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Russian turkey enters the world market. Turkey market (turkey meat and offal)

Research by Global Reach Consulting

The Russian turkey breeding industry continues to develop rapidly; large agribusinesses are attracting investments in the production of this type of poultry. The increase in demand for turkey meat occurs against the backdrop of rising prices for red meat. Among the reasons for such a sharp increase in demand is the active marketing strategy of manufacturers with the establishment of a reasonable price for the consumer, coupled with the increasing popularity of turkey due to its beneficial properties and obvious advantages over other types of meat (dietary, lean, contains useful substances and microelements, cholesterol levels significantly lower than other types of meat).

Due to the crisis and falling real incomes, meat consumption is declining. However, the crisis played into the hands of less traditional Russian categories: turkey production in 2016 increased by more than a third. According to analysts at Global Reach Consulting (GRC), in 2016 the volume of turkey meat production amounted to about 220 thousand tons in slaughter weight, which is 38.3% higher than in 2015. For 4 months of 2017, compared to the same period of the previous year, the growth was 55.5%.

For 10 years, the volume of turkey meat production on household farms has remained practically at the same level, but production on an industrial scale is constantly growing. Thus, the number of commercial poultry in agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation increases from year to year. Back in 2006, according to GRC calculations, its population was only 845 thousand animals. At the end of 2016, the turkey population in agricultural organizations is estimated at almost 9 million heads, which is 40.5% more than a year earlier (rice. 1 ) .

The main trend in recent years, in addition to increasing capacity, has been the active growth in the production of semi-finished turkey meat products and the expansion of the current range. Releasing more products is a successful strategy: production growth occurs not so much due to volumes, but due to the introduction of new types of products to the market. Most turkey producers confirmed that they have mastered and started producing new types of products and cutting, as well as new highly processed products.

The largest enterprise for growing turkey in the Russian Federation until 2015 inclusive was the Eurodon company (Rostov region). By 2016, the company took second place in the all-Russian ranking, losing the leadership to Damate Group of Companies (Penza). The top three leaders based on the results of the year also included LLC Bashkir Poultry Farming Complex named after. M. Gafuri."

In 2017, the market situation changed, and the balance of power among the players also changed. The position of leader was retained by Damate Group of Companies - LLC PenzaMolInvest, part of the Group, was in first place with a share of 18.1% (rice. 2 ) . But Tambov Turkey LLC took second place in 2017. The project was implemented by the Cherkizovo Group of Companies together with the Spanish company Grupo Fuertes. In the fall of 2015, the company already commissioned poultry feeding and rearing areas. Reaching full design capacity was planned for 2017. At the first stage, the enterprise will produce 25–30 thousand tons of meat per year. In the future - increasing volumes to 50 thousand tons per year.

In 2017, such a major player as Agrofirm Gertsevskaya LLC left the Russian turkey market. By court decision, the company was declared bankrupt. LLC “Management Company “Regioninvest” became the winner of the auction for the sale of more than 121 thousand turkey chickens at a starting price of more than 20 million rubles. Previously, the property of the Gertsevskaya Agrofirm was put up for auction twice, but it was not sold due to a lack of applications, either the first time or at the repeated auction, when the price was reduced. It is worth noting that the departure of the Gertsevskaya agricultural firm from the market had no effect on the overall market dynamics.

Imports of turkey meat have not had any impact on the Russian market recently. In 2016, the volume of imports of these products decreased by another 40.7% and amounted to only 3.4 thousand tons worth $ 5.1 million (the drop in value was 60.2%). According to data for January–April 2017, imports of turkey meat amounted to only 1 thousand tons worth $2.2 million (this is less than 1% of the total market volume). In 2016–2017, only frozen turkey parts were supplied to Russia (100% of imports). There were no supplies of chilled meat or uncut carcasses. Until 2014, Türkiye was the leader in supplies in this segment. In 2015, meat supplies from this country decreased by more than 60%. Currently, imports come mainly from Brazil, but also from Chile.

However, if we talk about hatching eggs and turkey poults for growing, then Russia, as before, is almost completely dependent on imported “material”, about 80% of which, according to data for January–April 2017, was provided by France and Canada. The first place in supplies of turkey hatching eggs to Russia in 2017 is occupied by the Dutch company Hendrix Genetics, which has a representative office in France (Hendrix Genetics Turkeys France S.A.S). The Hendrix Genetics company plans to build an incubator in Russia for the production of eggs and young turkeys. The production capacity of the new poultry complex could be 6.5 million turkey hatching eggs and 60–70 thousand heads of turkey poults. The company has not yet specified either the region where the enterprise will be built or the volume of investment in construction. According to market participants, the site can supply a factory with a capacity of 50 thousand tons of turkey meat per year.

