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Shell - brand history. The largest corporations in the world Dutch company royal dutch

The history of Shell began in 1833, when the English merchant Marcus Samuel opened a small store in London selling various trinkets decorated with seashells (“shell” means shell in English) and other exotic oriental products. "Shell" was the name of Samuel's father's store in London. The enterprise turned out to be profitable, and Samuel organized the delivery of seafood from the Far East using his small coastal fleet. Ships traveling from the metropolis to the colonies carried various cargoes on board, including oil products. Samuel, being a talented businessman, saw a great future for the oil business during the period of its practical birth. After his death, in 1870, the business passed to his sons, who founded their own company in 1878.

The Samuel brothers' circle of activities expanded rapidly, especially after Marcus Samuel Jr. visited Batumi in 1890, from where Baku oil was exported. He decided to take on the task of transporting oil around the world using tankers.

The world's first oil tanker was built in Russia at the shipyards of Baku and was called “Zoroaster”, in memory of the fire-worshipping Zoroastrians, the ancestors of modern Armenians. Samuel was shocked when he saw the Russian tanker.

Turning out to be a very agile entrepreneur, already in 1892 he managed to build his first tanker called “Murex” with a displacement of 5 thousand tons at one of the English shipyards. In memory of this event, the lead tanker of Shell's oil tanker fleet is now called Murex. The key point is that the design of the tanker invented by Marcus Samuel eliminated the threat of spontaneous combustion of petroleum products. In addition, Murex was registered by the Lloyd's agency and met the stringent requirements for sea transportation through the Suez Canal (which no oil company could achieve before), through which it was planned to transport oil and other petroleum products. Murex made its first voyage in August 1892 with a cargo of 4 thousand tons of Russian kerosene along the Batumi-Singapore-Bangkok route.

That is why the first “branded” product supplied by Shell to Far Eastern consumers in early 1893 was Russian kerosene.

Oil transportation also gave rise to new problems - the enterprising Samuel built large oil storage tanks in the ports of the Far East. As well as factories for the production of packaging, which local residents used for a variety of purposes, including for the manufacture of roofing.

By the end of the 90s of the last century, Samuel's oil business had grown so much that in 1897 he founded a separate company called Shell Transport and Trading Company Ltd. But the creation of a world-class oil corporation was still a long way off. Marcus Samuel still had a powerful enemy in the American monopoly Standard Oil. The need to resist American expansion became the basis for the rapprochement between Shell and Royal Dutch, which Samuel once considered nothing less than a dangerous competitor. Royal Dutch Petroleum was created in 1890 under the patronage of the King of the Netherlands, which developed a rich field on the island of Sumatra and fiercely competed with Shell for markets. However, history decided to decide the fate of these two companies in its own way.

In 1902, after long negotiations, Shell and Royal Dutch created the Asian Petroleum concern, the goal of which was to expand trade in oil and petroleum products, including those produced in Russia, in the Far Eastern region. In 1907, the final merger of the capital and interests of Royal Dutch Petroleum and Shell Transport & Trading Co. took place, forming the foundation of the corporation known today throughout the world as Royal Dutch/Shell. In 1900, Henry Detering (1866-1939), who was later called the “oil Napoleon,” became the managing director of this company, and then the chairman of the board of directors. Detering was a proponent of cooperation with Shell. On his initiative, in 1907, the capitals of Royal Dutch and Shell merged, and a new company was founded with two head offices in London and The Hague.

In the combined concern, 60% of the shares belonged to Royal Dutch, and 40% to Shell. This ratio still remains today.

Soon a period of growth began. The concern's scope of activity was constantly expanding, new crude oil deposits were being developed, scattered almost throughout the globe. Powerful oil refineries were controlled by the center in order to more quickly demand for petroleum products. Rights to oil production were acquired in Romania (1906), Russia (1910), Egypt (1913), Venezuela (1913) and some other countries and regions.

In 1912, the concern entered the US domestic market, beginning the development of oil fields and the construction of oil pipelines. In connection with the development of maritime and road transport, Shell relied on the production of fuel oil and gasoline and was not mistaken, which brought it enormous profits.

In 1919, English pilots John Alcock and Arthur Whitten-Brown made the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in a plane fueled by Shell fuel.

