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Scenario for summer entertainment “Ball of Flowers” ​​material on the topic. Scenario Flower Ball material (middle, senior, preparatory group) Scenario for children's holiday flower ball

Scenario of the holiday "Ball of Flowers"

The script was compiled by O. A. Orlova,

teacher - organizer of MBOU Secondary School No. 1 in Tulun

Goals and objectives:

    Formation of a sustainable form of prestigious cultural leisure for young people;

    Revival of the traditions of social recreation in the format of dance evenings;

    Creating conditions for the aesthetic education of the individual.

Equipment: cards with color names,phonograms for various dances and musical accompaniment of the ball.

Characters: flower girls (2 girls), ball hostess Flora, ball managers (2 people).

A composition of songs about flowers sounds. Two flower girls come into the hall.

1st flower girl

2nd flower girl:

1st flower girl

2nd flower girl:

1st flower girl:

2nd flower girl:

1st flower girl:

2nd flower girl :

1st flower girl :

2nd flower girl :

1st flower girl :

2nd flower girl :

1st flower girl :

1st flower girl :

2nd flower girl :

1st flower girl:

2nd flower girl:

1st flower girl:

2nd flower girl :

1st flower girl :

2nd flower girl:

1st flower girl:

2nd flower girl:

Oh, it’s so hard to be a flower girl today,
Selling flowers from morning until late,
Oh God, how boring this is!

I disagree. Everyone needs our profession!
Just judge, who can understand flowers better than us today?
As soon as the sun rises in the morning,
We are right there, flowers are waiting for us.
They bring joy to all people on earth.

What joy?
Digging in the ground, ugh, what disgusting!
They need to be planted and watered abundantly.
Well, they have grown up, and what can we take from them?
The thinnest stem, a pair of petals.
You cut the flower, it dried up - and that was it...

You are not right! Well, come closer quickly
Inhale the wonderful aroma of the garden!
Look how strange it is

The flowers seemed to be lined up in a row.

Oh yes, I see! Prepare for the May Day parade!

I don’t think so, because here is a magical garden,
Which means it’s a ball, but not a parade!
Flora invited everyone to the ball!

Look how Flora has blossomed,
She is gentle, beautiful, cheerful!
So, who organized this ball?!
I collected flowers from the garden and built them for the celebration!

So what should we do here today?
We are not dressed appropriately for celebrations.
Let's go, Pansy, go home!

Like what?
We'll have fun helping!
Well, what are you doing, Tyulpina?
Let's all have joy together!

Certainly! Let's all "Vivat!" scream and throw petals in the air!

Why shout? We will shower our guests with petals today!

Well, okay, let there be a ball here today!
But no one invited you and me.

And now we will introduce ourselves to everyone!
I'm a pansy with green eyes!

And I am the beautiful Tulip,

I will still say that at balls it is proper for everyone to maintain order!

She's older! Always loves to teach!

So, I call everyone to order, and I will immediately read out our charter:
Paragraph 1 of the charter states that no one sleeps at the ball!

Paragraph 2 of the charter states that everyone has fun and never gets bored!

We will fine the sad ones and reward the happy ones!

Paragraph 3 of the charter states that everyone calls each other by the name of the flower.

Anyone who violates paragraph 3 of the charter will face a fine raid!

Paragraph 4 of the charter declares that everyone takes part in games and dances.

Well, do we accept this charter?

And we open the festive ball!

Music background, lights come on, ball stewards appear

Presenter 1

Good evening, dear friends!

Presenter 2

Good evening, teachers, parents, guests of our ball!

Presenter 1

For the first time in our school there is a flower ball - a masquerade!

Presenter 2

The brilliant time of balls has long sunk into oblivion...

17th, 18th, 19th centuries...

Presenter 1

A time of triumphant femininity: with curls, lace, thin translucent fabrics.

Presenter 2

And gallant masculinity: with shiny epaulettes of officers, snow-white gloves and elegant mustaches of hussars

Presenter 1

But the traditions of holding masquerade balls in Russia remain to this day. Allow me to give the floor to the hostess of today's ball.


From childhood, from that distant time when the home library seemed huge, and the fairy tales, nestled under worn covers, were quite reliable, we knew: miracles happen! And is there anything more beautiful in the whole world than love, music and flowers?.. Miracle of miracles - Flower Ball! A fairy tale about magic, beauty and all the charm of miracles and dreams...

Spring! I want joy and fun, because everything around me comes to life and begins to bloom just like our lovely ladies! Let's start our spring ball, and let every girl be invited to dance today! Let there be only happy smiles and cheerful mood! Our ball begins with a polonaise. Everyone is required to participate. Hold hands, let's begin!
Polonaise is a solemn and serious dance; it opens any social ball. During the dance, gentlemen exchange ladies, which allows you to meet new people. You can have time to talk a little, discuss the neighboring couple, and most importantly, show yourself.

