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Scenario September 1st at a vocational school.

New interesting scenario holding a solemn assembly on September 1, dedicated to the Day of Knowledge holiday in a college or technical school for students. In the script there are words of solemn congratulations to the staff and students of the college director (prose).

Poems, congratulations, creative tests for students, competitions, humorous and poetry competitions, presentation of gifts, parting words and wishes to all students and first-year students in prose. The script has been prepared for leading organizers to hold a line in a college or technical school on September 1.

Presenter 1:

Dear friends!

We welcome you within the walls of our wonderful educational institution. You had a good rest in the summer, stocked up on solar energy and creativity, and now it’s time to gain knowledge in the field of your future profession.

Presenter 2:

Happy Knowledge Day to everyone!
And we sincerely wish the students:
Success, good luck and daring,
And extraordinary discoveries,
The best teachers
And happy long breaks,
The most faithful friends,
And of course, worthy ratings!

Scenario 1 Presenter:

For our students, college (technical school) has become a second home. Here they grow up, acquire new skills, learn the unknown, and feel happy in the circle of their friends acquired within the walls of college. Freshmen will only have to experience the joy of upcoming discoveries and exciting creativity, which begins on September 1...

Presenter 2:

Now our senior friends will present the first-year students with business cards of their future professions.

(Students pass by business cards their specialties).

Presenter 1:

As we see, our people are creative and senior students will definitely pass on their activity and creativity to the new freshmen.

Presenter 2:

The ceremonial line, which we dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, opens. (The Russian anthem plays).

The floor for the solemn congratulations of the team of teachers and students is given to the director of the college (technical school) (name, patronymic):

Speech, words from the director of the college (technical school):

Good afternoon, dear parents, teachers, students and those who came to our today autumn holiday, Dear guests. The college (technical school) staff is pleased to welcome you all to this solemn assembly, organized in honor of Knowledge Day, in one of the best educational institutions our glorious city.

We are deservedly proud of our graduates and are happy to pass on our accumulated knowledge and talents to the freshmen who come to us. I congratulate everyone on the long-awaited September 1, Knowledge Day, and, of course, I wish all students to reach the heights that you are only dreaming of. Happy holiday, friends!

Scenario 1 Presenter:

But in order to understand what kind of birds flew into our college (technical school), let’s give them a test! Representatives are invited to the stage different specialties from among the freshmen.


Presenter 2:

The first test will be a poetry competition. Teams of 5 people from each department must compose an ode for the applicant in 2 minutes. Time has passed!

(Students read invented poems).

Presenter 1:

The second test is to test your knowledge! Team members are asked questions from various areas of knowledge, and they must give a concise answer in one word.

Presenter 2:

The third test is to identify sports talents. A humorous all-around sports competition is held among all team members. The best are enrolled in the “Olympic Reserve College (Technical School).”

Presenter 1:

On this significant day for all of us, senior students prepared small souvenirs for first-year students. And now the time has come to present them. Please accept memorable gifts, congratulations and parting words!

Presenter 2:

It will be a pleasure to receive diplomas and certificates earned through hard work by our best students. The awards are presented by the deputy director... (name, patronymic).

(Fanfare sounds, to the sound of which diplomas are awarded to the winners of Olympiads and sports competitions).

Words of congratulations to teachers from students and pupils

Student 1:

Dear teachers, please accept sincere warm congratulations on this sunny autumn day from September 1 from your students. We are grateful to you for the warmth, tenderness and love with which you invest in us the knowledge that is very necessary in the long term. life path.

Student 2:

Peace, light, health and high ranks on your difficult, but so necessary path for everyone! Accept flowers from your grateful students as a sign of gratitude and respect.

(Students give flowers to teachers to applause.)

The Russian anthem plays.

Presenter 1:

This concludes our solemn lineup in honor of the Day of Knowledge. We congratulate everyone once again on September 1, on the beginning of the new academic year and wish everyone excellent success, hard work, good achievements and excellent grades!

Presenter 2:

Happy holiday of knowledge to you, friends!!!

Musical number.

Presenter 1: This summer was very hot,

Hope you all had a good rest.

Old friends, hello to you!

Hello those who came for the first time.

Presenter 2: May this year be happy for everyone:

For teachers, parents, children.

And let the education field bloom

And there will be many ideas in education.

Presenter: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents! Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good it brings us. Today is a national holiday - Knowledge Day, the day of the first school bell in the new school year, the day of new meetings with the vast world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us. Good mood to you and those who came here for the first time, and to those who spent so many interesting and useful years in our school.

