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Bird quiz script our friends. Extracurricular event for primary classes "Quiz "Birds are our friends""

Target: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about migratory birds and wintering birds in our area.


  • develop children's cognitive interest in the life of birds;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards them;
  • to develop practical environmental skills.

Equipment: electronic application ( Presentation)

2 teams of 5-6 people.(1 command “ Tits", 2nd team " Bullfinches”) sit at the table opposite each other and complete tasks that are read out by the presenter. Assignments in 2 folders for 2 teams.

Jury (3 people)

Names of competitions on the screen (the presenter explains the tasks)

A game " Signs of winter” (slide 1)

The commanders take turns naming the signs of winter. The team that names the most signs of winter wins. To help, you can hang pictures depicting winter.

Let's divide birds into migratory and wintering birds: (slides 3, 4)

woodpecker, bullfinch, siskin, swallow, nightingale, crow, goldfinch, magpie, sparrow, stork, lark.

Contest " Why” (slides 5, 6)

Both teams are asked a question and given time to think.

The children answer, then the jury members sum up the results of the competition.

  • Why do swallows fly to warmer climes, and the woodpecker spends the winter with us?
  • Why does the crane fly to warmer regions, and the owl winters in our area?

Contest " Third wheel” (slides 7, 8)

Find the odd one out of three birds and explain why.

Contest " Find out the bird” (slides 9, 10, 11, 12)

The teams are given a description of the bird. Children should recognize her by the description. The team that guesses the bird first gets one point.

Description 1:

Usually these birds fly to an old nest in the spring and immediately begin to repair it. The nest can be seen in trees, on poles and even on the roofs of houses. This bird is considered a bird that brings happiness, so people are always happy if this large White bird builds a nest on the roof of the house.

Every year they have chicks. The parents hatch them for more than a month: mom usually sits at night, and dad sits during the day. By the end of summer, the chicks grow up and fly away alone, without their parents, to spend the winter in Africa. Adult birds fly away later. These birds have no voice: they cannot sing or scream. They talk to each other, cracking their beaks, tapping the lower half of the beak against the upper half. ( storks)

Description 2:

Early in the spring, as soon as the forests turn green, the familiar voice of this migratory bird will be heard from the birch grove. She wintered in distant hot Africa, and now she has flown here to lay eggs and continue her family. But she doesn’t do this like other birds. She does not build nests and does not care for her chicks. During the spring, she lays more than 20 eggs and throws them one at a time into the nests of other birds.

This bird is a good worker. She eats furry caterpillars that other birds do not eat, and saves the forest from destruction. ( cuckoo)

Description 3:

The bird is as tall as a sparrow. From morning to evening, they tirelessly flutter from branch to branch, carefully examining every corner and every crack in the tree, constantly pecking at flies and lurking bugs. In winter they will fly to our houses for help; they will peck at everything you give: grain, cereals, bread crumbs, pieces of meat and lard.

These birds have white cheeks and chest, a yellow belly, a black cap on their head, a green back, and blue-gray wings. ( tit)

Puzzles. (slides 13, 14)

Make a word from letters. Name the bird. (slides 15, 16)

L, Z, T, D, E(woodpecker)

Although not a woodcutter or a carpenter,
And I am the first worker in the forest.
I knock on trees all the time,
But I don’t maim them, I only heal them.

Assemble a whole picture from parts (a bird). (slides 17, 18)

Contest " The letter is lost” (slides 19, 20)

Rules for feeding birds (slides 21 - 27)


What kind of treats can the birds have in the feeders that you made with your own hands and hung on our school grounds?

Guess what our birds eat.

On the board are the words:

lard, bread crumbs, berry pulp, seeds, cereals.

(teacher's comment: unsalted lard, seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, lilac, elderberry, maple; pulp of rowan berries, elderberry, viburnum, rose hips.)

Student's story:

Birds wintering in the city (tits, goldfinches, nuthatches, bullfinches and others) need feeding and care from people during the harsh winter months. We need to make feeders and hang them on trees and bushes. We also hung feeders around the school and pour grain and bread crumbs into them. Our task is to protect birds and attract them to our parks and gardens, squares and courtyards! Birds are our friends! Currently, the numbers of many bird species have declined greatly. If measures are not taken to protect them, they may disappear not only from our city, but also from the face of the Earth.

A game " The birds have arrived”(slide 28)

A game is fun, established according to the rules - this is the explanation given by V.I. Dal in his dictionary. (The rules of the game are explained).

