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The most products on trading platforms. How to start selling on the world's largest platforms: a brief overview

Hello, dear colleague! The trend in modern procurement is that most tenders are conducted electronically. Even in the public procurement sector, there are plans to transfer paper procedures to electronic format. Therefore, the time is not far off when absolutely all government procurement will be carried out through electronic procedures. As you understand, such electronic procedures are carried out on specialized sites on the Internet, which will be discussed in today’s article. From this article you will learn: what electronic trading platforms are, what types of platforms exist in Russia and what advantages they provide to customers and suppliers.

1. What is an electronic trading platform?

According to the already established tradition, I will begin the article with a definition.

Electronic trading platform (ETP) is a website on the Internet where(purchases). The electronic platform combines a set of organizational, information and technical solutions that ensure interaction between the customer (buyer) and the supplier (seller). Such interaction is carried out through electronic document management.

In fact, at present, an electronic trading platform can be called any Internet resource through which purchase and sale transactions are concluded between buyers and sellers.

Customers (buyers) are the organizers of auctions, thereby optimizing their costs for the acquisition of goods, works or services, and suppliers (sellers) post information about their goods or services.

The intermediary between the customer (buyer) and the supplier (seller) is the operator of the electronic platform (owner of the Internet resource).

In order to work on the ETP, the buyer and seller must have. How to obtain it is written in detail in. To work on the site you also need to register andon it, otherwise it will only be possible to view information posted in the open part of the site.

A site visitor who has passed the accreditation procedure becomes either a customer (organizer of trading procedures) or a bidder (supplier).

2. Types of electronic trading platforms

There are several types of electronic platforms.

Firstly , these are federal (budgetary) trading platforms or, as they are also called, B2G (business-to-government) platforms. These are sites where customers are enterprises and government agencies. Such platforms are used to organize public procurement.

Secondly , these are commercial electronic platforms, i.e. B2B (business-to-business) platforms. The customers at these sites are commercial organizations.

There are electronic platforms that are created and supported by buyers (buyer-driven). In order to optimize their purchasing process, one or more large companies create their own trading platform to attract a large number of supplier firms.

There are sites that, on the contrary, are created and supported by large suppliers (supplier-driven or seller-driven). Such companies are interested in expanding sales channels for their products.

And finally, there are platforms that are created and maintained by a third party - an intermediary between sellers and buyers (third-party-driven). This category of platforms is the most numerous. This type of platform is, in turn, divided into industry and multi-industry. Industry ones are created for one specific enterprise, for example, for Gazprom or Russian Railways. Multi-industry platforms, on the contrary, are not limited to the product range of just one enterprise.

Third , these are e-commerce platforms between individuals C2C (consumer-to-consumer). A striking example of such platforms is the electronic auction - On such platforms, private individuals can sell goods to other private individuals.

Fourth , these are retail e-commerce systems where the seller is a company, and the buyers are mainly B2C (business-to-consumer) individuals. Most often these are online stores, such as, and others, which sell a wide range of consumer goods.

Fifthly,This is an ETP for the sale of property of debtors (bankrupts). Such platforms are intended to automate the bidding procedure for the sale of debtors' property during the procedures used in bankruptcy cases in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 127-FZ dated October 26, 2002 “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” and Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 495 dated July 23, 2015

Federal electronic trading platforms

The list of federal trading platforms was determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation within the framework of a special procedure, and only budget organizations (state and municipal customers) operating within the framework of the contract system can act as customers (Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “ On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.” All federal sites have free access.

Currently, government procurement is carried out on 5 Federal Electronic Trading Platforms (FETP):

1. CJSC "Sberbank - Automated Trading System" (Sberbank-AST)

This is a subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia. Today it is the most popular electronic trading platform in Russia. The platform began operating on July 1, 2009. The electronic platform conducts government and corporate procurement, as well as the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises.

Site website - .

2. JSC "Unified Electronic Trading Platform"

The largest operator of electronic trading for government customers and commercial enterprises. JSC EETP was founded in 2009. The founders of the company are: the Moscow City Government (52%), Bank of Moscow (48%). The main clients in the public sector are such constituent entities of the Russian Federation as Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as a number of large departments - the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and others.

