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The most popular business ideas. New business ideas

Read newspapers more often! This phrase is a joke, of course, but if you are seriously looking for fresh ideas for a business from scratch in 2016, then take a closer look at the experience of a young man from London.

About a year ago, Chris Knwonta created an automotive startup that helps people buy used cars without risk.

Why the members of the editorial board of the Russian Startup website consider this business idea to be relevant in 2016-2017, you will understand if you read the article to the end.

Chris came up with the idea for his business after he bought a car second-hand and received, along with a seemingly good car, a bunch of problems with the engine and chassis.

The problems that the seller skillfully hid made themselves felt on the first trip. Yes, Chris was not a sophisticated person in automotive topics, and did not seek advice from a specialist when purchasing.

It was his mistake, and he decided to find out how many people in England buy used cars without deep knowledge and almost at random. As it turned out, there were many such people.

And then Chris decided to create a business where a car put up for sale would have in the public domain full information about the advantages and disadvantages of the offer.

From the editor:
Go to any website selling used cars in Russia and read the description. This is 100% a story about what a wonderful car is being sold, and the seller is literally crying with grief, forced to sell his pet. We have never read a description that fully and honestly described the problem areas of the car being sold.

Moreover, all problems and advantages will be found by specially attracted specialists. Like, if you want to sell your car, you drive it to a special site, a specialist carries out a full diagnosis and maintenance. inspection, while the entire inspection process is recorded on video and the video is posted on the website, in a specially created page for the car being sold.

People who want to purchase a particular car find the option they like in the catalog of cars for sale and watch a video that talks about the advantages and disadvantages of a possible purchase and make a decision: to buy or not to buy.

Everything is fair: the person who bought the car knows exactly where he will still have to spend money, and where he can endure without repairs.

What is the idea of ​​this business?

The fact is that people (both sellers and buyers) understand: there are no ideal used cars. From the word absolutely, and the whole process of buying and selling is more like roulette.

Will such a business be successful in Russia? After all, most people think that business ideas in the service sector of 2016 will fail due to the crisis

It will definitely be! Most people who purchase used cars look for specialists before purchasing who can help them find out as much information as possible about the car they are purchasing.

Here you won’t need to look for people who know mechanics, etc. It’s better to pay a little more (not much) for a car put up for sale, without having to worry about finding an independent mechanic, and, as they say, sleep soundly.

Why do we think that such a business will be successful in Russia?

Everything is very simple. Sales of new cars in Russia fell by a third at the end of 2015. More than 31%. People, due to circumstances and the onset of the crisis, began to buy less new and expensive cars.

But a holy place is never empty. People won't stop driving. It’s just that instead of new cars, they will start purchasing cheaper, and therefore used, cars.

Take a closer look at this very interesting and extraordinary idea of ​​an English young man, and perhaps you will be successful with it in Russia!

Business ideas for women

Let's do a little experiment right now. Let everyone who reads these lines mentally select business ideas that, in his opinion, are suitable for women.

We have no doubt that the vast majority will say something like the following:

  • knitting, crafts;
  • cooking, baking;
  • copywriting, texts, advertising;
  • etc.

All? And why? Why can’t women engage in a business that does not require the initiator to apply any special physical and psychological strength?

We are convinced that business ideas for women from scratch in 2016 exist, there are many of them, and we will talk about one of them below.

Quiet, don’t faint prematurely...

We offer women a business idea that, in our opinion, will allow them to create a very profitable and successful business in Russia: extermination of rodents, mosquitoes, cockroaches and other harmful insects and animals.

Don't rush to smile and wince. Everything is not as simple as you thought after reading these lines.

Have you heard the expression: “Money has no smell”! So: “A successful business doesn’t smell either”! And if it smells, it’s money. Big money!

Let's calmly, with arguments in hand, figure out how you can create a successful business for deratization, disinfection and disinfestation of premises. (This is the official name of the business).

In the Soviet Union, state enterprises dealt with the problems of exterminating harmful insects and, let’s face it, they coped with these tasks as planned and perfectly.

Residents of Soviet cities did not have any major problems with insects. Now in Russia private companies are dealing with these problems.

