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Seven real ways to make money while on maternity leave with your head or hands. What can a mother really do and earn extra money during maternity leave? How can a young mother make money at home?

Greetings to all young and expectant mothers who are on maternity leave or who are planning to go there soon. Today I will tell you about how to make money while on maternity leave.

Every young mother has a question about a part-time job. It is clear that the reason is different for everyone: some have a difficult financial situation, some are bored sitting at home all day and want to occupy themselves with something, and some just want to please their husband by helping to bring money into the house.

However, every mother’s question will sound the same - how to make money on maternity leave? Naturally, this job requires mothers to be at home and be able to look after their children. Therefore, in this case, mothers on maternity leave do not have much choice, and their only way out of this situation is to earn money at home by surfing the Internet.

I advise mothers to work on the Internet for a reason, because working online provides great prospects for everyone who works there, including mothers with a child in their arms. Some people try to earn extra money while on maternity leave by doing sewing, knitting, making soap, etc., but I would recommend putting such methods aside, since they will not give you any advantages in the future and will only be a temporary part-time job for you.

Working on the Internet, on the contrary, gives very great prospects for the future, allowing you to get a very good income, thanks to which many mothers write a letter of resignation at the end of maternity leave, making earnings on the Internet the main source of income.

Disadvantages of PP, copywriting and freelancing for mothers

Yes, all these methods are really good for every mother due to the fairly high income and simplicity, but I would recommend that you leave this work to those who have a lot of time to work. The fact is that copywriting and freelancing involve working with customers who demand high-quality work and on time.

Do you think you will be able to deliver your orders on time and complete them efficiently, given that you need to devote a lot of time to your child? Theoretically, this is, of course, possible, but in reality it will be very difficult for you to work in such conditions.

As for affiliate programs, that’s a different matter. The choice of affiliate programs is very large, and therefore you also need to pay special attention to the affiliate programs you work with and test them, devoting time to this. In general, you will have to learn a lot through trial and error.

In addition, after your child grows up, you will have to return to your old place of work, and you will most likely simply abandon this activity for the reason that it did not bring you as much money as other people say. In fact, all of these methods are really highly profitable, but it is better to do them for those who do not have small children who will distract them from work all the time.

I also do not rule out the possibility that you will most likely be looking for some additional information on making money and will come across various kinds of offers to earn money in pyramids, HYIPs, clicks, network marketing, etc. I want to warn you - don’t even think about it, because in most cases this is a real scam.

Do something that really requires some effort and time from you, since income can only come from the work that you actually do, and do not invest your money in dubious projects, considering yourself a millionaire. And since I started talking about this, don’t forget to read the article about.

Blog is the best way to earn money for every mother

Well, now, as I promised, I will tell you about the fourth type of income, which is suitable for absolutely every mother on maternity leave. This income comes from blogging.

A blog is your personal website where you talk about yourself, your hobbies and share your knowledge with other people. Keeping your own blog can become not only a source of income for mothers on maternity leave, but also a hobby. After all, it’s interesting to share something with others, make new acquaintances with visitors and also receive income for it.

Why is this type of income the most suitable for mothers? Firstly, you don’t have to interact with customers, since the blog is your personal website, which only you work on. You don't have to sit at the computer all day long working on your blog. Work on it when you actually have time.

Of course, blogging also has its downsides, for example, you will not receive income from your blog right away, because income will come from visitors, who can be obtained through promotion. Naturally, this takes time, but believe me, even in this case, a blog can be considered the best way to make money for women on maternity leave.

Of course, I don’t know how long maternity leave lasts, but I know for sure that it doesn’t last a month or two, and can last 2-3 years until your child grows up and goes to kindergarten. I say all this to mean that this time will be more than enough to make your blog visited and bring it to a high income.

Plus, blogging is not that difficult - just write interesting articles, communicate with your visitors, and your performance will gradually increase, increasing your income.

Don't be afraid to create a blog, because you may think that it is very difficult and you will have to hire a programmer. No, this is not so, and absolutely every mother can create her own blog, and it will be enough to spend only an hour of her time if you create a blog according to the course on creating a blog. And in addition to this article, I want to recommend you one more.

Well, on this note, I say goodbye to you and wish every young mother to enjoy her maternity leave, achieve success in the Internet business and, of course, good luck.

60 932 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about what a woman can do while on maternity leave, and what kind of business every mother can open while on maternity leave.

Working on maternity leave: is it right?

Many mothers on maternity leave experience a lack of money. Therefore, they begin to think about part-time work. Of course, someone thinks this is wrong and will say that while on maternity leave a woman should take care of the child exclusively.

But what if the mother has free time and wants to realize herself as an individual, improve the financial situation of the family, while the child and father do not lack attention? There is only one way out - to open your own business.

Maternity leave is an amazing time when you can master or try yourself in different professions. Of course, it will be difficult to open any business with an infant. But when the child turns 1.5-2 years old, you can safely start looking for ideas.