Polonaise danced by all the participants of the ball


Presenter 2

Thank you, ladies, gentlemen!

You can take your seats.

You opened a masquerade with a decent dance.

Applause sounds in your honor!

Presenter 1

I remember the waltz's lovely sound

Late on a spring night

And a wonderful song flowed.

Yes, it was a wonderful waltz.

11th grade dancing the waltz


Grade 11

Presenter 2

Friends! Our ball is an unusual meeting. It takes place at that wonderful time of the year when all nature wakes up and begins to ring with joyful drops and the earth blooms... We wish you today to enjoy all the delights of the Flower Ball.

Presenter 1

Often balls lasted until the morning, and entertaining guests was a responsible and difficult task. Secular ballroom etiquette was quite strict; it did not allow one to show their feelings too clearly at the ball, so all the games were fun and innocent. Anyone can play them.


Let's play games now! I have come up with several tasks for you - and then, based on the results of your participation in dances, games, various salons, we will try to choose the queen of the ball. And from all the gentlemen present here, she will choose the king of our ball.

To continue the ball, I announce the game “Stream”

(those who wish stand in pairs, the game “Stream” is played)

Game "Stream"

(Polka music)

Presenter 2

Friends! At all the balls of the last century, theatrical salons were extremely popular - everyone present was an actor in the performances. Anyone could try their hand at performing arts. Mini-performances were performed at the ball, funny scenes, forfeits were played.

Presenter 1

Well, I think it's time to open our theater salon.The first to perform will be our ball guest Maria Tolmacheva. For you, ladies and gentlemen, it sounds romance .


(the presenters announce each school before the performance)


Thank you, oh young friends!

You have delighted our ears with song and poetry

Now we will dance with you again!

Presenter 2

And what a wonderful dance we are announcing now! Fiery and gentle, he lived a life full of adventures, experienced the bitterness of prohibitions and dizzying popularity.

Presenter 1

Like a stream of fresh air, the Waltz burst into aristocratic salons with their cutesy, pretentious dances! My God, they even called him obscene!


Our waltz will be unusual. In order for the guests to get to know each other better, a waltz of random couples is announced. The rules are very simple. Each of you receives a card with the name of the flower. And then we will announce which flowers are dancing with each other.THE NAMES OF FLOWERS ARE GIVEN OUT TO THE BALL PARTICIPANTS. (The presenters announce the pairs, the participants stand next to each other.) Those who do not know how to dance according to the rules of the classical waltz can dance freely!

Waltz of random couples (prepare the names of colors for each participant, separately for boys and girls!)

Presenter 2

Yes, it was a lovely, languid waltz,

Yes, it was a wonderful waltz!

Presenter 1

Thank you all for the dance, friends!

I think that after such a charming dance it is necessary to rest a little.

And to please your eyes, I suggest you admire our beautiful ladies and gentlemen.A fashion show in fancy dress is announced. We invite couples to perform! And the first couple to present their costumes are the ________school couple.

DEFILE in fancy dress

Presenter 2

Magic Ball - the dream of Princesses

A desirable look for handsome princes!

And the fairy tale will come true here

A long-awaited gift for you!

Choosing the prom king and queen

Presenter 1

Well, friends, it's time to choose the queen of our ball today. We grant this right to the hostess of the ball.


The choice is made ladies and gentlemen! The queen of today's ball is ____________________

Presenter 2

Gentlemen, please stand up! We welcome the queen of today's ball with applause!

Presenter 1

And now you, dear queen, have to choose a king!

The music plays, the king of the ball is chosen


We sincerely congratulate the king and queen of today's ball! Now they will dance a waltz for us!

Presenter 2

Yes, the ball is famous for its meeting opportunities.

And who wouldn’t call it a big event?

At first glance, such an ordinary evening,

Which is a fun time for everyone!

Presenter 1

Dating, joy, relaxation for our senses.

And, most importantly, it gave me a reason to show

All the beauty of dance art.

A ball is a ball, and there’s nothing to say!


Invite the ladies, friends!

You can't miss the dance!

We announce the final waltz of our ball - Waltz of the FLOWERS!

Waltz of the Flowers

The waltz of flowers sounds, all participants dance.

The king and queen dance together.


My friends! How sorry I am to leave

But the candles go out, the hall becomes empty

But how nice it is for us to meet again

And wait for the meeting so that you can come to the ball again!

Presenter 2

And let the impressions not fade,

Remembering the ball will get your blood pumping!

And the star flame of rapture

It illuminates you again and again

Presenter 1

Let time rush faster - faster

Let the hall shine again

Let it open its doors again

Our wonderful spring ball!