  1. The birds have arrived:
    Storks, tits,
    Pigeons, swifts,
    Swallows and mosquitoes
  2. The birds have arrived:
    Pigeons, tits,
    Jackdaws and crows
    Swifts and pasta
  3. The birds have arrived:
    Storks, tits,
    Jackdaws and crows
    Swifts and cuckoos
    Even owls are scops owls,
    Chizhi and flies

The birds have arrived:
Storks, tits,
Pigeons, swifts,
Swans and ducks
And thanks for the joke!

Riddles: (slides 29 - 36)

What a table among the birches
Under open air?
He treats in the cold
Birds with grain and bread. (Feeder)

The back is greenish
The belly is yellowish,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf. (Tit)

“What has man learned from birds?”(slide 37)

Invented an airplane, a helicopter, a hang glider; learned to sing songs, help others; began to predict the weather.

The jury sums up the results of the game - quiz.

The presenter asks the children not to forget to take care of their feathered friends in winter and to help them.

Literary game - quiz "In the world of feathered friends"

Game - quiz about birds with answers for grades 5-6

Author:Pukhanova Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher additional education, Public Institution “Zheleznogorsk Social Assistance Center”, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk Region.
Description of material:
An incredibly amazing world of nature is the world of birds. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing and varied plumage. Without birdsong the world would be boring.
The literary game - quiz “In the World of Feathered Friends” can be used by a teacher of the world around us, a class teacher, an organizing teacher, an additional education teacher, for students in grades 5-6.

develop children's interest and love for nature; expand knowledge about the features appearance, habits of birds.

- generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about birds;
- develop interest, observation, broaden children's horizons, evoke
interest in the natural world;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends;
- activate attention and memory.

Quiz progress

Good afternoon dear friends!
Today we are holding a literary game - a quiz. Listen carefully to the riddle and when you guess it, you will find out what our quiz will be about.
A spider dreams at night
Miracle - yudo on a bitch:
Long beak and 2 wings
Arrives - things are bad!
Who is the spider afraid of?
Did you guess it? This… (bird)

Today we will talk about birds. People have always admired birds. Birds are a source of inspiration for many writers and poets, artists and musicians. Do you know that monuments are erected not only to poets and heroes, but also to the most common birds for us?
Who can tell which bird the monument was erected? (children's answers)
There is a monument to the goose in Rome. They say: “Geese saved Rome.” They woke up the defenders of the fortress when the fortress was attacked by enemies. The geese began to cackle loudly and the defenders woke up. Such ordinary birds as geese are also capable of performing heroic deeds.

Our quiz game is called “In the World of Feathered Friends.” An incredibly amazing world of nature is the world of birds. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing and varied plumage. Without birdsong and chirping, the world would be boring.
So, we start our game - a quiz.

1. Competition “Warm-up”
The Russian people have always noticed signs of certain phenomena, living and inanimate nature and aptly reflected them in riddles. The Russian people have many mysteries about birds. What birds are these riddles talking about?
1. With the letter “s” I live in a pond,
All fishermen know me.
With the letter "f" for beauty
I'm hot - they call me a bird.
(carp - pheasant)

2. A simple letter I, so what?
If you repeat me forty times.
So immediately I will become a bird,
As you all know, friends.
(forty – A)

3.Grey-backed, red-breasted,
Lives in winter groves,
Arrives with the first snow.

4.You will only see me in the museum,
The peasants always plowed the land with me.
But change one letter as soon as possible -
I am very useful bird Then.
(plow - owl)

5.My motto is to treat people
And rush to their aid.
I suddenly have to be a black bird.
(doctor - rook)

6.Tell me,
What an eccentric during the day
And wears a tailcoat at night?

7.She is black. She is noisy, she stands and makes noise,
It flies and makes noise: “Gal – gal – gal”
Who guessed?

