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Scenario for Mother's Day in kindergarten, middle group. Entertainment scenario for Mother's Day in the middle group

We can begin.

But first we need to work together

Hello to us! " say.

(Everyone says hello).

November is walking through the yards

In the rays of coolness and light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers,

And we are pleased with this

How many stars are there in the clear sky!

How many ears of corn are there in the fields!

How many songs does the bird have!

How many leaves are on the branches!

Only the sun is the only thing in the world!

And now we will see how our children will clean up the room.

Game "Mom's Helpers"


Take care of your children

Don't scold them for their pranks.

The evil of your bad days

Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them

Even if they did something wrong,

There is nothing more expensive than tears

That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

If you feel tired

I can’t cope with her,

Well, my son will come to you

Or your daughter will extend her hands.

Hug them tight

Treasure children's affection

This happiness is a short moment,

Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,

These golden days will flash by

And they will leave their native hearth

Your children have grown up.

Host: And now, dear mothers, I suggest you remember how your children were small and you had to feed them. Only now the children will feed you.

Competition "Feed Mom"

Mothers sit on chairs with their hands tied, and children stand and feed their mothers fruit salad.

There is nothing tastier in the world

Grandma's pies and buns,

There are no warmer socks or mittens,

That will warm the body and the soul.

Moms and dads are in business,

Where can I find time for children?

To and from work,

Hurry up to the store.

Who's going to walk with us?

Will he sing a lullaby?

Our dear grandmother

Protects our childhood.

Who scolds us the least?

Who bakes pies for us?

Who accompanies us to kindergarten?

And does it lead you back home?

Well, of course, this is the most

Our dear man!

Let the gray little head -

You, grandma, are the best.

Dance "Once palm, two palms"

We are finishing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, prettier.

We wish our mothers

Never be discouraged

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week,

It was like a day off for you.

We want, for no reason,

They would give you flowers.

All the men smiled

From your wonderful beauty.

Dear mothers! Happy holiday to you! Let the children make you happy! Let there be more moments when you feel their attention and love! Happy holiday! Happy Mother's Day!

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This material will be useful for educators, music directors when conducting a fun event, dedicated to the Day
mothers for children of middle preschool age.

Target: Continue to introduce children to holiday culture. Cultivate a desire to take part in holidays. To form an idea of ​​the traditional holiday, "Day of
mothers", to instill in children a feeling of joy from communicating with mothers and grandmothers. To foster love and respect for the dearest person on earth - mother.

"Mom, my dear." Scenario for Mother's Day in the middle group.

Progress of the holiday.
Presenter. Hello, dear mothers, grandmothers, guests. We are very glad to see you as our guest. It is no coincidence that we have gathered in our cozy hall today. After all, it is in November that we celebrate a wonderful holiday - World Mother's Day. There are words that we call holy. One of these words is warm, sweet Nothing“Mom”, permeated with the warmth of a mother’s hands, the warmth of a mother’s word and mother's love. Dear mothers and grandmothers, today we want to congratulate you with our performances. And your beloved, wonderful children prepared them. Let's listen to them.

1st child.
Go around the whole world, just know in advance:
You won’t find warmer and more tender hands than your mother’s,
You will not find eyes in the world that are gentler and stricter.
Mom is dearer to each of us.

2nd child.
I smile like a mother
I also frown stubbornly
I have the same nose
And the same hair color.

Mommy sunshine, flower
Mom is a sip of air,
Mom is joy, mom is laughter
Mom is the best of all!

4th child.
Mom is the best, dearest!
We congratulate our mothers,
And we wish them health.

Presenter. Dear mothers, please accept this wonderful song as a gift.

The song is performed: “Dear autumn, rustle”

5th child.
Who could be more precious than mother!
Who brings us light and joy!
When we are sick and stubborn,
Who will regret and save!

6th child.
We hasten to congratulate you on Mother's Day,
And wish you health, peace, happiness!
Let sadness not touch your beautiful eyes,
And your life will be warmed with happiness.

7th child.
Thank you mommy for your tenderness
Your holy kindness
For affection, for love and loyalty,
For your hard work and warmth!

The dance “Everything for Moms!” is performed.

(Girls dance with handkerchiefs, boys with balloons).

Presenter. Guys, you know that there are many proverbs and sayings about mothers. Now I will start the proverb, and you will finish it.

1. Where the mother goes, there goes (the child)
2.Mother feeds children (like the land of people)
3. There is no such friend (like my own mother)
4. When the sun is warm, (when mother is good)
5.Bees without a queen (lost babies).