Color names for random couples waltz

































Lily of the valley


















For 10 years now, MBOU “Secondary School No. 10” has had a children’s public organization"Sunny City", whose residents are students primary school. Each class represents a specific street. There are streets of Daisies and Tulips, streets of Lilies and Dandelions, streets of Buttercups and Lilies of the Valley, Asters, Carnations and Cornflowers. Little townspeople experience many bright and exciting events throughout the year. These include sports competitions, intellectual marathons, knowledge shows, creative festivals, social and environmental events, and much more, you can’t list it all. On the lines at the end of each quarter, curators sum up the results and reward the most active leaders and the best class teams. But the main event of the outgoing school year What remains is the Flower Ball, which gathers and unites all elementary school children. On April 30, the school assembly hall was filled with the voices of junior schoolchildren and was full of colorful ties that students traditionally tie for such special occasions. The presenters began the festive program of “Talents of the Sunny City” with an invitation to the Island of Flower Mood! All the kids unanimously said the motto of a large school family: “As many bright rays of the sun as we have, we have so many interesting things to do!” The townspeople greeted each other with a roll call of their mottos. To the tune of “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. Tchaikovsky, the Flower Fairy appeared in the hall and told the children the sad news - the evil weed Thistle imprisoned all the flowers, and soon he himself showed up. He scared the guys and forced them to perform various tasks. Flowers, representatives from each class recited their poems, and all sang the song “The Sun is Shining” together. The Sunny himself helped the guys. Then Thistle, by cunning and deception, tried to catch butterflies and pick beautiful flowers with a net. Weed asked riddles in the hope that the guys would fail, but the students turned out to be smarter. After several attempts, the villain gave up and ran away from the holiday. And the “Rainbow of Wishes” lit up in the hall. These girls from grades 6-7 performed their colorful dance. In Sunny City there is a Znayka of Shkolograd, who awarded all the literate students with certificates and diplomas. Znayka recognized the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads, the winners of the calligraphy competition “Golden Feather”, young Kulibins in the children’s invention competition “I am an inventor”, selected best essays in the “My Space Story” competition. A 4th grade student Dmitry Shaverin was awarded a first degree diploma. He was awarded the title “Leader of the 1st degree”. Znayka ended his speech with these words: Long live the right to read! Long live the right to write and draw! Everyone who studies at school has the right to know everything! Well, what would Sunny City be without Dunno. Soon the cheerful lazy man Dunno appeared on the stage and immediately began to distribute to schoolchildren bad advice and offer to eat unhealthy foods. The famous doctor Pilyulkin scolded him and did fun exercises with the guys. According to tradition, at the Flower Ball we accept into our friendly family the youngest residents – first graders. The right to tie ties for first graders is granted to our elementary school graduates and 4th grade students. Now new streets have appeared in the Sunny City: Violets, Daisies and Kolokolchikov. Second-graders hurried to congratulate the new residents of the “Sunny City” with the “Cornflower” dance. And the 3rd grade students introduced the little ones to the rules of the townspeople. Residents of the “Sunny City” know how to not only study, but also have fun. Everyone was surprised by the unexpected, lively surprise dance “Shrek” from 4th grade students. When we are little, we learn to make friends, play, be kind and be able to dream. Masha and the Bear encouraged the guys to perform a lively flash mob. The trip to the Island of Flower Mood ended with the singing of the song “We Are Together” by all residents of the city, which sings about the fact that only together we great strength, only friends holding hands will overcome all obstacles and achieve new victories. The world is so beautiful, the colors are rainbow, Everyone has a dream to always be happy. The river is wide with thin streams, Let us be friends. Here is my hand!

150,000₽ prize fund 11 honorary documents Certificate of publication in the media

Scenario of the summer holiday “Ball of Flowers”

Target: Organization of exciting, educational leisure activities for children of senior preschool, primary and secondary school age.
1.Expand children's knowledge about colors and their meaning.
2. To promote the development of aesthetic feelings, instilling in children love and respect for nature, and creative abilities.
3. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention in children

Children enter the playground to cheerful music.

Presenter: The miracle summer is flushed with kindness, love and light!

The rye is spiking in the field, the summer rain is jumping and jumping!

The grasses are ripening, the fields are ripening, and in the ravine, by the river,

Wonderfully colorful flowers are blooming for everyone.

Summer time is here, kids!

Look around, different flowers are blooming here and there!

It's great that summer is still going on! After all, in just a little while Autumn will come to rule the earth. In the meantime, let's enjoy our fun Summer!

Guys! Today we invited you to the Flower Ball and will tell you a lot of new and interesting things about them.
Flowers are an amazing and beautiful creation of nature. You see a huge variety of them around you. They are varied in color, shape and smell. But whatever they are, they decorate our planet. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine our life without flowers. Even in winter, when it’s cold and cold outside, people have indoor flowers growing on the window in their house, and in the summer they are visible and invisible around them. It’s like a rainbow descends to the ground and covers meadows and fields, clearings in the forest with a multi-colored carpet, even flowers and water lilies bloom on the water. There are many of them in flower beds, parks, and gardens. They are admired and sung by poets, artists, and musicians. You and I decorate our homes and clothes with flowers, we give them to each other as a sign of love, gratitude, respect

Listen, the music sounds quietly,

The Flower Fairy is in a hurry to visit us.