But here is where the first and main, in our opinion, problems arise: residential buildings in most cases are managed by HOAs, and not everyone has the funds for quite expensive measures to eliminate insects and rodents.

You can build your own small business on this: offering services for the destruction of harmful animals and insects cheaper than they are offered by large companies.

After all, if you are small (for example, you are an individual entrepreneur), with a set of necessary and inexpensive equipment, then all your expenses are lower than those of the monsters of this business.

In order to determine how profitable this business is, we tasked one of our editorial members to find out some details from the chairman of his HOA.

Victor lives in a large and beautiful house with basements. The basement area of ​​only one of his houses = 1500 sq. m.

Galileo broadcast about the Electrofrog mosquito extermination system

Average prices for work in Russia are as follows:

  • cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas: from 5 to 15 rubles/m. sq.;
  • rodents: from 6 to 12 rubles. /m. sq.;
  • comprehensive treatment of an apartment, cottage, office: from 1200 to 2000 rubles/room.

It is not at all difficult to calculate the income of your business for processing only one basement of a residential building with an area = 1500 sq. m. In this case, the following must be taken into account: treatments must be repeated periodically. According to the rules - from 6 to 10 times a year (season).

So calculate whether this business is profitable or not, if you manage to negotiate with several HOAs by lowering prices. Let's say with a dozen HOAs in the area in which you live.

But there are also enterprises: canteens, restaurants, cafes, warehouses, and much, much more, where it is also necessary to carry out processing more than once a year.

Advertising and business promotion

Along with traditional methods, such as: print media, local television, etc. In this business, your assets such as your legs and head play a major role.

Legs - you need to run, and your head, convince business managers and HOA chairmen in a personal conversation that working with you is more profitable than with your competitors. Here you need to be able to negotiate. But if you agree, then you will have eternal happiness!

The main investments in the business are work clothes, renting a small office, purchasing drugs and equipment. Perhaps start with 1 million rubles.

Video: business ideas in the garage

In principle, there is no need to write anything here. Watch the video and decide:

5 business ideas in the garage

The fastest, but also the most defenseless business in Russia is trade or retail. It was he who was hit first by the crisis. And if large production colossi and serious business calmly went to the Alps on the contracts that they concluded before the crisis. Then retail had to borrow money to fulfill old contracts, because the dollar was already under 80, although the contracts were concluded at 35.

We are at the dawn of a new era of fairness in business - money, in terms of dollars, will need to be earned hard again, look for new opportunities, improve service, open new niches and markets.

Therefore, these trends, first of all, will be useful for those who want to open their own business in the field - sales and services.

1. Healthy lifestyle

In a crisis, getting sick will be expensive, very expensive. In addition, in an attempt to make money, all sorts of “bullshit” dummies will appear on pharmacy shelves, which will consist of 99% sugar, 1% talc. But their cost will be high, and they will also aggressively impose advertising. In making money - all means, as they said, do not smell. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle among the active population will be very relevant. This will affect all areas of life - food, work, rest. True, the majority, saving on treatment, will also save on this trend.

This means that sports facilities will be in trend for people who decide to save money and refuse expensive subscriptions to fitness centers. Such establishments could be simple gyms, without newfangled gyroscopes or electronic treadmills. A barbell, a classic strength training machine, a horizontal bar - a “gentleman’s” set of an economy room, a locker room with a shower. Studios offering areas without equipment - yoga, Pilates and other gymnastics - will gain second popularity. The main thing is to properly build relationships with clients - new and old. In the literal and figurative sense, in general, older people have long become a separate target audience and working with them is quite a trend that continues to gain activity in the new year, but more on that below.

Also, along with sports leisure, more and more people are thinking about independent control of their condition. Therefore, 2016 can be confidently declared the year of personal health “trackers” - a heart rate monitor, a pedometer, a device that monitors sleep phases and other things. Such devices are made in the form factor of smart bracelets, the cost of which is . In general, in 2016 we will be able to observe a second wave of popularity for business with China. If a year ago activity decreased due to a more or less stable dollar exchange rate, then this year entrepreneurs will once again rush to China in search of cheap alternatives and our Chinese friends will not disappoint. We have already written about which ones will be popular.