The First World War somewhat slowed down the company’s rapid ascent to the oil Olympus, but after its end there was active growth again. Companies are being created in the USA, the Middle East, Malaysia, East and South Africa. In the early 30s, Shell took its first steps in mastering the production of petroleum-based chemical products. By the end of the 1930s, Shell was producing about 600 thousand barrels of crude oil per day, which accounted for more than 10% of world production.

The years of World War II were not easy for Shell. The Netherlands was occupied by Germany. Romania and the Far East also remained beyond the company's reach.

Shell actively cooperated with the governments of allied countries, ensuring uninterrupted supplies of aviation and motor gasoline, as well as fuel oil to all fronts of military operations.

The chemical company Shell Chemical Corporation has established the production of butadiene for the production of artificial rubber. During the war, all of the company's tankers came under the command of the government; as a result, in 1945 Shell was missing 87 of its ships.

At the end of the war, the concern set about restoring the destroyed enterprises and quite quickly coped with this task. The expansion of processing capacity began. Production of petroleum products increased in almost all regions, especially in Venezuela.

In the early 1950s, the world economy felt the need for new sources of crude oil. The concern launched prospecting and exploration work in Algeria, Trinidad, and on the shelf of British Borneo. Deposits were discovered in the Netherlands (Schoonebeek), Canada, Colombia, and Iraq. The increased volumes of oil production naturally led to the construction of new oil refineries, the largest of which were built in the Dutch port of Pernice, the French city of Rouen, Cardona (Venezuela), Geelong (Australia), and Bombay.

In the 50s, Shell already accounted for one seventh of the total world production of petroleum products, the output of which was constantly increasing. To transport oil, more powerful and capacious tankers (up to 200 thousand tons) were required. Soon such tankers became the main unit of the Shell fleet.

In 1959, a joint venture between Shell and Exxon discovered one of the richest natural gas fields in the Dutch town of Gronningen. Gas production has become another area of ​​the Shell diversified concern. By the early 70s, half of the gas consumed in Western Europe was produced in Gronningen.

In the mid-60s, Shell explored several unique gas fields in the North Sea, which required the development of a new technology for sea transportation of liquefied gas. In the 70s, Shell and its partners managed to supply five million tons of liquefied gas from Brunei to Japan. Shell has pioneered large-scale gas liquefaction and long-distance shipping projects. In the 80s, the export of liquefied natural gas produced by the concern increased significantly - in 1989, the largest project for the development of the north-western shelf of Australia and the supply of liquefied natural gas to Japan was carried out.

In addition to gas, in 1971 a giant Brent oil field was discovered in the North Sea under extremely difficult environmental conditions. Later, North Sea exploration and development became Shell's largest business. Harsh weather conditions dictated the need to use high-tech equipment for oil production. Following Brent, Shell discovered the Cormorant (1972), Dunlin (1973), Tern (1975) and Ayder (1976) fields. Brent's development is considered one of the most technologically complex and expensive projects in the history of mankind.

In the mid-70s, demand for oil fell. The events in Iran in 1978-79 and the associated restrictions on oil supplies - all this gave rise to the need to search for alternative energy sources. Gas consumption in Europe more than doubled in the late 1970s. 50% of this amount was provided by Shell and its partners.

By expanding the range of its activities, the concern strengthened its position in the coal and metallurgical industries. In 1981, a large magnesium production plant went into operation in Wendam (the Netherlands).

In the 1980s, Shell's efforts focused on differentiating products and services and increasing production efficiency through automation of distribution and sales networks.

During the same period, Shell switched to the production of unleaded gasoline, a more environmentally friendly fuel.

By the end of the decade, the company was processing approximately three million barrels of crude oil at its plants. A quarter of the concern's total income came from chemical production. And yet, the 80s were unprecedented in the development of offshore fields in the North Sea. In its Norwegian sector, Europe's second largest gas field, Troll, was discovered. Two major oil and gas fields have been discovered in the Gulf of Mexico - Bullwinkle and Auger. In 1989, daily oil production from the Bullwinkle platform, installed at a depth of 412 m, reached 8 thousand barrels. In 1994, another giant Auger platform was built on pre-tensioned supports, the height of which was 872 m. This is the tallest permanent structure in the world on the seabed.

To maintain a competitive advantage, Shell is ready to make fundamental changes in its structure. These changes included the merger in July 2005 of the parent companies of Royal Dutch and Shell Transport into a single company, Royal Dutch Shell plc.