Presenter 1: Everything in this heavenly world is compensated,

Everything is compensated in the world, without a doubt.

In June everyone says goodbye to school graduations,

And in September they accept new arrivals again.

Presenter 2: From mother’s tender palms into your own hands

Preschool teachers take

And into the wonderful world of discoveries and science

They are led slowly and wisely.

Presenter 1:

And every year with special excitement

We invite them to the lineup.

This holiday was invented for them, without a doubt,

For first-graders and graduate classes.

Presenter: Today ___ first-graders will cross the threshold of our school for the first time, as its new little owners - students.

They will be led to the amazing Land of Knowledge by talented, smart, kind teachers.

But the eleventh graders will do this for the last time today. After all, they will never have the first of September at school again. Today they met and held hands: those who are starting their school journey, and those who have come to the end of it. Meet me. Our first-graders and graduates!
1st grade class teacher……………
and 11th grade class teacher………

(First-graders walk out hand in hand with eleventh-graders to the music.)

Presenter 1: School, attention! Stand at attention as the banner is carried out. Bring in the banner.

(Russian anthem plays)

Carrying out the banner

Let us consider the ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge open!

Presenter: Our school has many glorious pages: it has always been proud of its graduates, the skill of its teachers, and their ability to teach. We are also proud of our director, who skillfully leads the school.

By tradition, the floor for congratulations is given to the school director.....

(speech by the school principal)
-On this holiday for our entire country, I want to wish you hard work, health and success in your studies.

Today the school welcomes a new group of first-graders into its family;

I wish that, thanks to the efforts of teachers and high school students, the school will become a second home for everyone.

You need to study with interest and only then will the roads in life open before you, the ones you dreamed of. To bring this dream closer, you need to work! Work hard for the entire school staff - both teachers and students.

I wish all the children success in mastering knowledge, parents the closest connections with the school, and teachers - warm, kind, interesting, inquisitive students. I wish you success!

Presenter: Our school has many friends, like-minded people whom we are always glad to see. And today, September 1, they are with us to congratulate us on the beginning of the school year. The floor is given __________________________________________

Presenter: Knowledge Day is a traditional holiday in every school. And our school is no exception. But.....before moving on to the main heroes of the occasion - first graders, today we are adding another wonderful tradition. Have you noticed the brand new uniforms of our high school students?

Dear guests! Today you are witnessing an important event for our school - the birthday of cadet classes.

This academic year, specialized cadet classes are opening at our school.

Today ______ girls and boys from grades 10 and 11 will be awarded the honorary title “CADET”.

But the 9th grade students, who also put on the cadet uniform, will become cadets next year if they pass the probationary period with dignity.

Presenter 1. After all, at all times, cadet corps have trained real citizens of their country, brought up in the spirit of nobility, military honor, good comradeship, strong discipline and selfless love and devotion to the Motherland.

Presenter 2. Form is a way of life. She obliges me to a lot. By putting on a uniform, you take responsibility for your actions, by which others judge you, your loved ones, and your school.

Presenter. A sacred ritual for every defender of the Fatherland of all generations is an oath, an oath of devotion to the Motherland.

Every young man and girl, pronouncing the solemn and exciting words of the oath, firmly believes that he signs with all his heart every word spoken and is responsible for every action.

Cadets of grades 10 and 11 are invited to take the oath.

The cadets line up on stage to the music (march).

Teacher-organizer of life safety: Cool! At attention, level on-……. (puts his hand to his headdress, walks up to the school director, stops two or three steps away from him and reports) Comrade director. The cadet class for the ceremony of taking the “Solemn Cadet Oath” has been built.

The director goes to the middle of the line: “Hello, comrade cadets.”

Return greeting from the students: “We wish you good health, comrade school director.”

Director: START to take the solemn oath of a cadet.”

Teacher-organizer of life safety:: - Class, stand still, stand still!!! Get ready to take the oath.

There is a table in the center of the hall. When called by the commander, the guys come up to him and, turning to face the ranks, loudly read the oath.

Teacher-organizer of life safety:: - Class, be equal! Attention! Comrade director! The taking of the solemn oath is over.

Director: - Congratulations to the personnel of the cadet class on the solemn taking of the oath (the cadets answer three times: “Hurray!”, “Hurray!”, “Hurray!”)