Presenter. Well done boys! You know proverbs and sayings well.
Presenter.[b]Our mothers are the most beloved, the smartest, the most beautiful. I think everyone will be interested in learning about how mothers know their children. (Blindfolded mothers find their child by touch).

Presenter. Well done, mommies, you are the best!
Mom is the beginning of life, the keeper of the home. No matter how old we are, our mothers will always love us. Now the children will perform wonderful ditties for you.

Ditties are performed.

1. They say I’m a fighter,
Combat, so what?
My mom is fighting
Well, then who am I?

2. For mom in the morning, our Mila
Gave me two candies
I barely had time to give it
She immediately ate them herself.

3.I washed my mother’s dishes
I tried very hard:
Broke five plates
And there is only one left.

4. We stop singing ditties,
And we always promise you
Always listen to you in everything
Morning, evening and afternoon.

Presenter. Today, our children are present with our dear and beloved grandmothers. Let's congratulate them on the holiday too.

I have a Grandmother
She bakes pancakes
Knits warm socks
Knows fairy tales and poems
I love my grandmother
I say thank you to her.

The girl performs the song "My Grandmother"

Presenter. And now we will play and amuse our guests.

The game "Help grandma wind the threads" is played.

(Children, on command, wind up balls of thread to see who is faster).

Presenter. Now we will rest and listen to poetry.
1. I’ll draw a sun
For my mom
Let it shine through the window
She'll have more fun.

2.We want our mothers
They became even more beautiful!
To make everyone happier
Our mothers are dear.

The song is being performed: “Mom is my sunshine”

Presenter. You've listened to the song, now let's play.

The game is played "Who can swaddle the doll faster)

(Children, mothers and grandmothers take part).

The dance is performed: "We are cuties."

Presenter. Guys, our mothers are the best, they can do anything! I would like to know what dishes your mothers cook?
(Children's answers)
Presenter. Let's hold a competition "Make a salad for mom."
(grandmothers help).
On command, grandmothers and children prepare a fruit salad.

The game "Feed your mother with fruit salad" is being played.

Presenter. Our holiday has come to an end. We thank all mothers and grandmothers for the pleasure and festive mood.
For this wonderful holiday, the children have prepared gifts for you, dear mothers.
(Children give homemade paper flowers to their mothers and grandmothers)
All guests are invited to join the group for a festive tea party. Scenario for Mother's Day in English for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren

Mother's Day at the preschool educational institution. Middle group

Author: Gracheva Anna Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher

Description: a scenario of casual playful entertainment dedicated to Mother’s Day in the middle group of a kindergarten will help to liberate children and unite the child-parent team. Lots of poems and competitions.

Education of communicative, social and moral qualities in children.
Establishing friendly relations between parents and children of the group, developing creative cooperation.
Creating a friendly atmosphere of emotional communication by involving children and parents in joint activities.
Formation of artistic skills in children through the use of speech means of expression.
Create a festive mood in children and mothers.
Preliminary work:
Conversation with children about the history of the origin of the holiday.
Selection of literary material.
Learning poems about mom.
Meeting with parents to collaborate on fun activities.

Progress of the event

Hello, our dear mothers! Today we have gathered here on a very important occasion - the celebration of Mother's Day. This holiday appeared recently, but has already become firmly established in our lives because mother is the most necessary and beloved person in our lives, and we always want to please her.
“Mom” is the first word, the main word in our destiny...
Mom gave life, she gave peace to me and you!..
Thank you, our mothers!
Now we invite you to listen to the poems that our children have prepared
1 child: Dear mothers, dear ones,
You are our favorites.
We gathered together today,
To congratulate you now.
2 child: Ask for your forgiveness
For offensive words.
And say: “Dear mother,
I love you very much!
3 child: I want to wish you health,
I wish you much happiness.
Stay sweet and kind
And don't lag behind fashion.
4 child: Mom caresses us,
The sun warms
Sunny, like mom
Only one thing happens
Now your children are singing a song for you "Dear kind mother"

Our children continue to please their mothers with kind words.
5 child: Mom brings me toys and sweets.
But that’s not why I love my mother.
She sings funny songs
The two of us are never bored!
I love my mother, I’ll tell you straight.
Well, simply because she is my mother!

6 child: Mommy has two magical dimples on her cheeks.
And when she laughs, such a magical laughter flows

7 child: Mom is my sunshine, I am her sunflower.
It's good to be happy and love your mommy.

8 child: You live in the world, mom, for many, many years.
There is no one dearer to you in the whole world.

Presenter: Every child’s mother is the kindest, most beloved, most beautiful. Mom has a lot of festive outfits and decorations. Guys, guess the riddles about what your mother loves?