Shell logo

For over a hundred years, the word "shell", or "Shell", the scallop shell logo and the distinctive colors of red and yellow have been used to identify a brand and promote a company's reputation. These symbols signify the quality of products and services and represent professionalism and values ​​throughout the world.

At the origins

The company name was Shell, and each Samuel tanker carrying kerosene to the east bore the name of a different shell. The comb may have been taken from the family coat of arms of a business partner, Mr Graham, who imported Samuel's kerosene into India and became a director of The Shell Transport and Trading Company. After moving to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, the Graham family adopted the shell of St. James as their coat of arms. Over time, the shape of the shell has gradually changed in accordance with graphic design trends. Designer Raymond Loewy created and introduced the current logo in 1971.

Why red and yellow?

In 1915, California-based Shell built service stations for the first time, and they needed to stand out from the competition. They used bright colors that would not be offensive to Californians: due to the state's close Spanish ties, red and yellow were chosen.

Today's colors came years later, with the introduction of Shell's vibrant, eye-catching red and yellow colors for the company's new retail products in 1995. The scallop remains one of the brand's most famous symbols in the 21st century.

Turnover: $278.188 billion

Net profit: $12.518 billion

Capitalization: $323.7 billion

Number of employees: 102,000 thousand people

Royal Dutch Shell(Royal Dutch Shell) is a British-Dutch oil and gas company, the second largest company in the world, according to the Forbes 2000 rating (2009). The company ranks 1st in the Fortune Global 500 (2009). The headquarters is located in The Hague (Netherlands).


The group was created in 1907 by the merger of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and The "Shell" Transport and Trading Company Ltd in response to the expansion of the American Standard Oil trust.

Structure and leadership

Until mid-2005, the company structure had an original “dual” character: Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and The “Shell” Transport and Trading Company Ltd were the so-called “parent companies” (they did not conduct production activities and were not part of the concern). “Parent companies” owned shares in the holding companies of the concern - the Dutch Shell Petroleum N.V. and the English Shell Petroleum Company Limited, with Royal Dutch Petroleum Company owning 60% and Shell Transport and Trading Company owning 40% of the shares of the holding companies. In turn, the holding companies owned all the shares in the service companies, as well as - directly or indirectly - all of Shell's shares in the manufacturing companies.

In the summer of 2005, shareholders of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and The "Shell" Transport and Trading Company Ltd approved the merger of their parent companies into one company headquartered in the Netherlands. This deal turned the Netherlands into the world's largest investor in 2005, and the UK into the world's leading recipient of investments (they tripled to $164.5 billion).


Shell conducts geological exploration and production of oil and gas in more than 40 countries. Shell owns the world's largest network of gas stations, which has more than 55 thousand stations.

Shell also fully or partially owns more than 50 oil refineries. In particular, the company owns one of the largest oil refineries in Europe, Pernis in the Netherlands with a capacity of 10,000 tons per day, the Stanlow plant in the UK with a capacity of 12 million tons per year, and three refineries in France with a total capacity of 40,790 tons per day.

In addition, Shell owns a significant number of chemical enterprises, as well as the production of solar panels and other alternative energy sources. Shell gas station in Rosario (Argentina)

Oil and gas production in 2006 was 3.47 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, which consisted of daily production of 1.948 million barrels of oil and 8.368 million cubic feet of gas. The daily production of 1.948 million barrels of oil roughly corresponds to the annual production of 97 million tons of oil.

In 2006, Shell processed 3.57 million barrels of oil per day (177.7 million tons per year).

The total number of personnel of the company is about 112 thousand people. The company's revenue in 2006 amounted to $318.8 billion (in 2005 - $306.7 billion), net profit - $26.3 billion (in 2005 - the same amount).

Royal Dutch Shell PLC(better known as Shell) - British-Dutch vertically integrated oil and gas company, formed as a result of the merger of the Dutch Royal Dutch Petroleum and British Shell Transport & Trading. The organization's headquarters is located in the Netherlands, while the company is registered as a corporation in the UK.

Royal Dutch Shell's activities include exploration, production, refining and marketing of oil, gas and petroleum products. The company has operations in more than 90 countries and has more than 44,000 gas stations worldwide. At 13 April 2015, Shell's market capitalization was valued at £129.8 billion. The company's shares are included in the calculation of the FTSE 100 index.