Site website - .

3. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Agency for State Order, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan” (Electronic Trading System)

The platform appeared in 2005 and initially served organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, but subsequently expanded its scope.

Site website - .

4. LLC "RTS - Tender" (RTS - Tender)

The site was founded in 2010. In October 2015, a section on property auctions was opened on the RTS-tender electronic platform, and in December 2015, on procurement in accordance with Law No. 223-FZ and commercial procurement.

Site website - .

5. CJSC "MICEX - Information Technologies" (ETP "MICEX-IT")

The platform was formed at the beginning of October 2010. It is managed by the MICEX, and the operator is CJSC MICEX-Information Technologies. Clients: Federal Treasury, Federal Defense Procurement Service, Nizhny Novgorod Region and others. The site also hosts property auctions and procurement under 223-FZ.

Site website - .

Commercial trading platforms for electronic trading

In addition to the 5 Federal trading platforms listed above, there are quite a large number of commercial electronic trading platforms.

On commercial platforms, any legal entity or any individual, including an individual entrepreneur, can act as a customer.

Each commercial electronic trading platform (ETP), as well as the federal (budgetary) one, has its own address on the Internet (its own website).

One of the differences between commercial ETPs and federal ones is that connection (participation) to these sites is paid. However, there is the possibility of free participation in procurement from some customers, or the cost of such participation (connection) is symbolic.

Commercial electronic trading platforms are divided intoindependent (public) andprivate (corporate) sites owned by specific organizations.

Corporate trading platforms are aimed at large customers with large volumes of purchases and a wide range of goods and services. Such platforms allow not only the use of electronic auctions, but also provide procurement planning, collection and analysis of inventory needs, holding competitions and auctions, qualifying selection of suppliers, reporting and analysis of procurement activities.

Public areas have a different purpose. They form an information space for effective interaction between suppliers and customers within a specific industry. The main advantage of such platforms is a wide customer base due to competent positioning and promotion, an ever-expanding product catalog and a large number of participants. As a result of working on such sites, it is quite easy to obtain favorable offers and delivery conditions.

It is quite difficult to determine the exact number of commercial sites. There is information in open sources that there are about 5-6 thousand such sites in Russia. However, the most popular of these 5-6 thousand sites are about 100 ETPs.

Association of Electronic Trading Platforms

The most popular commercial electronic platforms are members of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms (AETP).

This Association includes:

  • Federal ETP;
  • Site groups;
  • Commercial trade and purchasing systems;
  • ETP for the sale of property;
  • International trading systems.

In order to get acquainted with the full list of such sites, you need to go to the website of this association - // .

3. Main electronic trading platforms

As you have already understood, there are very, very many platforms for trading. Each such site has its own specifics of operation, accreditation procedure, tariff plans, etc. Therefore, each customer and supplier has the right to choose which site to work on. Accordingly, everyone can have their own set of such platforms.

The most popular Federal platforms are:

  • CJSC Sberbank-AST (more than 39% of all government procurement in electronic form is carried out on this site);
  • RTS-Tender (more than 26% of government purchases);
  • JSC “EETP” (more than 25% of government purchases).

The most popular commercial trading platforms are:

Electronic trading center B2b-center

This is a system of electronic trading platforms created in 2002 by JSC Economic Development Center for corporate sales and procurement.

The B2B-Center electronic trading center allows you to carry out 43 types of trading procedures, both for the purchase and sale of goods and services. The system combines procurement from various sectors of the economy: energy, petrochemicals, metallurgy, automotive industry and many other industries.

The advantages of the B2B-Center system are: stable and reliable operation, a large number of customers, a convenient and understandable interface, setting up automatic distribution of tenders.

Site website - //

Trade portal “Fabrikant”

The largest Russian and foreign companies carry out electronic procurement on this platform. The site offers a wide range of tariff plans for both participants and auction organizers. Some tariff plans do not require site accreditation.

Site website - //

Industry and interregional electronic trading platform “Auction Competitive House”

This is a company that provides a wide range of legal, consulting and legal services in the field of bidding and is one of the leaders in the Russian Federation in terms of the number of auctions held for the procurement of goods, works and services.