To the tune of P. Tchaikovsky’s “Waltz of the Flowers,” the Flower Fairy enters the hall.

Flower Fairy:

They call me the Flower Fairy

I know everything about flowers, kids.

Trouble has come to us -

stole all the flowers

Baba Yaga.

(Baba Yaga runs in to the music.)

Baba Yaga:

Why are you all gathered here? Are you having fun and laughing? Who allowed?

Children : We have come to the flower festival!

Baba Yaga : - For the flower festival?!

And flowers are my main enemy.

She imprisoned them

You need to come to terms with this.

I have tasks for you -

Solve them, that means

I'll let the flowers go free -

And I won’t interfere anymore.

Flower Fairy:

Well guys, help me,

And free the flowers!

Presenter: - Guys, can we help the Flower Fairy?

Baba Yaga : - Well, come on, surprise me,

Tell me your poems.

Just not about nonsense,

And about the flowers in the garden,

About steppe, meadow,

Mountain and field -

There are many flowers in the world,

Who will be first, children?

Presenter : Yes, Baba Yaga has songs and poems about flowers. Flowers decorate our lives, we admire their beauty.

Guys, come out

Tell us your poems!

Children recite several poems about flowers.


Like a cat has claws,

They are called “marigolds”

And “calendula” - scientifically

Only this is already boring.

Rye is earing in the field,
There, in the rye, you will find a flower:
Bright blue and fluffy
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.
The sun dropped a golden ray,
The first young dandelion has grown.
It has a wonderful golden color
A small portrait from the big sun.
Elegant dresses, yellow brooches,
There is not a stain on the beautiful clothes.
These daisies are so funny.
Now, they’ll play tag like children.
Bell! Bell!
Is it really you!
You ring so much and you tremble so much
Where the grass and flowers are


As soon as the sun rises -

The poppy will bloom in the garden.

Cabbage Butterfly

It will fall on the flower.

Look - and the flower

Two more petals.


Sunflower in the garden during the day

Smiles at the weather.

In a circular orbit

He turns his red head.

“I,” he boasted to the wheatgrass, “

Together with the Sun I warm the earth!

Baba Yaga :- You won again! What good guys, they know everything about flowers.

A girl dressed as a rose comes out.
Rose is a symbol of perfection,
Wisdom and purity.
Her supremacy is recognized
Among the colorful flowers.
I didn’t come alone, but with my friends, but the flowers need to be planted in the flower beds, can you help me?
Presenter: Of course, we will help, our children love nature very much and will definitely help.
Game "Flowerbed". (Hoops of different colors are laid out on the playground, the children middle group flowers of different colors; on a signal, children must stand in a hoop of the same color as the flower in their hand).
Rosa: Well done guys, we have wonderful flower beds. Will you let us stay for the holiday?
- just make people happy!
Game "Collect flowers". (Children of the younger group collect flowers scattered around the area).Presenter : You remember how to behave with flowers. Children's answers: Yes
Scene “Don’t pick the flowers!”
Boys:1. I want to pick all the flowers in our bouquets at once!
2. Let's not leave anything, tear everything up!
Host: - Well, friends, this is too much, what are you doing, boy?
You see, the flower is almost alive, it doesn’t shake its head.
What kind of strange behavior did the guys exhibit:
They pick all the flowers.
If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower,
If we pick flowers, there will be no beauty!
Let all people admire the flowers among the fields
Presenter: Do you want to play?The outdoor game “Wreath” is played, in which Baba Yaga plays the role of “gardener”. Children stand in a line at one end of the playground: this is “Flowers in the Garden”

Driver: - the gardener is at a distance of 3-4 meters from the children.

The gardener approaches the flowers and says:

I'm going to pick a flower

Weave a wreath from flowers.

Children - flowers answer:

We don't want to be torn down

And they wove wreaths out of us.

We want to stay in the garden

They will admire us.

Having uttered the last words, the children run away, and the gardener tries to insult someone. The caught man sits down on a chair. And whoever stays is the one who wins

Baba Yaga:

I can hardly catch my breath

I agree. We beat you!

Only I'm smarter, guys,

Guess the riddles!

Baba Yaga asks several riddles about flowers.

- Here's a blue bell,

He shakes his head.

Only the sounds are not heard,

What is his name, tell me.


Many satin petals -

Yellow, white, variegated, red.

Look at me, look

I call myself... (clove)

Wonderful flower

He's like a bright light

Magnificent, important, like a gentleman,

Blooms... (tulip)

We will weave wreaths in the summer

For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,

For Alyonka, two Natashas.

All wreaths are made from... (daisies)

We carried mushrooms in a basket

And another blue flower.

