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Download presentation global warming. Global warming! Global warming is the process of a gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans

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What is global warming? What causes global warming? What is the greenhouse effect? Evidence of a disaster How is global warming predicted? Human impact Human impact Impact on the environment Measures taken Combating global warming This is important and interesting Personal struggle for climate Visually

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Warming is likely to increase the frequency and magnitude of such events. Also, one of the main signs of global warming is climate instability. Above-zero temperatures are replaced by frosts. Global warming is the process of a gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean. In addition to rising sea levels, rising global temperatures will also lead to changes in the amount and distribution of precipitation. As a result, natural disasters such as floods, droughts, hurricanes and others may become more frequent, agricultural yields will decrease and many species will disappear.

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According to scientific data, global warming can be caused by many factors: solar activity, behavior of the World Ocean (typhoons, hurricanes), volcanic eruptions, interactions between the Sun and the planets of the solar system, the Earth’s magnetic field, human activity (anthropogenic factor). The idea is supported by the majority of scientists, public organizations and the media, which does not mean its unshakable truth. Most likely, it will turn out that each of these components contributes to global warming. Until now, scientists cannot say with 100% certainty what causes climate change. Many hypotheses and assumptions have been put forward as the causes of global warming.

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All ongoing climate processes on the planet depend on the activity of our luminary - the Sun. Therefore, even the smallest changes in the activity of the Sun will certainly affect the weather and climate of the Earth. It is likely that the observed global warming is associated with another increase in solar activity, which may decline again in the future. Hypothesis 2 The culprit of global climate change is the ocean. The world's oceans largely determine the direction and speed of movement of warm oceanic and air masses on Earth, which greatly influence the planet's climate. A large amount of CO2 and a number of other greenhouse gases are dissolved in ocean waters; as a result of certain natural processes, these gases can enter the atmosphere, significantly influencing the Earth’s climate. Hypothesis 1 The cause of global warming is a change in solar activity.

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Hypothesis 4 Unknown interactions between the Sun and the planets of the solar system. It is not for nothing that the word “system” is mentioned in the phrase “Solar System”, and in any system, as is known, there are connections between its components. The relative position of the planets and the Sun can affect the distribution and strength of gravitational fields, solar and other types of energy. It is possible that connections and interactions between the Sun and the planets have a significant impact on the processes occurring in the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the Earth. Volcanic activity is a source of aerosols of sulfuric acid and large amounts of carbon dioxide entering the Earth's atmosphere, which can also significantly affect the Earth's climate. Large eruptions are initially accompanied by cooling. Subsequently, the CO2 released during the eruption causes an increase in the average annual temperature on Earth. A long-term decrease in volcanic activity ultimately increases temperatures on the planet. Hypothesis 3 Increased volcanic activity.

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Hypothesis 5 It’s all human’s fault. The most popular hypothesis. The high rate of climate change occurring in recent decades can indeed be explained by increasing anthropogenic human activity, which affects the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Over the past 100 years, it can be seen that the rate of increase in the average air temperature of the Earth's lower atmosphere is too high for natural processes. Earlier in Earth's history, changes took place over millennia. Planet Earth is such a large and complex system with a huge number of structural elements that its global climatic characteristics can change significantly without any changes in solar activity and the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Various mathematical models show that over the course of a century, fluctuations in the temperature of the surface air layer can reach 0.4°C. Hypothesis 6 Climate change can occur on its own without any external influences or human activities.

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We are talking about certain gaseous substances that trap solar energy in the Earth's atmosphere. Without them, the planet would be too cold to live. The most important of these gases for the natural greenhouse effect is water vapor. However, their concentration in the atmosphere remains almost unchanged, and they play almost no role in the warming that may be caused by the greenhouse effect from human activity. Other greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxides, which are released into the atmosphere by human industrial and agricultural activities and by burning fuels. Their concentration in the atmosphere is increasing: in particular, over two centuries, the concentration of CO2 has increased by 30%. Most climate scientists agree with the theory that rising concentrations of these gases cause the Earth's temperature to rise.

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Rising temperatures. It is generally accepted that temperatures have risen by about 0.6°C over the past century. It is assumed that warming began to gain momentum since 1976, the beginning of rapid human industrial activity, and reached its maximum acceleration in the second half of the 90s. Rising sea levels. As a result of warming and melting of glaciers in the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland, the water level on the planet has risen by 10-20 cm, possibly more. Melting glaciers. Global warming is indeed the cause of the melting of glaciers, and photographs will confirm this better than words. The Uppsala Glacier in Patagonia (Argentina) was one of the largest glaciers in South America, but is now disappearing at a rate of 200 meters per year.