In the coming years, an increase in the available market resource is predicted, primarily due to the continued growth of domestic production. It is worth noting that in conditions of rapid saturation of the Russian market, it is necessary to develop exports. Today, many large companies already export their products, for example, Eurodon, ZAO Poultry Farm Zadonskaya (Lipetsk region), ZAO Krasnobor (Tula region) and Tambov Turkey supply their products to Ukraine. BPK im. M. Gafuri exports products to Vietnam. Damate was one of the first to export turkey back in 2015 and now supplies products to Asia, Africa, the EU and the United Arab Emirates.

Anna Berdysheva,
business planning department analyst
and marketing research
Global Reach Consulting

Background of the study: After the failure of 2009, the turkey market is showing a timid recovery trend. However, within the next five years we will witness an unprecedented rise that will take this segment to a fundamentally new level. It is necessary to analyze the market, competitors, consumers and prospects for its development.

Purpose of the study: Analysis of the market situation.

Subject of research: Turkey meat market

Geography of the study: Central Federal District - Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Kaluga region, Kostroma region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow region, Oryol region, Ryazan region, Smolensk region, Tambov region, Tver region, Tula region, Yaroslavl region, Federal city Moscow

Research objectives:
. Market Review;
. Market situation;
. Competitor analysis;
. Consumer analysis;
. Development prospects;
. Price analysis;
. Conducting an analysis and implementing a scenario forecast of the impact of Russia's accession to the WTO on agriculture - on production, costs, prices, consumption, market saturation, etc.

The information base for the study was data from expert surveys of manufacturers, dealers, and other industry players, a database of media publications, results of completed studies, materials from industry institutions, materials from market participants, Megaresearch databases, as well as open access resources.

In the process of collecting data during interviews, methods of a legendary survey (mystery shopping method) and monitoring of documentary sources were used.
Data analysis methods were content analysis and extrapolative modeling.

Terms of service
This project is individually finalized in accordance with the client’s wishes.
Study completion time: 15 working days

1. Methodological comments on the study.

2. Review of the turkey meat market in the Central Federal District, 2010-2012.
2.1. General information on the market
2.1.1. Main characteristics of the market
2.1.2. Market volume and capacity
2.1.3. Assessment of current trends and market development prospects

3. Foreign trade supplies in the Central Federal District, from 2010 to 2012.
3.1. Volume and dynamics of imports
3.1.1. Import structure, 2012:
. by country of origin in physical and value terms
. by manufacturing companies in physical and value terms
. by recipients in kind and in value terms
. by region of receipt
3.2.Volume and dynamics of exports
3.2.1. Export structure, 2012:
. by recipient countries
. by manufacturing companies in value and volume terms
. by regions of departure from the Russian Federation in physical and value terms
. by product groups in physical and value terms
1.4.3. Export/import balance for a period of time

4. Analysis of turkey meat production in the Central Federal District
4.1. Volume and dynamics of production
4.2. Share of exports in production
4.3. Segmentation in production
5. Competitive analysis: the largest turkey meat producers in the Central Federal District
5.1. Main competing companies (top 5): production volume and market share
5.2. Sales channels of competing companies.
5.3. Analysis of competitors' pricing policies
6. Analysis of turkey meat consumption in the Central Federal District
6.1.Assessment of the volume and structure of consumption
6.2.Main consumers and industries
6.3.Forecast of dynamics of consumption volume in the short term
7. Price analysis in the Central Federal District
7.1.Analysis of producer prices (wholesale and retail prices)
7.2.Analysis of distributor prices (wholesale and retail prices)
7.3.Average import price
7.4.Average export price
8. Analysis of the state of affairs on the turkey meat market in connection with accession to the WTO
8.1. Main risks for the Customer's company as a result of Russia's accession to the WTO
8.2. Analysis of development prospects for the Customer’s Company as a result of Russia’s accession to the WTO

IN turkey market research conducted by the company GLOBAL REACH CONSULTING, presents a comprehensive analysis of the Russian and global turkey meat market. The work provides data for 2016 and 4M 2017, as well as a market development forecast for 2017-2020.

The report analyzes the raw material base of the turkey breeding industry in Russia. Presented analysis of operating Russian poultry farms based on the results of 2016 and 4M 2017 , engaged in the industrial cultivation and production of turkey meat, and their classification according to the technological production cycle (which poultry farms purchase day-old chicks, and which ones purchase hatchery eggs (including the volume of purchases, prices, names of suppliers).

world turkey market


Russian turkey market

The purpose of the chapter is to consider the situation on the global turkey meat market:

  • volume and dynamics of global turkey meat production in 2009-2015, and 2016, geography by country;
  • world trade by country (import/export) in 2009-2016 :
  1. turkey chicks;
  2. fresh parts and offal;
  3. fresh carcasses;
  4. frozen parts and offal;
  5. frozen carcasses.
  • World market balance and consumption geography.
  • Volume and dynamics of turkey meat production in 2006-2016 and 4M 2017;
  • Largest producers turkey meat in Russia:
  1. volume of turkey meat production, incl. based on the results of 2016.and 4M 2017;
  2. market shares.
  • Turkey meat production by farm category;
  • Structure of production by type of meat;
  • Classification of turkey producers by technological cycle (hatchery eggs or day-old chicks).
  • Turkey livestock in Russia (including by federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation);

The chapter estimates the volume of the Russian turkey meat market:

  • Balance of the turkey meat market and the volume of apparent consumption in 2006-2016. and 4M 2017;
  • Share of imports on the Russian turkey meat market;
  • Forecast for the development of the Russian turkey meat market for 2017-2020:
  1. production forecast;
  2. import forecast;
  3. available market resource.

import of turkey to Russia

profiles of the largest players

  • Volume, dynamics and structure of imports of turkey meat in 2006-2016. and 4M 2017;
  • Import of hatchery eggs, day-old chicks and turkey meat (fresh or frozen parts and carcasses):
  1. volume and dynamics of imports,
  2. import structure by type,
  3. geography of imports by country.
  1. importers (recipient companies) - import volumes and shares in imports.
  • LLC "Eurodon"
  • JSC "Krasnobor"
  • LLC "Egoryevskaya Poultry Farm"
  • LLC "Bashkir poultry complex named after M. Gafuri"
  • JSC "Zadonskaya"

Profiles include the following information:

  • General information;
  • Volume and dynamics of production;
  • Financial information.

EXTRACTS FROM Turkey meat market research

  • The world's largest producer and consumer of turkey meat is the United States. The US share in the world production structure is ***%.
  • Russia ranks *** in global turkey meat production, with a share of 2.8%, and every year our country’s share is gradually increasing.
  • For 4 months of 2017, the volume of turkey meat production in the Russian Federation amounted to *** thousand tons. Compared to the same period of the previous year, this is ***% more.
  • In 2017, the situation on the Russian turkey market changed - the balance of power among the players changed. The DAMATE company retained its leadership position - PENZAMOLINVEST LLC is in first place with a share of ***%. But the company “***” took second place in 2017. The third place is occupied by the company "***".
  • Taking into account the emerging course of transition of the Russian economy to import substitution and complete food independence, analysts at GLOBAL REACH CONSULTING (GRC) predict an increase in supply on the Russian turkey market to *** thousand tons by 2020.


