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The most profitable goods from China for resale. What can you resell profitably? Buying, selling, markup


If you want to earn a large amount of money, you can try to do it with the help of modern technologies and thanks to the eternal thirst of our citizens to buy. There are several options for modern business management based on the “buy” principle at your service. Here you must remember the main rule - look for places where things and products are sold cheap, so that you can later sell them at a higher price.

So, where is cheaper:

Online store. Due to the fact that he does not need to rent office space and pay for the labor of a huge company, the cost of household appliances (refrigerators, televisions, mobile phones, washing machines, etc.) is 10-20% lower than in regular stores.

Catalogs of clothing and footwear. Thick catalogs like Otto periodically organize seasonal sales of their goods - you can buy, for example, a men's sweater at a discount of 20 to 80%.

Ordering clothes from the USA. Prices for summer and winter items from America are much lower than in Russia. You can buy clothes 20-30% cheaper, and this includes postage. Even more profitable, if you join an online community that collects bulk orders, you'll save an even further discount.

Seasonal discounts and promotions, sales in stores. It is important to know exactly when the discounts start. If you arrive in time for the sale, you can buy two refrigerators for the price of one. If you are planning to get a 10-30 percent discount on winter boots, buy them at the end of winter - at the beginning of spring. In principle, many supermarkets always have goods with yellow price tags (discount).

Second hand stores. Not all goods in a second-hand store are worn and worn out: often they contain things that were simply not sold out in the store and still have the factory label on them. Sometimes, to find a branded purchase, you will have to look through almost the entire assortment of second-hand goods.

Wholesale centers selling goods in small quantities.

So, these were the sources of cheap goods, but where and to whom can you sell them? These are your acquaintances, relatives, friends and work colleagues. To get your benefit (10-30% of the cost), you can:

Hand over the goods to a consignment store;
- sell on the market or in your own store;
- find buyers through free newspaper advertisements or via the Internet;
- open your own online store, you don’t need a lot of money.
The system is elementary - in one place I bought it cheaper, in another I sold it at a higher price.

Many successful Moscow enterprises are faced with the problem of establishing regional sales. It is important to choose the right region and develop a sales algorithm specifically for it. The ability to negotiate with clients is also of great importance when entering the regions.


It is worth promoting sales in one region. This is the simplest, in addition, it will be possible to “test” the sales algorithm and analyze errors. When choosing a region, the territorial criterion is important: the one that is more or less convenient to get to is best suited, since you will often have to travel to negotiate with potential clients and counterparties.

For the selected region, you need to collect information about whether it has a product similar to yours, which companies sell it, and what the situation is in general. This is a very important stage: you should not enter the region without actually knowing anything about it. After collecting information, you can begin to think through a plan of action.

It is important to analyze the information and identify a target group of clients, namely those that are of interest to you in the first place. Let's say if you produce high-price sweets, then your target customers will be luxury supermarkets.

Each client will need to be explained what their benefits may be when purchasing your products and reselling them. After all, he has other suppliers. It is important to have several options for a sales and product promotion program for different clients and be able to prove their effectiveness.

If the first negotiations were successful, you agreed on everything and started selling, then this is not the time to relax. Now the main task is to control final sales in the region. After a few months, sales of your products will become stable, and then you will need to think about their further development.

Video on the topic

When demand exceeds supply, single sellers and small firms become vulnerable and risk falling out of the market due to a lack of working capital. To prevent the need to pay suppliers for goods that have not yet been sold, you need to come up with a special sales scheme.


Create a network of clients. This could be a customer base with contact information. You must be able to quickly contact all potential buyers. They should know you and be receptive to suggestions. For communication, sales agents, managers working for or electronic mailing lists can be used. To gather your base, use free events where customers fill out a survey to get important information. Warn that you will periodically communicate, but do this only on a topic in which the person is interested.

Take the goods for sale. Agree with the supplier that you will return unsold goods. You cannot guarantee that all people on the pre-order list will pay for the purchase. Therefore, an agreement with the supplier is necessary. During the negotiations, tell them that you work with regular customers, and the goods will not sit somewhere in the warehouse: everything will be decided within the next few days.