8. Who is born twice and dies once?

In the 50s, the Chinese began to destroy sparrows due to the fact that they pecked many grains of rice. What did this lead to? (Answers from the guys)
(To the massive proliferation of pests that were previously destroyed by sparrows. As a result, harmful insects caused damage many times more than sparrows).
2. Competition "Riddles"
(showing illustrations)
-The brothers stood on stilts,
They look for food along the way.
Are you running or on stilts?
They can’t get off their stilts….. (crane)

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples flew up,
After all, this is..... (bullfinches)

He's dressed for work
Convenient, simple, clever.
He's wearing a crimson beret
And colorful overalls..... (woodpecker)

Sleeps during the day, flies at night
Scares passers-by... (owl)

Spinning, chirping,
He's been busy all day... (magpie)

Over the field. Over the swamp
I start singing early
And I love by helicopter
Hanging in the blue air..... (lark)

He is faithful to the sea, like a sailor,
Harbinger of a storm..... (albatross)

On the pole is a palace,
There is a singer in the palace.
And his name is..... (starling)

Who is without notes and without a pipe
He produces trills best of all,
More vocal, more tender
Who is this... (nightingale)

What a weirdo both day and night
Wearing a tailcoat? (penguin)

3. Game “Add a Bird”

Lard, grains, crust of bread - treats birds in winter... (feeder)
The bird will never forget the first... (nests)
Hurry up and pour some grain on her, she asks her to eat... (canary)
Don’t spare us ringing songs in the spring... (nightingale)
A harbinger of menacing sea storms, above the waves... (petrel)
The big bird is a big coward: it hides its head in the sand... (ostrich)

4. Competition “Recognize a bird by its voice”
A phonogram of bird voices sounds.
Children guess what kind of bird it is.
- cuckoo
- woodpecker
- tit
- starling
- nightingale
- albatross
- owl
- bullfinch

5. Game "Poets"

Task: choose a rhyme so that the name of the bird sounds.
Tops - ... (cuckoos)
A drop - … (heron)
Paris - … (siskin, swift)
Bird - … (tit)
Doctor - … (rook)
Crown - … (crow)
Goal - ... (goldfinch)
Stick - … (daw)

6. Quiz “All about birds”
1. What bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird)
2. Which bird has the longest tongue? (The woodpecker has 15 cm.)
3. Which birds have wings covered with scales? (At the penguin)
4. A bird that exterminates rodents? (Owl)
5. A bird with completely black plumage? (Crow)
6. What bird can't fly? (Ostrich)
7. How many species of birds are there on earth? (8500)
8. Is the bird a fisherman? (cormorant, gull, loon, pelican, heron, kingfisher, guillemot, sea eagle)
9. What birds do not hatch eggs? (Cuckoo)
10. Which bird screams time to go to bed? (Quail)
11. Crawling birds? (Nuthatch)
12. Name five songbirds? (Nightingale, chaffinch, lark, tit, thrush)
13. Name a bird that is used to hunt foxes, hares, and wolves? (Golden eagle)
14. Which birds are the most in the world? (Kur)
15. Dawn singer birds? (Roosters)
16. Which bird has the ability to sleep in flight? (Stork)
17. Name the largest group of birds? (Sparrows - 63%)
18. Which bird lays the most big eggs? (Ostrich length 15-17 cm.)
19. Which bird is the largest in our country? (Pelican)
20. What is the temperature of most birds? (About 41 grams)
21. Name favorite treat storks? (Frogs)
22. Which bird sings with its tail? (Snipe)
23. Which birds have red males and green females? (At the crossbills)
24. Which bird is worth the voices of many birds? (Starling)
25. The arrival of which birds signifies the arrival of spring? (Rooks)
26. Which bird is more valuable than human speech? (Parrot)
The winner is determined among the quiz participants.

(showing illustrations)

7.Proverbs and sayings about birds

Well done boys! There are many proverbs and sayings about birds. Let's remember them. I will name the first part of the proverb, and you finish.

On someone else's side - (glad about my little crow)
- Better tit in hand - (than pie in the sky)
- Each bird has its own - (song)
- Chickens in the fall - (consider)
- The word is not a sparrow - (you won’t catch it when it flies out)
- An old sparrow on the chaff - (you won't fool it)
- Every sandpiper has its own swamp - (praises)

8. Captains competition
The captains are invited to say a tongue twister (they are given a card with the words tongue twister written on it) “Three waxwings barely whistled on the spruce tree”).

9. Educational game “The most, the most, the most!”

(showing illustrations)
- The most large bird in the world? (Ostrich. Its weight is 150 kg.)

Smallest bird in the world? (Hummingbird. Size - bumblebee, weight 1.5 grams)

The largest bird in our country? (Bustard)

The smallest bird in our country? (King. Length from beak to tail 9 cm.)

Who develops the fastest speed? (Swifts - 189 km/h)

Most large scale wings Who? (Albatross 320 cm.)