Royal Dutch Shell
Date of foundation 1907
Headquarters location The Hague, Netherlands
Chairman of Lighting Directors
Charles Holiday
Ben van Beurden
Head in Russia William Kozik
$264.96 billion(2015)
Net profit
$1.939 billion(2015)
Number of employees
94,000 people

history of the company

Royal Dutch Shell was created in February 1907 year through the merger of two competing companies - the Dutch Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and the British Shell Transport and Trading Company Ltd. This step was largely due to the need to create serious competition Standard Oil. For a number of reasons, the companies operated as an association, but had separate legal entities. Under the terms of the merger, 60% of the property was transferred to the Dutch company, 40% to the British.

Royal Dutch Petroleum Company- a company created in 1890 year in The Hague to develop a field in Sumatra, in the Dutch East Indies. Oil deposits in this area were discovered back in 1885, but funds were needed to begin work. Herself n The oil in Sumatra was quite light and, accordingly, well suited for the production of gasoline, which made production in this region very promising.

The company received the name Royal Dutch due to the fact that the concessionaires secured the support of King William III.

Shell Transport and Trading Company Ltd. was founded by two brothers - Marcus Samuel (1st Viscount Bearsted) and Samuel Samuel in 1897 year to transport kerosene from Batumi to the Middle East via the Suez Canal

Their father owned an antiques shop in Houndsditch (London). In 1833, he decided to expand his activities and began importing and selling sea shells. In honor of these shells, the brothers decided to name the new company (“Shell” translated from English means “sea shell”).

During the First World War, Shell was the main supplier of fuel to the British Armed Forces, as well as the sole supplier of aviation fuel. In addition, the company supplied 80% of TNT.

In 1919, Shell took control of the Mexican Eagle Petroleum Company and in 1921 formed Shell-Mex Limited, which began marketing products under the Shell and Eagle brands. In 1929, Shell Chemicals was formed. As a result, in the late 1920s Shell became the largest oil company, providing 11% of the world's crude oil supply.

In 1931, Shell Mex House was built, which became the company's head office. In 1932, partly due to difficult economic conditions, Shell Mex decided to join forces in the UK retail market with British Petroleum, creating Shell Mex and BP, a company that existed until 1975.

IN 1930 In 2010, Shell's Mexican assets were forcibly transferred to the local government.

After the invasion of the Netherlands by German troops 1940 year, the company's head office was moved to Curacao.

IN 1952 Shell became the first company in the Netherlands to use a computer. The device, called Ferranti Mark 1, was assembled and installed at Shell's laboratory in Amsterdam.

In 1970 Shell acquired the mining company Billiton, which was subsequently sold in 1994 and is now part of BHP Billiton.

IN November 2004, after a period of instability caused by the discovery that Shell was overstating its actual oil reserves, a restructuring of the Shell Group's capital was announced and the creation of a new parent company Royal Dutch Shell PLC, with its headquarters and tax residence in The Hague (Netherlands), and registered in London. The merger has been completed July 20, 2005. On the same day, Shell Transport & Trading Company PLC was delisted from the London Stock Exchange (LSE), and on November 18, 2005, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company left the New York NYSE.

In 2009, the Iraqi Petroleum Services awarded a tender to develop the Majnoon field in southern Iran, which contains about 12.6 billion barrels of oil. As a result, a consortium was created led by Shell (45%) and Petronas (30%). The rights to develop West Qurna 1 went to ExxonMobil(60%) and Shell (15%).

In February 2010, Shell formed a 50/50 joint venture with Brazil's Cosan called Raizen, comprising all of Cosan's core assets and Shell's Brazilian motor and aviation fuel distribution business.

In March 2010, the company announced the sale of part of its assets, including the production of liquefied associated gas, to cover planned costs of $28 billion. In June of the same year, Royal Dutch Shell acquired the entire business of East Resources, including gas fields, for $4.7 billion.

IN 2013 In 2018, Shell began selling its shale gas assets in the United States. The corporation also canceled a $20 billion shale gas project in Louisiana. The company's overall productivity in 2013 fell by 38% compared to the previous year. As a result, the company's share price decreased by 3%. In February 2014, Shell also sold the majority of its Australian assets.