Oath of a cadet of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

I, (full name), a young citizen of Russia, joining the ranks of the cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, accepting this promise, solemnly swear:

– love your Motherland, your people and be devoted to your Fatherland;

– obey the laws Russian Federation, respect human rights and freedoms;

– study persistently and conscientiously;

– know the history of the Russian state, remember and fulfill the behests of our fathers and grandfathers;

– apply your knowledge and skills to serve your people;

– be honest, hardworking, responsible for your actions, value camaraderie and friendship;

– observe the traditions of officers and rescuers;

– bear the title of cadet of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with honor and dignity and be true to this word

Presenter: For each of us, Knowledge Day is a continuation of a long journey called “wonderful school years.” But there are those among us for whom this day, September 1, is the finish line. It will never happen again in life. These are eleventh graders.

On this holiday, your class teacher addresses you with parting words ____________________________________________________________

Presenter Today, leading the kids by the hand, our eleventh graders probably remember how they came to their first line 10 years ago. Since then, they have matured, grown up and gained experience of school life, which they will now share with everyone, and especially with first-graders.

Performance by eleventh graders

Graduates: Bright flowers everywhere,
Today is a special day.
Finally dreams come true!

All: Study ahead!

We want to reach out to first graders!

You have a lot to learn

Life does not strive backwards, but forwards.

there is no road past the school,

no path leads.

School will show you everything differently,

Many roads will open up for you.

There will be failures and successes.

This is a path of discovery and anxiety.

We will give you the following instructions to you going to 1st grade:

call to get up,

ran to school on time,

so that you don't go astray

and didn’t get lost anywhere.

And one more tip:

Take care of our school

And love your teachers,

Otherwise, if we come in again, we’ll hurt our ears in no time.

Tell everyone about the school

Cherish the honor of the school.

Always keep it in order

Books, copybooks, notebooks!

We wish you all from the bottom of our hearts

Sweet learning.

So that your grades are good

Were like jam

Presenter: Today our ninth-graders receive the title of “high school students.” This year they also graduated from basic school. I ask you to come to the microphone.

Performance by 9th graders

Ninth graders read line by line

9th grade - almost graduating!
School days go by quickly.
And so as not to be late
We would like to wish today.

Wishing you success in your studies
More joy and laughter.
Pass exams without any problems.
So that everything in your life is “five”.


1: The classroom doors will open noisily,
The wake-up call will ring,
The summer sun will make faces smile,
And our first lesson will begin.

2: Every day the school greets us,
As if home, we go to a familiar class,
My friends are waiting for me at school,
And, of course, teachers!

3: Dear teachers
We respect you for your experience,
For being faithful to the school,
Because your soul is young,
For always being with us.

4: Dear teachers!
Accept flowers from your students as a token of gratitude.

Presenter 1. We also congratulate everyone on the holiday technical staff schools.

Musical number...

Theatrical sketch.

Brownie Kuzya walks ahead with importance

Kuzya: Look. Look. Here they are. They came, you know, they’re asking to go to school, they want to study. (walks past first-graders) Dressed up, with flowers. And happy ones! But I'm not having fun. I thought 11th grade would leave and it would become quieter. There will be fewer people. The class will be free. Others live, Filippok or Nafanya, they live in apartments with all the amenities, silence. And I, and I have...

Presenter: Kuzma Ivanovich, my dear, calm down. You are not a simple brownie, you are a school brownie. You can say the owner of the school.
And the first-graders are very good. You get to know them.
Make friends! You will teach them wisdom, and they will grow and delight you.

Kuzya: Okay. All. I'll go introduce myself.
(WITH important look addressed to children.)
Kuzma Ivanovich - brownie,
This school is my home,
I'm putting things in order here,
I watch every little thing,
I'm storing chalk for you,
I go to check every class,
I'm trying lunch in the kitchen,
Deep at night in the office
Director I'm coming
And I'm sitting at the computer...

Musical number from the brownie.

Presenter: Dear Kuzma Ivanovich, the guys really want to study at our school. Take them. They are asking you. They also prepared a performance

(music) first graders approach the microphone.

Performance by first graders

1.I can’t sit at home
I don't want to play
I want to study quickly
And become a first-grader

2. I also ran, skipping,
I was afraid of being late.
Barely a briefcase under one arm
Mom managed to give

3. Stay home, dolls,
I'm leaving to go to school
No time to play now
I will read books!

4. I won’t get in the way,
I'll keep up with everything
I want to learn
Read, write, count

5.Now life is different
It will come to me
Oh, dear mother!
What an adult I am!