Main activities:

  • organization and conduct of tenders in the form of auctions and competitions of varying levels of complexity and responsibility (conducting tenders in electronic form, competitions for the selection of investors, auctions for the sale of property, etc.);
  • performing the functions of the official industry electronic trading platform of the State Corporation Rosatom.

Site website - //

4. Functions of electronic platforms

Electronic platforms perform the following important functions:

  • posting information about procurement;
  • searching for information about ongoing procurements using various criteria;
  • searching for information about organizations operating on the ETP;
  • viewing procurement documentation;
  • personal account for securing applications for participation in trading procedures;
  • managing funds in the account;
  • conducting electronic procurement procedures (auctions, tenders, requests for proposals, etc.);
  • submitting requests, signing contracts;
  • analysis of various performance indicators of organizations;
  • information protection (use of electronic signature).

Let's now look at what the advantages of working on an ETP are for customers and suppliers.

Benefits for customers:

  1. Saving working time, because Carrying out electronic procedures is much simpler than carrying out paper ones;
  2. Reducing costs for organizing and conducting procurement;
  3. Transparency and openness of the procurement process due to the reduction of the influence of the human factor;
  4. Fair competition, excluding unscrupulous employees from working with “their” suppliers.

Benefits for suppliers:

  1. Quick and convenient search for information about new procurements;
  2. Expanding the market for your goods, works or services;
  3. Transparency and openness of the procurement process;
  4. Healthy competition, excluding non-price methods of struggle;
  5. Reducing the time and money spent on preparing and submitting an application;
  6. Possibility to participate in auctions from anywhere in the world (if you have a computer and Internet access).

6. Conclusions

And so, summing up all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion. There are quite a large number of tender platforms on the Russian market for any purpose and purpose. Electronic tendering platforms help simplify work for both customers and suppliers. Customers can minimize their costs for procurement procedures and find a supplier with the most favorable conditions. Transparency and openness of the procurement process increases, corruption risks are minimized.

And at the end of today’s article, I suggest you watch a short video about electronic trading platforms:

That's all. I hope the information was useful to you. See you in the next issues.

P.S.: Like and share links to the article with your friends and colleagues on social networks.

It is becoming increasingly widespread. Today, without leaving your couch, you can order goods from the USA, EU, China and many other countries of the world. Just 20 years ago, it would have been impossible to think that everything would be so simple and accessible.

Nowadays, only the lazy have not heard of such major trading platforms as eBay, Amazon, AliExpress, Etsy. Citizens of Russia and the CIS countries have been happy to buy on these sites for several years now.

But can these platforms be of interest to Russian entrepreneurs? Is it possible to sell goods domestically and abroad using them? Let's find out!

In today's article you will find useful information about the work of domestic entrepreneurs with the largest trading platforms in the world.

1. eBay

In 2015, the resource opened a page in Russian, and a little later Shopify connected the Yandex: Cashier payment gateway and ruble payments via PayPal.

How to work?

To create your online store based on Shopify, you need to register. You can test the platform's capabilities for free for 14 days, then you need to choose the plan that suits you.

After this, you can proceed to creating a store and adding products. The interface is intuitive, but knowledge of English is required. You can connect additional applications to improve the efficiency of your store. Also be sure to indicate your shipping and payment methods.


Shopify does not have a Russian-language interface. The platform is not very suitable for selling goods within the country. The service is poorly localized.

If you are thinking about entering the international market, cooperation with the platforms listed above can be a great start. Weigh the pros and cons and act boldly!

Why are online marketplaces one of the most profitable ways to sell goods and find clients for services? Nowadays, almost everyone knows about the opportunity to sell or buy something online. But while it is easy to encounter scammers on social networks, trading platforms guarantee the security of the transaction. We tell you the main features of the most popular services and how to use them with maximum benefit.

How free trading platforms work

Online trading platforms are online services that allow sellers to post offers and buyers to find the goods they need. You can sell anything online - mobile and household appliances, real estate, cars, cosmetics, new and used goods. These opportunities are open to individuals and businesses.