The other side of the coin is that people will demand everything they are entitled to for their money. If you are planning an 8-time subscription, be sure that buyers will “work” all 8 classes, without skipping or laziness. There will be similar requirements for Chinese products - if the functions are described, they should be there. The era of Chinese iPhones is gone forever.

In food products, “local” products, the so-called “environmentally friendly” ones, will begin to be in active demand - but not pretentious farm stores, but ordinary shops, on the principle of agricultural fairs. Where you can cheaply buy the most necessary set of vegetables and fruits - carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, garlic, apples, oranges, lemons. No passion fruit, pineapple or sweetie.

In the beauty industry, economy-class salons and salons offering premium services at a lower cost will make an excellent rise by reducing the time of procedures, using cheaper but high-quality components (for example, instead of professional hair dye from America, you can use a premium brand from Korea, similar in properties and quality).

In general, saving is the main trend of the coming 2016.

2. Savings should be economical

Various optimization methods and people offering such services will gain good momentum. Tax optimization, energy optimization - saving heat and electricity, working with personnel, building effective business processes. All this will be a very popular area. If you have knowledge of optimization in any area of ​​business, the time has come to enter the big market. Offers.

3. Old age is joy

As is known, from studies conducted by large Internet companies such as Yandex or, active growth on the Internet is driven by audiences over 50 years of age. Pensioners have actively begun to explore the Internet and become interested in modern gadgets and devices.

Also, there is an emerging trend among older people to strive to look good.

Therefore, the following areas will be relevant in business - training and selling goods for a specific older age group. Create specialized courses in which you teach people how to use computers, the Internet, and other devices. Open a department in the store in which you will sell goods for the elderly - this could be specialized equipment, medical supplies, cosmetics and perfumes, orthopedic items and other special goods.

Open a private living home (for the elderly) where, in addition to comfortable living, additional medical services will be provided.

4. Late labor

Trend of the last five years. It will become more relevant in a crisis. Nowadays, more and more women are becoming mothers for the first time after 35 years. And in a crisis, maternity leave will be an opportunity for many to take a break. This leads to the following areas of business.

In addition to selling standard items for infants - diapers, rompers, cribs, you can expand the range by selling assistive exercise equipment, dietary supplements and other things for late childbirth. Educational literature will be very good. Also, if you are a certified specialist with the right medical education, organize courses on late childbirth.

5. Information business

One of the popular trends of the crisis year. We mention training at every point for a reason. Information business training is in demand more than ever. If earlier an entrepreneur could afford to hire an expensive specialist for a narrow range of work, in dollars it cost “only” $1000, but now, for the same $1000, he will try to do it himself. Thus, courses on training in search engine promotion, website creation, increasing sales, Internet marketing, and the like will be in great demand. Prepare a good program, set an adequate price, and you won’t end up with customers.

Ahead of events, the site invites you to familiarize yourself with the cycle, but we do it for free and with love for our readers.

By the way, cooking courses would work very well, with some simple but original program - for example, we prepare delicious lunches for the whole family for the whole week from three ingredients. You launch them on Youtube, collect subscribers and monetize them. We wrote in the article how to do this.

6. Purchasing power

Let's return to saving. In 2016, consumers will be divided into 3 distinct groups. Those who buy by price, those who buy when absolutely necessary, those who buy only the highest quality.

Buyers by price. Price will be a deciding factor for them. Nothing else will affect them. No marketing campaigns, techniques or cases. Only the price. By opening an economy class store you will get a stable audience.

Those who buy out of necessity. Middle class. They only buy when they need something. But limited funds and general debt will not allow them to “run wild” - by opening a store with slightly used equipment, discounting, holding frequent promotions and discounts - you can attract them to the ranks of your customers.

Buyers of the highest grade. The highest stratum. For whom habits will be higher than money. But they are very conservative. Offer them only what they have a demand for. If you hope that the buyer of expensive men's shirts will be tempted by an exclusive sports suit... then you will not be able to sell him this suit. Because it breaks his habits. He can manage without a suit, but not without shirts.