But now we’ll tell you how to decide on the direction of your business.

19 ideas of what to do to make money while on maternity leave

Women are amazing in that they can do almost any job. But, despite such opportunities, we would advise building a business on what you know well or doing something that you really love.

Think about what you do best and what kind of work brings you the most satisfaction. Now move on to looking for business ideas for yourself.

Yoga classes for pregnant women

Relevance : modern women take care of their health and even during pregnancy do not refuse to play sports. But due to the fact that energetic movements are contraindicated in an interesting position, many ladies begin to practice yoga. Such activities only benefit the expectant mother’s body and prepare the body for the upcoming birth.

Expenses: The amount of expenses depends on the cost of renting the premises. If you live in Moscow, then the amount of starting capital can reach 500 thousand rubles. In small cities this amount is much less.

Conducting preparatory courses for childbirth

The essence of the idea : you recruit a group of pregnant women and conduct preparatory classes for childbirth in a rented office or on your own square meters. You, as a woman who has given birth, or a person with a medical education, will share valuable knowledge and give practical advice.

Relevance of the idea : Women of the current generation prepare very carefully for childbirth. For this purpose, every expectant mother enrolls in courses where she is told about all stages of the upcoming birth. Thanks to such activities, a woman is not afraid of the unknown and knows how to act in various situations.

Expenses : Large investments are not needed to implement this idea. Classes can be held at home or in a rented room. Estimated investment is about 200 thousand rubles, depending on the city where you live.

Lactation consultant

The essence of the idea : you organize courses where you teach expectant mothers the basics of breastfeeding. In addition, you offer clients to accompany them during the entire lactation period. For a fee, you can help get rid of milk stagnation in the mammary glands by pumping.

Relevance : Most mothers understand the importance of breastfeeding. But lactation does not always improve quickly and easily. Many women, due to simple mistakes, are forced to transfer their child to artificial formula. To prevent this from happening, expectant mothers try to learn as much information as possible about breastfeeding even before the baby arrives. That is why there is always a demand for such courses.

Expenses : such a business involves a minimum of costs if you own the premises where you will conduct classes. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on renting a room, purchasing chairs, tables and other furniture. The required capital investment is at least 100 thousand rubles.


The essence of the idea : you, having certain knowledge that is in demand, offer your services as a teacher. For example, if you know English thoroughly, you will give private lessons to everyone. Classes can be conducted either at home or on clients’ premises. In addition, you can communicate with students via Skype.

Relevance: sometimes the knowledge offered at school and other educational institutions is not enough. Students either do not learn the material or want to study a particular subject in more depth. In this case, caring parents hire tutors for their children who can:

  • Prepare students for upcoming entry into educational institutions;
  • “Pull up” a child in a certain subject;
  • Study the subject in more detail, etc.

Expenses : Tutoring does not require large investments. You will have to purchase the necessary textbooks and manuals. Skype training requires virtually no capital investment. Students will independently purchase the necessary literature for their studies.


The essence of the idea : if you can cope with your own child and don’t mind looking after someone else’s, then you can provide nanny services. Invite parents who have nowhere to take their child to bring him to you. You will walk, develop, feed and look after your own and someone else’s baby. For this, his parents will pay you an agreed amount.

Relevance: Many mothers who are forced to leave maternity leave early are faced with the problem of lack of free places in kindergarten. Some parents are against preschools because of the large number of children in groups. That is why they happily agree to offers from other mothers to look after their child.

Expenses: This business does not involve any capital investments. The child you will be supervising may play with your child's toys. Parents must pay for the baby's meals separately. Don't forget to think about a sleeping place for your pupil.

Opening of a development room for children

The essence of the idea : you find information on the Internet about the development of children of different ages, study it, select interesting games, buy or make your own equipment for classes. After that, find 3-5 mothers who will use your services. It’s great if you have a pedagogical education. It will be quite easy for you, as a mother, to implement such an idea because you will simultaneously devote time to your child and the children of your clients.

Relevance : Modern children develop very quickly. Caring parents want their child to be the smartest and most developed. Therefore, they begin to take babies who are barely one year old to educational activities. The demand for such lessons is quite high, provided that experienced teachers teach children.

Expenses : the approximate costs of opening such a business are 300-400 thousand rubles. You will have to pay rent for the premises, make repairs there, purchase the necessary literature, equipment for classes and conduct an advertising campaign.

Consultant or online coaching

The essence of the idea : Having useful knowledge, offer paid consultations to other people. For example, you are an excellent lawyer and before maternity leave you worked in one of the law firms. You don't have time to go to work right now, but you can consult with clients over the phone, online, or in person.

Relevance : any knowledge is always in demand. If you are a good accountant, lawyer, doctor, etc., then it’s time to make money from your consultations. Your services will be in demand if you show your best side, and people will not regret the money spent.

Expenses : such a business involves virtually no costs. You have already invested everything you need into your knowledge. The only cost item may be an advertising campaign.