On April 8, 2015, Royal Dutch Shell announced its agreement to purchase BG Group for $70 billion; however, the issue is still not closed.

Shell in Russia

ProjectProject Description ©siteParticipantsShares
"Salym Petroleum Development N.V." Exploration and development of the West Salym, Verkhne-Salym and Vadelyp fields in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug GAZPROM NEFT 50%
Shell Salym Development B.V. 50%
"Sakhalin II" Development of two fields: Piltun-Askhotskoye and Lunskoye fields on Sakhalin Island under the Production Sharing Agreement. Operator – Sakhalin Energy Investment Company GAZPROM 50% + 1 share
Shell 27.5% - 1 share
Mitsui 12,5%
Mitsubishi 10%

Shell in the world

  • Africa

Shell began producing oil in Africa in the 1950s. In 1958, production was established in Nigeria. The company also produces oil in Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Gabon (at the giant Rabi-Kounga field), Ghana, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa and Tunisia. In August 2014, the company disclosed the sale of its stake in four fields in Nigeria.

  • Asia


Shell began developing its first oil well in Malaysia in 1910 in Miri, Sarawak. Today, on the site of this oil mine stands a monument called the Grand Oil Lady. In 1914, Shell built the first refinery in Malaysia and laid a pipeline to Miri.

As of 2012, there were 900 Shell gas stations in the country, and refining capacity was about 100 thousand barrels per day.


In the Philippines, Royal Dutch Shell operates on behalf of its subsidiary Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation, which has an interest in the Pandacan oil storage facility and other key assets.


Singapore is Shell's headquarters in the Asia-Pacific region. Shell Eastern Petroleum limited (SEPL) has refining facilities at Pulau Bukom, while Shell Chemicals Seraya operates at Jurong Island.

  • Europe


Shell began marketing oil in Ireland in 1902. Exploration and production is carried out by Shell E&P Ireland (SEPIL) (formerly Enterprise Energy Ireland), headquartered in Dublin, which was acquired in 202. The company's main project is the Corrib gas field on the northwest coast. However, during the implementation of the project, Shell faced a number of difficulties regarding the construction of onshore pipelines and obtaining licenses.

In 2005, Shell transferred its entire fuel sales business in Ireland to Topaz Energy Group.

Great Britain

In the UK-owned North Sea, Shell has interests in more than fifty oil and gas fields, 30 offshore production platforms, 30 subsea stations, two floating production and storage platforms, an offshore terminal and three onshore gas processing plants. The company's businesses account for 12% of the UK's oil and gas supplies.

  • North America

In America, the business of the Royal Dutch Shell USA corporation is represented by the almost independent until recently Shell Oil Company, whose shares were traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Changes occurred in the 1990s when Shell bought back shares of Shell Oil Company that it did not own.

Royal Dutch Shell carried out a similar maneuver in relation to Shell Canada, also buying back shares and applying a global business model.

  • Australia

In May 2010, Royal Dutch Shell made the final decision to finance the project of the first floating platform producing liquefied natural gas, after the discovery of the Prelude offshore field off the north-west coast of Australia and containing, according to various estimates, about 850 billion m 3 of natural gas.

In February 2014, Shell sold its Australian refineries and gas stations to Vitol for $2.6 billion. However, Shell is expected to continue investing in projects in Australia with Chevron Corporation and Woodside Petroleum.

Royal Dutch Shell(Royal Dutch Shell) is a British-Dutch oil and gas company. The headquarters is located in The Hague (Netherlands). Shell conducts geological exploration and production of oil and gas in more than 40 countries. Shell owns the world's largest network of gas stations, which has more than 55 thousand stations. Shell also fully or partially owns more than 50 oil refineries. In particular, the company owns one of the largest oil refineries in Europe, Pernis in the Netherlands with a capacity of 10,000 tons per day, the Stanlow plant in the UK with a capacity of 12 million tons per year, and three refineries in France with a total capacity of 40,790 tons per day. In addition, Shell owns a significant number of chemical enterprises, as well as the production of solar panels and other alternative energy sources. Shell gas station in Rosario (Argentina)

Exxon Mobil Corporation- an American company, one of the largest private oil companies in the world, one of the largest corporations in the world in terms of market capitalization $336.5 billion.

B.P.(British Petroleum) is a British oil and gas company, the second largest publicly traded oil and gas company in the world.