Make a specific offer to your clients. Please inform that the quantity of goods is limited and payment terms are possible only within the specified period of time. You can add a nice little thing to the purchase to encourage customers to make an immediate decision. Think about the profit margin and give customers delivery, special packaging or a gift.

Return unsold copies to the supplier. Do everything quickly. Do not keep goods in stock.

Helpful advice

Many people today are planning to open a small trading business. Setting up your own store to sell interesting things sounds like a really ideal plan. How can you successfully open this enterprise?

You will need

  • - business plan;
  • - license;
  • - insurance;
  • - equipment;
  • - room.


Take special courses at one of the universities or small business associations in your city to learn more about starting and running a small business. The more you can know before you begin, the better prepared you will be for any challenges that may arise.

Create a plan for your business down to the smallest detail. Think about all the components: the location and financing of the store, as well as the products you will sell. You must write a detailed business plan, and then submit it to the bank for review. If you need to get a business loan, you should draw up a perfectly balanced and accurate business plan.

Choose a name for the store and decide on a location for it. It would be better to find out in advance all the features of the selected area in order to understand what enterprises can be located in it and what conditions are needed for this.

Obtain all the necessary licenses and permits to run your business, and then start building a store (or rent premises for it). You will also need to obtain insurance and fill out a tax return. These steps can be completed more quickly if you seek help from business associations in your area.

Hire staff after the bank has accepted your business plan, received all the necessary documents and resolved tax issues. Registration of employees should be carried out directly at the stage of entry into the work of your business.

Find a distributor and order the appropriate quantity of products. At first, stock up only on those products that are in great demand and can bring you an initial profit.

Hello to all my readers. Nikolay Schmidt is in touch and today I want to talk about the topic of online commerce, or more precisely, what is profitable to sell on the Internet by ordering goods from China. I have already written an article on how to order goods from China for sale, but now let’s talk about what to order and what is profitable to sell on the Internet.

What to sell online

Due to the fact that the online commerce market is growing by leaps and bounds and there are more and more online stores, everyone wants to succeed and grab their piece of bread. You can sell almost anything online that you can sell offline, but there are groups or a number of products that sell very well and can make a profit from the first day, products that have a large markup.

DVRs, radar detectors, navigators

These products can be sold with a markup of 100%. Their purchase prices range from 500-700 rubles, but you can find them cheaper and sell them for 1000-3000 and more. And if we talk about radar detectors, their purchase price in China is from 200 rubles, and they are sold in Russia for 700 rubles and more. It’s very easy to make money selling DVRs, radar detectors and navigators. Place an ad on Avito with the price at which you would sell it and see if they call. I tried - they will. Why don't I do it myself? The answer is - I will, I’m just currently operating in the service sector, but I’ll come to goods, now I’m slowly preparing the ground.

Clothes and shoes

Clothing is one of the most popular goods on the Internet. China has very low prices for clothes and you can make good money on this. Here I cannot give examples with prices, because... a lot of varieties.

Car care products and car accessories

Car cleaning brushes, seat covers, steering wheel covers, towels, cleaning products and much more. In Russia, prices for this are greatly reduced. Recently we bought a brush with a scraper on the reverse side for removing snow from a car (prepare a sled in the summer) from China for 170 rubles, and when I saw their prices here, I was simply shocked at 500-700 rubles.

Unusual gifts

I designated it this way because these products are sold in stores and online stores. I mean all sorts of talking hamsters, which have recently had a boom, unusual thermal mugs in the form of a camera lens, a business card holder in the form of a assembled knife, alarm clocks, clocks and many all sorts of cool and pleasant little things. The markup is more than 100%.

Men's and women's accessories

Bracelets, bags, handbags, umbrellas, glasses, watches (counterfeit brands), belts, scarves, etc.. The markup is much more than 100%. For example, I ordered a bracelet for 200 rubles. In our online stores it costs from 600 and above. My girlfriend ordered a bracelet for 70 rubles, but ours costs more than 250 rubles. How can you not make money here?

Interior items, bed linen, towels, etc.

I will not describe all this separately. You know how much a set of good bed linen costs, from 1000-1500 to……. And in China you can buy it for 300-500 rubles. Calculate the markup yourself. This also includes shelves for the bathroom, stands for wine bottles, stands for wine glasses and much more.