The essence of the idea : you decide what type of freelancing you want to do, register on one of the exchanges, take an order and complete it. We suggest paying attention to copywriting, rewriting, program writing and web design. Anyone can master the profession of a copywriter, and programming and web design require certain knowledge.

Relevance: millions of people work without leaving their homes. Their work is related to employment on the Internet. Many people write articles, fill websites with content, create online resources, etc. There are more and more freelancers every day. This profession is so in demand due to the fact that the number of new sites is growing every day, and it is freelancers who fill it, design it and promote it.

Expenses: Freelancing business does not involve large expenses. The only thing you need is a computer and internet access. Therefore, most likely, you will only pay for the provision of Internet services by your provider.

How to make money freelancing without experience in a certain profession

Creator of video courses

The essence of the idea : you come up with a topic for a video course, develop a lecture plan, shoot a video, and then sell your creation online. It is very important to choose the right course topic. Only in this case will people buy it.

Relevance : More and more people are choosing online courses due to their convenience. Personal meetings are also popular, but due to busy schedules people are not always able to attend them. Finding themselves in such a situation, those who want to learn something are ready to pay for video courses.

Expenses: To start such a business you will have to spend a little money on a video camera and an advertising campaign. Approximate capital investments are 200-300 thousand rubles.

Blogger creating your own website

Relevance : Despite the existence of a large number of different sites, new resources are created every day. This is due to the fact that user interest is growing daily. Even if the topic of your website or blog is banal, with the right approach to business, it can bring considerable income.

Expenses : Creating your own website on your own is quite difficult; it can take more than one month to understand programming. If you don’t want to wait, you will have to pay for the work of a programmer who will do everything for you. If you don’t want to design and fill your resource yourself, then you’ll have to hire a web designer and copywriter. If you do everything personally, then costs can be reduced to zero. If you resort to the help of professionals, you will have to spend about 100 thousand rubles.

Organizer of joint purchases

The essence of the idea : you find a wholesale site and invite everyone to cooperate and place a wholesale order, purchasing products at a reduced price. After people agree, each of them transfers the fee for their order + 10-20% organization fee (this is your salary). After that, you place an order on the wholesale website, pay, receive it by mail and send it to customers.

Relevance : due to the rapid rise in prices, every housewife is trying to save money. And purchases on wholesale sites can save up to 50% of the purchase price. Thanks to this, joint purchases are so loved by millions of women.

Expenses: such a business does not involve costs. You can create a group on a social network with which you will search for clients. If you decide to create an independent resource, you will have to spend money on creating it and filling it with information.

Handmade master or making money on homemade creativity

The essence of the idea : you do what you love, make souvenirs, jewelry, sew soft toys, make soap, make candles, etc., sell your creations and make a profit from it.

Relevance: Handmade goods are readily purchased by people of different incomes and social status. All thanks to the uniqueness of the manufactured products. Such gifts are never forgotten and have a stunning effect. Even if you sew soft toys, of which there are a lot in any store, your creations will be exclusive and unique, and this is very much appreciated by customers.

Expenses: The amount of expenses depends on what exactly you will produce. The more expensive the materials, tools and equipment, the greater the investment they will require. In addition, think about how you will advertise and sell your products. It is advisable that you have about 10-50 thousand rubles to purchase everything you need.

What to do to make money from handicrafts

Pet breeding

The essence of the idea : you decide what animals you will breed, purchase at least 2 animals (male and female), create comfortable living conditions for them, and after the offspring appear, sell them. You can breed cats, dogs, fish, parrots or other animals. The main thing is that you love them, and caring for them is not a burden to you.

Relevance : There are many more people who love pets than those who don’t like them. Children have a special love for our smaller friends, which is why parents fulfill all the whims of their children and buy hamsters, canaries or turtles. You can find clients for animals yourself, or you can take them to pet stores.

Expenses: When organizing such a business, you must have a capital of 100 thousand rubles. With this money you will purchase animals, food, and all the necessary equipment for their maintenance.

Cooking business

The essence of the idea : you decide on the direction of the business, purchase products and tools, prepare food, and then sell it. You can cook to order. The culinary business involves many directions, for example, you can bake cakes, pastries or prepare set meals. Confectioners most often work to order, and women who sell set meals look at the number of clients.

Relevance : a food business has a great chance of survival due to the simple physiological needs of a person for food. Talented confectioners who make delicacies not only tasty, but also beautiful, always have a lot of orders.

Many office workers are not satisfied with fast food, so they are more willing to buy lunches brought to them. Remember, the tastier the food is, the more customers you will have.

Expenses : The cost will depend on what kitchen equipment you have. For example, if you decide to bake cakes, but you don’t have the tools to implement the idea, then you’ll have to buy everything. We recommend purchasing products after customers place an order. In business, at lunches, purchase food based on the number of servings prepared.


The essence of the idea : You find an interviewer position, go through the interview, and get the job. In the course of your work, you should be interested in the opinions of people who bought a certain product or used some services. Having a large number of acquaintances, you don’t even have to leave home and leave your child. You just need to call your friends and ask them.