The hardiest bird? (Tern. She can fly 20,000 km without rest.)

The longest living bird? (Raven 118 years old)

... The winter day is getting shorter and shorter -
You won't have time to have lunch,
The sun will set behind the fence.
Not a mosquito
Not a fly.
There is just snow and snow everywhere.
What do we need feeders for?
Made by a kind person. (Yu. Sinitsyn)

10. Game “birds are confused”

The names of birds are hidden in these house letters. Guess them.
-Ybeorvo (sparrow)
-Oleisov (nightingale)
-Ukshuakk (cuckoo)
-Onkjvoaro (lark)
- Akgla (daw)
- Ainsci (tit)
- Argaag (loon)
- Euterte (grouse)
- Whatokrpack (partridge)
- Tslabaro (albotross)
- Akchya (gull)
- It's early (crow)
- Ingvipn (pigwin)
- Yaldet (woodpecker)

11.Game “Bird Concert”

To the tune of the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass,” a group of children is given the name of a bird and each “bird” (child) sings this song with their chirping.
- Sparrows (tweet-tweet)
- Tits (ting-ting)
- Crow (kar-kar)
- Woodpecker (trrr-trrr)
- Bullfinch (du-du)
- Crossbill (clack-clack)
- Pipe (tur-tur-tur)

(showing illustrations)

We had a great concert, guys!

Guys, what do you think, if people understood the language of birds and animals, would they be able to offend them? (children's answers).
Many birds are listed in the Red Book, which means there are few of them left and they are on the verge of extinction.

12. Literary competition “Birds - characters”

Our next literary competition is “Birds – Characters”. How many works of fiction have been written about birds.
Your task is to name the books of those authors where birds are the literary heroes.

Galchonok– E. Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor the cat and the dog”
Owl– Milne A. “Winnie the Pooh and everything - everything - everything”
Sparrow– K. Chudovsky “Cockroach”
Parrot y – G. Oster “Charging for the tail”
Crow- G. x. Andersen's "The Snow Queen"
Nightingale– H. H. Andersen “The Nightingale”
Duckling– H. H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”
Cockerel– A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”
Nightingale– I. A. Krylova “Donkey and Nightingale.”

13. Competition “Come on, read it!”

You need to read the name of the birds.
To read them, cross out the same letters in each row. Who is faster.

F, M, K, U, E, Z, S, M, K, R, E, A, Z, B, S, L, L (crane)
P, B, D, A, K, M, K, V, L, O, M, D, I, O, B, N (peacock)
K, L, T, U, V, B, R, S, V, I, B, C, S, T, A, L (chicken)
R, Z, T, I, S, T, Y, B, D, L, Y, S, I, D, R, K (finch)
G, V, B, D, M, U, S, Z, T, E, M, S, B, V, L, G, U (woodpecker)
(showing illustrations)

14. Quiz “What do you know about wintering birds?”

Each correct answer is worth one token.
1.What birds collect supplies for the winter? (Very few: owls collect killed mice in the hollows for themselves, jays (ronja) collect acorns and nuts).
2.Which bird of ours can move along a vertical trunk and up and down with its head? (Nuthatch).
3.Which birds move along a vertical trunk only upside down? (Woodpecker, pika).
4.What is worse for birds than hunger or cold in winter? (hunger).
5.What birds migrate to human habitation for the winter? (Great tit, magpie, crow, jackdaw).
6.For which bird in winter are burdock seeds the favorite food? (For the goldfinch).
7.What benefits does the tit bring to humans in winter, when all the insects are sleeping? (In winter, tits look for insects, eggs, larvae in cracks and holes and eat them).
8.Which bird suddenly changes the color of its plumage? (Partridge: it is gray in summer and white in winter).
9.What birds hatch their chicks in severe frost? (Crossbills, kingfishers).
10. How many different tits live in our area? (Six: greater, chickadee, coal tit, corydalis, blue tit, long-tailed tit).
11. How can you explain that swallows, swifts, and flycatchers fly south for the winter, but tits, woodpeckers, and nuthatches remain? (Flycatchers, swifts and swallows catch insects in the air, and in the fall the insects climb into shelters, that is, they become inaccessible to these birds).
Tits, woodpeckers and nuthatches adapt to catching insects, their larvae, pupae and eggs from winter shelters).
12.Which order of birds includes the largest number of species? (Passerines).