1.1. Objectives of the study

2.1. Definition

2.2. Main breeds of turkeys

2.3. Turkey meat



5.2. Production structure

5.3. Largest producers

5.3.1. LLC "EVRODON"

general information

Financial information


general information

Financial information


general information

Financial information

general information

Financial information

general information

Financial information


general information

Financial information

6.1 Customs duties

6.3 Import of turkey chicks

6.4.1 Import dynamics


8.2.1. Moscow

8.2.2. Saint Petersburg

8.2.4. Central Federal District

8.2.5. Ural Federal District

8.2.6. Volga Federal District

8.2.7. Northwestern Federal District

8.2.8. Siberian Federal District







1.1. Objectives of the study

1.2. Research methods and sources

1.3. Key findings from the study


2.1. Definition

2.2. Main breeds of turkeys

2.3. Turkey meat

2.4. Turkey breeding industry

2.5. Killer yield of turkey meat


3.1. World turkey meat production

3.2. World import of turkey chicks

3.2.1. Dynamics and volume of global imports of turkey chicks

3.2.2. Geography of global imports of turkey chicks

3.3. World imports of turkey meat

3.3.1. Dynamics and volume of global imports of turkey meat

3.3.2. Import of frozen turkey parts and offal

3.3.3. Import of fresh or chilled turkey parts and offal

3.3.4. Import of frozen turkey carcasses

3.3.5. Import of fresh and chilled turkey carcasses

3.4. Global export of turkey chicks

3.4.1. Dynamics and volume of global exports of turkey chicks

3.4.2. Geography of global export of turkey chicks

3.5. Global turkey meat exports

3.5.1. Dynamics and volume of global turkey meat exports

3.5.2. Export of frozen turkey parts and offal

3.5.3. Export of fresh or chilled turkey parts and offal

3.5.4. Export of frozen turkey carcasses

3.5.5. Export of fresh and chilled turkey carcasses

3.6. Balance of the global turkey meat market. Consumption volume


4.1. Dynamics of livestock in agricultural organizations

4.2. Turkey population by federal districts

4.3. Turkey population by region


5.1. Volume and dynamics of turkey meat production

5.2. Production structure

5.3. Largest producers

5.3.1. LLC "EVRODON"

general information

Financial information


general information

Financial information


general information

Financial information


general information

Financial information


general information

Financial information


general information

Financial information

5.4. Problems of development of Russian turkey meat production


6.1 Customs duties

6.2 Import of turkey hatching eggs

6.2.1 Dynamics and geography of imports

6.2.2 Import of hatching eggs by recipient company

6.2.3 Import of hatching eggs by manufacturer

6.2.4 Prices for imported hatching eggs

6.3 Import of turkey chicks

6.3.1 Imports by country of origin

6.3.2 Import by recipient company

6.3.3 Import by manufacturer campaigns

6.3.4 Prices for day-old turkey chicks

6.4 Total turkey meat imports

6.4.1 Import dynamics

6.4.2 Import structure by HS groups

6.4.3 Imports by country of origin

6.5 Import of frozen turkey parts and offal

6.6 Import of turkey parts and offal, fresh or chilled

6.7 Import of frozen turkey carcasses

6.8 Firms receiving turkey meat

6.9 Manufacturers of imported turkey meat



8.1. Prices for imported meat at customs

8.1.1. Prices by product type

8.1.2. Prices by country of origin

8.1.3. Prices by recipient company

8.2. Wholesale prices of manufacturers and distributors for turkey products by region

8.2.1. Moscow

8.2.2. Saint Petersburg

8.2.3. Southern and North Caucasian Federal District

8.2.4. Central Federal District

8.2.5. Ural Federal District

8.2.6. Volga Federal District

8.2.7. Northwestern Federal District

8.2.8. Siberian Federal District




Body weight according to age and slaughter yield. Males and females of heavy breeds

Turkey slaughter yield, % of live weight

Dynamics of global turkey meat production by country, 2009-2016, thousand tons and %

Dynamics of global imports of turkey chicks by country, 2010-2016, pcs. And %

Dynamics of global imports of turkey meat by country, 2010-2016, thousand tons and %

Dynamics of global imports of turkey meat by type, 2010-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of imports of frozen turkey parts and by-products by country, 2009-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of imports of fresh or chilled turkey parts and by-products by country, 2009-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of imports of frozen turkey carcasses by country of the world, 2009-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of imports of fresh or chilled turkey carcasses by country of the world, 2009-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of global exports of turkey chicks by country, 2010-2016, pcs. And %

Dynamics of global turkey meat exports by country, 2009-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of global turkey meat exports by type, 2010-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of exports of frozen turkey parts and by-products by country, 2009-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of exports of fresh or chilled turkey parts and by-products by country, 2009-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of export of frozen turkey carcasses by countries of the world, 2009-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of exports of fresh and chilled turkey carcasses by country, 2009-2016, tons and %

Dynamics of turkey livestock at the largest agricultural enterprises in Russia, 2006-4M 2017, thousand heads and %

Dynamics of turkey meat production volumes in Russia, 2006-4M 2017, thousand tons

The largest producers of turkey meat in Russia, 2006-4M 2017, tons and %

Balance sheet of Eurodon LLC, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Profit and loss statement of Eurodon LLC, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Cash flow statement of Eurodon LLC, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Financial ratios of Eurodon LLC, 2013-2015.

Balance sheet of CJSC Krasnobor, 2011-2014, thousand rubles.

Profit and loss statement of Krasnobor CJSC, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Cash flow statement of JSC Krasnobor, 2011-2014, thousand rubles.

Financial ratios of JSC Krasnobor, 2013-2015.

Balance sheet of PENZAMOLINVEST LLC, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Profit and loss statement of PENZAMOLINVEST LLC, 2013-2015.

Cash flow statement of PENZAMOLINVEST LLC, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Financial ratios of PENZAMOLINVEST LLC, 2013-2015.

Balance sheet of LLC Bashkir Poultry Farming Complex named after M. Gafuri, 2011-2015, thousand rubles.

Profit and loss statement of LLC Bashkir Poultry Farming Complex named after M. Gafuri, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Cash flow statement of LLC Bashkir Poultry Farming Complex named after M. Gafuri, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Financial ratios of LLC Bashkir Poultry Farming Complex named after M. Gafuri, 2013-2015.

Balance sheet of Egoryevskaya Poultry Farm LLC, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Profit and loss statement of Egoryevskaya Poultry Farm LLC, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Cash flow statement of Egoryevskaya Poultry Farm LLC, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Financial ratios of Egoryevskaya Poultry Farm LLC, 2011-2014.

Balance sheet of ZAO Zadonskaya, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Profit and loss statement of ZAO Zadonskaya, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Cash flow statement of ZAO Zadonskaya, 2013-2015, thousand rubles.

Financial ratios of ZAO Zadonskaya, 2013-2015.