Don't forget about regular customers. Involve them in sales in every possible way, offer exclusives and additional discounts, treat them to the point of 100% loyalty. They will make your checkout, not only with their purchases, but also with recommendations. The year 2016 will be marked as the “year of recommendations” - not a single major purchase or decision will be made without recommendations, buyers will approach their purchases with full responsibility, study reviews, personal recommendations and word of mouth. Don't miss this trend.

7. Active holidays instead of Turkey

Active development of local tourism and expansion is a good boost for your business.

8. Money

A very complex topic, but a rather simple trend - everyone will need money, the time of easy money has passed, as we wrote at the beginning of the article - the time has come to make money. We know only one way, without risk - . If you know others, write in the comments to the article.

Of course, there are different trends for each area of ​​business, and we cannot cover them all, however, the relevance and timeliness of information, an acute and quick response to all changes allows us to say with confidence - if you subscribe to our new material, you will be the first to know about everything and don't miss anything in your new business.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

    • 2. Carpentry work
    • 4. Working at the computer
    • 5. Online trading
    • 7. Automotive business
  • 3. Small business with minimal costs for girls and women - 8 original ideas
    • 1. Growing exotic flowers and plants
    • 2. Handmade souvenirs
    • 3. Manicure and extensions at home
    • 4. Cakes to order - baking
    • 5. Selling handmade soap
    • 6. Toys at home
    • 7. Dressmaker services
    • 8. Cleaning services
  • 4. Business ideas for 2019 with minimal investment and good return on investment
    • 1. Apartment building and rental business
    • 2. Sales idea
    • 2. Your own real estate agency
    • 3. Finding clients for other companies
    • 4. Sale of original works
    • 5. Reselling things on message boards
    • 6. Cooking lunches at home
    • 7. Organizing events using the Internet
    • 8. Business on conducting activities on social networks
  • 5. Conclusion

Own business- this is one of the steps towards financial independence. If you are a purposeful and morally stable person, then your financial investments will pay off quite quickly!

The most relevant ideas are always nearby, at arm's length. Today, opening a profitable business with a minimal investment of money is quite possible, but not every person understands where exactly to start. In this article we will give advice to aspiring entrepreneurs that will help them resolve the issue of starting their own business.

Unfortunately, in our country the situation is rather unstable and unstable. You will not be able to make long-term business plans.

For example, in the USA they plan business for 20, or even 30 years in advance! There is no need to talk about this in Russia.

What kind of business can you open with minimal costs - a review of ideas

1. Choosing a small business idea with minimal financial investment at home

Small home business ideas with minimal cash investments represent small costs for your business, the starting amount is up to 4 000 $ (four thousand dollars). Choose a winning option in advance, do not get down to business if you have doubts.

Take time-tested business ideas, use the experience of your colleagues who have already gone from starting their own business to a successful business.

There are two main areas of business:

  1. Sphere of trade
  2. Services sector

When you make a choice between these two points, keep in mind: the trade sector pays off gradually! But the service sector, on the contrary, has a wide range - from physical to mental labor.

The most interesting business ideas that do not require significant financial investments or large start-up capital

2. Where to get money to start your own business

There are several ways to find money for your business, the first is that we do not recommend using borrowed money if you do not have experience in business and a really working model that is already bringing in money, albeit small ones.

Method number 2 (we recommend) is to make money simply. There is a very simple rule for starting a business - all the money is in sales, so if you need money for development - go and sell something, don’t rush to buy furniture and rent an office, but first earn money!

One of the fastest ways is.

See what you can sell to quickly earn money to start a business:

Download the free checklist

18 ideas on what you can sell on Avito right now to make money

3. What kind of business can you open with minimal investment - 7 proven ideas for men

1. Manufacturing of paving slabs

Construction materials are now in demand. To start such a business, you need to study the production process, buy special molds, protective coating, and make advertising samples.

2. Carpentry work

There are at least 2 options here:

  • 1. Option. Furniture manufacturing;
  • Option 2. Manufacturing of wood products for construction.

To create such a business you will need:

  1. Suitable workplace. For example, a garage;
  2. Joiner's machine;
  3. Special devices for polishing and grinding, gluing, etc.;
  4. Experience in this field so that buyers treat you as a person with “golden hands.”