This wild flower is

Thin delicate... (cornflower)

Look - at the fence

The queen of the garden blossomed.

Not a tulip or a mimosa,

And there's beauty in the thorns... (rose)

In May - yellow, and in July -

He's a fluffy ball.

We blew on him a little -

Soared... (dandelion)

Decorating in the summer

Flower beds, parks, flower beds

We are our carrot color,

And we are called... (marigolds).

Baba Yaga:

Well done! Well, what can I say!

Presenter :

Game "Collect a daisy"

Children are divided into 2 teams and collect chamomile.

Game "Weave a wreath"

Presenter: Now we will play the game “Weave a Wreath” with you, we will dance to the music. And as soon as it ends, the guys in flower caps should each stand in their own circle and “weave” a large wreath (daisies with daisies, bells, tulips, etc.)

Baba Yaga: Everything ! Guard! It's time to give up!

I'm old and started to compete with you!

It's time to get out of here!

Flower Fairy:-

We won’t let you go, Baba Yaga, come play with us!

Comic game "Granny - Yozhka"

Baba Yaga : That's it, guys, I'm leaving and I'm going to my home. I will now take care of the flowers and look after them. Goodbye!

Leading : Guys, the Flower Fairy invites you to have fun

And spin around in a merry dance!

Flower Fairy: For you guys, now is our dance with my friends - flowers. Waltz of the Flowers"

Flower Fairy
Now guys, let's play a game - a riddle
From what flower was Thumbelina born? (tulip-flower of happiness).
What flowers did Kai and Gerda grow? (Roses)
What flowers are the main symbol of the March 8 holiday? (mimosas and tulips). What flowers should the heroine of the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” have found? (snowdrops)
Who is involved in the preparation of various bouquets and flower arrangements? (florist).
Presenter : We would love to
We will invite all the flowers here.
May they have a wonderful view
The earth will be decorated.
Field, meadow and garden flowers,
We invite you, come, do not regret the beauty! And now the children of the younger group will perform the round dance song “Flowers”


Game "Quickly take it"

Children stand in a circle. One flower is placed in front of each of them. To the music, children begin to move in a circle. When the music stops, you need to have time to pick up a flower. The game is played several times, after each time 2-3 flowers are removed from the circle. Children who do not receive a flower are eliminated from the game. The game ends when a few children remain. Everyone shouts loudly to them: “Well done!
Flower Fairy

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye,

Return to your kingdom!

Goodbye, guys! See you again!

Presenter: Our wonderful holiday has come to an end, we say goodbye to the flowers and look forward to their guests next year.
The hour of parting has come

Alas, the bright ball is over!

Let's take care of the flowers!

Goodbye, see you again!

Svetlana Vozilova


I am very glad to everyone who came to visit me.

I bring to your attention a holiday scenario that organizes children’s leisure time and develops them.

Target: organization of interesting and educational leisure.


Foster respect for plants

Replenish children's active vocabulary,

Learn to pronounce poems clearly, with intonation, and expressively.

Develop children's creative and musical abilities

Throughout the group, in the corridor, notices with the following content are posted:

[b]Attention! Attention!

There will be a ball in the Kingdom of Flowers

Everyone is invited - everyone - everyone!

We will be glad to see you as a guest.

His Majesty King Peony and

Her Majesty Queen Rose

Presenter dressed as a Gardener:

I was born a gardener

And I fell in love with flowers a long time ago,

I'll water them from a watering can,

I'll sing a song for them.

(Sings to the tune of Duremar’s song and dances around the hall with a watering can)

The bird catcher sings about the birds,

The fisherman sings about fish,

And I sing about flowers -

I love them very much, I love them.

(See the Decree of the King and Queen in front of him)

Wow, today there is a ball in the kingdom. Everyone is welcome. I'll hurry there too. I'll admire the flowers.

(Runs away)

Fanfare sounds.

His Majesty King Peony enters the hall together with Her Majesty Queen Rose.

Rose (languidly):

Good afternoon friends.

I, Queen Rose, am glad to see a real flower garden visiting us. It is so beautiful!

We invite everyone to the ball

In an elegant music room,

Where there will be music and laughter,

Smiles, competitions, success.

Fragrance of flowers

Ball! How wonderful!

Peony ( unfolds the “Decree”, rolled up and decorated accordingly)

I, King Peony, command!

Today at our ball to all those present

Sing, laugh, have fun,

Dance, play, frolic!

Don't be bored for a minute!

Only joy to receive!


Will the prince and princess come?

Will they have fun here?

Sound the fanfare again!

Prince and princess - come in!

The fanfare sounds again. Prince Narcissus and Princess Lily enter.

Prince Narcissus:

Hello my friends

I'm very glad to see you.

Princess Lily:

Hello my girlfriends,

Veselushki, laughter

Are all your friends gathered?

Prince and princess in chorus:

It's time for us to start the ball!