Relevance b: in any newspaper or website where employers are looking for employees, you can find an advertisement for an interviewer vacancy. This is because the management of large companies cares about the opinion of ordinary consumers about the products or services. Due to the large number of companies and brands, there are quite a lot of interviewer vacancies.

Expenses : such a business does not involve any capital investments. The only thing you will encounter is the need to go somewhere for the child's day if you decide to conduct surveys on the street, although such work can be done while walking with a stroller or interviewing mothers on the playground.

Chairman of THA (standard residential section)

The essence of the idea : you call a meeting of the residents of your building and offer yourself as chairman of the THA. If those present are not against your candidacy and vote for the appointment, then from the next day you will assume your position. This idea is interesting because your workplace can be located directly in your apartment. All organizational issues can be resolved without leaving home and maximum time can be devoted to the baby.

Relevance : More and more often you can encounter a situation where residents of multi-storey buildings refuse the services of housing offices and create a housing cooperative. This form of management has many advantages. If your house is not a typical residential section, then it’s time to tell its residents about this form of management and have time to take the place of the chairman.

Expenses: No expenses will be required from you personally. All services that residents will use will be paid for by them. You will be paid a salary for solving organizational issues.

Growing and selling flowers

The essence of the idea : you are engaged in breeding rare, exotic plants and flowers, and then selling them yourself or with the help of flower shops. The larger the tree, the more expensive it can be sold. If you grow it from a seed or a small plant, the profitability level will be quite high.

Relevance : in almost every room there are several pots with indoor plants. Due to the fact that plants help create coziness in a room and also purify the air, saturating it with oxygen, flowers in pots are eagerly purchased by both women and men (often just as a gift).

Expenses : this idea of ​​making money while on maternity leave will not require large investments if you approach its organization wisely. We suggest, for example, growing bananas or kiwis from seeds. In this case, the costs will be minimal. But keep in mind that you will have to wait for profit for more than one month, and sometimes even a year.

Sewing carnival costumes

The essence of the idea : you, having knowledge in the field of tailoring, accept orders for the manufacture of an individual suit, or sew it for subsequent sale. This business is seasonal, and such services are in demand during the holidays.

Relevance : during the New Year holidays, some people begin to look for ready-made carnival costumes, while others, looking at the poor quality of the products, order such an outfit to be sewn. The quality problem is especially acute when it comes to a costume for a child. Synthetic fabrics sometimes cause an allergic reaction. That is why specialists in this profession are in great demand.

Expenses: When opening a clothing tailoring business, you need to have a capital of about 10 thousand rubles. This money will be used to purchase materials, fittings and tools. The place of work will be your apartment or house. In this case, you will not have to hire a nanny for your child and pay rent for the premises where you will work.

The idea of ​​making money on art, photography

Relevance : Only a few people use the services of a photo studio, but professional photography is ordered for any celebration. Customers want to capture the brightest moments of their lives in photographs. Therefore, photographers have more and more clients every day.

Artists can paint paintings to order. The “Portrait from Photography” service is very popular. If you are confident in your abilities, then accept orders and create, especially since such activities can easily be combined with the work of a mother.

Expenses: The amount of expenses depends on what exactly you will be doing. If you are going to paint pictures, you will need to purchase material and tools. Mom photographers must have a professional camera. Focus on the amount of 10-100 thousand rubles.

A little about the relevance of different business ideas

Many women, reading the business ideas we present, may doubt their relevance. In fact, different ideas can be successfully implemented in different localities. For example, in a small village with a minimal population, it is not rational to conduct courses for pregnant women, since they will not be in demand.

In big cities, on the contrary, such classes are in great demand and not all women who want to get there get there due to a limited number of places.


Modern women not only have time to look after the baby, cook food and keep the apartment clean. During maternity leave, they find time to create a thriving business and realize themselves as individuals.

Of course, this is a double burden, but business mothers consider themselves happy, self-sufficient and successful women. Try opening your own business! We are confident that you can do it!

Useful articles:

They say that difficulties unite. If this is so, then the creation of a mega-powerful community of maternity mothers is not far off. Dozens of problems, hundreds of doubts, thousands of everyday difficulties from the curious to those ready to plunge first-time parents into the abyss of despair. And one of them is lack of money.

And this is understandable. No matter how “tasty” a woman’s salary is, after a year and a half all that remains of it is a “tail”. How to live on 50 rubles a month is a rhetorical question. And the idea itself is from the realm of fantasy. Some people believe in little green men.

Business on the Internet - real, profitable, promising

But if little green men can only be seen in movies, then successful mothers are not at all uncommon. Most often, these are women who, while on maternity leave, felt an urgent need for self-realization. Some began to sew, knit and embroider, others remained in a professional rut and moved work from the office to home, others focused on a new experience - children. In any case, a mother can make money on almost any topic if she has a computer and access to the Internet.