3. Take up metal processing

Purchase the necessary tools for forging and welding. You will be able to make gates and beautiful decorative elements (which is now fashionable in private homes and in the country).

4. Working at the computer

If physical labor is not for you, a computer is an ideal opportunity to earn extra money! .

It will be difficult at first, there will be few orders. But over time, when you get better at it, you will have large orders. Another advantage of freelancing is that it does not require any special expenses. All you need is a computer and Internet access.

5. Online trading

In order to start trading, you don’t need a tent at the market or renting a store. Create your own website on which you will post products, advertise, attracting customers to your resource. For men it would be appropriate to take trade in equipment, fishing tackle, auto parts. Agree that the investment will be small. (We recommend reading - “”)

Idea for a business with minimal investment - your own online store

6. Breeding animals at home

If you love animals, then this is another business idea for you! Please note that it will not bring a lot of money, but it can be considered as additional income. You don't have to stop at just dogs and cats! Pay attention to farm animals: horses, pigs, nutria, etc.

7. Automotive business

If you are good at car repairs and spend most of your time in the garage, then you can make great money! Offer your services to other people. Open your own small auto repair shop or

You do not need to equip an entire sewing workshop or workshop. Easy enough to develop 1 product, make it with high quality, photograph it and put it up for sale.

Read 5 more articles on the topic:

You can run such a business from anywhere in the world. And it’s also easy to find clients - now many people are looking for an employee to work remotely to support the management of social networks. You can start as a freelancer, and then organize your own agency and become a business owner.

5. Conclusion

As a rule, there is no division between men's and women's businesses. We looked at the basic and most popular small business ideas that are suitable for anyone who wants to start their own business with little money and time. Be confident in your success and then everything will work out for you!

The list of business ideas for services and goods with minimal investment is endless. Use your imagination and analyze the market. If you do not currently have sufficient funds, attract investors and co-founders to your business!

What you can do right now:

  1. Consider one of three ideas (editor's choice)
    • Business idea No. 1 - Opening a rental business in apartment buildings(small investments from 100,000 to 2 million)
    • Business idea No. 2 - Earnings from real estate from 50 to 150,000 rubles per month without investments
  2. Think about what you can sell right now to earn money to implement your chosen business idea - download the checklist of ideas for selling on Avito

To be honest, the ideas are not all fresh, but some are truly original, and I liked them. Read it too, if only to get your brain working in the right direction.

During the economic crisis Many small business ideas that brought good profits are fading into obscurity, while others, on the contrary, are beginning to gain strength. Therefore, you should not look for a unique niche that can make you a millionaire in the shortest possible time.

New business ideas for small businesses from scratch in 2016, which we will consider in this article, are based on classic models that work in any, even the most difficult conditions.

Production of spices and seasonings

Are you interested in new small business ideas from scratch? A good option for beginners is the production of such popular products as spices and seasonings for preparing various dishes. The demand for such a product never falls, so a mini-enterprise for the production of spices will bring you serious profit.

Such a business can be started without large financial investments. If you are starting from scratch, at first you can do without using special expensive equipment. Buy ready-made loose spices in bulk and pack them in original packaging. In this case, you will only need accurate scales and packaging equipment to work.

If you have an idea to open a small business from scratch, pay attention to this profitable line of business. Finished products can be sold to stores, markets or intermediaries. If things go well, over time you will become the owner of a retail chain that sells spices from around the world.

Flower business

If you develop the right strategy and prepare a reliable material base, selling flowers will become the most profitable idea for a small business in 2016. The first thing you need to do is to find reliable suppliers of quality fresh produce who will not let you down at a time of massive demand for flowers.

Also, in this matter it is impossible to do without good taste and inspiration. If you have such qualities, you can try to carve your niche in this market. Beginners who do not have start-up capital often ask the question: how to organize their business from scratch? In this case, you should start trading from an online store.

Create your own website, select a good assortment and hire several couriers who will deliver orders. Another profitable and quite economical option is a flower pavilion in a walk-through area. This decision will allow you to open your own business, which will bring a good, stable income.