Customs duties on export and import of turkey meat

Dynamics of imports of hatching eggs in physical terms, 2007-4M 2017, thousand pcs. And %

Dynamics of imports of turkey hatching eggs in value terms, 2007-4M 2017, thousand dollars and %

Dynamics of import of hatching eggs by recipient company, 2009-4M 2017, thousand pcs. And %

Dynamics of import of hatching eggs by company receiving the goods, 2008-4M 2017, thousand dollars and %

Dynamics of import of hatching eggs by manufacturing company, 2007-2016, thousand pcs. And %

Dynamics of prices for imported hatching eggs by recipient companies, 2006-4M 2017, dollars per piece. And %

Dynamics of import of day-old turkey chicks by country of origin, 2008-4M 2017, thousand pcs. And %

Dynamics of import of day-old turkey chicks by country of origin, 2008-4M 2007, thousand dollars and %

Dynamics of import of day-old turkey chicks by recipient company, 2006-4M 2017, thousand pcs. And %

Dynamics of import of day-old turkey chicks by manufacturer 2014-4M 2017, thousand pcs. and thousand dollars

Dynamics of prices for day-old turkey chicks by recipient companies, 2009-4M 2017, dollars per piece.

Commodity structure of imports of turkey meat, 2011-4M 2017, tons and thousand dollars.

Import of turkey meat by country of origin, 2010-4M 2017, tons and %

Import of turkey meat by country of origin, 2010-4M 2017, thousand dollars and %

Dynamics of imports of frozen turkey parts and by-products by country of origin, 2007-4M 2017, tons

Import of fresh or chilled turkey parts and by-products, 2005-2016, tons

Dynamics of imports of frozen turkey carcasses by country of origin, 2005-2016, tons and %

Companies receiving imported turkey meat, 2016-4M 2017, tons and thousand dollars and %

Largest companies receiving imported turkey meat, 2011-2016, tons and %

Volume of turkey meat imports by producing companies, 2013-4M 2017, tons and thousand dollars, %

Turkey meat market dynamics, 2009-4M 2017, tons and %

Cost of turkey meat at customs by type, 2011-4M 2017, dollars per kg and %

Cost of turkey meat at customs by type, 2011-4M 2017, rub. per kg and %

Average prices for imported turkey meat by country of origin, 2010-4M 2017, dollars per 1 kg

Average prices for imported turkey meat by company receiving the products, 2016-4M 2017, dollars per 1 kg and %

Wholesale prices for turkey products in Moscow

Wholesale prices for turkey products in St. Petersburg

Wholesale prices for turkey products in the Southern Federal District and North Caucasus Federal District

Wholesale prices for turkey products in the Central Federal District

Wholesale prices for turkey products in the Ural Federal District

Wholesale prices for turkey meat BPK im. M. Gafuri

Wholesale prices for turkey meat Regionprodtorg LLC

Wholesale prices for turkey meat in the Kirov region

Wholesale prices for turkey meat in the Republic of Tatarstan

Wholesale prices for turkey meat in other regions of the Volga Federal District

Wholesale prices for turkey products in the Northwestern Federal District

Wholesale prices for turkey products in the Siberian Federal District

Companies receiving imported turkey meat in 2011-2015, tons and %

Companies receiving imported turkey meat in 2011-2015, thousand dollars and %

Average prices for imported turkey meat by company receiving the products, 2011 -2015, dollars per 1 kg and %


Dynamics of global turkey meat production, 2009-2015, thousand tons and %

Share of major countries in global turkey meat production in volume terms, 2015, %

Dynamics of global imports of turkey chicks, 2009-2016, thousand pcs. And %

Geographical structure of world imports of turkey chicks by country, 2016, %

Dynamics of global imports of turkey meat, 2009-2016, thousand tons and %

Global imports of turkey meat in volume terms by type, 2016, %

Geography of global imports of turkey meat in volume terms, 2016, %

Shares of the largest importing countries of frozen turkey parts and by-products, 2016, % of imports in volume terms

Shares of the largest countries importing fresh or chilled turkey parts and by-products, 2016, % of imports in volume terms

Shares of the largest countries importing frozen turkey carcasses, 2016, % of imports in volume terms

Geographical structure of imports of fresh or chilled turkey carcasses by country, 2016, % of imports in volume terms

Dynamics of global exports of turkey chicks, 2009-2016 thousand pcs. And %

Geographical structure of global exports of turkey chicks by country, 2016, %

Dynamics of global exports of turkey meat, 2009-2016, thousand tons and %

Structure of global turkey meat exports by country, 2016, % of exports in volume terms

Structure of global turkey meat exports by type, 2016, % of exports in volume terms

Shares of the largest countries in global exports of frozen turkey parts and by-products, 2016, % of exports in volume terms

Shares of the largest countries in the export of fresh or chilled turkey parts and by-products, 2016, % of exports in volume terms