Method one. "Classic" information business

In a nutshell, information business is packaging and selling information. If mommy knows or can do something that others don’t know or can’t do, she can sell this information. What plays into our hands here, firstly, is that information is constantly becoming outdated. If in the 50s parents read Dr. Spock, today millions of mothers around the world put on slings, promote natural closeness with the child and trust their intuition more.

Secondly, the audience is constantly updated. At some point, when we have a certain set of knowledge, what we have learned before seems simple and self-evident. And what is complex and incomprehensible is what we do not yet know. A couple of years pass, and everything difficult becomes simple for us. And no one else understands these “obvious” things.

Thirdly, modern man is suffocating from the abundance of information. Finding a solution is not a problem. The problem is to find out “your own” from dozens, or even hundreds of possible solutions. Therefore, the step-by-step schemes “5 ways to decipher your husband’s notebook” or “7 exercises for maintaining universal peace when your child smears semolina on your evening dress” are gaining more and more popularity.

To start an information business you don’t need large funds or special skills. How to create a mini-site in an evening, how to “catch up” with the flow of visitors, how to organize your newsletter - free information from information business gurus is a dime a dozen.

Method two. Work blog

A work blog is as different from a regular blog as a car is from a pleasure bike. With the help of the first, they achieve their goals, with the help of the second, they get pleasure. The purpose of a work blog is not “monetization” with the help of advertising banners and contextual ads. Many blogs are already littered with them. When you hear about “giant” income from five-cent clicks, you get the impression that rare visitors, stunned by the flashing, begin to poke everywhere in search of a way out.

For those who plan to sell anything via the Internet (products, services, or themselves as a brand), a work blog is ideal. It is used as a platform for business, small or large, by many companies, both Russian and Western. A work blog is identical in structure to a corporate website, and in communication with clients it is close to a traditional blog. The most important thing is that the investment in its creation is limited by the cost of the domain and hosting. There is more than enough information on how to create your own blog on the Internet for free or paid. Choose - I don’t want to.

Method three. E-books

Absolutely anyone can write a book. If he writes well, he does it himself. If he speaks well, he dictates it into a voice recorder and gives it to him for transcription for 200-250 rubles for an hour-long recording.

Fortunately, gone are the days when the number of books published by one author was strictly limited. Today you can publish at least every month. Through a publishing house or samizdat – it’s your choice. If you don’t want to get involved with contracts and calculate royalties, then the electronic format of the book is available to absolutely anyone.

Moms often choose to write an e-book, probably also because they feel a “kindred spirit” in it. Just like a woman who juggles two dozen “urgent” and “extremely important” matters during the day, a book can perform not one, but several functions at once. Generate profit, attract customers, replace the seller and gain expert status.

Method four. Online store

Unlike opening a real store, for which you need to find premises, invest in design, purchase goods, hire salespeople, train them and start breaking even in six months, you can open your online store in a couple of evenings. Without loans, without fabulous expenses and sitting with a cup of tea in the kitchen.

If a company opens an online store, for example, as an addition to a real retail outlet, it invests in professional development, scripts and support service. Such a site costs from 30,000 rubles. This scares off many handicraft mothers who have more than enough energy to produce, but they simply don’t know how to sell. You can rent an online store, even while maintaining your domain name without any tails or extensions. Or install a special plugin on the same blog on WordPress. It will make it possible not only to accept payments without opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but also to fully automate work with clients.

Method five. Conducting webinars and master classes

"Live" information always costs more. But in order to convey your unique knowledge to buyers or clients, there is no need at all to hand over the child to a dad who is stunned by the scale of responsibility and take a ticket to Uryupinsk. Webcam and microphone - and the whole planet is in touch with you.

You can recruit participants for an Internet seminar (webinar) either on LiveJournal, on a blog, or among mothers on the playground. The Internet is getting faster, children are going to bed later and later, and their knees are shaking less and less with each new session.

Method six. Coaching

In a nutshell, coaching is about helping you achieve your goals. For example, someone wants to climb Everest. And something stops him year after year. Either external reasons, or you don’t seem to want to anymore. And then it comes again... He gets tired of swinging back and forth like a pendulum, and he comes to a coach. So, they say, so, I want to go to Everest, and I don’t want to.

And the coach opens it like a tin can. Analyzes goals, explores reasons, motivates and helps overcome obstacles. And asks, asks, asks, asks questions. The more questions, the more answers that never even occurred to you before. A coach is a trainer who forces an athlete to achieve the highest results.

Every woman, to one degree or another, is a coach. Just like a coach, she cannot walk the path for her child, but she can help him do it himself.

Method seven. Consulting

Consulting is an opportunity to demonstrate your professional qualities with much greater impact than at work. Unlike a coach, a consultant does not help the client achieve a goal on his own, but does the work for him or with him. The consultant solves a specific problem and gets paid for a specific solution.