In a simplified way, the mechanism of operation of the platforms can be described as follows:

  • the seller places his product on the portal, indicates its category, description, price, and adds a photo;
  • the moderator checks the correctness of the description and compliance of the ad with the requirements of the portal;
  • buyers see the product upon request along with other relevant advertisements;
  • the seller and the buyer contact (via correspondence or telephone conversation) and agree on a transaction;
  • payment (at a meeting, by mail or by bank transfer);
  • after the sale the ad is closed;
  • the portal receives a commission (not in all cases).

What are the benefits of the portal? There are two options for earning money. Firstly, the trading platform may take a commission from each successful transaction (usually up to 5%). Also, some services offer paid services to sellers. For example, highlighting an ad, additional impressions or a VIP account. Secondly, almost all sites make money from advertising. Such portals have a lot of users during the day, so it is profitable for them to host contextual advertisements or any other type of online advertising.

Selling online significantly expands business opportunities

Advantages of using an online trading platform

There are quite a few advantages to trading through online platforms. Among the main ones are:

  • a wide audience of buyers;
  • the ability to sell new and used goods simultaneously;
  • transaction security;
  • high competition sets the optimal price range for buyers;
  • no expenses for renting premises, utilities and personnel.

The most famous venues in Russia and the world

What conditions do the best trading platforms for business offer to sellers and buyers? The operating principle of most services is similar, but at the same time they are not without specific features. Let's look at everything you need to know to choose the most optimal option for an online platform for selling goods.

The development of the remote sales market began with the American company Amazon. Initially, the portal specialized in books, but quite quickly removed all restrictions on the product category. This is the oldest business platform on the Internet - it has been operating since 1994. It is used not only by firms (that is, businesses), but also by individuals. For example, anyone can sell their phone or laptop here if one of the buyers likes their product.

In Russia, Amazon is not as popular as in the United States. Therefore, it is not worth placing your business bet on this site. To sell anything, you need to register an account, enter descriptions for all products and wait for orders. Some entrepreneurs make money from resales. They purchase goods in bulk from manufacturers and sell them online. The main difficulty in working as an Amazon seller is the need to deliver all shipments of goods to the company's warehouse in the United States. The service itself is responsible for sending them to customers.

Scheme of operation of online trading platforms

Ebay, which is more popular in Russia, can also be used for business purposes. Sales here are carried out according to the auction principle: the seller indicates the quantity of goods and its minimum cost, and buyers during a certain period (day, week) try to buy at the minimum cost or gradually increase the price. To start working on this site, you need to register a seller account. The service will request quite a lot of data and require confirmation of official registration.

Certain product categories are strictly prohibited on Ebay. For example, weapons, animals, medical products and medicines, as well as all goods that are prohibited for sale in the seller’s country. PayPal is used for payment. The portal sets limits on the number of products, which can be increased by contacting technical support. To increase sales, it is recommended to add high-quality photos. Reviews also have a positive effect on the seller's rating - so ask all your customers to share their opinion about the purchase.

The Russian-language offshoot of ru.Aliexpress is a division of the Chinese online trading giant. Registration is much simpler than Amazon and Ebay. Only Chinese sellers, or rather organizations registered in this country, work on the platform. The only option for sellers from Russia to trade through Aliexpress is to enter into an agreement with the intermediary company PickPoint. She cooperates only with legal entities.

To get started, you need to fill out an application on the PickPoint website and enter into an agreement with the company. After this, the Russian seller has the right to register his store on ru.Aliexpress and enter goods into the database. The site has a limit on the minimum number of products - at least 10 items. For each, you must fill out a special form. After this, you can start selling. The advantage of the site is the world's largest audience of buyers: sellers can send goods to several continents.

Selling goods through Aliexpress is available only to fairly large Russian sellers registered as an LLC and having at least 10 items of goods.

Working through online platforms eliminates rental and personnel costs


For Russian businesses, the most convenient, inexpensive platform will be the Avito service. Thousands of transactions are made on this platform every day: from the sale of used phones to apartments and cars. The service is well known to customers and inspires their trust. Here you can sell new and used goods.