Shares of the largest countries in global exports of frozen turkey carcasses, 2016, % of exports in volume terms

Shares of the largest countries in global exports of fresh or chilled turkey carcasses, 2016, % of exports in volume terms

Dynamics of turkey numbers in agricultural organizations, 2006-4M 2017, thousand heads

Distribution of turkeys in agricultural organizations by federal districts of the Russian Federation, 4M 2017, %

Distribution of turkey livestock by region in agricultural organizations, 4M 2017, %

Dynamics of turkey meat production volumes in Russia, 2006-4M 2017, tons and %

Dynamics of the share of industrial poultry farms in turkey production, 2006-4M 2017, % of production in physical terms

Structure of turkey meat production by type, % of production in volume terms

Shares of the largest companies in total turkey meat production, 4M 2017, %

Dynamics of import of hatching eggs in physical and value terms, 2006-4M 2017, thousand pcs. and thousand dollars

Shares of countries supplying hatching eggs in the Russian Federation, 4M 2017, as a percentage of import volume in physical terms

Shares of the largest recipients of hatching eggs, 4M 2017, as a percentage of import volume in physical terms

Shares of the largest producers of imported hatching eggs, 4M 2017, as a percentage of import volume in physical terms

Dynamics of the average cost of hatching turkey eggs, 2006-4M 2017, dollars per piece. and rub. per piece

Average cost of imported turkey hatching eggs by manufacturer, 4M 2017, rub. per piece

Dynamics of import of day-old turkey chicks, 2006-4M 2017, thousand pcs. and thousand dollars

Growth rate of imports of chicks to Russia in physical and value terms, 2007-4M 2017, %

Structure of imports of day-old chicks by country of origin in quantitative terms, 4M 2017, %

Structure of imports of day-old chicks by country of origin in value terms, 4M 2017, %

Structure of import of day-old turkey chicks by largest recipient companies, 4M 2017, % of thousand pcs.

Dynamics of import prices of day-old chicks, 2006-4M 2017, dollars per piece.

Dynamics of imports of turkey meat in physical terms, 2004-4M 2017, thousand tons and %

Dynamics of turkey meat imports in value terms, 2004-4M 2017, million dollars and %

Shares of countries in imports of turkey meat in physical terms, 4M 2017, %

Shares of countries in turkey meat imports in value terms, 4M 2017, %

Dynamics of imports of fresh or chilled turkey parts and by-products, 2005-2014, tons

Dynamics of imports of frozen turkey carcasses in physical terms, 2005-2015, tons

Shares of recipients in the structure of turkey meat imports in physical terms, 4M 2017, %

Dynamics of turkey meat imports by the largest recipients in physical terms, 2011-2016, tons

Shares of producers in the structure of turkey meat imports in physical terms, 4M 2017, %

Dynamics of the turkey meat market in physical terms, 2007-4M 2017, tons and %

Share of imports on the Russian turkey meat market, 2007-4M 2017, %

Forecast for the development of the Russian turkey meat market for 2017-2020, tons and %


Dynamics of turkey meat production at industrial enterprises and households, 2006-4M 2017, thousand tons

Forecast of Russian production and imports for 2017-2020, tons


Main importing countries of turkey chicks, 2016, thousand dollars.

Main importing countries of frozen turkey parts and by-products, 2016, thousand dollars.

Main importing countries of fresh or chilled turkey parts and by-products, 2016, thousand dollars.

Main importing countries of frozen turkey carcasses, 2016, thousand dollars.

Main importing countries of fresh or chilled turkey carcasses, 2016, thousand dollars.

Main exporting countries of frozen turkey parts and by-products, 2016, thousand dollars.

Main exporting countries of fresh or chilled turkey parts and by-products, 2016, thousand dollars.

Main exporting countries of frozen turkey carcasses, 2016, thousand dollars.

Main countries exporting fresh or chilled turkey carcasses, 2016, thousand dollars.


Characteristics of the most common turkey breeds in Russia

Distribution of turkey types by use in industrial processing

Classification of the largest turkey meat producers in Russia

Classification of companies importing turkey meat to the Russian market

Despite the sanctions and the crisis, domestic food producers are preparing not only to feed the country, but also to storm foreign markets. Russian turkey production has grown more than 2.1 times over 4 years, and its exports increased 23 times last year.

As industry analysts note, just 10 years ago, industrial production of turkey meat in Russia was in its infancy, so our market contained mainly frozen products supplied from Brazil and the European Union. However, the situation began to change when domestic producers, having calculated the possibilities and prospects, realized that this production could bring considerable profits.

Back in mid-2004, construction began in the Rostov region of Russia's first large industrial complex for growing and processing turkey meat. In subsequent years, several more large projects were implemented in this area.