6. Our first is the very best
Ring the bell quickly!
Go home moms!
We have a lesson soon!

Presenter 1: Dear first-graders! From today and for many years to come, your faithful friends – teachers – will be with you! They will teach you to write correctly, read with expression and count without mistakes. They will also protect you from any harm and raise you to be good, honest people.

Kuzya. Today I give you, friends,
The treasured key to our school.
Well, and the teachers,
They will show the way to the world of knowledge.
Today older friends
Gifts are given to you.
Which means to the school family
They accept you.

Presenter. Eleventh graders prepared gifts for our first graders. They have been accepted into the ranks of our school's students.
(Music. 11th grade presents gifts to first graders, and escorts them to their place in the general formation.)

Presenter: The kids come to school,
They still know so little
Give them a piece of your soul
The teacher leaves everyone.

Presenter: The floor is given to the 1st grade teacher... (states the teacher’s last name, first name, patronymic).

(Teacher's welcome speech.)

Presenter 2. 4th grade is present at our ceremonial assembly

Presenter 1. For our dear fourth-graders, a very important year is also ahead. Ahead of them awaits graduation from primary school, and they will move on to study at the main level. Let's once again welcome our fourth graders and their class teacher.

Presenter: On our line there are schoolchildren who are also waiting for something new and unknown: a new class teacher, many new and unfamiliar teachers. These are our fifth graders.

Presenter 1: Just yesterday in elementary school

With my first teacher

You have comprehended the wise sciences

And they wanted to get older as quickly as possible.

Presenter 2: Now there will probably be more worries:

There are more lessons, the material is more complex.

But together you need to cope with them -

We become friends in difficulties.

Let's welcome our fifth graders and their class teacher

Presenter: And now another solemn moment. We congratulate the school students on the results of the 2011–2012 academic year. And for congratulations we invite the deputy director of the school for educational work -

and the school director -

Presentation of certificates.

Musical number.

Presenter 1: The bell is ringing,

The boys are starting now

A new streak of life

Presenter 2: Summer flew by quickly,

Now it's time for us to get down to business!

Ring quickly, bell,

Invite everyone to class!

Presenter 1: The right to give the first bell is granted to students of grade 11 ____________ and first grade students_ _ _________________

The first bell rings

Presenter: Today we have a joyful holiday - the first day of school after the holidays. The bell rang, inviting everyone to class. We congratulate on the holiday - Knowledge Day - all the students of our school, their parents, grandparents. We congratulate the teachers!

First and eleventh graders are the first to leave our line for the knowledge lesson.

1st and 11th grade go to school to the music and bell

Presenter: Attention, school! Stand at attention as the banner is carried out!
Hymn. Carrying out the banners.
At ease!

Presenter 1:
Knowledge Day is a holiday for the whole country!
When all schools open their doors,
And everywhere the happy laughter of children,
And maples in red greet everyone in schools,

Presenter 2:
We congratulate each of us
Happy autumn holiday and we wish you
To make the class a great start in life,
Where we start studying in the fall

Presenter: The ceremonial line dedicated to the holiday of the First Bell is declared closed. Students are invited to the first knowledge lesson in the 2012-2013 academic year

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Scenario gala event on the Day of Knowledge of first-year students of the technical school.

Target: holding a holiday with theatrical elements for college students

Tasks: introduce the holiday “First of September”, its difference from other days, create a positive attitude among students before academic year, develop creative abilities, cultivate respect for their teachers, their educational institution.

Forms of organizing children's activities: theatricalization, individual and collective.


  • Presenter 1,
  • Presenter 2,
  • A student named Stas,
  • Students,
  • Teacher.

Progress of the event

Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends!

Presenter 2: Hello, dear teachers and students of the Kursk College of Culture.

Presenter 1: We especially welcome first-year students.

Presenter 2: They are the ones who joined our student fraternity.

Presenter 1: It is also important to say that this is an anniversary enrollment of students, because this year our institution celebrates its fortieth anniversary.

Presenter 2: Summer flew by quickly and we met with you again.

Presenter 1: Surprisingly, today no one overslept and arrived at college on time.

Presenter 2: After all, today is a holiday! Day of Knowledge, which means the day of youth, beauty, and studenthood.

Do you recognize life in a non-stop rhythm? - YES

Are you determined to pursue a profession? - YES

Are you part of the brave youth? - YES

Studen is a skillful person - YES

Do you promise to cherish your learning moments? - YES

Then give your applause.

Presenter 1: We give our applause to the director of the Kursk College of Culture. To the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Secondary Special Education Zinaida Konstantinovna Krivolapova.