Young parents, having come to their senses after the joyful feelings of their new role, often face problems not only of a domestic nature, but also of a material nature. Payments to a young mother from her previous job quickly run out, and it can be very difficult for three or four people to live on dad’s salary and mom’s meager allowance. That's why young mothers resort to various ways to earn money at home during maternity leave.

After going on maternity leave, during the first months the mother prepares for the birth of her baby. She reads a lot of magazines in search of useful information, buys everything in stores that she thinks is necessary for her future baby. Having given birth to a baby, and having waited for the moment when she can devote some time to herself, the mother begins to think about how mothers on maternity leave earn money.

On the one hand, she becomes bored of just sitting at home, on the other, she is afraid of losing her qualifications during maternity leave, and on the third, she wants to have funds that she can spend on herself and the child without looking back.

There are many options for earning money while on maternity leave. They help you earn money in accordance with your talent, experience, knowledge, skills, dreams and desires.

Earning money while on maternity leave: Internet (freelancing)

The first place in popularity is earning money using the Internet. Here the list is divided into several more options, which we will now focus on. On the Internet you can do writing articles , which you will successfully sell on existing and thriving copyright and rewriting exchanges. On these exchanges you can do translation, if you have some experience in such work, and text editing.

The information that you have collected throughout your life, and especially in the last months before giving birth, will help you make money during maternity leave. It is called sale of information products . If you have the ability to systematize the information received, then feel free to create an algorithm for certain actions, for example, how to swaddle a newborn, 5 steps to deciphering children's cries, and the like. And, if you also attach a photo, then your information has every chance of being bought for good money.

You can also open it on the Internet your blog , which is monetized, that is, it brings in money from advertising placed on it.

Writing an eBook – ideal for writers on maternity leave. An e-book does not require contracting with agencies to publish your bestseller. Such a book can generate profit, replace the seller, and attract customers.

While on maternity leave, you can start your own business by opening online store . Such a business may require a small investment, but if everything is calculated correctly, it will quickly pay off. For example, today children's clothing and women's clothing stores are in great demand. To make money while on maternity leave, you can rent an online store just like a real one. Also, if you have a passion for trading, you can participate in joint procurements , controlling the process and receiving a percentage from it.

If you are a psychologist by education or vocation, then it is quite possible to make a profit while on maternity leave, working coach or consultant . A coach is a person who pushes another to achieve his goal; it is obvious that the psychological qualities of persuasion are important here. And the consultant solves the problem posed to him, and receives a profit for a correct and effective solution. In most cases, a coach and consultant work on an official basis in a company, with a permanent salary and working conditions remotely. You can also get a job as a freelancer, as it is fashionable to say today, in your usual profession. There are companies that are looking for employees for remote work from home and offer a rate to mothers on maternity leave.

Your own website on the Internet, as an option for earning money during maternity leave, you can generate income from the information posted on it about your own activities and the partners of your site. Also, such sites always contain advertising information, for which the site owner also receives a profit.

Making money with your hobby

Many young mothers on maternity leave or earlier discover an incredible zeal for needlework or other creative work. When a spiritual or material need arises to earn money, this craving becomes very useful. Mom creates a masterpiece for her friends, they tell their friends about it, and so on. A business is already being established, which is based on any occupation. Such an activity can be knitting, embroidery, sewing, making soap, creating business cards, drawings, photos for individual websites, presentations. It all depends on what you like to do more and what you have a talent for.

To make your hobby more profitable, the Internet can again help. You can create your own website where advertising and your offers in this area will be posted, this will help you find regular customers to purchase your products. The Internet helps to advertise if you have a lot of creations and no clients.

Working on maternity leave: mini kindergarten

This option is more suitable for those mothers who have experienced the joy of motherhood more than once. Such mothers feel more confident with their children and more confident in their abilities when they decide to take on the upbringing of several children besides their own.

What does this kind of income consist of? It is likely that at the clinic, in the yard on a walk, or in the maternity hospital, you made new mother friends. Some of them will want to send their child to be raised much earlier than the kindergarten accepts them. There is an option to hire a nanny, but many parents prefer that the child be in the company of his peers from early childhood and the fee for such a kindergarten at home is much lower than for a private nanny. Then you will offer your services as a mini-kindergarten teacher. To do this, you must have a rather large living space in which 2-3 kids can roam, a teaching vocation (just a vocation, education is not necessary here) and a desire to take care of several children at once.

Working on maternity leave: old place of work

Quite often, young mothers, having gone on maternity leave, promise their manager to quickly return so as not to lose their place of work and the management’s faith in a valuable employee. By law, you are required to take parental leave for up to 3 years, but no one can cancel your desire to work. In addition, this is another opportunity to earn money while on maternity leave.

Once you choose this option, you should discuss your options with your superiors. In some cases, you may be offered a work-from-home position with unlimited hours and no specified flexible hours. For example, if you work as an accountant assistant or translator.