Fatima Bojokova
Quiz game “Birds are our friends”

Game - quiz« Birds are our friends»

Purpose of the event: deepen and generalize knowledge about birds; activate children's cognitive interest in nature.

introduction teacher:

Guys, every year, during spring break, we celebrate the Day birds. In Russia it began to be celebrated in 1926 on the initiative of young naturalists. In the 40s, this good tradition was interrupted, and in 1996 it was restored. Birds dear to us as part of wonderful nature. Their melodic, sonorous, cheerful songs and bright plumage enliven nature, decorate our lives, and instill in us vigor and joy. And in today's game - quiz, you and I will check what we know about these wonderful creatures. To determine the winner of the quiz, I will give out tokens for each correct answer. Whoever has the most will be the winner.

So, round 1 "Guess bird»

Which birds Are they the first to arrive in the spring? (Rooks.)

Which birds can't fly at all? (Penguin, ostrich.)

Which ones birds Are the eggs hatched by the male? (In ostriches.)

Which the bird knows how to tease? (Parrot.)

Which one birds have no nest, and the chicks lie right on the bare ground? (At the nightjar.)

Which birds- Do you know the orderlies? (Crows, magpies, jackdaws, kites - feed in landfills and garbage dumps, contributing to the improvement of the area.)

Which bird called a symbol of purity and nobility? (Swan.)

Which bird is it a symbol of wisdom? (Owl.)

Which one birds a nest the size of half a walnut? (In a tiny hummingbird.)

Singing what birds does it sound like a flute? (Song thrush.)

2 round "Know by your habits"

Very mobile and noisy bird, gives himself away with a characteristic voice (chirping). Often steals food from domestic animals. (Magpie.)

These birds willingly settle near human habitations. One of the most popular hunters' birds. (Mallard.)

Which birds Are they able to gather a pack and together attack the offender of one of the pack? (Crows. They can recognize and remember human faces. Besides, they are quite vindictive.)

- Bird, walking importantly behind a tractor across a freshly plowed field, where there are a lot of worms and other small living creatures. (Stork.)

- Bird with a highly developed intellect, capable of adapting to any habitat, protects its chicks from enemies even several times larger than it. (Hoodie.)

This bird puts supplies in cheek food: porridge made from grains and insects. Thus, he has to fly out of the nest less often in search of food. (Bullfinch.)

This bird builds the largest nest of branches. (American bald eagle. Its nest can even support a person.)

3 round "Puzzles"

Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the forest. (Woodpecker.)

Black-winged, red-breasted,

He will find shelter everywhere.

He is not afraid of colds -

With the first snow it's right here. (Bullfinch.)

I catch bugs all day

I eat bugs and worms.

I’m not leaving for the winter,

I live under the eaves. (Sparrow.)

Who's jumping and rustling there?

“Klee-klee-klee” screams with a whistle? (Crossbill.)

The color is greyish,

The gait is furtive.

Famous person,

Who is she? (Crow.)

If he wants, he will fly straight,

If he wants, he hangs in the air.

Falls like a stone from the heights

And in the fields he sings, sings. (Lark.)

In a gray feather coat

And in cold weather he is a hero.

Jumps, frolics on the fly,

Not an eagle, but still bird. (Sparrow.)

He comes every year

To where the house awaits.

As soon as it gets dark, he flies out

And a huge mouth is enough

Above land and above water

Insects... (Nightjar.)

flutters over the field,

Above the free expanse,

Gets up early

Spring bird... (Robin.)

4th round “Add to the signs”

Striking the window bird -(to good news and to good guests.)

I heard a cuckoo - (shake small change to riches.)

Swallows fly low - (it will be raining.)

A stork has built a nest on your roof - (to family well-being and happiness.)

Somewhere not far from the house an owl screams - (to the addition to the family.)

An eagle flew low overhead - (to prosperity in business.)

A dove flew into the house - (for the imminent wedding.)

If a person saw an oriole - (to be his life prosperous and rich.)

Seeing a magpie while fishing - (to a good catch.)

A magpie jumps on the roof where a man is sick - (to his cure.)

5th round "Fairy tale characters"

Which birds took their brother away from their sister Alyonushka? (Swan geese.)

Which bird helped Thumbelina get to the land of the elves? (Martin.)

Magic bird with golden plumage? (Heat- bird.) Who was Prince Guidon's wife in the fairy tale? “About Tsar Saltan?” (Swan Princess.)

- Bird who laid the golden eggs? (Chicken Ryaba.)