Phones and tablets

There are incredibly many of them in China and they are very cheap. A good Android phone can be bought for 2000-3000 rubles. and a tablet for 3000-4000 rubles. Check out the searches, these products are being searched for a lot!

Small electronic gadgets

Universal chargers, Bluetooth adapters for wireless audio playback on external speakers from a computer or mobile phone. Various joysticks and much more.

Lighting devices

Laser pointers, lasers for clubs, light and music equipment. In China, prices for this are also low, but with professional equipment it is more difficult, because... You need to give a guarantee and you can only be responsible for quality after a long check.

Cases for iPhone and iPad, for phones in general

It's quite easy to make money on covers. The markup on them is not even 100% but 300%. You can buy a case for 100 rubles or less, and sell from 500. Of course, there are more expensive ones, but they also sell for more. Cases for iPad are also not expensive, but are sold several times more expensive. My friend is doing them and sales are going well.

A few more articles on this topic!

How to order goods from China

I wrote about this in an article. There is a detailed video and it is written how and what to do.

How to sell goods from China

Selling them is very easy.

1. On Avito. Tested, it works.

2. Groups on social networks. VKontakte sells very well.

3. A one-page site, but on it you will not have a large assortment.

4. Online store. And launch contextual advertising

Choose and do it already!

How to test a niche

Read about it. Place an ad on Avito and wait for calls. Or you order a one-page website and try to place different products on it. This will require spending on contextual advertising. You can try once to place an advertisement in a group or public page on VKontakte. Lots of options! If orders come in, just say that the goods are out of stock, take people’s contacts and say that you will contact them as soon as they arrive. And immediately run to order the goods.

Good luck to you!

And also, if you doubt that goods from China will not sell well on the Internet, then read one of my next articles. -><-. Спасибо за внимание. И не забудьте подписаться на блог, чтобы получиать статьи себе на емэйл. Для этого введите адрес почты в форму в конце статьи.

To be the first to receive the latest courses, business ideas and earning schemes.

We will talk about making money on websites.

I have a best friend who made his first million in 2016. At that moment, I really realized that there is a lot of money on the Internet, and somehow I have to try to get it from there).

One day, my friend and I decided to take a ride around the city and talk about making money on the Internet (at that time I had ideas, but I needed at least some push in this area), and so he briefly told me that somehow... I worked for a long time as an intermediary for the purchase and sale of websites. I was really interested in this, and I decided to dive into it headlong. I spent 2 months studying everything and understanding the site and everything connected with it. I made proposals, looked for sources from which to obtain sites, even created my own site, and not alone, to experience it all. And now, a month later, I start earning my first money. At first everything didn’t go so well, but I still tried to earn 20-30 a month. Although there were times, and it generally came out at 5k.

The scheme is like this:

We are looking for a buyer for whom we will work, and we write him an offer: “Hello! I am an agent for finding the right projects for individuals/companies. I offer my services to you! How do you look at the proposal?

The fact is that people who are constantly buying websites do not want to spend their personal time searching, so they always need intermediaries.

I was looking for buyers on this forum: the link does not open, then simply copy it separately into the browser)in the “site exchange” section (Purchase and sale of sites). By the way, there are VK groups and Instagram, etc.

We communicate with the buyer and find out what sites he needs and what criteria he looks at when evaluating a site.

Everything is simple here:

We type in the Yandex/Google search bar:

Top rambler



There we select the topic needed for our buyer and start looking at sites.

For example, the Buyer gives us the task of searching for sites using the following criteria:

Topic - Health, medicine

Monthly income from 50k (YAN, GoogleAdSense)

Attendance from 150k

With good content without crap, etc.

Website engine or “cms” as they call it - worldpress, jomla, etc.

How to watch all this and how to find who will sell us such a site:

  1. Install the extension:
  2. We go to the site of the topic we need, click on the extension and see the statistics (where the traffic comes from, GEO, etc.) We need the content to be clean (such sites are valued), which means the search column should have the highest percentage.
  3. Next, we will draw up a commercial proposal, which we will send to site owners.

We find a feedback form on the website or in the contacts section we look for an email for communication and write:

"Hello! I am an agent of a company/individual who is engaged in the purchase of projects on various subjects. We are interested in your project and are ready to offer an amount above the market price. Are you interested in this offer?