Director's speech.

Presenter 2: Students, students, students! Young people who manage to live on their scholarship with such brilliance and scope as never before on any dividends or bonuses.

Presenter 1: Those who are on vacation when everyone is working, and those who are working when everyone is resting. Flowers, beauty and pride of their family, who took all the best from their parents.

Presenter 2: And they continue to take again and again.

Presenter 1: The main consumers of ballpoint pens and general notebooks.

Presenter 2: Which, as they are turned into notes, become general in the literal sense of the word.

Presenter 1: Students can be found everywhere: in a respectable office or in a commercial tent. In a cafe and restaurant on both sides of the bar.

Presenter 2: Students are generously endowed with talents. Look how many writers, artists and musicians were students and studied at the Kursk College of Culture.

Presenter 1: Students – how many are there?

Presenter 2: This is the biggest state secret. Their number increases with the entry into force of preferential travel prices and decreases during the session.

Presenter 1: Students - they are everywhere. In all countries, on all continents. After all, a student is not a title or a profession, it is a state of a person’s soul.

Presenter 2: And probably one of the best.

Presenter 1: We all know what a fun and carefree time student is; it is during this time that we learn, show independence and develop as individuals.

Presenter 2: But there are also lazy people who do not want to study at all. And the Day of Knowledge is not a holiday for them at all; more precisely, they know nothing at all about this day. I will introduce you to one of these students.


Leading 1 :

Not beyond the blue seas,
In college, here next to us,
There lived a student, let's say, Stas
A mischief maker and a loafer.

He had a concern:
I went to college as if I were going to work,
But as soon as he entered the classroom -
I forgot about everything immediately!

His life changed at once
And Stas changed immediately.
I didn’t try, I didn’t study,
I kept being lazy and lazy.

I was bored and sighed furtively
He's at lectures with a notebook
And, languishing from terrible boredom,
Hated all sciences.

Thinking at your leisure
Well, why am I here - I don’t know!
Maybe college of culture
My nature is not needed!

Every famous teacher
Hammered into his lesson
So that the boy learns knowledge...
But all efforts are in vain.

They tortured the child so much,
Why did the boy moan about them?
(True, he did not give in
And resisted as best he could.)

Scene 1

It turns outstudent, he addresses the audience.


I declare to everyone openly,
Why am I angry at college?
I'm tired of busywork!
How much can you really do?

I live here all day
No time to eat
Rehearsals, concerts
I'm tired of everything - believe me

Everyone teaches their own
Well, what does this matter to me?
The white light has become not pleasant to me,
I'm just exhausted.

Summer flew by quickly
A new autumn has arrived
The road leads to the college
I'm standing on the threshold again.

Other students come out, they move around the stage, rejoice at the meeting, and communicate.


  • Stas, hello! How's summer, brother?
  • You're not happy about meeting me!
  • Have you been on vacation in the south?
  • Have you read a lot of books?
  • You were at work for three days?


What are you talking about now?!!
Well tell me, is it really
We won't really live
Never without culture
This is right - nonsense!
Did people really live
The round dances kept circling
Sang songs and played
And they collected all the folklore?
Maybe before without studying
People lived in pleasure
And without colleges of culture
Get around all the structures?


Stas thought with annoyance
But let's continue our story
But he decided to risk everything
To look into the past
Maybe in ancient times
Life was easy for a student.

Scene 2

Teacher: World holiday Day of Knowledge - this is how history designated the first of September. Worldwide, because it is the education system that brings together almost the entire population of the planet on this day. The thousand-year tradition of celebrating the first of September dates back to Ancient Judea, where the harvest festival was celebrated on this day. According to the Gospel, on this day Jesus Christ first addressed the people with a sermon, and already in 312, on this very day, Emperor Constantine won a fateful victory, leading his troops into battle under a banner with the image of Christ. After the victorious first of September, the persecution of Christians ended and their march through Byzantium began. People celebrated this event. They rejoiced, sang, danced. After all, only through creativity have people always been able to express their emotions and admiration for victory.

Performance of the number.


Wow, it can't be!
How should I judge this?
What happened before in the world?
Are people really
Obeyed everywhere
It would be appropriate to take a look.

Scene 3

Teacher: In Rus', they first began to celebrate the first of September as the beginning of the New Year in 1492, by decree of Ivan III, who postponed New Year from the first of March to autumn. The Tsar had appeared in the Kremlin the day before, where anyone could seek the truth from him that day.