Mom's ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Drops and crumbs turn silver
Jewelry… (earrings)

To be beautiful mother,
You need to take mascara and blush.
And you need to put on lipstick
Pearlescent... (lipstick)

Poured into jars, into tubes,
It looks like sour cream.
Moms all like him.
This is a fragrant... (cream)

Comb all the shaggy ones,
Braid curls into braids,
Do a fashionable hairstyle
Helps us... (comb)

Would you like to try on these balls on a string?
For all your tastes in your mother’s box... (beads).

Leading: And now I invite 4 mothers with a child. The competition is called “Collect beads for mom”
The children collect the beads, and the mothers help and tie them. (Mommies should wear beads and admire them, take pictures and be sure to praise them)

Our festive evening continues with children's poems.

Child: My sister and I will clean the whole apartment together.
Let's bake a golden brown pie and wait for mom to come.
Just mom is on the doorstep - and we have a pie ready!

Child: There is nothing sweeter than a mother’s smile -
As if the light of the sun will flare up, the unsteady darkness will be dispelled.
Like a goldfish flashing its tail -
Mom’s smile will immediately bring joy!

Child: My mother’s hands are a pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful, so much love and strength in them!

Child: It’s like turquoise is my mother’s eyes.
Clear and pure, kind, radiant.
Like stars are burning
And they talk to me.

There are many proverbs and sayings about mother. I will start proverbs, and mothers will have to finish them.

1. It’s warm in the sun, with your mother (Good).
2. Maternal care does not burn in fire, does not sink in water.
3. Mother's affection (does not know) the end.
4. The bird is happy about spring, and the child (mother)

Leading: Guys, I have a heart in my hands. The heart is a symbol of love. Now we are going to play a game. To the music we will pass the heart around in a circle. Whoever gets the heart at the end of the music will say a kind word to his mother.

The game “Tender Word” is being played

Leading: Everyone sitting here is familiar with the cartoon about a baby mammoth who was looking for his mother.

Song about a baby mammoth (phonogram)
Of course, the mother will certainly find her child, even with her eyes closed.
Game "Find your child"(Mothers play with boys and girls in turns)

And now I invite mothers to remember and sing children's songs. So, the next Karaoke competition for moms

Karaoke competition

Leading: For the next competition, 5 mothers who love to receive kisses are invited. The game is called “Who will give mom the most kisses?” We have a sea of ​​kisses
Children run up to the sea of ​​kisses and take 1 kiss (cardboard sponges) and bring it to their mother. Don't forget to kiss your mommy on the cheek.
The game “Sea of ​​Kisses” is being played

Child: What gift will we give mom on this day?
There are many fantastic ideas for this!
After all, preparing a surprise for mom is very interesting.
And the flower on the card will look wonderful!

Giving gifts to mothers.
Presenter: Our evening has come to an end. We thank everyone for the pleasure and festive mood. Thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and the happy eyes of children.
We invite everyone to a tea party.

Davydova Olga Mikhailovna

Teacher of mixed age group No. 1 (junior)

Explanatory note.

In cloudy November weather, a day comes when people's hearts are filled with joy and warmth, and smiles bloom on their faces.

Mother's Day is a great opportunity to pay attention to your mothers and grandmothers, to warm them with the warmth they so need. And for preschool institutions, this day is another reason to organize a good holiday for children and their mothers.

Submitted abstract joint activities is the author's development.

This scenario is compiled in the form of joint family entertainment, where there are no spectators or children performing, and everyone: mothers, grandmothers, children - participate in interesting games together, dance and sing.

The chosen form of entertainment is appropriate for the age of the children and is easy to understand. Entertainment helps create a festive mood in children and their parents, shows the uniqueness and significance of relationships between family members, develops children's creative abilities, and consolidates preschoolers' knowledge about holidays. Also, this entertainment instills in children love and respect for mothers and grandmothers, the ability to observe and notice them characteristics. And also a sense of respect for the traditions of our Motherland.


Creating a joyful, festive mood, an atmosphere of kindness, family comfort and general joy for adults and children.


  • Education of communicative, social and moral qualities in children.
  • Establishing friendly relations between parents and children of the group, developing creative cooperation.
  • Creating a friendly atmosphere of emotional communication by involving children and parents in joint activities.
  • Formation of artistic skills in children through the use of speech means of expression.
  • Create a festive mood in children and mothers.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversation with children about the history of the origin of the holiday.
  • Selection of literary material.
  • Learning poems about mother, dances for the holiday
  • Meeting with parents to collaborate on fun activities.
  • Making gift cards for moms
  • Making the album “Let’s Play Together with Mom”

Facilities: ropes, bagels, cardboard sponges, multimedia projector, music Center, scarves.