Online store on social networks Recently, many social networks, for example, VKontakte, have made it possible to create your own online store in a matter of minutes. After you have completed all the necessary combinations to set it up, you can start advertising your brainchild on social networks.

This idea of ​​a small business from scratch is especially relevant for owners of well-promoted communities, since they get an additional opportunity to monetize their page on social networks. Of course, you will end up with the most primitive online store, but this is enough to trade in it through social networks.

Find out what is profitable to sell during the 2016 crisis and get to work. Social networks are visited by millions of people every day, so you will find buyers for any product here.

Rope park

Recently, the number of active recreation enthusiasts has been growing rapidly. According to experts, this can be used to build a profitable, successful business. For those who are attracted to new small business ideas in a small town, organizing a rope park would be an excellent option.

This is one of the best entertainments for both children and adults. Rope parks can be open or closed. It is most profitable to organize an open establishment in a small resort town, where vacationers from different parts of our country come in the summer.

The indoor ropes course is profitable all year round. But it has one serious drawback. Artificial conditions quickly bore visitors, so such an idea can pay off for a long time.

Computer equipment repair

Today, you can find computers in almost every home or office. In addition, modern people use laptops, printers and other equipment that can break down at any time and require repair. This means that computer repair is one of the best business ideas for small businesses.

At first, to save on renting premises, you can open a small workshop at home. When your business begins to flourish and there are many regular customers, rent a spacious room and hire several experienced craftsmen.

Such a business idea with minimal investment at home, with the right approach, can make you a rich, wealthy person. The most important thing is to carry out any orders, even the simplest ones, with high quality and be attentive to the wishes of clients. A little effective advertising and hard work will guarantee the success of your business.

Payment terminals

Some entrepreneurs who are looking for fresh ideas on what kind of business to start in 2016 for some reason try to avoid vending machines, but they are an integral part of the lives of many modern people.

The most promising idea for small businesses is installing payment terminals. With their help, you can pay for any services that citizens of our country use every day. If you install payment terminals in walk-through areas, they will be an excellent start for a fruitful, profitable business.

All you need to get started are several payment machines, rented sites for their installation and documents on state registration of business activities.

If you can successfully use this small business idea from scratch, you can receive $500-800 monthly from each terminal. In this case, all initial investments will pay off in about six months.


This is one of the most popular business ideas of 2016 with minimal investment, which allows you to earn good money without much difficulty. And this is the most important thing in our difficult times. The essence of catering is to deliver hot food and various drinks to customers who are tired of fast food.

All you have to do is become an intermediary between the catering establishment that prepares the food and the client. To earn more money, create an extensive menu. It should satisfy the needs of people with different culinary preferences.

If things go well, in the future you can open a small room with a kitchen, hire professional chefs and several couriers who will deliver food to your regular customers. If you are full of strength and energy and at the same time wondering how to open your own business with minimal investment in 2016, be sure to pay attention to catering services.

Lie detector

When beginners start thinking about what kind of business they can open with minimal investment, a variety of thoughts come to mind. Nowadays you can make money on anything, even on a lie detector.

In modern conditions, there is high competition in almost all areas of business. To ensure the safety of their enterprise, managers of many companies, when hiring personnel, offer future employees to undergo a lie detector test.

Entrepreneurs can use this new approach to build a fairly specific, but at the same time, very profitable business. The demand for such a service significantly exceeds the supply even in large cities, so this idea of ​​a small business with minimal investment in a small town has every chance of success.

This kind of business can be started literally from scratch. All you need for this is the necessary equipment and an assistant who will take orders from clients and make appointments.

Disinfection of premises

In Soviet times, the destruction of harmful insects was carried out by special state enterprises, which carried out all the tasks assigned to them. Today, these problems are solved by private companies that have the necessary equipment and preparations for the destruction of rodents and insects.

In residential buildings, disinfection is carried out by management companies, but unfortunately, they do not always have the funds to carry out such expensive measures. Therefore, exterminating insects is a great idea on how to start your own business from scratch in a small town.

If we offer this service to the population at affordable prices, it will be in great demand. Before you start work, register a private entrepreneur, and also purchase inexpensive equipment and drugs.