In 1700, new reforms took place in Russia: Peter the Great ordered to switch to a civil count of years and instead of 7200 from the creation of the world to write 1700 from the Nativity of Christ, and to postpone the New Year celebration again - now to the first of January. But Russian Orthodox Church continues to celebrate the New Year in pre-Petrine times - the first of September according to the old style.

Who are you? What kind of miracle is this?
There are no such people among us.
Who is this? And whose will you be?
What do you know? What do you like?


I wanted to do it myself
Know who, how and why
Students have studied before
We studied in our spare time.


What a strange man
After all, the past every century
Bringing culture to the people
Take a quick look too.

Performance of the number.


Maybe I'm all dreaming
All centuries to learn
People continued with dignity
Culture was promoted to the masses.
And when will everything be canceled
Knowledge will be replaced by leisure
Maybe in the twentieth century
A calmer man lived.

Scene 4

Teacher: Officially, this holiday was approved by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1984 as the All-Union Day of Knowledge. Initially, September 1, after it was given the status of a state holiday, was still a school day: in all educational institutions The holiday began with a ceremonial assembly, then a Peace Lesson was held, then other classes. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without rulers, but this does not diminish the solemnity of the moment, but on the contrary - students greet each other with joyful exclamations after the holidays, sing student songs, go to theaters and cinemas. This day is full of activities and events.


Was everyone dancing again?
When did you rest?
Do they really want to?
After all, culture is their job!
And we have no holidays
Daily dance.

Performance of the number.


Live culture for many years
And I give everyone advice
Everyone needs to gain knowledge
And at the same time we need to work together
Live, learn and create
Give peace and happiness to everyone.
Twenty-first century now
But a worthy man
Continues to study...

Presenter 1: Fight laziness - mother!

Presenter 2: I hope you understand that the process of learning and knowledge is an endless story.

Presenter 1: And with the development of society continues research both in science and in culture.

Student: But at the same time, the student who has never used a cheat sheet is bad. “Put your knowledge closer to your heart and away from the eyes of your examiners” - this is international student wisdom. The spur has always held on, will hold on and will hold on through any session.

Presenter 2: Well, I want to know where is the best place to hide the cheat sheet.

Student: Four first-year students, four second-year students and four fourth-year students are invited.

There is a competition “Find a cheat sheet”.

Presenter 1: An interesting statement by Plato, who lived 2.5 thousand years ago. He said that the nature of all young creatures is such that they are unable to maintain calm either in body or voice, but are constantly screaming and jumping about randomly. This description is very accurate, as if the author was watching a dance program at a modern disco.

Presenter 2: Plato didn't count. That young people should eradicate such natural impulses in themselves, but he called for them to be formalized, cultivated, and aesthetically comprehended by their manifestation. Unlike animals, Plato emphasized, man has a sense of order in body movements and sounds; one only needs to constantly develop in oneself that sense of rhythm and harmony, which reveals to us the beauty of art, cultivates the will and leads to knowledge and teachings.

Student: I propose to put things in order in one competition and put all the dots. Competition for the best dance performance. I have cards in my hands with the names of famous dances written on them. You will perform a dance, but the music will not match the dance. Your task is not to get lost, but the task of the audience is to determine which dance was performed and who was the best performer. I invite four third year students.

The “Guess the Dance” competition is being held.

Presenter 1: Upon entering the hall, each course received cards with letters of the alphabet written on them.

Presenter 2: The task of the card holders is to give compliments to our teachers. Words must begin with exactly the letter indicated on the card.

Student: Begin!

The game “Compliment” is being played.

Presenter 2: The Kursk College of Culture has been producing highly qualified specialists for forty years. But the main merit of teachers is that they give students a profession - Human.

Student: We are called to serve people.

Presenter 1: Remember that man is the proudest creation of nature. The earth and sky submitted to him.

Presenter 2: Man builds magnificent cities, conquers distant planets.

Student: Grows beautiful flowers. Let your hands be the hands of a creator. Treat any business honestly and conscientiously. Never change yourself, your principles, be true to your word.

Presenter 1: Remember! Love makes a person beautiful. Take care of her! Let it be as bright as the sun!

Presenter 2: Remember that a mother’s smile is a symbol of a person’s pure and beautiful feeling. May this smile never be extinguished by the tears shed because of you.

Student: May your shoulders always be ready to take care of your loved ones. Be a worthy future of our country.

Presenter 1: Our years are our wealth.

Presenter 2: Our desire to move forward!