Methods: the use of poetry, dance games, riddles, a surprise moment (the appearance of the hero Baba Yaga), presenting surprise cards to mothers.

Group registration: multi-colored balls, autumn leaves, flowers and hearts.

Participants of the holiday: teacher, children, mothers and music director.

Progress of entertainment:

Slide 1

Presenter: Mother. Each of us has our own mother, mommy. When you were just born and didn’t yet know how to speak, your mother understood you without words, guessed what you wanted, where it hurt. Mom's voice cannot be confused with any other voice. He is so familiar, so dear. Mom is the giver of warmth, love and beauty.

Hello beloved guests! We are glad to see you all.

Let this holiday hour of ours fly by unnoticed! And now our children will sing an autumn song because the holiday “Mother’s Day” is celebrated in the fall. The song is performed: “Autumn Festival in the Forest”


Today is a holiday, today is a holiday,

Celebration of our dear mothers!

This holiday, the most tender,

Comes to us in November!


Today is a holiday of bright colors,

He comes to us as a friend.

A holiday of affection, a holiday of fairy tales,

Kind eyes and gentle hands.


Our dear mothers

We declare without embellishment - honestly, sincerely and directly

We love you very, very much!

(Children sit on chairs.)

Slide 2.3 (image of photo with mothers)

Leading. You guys, of course, don’t remember the very first meeting with your mother. How happy she was when she saw you! How happily her eyes shone! Then your mother looked at her baby for the first time - and realized that her child was the best, the most beautiful and the most beloved. Now you have grown up, but your mother still loves you just as deeply and tenderly. Mothers will love you exactly as long as they live in the world - always remember this! And no matter how old you are - 6, 7 or 50, you will always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life. Our girls have prepared for mothers dance "Tumblers"

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga: Well, well, well, well! They weren't expecting me! And they didn’t invite me over.

“Let the old woman sit on the stove and eat dry rolls there alone.

What kind of injustice is this?

Where has this been seen, where has this been heard?

To treat elders like this

And they weren’t invited to the holidays?

Presenter: We all ask for your forgiveness, dear Yaga!

Please accept our apologies as a sign of our deepest respect for you.

After all, a magpie came to us on its tail, as if you were on a business trip.

Baba Yaga:(interrupting) What kind of excuses are these!

You better not offend me! I want to tell you a lot.

I am an enviable, beautiful, visionary woman!

Don't offend grandma, and you'll still need it!

I can sing and dance, tell fairy tales, cross-stitch,

I can do catch-up, jumping rope, tag. I can entertain all honest people,

Let everyone form a round dance.

In general, whoever is with me is just a superhero!

(Performing a common dance with Baba Yaga - Boogie)

Dance "Boogie-Woogie".

Baba Yaga (noticing mommies): What a miracle ladies, super mommies,

What beauties, they look just right!

But we won’t chat, I’ll entertain you!

Why aren’t there enough mommies? Did Koschey eat them for breakfast? ( children's answers)

It's a pity that everyone couldn't come.

But in any case, every child’s mother is the kindest, most beloved, most beautiful. Mom has a lot of festive outfits and decorations. Let's guess, guys, some riddles about what your mother loves?

Slide 4 (excerpt from an interactive game)

Guessing game: Guess to riddles appear on the screen

Mom's ears sparkle,

They play with the colors of the rainbow.

Drops and crumbs turn silver

Decorations… (earrings)

To be a beautiful mother,

You need to take mascara and blush.

And you need to put on lipstick

Mother-of-pearl... (lipstick)

Poured into jars, into tubes,

It looks like sour cream.

Moms all like him.

This is a fragrant... (cream)

Comb all the shaggy ones,

Braid curls into braids,

Do a fashionable hairstyle

Helps us... (comb)

Would you like to try on these balls on a string?

For all your tastes in your mother’s box... (beads).

Leading: And now I invite 4 mothers with a child.

Competition “Collect beads for mom.”

Children collect beads (bagels), and mothers help and tie them. (Mommies should wear beads and admire them, take pictures and be sure to praise them

Slide 5

Baba Yaga: Well, this is not the first time I’ve seen that your moms are just awesome!

I'm a little tired, my leg hurts.

Do you hear, friends, help me out, entertain me as soon as possible!

Dance with mothers “Dance with leaves”.

Baba Yaga: I heard from Forest Kikimora that a mother can recognize her child from a thousand. So? So we'll check it out. Come to the courts (invites the mother, don’t forget to grab your child. I’ll do some magic now. I’ll make the mother blind and the child unable to speak.