The results are obvious: from 2012 to 2016, the production of turkey meat (in slaughter weight) at Russian poultry enterprises increased 2.5 times - from 85 to 210 thousand tons, experts note. In the period from 2015 to 2016, turkey imports to Russia fell by half - from 5.7 thousand to 3.4 thousand tons. And it was during this period that Russian products entered international markets for the first time: more than 200 tons of turkey meat were sent to Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the CIS countries.

The largest increase in the indicator took place last year, when production growth exceeded 40 percent compared to 2015. However, this year growth may slow down, given the difficult situation with the bird flu epidemic in Russia, due to which several leading enterprises were forced to destroy several hundred thousand birds.

However, as stated in the Concept for the Development of the Poultry Industry, by 2020 it is planned to increase the level of turkey meat production to 585 thousand tons.

“The reason for such explosive growth in both production and export potential is the high return on investment. The production of chicken and turkey meat are the two most profitable areas in meat production, says Natalya Shagaida, director of the Center for Agricultural Policy at the Institute of Applied Economic Research of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA). — The calculation was made on investments in the construction of capacities and the purchase of young animals. As we can see, it turned out to be correct.” At the same time, it is not yet possible to expect similar success with other types of meat. Pork production requires large investments of time and money, not to mention beef production. So in these areas we must now focus on securing our own market first.

Moreover, in the future the Russian market will face serious inter-industry competition, so manufacturers are interested in developing exports.

“The number of investment projects in the industry is growing, which indicates serious competition between manufacturers,” notes Dmitry Vostrikov, executive director of the Rusprodsoyuz Association. — So it’s natural that when the domestic market is saturated, Russian turkey is exported. To ensure the necessary demand, manufacturers will diversify markets, thereby expanding the export opportunities of their products.”

According to BusinesStat analysts, 1.74 thousand tons of turkey were exported from the country last year, which exceeded the volume of 2012 (about 75 tons) by 23.3 times. But then exports will grow at an explosive pace. It is expected that in the next five years, exports will grow annually and by 2021, supplies will amount to about 50 thousand tons of finished products, which will exceed the value of 2016 by almost 28 times.

However, Russian manufacturers are ready to increase foreign supplies in other areas as well.

Russian products are conquering the world

“Vegetable oils have great export potential: sunflower, camelina and others,” says Dmitry Vostrikov. “Export volumes of this type of product have been growing for several years.” According to him, during the period from March to May of this year alone, 683 thousand tons of sunflower oil were exported from Russia for a total of $518 million. The increase compared to the same period last year amounted to 179 thousand tons, or $114 million in monetary equivalent. At the same time, Egypt and Türkiye traditionally and willingly buy our oil.

According to the expert, mustard has good export potential. “We are confident in the success of exporting domestic honey,” says the head of Rusprodsoyuz. “But for this it is necessary to make a number of changes to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union regarding the maximum permissible concentration of antibiotic residues and to equip the regions with modern equipment for analyzing products according to international standards.”

In addition, this year there has been a sharp increase in the export of certain types of vegetables. This is due to an increase in the production of greenhouse vegetables - by almost a quarter - to 476.2 thousand tons. In particular, 350 thousand tons of cucumbers (an increase of 21.5 percent) and almost 119 thousand tons of tomatoes (plus 42 percent) were collected. So the more than threefold increase in export supplies of tomatoes (over 3.7 thousand tons in January-June) is not at all surprising. Until the end of the year, the upward trend in vegetable exports is predicted to continue.

According to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, exports of frozen vegetables are growing, significantly - almost 3.5 times, and canned vegetable products: supplies of cucumbers have increased by about a third and cabbage by almost 13 percent.

The fact that the export of products from Russia is growing is also evidenced by data from the Federal Customs Service (FCS). In particular, the share of exports of food products and raw materials for their production in the commodity structure of exports in January-May 2017 amounted to 4.6 percent. “At the same time, compared to January-May last year, the cost and physical volumes of supplies of these goods increased by 14.6 and 8.6 percent, respectively,” the department’s materials note.

At the end of last year, the Agriconsult company conducted research on the Russian turkey meat market. Turkey meat production is growing rapidly, according to the study. But in general, turkey meat consumption remains at a low level - about 2% of all poultry meat consumption. The following factors contribute to this:

Historical features that at the moment (change of mentality and integration into the world community) are losing their significance in the field of taste preferences of Russian consumers;
- production and the market began to form relatively recently; most domestic manufacturers do not have enough experience and competencies compared to world leaders. Foreign capital and technology will not be invested in the production of turkey meat in the near future (the exception is the Cherkizovo Group of Companies, which is implementing its new project together with the leader of the Spanish turkey meat market - Grupo Fuertes).


A number of experts estimate the turkey meat market at 100 thousand tons in slaughter weight in 2011. Compared to 2010, the market decreased by 4 thousand tons (4.3%). This is due to a drop in imports.