They may offer certain hours for working from home, when you work on Skype and communicate with the company’s clients online or fill out documentation and submit reports. Also, for young mothers, a flexible work schedule directly in the office is sometimes considered. But in this case, you will need the help of your loved ones, who will be able to look after the child at this time if he has not yet reached the age when he can be sent to a kindergarten or nursery.

The conditions under which you will work during maternity leave, linked to your old place of work, depend on your specialty and responsibilities at the company. For example, when working as a teacher, it will be difficult to combine a child and work, unless someone in the family is sitting at home without work.

Working on maternity leave: benefits

  1. Today, working during maternity leave includes many ways to make a significant contribution to the family budget. But even if this contribution is not very large, mom will be able to self-realize sitting at home with a child. That is, the first advantage is the self-realization of a woman who has been on maternity leave for 3 or more years;
  2. Working from home while on maternity leave, which any mother can do, provides an opportunity to combine business with pleasure. I think it is clear that the pleasant thing in this case is raising your blood, and the useful thing is earning money for the existence of your family. Many may say that your husband should provide for you and your child. Yes, this may be true, but there is an opinion among psychologists that mothers working on maternity leave are less likely to feel the desire to communicate with someone outside the family circle. That is, they are less irritable and do not require excessive attention from their husband, since they cannot bear to sit at home alone with the child. Second advantage - combining raising a child with helping the family budget. A child really needs a mother throughout his life, but the first years are doubly important;
  3. Working during maternity leave will help discipline even the most disorganized mother, who walks around unkempt all day, citing the fact that the child did not let her do this. Nobody says that you need to start working from the first days of a baby’s life. In some cases, mothers start working only when the baby turns one year old, he becomes more independent, and the mother has a little more free time. Then working on maternity leave helps you create a schedule for doing household chores, raising a child and fulfilling your work responsibilities;
  4. While working on maternity leave, you can maintain your qualifications by finding remote work in your specialty. Thus, after returning from maternity leave in a few years, you will be aware of all the news and events happening in the field of your work;
  5. Also, having found income during maternity leave, young mothers have opportunity to retrain(if, for example, you are not going to return to your old job) and prove yourself in a new area of ​​​​knowledge.

Thus, you see that working for a woman on maternity leave is not only helping your budget, but also a pleasant pastime that combines raising your beloved child with an activity that you like.

Working for mothers on maternity leave: disadvantages

Inexperienced users looking for work on the Internet, firstly, may give up searching for a job after a few hours. This happens when you don't know what exactly you are looking for. When starting your search for income, you must decide exactly what you want to do: write or sell articles, open your own blog, website, online store, and so on.

By entering the usual phrase “make quick money on the Internet” or “how to find a job while on maternity leave,” you can discover the world of earning money and scroll through it for a long, long time in search of exactly your option for generating income.

Often, working on maternity leave takes up all your free time, and you have no time to raise a baby who needs you so much in the first 3 years of life. This is due either to the fact that you have taken on a lot of responsibilities, or have not been able to properly organize your time.

Working on maternity leave: what you shouldn’t rely on

If you choose to make money on maternity leave using the Internet, there is a chance that you will fall into the trap of scammers who only lure you with offers, but you will not receive any income after working for quite a long time and wasting your energy. In some cases, there is income, but not as much as you would like and in comparison with the time that will be spent. There is a whole list of vacancies that you shouldn’t even pay attention to when looking for income during maternity leave:

  • earnings from clicks;
  • making money on file hosting services;
  • hand surfing;
  • participating in surveys and filling out questionnaires for money;
  • writing comments;
  • participation in online financial pyramids.

Also, you should not seriously think about earning money that first requires you to invest a large amount of money. In this case, we do not mean investing in your personal business or, for example, an online store. We are talking about those cases when a potential employer asks you to transfer a certain amount to confirm your intentions to work, prepare documents or send them by mail.

Who makes money while on maternity leave, but in most cases the Internet is required to be constantly and freely available. But your “golden” hands and the presence of a large circle of acquaintances can help enrich the family coffers.

If you know how to write texts well, then you can make very good money on content exchanges:

  • is a relatively new but promising exchange
  • is a time-tested exchange with many customers of all levels

How to overcome fears and start earning money while on maternity leave (video)

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How to make money while on maternity leave? This question is asked by a huge number of mothers. The child requires a huge amount of attention. But money will never be superfluous, because there will be a huge amount of shopping for the baby. There are many advertisements on the Internet offering income to young mothers. Let's try to figure out whether they are real or not.

Pros and cons of earning money while on maternity leave

Before looking for income for mothers on maternity leave, it is worth understanding what advantages and disadvantages of such a pastime you will have to face.

Among the advantages are:

  1. Naturally, additional injections into the family budget. For those who have children, money is never superfluous.
  2. There is no need to go anywhere or look for someone to leave the child with. The baby will always be next to his mother.
  3. Flexible working hours. The schedule can be adjusted to suit the baby’s schedule, no one will be indignant about being late. Moreover, if the child suddenly gets sick, the mother can always be there.
  4. There is no employer who will be indignant at frequent absences to the clinic, swimming pool and other activities with the baby.