Slide 6

Competition "Find the Child".

(Blindfolded mother looking for her child among others)

Baba Yaga: That's good. And now there will be a test of mutual understanding. Well, what are you an expert at?

Slide 7

Child 1

Mom is the first word

The main word in every destiny.

Mom gave life

She gave the world to you and me.

Child 2

I once told my friends:

There are many kind mothers in the world,

But you won’t find it, I guarantee

A mom like mine!

Child 3

I look at the sun - I see my mother,

The sun is my dear mother!

As soon as I wake up, I smile,

The sun kisses me tenderly.

Slide 8

Leading: For the next competition, 5 mothers who love to receive kisses are invited.

Game "Who will give mom the most kisses."


Nugamanova Aliya Ziganshevna

Progress of the event:

Mothers are sitting, there are no children yet.

Every last Sunday of November in Russia a holiday is celebrated. Mothers Day. This holiday is very important for every person, because mother is the closest, dearest and dearest person to all people. Today we want to congratulate all mothers! May this holiday be bright, may sorrows go away and dreams come true, may everyone give you kindness and smiles!

From the bottom of my heart, in simple words

Let's friends talk about mom.

We love her like a good friend

Because she and I have everything together.

Because when things get tough for us,

we can cry at our own shoulder.

We love her because sometimes

Eye wrinkles become more severe.

But it’s worth confessing your head -

Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will pass.

For always, without concealment and directly

We can trust her with our hearts.

And simply because she - our mother,

We love her deeply and tenderly.

Word "Mother"- one of the oldest on Earth.

All people respect and love


With day mothers, You, darlings! This autumn the day is dedicated to you! Let this holiday be bright! Let sorrows go away and dreams come true! Let people all over the world give you kindness and smiles!

Today is a holiday, and on holidays it is customary to give gifts. We decided not to deviate from this wonderful tradition and give mothers gifts at the very beginning of our holiday.

Meet! Best gift- these are your children!

  1. Children dance with seams to the song mom

What do you think this is? (children's answers) TV is correct. Only today, especially for mothers, a special edition of TV shows for mothers. Ved.: “Sergey Petrovich, how can you hear us?”

A recording appears on the screen.

Reb.: “Yes, yes, I can hear you well. Our dear mothers, I sincerely congratulate you on Mother’s Day. And we will listen to a song about mothers in the TV show “Songs for You!”

Song "My Dear Mom"

2. The second TV show is called “Poets are visiting us”

Children's poems

1 Child:

In the world kind words a lot,

But one thing is kinder and more important:

A simple word of two syllables: "Mother"

And there are no words more precious than it.

2 Child:

Mom is the best, the most

A dear person in the world!

We congratulate our mothers

And we wish you good health.

3 Child:

The word mom is dear

Mom needs to be treasured

With her affection and care

It's easier for us to live in the world.

4 Child:

Our mother no better

There is no kinder, more gentle,

Let us become obedient forever,

And congratulations mothers!

5 Child:

Let the wind carry with it

What I will reveal to everyone:

In a valuable world, in a valuable light

My mother is the best.

6 Child:

We wish them only happiness,

For peace of mind,

So that bad weather leaves the soul,

Get younger and prettier

7th child:

Why, when I'm with my mother,

Even in gloomy the day is brighter?

Because there is no

Mommies are cuter!

8th child:

Why when it hurts me

Am I in a hurry to see my mother?

Because there is no

Mommies be gentle!

9th child:

Why when we're together

Am I the happiest person in the world?

And I will answer all of you

Because the best thing in the world is MY MOMMY!

10th child:

I'll get up early in the morning,

After all, today is mom's day,

Wish you happiness, congratulate

We need mom quickly!

Phonogram being performed "Mom's Song" Mikhail Plyatskovsky.

Emelya, the fool, appears to the music.

Hello, dear mothers! Hello children! How beautiful and elegant you are!

How I love with the mood

Rise with the sun,

How I want to autumn day

Congratulations to your beloved mothers!

3. Third TV show “Tasty”

“Today we will learn how to cook pancakes” (tantamaresca)

Song "Mom bakes pancakes"

4. “Crazy Hands”

Mothers playing to the music “Mom sweeps, cooks...”

Mom's game “Say a kind word to your child”

5. “Ensemble Faizi Gaskarovo “Pair Dance”


Our evening has come to an end. We thank all the participants of the competition for their attention to the children, for the pleasure they brought and for the festive mood. Let joint preparation for the holidays and your participation in the lives of children kindergarten, will remain forever a good tradition of your family. Thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and the happy eyes of their children.