Which bird sat on the knitting needle of King Dodon? (Cockerel.)

Which birds carried a travel frog on a twig? (Ducks.)

Who did you turn into? « ugly duck» ? (Into a beautiful swan.)

Who is the fairy tale about? « Gray neck» ? (About the duck.)

Educator: ours a game-The quiz has come to an end. Thanks everyone for participating. While the tokens are being counted, check out the slides from birds.

Game "Birds are our friends."

Target: 1. expand students’ knowledge about the diversity of birds;

2. systematize knowledge about the life activity of birds, their relationships with environment, about their role in human life;

3. teach schoolchildren to realize the need for a sensitive and careful attitude towards nature.

Equipment: riddles, puzzles, drawings, bird calls recorded on tape.

Progress of the game:

One of the great songs encourages us to stop and look around. Yes, the world is truly beautiful, it is full of wonders and mysteries. Every day we encounter its secrets. But we often rush and pass by without noticing them. Sometimes, trying to guess some of the mysteries of nature, we are surprised by a sudden discovery. Such discoveries include the wonderful world of birds. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with their singing and varied plumage. Without birdsong the world would be boring. That is why we dedicate this meeting to them, our feathered friends.

1 competition. People have always noticed the signs of certain phenomena, objects of living and inanimate nature and aptly reflected them in riddles, many of which are dedicated to birds. Guess some of them.

1. White as snow, black as coal,

Spinning and singing like a demon and the road into the forest. (magpie)

2. Who has never taken a step. (sparrow)

3. Black, agile, shouts “krak”

The enemy of worms. (rook)

4. Color – grayish,

Habit - thieving,

Hoarse screamer,

Famous person. (crow)

5. He cries in the swamp, but does not come out of the swamp. (sandpiper)

6. Silent during the day, screaming at night. (owl)

7. A neat home for children

Built from dry branches.

Since then, over our hut

“Ta-ta-ta” flies with wings. (stork)

8. Mother, I don’t know my father, but I often call him.

I won’t know the children, I’ll sell them to strangers. (cuckoo)

2 competition. Draw up a radial diagram of concepts about birds.

Birds: chordates, oviparous, vertebrates, light skeleton, feathers, keel, warm-blooded, beak, 2 stomachs, 4 chambered heart, lungs, air sac.

3 competition. Question answer:

1. The best singers. (in the grove - a nightingale, in a field - a lark, in a forest - a thrush).

2. The most skilled nest builders. (tit, oriole, swallow).

3. The best flyers. (swallows, falcons, eagles, vultures).

4. The best swimmers and divers. (loon, guillemot, salmon)

5. The best runners and walkers. (twitch, runner, jay, quail)

6. The most friendly. (seagulls, swallows, shorebirds, starlings)

7. The bird is a symbol of peace and purity. (pigeon)

8. Does bird milk exist? (in pigeons, penguins)

4 competition."Filward."

Pictures of birds are given. Each team is given fillwords on which they need to find the name of the birds whose image is in the picture. This is a speed task correct definition names of birds and finding them on the field.

5 competition. "Bird Concert".

Everyone knows that birds are excellent singers and musicians. You can write an opera by listening to songbirds. Russian composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov more often than others used the voices of birds in music. In the opera “The Snow Maiden,” the chorus and bird dance contain the voices of a cuckoo and a thrush, and in the Spring recitative there is the whistling of a bullfinch. Now you will listen to recordings of bird voices, determine which of the birds these songs belong to.

6 competition. "We're playing hide and seek."

If you correctly arrange the letters in these combinations, you will get the names of well-known birds.

7 competition."Warm-up."

1. Which birds fly to us from the south first? (rooks)

2. What birds hatch chicks in winter? (crossbills)

3. What birds spend the night burrowing into the snow? (grouse, hazel grouse)

4. Which bird of our sultry forests is the smallest? (wren)

5. Which bird makes reserves by impaling its prey on the thorns of bushes? (shrike)

6. Which birds have red males and green females? (at the crossbills)

7. Which bird turns white in winter? (partridge)

8. How does a magpie’s nest differ from a crow’s nest? (a magpie’s nest is flat, and a crow’s nest is round with a lid)

9. What birds make nests in earthen holes? (shore swallow, kingfisher)

10. Which of our birds do not land either on land or on water? (swifts)

11. Which bird is the largest in the world? ( African ostrich)

12. Which of our birds flies the fastest? (swift)

13. Which bird is the smallest in the world? (hummingbird)

14. Why is the wood grouse called so: wood grouse? (during mating the bird hears nothing)

15. What bird makes a nest out of fish bones? (kingfisher)

8 competition. "Mailbox".