Student: We are all fraternity

Together: Russia's future stronghold! Happy holiday!!!


Scenario for the holiday “September 1”

September meets us at the school threshold.

1 presenter.
Good afternoon school! We are together again! The magnificent ones are over summer holidays. We are sure that each of us was looking forward to returning here!

2 presenter.
But today is truly a big holiday for both teachers and students!
The new school year begins!

1 presenter.
Here it is autumn.
This means the school year has begun again.
Around the country September redhead
He's wearing a student uniform!

2 presenter.
Near the school, near ours
Right from early morning
Again in the autumn time
The kids were gathering.
Hello guys!
Our school is happy for everyone,
Separated for a while
We remained friends
To celebrate the first day of September
We had a rest during the summer,
And now, you know,
Feel free to get down to business
And comprehend science.
Good luck, guys!
The school is happy for us all:
Study, hurry up,
Love objects
Today is the first day of September.

1 presenter.
Today is a special holiday, although every year it is repeated again and again. To make this day memorable for a long time, we invited many guests to our holiday and the most important guest was on the doorstep.

(the throne with the king of knowledge is carried by buffoons, they take out decrees and read)

1 buffoon.
I'm reading the decree!
Written for you!
Written - rewritten
After Sanka Denisov's fairy tale
Makarka wrote with a black cinder
In the bathhouse on the door, listen, don’t turn around
Learn to be smart!
Everything from today
Allowed to enter the classroom!
All lessons as always
They start at 8
Both big and small
Sad and happy
Thin and plump
With and without freckles
Ordered to study
To have something to be proud of
There's even a signature here! King of knowledge

2 buffoons.
Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
Right after summer
Whether you want it or not,
For boys and girls -
It's time for everyone to learn.
Drive away boredom
Hide under pillows
And keep all year round
Ears on top of head.

Since the decree was read here
And all the people gathered,
It's time to start the holiday
Give wise advice
Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
So as not to yawn in the office!
Don't peck at the table!
Dress neatly
To make it pleasant to watch,
Stroke the uniform yourself, check it,
You are a student now
Train yourself to order
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth,
Respect the teacher
And don't bother your neighbor.
Don't tease, don't call me names
Try to help everyone in the class.

1 buffoon.
Do you know that our school has the kindest, fairest, most creative teachers. The importance of director's work is great

2 buffoons.
Let them glorify and thank you a hundredfold. And they will ascend to the throne of songs, so that with each generation from now on. It's magical for you to look younger. In work that is so wonderful!

Song. (As a gift for teachers)

A smile will make your life more beautiful
Let all further work be on your nerves
If a conflict suddenly arises, hold on,
Smile when you're ready to scream
And then for sure
You are in the eyes of the student
Respect, read it without error.
From the blue stream
The river begins
Education starts with a smile.

Riddles for 1st grade about school things

Fairy tale “An Incident in the Kingdom of the Diary”

Characters: Tsar Diary, Secretary, Bookmark, One, Two, Three, Four, Five.

There is a throne on the stage, the King sits on it, and the Bookmark stands next to it.

Diary. Between heaven and earth,
In the middle of the earth alone.
Not far away, here in the woods
(This point is not on the map)
Built sometime ago
The Tsar's Chambers.
The ruler, the king, lives in them,
Local fairy tale sovereign. (puts on crown)
I'm used to calling myself
My name is Diary.
Grandma lives here too
By name Bookmark
This is the royal secretary -
It's supposed to be like that in the old days.

He has a secretary
Strong brothers, because...
If something is not for her -
Get away quickly.
The Diary itself is afraid of her,
If suddenly Bookmark gets angry.
Well, God bless her! This evening
We were waiting for a meeting with the Diary,
He is the god and the king in the briefcase,
Our dear sir.

The Diary Tsar is now in sadness,
You can hardly make him laugh!
I lost weight from caring:
I searched my entire lot -
Empty! There are no brides here!
There isn't even anywhere around.
If possible, help
And find the bride!

Tsar Diary, I'm on my way!
I'll clear it up.
Would you like me to play the harmonica?
Don't worry, just sing a little!

Don't bullshit me here
And don’t look sarcastically.
The king is still before you,
Not the local sexton.

You, my dear, don’t be angry,
Drink some kvass, come on.
I found a newspaper the other day,
And what’s missing from it?
All kinds of congratulations,
All sorts of different advertisements
There's a dime a dozen in that newspaper.
Well, look at the Tsar Diary.

Diary. Where should I look?