Chevron Corporation(Chevron Corporation) (NYSE: CVX) is the second largest integrated energy company in the United States after ExxonMobil and one of the largest corporations in the world.

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.(Walmart) (NYSE: WMT) is an American public corporation and the world's largest retail chain. The company operates on the principle of chains of large department stores with discounts. In 2010, it became the largest publicly owned corporation in the world by revenue, according to Forbes Global 2000. The company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962, incorporated on October 31, 1969, and has been publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange since 1972. Wal-Mart is the world's largest private employer and the largest grocery retail chain in the United States. In 2009, the company sold 51% of the $258 billion US grocery market. It also owns and operates Sam Club retail warehouses in North America. Walmart operates from Mexico to the United Kingdom as Asda ("Asda Wal-Mart" in some industries), in Japan as a voice actor, and in India at the best price. In Argentina, Brazil, Canada and Puerto Rico. Wal-Mart's investments outside North America. The corporation has operations in the UK, South America and China, while it was forced to withdraw from Germany and South Korea when ventures were unsuccessful. Wal-Mart is the world's largest retail chain, which includes (as of mid-February 2007) 6,782 stores in 14 countries. These include both hypermarkets and supermarkets selling food and industrial goods. Wal-Mart's strategy includes such components as maximum assortment and minimum prices, aiming for wholesale prices. Wal-Mart's main competitors in the US retail market are Home Depot, Kroger, Sears Holdings Corporation, Costco and Target.

Wal-Mart is a leader in the implementation of technologies related to the use of RFID tags in retail.

The total number of personnel of the company is 2 million people (2009).

Toyota Motor Corporation(Japanese: トヨタ自動車株式会社, Toyota Jidosha KK, TYO: 7203, LSE: TYT, NYSE: TM, commonly known simply as Toyota and abbreviated as TMC, is a major Japanese automaker headquartered in Aichi, Japan. In 2010, Toyota Motor Corporation employed 317,734 people worldwide. TMC is the world's largest automaker in terms of vehicle sales and production. The company was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937 as a spin-off from his father's automobile manufacturing company, Toyota Industries. Three years earlier, in 1934, at the same time, a division of Toyota Industries created its first product, the engine, and in 1936 the company created its first passenger car, the Toyota AA. Toyota Motor Corporation companies of the Toyota group (including the Scion brand), Lexus, Daihatsu and Hino Motors, along with several "non-automotive" companies, TMC is part of the Toyota Group, one of the largest conglomerates in the world.

Toyota Motor Corporation is headquartered in Toyota City, Aichi and Tokyo. Its Tokyo head office is located at 1-4-18 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8701, Japan. Nagoya Office at 4-7-1 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. In addition to producing cars, Toyota provides financial services through its Toyota Financial Services division and designs and builds robots. International activity

Toyota has factories in most parts of the world, manufacturing or assembling vehicles for local markets. Toyota has production and assembly plants in Japan, Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Canada, Indonesia, Poland, South Africa, Turkey, Colombia, UK, USA, France, Brazil, Portugal, and most recently, Argentina, Czech Republic, Mexico, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan, Egypt, China, Vietnam, Venezuela, Philippines and Russia.

General Electric GE (NYSE: GE), an American multinational corporation one of the world's largest conglomerates. The company operates through five segments: energy, technology, financial capital, consumer and industrial engineering. Including locomotives, power plants (nuclear reactors), gas turbines, aircraft engines, medical equipment, also produces lighting equipment, plastics and sealants. In 2010, General Electric was ranked by Forbes as the second largest company in the world after JPMorgan Chase, with total sales, profits, assets and market value of several multinational companies. The company has 287,000 employees worldwide.

The history of Shell began in 1833, when the English merchant Marcus Samuel opened a small store in London selling various trinkets decorated with seashells (“shell” means shell in English) and other exotic oriental products. "Shell" was the name of Samuel's father's store in London. The enterprise turned out to be profitable, and Samuel organized the delivery of seafood from the Far East using his small coastal fleet. Ships traveling from the metropolis to the colonies carried various cargoes on board, including oil products. Samuel, being a talented businessman, saw a great future for the oil business during the period of its practical birth. After his death, in 1870, the business passed to his sons, who founded their own company in 1878.

