the degree of freedom of owners to participate in the management of their property (including the right of ownership itself) and business, all organizational and legal forms can be distributed according to the degree of flexibility from simple partnerships to open joint-stock companies. However, in an inverse relationship, these organizational and legal forms are arranged according to the degree of simplicity and stringency of requirements when creating specific legal entities. And this is natural, since in enterprises created in more flexible organizational and legal forms, on the one hand, it is precisely this freedom of action that must be regulated by federal legislation and, among other things, reasonably limited; on the other hand, federal legislation must ensure the protection of the interests of owners, which determines a lot of conditions, requirements and restrictions in such issues as the relationship between owners, the relationship between owners and managers, etc. And it should also be remembered, especially by the initiators and developers of investment projects for the creation or development of accommodation facilities, that many processes in the real economy are very inertial. One of the most convenient ways for existing enterprises to attract financial resources, as foreign experience shows, is the issue of securities. Currently, with the exception of a very small number (the so-called “blue chips”), Kyrgyz enterprises, due to the insufficient development of the securities market, do not have the opportunity to resort to this option for raising capital. This problem - the problem of creating an effective stock market - seems to be the most pressing and difficult task of reforming the Kyrgyz economy. In our opinion, it is both more complex and important for the Kyrgyz society, since it opens up the possibility of directing finance to the real sector of the economy than the notorious task of creating a banking and financial sector of the economy.

Along with many difficulties - the undermined trust of the general public in banks and all kinds of securities, and of entrepreneurs - in various financial instruments, one of the significant obstacles on this path is that the vast majority of Kyrgyz enterprises are not able to show themselves properly in securities market: they cannot demonstrate the required level of transparency of their activities, the possible profitability of their securities, etc. And to create such an image, as a rule, it takes at least 3-4 years. That is, if an enterprise expects in the medium term to resort to attracting financial resources for its development using an instrument such as securities, it should now think about the need to form the necessary image. The presence of a time lag even when choosing the most flexible organizational and legal forms when implementing investment projects is also provided for by the current Kyrgyz legislation. One possible way to raise capital may be to issue bonds. And in this case, joint stock companies have advantages, since no less than three years from the date of creation they can issue bonds even without collateral.

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A business plan is an official document with which it is customary to start any commercial business all over the world.

To develop a development strategy for a large company or organization, a detailed business plan is drawn up, reflecting the goal or goals that the organization strives for.

A small company can develop a local business plan; it must be presented in a form that allows the interested party to get a clear idea of ​​the essence of the matter and the degree of their participation in it. The volume and degree of specification of its sections are determined by the specifics and area of ​​activity.

An enterprise business plan is drawn up several years in advance (ideally 2–5 years) and revised as necessary, but at least once a year. The original plan sometimes has to be revised thoroughly. As you gain experience, not only the process of your own planning becomes easier, but also the adjustment of the plan. In parallel, local business plans within the organization can be developed.

In addition to the authors of the plan, financiers who know the features of the credit market, the availability of free capital, and the risks of this business take an active part in its creation. The core group of specialists in developing business plans consists of economists, statisticians, and systems specialists.

In a market economy, a business plan is a working tool used in all areas of entrepreneurship. This plan characterizes the process of functioning of the company, which reflects how the company intends to achieve its objectives.

A business plan helps an entrepreneur evaluate the progress of his business based on intra-company and macroeconomic analysis and monitor current operations.

It is with the help of a business plan that the company’s management decides which part of the profit remains in the business for accumulation, and which is distributed in the form of dividends among shareholders. The business plan is used to justify measures to improve and develop the organizational and production structure of the company, to justify the level of centralization and responsibility.

The set of long-term business plans of enterprises constitutes an information base, which is the basis for the development of national policies within the framework of state regulation.

Much attention in specialized literature and mass publications is paid to the business plan as an investment project, the goal of which is to obtain investment. A business plan is a necessary document for an investor to begin evaluating the possibility of investing in a company.

However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain a loan due to the increasing non-repayment of loans and inflationary processes. Banks take measures to protect loans issued, and an important factor when deciding whether to grant a loan is to have a well-thought-out business plan.

Many businessmen underestimate the role of a business plan in helping a new business: sell capital, determine plans for the future, draw up analytical tables by which it will be possible to evaluate how the business is developing. A business plan helps to carefully examine each element of the proposed risky (market) activity.

Where it is impossible to cope with the problems that have arisen, the very fact of their identification will allow a decision to be made about the failure of the enterprise even before funds are invested in it.

For every company, cash is vital, so everything that a particular enterprise does is done by it, ultimately, with the goal of generating income in cash and ensuring monetary profit.