Here, here about brides.
I sent them letters
And I called to you
Now they'll start coming together,
I will communicate with them.
Look at both eyes.
Whoever you like, match him right away.

One day, another one has flown by,
Someone knocked on the door.

Don't be shy, come in
Present your face to the King.

Who decided to get married here?
I am a Bride One.
Both slim and thin.
Craftswoman - no matter where!
Who will contact me -
It won't seem enough!

So quickly climb onto the stall,
Read us the primer.


What kind of mess is this?
What kind of stupidity is this? So-rastak!
You have no mind!
I shouldn't take this one!
I am still the sovereign.
Not some gibberish.
And I ask you to get out -
I'm so angry!

The unit runs away, there is another knock.

Who is there, feel free to come in,
Show your face to the king.
Two. Here I am! Bride “Two”
Admire what it's like!
Waist, figure
And not at all stupid!

Write us a poem
So that the king could listen.
Show us your talent
Let it sparkle like a diamond.

Why not write a poem?
This is not a lesson to teach!
Right now I’ll quickly rhyme for you.
Just what rhyme should I use?
Without me, you king will die!
You won't find a better Deuce!
Will you sing and dance to me?
To please everyone.
I'll just be lazy -
After all, that’s why I’m a queen!

What are you singing to me here?
I don't care about you.
What kind of verse is this?
Get out of my sight!

The deuce runs away. There's a knock on the door.

Who's there? Feel free to come in
Show your face to the king.

Troika. (instead of r she says l)
Here I am – the bride of “Three”
What the hell, look!
And I’m round and blush -
There is no flaw!

There is no flaw in appearance, right.
Only you talk badly.
Practice your speech
There is grass in the yard. There is firewood on the grass.

(three tries to repeat several times, but confuses the letters)

No, that won't do
I have no intention of marrying her.
They will laugh with such a wife.
I'd rather be single.

(The troika leaves with his head down. There is a knock on the door.)

We are waiting for you, we are waiting for you, come in.
Show your face to the king.

Hello our wise king
And good sir.
I have news for you:
The bride lives in the mansion.
It's amazing how smart she is.
And besides, she’s modest.
There is no other like it in the area.
She and I are close friends.

Diary. What is your name?

Four. Four.

Diary. How about your girlfriend?

Four. Five.

Well that's good news.
Bring your bride here.
Four returns from 5.
For the sake of the dear king, my efforts were not in vain.
Here's your bride, king!
Our worthy sovereign.

Well, well, let me take a look...
I'll turn to the primer.
On page 48
Read everything to us, we ask.

(Five reads the primer.)

Above all praise!
I would take one like that as my wife!
Ah, my soul maiden.
How I dream of getting married!
Good as! Bravo! Bravo!
Take the royal throne by right!

The king thought for a while,
On the same day he became married,
They live in friendship for centuries
And they take care of each other.

Poems are read by first graders.
Look at us
First class ahead of you!
First class - the beginning of the trail
On a long journey to life,
I won't be timid now
I want to go study!

We all got ready for school
Tossed and turned all night
Smiled, dressed up,
Even the cat wanted to help
Only we told the cat:
“Cat, don’t bother adults.
We used to play with you
I’m going to school, you know!”

It’s hard to see behind the bouquet,
I'm shorter now.
I'm a little offended -
You cannot take the doll with you.

I'm skipping to school!
Mom, wait late.
Read the book for me
And play with cars.

I'm the business one in the family,
And now it’s quite big,
Read my primer, mom.
And then you can tell me.

Today we promise
Be an example to everyone in everything
Graduate, we know for sure
We won't let you down.

Graduates speak back.
1 presenter
The bell is ringing louder and louder

And the boys’ faces bloom.

To the music of the autumn waltz.
Quiet, trembling, affectionate
Leaves fall at your feet
This autumn is a charmer
She asked to visit us
The maples are quietly rustling in the yard
This morning of smiles and light
The sun is playing brightly in the window,
Play, say goodbye to summer!
The classroom walls are bright,
The floors smell like paint,
Golden autumn looks through the windows,
And in front of everyone
Leaves in the school garden
Quietly circling, flying smoothly,
The school bell rings again
He calls us to class
So the noisy summer is over
On the first day of September
Giving us all joy
This happens every time!

The bell is ringing louder and louder
What a trill is spreading over the world
Do you think the nightingale has sung?
But no, lessons begin!
The bell is ringing, we have been around for many years in a row,
People smile when they hear him.
And the boys’ faces bloom.
The time has come - lessons begin!