Why higher, because our task is to convince the seller that on a market such as, he will not sell for more than the amount we offer.

And so with each site (the more you send, the higher the percentage that further dialogue will begin).

Oh, and by the way, you need to set up an email address specifically for this business, and create a template there with a ready-made commercial offer to make it easier to send out mailings.

After they have answered you (usually they answer: what can you offer? What is your proposal? etc.), we begin a specific dialogue:

"Good afternoon! In order to evaluate your project, as you yourself understand, we need to know at least basic information about the project. Allow me to ask a few questions that interest us, after receiving answers to which we will make an offer in “figures” of cost?

  1. What income? Sources of income?
  2. What is the cost? Sources of consumption?
  3. Is it possible to access statistics or screenshots?
  4. Who is filling the project?
  5. What is the site's cms?

I have provided a standard series of questions that are required to evaluate a project. But each buyer evaluates the site in his own way, so we formulate questions according to the criteria that the buyer voices to us.

After this, they answer you, you pass on the information to the buyer, he evaluates and offers his amount. There you already communicate with the seller and if everything is fine, then proceed with the transaction.

The transaction usually goes through a guarantor. (But this does not concern us; usually they themselves agree on how best to transfer the site and money to them)

Now some nuances:

  1. In addition to the top, search for queries in the search (Yandex, Google) (for example: we need a medicine topic, then we write “symptoms of pneumonia, what to do if you have a headache” and the like).
  2. Look for companies that do web design, monetization, etc. Write to them directly on the website that you are a cool person and can make their life easier in finding projects if they buy.
  3. You can take a percentage from the buyer and seller, but this is usually when both are already clients. (That is, we tell the buyer 5% interest from him and we will find a project, and the seller that 5% and we will find a buyer for your site)
  4. Just recently I came across an extension that really helps to search for sites:
  5. After I got myself clients, and also began to write to almost every site owner, I had two powerful buyers who were engaged in purchasing almost any high-quality projects.

In September 2017, I began actively working with them. One buyer paid me 5%, another 10%. In September I made one deal for 100k, in October for 200k, in November and December another 100k each = a total of 500k for 4 deals in 4 months!

Hello, dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is with you, the founder of the site

I myself have sold my things through Avito more than once and even figured out how to build a business out of it.

By the way, sales on Avito are one of the best, and most importantly, legal ways to earn income using the Internet.

Today, earning money on Avito is possible without investing any money at all! I will share an honest earnings scheme, using which you will earn your first money.

1. Earning money on Avito - how much a beginner can really earn

If you are computer friendly and also know how to communicate with people, then you can earn 500$ and more in a month will be just the beginning for you.

Personally, I earned about 10,000 rubles in one week. This took me about one full working day. I think this is not bad.

Agree that such additional income will not hurt anyone.

Here I sold things that I got for free and those that my wife had at home. The interesting thing is that she was going to throw them away. :)

This is how some people start their home business on Avito.

But at first, they simply decided to get rid of unnecessary “junk”.

Friends, according to my calculations, here every more or less adequate person from scratch and even without investing money can earn at least their monthly salary.

I talked about exactly how to earn the same 20,000 rubles here in paragraph No. 4 of the article entitled “Business on Avito - how to build it and where to start.”

This material will be especially useful for novice sellers.

And if you act as a buyer on the Avito website, then know that there are unscrupulous sellers here who use “gray” or even “black” earning schemes.

For example, my friends Alexander and Vitaly were almost scammed out of their money by experienced scammers, and this is taking into account their extensive experience working on the Internet.


Never send anyone an advance payment for goods and do not, under any pretext, send goods to a “client” without payment from him.

This way you will protect yourself from dubious transactions.

2. My example of selling a product on Avito in 3 hours

I was selling my wife's Samsung washing machine here, which we initially wanted to throw away, although it was in working order.

We wanted to get it clean from the sale. 3000 rubles, and I set the price 3400 rubles, taking into account bargaining.

Moreover, analogues of our washing machine cost a little more. So I thought it would sell pretty quickly. And so it turned out.

If you describe my sale in ordinary language, then I just raised my butt, took a photo of the washing machine on my phone and posted an ad on Avito late at night.

The next day, early in the morning, I already received 3 phone calls from interested buyers.