The registration procedure is very simple. Free placement of one ad lasts 1 month. You can then re-post it. The publication of photographs and detailed descriptions of products is welcomed. Over the course of a month, the ad will gradually move to the bottom of the page. Using special paid functions, you can highlight your ad or pin it to the top of the search line.

It is currently impossible to create a full-fledged online store based on Avito (like on Aliexpress). The range of functionality is limited to highlighting and tracking the number of ad views. Therefore, the site is more suitable for selling specific batches of goods.

Yandex Market

Another platform for selling goods, Yandex.Market, also has a convenient Russian-language interface. Works as a price aggregator (more details in the “Price aggregators” section). The Market is visited by 20 million people a month. The service is convenient because it shows a comparison of prices for any product, their availability and the possibility of delivery to the buyer’s city. To start trading, it is enough to have an account in Yandex. However, it’s easy to register it from scratch.

The seller's offers will be displayed in a list of stores offering the same or similar products. The buyer chooses it based on price or other characteristics. The transaction is completed either through Yandex.Market itself or through a transition to the seller’s website.

One of the disadvantages is the paid placement of goods. The seller has the right to choose the optimal payment option for him:

  • fixed amount (for offline stores);
  • pay per view;
  • transaction commission.

To start registering, you need to go to the special section “Market for Sellers” and fill out the form. Yandex imposes requirements for the description of goods and their placement on the online store website - each on a separate page. The service will check the correctness of the data within 2 business days. Sometimes mystery shoppers are brought in to check out a new store. If the company reveals any violations or inconsistencies, the seller will be denied registration. After successful verification, you need to pay for impressions. After this, the products will be displayed on the site, and all statistics can be tracked in your personal account.


Another popular Russian portal for online trading is Yula. This new site provides a very simple registration procedure. The mechanism of work is similar in Avito, but the audience of the service is much smaller. Basically, used goods are sold at retail through this platform.

Yula is not as suitable for business as any of the services presented above. Its functionality does not allow you to create a full-fledged online store and place many products at once. Thus, like Avito, it is suitable for selling limited quantities of products at relatively low prices.

The popularity of online shopping is growing, it is very important to take this factor into account when planning your business

Price aggregators

A price aggregator is an online service that shows the user offers from all stores for the same product with price and delivery conditions. For the Russian-speaking audience, the most striking example of such an aggregator is Yandex.Market. By specifying the name of the desired product in the search bar, the user sees all currently available store offers, the lowest and average price.

Among the well-known Russian-language price aggregators it is worth noting:

  • Yandex Market;

So, it’s clear why aggregators are useful to buyers: they help them choose the best price. But what benefit do they provide to sellers and businesses? Price aggregators must be used for pricing in order to maintain the cost of goods at a competitive market level, plan price reduction promotions, and so on.


Working on online trading platforms is a promising direction for business, but none of them at the moment can replace your own online store. In Russia, the most famous are Avito and Yandex.Market; through them you can organize stable sales of products. To fully work as a seller on any of the sites, you will need investments.

On June 18, 2015, another large Chinese retailer entered the Russian market - the online store This company is the second largest in terms of trading volume after Alibaba Group, which owns the famous AliExpress and Taobao. has launched a Russian-language website and is ready to fight for customers with sites that have been operating in the post-Soviet space for a long time.

We studied Asian online stores, read customer reviews about them and compiled the top best ones. The list is not ranked - it’s just a dozen sites with the best assortment, service and prices. If you want, arrange the sites in descending order in the comments.


This is the largest trading platform in China. A kind of wholesale and retail online hypermarket, where thousands of sellers and hundreds of thousands of products are collected. AliExpress is often compared to eBay: you can buy individually or in lots, you can buy outright or participate in an auction, and the conditions and quality depend on the specific seller. Only second-hand items are not sold on AliExpress.

AliExpress has a Russified version of the site (not to be confused with sellers’ product descriptions), where prices are displayed in rubles. Mobile applications have been released for more convenient and efficient shopping.

Another advantage is the ability to communicate directly with sellers and a buyer protection system. The money is released to the seller only when the buyer confirms receipt of the goods. Thanks to disputes, you can return what you spent or receive other compensation in case of defects or unfair trade.