While a business plan is an essential tool for helping a company operate in a more efficient manner, it has another purpose: it is designed to provide compelling evidence for financial institutions to lend to or invest capital in your company.

The lender or investor wants to know as much as possible about your company in order to assess how effectively the funds requested can be used. Therefore, a clear formulation of your company's goals, boundaries of its capabilities, agreed plans of action and availability of resources plays a very important role in securing external financing.

Another merit of the business plan is that it coordinates the activities of partner firms in organizing joint planning; development of a group of companies connected by cooperation and production of one or complementary products.

A business plan is the business card of an enterprise, a pass to the market economy, revealing the potential capabilities of the enterprise.

Changes in the market environment necessitate the use of a strategic approach to the management system at tourism enterprises. By developing a comprehensive program of action to solve priority problems for the enterprise, defining its mission and main goal, the strategy formulates goals and ways to achieve these tasks in such a way as to indicate the enterprise a certain direction of development. At its core, a strategy is a long-term planning document, the result of strategic planning.

The first, most significant and determining decision in strategic planning is the choice of goals. The main goal of an enterprise is called a mission. Based on the overall objective, the enterprise formulates the rest of its strategic goals, which must be specific and measurable, balanced, time-oriented and achievable, resourced and mutually supportive.

After defining the mission and goals, the diagnostic stage of strategic planning begins. The first important step is to study the external environment - this is a continuous process of monitoring, studying and controlling the actions of factors external to the enterprise in order to timely and comprehensively determine opportunities and threats for the enterprise, i.e. positive and negative effects of external factors - political, economic, scientific and technical, social, international, etc. Economics of modern tourism / Ed. Karpova G.A. - M.-SPb.: Publishing trading house "Gerda", 2008.

For the development and implementation of a strategy, the analysis of market factors is of great importance, which, through their constant and high variability, can directly affect the success or failure of the enterprise. We are talking about microeconomic analysis of demand, supply and level of competition.

Methods for choosing a general strategy can be divided into two groups: the first - for single-industry activities or a narrow range of tourism services offered to consumers; the second - for diversified production.

The analysis shows that tourism organizations, firms, and companies that successfully compete in the tourism industry are guided by three strategic methods, which are used both separately and in combination.

Development of production of existing tourism products in established destinations.

Expanding the geography of travel, creating and selling services through new tourist destination areas.

Introduction of counter areas of tourism activity, including through the creation of new enterprises of Shaki D.S. Applied tour rating. Rostov n/d: MarT, 2008.

When choosing an appropriate strategy, it is necessary to keep in mind that the methods outlined above can be combined with each other and they can practically coincide when developing a development program for several years.

The basic strategy as the general direction is the core of the enterprise's strategic plan. In accordance with the development cycle, you can choose one of the following basic strategies:

growth strategy, which reflects the enterprise’s intention to increase sales, profits, capital investments, etc.;

stabilization strategy - in the case of the enterprise’s activity due to significant instability in sales volumes and profits;

survival strategy - a purely defensive strategy that is used during a deep crisis of an enterprise.

The strategy of a tourism enterprise must be well developed and clearly formulated, and then communicated to each employee.

Detailing of the company's strategic plan can be carried out either for the entire company as a whole or for individual divisions of the company, individual areas of work. Large tourism enterprises are detailing the strategy in their areas of activity: tour operators, travel agents, and related ones. For small firms, it is enough to develop a general strategy for their main activity.

In addition to clarity, building a tree of goals allows enterprise management to analyze all the components of commercial success, see their impact on the implementation of goals and the final result of the work. The tree of goals helps each employee of the company see their place in solving the tasks assigned to the enterprise and understand the responsibility for their area of ​​​​work. Ultimately, all this leads to a significant increase in the efficiency of the company, improvement in the quality of services and economic indicators.

One of the important stages of creating a travel company is its business plan (business program) for future activities. It is the basis of financial management for both a new enterprise and an existing company.

An enterprise business plan is a written document that sets out the essence, directions and methods of implementing an entrepreneurial idea, characterizes the market, production, organizational and financial aspects of the future business, as well as the features of its management Bystrov S.A., Vorontsova M.G. Tourism: macroeconomics and microeconomics. M-SPb: Gerda. 2007.

In a market economic system, a business plan performs two important functions: external (familiarizing interested business people with the essence and effectiveness of implementing a new entrepreneurial idea) and internal (developing a management system for implementing an entrepreneurial project.

The development of a business plan for a new enterprise is carried out in a step-by-step (Iterative) method, and the ultimate goal is to justify the need to create this enterprise or implement its investment program.