Despite the large number of advantages, earning money while on maternity leave also has a number of undeniable disadvantages:

  1. You will have to take a break from your child and household chores.
  2. It is often difficult to convince household members not to disturb a working mother. They are sure that since she is at home, they can distract her over trifles.
  3. You will have to organize the work entirely yourself. It’s difficult for some when no one pushes them, there is no fear of angering the evil boss.
  4. At the initial stage, the income will most likely be very small. This is disappointing for many. However, with due diligence, after a few months you can reach quite decent amounts.

What to do on maternity leave to earn money

Those who are not afraid of the disadvantages listed above begin to look for the best ways to make money on the Internet. The main thing here is not to become a victim of scammers. There are a huge number of offers on the Internet that promise good income. To find a real part-time job, you should follow simple rules:

Below are real ways to make money while on maternity leave while sitting at home.

Tinkoff Bank - Official work from home

Those mothers who are looking for an official way to earn money without leaving home can be advised to become a sales manager or call center operator at Tinkoff Bank. To work, you only need a stable Internet connection, a headset, headphones with a microphone. The only condition that must be ensured is complete silence during operation. This is the only thing that is difficult for the mother of a small child to comply with.

This type of online earnings is good, first of all, because it is official. An employment contract is concluded with the employee. In addition, Tinkoff pays all necessary contributions. At the same time, to work in a bank, only communication skills are required; employees are not required to have special knowledge.

Earning money from copywriting and rewriting

Another option that allows moms to make money on the Internet is writing articles. There are two main options for such work:

  • Rewriting – retelling the text in your own words in order to achieve uniqueness;
  • Copywriting is writing articles based on your own knowledge or a large number of sources.

To work in this field, you need to be able to express your thoughts competently and without errors. Knowledge in certain areas will be useful - texts about Forex, loans, and stock trading are especially popular. However, it is quite possible to find customers on the subject of housekeeping and raising children.

The advantage of making money on the Internet for mothers is the opportunity to gain additional knowledge. The disadvantage is that at first, in order to earn decent money, you will have to work quite a lot.

Register on the Etxt copywriting exchange and start earning money

Writing essays, term papers and dissertations

This earning option is suitable for fairly educated mothers. It is best if you graduated from university recently and the knowledge is still fresh.

In large cities, various companies provide similar services. It’s quite possible to ask there if they need workers. Another option is to write independently of any companies. But you will need to look for clients yourself. Free bulletin boards and social networks will help with this; if done well, rumors will quickly spread among students. The main rule for such work is to adhere to deadlines; if you are not sure that you will be able to complete the work on time, it is better not to take on it.

There is a special website for working on the Internet on writing essays and coursework.

Freelance services

Those who have an education as an accountant or programmer should not have a question about how to make money while on maternity leave. It is quite possible to offer your services for filling out declarations, keeping records of small companies, creating and promoting websites.

With direct contact with the client, there is a risk that the work will not be paid. Therefore, it is better to work through freelance exchanges available on the Internet. You can also meet with clients in person, handing over work from hand to hand while receiving payment.

The most popular Freelancing sites Kwork and FL.RU are considered places where you can earn good money.

Earning money from network marketing

Network marketing is the sale of unique products through catalogs. This is how dishes, cosmetics, clothing and many other goods are distributed.

If, in search of an option where to make money while on maternity leave, you decide to take up network marketing, you should take into account that you will have to go to the office or go to the post office to buy goods. True, sometimes it is delivered to your home by courier. In any case, you will have to meet with buyers in person, organize various presentations and consultations.

Manicure/pedicure specialist at home

Masters from this field do not necessarily have to give up their clients when going on maternity leave. Some of them, quite possibly, will agree to go to their home. For such activities, you will need to organize a workplace away from the child. The smell of materials and dust can cause allergies in a child.

Nanny at home

If there are mothers living nearby who decide to go to work, you can offer them nanny services. There is no particular difference between sitting a child and sitting with two, so such work will not cause any special problems. It is important to find out in advance the daily routine, sleeping and feeding habits of the patient, and the presence of allergies. This will help avoid problems during work.

Hairdresser at home

Another option for earning money while on maternity leave, not related to the Internet, is cutting hair at home. This option is similar to doing a pedicure and manicure at home. It is important to have sufficient experience and a client base.

How much can you earn while on maternity leave?

Young mothers are concerned not only where, but also how much they can earn without leaving their child. As noted earlier, you should not trust too tempting offers. Most often they indicate fraudulent schemes. While staying at home, it is impossible (especially at the very beginning) to earn more than the average salary in your region of residence.

The level of income when working from home is usually determined by the amount of effort and time invested. This is explained simply: most options for earning money involve piecework wages.

Thus, it is quite possible to earn money even with a baby in your arms. The main thing is to choose a suitable way that allows you to earn money while on maternity leave. But here it’s worth focusing on personal knowledge and skills.