In Russia, meat production is growing steadily (Table 1).

During the period from 2006 to 2011, production of the main types of livestock and poultry in slaughter weight increased from 5209 to 7410 thousand tons (+42.2%), including poultry - from 1632 to 3174 thousand tons (+94.5 %), pigs - from 1699 to 2414 thousand tons (+42.1%), sheep and goats - from 156 to 188 thousand tons (+20.5%). Cattle production decreased from 1809 to 1635 thousand tons (-9.6%).
The growth in turkey production over this period is proportional to the growth in poultry production - from 28.2 to 65 thousand tons (130%).


According to data from the FSGS of the Russian Federation and the assessment of a number of experts, the growth in turkey meat production is due to agricultural organizations; from 2006 to 2011, the growth of industrial production was about 180%, or 36 thousand tons.
It is impossible to determine the increase in turkey meat production among the population. According to the results of the agricultural census in 2006, this figure was about 8 thousand tons (28% of total production), and by 2011, according to experts, it decreased to 10-15% of total production.


In general, the turkey market in Russia is unsaturated: according to various sources, consumption ranges from 0.64 to 0.9 kilograms per person per year. Consumption is distributed unevenly. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities, consumption is much higher. In small towns and rural areas, turkey products are presented in much smaller quantities, or not at all.
It is worth noting that turkey consumption varies significantly across countries. Thus, in 2011, in the United States, the largest consumer of this product, per capita per year there were 7.4 kilograms of turkey meat, in Canada - 4.2 kilograms, and in the European Union (on average for 27 countries) - 3.8 kilograms of turkey meat.


According to Agriconsult research, competition on the Russian turkey market is not very high, with the exception of regions with intensive consumption, primarily Moscow. At the same time, the market is characterized by quite high concentration: the 3 largest enterprises in 2012 provided more than 60% of production (52% of the market), and the 8 largest players - 86% of total production (63% of the market). The main producers of turkey meat are: Eurodon (39% of the market), Agroholding Yeniseisky (15%), Krasnobor (12%), Bashkir Poultry Complex named after M. Gafuri (9%), Yegoryevsk Poultry Farm (5% ), Poultry farm "Zadonskaya" (3%), Agrofirm "Gertsevskaya" (2%), "Concord" (1%), others (14%).


The total resource of the turkey meat market in Russia decreases annually, which is due to a reduction in imports. A further decline in import volumes is expected in the coming years. First of all, this is due to the further growth of domestic production: by 2015, imports are projected to decrease to 22-23 thousand tons.
In general, according to Agriconsult Group of Companies and other industry experts, the total market resource will grow due to domestic production - this is due to an increase in the production of existing poultry farms and the emergence of new players in the market.
Leading enterprises, for example, Eurodon LLC (Rostov region) and Agroholding Yeniseisky LLC (Krasnoyarsk Territory, part of the Siberian Province Agroholding), are introducing new complexes for growing turkey. As for new projects, according to various sources, up to 35 investment projects have been announced in Russia, the largest and most realistic of which are:
- LLC APK "Damate" (Penza region) - in July 2012, the first stage of construction of the complex was completed and a hatchery for 1.8 million turkey eggs per year was opened. The design capacity planned by 2015 should be 60 thousand tons of turkey meat per year. The volume of investments is 7.4 billion rubles.
- GC "Cherkizovo" (Tambov region) - implementation of the project has just begun. The launch is planned for 2014. According to the enterprise plan, the design capacity will be 40 thousand tons of turkey meat per year. The volume of investments is 4 billion rubles.
- CJSC "Nevyansk Poultry Farm" (Sverdlovsk region) - in 2013 it is planned to open the first stage of the poultry complex (10 thousand tons of meat per year). The design capacity will be achieved when the second and third stages are put into operation in 2015. The estimated capacity is 30 thousand tons of meat per year, and the investment volume is 6 billion rubles.


All experts predict an increase in domestic turkey production. Another issue is the growth rate. For example, according to some estimates, of the large number of announced projects, many will not be implemented in principle, or will be implemented, but not within the stated time frame or not in full.
According to analysts, turkey production will reach 252 thousand tons in slaughter weight in 2013, and by 2015 it will grow to 332 thousand tons.
According to Agriconsult and other industry experts, by 2015 the volume of Russian turkey meat production is likely to reach 109 thousand tons in slaughter weight or 153 thousand tons in live weight. This is the most realistic forecast.
During 2006-2011, the share of turkey production did not exceed 1% in the overall structure of meat production (2% in the structure of poultry farming), and the resource of the turkey market was constantly declining. Despite this, in the future until 2015, thanks to the intensive growth of domestic production, all experts predict active market growth: according to minimum estimates, up to 44% in 4 years.