Opening the flower ball

Is everyone ready to dance?

Music, sound, sound

Invite us to dance!

An excerpt from Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" music is played.

The dance must be structured in such a way that first the king and queen enter it, then the prince and princess, and then all the other flowers.

At the end of the dance, the king and queen sit on the throne. Prin and the princess sit on chairs next to them on both sides.


How wonderful this ball is!

I just found myself in a fairy tale!

I love flowers very much.

I recognize them immediately.

Do you guys know flowers well?

The children answer.

Friend, my dear gardener,

You protect our peace.

You water, you fertilize.

You know a lot about us.

Tell me riddles

Check guys and find out

Do they know flowers like that?

As only you know.


Your Majesty, I will be only glad to serve you. And I always have riddles ready.

Here they are, listen guys and guess.

I'm capricious and tender

Needed for any holiday.

I can be white, yellow, red,

But I always remain beautiful! (Rose)

The lush bush in the garden blossomed,

Attracting wasps and bees.

All covered in large double flowers -

White, pink, burgundy! (Peony)

Beautiful flowers

Bloomed in the garden

Full of colors,

And autumn is just around the corner. (Asters)

This flower is blue

Reminds you and me

About the sky - pure, pure,

And the radiant sun (Forget-me-not)

The spring flower has

Signs to avoid mistakes:

The leaf is like garlic,

And the crown is like that of a prince (Narcissus)

Vasya brought us flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

Petals look like they're made of plastic

At Vasily's flowers.

Give me a vase quickly,

He will deliver. Lilies

The little blue bell is hanging,

It never rings. (Bell)

Rhythmic music sounds. Thorny Thorn runs into the hall.


I am Thorny Thorn

I'm such a little thing!

I'll destroy all the flowers

I don't really like them!

Addressing the King and Queen

You invited everyone to the ball

But they didn’t call me that

I'll disturb you now

The ball will have to be closed.

The king and queen ooh and ahh, the queen cries.

Rose (crying):

What to do?

What should we do?

Gardener ( addressing the king and queen):

Gardener, help us!

Stop the evil one.


(addressing the king and queen)

Of course I will try!

(Looks at the guys)

And I turn to you guys:

Do you agree to help

Should I resolve the conflict with Zlyuchka?

(Children answer)


Thorn-thorn, you're not a mean one at all1

Don't be angry or angry.

You better smile at everyone.


Maybe I will smile if you fulfill my three wishes.


What are your wishes?


I want them to sing to me, dance to me and tell me poems!

Gardener, addressing the guys:

Yes, we are happy to do this, right, guys?

(Children answer)


Here's the melody

The song flies to visit us

The guys perform the song “The Scarlet Flower”.

I feel better already...


That's great!

Now the guys will also tell poems.

Leaves released like arrows.

It blooms like a white flower,

There is a yellow flower in the middle,

tilts his head to the side,

Looks modestly-modestly down.

And call a handsome man. NARCISSUS

T. Lavrova


Everyone in the area loves it.

Here - blush, like dawn,

This one contains slices of sunshine,

This is a gentle bride:

So white, pure, lovely!

Opens the petals.

Treats the bees with nectar.


Dandelion golden

He was handsome, young,

Wasn't afraid of anyone

Even the wind itself!

Dandelion golden

He has grown old and gray-haired,

And as soon as I turned gray,

He flew away with the wind.

Hey daisies,

Give me an answer:

Where are you from,

If it `s not a secret?

Not a secret, -

answered the daisies, -

The sun carried us

In your pocket!


What is the bell about?

Ringing in the meadow?

Reply to this

I can't help you.

But I think this:

It will ring in the morning

And they hear the flowers -

It's time to wake up.

It seems that the sky has fallen on the field -

Everything underfoot suddenly became blue!

This is an unusual flower blooming,

With a Russian name, simple - Vasilek.

And its petals are blue,

The very edge is slightly carved.

Zlyuchka-Koluchka (to the tune of the song “A Million, Million Scarlet Roses”)

Trawl-la, trawl-la, trawl-la, trawl-la

I feel even better...

Gardener (addressing the children)

Well, friends, don't let us down

Let's dance quickly.

A cheerful polka sounds, children dance.

Videos, clips, videos watch online “Veselaya Polechka”

Zlyuchka-Koluchka (to the tune of the song “A Million, Million Scarlet Roses”)

Trawl-la, trawl-la, trawl-la, trawl-la

I like it here now, friends...

You won't bother us?

Shouldn't the ball be closed?

Thorn-Thorn (addressing the king and queen)

Will you let me stay?

I will laugh with you

I will play with you.

I won't offend you!

Peony and Rose (in chorus)

Stay! Stay!

Join us quickly!


Maybe you can hold a competition?

Will you play and sing for us?


First I'll hold a competition

Then I’ll play and sing.

Zlyuchka-Thorn is holding a competition “Collect a bouquet.”