As a result, already at 11 o’clock in the afternoon we sold the washing machine to a middle-aged couple. These people bought it for tenants.

No wonder the slogan of is “Easy to buy, easy to sell.”

Now I have described a real example - how to make money on Avito and was once again convinced that here you can really at least turn old things into money, and some people have several tens of thousands of rubles or even more worth of such things at home.

As a result, my sale took place so quickly thanks to the technology that I described below in the next paragraph.

Just take it and implement it!

3. How to make money on Avito ( - 7 simple steps for a beginner

The steps described below will help almost anyone make money on Avito: from a student to a pensioner.

If you systematically approach such sales, you can build a good additional income on this, and for some it can become the main one.

Step 1. Register on Avito

We go to the website and click on the inscription “register”.

After this, you will have your own personal account on the site, through which you can create and manage advertisements, as well as change your profile data.

Step 2. Select a product

Now you are ready to start making money on Avito.

All that remains is to decide what you will sell. If you already have specific ideas or a product that you will place here, then no problem, just move on to the next step of the instructions.

If you don’t yet have any ideas on what to sell through Avito, here are some tips:

  • your old things;
  • used things of your friends, acquaintances and relatives;
  • new products that you can get at below market prices;
  • new goods from contractors (bricks, cement, spare parts);
  • your services (skills) you possess;
  • products from online stores that you can become a partner of.

The easiest way to start doing at least something and get your first money from selling through Avito is to look around you, and I assure you, there will be a lot of ideas.

Walk around your apartment or house, remember what you have lying around on the balcony or in the garage: an old bicycle, winter tires, an unnecessary laptop, a broken office chair, or maybe you’re tired of your pet.

Even animals can be sold here, or, in extreme cases, donated (if you don’t dare to sell).

Just advertise with the text “I’ll give it as a gift” or “I’ll give it to good hands.”

How to make money on Avito without sales

At first glance this is impossible.

But practice shows that earning money on Avito is possible without sales.

To do this, you just need to place advertisements for your friends who provide any services and agree with them on your percentage for the purchases of clients who came on your recommendation.

For example, you have friends who are builders, designers, furniture makers, and so on.

In this case, your task is to receive the call and transfer the potential client to your friend.

I personally tested this scheme and earned 5,000 rubles (my 10% commission) by finding a client and passing on his contact information to a friend who does apartment renovations.

Step 3. Compose an ad

Remember that the purpose of the ad is to receive a request from the client: a call, SMS or e-mail.

Your task when writing text is to interest a potential client in your product or service.

Therefore, compose your ad according to certain rules:

Rule #1. Catchy title

There is no need to write the word “for sale” in the title, this is already implied.

Add “adjective” to the title.

For example: bright, original, stylish, reliable.

This will make your ad headline stand out from others.

You can also insert an additional word (phrase) here that will help draw attention to the title.

Compare two ad headlines:

  1. LG vacuum cleaner;
  2. Reliable LG vacuum cleaner with water filter.

Agree that in the second case the title will look more advantageous.

Rule #2. Original emotional text with a “mini-story” about the product being sold

Most sellers only list the technical characteristics of the product in their ad, while you can make your ad more emotional by “humanizing” it by using a mini-story in the product description.

In the case of a vacuum cleaner, you can tell how it served you faithfully and why you are selling it now.

Here you can mention how your dog licked him, mistaking him for his friend or something similar. :)

This is done in order to evoke positive emotions in the potential buyer and personalize your product.

Here’s a short but heartfelt ad I came up with when selling a washing machine:

Now, following the intuitive instructions, place the product on Avito and wait for a call from a potential buyer.

If you want to sell your product as quickly as possible, use paid services from the service: “VIP placement”, “raising an ad up” and so on.

Step 4. Receive calls

Now that people are seeing your ad (assuming your ad and the offer in it are adequate) you will start receiving calls.

Remember that the volume of sales of your goods and services depends on the number of incoming calls. The intensity with which clients contact you is influenced by many factors. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the “” course, which will help you implement automatic mass submission of ads and constantly raise them to the top without paying.