The Samuel brothers' circle of activities expanded rapidly, especially after Marcus Samuel Jr. visited Batumi in 1890, from where Baku oil was exported. He decided to take on the task of transporting oil around the world using tankers.

The world's first oil tanker was built in Russia at the shipyards of Baku and was called “Zoroaster”, in memory of the fire-worshipping Zoroastrians, the ancestors of modern Armenians. Samuel was shocked when he saw the Russian tanker.

Turning out to be a very agile entrepreneur, already in 1892 he managed to build his first tanker called “Murex” with a displacement of 5 thousand tons at one of the English shipyards. In memory of this event, the lead tanker of Shell's oil tanker fleet is now called Murex. The key point is that the design of the tanker invented by Marcus Samuel eliminated the threat of spontaneous combustion of petroleum products. In addition, Murex was registered by the Lloyd's agency and met the stringent requirements for sea transportation through the Suez Canal (which no oil company could achieve before), through which it was planned to transport oil and other petroleum products. Murex made its first voyage in August 1892 with a cargo of 4 thousand tons of Russian kerosene along the Batumi-Singapore-Bangkok route.

That is why the first “branded” product supplied by Shell to Far Eastern consumers in early 1893 was Russian kerosene.

Oil transportation also gave rise to new problems - the enterprising Samuel built large oil storage tanks in the ports of the Far East. As well as factories for the production of packaging, which local residents used for a variety of purposes, including for the manufacture of roofing.

By the end of the 90s of the last century, Samuel's oil business had grown so much that in 1897 he founded a separate company called Shell Transport and Trading Company Ltd. But the creation of a world-class oil corporation was still a long way off. Marcus Samuel still had a powerful enemy in the American monopoly Standard Oil. The need to resist American expansion became the basis for the rapprochement between Shell and Royal Dutch, which Samuel once considered nothing less than a dangerous competitor. Royal Dutch Petroleum was created in 1890 under the patronage of the King of the Netherlands, which developed a rich field on the island of Sumatra and fiercely competed with Shell for markets. However, history decided to decide the fate of these two companies in its own way.

In 1902, after long negotiations, Shell and Royal Dutch created the Asian Petroleum concern, the goal of which was to expand trade in oil and petroleum products, including those produced in Russia, in the Far Eastern region. In 1907, the final merger of the capital and interests of Royal Dutch Petroleum and Shell Transport & Trading Co. took place, forming the foundation of the corporation known today throughout the world as Royal Dutch/Shell. In 1900, Henry Detering (1866-1939), who was later called the “oil Napoleon,” became the managing director of this company, and then the chairman of the board of directors. Detering was a proponent of cooperation with Shell. On his initiative, in 1907, the capitals of Royal Dutch and Shell merged, and a new company was founded with two head offices in London and The Hague.

In the combined concern, 60% of the shares belonged to Royal Dutch, and 40% to Shell. This ratio still remains today.

Soon a period of growth began. The concern's scope of activity was constantly expanding, new crude oil deposits were being developed, scattered almost throughout the globe. Powerful oil refineries were controlled by the center in order to more quickly demand for petroleum products. Rights to oil production were acquired in Romania (1906), Russia (1910), Egypt (1913), Venezuela (1913) and some other countries and regions.

In 1912, the concern entered the US domestic market, beginning the development of oil fields and the construction of oil pipelines. In connection with the development of maritime and road transport, Shell relied on the production of fuel oil and gasoline and was not mistaken, which brought it enormous profits.

In 1919, English pilots John Alcock and Arthur Whitten-Brown made the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in a plane fueled by Shell fuel.

The First World War somewhat slowed down the company's rapid ascent to the oil Olympus, but after its end there was active growth again. Companies are being created in the USA, the Middle East, Malaysia, East and South Africa. In the early 30s, Shell took its first steps in mastering the production of petroleum-based chemical products. By the end of the 1930s, Shell was producing about 600 thousand barrels of crude oil per day, which accounted for more than 10% of world production.

The years of World War II were not easy for Shell. The Netherlands was occupied by Germany. Romania and the Far East also remained beyond the company's reach.

Shell actively cooperated with the governments of allied countries, ensuring uninterrupted supplies of aviation and motor gasoline, as well as fuel oil to all fronts of military operations.

The chemical company Shell Chemical Corporation has established the production of butadiene for the production of artificial rubber. During the war, all of the company's tankers came under the command of the government; as a result, in 1945 Shell was missing 87 of its ships.