There are many payment methods: from bank cards to electronic payment systems. Delivery is usually free. But it depends on the seller. AliExpress constantly hosts various sales and offers.

AliExpress is focused on the external market, and this is its main difference from another subsidiary of Alibaba Group - Taobao has the same huge range: from paper clips to computers. But in order to register on the site, which, by the way, is entirely in Chinese, you need to have a working Chinese phone number. In addition, you can only pay for purchases with cards issued in China. In other words, to buy something on Tao, residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries have to resort to the services of intermediaries. Fortunately, there are plenty of them:, and so on.


Accessories for gadgets, phones, household appliances, household goods, clothing, jewelry, bags, cosmetics - you name it in this multi-product online store. In total there are more than 30 thousand positions.

Banggood launched in 2004 and is headquartered in Guangzhou. The store has several warehouses in China, the USA and the UK.

Users note the adequacy of prices, as well as good service. That's it Vkontakte community", where you can get an answer to your question in Russian (the site is also translated). For those who find it more convenient to make purchases through a phone or tablet, there are apps on iOS and Android.

Bank cards, PayPal, Yandex.Money, QIWI or WebMoney are accepted for payment. Shipping is free by default, but you can choose EMS. The tracking number for parcels is relatively inexpensive - $1.7, and for orders over $25 it is issued free of charge.


“Buy for pennies” is the literal translation of the name of this online store. It's really cheap there. Especially considering free international shipping (only Africa, Italy and India were unlucky).

They sell accessories for computers and phones, goods for sports and home comfort, as well as cosmetics, jewelry and various beauty items. It’s not for nothing that girls love BuyInCoins.

The resource interface is adapted for Russian-speaking users. There are groups on social networks " In contact with" And " Classmates", through which it is convenient to track discounts and promotional codes.

Transactions for unregistered users are made through PayPal only. Once logged in, you can simply use cards or a QIWI wallet. Free shipping by China, Hong Kong or Malaysia Post. For those who want to receive the parcel quickly, EMS costs from $20. The tracking code costs $1.90, but if the order amount exceeds $30, then you do not need to pay extra.


An online store whose assortment is mainly electronics. Chinese phones, tablets, computer components, USB devices - there is plenty of this stuff there. But there were also clothes, accessories, cosmetics and household items.

The store has been operating since 2014. It has earned the respect of users thanks to its low prices and fast delivery.

Payments are accepted via bank cards and PayPal payment system. Regular delivery without a tracking code is free, but for speed and special care of the parcel you will have to pay a little extra.

DealExtreme - DX

This popular online store was called until 2012. But after a redesign and other internal changes, it received a shorter and more sonorous name -

The site presents various categories: “Clothing”, “Beauty”, “Home”, “Hobbies” and so on. But among Russian-speaking users, has an unspoken reputation as a store for gadgets and electronics. There really are a lot of them. Moreover, you can buy both ordinary Chinese trinkets and some branded items.

On the site you can turn on the Russian language and switch the currency to rubles. Payment by Visa and MasterCard, as well as via PayPal and WebMoney. Delivery by China Post is free, EMS - from $15 (express delivery can be selected only if the order amount exceeds $30). A tracking code is provided free of charge if you purchase $15 or more.

As elsewhere, there are discounts, promotional codes and an affiliate program.


Chinese online store with free shipping worldwide and a funny dinosaur on the logo. Buyers note the high quality of the goods. In addition, sellers never forget to include small gifts, samples, discount coupons and other goodies in the package. But the pricing policy also differs from other sites to a large extent. Also worth noting is the English-speaking, but responsive and competent support, working 24/7.

The resource is practically not adapted for Russian-speaking users: minimal translation using Google and display of prices in rubles.

But the assortment is simply huge: about two million products, from devices to wedding dresses. There are products from both Chinese manufacturers and goods from world brands (Lenovo, Toshiba, Dell and others).

DinoDirect has its own buyers club. Regular customers are awarded bonus points, discounts on express delivery and goods for testing, and also given various gifts. In addition, the site regularly holds sales.