Recently, such an area of ​​business activity as recycling of household waste has begun to develop dynamically. Thanks to modern technology, heaps of garbage can generate millions in profit. If you want to know what business is relevant in 2016 during the crisis, pay special attention to recycling.

The simplest option is to collect waste paper or recycle plastic containers. Another new and quite profitable niche in this business is the recycling of household appliances. The demand for such a service is constantly growing, so many enterprising people build a good business on this.

In this case, you can generate income in two ways: Charge owners of old household appliances for their removal; Disassemble and sell spare parts to repair shops; This is a very simple and affordable business idea for a small town from scratch, which does not require serious financial investment.

Lego bricks

Interested in new small business ideas in manufacturing? During a crisis, enterprises that rely on an innovative production base usually stay afloat. Lego brick is a new product on the domestic building materials market.

Buildings can be erected from such wall material, just as children build various structures from plastic construction kit parts. In appearance, Lego brick is practically no different from traditional material, but it has a through hole and groove.

Any person who does not have any skills or experience in construction can make masonry from such material. Since it is cost-effective, such products are in great demand in the market.

According to experts, Lego bricks in the near future can become serious competitors for other wall materials. Conclusions Many millionaires who own large industrial enterprises started their business from scratch with minimal investment.

Look for new business ideas for small businesses and bring them to life. Hard work and self-confidence are a guarantee of the success of any enterprise.

Currently, the economic crisis and financial instability in the country have a very negative impact on both large and small businesses. In conditions of fierce competition, the demand for some goods and services grows at a rapid pace, and at the same time decreases, leaving buyers and other groups of goods without attention. The same thing happens with a number of modern services.

So how to make money in the crisis year of 2016? What business should you open to make a profit? We will try to understand this in detail in this article.

Outsourcing is the key to stable profits

Today, outsourcing is a fairly common phenomenon in all developed countries and many companies and organizations actively use it. During an unstable economic situation, large companies begin a policy of economy, and it becomes too expensive to maintain highly specialized specialists.

Therefore, it is much more profitable to enter into an agreement, for example, for accounting or provision of legal services with third-party organizations. As a result, the outsourcing business is growing rapidly.

So if you have work experience and appropriate education, feel free to move in this direction. By the way, experts say there are good prospects for outsourcing in terms of stable income generation in 2016.

Mobile beauty salon

Both wealthy people and people with average income need high-quality services from beauty salons. And if these services are provided at home (for example, the client is a pensioner) or, let’s say, the salon itself comes to the client (for example, in a village that does not have its own hairdresser), an increase in demand for such services will not be long in coming.

In connection with this, enterprising entrepreneurs hastened to open “Mobile beauty salons” in 2016. This shouldn't be surprising. After all, this is a very profitable business that does not require significant expenses. In addition, such a business is distinguished by a high degree of payback, which, with a competent approach, occurs in six months, even despite the fact that a crisis situation currently prevails in our country.

If you decide to open a mobile beauty salon, then before opening such a business you should familiarize yourself with special information that will help you do everything correctly.

Translator is a great business idea

Are you fluent in foreign languages? Do you want to make money from this business? Then you don’t even need to think about what kind of business you should open during a crisis.

The most logical and very profitable option is a translation agency. Your clients can be ordinary Internet users looking for various information on foreign resources, as well as organizations and legal entities in need of high-quality translation of documents.

When your company can go beyond working from home, then you can open a company specializing in this type of activity in your own city.

Courses for beginners and more

In the modern world, a large number of programs have appeared that are created in order to solve narrowly focused problems. But users of these programs cannot always familiarize themselves with them; this requires a lot of time.

And that’s why they will gladly give their money for a specialist to train them. Still don't know what's profitable to do as a small business in 2016? Do you want to succeed in 2016? Then organize training courses. The demand for these services is sure to be successful both in the big city and in small towns.

But just remember that opening this type of business consists of two stages:

  • Purchasing and studying the program;
  • Opening of the courses themselves.

Garbage as a source of income

Recently, the waste recycling business has become widespread in the world. Indeed, this is a very profitable business, but there is one thing. To enter this niche you need huge starting capital. Therefore, experts advise that those who decide to create a “Business on Garbage” should try to start by recycling old household appliances.