The prince's team and the princess' team compete. Each team must assemble a bouquet (lay it out on the floor or table) from pre-prepared flowers, leaves and stems.


Oh, what a beauty it turned out! Well done boys!

Together we continue our ball

We invite everyone to dance

Music is playing. Children's Dance Music Lyali Pop

Children dance in pairs. The gardener dances with Thorn.

Rose (addressing Thorn)

Dear Thorn, you promised to sing and play for us. Would you please us with your talent now?


Of course, I will sing and play. Just let the guys help me.


Can you help, guys?

Children answer

Zlyuchka-Thorn and some guys take musical instruments(triangle, metallophone, etc.) sing and play along with the music.

Song “Curls” (Why don’t flowers grow on my head...)

Oh, how nice it is here!

I'm calling you to dance now!

Letka - Enka (Jump - Skok) Children's Dance Music

Listen to all songs “Children's Music” for free online at

The queen asks the king to dance. They start dancing, and the others follow them.


Now let's play the game "Wreath".

The gardener stands in the center of the round dance, the children walk in a circle, pretending to weave a wreath with the words:

We lead a round dance, we lead

We are weaving a wreath, we are weaving

We braid the field

Ay-lyuli, ay-lyuli,

We braid the field.


Now let's dance around me! Please!

The game repeats itself.


What a great fellow you guys are, what a good round dance you did. I really liked it.

And now I suggest you draw flowers for our king and queen.

The competition is called “Who is bigger?”

The prince and princess teams play again. While the music is playing, children, one from each team, run up to their sheet of whatman paper and draw one flower on it. Then the baton is passed to another participant.


This is how many flowers the princess’s team painted (shows). We will present them to His Majesty - King Peony.

But these flowers (shows) were drawn by the prince’s team. We give it to our beautiful Queen Rose.


Flowers are nature's decoration! Flowers are a miracle! And I'm glad that there are even more of them.

Zlyuchka-Thorn (happy, spinning and singing)

How beautiful this ball is, look

How wonderful this ball is!

Unfortunately, our ball time is coming to an end!

And I want to tell you:

You must bend over the flower

Not for tearing or cutting

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face (R. Gamzatov)

I will read the decree to you, but only once.

Listen carefully!

Completing it is a must!

Decree dated ___ date, ___ year.

There are different flowers

Field and greenhouse

All flowers are different

And they are all beautiful

I, King Peony, command:

Don’t just pick, break or trample flowers!

Take care of the flowers!

Goodbye my young friends. I'm glad I met you. I hope that you will always be as kind and cheerful.

And I am very glad to meet you. I think that you will always protect and protect my brothers.

Prince Narcissus and Princess Lily (in chorus)

Dad mom!

Can we stay with the guys a little longer?

They are so cute and wonderful.

Okay, stay.

Don't forget to treat your friends to the sweets we have prepared for them.


Let's say it together, guys:

Children in chorus

Let's take care of the flowers!

Goodbye, see you again!

The king and queen leave.


Well then I'll go

I'll tell my friends

Where have you been, what have you seen

Who did you dance with today...

Blows kisses to the guys and runs away


The hour of parting has come

Alas, the bright ball is over!

But a sequel awaits you soon

And it was not in vain that I came here.

I really enjoyed visiting you and, if you don’t mind, I will come to you again.

Do you mind?

The children answer.

That's great! And now I will ask Prince Narcissus and Princess Lily to help me distribute the sweets, and we will all enjoy the sweets together.

Music is playing. The prince and princess give the children candies with flower names, such as "Chamomile", "Red Poppy" or "Vasya-cornflower".

Ustinova Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Job title: music director
Educational institution: Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 9 general developmental type"
Locality: Magnitogorsk city, Chelyabinsk region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Scenario of the summer holiday "Ball of Flowers" for children of senior preschool age.
Publication date: 13.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Scenario of the summer holiday “Ball of Flowers”

for children of senior preschool age.

Purpose of the holiday:
 Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children.  Consolidate knowledge about flowers and where they grow in your region.  Foster a caring attitude towards nature and a desire to help.
Venue design:
 Hang between the flags – children’s drawings on the theme “My favorite flower”.
 Flower Fairy  Baba Yaga
 Flowers according to the number of girls st, preg. gr.  Hoops at the rate of 1 hoop for 4 children - 10  2 trays  8 watering cans  4 baskets with coloring books are prepared in certain areas  2 chairs Children enter the playground accompanied by cheerful music. Characters: flower fairy, Baba Yaga.
The miracle summer is flushed with kindness, love and light! The rye is spiking in the field, the summer rain is jumping and jumping! The grasses are ripening, the fields are ripening, and in the ravine, by the river, wonderfully colorful flowers are blooming for everyone. It’s so good that summer is still going on! After all, in just a little while Autumn will come to rule the earth. In the meantime, let's enjoy our fun, sultry Summer! Listen to how beautiful the music sounds, the Flower Fairy is in a hurry to visit us. During the Waltz of the Flowers, the Flower Fairy enters the stage.