The first component of a business plan for a new enterprise is the choice of the main type of statutory activity. If this is a tourism activity, then two more problems need to be solved:

Select related activities, i.e. diversify the basis of your business to reduce financial risks due to the fact that the tourism business is very sensitive to a number of objective or force majeure factors: political, economic, etc. Even under the most favorable conditions for a tourism enterprise, the situation can become exactly the opposite, independent of the entrepreneur (interethnic conflicts, changes in tax policy, transport tariffs, inflation levels, etc.).

It is advisable to choose types of primary and additional activities that would be a priority for a long period and would have tax benefits, i.e. initially include stabilizing financial factors and bankruptcy prevention factors in the business plan.

The next stage of the business plan is the choice of location of the business (its geography. If the future main activity is related to the formation (production and sale of domestic tours), then it is necessary to determine the region for receiving and sending tourists. If the company will also engage in international tourism, then it is necessary to select those countries and regions where the tourism product produced by the enterprise will be sold.And this is associated with marketing the tourism services market in selected countries, studying the specifics of their macro- and microeconomics, tax policy, regulatory framework, infrastructure, tourist and recreational resources, etc.

The next stage of the business plan is research of the tourism services market. The purpose of this stage:

prove the competitiveness of selected regions (countries);

choose your tourism business segment in these regions. Bringing the competitiveness of the region is not necessary

only to the entrepreneur himself, but also to his future investors. Here, exceptional objectivity of the analysis and taking into account all potentially possible factors is necessary, because it is at this stage that the formation of a forecast of future sources of income begins. Gribov V.D. , Leonov A.L. Economics of service enterprises M: KRONUS, 2006.

Having determined the region of the tourism services market, it is necessary to calculate the maximum possible capacity of this market for the future by year, month, season, day of the week.

Then they begin to analyze the competitive environment. At the same time, statistics on the number of travel companies registered in a given region, their volumes of sales of tourism services, price factors, the presence of monopolists, and differences between their own tourism product and similar products of competitors are studied. If the market size and level of competition allows you to “fit” into the tourism business in this region, then a decision is made to segment the service market and develop the next stages of the business plan.

One of the important elements for the survival of a tourism enterprise in a competitive environment is the price factor, but for a new enterprise, maneuvering the price of services is possible within certain limits, with the exception of the production of a new competitive tourism product.

An important component of the business plan is the marketing plan, which includes the following components: technology for selling a tourism product, methods of stimulating sales, pricing, advertising strategy, forming public opinion about the company, etc.

Marketing in tourism is the activity of planning and developing tourist goods and services, selling, promoting goods and services, stimulating demand and pricing.

These activities help to promote goods and services from producers to consumers in order to obtain maximum profits while most effectively meeting the needs of the target group of tourists.

The specific nature of tourism is determined by the features and distinctive characteristics of the tourism product, as well as the characteristics of consumers and producers of tourism goods and services.

Tourism services have eight distinctive characteristics:

1. Non-storability. If there is no demand for them, hotel or airplane seats cannot be stored for the purpose of selling them in the future. Therefore, managers need to make efforts to stimulate demand for these services in a given short-term period.

2. Intangibility. Services cannot be presented in the form of product samples. There are no measured values ​​for assessing a tourism product, such as size, weight, volume, power, etc. It is impossible to have an idea of ​​the quality of the product before purchasing and consuming it. An objective assessment is only possible for individual service components.

In this regard, the company’s image on the market and the prestige of its products are of particular importance to consumers when purchasing.

3. Susceptibility to seasonal fluctuations. Marketing activities of a travel agency during the peak season and in the off-season will differ. In the off-season, additional measures to stimulate demand are needed: low prices, various additional services, varying different types of tourism (diversification of supply).

4. Significant staticity, attachment to a specific place (camp sites, airports) since they cannot be moved to another place. In addition, the tourism product depends on variables such as time and space.

5. Discrepancy in time between the fact of sale of a travel service and its consumption. The purchase of tourism services is made a week or even a month before the start of their consumption. In this case, advertising printed materials play an important role, providing visual information about the purchased tourism product and allowing one to create a sense of the benefits that can be derived from its consumption in the future. At the stage of selling a tourism product, great importance is attached to the degree of reliability of information, as well as the reliability of the tourism product.

6. Territorial separation of the consumer and producer in the tourism market. Information and advertising activities on a broader (international) level are important.