At the end of the war, the concern set about restoring the destroyed enterprises and quite quickly coped with this task. The expansion of processing capacity began. Production of petroleum products increased in almost all regions, especially in Venezuela.

In the early 1950s, the world economy felt the need for new sources of crude oil. The concern launched prospecting and exploration work in Algeria, Trinidad, and on the shelf of British Borneo. Deposits were discovered in the Netherlands (Schoonebeek), Canada, Colombia, and Iraq. The increased volumes of oil production naturally led to the construction of new oil refineries, the largest of which were built in the Dutch port of Pernice, the French city of Rouen, Cardona (Venezuela), Geelong (Australia), and Bombay.

In the 50s, Shell already accounted for one seventh of the total world production of petroleum products, the output of which was constantly increasing. To transport oil, more powerful and capacious tankers (up to 200 thousand tons) were required. Soon such tankers became the main unit of the Shell fleet.

In 1959, a joint venture between Shell and Exxon discovered one of the richest natural gas fields in the Dutch town of Gronningen. Gas production has become another area of ​​the Shell diversified concern. By the early 70s, half of the gas consumed in Western Europe was produced in Gronningen.

In the mid-60s, Shell explored several unique gas fields in the North Sea, which required the development of a new technology for sea transportation of liquefied gas. In the 70s, Shell and its partners managed to supply five million tons of liquefied gas from Brunei to Japan. Shell has pioneered large-scale gas liquefaction and long-distance shipping projects. In the 80s, the export of liquefied natural gas produced by the concern increased significantly - in 1989, the largest project for the development of the north-western shelf of Australia and the supply of liquefied natural gas to Japan was carried out.

In addition to gas, in 1971 a giant Brent oil field was discovered in the North Sea under extremely difficult environmental conditions. Later, North Sea exploration and development became Shell's largest business. Harsh weather conditions dictated the need to use high-tech equipment for oil production. Following Brent, Shell discovered the Cormorant (1972), Dunlin (1973), Tern (1975) and Ayder (1976) fields. Brent's development is considered one of the most technologically complex and expensive projects in the history of mankind.

In the mid-70s, demand for oil fell. The events in Iran in 1978-79 and the associated restrictions on oil supplies - all this gave rise to the need to search for alternative energy sources. Gas consumption in Europe more than doubled in the late 1970s. 50% of this amount was provided by Shell and its partners.

By expanding the range of its activities, the concern strengthened its position in the coal and metallurgical industries. In 1981, a large magnesium production plant went into operation in Wendam (the Netherlands).

In the 1980s, Shell's efforts focused on differentiating products and services and increasing production efficiency through automation of distribution and sales networks.

During the same period, Shell switched to the production of unleaded gasoline, a more environmentally friendly fuel.

By the end of the decade, the company was processing approximately three million barrels of crude oil at its plants. A quarter of the concern's total income came from chemical production. And yet, the 80s were unprecedented in the development of offshore fields in the North Sea. In its Norwegian sector, Europe's second largest gas field, Troll, was discovered. Two major oil and gas fields have been explored in the Gulf of Mexico - Bullwinkle and Auger. In 1989, daily oil production from the Bullwinkle platform, installed at a depth of 412 m, reached 8 thousand barrels. In 1994, another giant Auger platform was built on pre-tensioned supports, the height of which was 872 m. This is the tallest permanent structure in the world on the seabed.

To maintain a competitive advantage, Shell is ready to make fundamental changes in its structure. These changes include the merger in July 2005 of the parent companies of Royal Dutch and Shell Transport into a single company, Royal Dutch Shell plc.

Shell logo

For over a hundred years, the word "shell", or "Shell", the scallop shell logo and the distinctive colors of red and yellow have been used to identify a brand and promote a company's reputation. These symbols signify the quality of products and services and represent professionalism and values ​​throughout the world.

Why red and yellow?

In 1915, California-based Shell built service stations for the first time, and they needed to stand out from the competition. They used bright colors that would not be offensive to Californians: due to the state's close Spanish ties, red and yellow were chosen.

Today's colors came years later, with the introduction of Shell's vibrant, eye-catching red and yellow colors for the company's new retail products in 1995. The scallop remains one of the brand's most famous symbols in the 21st century.

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