More than 70 thousand items of goods, almost 100 different categories, seven years of experience - all this is the FocalPrice online store. In the Russian-language version of the site, the assortment seems to be more modest than on other sites (oh my God, there are no clothes or cosmetics there!). But the prices are pleasantly surprising. There is even a “Everything for $2” section. There are a lot of trinkets that you want to add to your cart by the bucketful.

By the way, about the Russian version. Unlike many competitors, FocalPrice translates everything, right down to the product description. And not bad, almost without errors.

Payment by bank cards, as well as via PayPal and WebMoney. Shipping is either free via China Post or EMS. In this case, delivery to intermediary addresses and splitting the order into several parcels is possible.

You can get a discount by using a promotional code or joining an affiliate program.


A large Asian online hypermarket where you can purchase various equipment, clothes, shoes, interior items and other things. There are more than a million titles in total, which are updated daily.

The site supports several dozen languages ​​and currencies, including Russian and rubles. We are also pleased with the multilingual support service: you can ask questions and receive answers in Russian.

For a more comfortable shopping experience, you can use mobile applications.

Prices for freebie lovers will seem high. But the product descriptions and high-quality photographs are pleasing. LightInTheBox warehouses are located in the USA and Europe, and delivery is paid. Its cost depends on the region. There are often discounts on delivery, as well as on goods. Only PayPal is accepted for payment.

LightInTheBox has a “little brother” - MiniInThebox, which has also proven itself well in the market. They have the same owner and a very similar interface. The difference is in the assortment and the fact that the latter has free delivery to the CIS countries.


This is a Hong Kong online store that opened in 2007. In terms of the number of product items, it is among the top five Asian retailers. Gadgets, clothes, jewelry, household goods - the choice is huge.

The store website is Russified, prices can be displayed in rubles. Every year TinyDeal integrates more and more into the post-Soviet space: it works with Russian payment systems (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, QIWI) and bank cards, and actively leads groups on social networks “ In contact with" And " Classmates" There are also mobile applications.

Free delivery. But you can choose the express method, where you will have to pay extra for speed from $10 to $40, depending on the weight and dimensions. The parcel tracking tracker is provided free of charge if the item costs more than $33.

From time to time, promotions are held, and affiliate program users are awarded bonus points.


This is an online store founded in 2004, and two years later received the Gold Supplier award from Alibaba. On the website you can select the Russian language and set prices in rubles - this makes it easier to find what you need.

The selection of goods is impressive: mobile phones, tablets, clothing, shoes, toys, sporting goods, fishing equipment and much more. TomTop has several warehouses in China, Germany, UK and USA.

The prices are very affordable. There is a section where products can be sorted within certain boundaries: up to $0.99, up to $1.99, up to $2.99, and so on. There are also sales and various promotions are held regularly. There is an affiliate program and dropshipping.

Payment is made via PayPal, and tracking codes are paid only. Express delivery is via DHL and is subject to the item being in stock in the UK.

It is impossible to fit all retailers into one, even a very large top. For your convenience and in order not to offend other noteworthy trading platforms, we have collected popular Asian online stores in a summary table.

Shop Range:
1. Gadgets and electronics.
2. Clothing, jewelry and cosmetics.
3. Home and hobbies.
Free shipping Payment:
1. Bank cards.
2. PayPal.
3. WebMoney or Yandex.Money.
Availability of a mobile application Russian language
AliExpress 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 + +
Aurabuy 1, 3 1, 2
Banggood 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 + +
Bestofferbuy 1, 2, 3 + 2
BuyInCoins 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2 +
BuySku 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3
ChinaBuye 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 + +
Chinavasion 1, 3 1, 2 +
Clothing-Dropship 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 +
Color-shopping 2 1 2 + 1, 2
DealExtreme 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 + +
DinoDirect 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2 + +
Each buyer 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2 +
eForchina 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2
Everbuying 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2
FocalPrice 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2, 3 + +
Gearbest 1, 2, 3 + 1, 2 1, 2, 3 + 1,2 + +
Jollychic 2 1, 2 +
Jollyhome 3 1, 2