Flower Fairy:
They call me the Flower Fairy, I know everything about flowers. Suddenly disaster struck - Baba Yaga stole all the flowers. Baba Yaga runs in to the music.
Baba Yaga:
Why are you all gathered here? Are you having fun and laughing? Who allowed?
: We have come to the flower festival!
Baba Yaga
: - For the flower festival?! Flowers are my main enemy. They are so beautiful, Everyone admires them, so I imprisoned them in prison, I have tasks prepared for you. If you fulfill them, I will release the flowers to freedom.
Flower Fairy:
Well, guys, help, And free the flowers!
Guys, can we help the Flower Fairy?
Baba Yaga
: Well, come on, surprise me, you will write poems for me.
Flower Fairy:
Guys, come out, tell us your poems, and depict them.
1. HOW DAISOMS APPEARED V. Orlov - Hey, daisies, Give me an answer: Where are you from, If it’s not a secret? “It’s no secret,” the daisies answered, “The sun carried us in its pocket!” - children of the group "Sun". 2. MAC E. Feyerabend As soon as the sun rises, the poppy will bloom in the garden. The cabbage butterfly will land on the flower. Look - the flower has two more petals - the children of the "Flowers" group.
Baba Yaga
:- You won again! Do you want to play? (Yes)
Game "Flowers and Gardeners" - senior, preparatory group.

Place watering cans near the hoops at a short distance.

Announce the characters: breeze – 1 person per group, 4 (6) gardeners

– 2 (3) people per group.

Rules of the game.
2 breezes stand opposite each other. Gardeners near their watering can. All other children are flower seeds. While the music is playing, they fly all over the site. When the music ends, 4 people sit in the hoop. After the sound signal (ring the bells), the children - the seeds are transferred to another lawn. They fly into another hoop. So, 3 times. At the end, the gardener comes up to them and waters them. Children - seeds gradually “grow”.
The presenter tells a story about a flower, starting with a seed and

ending with a grown flower.
A light breeze blew and all the seeds scattered throughout the forest lawn. They fell into the ground (hoop), but did not germinate. The conditions were unsuitable. It was very cold. The wind blew again, the seeds flew, fell into the ground - a hoop, but did not germinate. The conditions were unsuitable. It was really hot. The wind blew for the third time and again all the seeds fell into the ground and began to germinate. Then the gardeners approached them and began to water them.
outdoor game “Wreath”, in which Baba Yaga plays the role of “gardener” -

all children.
Children stand in a line at one end of the hall: this is “Flowers in the Garden”
- the gardener is at a distance of 3-4 meters from the children. The gardener approaches the flowers and says: I’m going to pick a flower, Weave a wreath from the flowers. Children - flowers answer: We don’t want to be plucked and weaved into wreaths. We want to stay in the garden, They will admire us. Having uttered the last words, the children run away, and the gardener tries to insult someone. The one who is caught becomes the gardener.
All children sit on benches.

“Dance with Flowers” ​​- girls senior, prep. gr.

Baba Yaga:
You beat me! But nothing! I'll see how smart you are. Now guys, guess the riddles! Baba Yaga asks several riddles about flowers. 1. Here is the blue bell, He shakes his head. Only the sounds are not heard, what is his name, tell me. (Bell.) 2. We will weave wreaths in the summer for Oksana, Masha, Sveta, Alyonka, two Natashas. All the wreaths are made from... (daisies) 3. We carried mushrooms in a basket And also a blue flower. This wildflower is a thin delicate... (cornflower)
Baba Yaga:
Well done! And now my favorite game.
Game "Collect a bouquet".

Attributes. Set up 2 chairs, 2 trays with 5 bouquets of flowers in each.

Rules of the game.
Children are formed into teams of 5 people. When the music starts, they run to the girl sitting on a chair and give her a flower. They run around the chair, return to their column, touch the next child’s shoulder and stand at the end of the column.
Baba Yaga: Everything
! Guard! It's time to give up! I can't compete with you! It's time to get out of here! (It's time for me to leave).
Flower Fairy:-
We won’t let you go, Baba Yaga, come play with us! The sun is burning hot, all the flowers are withering. Help us. B.Y. Okay, I’ll help. Only you guys will be my assistants.
Game "Granny - Yozhka"

Baba Yaga
: That’s it, guys, I’ll go to my home too. I will now take care of the flowers and look after them. Goodbye!
: Guys, the Flower Fairy invites you to have fun and spin in a merry dance! Children dance "Happy Dance"
Flower Fairy:
Well, it’s time for me to say goodbye, to return to my kingdom! I have prepared a surprise for you. You will find it in a clearing where there are no flowers. Goodbye, guys! See you again! The children, together with their teachers, go and find surprises - coloring books in a pre-prepared place.