7. The buyer overcomes the distance separating him from the product and the place of consumption, and not vice versa.

8. Inconsistency of quality. The quality of travel services is influenced by external factors that do not depend on the will and actions of the seller or buyer: weather, natural conditions, tourism policy, international events, and so on Dmitriev M.N., Zabaeva M.N. Economics and entrepreneurship in socio-cultural services and tourism. M: Unity, 2006.

Producers and consumers of tourism services also have their own specific characteristics. The demand for travel services is highly elastic depending on market conditions, income, level of education, advertising and price. Assessing the quality of travel services is quite subjective; the consumer’s assessment is greatly influenced by external factors or persons not directly related to the package of purchased services (local residents, other vacationers, family members). The tourism product is addressed not only to “end” consumers - tourists, but also to intermediate authorities - travel agencies, partners, public tourist associations, and government agencies for tourism reform.

The characteristics of tourism service providers include such distinctive properties as complementarity and interaction with each other. This connection is especially visible in the long term, reflecting the composite nature of the tourism product: the profitability of transport companies depends on the occupancy and quality of accommodation facilities, and their survival in the market is determined by the quality of attractions and the degree of attendance of a given destination.

In a short period of time, various travel service providers do not take into account each other's interests in developing their marketing programs. Practice shows the predominance of this short-term orientation in the development of marketing strategies.

Each type of enterprise requires its own specialized marketing. In view of the fact that tourism is a complex system, a symbiosis of economics, politics, sociology, ecology and culture, to achieve a positive marketing effect here, more than anywhere else, close coordination of the marketing of various organizations and enterprises working in this area is necessary. The marketing concept is more holistic and comprehensive here than anywhere else.

Based on the above, the following features of tourism marketing can be identified:

1. For tourism marketing, the task of stimulating demand is less important. The demand for travel services is constantly growing, and the tourism industry, to a lesser extent than many other industries, depends on fluctuations in economic conditions. For tourism marketing, the more important task is to “direct demand” in the right direction.

When developing a tourism marketing complex, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the product - tourism service:

The demand for tourism services is elastic in relation to the level of income of the population and the prices for these services;

Tourist services are seasonal in nature and have a saturation phenomenon;

The production of tourism services is complex (the involvement of intermediaries is necessary), resource-intensive (special equipment is required - hotels, transport, etc.) and inflexible in location (therefore, tourism marketing is sometimes called place marketing) Zhukova M.A. Management in the tourism business. Tutorial. M: Knorus, 2005.

From the customers' point of view, the tourism product must meet their expectations of cost, convenience and timeliness. Tourists, like other consumers, weigh the costs and benefits of destinations and the investment of time, effort, resources and potential returns in education, experience, entertainment, relaxation and memories. Amenities include: travel time from the airport to the accommodation, no language barrier, cleanliness and sanitation, access to interesting places and special needs (old people, disabled, children, etc.). Timeliness includes factors that pose a risk to travel, such as riots, political instability, currency fluctuations, security and sanitary conditions.

The tourism product is characterized by:

Natural resources that make places attractive for tourism;

Energy wealth that creates the necessary amenities for tourists;

The human factor that makes tourism attractive as a means of communication;

Institutional factors that seem to shape the environment for tourists (security, awareness, legitimacy, etc.);

Political factors that largely determine society’s attitude towards tourism;

Organizational and administrative factors that can stimulate or hinder the development of tourism business;

Social factors, which are most often expressed in changes in the level of employment under the influence of tourism;

Various benefits and services accompanying the tourism product;

Economic and financial activities related to the production of tourism products 15. Ilyina E.N. Tour operating: organization of activities. M: FiS, 2007.

The attractiveness of places for tourists (characteristics of a tourism product) is determined not only by investments in the tourism business. Services need to be expanded, especially public safety, traffic and crowd control, ambulance services, sanitation services and street cleaning. It should also engage in internal tourism promotion targeting its own residents and businesses: retailers, travel agencies, restaurants, financial institutions, public and private transit, accommodation, police and officials.

The firm's position in the hotel services market is often determined by the level of the hotel product (service) offered to consumers. There are four product levels:

1) the main product, which is the main benefit for consumers;

2) related product (services, goods) necessary for consumers in order to use the main product;

3) an additional product that gives the main product additional benefits and helps to distinguish this product from its competitors;

4) product in the expanded sense of the word (extended product) - a product that combines the main, accompanying and additional products. For a hotel, this is its general atmosphere, accessibility, ease of communication between clients and service staff, their participation in the service process and the interaction of clients with each other Ushakov D.S. Applied tour rating. Rostov n/d: MarT, 2008.