Guys, three letters have arrived at our address. Guess who wrote them.

“I have a black cap on my head, my back, wings and tail are dark, and my chest is bright yellow, as if it’s dressed up in a yellow vest. In the summer I eat bugs and worms, and in the winter, when I have no food, I eat everything: various grains, bread crumbs, and boiled vegetables. But I especially love unsalted lard. Guess who I am? (tit)

“They call me “the caretaker of the forest.” I wake up very early and start whistling as if to wake everyone up from sleep. I live on a tree, in a hollow. All my life I’ve been on my feet, running back and forth, up and down trees, and I only need wings to fly from one tree to another. I love nuts, linden nuts, maple lionfish. In the fall, I hide food under the bark so that I don’t go hungry in winter. And my coloring is not very noticeable. Who am I? (nuthatch)

“I am an unusually elegant bird. My coloring includes the following colors: red, black, brown, yellow, white. Most often you can see me on the burdock and thistle bushes, where I feed. I sing amazingly. My sonorous trills transform the forest. Who am I? (goldfinch)

9 competition. "Bird Talk"

Geese quack

The nightingales are calling

The cranes cackle

Ducks whistle

Crows are hooting

Swallows coo

Pigeons cawing

Tits are chirping

Owls squeak

Students use arrows to show who is talking how. (at speed)

10 competition. "Bird professions."

Can you recognize birds by characteristic feature, about their affairs?

The bird is a fisherman. Nightingale

The bird is a carpenter. Martin

Forest cat. Nuthatch

The bird is a builder. Cormorant

The bird is an acrobat. Oriole

Feathered soloist. Cuckoo

Night predator. Woodpecker

Frivolous mother. Owl

People have long been accustomed to the proximity of birds, accustomed to seeing and hearing them around them. How boring and uninteresting the world would be without our feathered friends. And today's game is a confirmation of these words. Interesting and unforgettable encounters with the world of birds for everyone.

(Performance of the song “How wonderful this world is”).

Extracurricular activity on the topic: “Birds are our friends”

Target: introduce primary school students to the diversity of the bird world;

contribute to consolidating the knowledge of younger schoolchildren about birds, broadening the horizons of children;

promote the development of attention, memory, logical thinking, cognitive activity, reaction of students;

nurturing a love of nature and interest in the world of birds.


Increase the educational level;

To develop in younger schoolchildren an interest in studying the world around them;

Carry out environmental education, cultivate love for native nature,

caring attitude towards her;

Repeat and consolidate students' knowledge about distinctive features birds;

Teach kindness, responsiveness, help each other;

Develop speech and the ability to present information to listeners;

Develop memory and thinking.


    Computer, projector, screen

    Bird posters,

    bird tokens,


A quiz using a presentation is conducted for students in grades 3-4 during the week primary classes. The quiz contains material on bird knowledge. In the quiz, one of the question categories is dedicated to birds that are on the verge of extinction or already lost species.

Quiz rules:

The quiz can be conducted in two ways:

    Between two participants. The rest of the students answer and complement the participants' answers, earning points. Those who score the most points are awarded with memorable souvenirs;

    Between two teams, where participants deliberate before giving the correct answer. The order of presentation is alternating. The winning team receives memorable souvenirs. But the most important gift is Team work students, their mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Quiz “Birds are our friends!”

Quiz questions:

Bird melodies are heard during the quiz.


You will learn the topic of today's lesson by solving the riddle:

A spider dreams at night

Miracle Yudo for a bitch.

A long beak and two wings...

Arrives - things are bad.

Who is the spider afraid of?

Did you guess it? This is... (bird).

So we will talk about birds. Many of them may surprise us, believe me. We are glad to welcome everyone who gathered for our holiday dedicated to birds. Today we are holding an environmental quiz “Birds are our friends.”

Now we will find out how well you know our friends - birds.

Do you agree? Then let's begin.

You need to split into 2 teams. Let's do this: let's call the team of the first table “Swallows”, the second table - “Bullfinches”.

The slide presents categories of questions: “Guess”, “Do you know?”, “What serves as food for birds?”, “When do they say so?”, “Complete proverbs and sayings,” “Folk wisdom. Signs".


Who was born twice: smooth the first time, soft the second time?