Here are the key rules that will allow you to make telephone communication with a client as effective as possible from a commercial point of view, that is, it will help “sell” the meeting with the client at which you sell your product (service):

  1. Rule #1. Greet the client;
  2. Rule #2. Ask how you can address your buyer (get their name);
  3. Rule #3. Ask clarifying questions, try to find out the client’s motivation for purchasing;
  4. Rule #4. Arrange a meeting with a potential buyer, because it will be easier to make a sale face to face.

Proper communication with a client by phone is an important stage in the sales cycle on Avito, which will help you earn more than others.

Step 5. Sell the product at the meeting

When meeting with a potential buyer, be friendly.

Greet him by calling him by name.

Try to understand the client's mood and act accordingly.

If a person needs to speak out, give him that opportunity.

Then, move on to the sale itself.

Usually, a person already has an idea of ​​what he will buy from you, so the meeting in most cases does not take more than 5-10 minutes.

However, if the buyer has questions, answer them honestly.

This way you will instill additional trust in the client and the chances of selling the product (service) will increase many times over.

Having made your first sales, you will feel that making money on Avito is becoming a reality for you.

Step 6. Calculate profit

If your product had some cost, and even more so if you purchased it specifically for resale, then subtract this cost from the transaction amount.

For example, if you bought a bicycle from a neighbor on the cheap for 3000 rubles, but on Avito they bought it from you for 7000 rubles, then your profit will be 4000 rubles

Step 7. Scaling the activity

If you manage to sell products this way, then simply scale up this activity: expand your product range and publish more ads per day.

This way you will start meeting clients more often and your sales will increase.

If the need arises, find yourself an assistant and train him to place advertisements on the site with interesting text and receive incoming calls according to a well-functioning scheme.

At the same time, focus on finding products and conducting high-quality meetings with potential buyers.

4. Business on Avito - how to build it and where to start

On Avito you can earn an amount equal to your average salary.

This will be the first step to building your own business using this site.

For example, the average salary in the city of Stavropol (where I live) is 23 000 rubles and this is also the so-called accrued income.

If we subtract from this amount 13% income tax, then in the end we will only get “clean” 20 000 rubles

It turns out that we need to earn 1000 rubles a day if we work 20 days a month.

This means that we need to sell something that will bring 4 times 5000 rubles, 40 times 500 rubles, and so on.

The main thing is that the total profit for the month is not less than the declared 20,000 rubles.

Let's assume that you will sell bricks here and have agreed with the supplier that for each brick sold you will receive 2 rubles your markup.

By the way, I didn’t take the example of bricks by chance.

One of my friends (his name is Alexey and he is only 22 years old) sells cinder blocks here - these are the same bricks, and earns more 60 000 rubles

They buy from him 1,000 cinder blocks or more per day.

Consider for yourself: 2 ruble multiplied by 1000 units of goods and we get 2000 rubles a day!

At the same time, he only places advertisements on the Internet, receives calls and goes out to sign the contract. The supplier carries out delivery and all other actions himself.

This is another real example of how to make money on Avito.

Thus, you can even become a freelance sales manager for any company and find clients through Avito.

Decide what you will sell and start being active.

Believe me, your efforts will pay off in the very near future. I have many friends who started their business this way.

Where to start a business on Avito

Start by selecting the goods (services) that you will sell here.

Then, make a simple calculation like the one I presented above, and you will see how much product you need to sell and in what period to earn the desired amount of money.

A huge number of aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in how to make money by reselling goods. Such a high interest in this area is due to the fact that this type of activity does not require large financial costs and does not require special knowledge. The main principle of resale is purchasing products directly from the manufacturer at a lower price and selling it at a premium to the cost.

How to make money by reselling goods: popular schemes

Earnings from the resale of goods can be made using 3 schemes:

  1. Selling purchased goods at a premium (popularly this type of activity is called speculation). In this case, the goods can be bought in large wholesale and sold at retail with your own markup or work through the dropshipping system.
  2. By purchasing a product, you can improve its characteristics and properties and only after that put it up for sale (for example, you buy a used car, repair it and put it up for sale with a higher price tag).
  3. Participation in affiliate programs (receiving a percentage of sales).

Each entrepreneur chooses for himself the direction and manner of work that is more pleasant to him; some prefer to sell in small quantities, while others find it more profitable to sell in bulk. At the same time, it is very important to find out in advance the purchase prices for goods for resale, transportation costs, costs of advertising and attracting customers, and the amount of profit that you can receive in the event of a successful transaction.