The attractiveness of a hotel product in the eyes of actual and potential customers is often associated with a trademark, which is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or combination of these elements intended to identify the goods or services of a given seller so that they can be distinguished from those of competitors. Basic conditions for developing a trademark:

A trademark makes a product easily recognizable;

The product is perceived as having the best quality for a given price;

The quality and standard of service must be easily maintained;

The demand for the general product group of this product is quite large and is able to support a regional and national network;

Relative savings, i.e. the brand must generate relative savings to justify administrative and advertising resources.

Western experts have formulated 12 principles for the production and consumption of tourism products:

1. Product update. Outdated offers and forms of service do not attract customers.

2. Study of market potential. For example, there are miscalculations in work: too many plane tickets were purchased, a charter was rented that the company was not able to sell, a flight of the wrong class was purchased, etc.

3. Accounting for changes in the market. It is necessary to quickly respond to events occurring in the world. For example, due to the intensification of terrorism, the demand for travel to the Asian region decreased by 90%, since the safety of tourists could not be fully guaranteed.

4. Taking into account regional differences. In different countries, the dates of vacations and school holidays are different. There are also certain national preferences of tourists. When organizing tours and services, this must be taken into account.

5. Taking into account seasonal differences. In different countries, seasons do not change at the same time. For example, in the countries of Northern Europe the summer season begins in June, in southern Europe - in April-May. This is due to the pricing policy of travel companies - setting prices for high (low) seasons.

6. Compliance of the advertising budget with the objectives of advertising programs. A good modern idea, embedded in a tour and tourist services, but insufficiently financed and therefore not finding its consumers, is doomed to failure. Advertising and information, especially in the tourism sector, are currently given great importance throughout the world. However, it is necessary to correlate the financial capabilities of the company with the costs and goals of the advertising campaign.

7. Compliance of marketing policy with specific goals. Maintenance programs must consider their fitness for purpose. For example, a tour is designed based on the demand of tourists to visit a certain city in connection with the Olympic Games taking place there.

8. Testing new ideas before introducing them to the market. When opening new tours, it is reasonable to conduct so-called expert tours to identify errors, correct them and supplement them with successful findings.

9. Don't confuse purchasing with strategy. Tactics are regular actions aimed at achieving strategic goals. Strategy is the long-term policy of a company. A strategic plan specifies what marketing actions a firm should take, why they are necessary, who is responsible for implementing them, where they will be taken, and how they will be completed. It also determines the firm's future orientation and resource allocation.

10. Error analysis. Not admitting your own mistakes and repeating them leads to failure. For example, the constant introduction of new, untested ideas has a negative impact on the company's income and its prestige.

11. Product life cycle analysis. At each stage of the life cycle, a product requires certain investments (economic - for advertising; qualitative - for updating, etc.). You need to evaluate the moment when you should stop advertising a product at the point of decline, not miss this point and start developing advertising for a new product. The new product itself must begin to be developed long before this - no later than the third period of the life cycle of the existing product (stabilization period). New products may require advertising costs of up to 8% of a firm's turnover. Advertising costs for an existing product usually amount to 3-5% of a tour operator's turnover and approximately 0.5-1% for a travel agent.

12. Correct assessment of competitors. Someone else's product (service) may be more attractive; competitors have means of attracting customers that you do not have. All these issues require serious study by D.S. Ushakov. Applied tour rating. Rostov n/d: MarT, 2008.

The next stage of business planning is a plan for the production of tourism services and quality control of the tourism product. Here it is necessary to consider the issues of preparing tours, their methodological support, the availability of insurance and contractual documentation, the formation of a package of documents for obtaining a license, the development of a system for ensuring and monitoring the quality of services provided, etc.

One of the critical stages of a business plan is personnel planning, which combines such aspects as calculating the required number of employees, forming a staffing table, developing qualification requirements for personnel, job descriptions and forms of remuneration, etc.

It is advisable to also include in the business plan sections “Legal planning” and “Risk management”, which indicate the form of ownership, legal status of the enterprise, chain of command, threat of bankruptcy, sanctions and fines of regulatory authorities, etc.

The most important and complex section of a business plan is the “Financing Strategy” or “Financial Plan”. It represents the basis of financial management, on which the stable operation of the enterprise depends. In fact, this section summarizes all previous sections of the business plan. The main goal of the financial plan is to ensure a positive cash balance from the beginning to the end of the project. In addition, the financial plan reveals the need for capital and the efficiency of its use.

Financial management and forecasting of the financial stability of an enterprise should be tied to selected market segments and regions of competition, and also linked to other sections of the business plan.

If the tourism enterprise being created has the goal of implementing a specific investment project, then an additional section “Investment planning” is introduced into the business plan.