(Egg, chick)

I swam in the water and remained dry.


I don’t know my mother and father, but I often call them.


Blind during the day, sighted at night, she catches mice, not the cat.


There is a palace on the pole, there is a singer in the palace.


He is gray in appearance, but famous for his singing.


This is an old friend of ours, he lives on the roof of the house.


He is not afraid of snowstorms; he builds nests on spruce trees in winter.


Scarlet bottom and black tail,

The sparrow is taller.


Who is called a forest doctor?


Even though I'm a small bird,

My friends have a habit:

When the cold starts,

I'm flying here.


Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yard

Collects crumbs.



1. Which bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds?


2.Which bird breeds chicks in winter?


What bird is called a forest newspaper?


Which bird has the most beautiful tail?

(At the peacock)

What bird lives among eternal ice and snow, can swim and dive well?


1.Which bird has the longest tongue?

(At the woodpecker)

2.Which bird has a long tail?


Which bird is hard of hearing?


What bird never lands on the ground?


What bird can run along the bottom of a river?


Which bird puts its catch in its beak?


What birds spend the night in the snow?

(Partridge, black grouse)

Which bird builds its nest from fish bones.


What is the smallest bird in Russia?


What is food for birds?

Weed seeds: horse sorrel, mouse pea, quinoa, burdock.

Viburnum berries, elderberry, rowan, alder and birch seeds.

The best food is sunflowers.

Pumpkin, watermelon and melon seeds are also good food for birds.

The favorite food of tits is unsalted lard.

When do they say that?

1.Shorter than a sparrow's nose (Very small)

2.Like water off a duck’s back (It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter)

3.Chicken paw (Unintelligible, sloppy)

4. Shot sparrow (Experienced, seasoned person)

5.Shoot sparrows from a cannon. (Waste a lot of effort on trifles)

1.Fly out of the nest. (Leave native home)

2.Crow in peacock feathers. (In vain he tries to seem better than he is)

4.White Crow. (Very different from others)

5. With a gulkin nose. (Small in size, in size)

Complete the proverbs and sayings

1. The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out... you won’t catch it.

2.Better is a bird in the hand than... a pie in the sky.

3. The swallow begins the day, the nightingale... ends.

4. The cuckoo cried that she had given her children away... to people.

1. A thin chicken makes thin and... eggs.

2. The peacock is beautiful, but with his feet... unhappy.

3. A free sparrow and a nightingale in a cage are not... jealous.

4. Time is not a sparrow, if you miss it... you won’t catch it.

Folk wisdom. Signs .

Connect the beginning and end with arrows.

1. A migratory bird flies in flocks - welcome spring.

2. Geese are flying high - there will be no more frost.

3.early arrival of rooks and larks - to a friendly spring.

4. I saw a rook - for a warm spring.

5. The cuckoo began to crow - there will be a lot of water.

1. Sparrows bathe in dust - for a rainy summer.

2. Small birds gather in a bunch - for rain.

3.Wad birds build nests on high place- soon the thunder will thunder.

4.Swallows fly - to the rain.


Rewarding. Counting the number of tokens for quiz participants. The most active participants who score the most points are awarded medals or souvenirs.

Rewarding the children who made the best feeder and drew the best picture.


So, let's summarize. With the score... the team won...

But the other team also played cheerfully, amicably, and showed good knowledge. The world of birds is fascinating, communication with it expands our knowledge about nature and allows us to better understand it. I would like that today, when returning home from school, you see the birds, observe their behavior and in the future never forget that birds need our help and protection. I think that each of you guys has your own feeder hanging near your house, by the window. Birds quickly get used to such a dining room and become frequent guests there. Of course, birds can't talk. But they will definitely thank you with a beautiful spring song and a rich harvest.

Children sing a song in chorus. "We want the birds to sing"

May the skies be blue.

And now the awards for our winners.

I hope this holiday has opened something new and interesting for you and the friendship between people and birds will become stronger!

We want the birds to sing, to make noise around the forest,

May the skies be blue.

So that the river turns silver, so that the butterfly frolics

And the dew sparkled like crystal on the berries.

We want the sun to warm and the birch tree to turn green,

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,

So that the squirrel jumps, so that the rainbow sparkles,

So that in the summer there will be a cheerful golden rain.

We want all children on the planet to be happy.

Oh, how we want to be friends with everyone!

We will study in schools, we will strive for the stars

And we will grow gardens in our beloved land!