Reselling goods from Aliexpress as a business

Reselling goods from Aliexpress is the most popular scheme for doing business on the Internet. By purchasing goods on foreign sites, you will get a unique opportunity to resell in your region with a good margin. When buying online, you will not be able to make a large markup on the product, but at the same time, due to the fact that there will be a great demand for unique products, you will make a good profit. You can sell children's clothing online. This type of sales is in demand and allows you to earn good money. This type of product is constantly in demand on the market, so there will be no problems finding a buyer.

In addition to direct sales, you can earn money through affiliate programs by attracting buyers and receiving a percentage of the seller’s profits. The most popular affiliate programs are, Admitad, EPN.

You can find the most popular products on Aliexpress for resale in the “Bestsellers” section.

  • iPhone protective film made of tempered glass;
  • sling backpack for carrying babies 4 in 1;
  • super strong fishing line;
  • T-shirts and bodysuits for babies;
  • stylish shirt for men with long sleeves in casual style;
  • superman t shirt for men;
  • hip-hop baseball cap;
  • transparent iPhone case in the shape of a glass of wine;
  • sunglasses in retro punk style.

Business with China for resale without investment

Reselling goods from China is one of the most promising areas for budding entrepreneurs. Recently, the foreign currency exchange rate has increased too much and this has led to the fact that it is almost impossible to make a markup on the purchased goods, since the demand for it is falling every day. That is why many entrepreneurs have decided to develop a business in the resale of goods from China. After all, it allows you to make a decent markup due to its low cost. Reselling clothing as a business is one of the most profitable areas, since this category of products is always in demand.

How to make money by reselling goods on Avito?

Reselling goods on Avito is a good opportunity to quickly test demand and start making money without opening retail outlets or creating websites. After all, this site is visited by millions of people every day and you can receive potential clients without extra costs. That is why resale on Avito is a business with good prospects. Reselling goods on Avito as a business will help you get your first money on the Internet. All that is required of you is to find a popular product, suppliers offering favorable conditions, write a selling description, take high-quality photos and post an ad on the bulletin board. To start earning money without investment, you can agree with suppliers that you will take goods for sale or work through the dropshipping system. Such schemes will help you start your own mini-business with minimal risks.

Reselling goods as a business: where to start

If you have a well-developed entrepreneurial spirit, then you definitely need to use the Internet, because this source of information is very popular. Now online stores are gaining popularity and are in demand. That is why it is worth finding a supplier and agreeing with him on long-term cooperation, and in the meantime, advertising on various groups on social networks that you have this or that product in stock. You can try to organize a business without any investments; for this you just need to take a photo from a foreign resource, post it on your website with a markup that will be acceptable to you, then accept the order and take an advance payment for the goods, and place an order with the supplier. This type of sales is not particularly popular, because not every buyer will agree to make an advance payment, as they risk being left without money and goods.

When setting prices for goods, you must understand that they should not be inflated. It is imperative to take into account the fact that funds were spent on delivery, storage and transportation, but this amount can add from 20 to 40% to the cost of the goods. Everything else is your whim and can scare away the client. In order to organize an acceptable business for trading goods from China, you need to monitor the market and understand what your privilege is, where competitors have not yet been able to cover a large segment of the market. By choosing the right strategy, you will succeed.

The most profitable products for resale: how to find your niche

Finding a popular product for resale is the most important task for an entrepreneur. You can find profitable products for resale in the following ways:

However, any theory requires testing in practice. Only real demand testing will help you determine which product will bring the most profit.

To quickly and easily test the demand for a product and the viability of your idea, you can use the following methods:

  • posting product offers on bulletin boards (Avito);
  • placement of goods in aggregators (;
  • launching selling one-page websites (landing page) and attracting traffic using contextual and banner advertising;
  • placing advertising posts at flea markets and auctions on social networks;
  • we connect city forums;
  • We are launching a promotion on coupon sites (Kuponator, Biglion).

After testing, you will be able to choose the most profitable one from several product groups.

In order to determine which product is more profitable to sell, you can use the following formula:


Profit = number of goods sold per unit of time * (margin on goods - transportation costs) - costs of attracting leads through advertising.