Since the cost of removing household appliances is borne by the owner, and you can make good money by selling spare parts, and the demand for this type of service will only grow.

Opening your own driving school

Every year the number of cars on the roads continues to grow. And from this follows an increase in the need for citizens to learn. Therefore, you have another option for business during a crisis. We invite you to open your own driving school this year.

It is worth noting that you can open a driving school at minimal cost. At first, of course, you will have to fork out on advertising costs, but the costs associated with renting premises can be avoided, since all classes can be conducted online.

One very important fact is accreditation with the traffic police. Therefore, this direction in business can be used by those people who want to find out what is profitable to do in 2016.

Opening of a private kindergarten

If you have a pedagogical education and a small start-up capital, then an option to open during a crisis would be to open a “Private kindergarten”. This direction in business will never lose its relevance. And this should not be surprising.

After all, parents try to give their children the best and choose the kindergarten where their child will be more comfortable. Therefore, in most cases they give preference to private kindergartens or developing children's centers. To open such an institution, you will need to make repairs to the premises, buy the appropriate equipment, and, of course, obtain permits from the relevant authorities.

The profitability of this enterprise is high, the profit ranges from 60-120%. But competition in this market segment is high. Therefore, to gain popularity in such a service industry, you need to work hard and show your patience.

Grocery store

Trade in food products has always been highly profitable, even during times of crisis. Without a doubt, opening a small grocery store is an ideal solution for business during a crisis. By placing it within walking distance of customers (sleeping areas, in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings), you will immediately win regular customers and find yourself out of competition.

The main thing in this matter is to provide the store with a wide assortment, quality products and friendly salespeople.

Another option would be to open a food outlet (canteen or cafe). Don't have a lot of starting capital? It doesn’t matter, you can open a fast food restaurant, for which it is quite possible to rent a small stall. In this stall you can freely sell homemade food (pies, pastries, etc.).

Well, if things go uphill, then go ahead! To new discoveries! Now you can open a cafe or restaurant freely.

Manufacturer - consumer

How can a small business survive during a crisis? This question probably interests every entrepreneur. There is no need to worry seriously here. Remember that everything here is ingenious and simple. Organizing your own farm can bring very good income. However, not all people are ready to exchange city life for fields and animal breeding.

In order to make a profit, you just need to open a store in your city, so to speak, to establish a direct connection between the manufacturer and the consumer. This store recommends selling natural products that modern farmers produce on their farms.

Remember that residents of large cities will be very happy to purchase fresh meat, milk, fruits and vegetables at reasonable prices. This is the key to a stable income. Therefore, this idea should be developed by those businessmen who want to be in the black this year.

Legal services

Currently, during the crisis, there has been a wave of layoffs and layoffs. A lot of people are left without work. And solving pressing problems, be it help in writing a resume, help in obtaining compensation, or how to avoid dismissal (downsizing), all this, of course, is better to entrust to professionals.

To restore justice, people seek highly qualified legal assistance. Therefore, this type of service will be in demand during the 2016 crisis. If you have the appropriate education and have dreamed of opening your own business, then the cards are in your hands. And such a business, naturally, will bring greater financial income, which will freely exceed your salary.

Rope park - for beginner businessmen

As you know, after graduating from universities, it is almost impossible for many former students to find a job in our country. In most cases, organizations hire people only with work experience. Where can you get this experience if yesterday you were still a student?

In order not to waste time, while looking for a new job, you can organize your own business, which will allow you to become independent from your parents.

What kind of business can you open during a crisis?

If you are a young, athletic and enterprising person, then it will not be difficult for you to open, for example, a ropes course.

The rope park is suitable for entertainment for both children and adults. And if the park is located in a resort town, then the profit will not be long in coming.

Shop without leaving home

Each of us knows that resale of Chinese products brings high and stable income, and in such a business the costs are very minimal. Don't know how to start a "Chinese business" without money? We'll tell you.

To get started, open your store on the Internet and trade in it with prepayment. After the order, the buyer pays you for the goods, and you order it from a Chinese online store at a reduced price and send the goods to the buyer’s address. The difference received from the sale of goods is your net income.