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Portage Glacier in Alaska Uppsala Glacier in Patagonia (Argentina) was one of the largest glaciers in South America, but is now disappearing at a rate of 200 meters per year.

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Already by 1940, the amount of ice in the Greenland Sea had been reduced by half, in the Barents Sea by almost a third, and in the Soviet sector of the Arctic, the total ice area had decreased by almost half. It was then that a significant increase in the temperature of the Arctic seas was recorded, and the retreat of glaciers in the Alps and the Caucasus was noted. The total ice area of ​​the Caucasus decreased by 10%, and the thickness of the ice in some places decreased by 100 meters. The temperature increase in Greenland was 5°C, and in Spitsbergen it was 9°C. Since 1979, a rapid increase in the temperature of the surface layer of the Earth's atmosphere began, which caused another acceleration in the melting of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic and an increase in winter temperatures in temperate latitudes. Thus, over the past 50 years, the thickness of Arctic ice has decreased by 40%, and the average winter temperature in Siberia has increased by almost ten degrees.

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Ultra-deep drilling of glaciers is also used to obtain data; sometimes samples are taken from depths of up to 3000 meters. This ancient ice stores information about temperature, solar activity, and the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field at that time. The information is used for comparison with current indicators. Global warming and its development are predicted mainly using computer models, based on collected data on temperature, carbon dioxide concentrations and much more. Of course, the accuracy of such forecasts leaves much to be desired and, as a rule, does not exceed 50%, and the further scientists aim, the less likely the prediction will come true.

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Humanity is destroying its cradle - the Earth. It is human activity that leads to global warming and climate change, which, in turn, can cause catastrophic consequences for the ecology of the planet and for the people themselves. The UN Panel on Climate Change has issued its strongest warning yet on the impact of human activity on the planet's temperature. It should be added that there is also the IPCC, which is the world's most influential group on climate issues, consisting of 2 thousand 500 scientists from more than 130 countries. Human activity The IPCC report reached disappointing conclusions. An IPCC report published in 2001 stated that the link between warming and human activity is approximately 66%. As scientists write, it is human activity in burning natural fuels and the resulting greenhouse effect that largely explains global warming over the past 50 years. According to the "best estimate", temperatures in the 21st century will rise by 1.8-4.0 degrees Celsius, and sea levels by 28-43 centimeters. Experts predict more heavy rainfall, melting glaciers, droughts, unseasonably warm weather and rising sea levels. The report says that human-caused processes are like a runaway train. It is almost impossible to stop them. As environmentalists have established, until now the lion's share of the heat has been absorbed by the world's oceans, but the capacity of this giant battery is running out - the water has warmed up to a depth of three kilometers. The result is global climate change

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Half of all inhabited areas in the world could become uninhabitable due to global warming. Climate warming can lead to a variety of environmental consequences - shifts of the boundaries of natural zones to the north, a reduction in the area of ​​permafrost, and the retreat of mountain glaciers. There is a possibility that the tundra and taiga zones will shrink. The risk of forest fires will increase. A very serious consequence of global warming for Eurasia is the northward shift of the permafrost boundary as a result of the thawing of underground ice. This activates the processes of thermokarst and erosion, changing engineering and geological conditions over vast areas. Permafrost degradation is associated with disruption of communications, destruction of foundations, and subsidence of buildings. By the middle of this century, according to forecasts, mountain glaciers in Central Asia will lose up to a quarter of their volume. Rapid melting of snow in the mountains can reduce the snow supply of mountain rivers, which will lead to their shallowing. Rapid changes in water temperature and oxygen content will lead to an increase in populations of small fish that do not have high economic value. Global climate change will also affect the energy sector. Electricity consumption for cooling needs will increase. Conditions for oil and natural gas production in areas with permafrost will become sharply more difficult. In Russia, climate warming of 1-2 °C will not significantly affect the efficiency of energy supply enterprises. The real consequence of global climate change is the rise in sea level, which is now occurring at a rate of 1-2.5 mm/year. Rising sea levels will lead to the intrusion of saline seawater into aquifers and salinization of soils. Fisheries are another sector of the world economy that is sensitive to climate change.

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Widespread compromise among climate scientists regarding the continued rise in global temperatures has led to a number of governments, corporations and individuals attempting to prevent or adapt to global warming. Many environmental organizations are advocating for action against climate change. Some also advocate limiting global fossil fuel production, citing the direct link between fuel combustion and CO2 emissions. Today, the main global agreement to combat global warming is the Kyoto Protocol (agreed in 1997, entered into force in 2005), an addition to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The protocol includes more than 160 countries and covers about 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union must reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases by 8%, the United States by 7%, Japan by 6%. By 2012, the protocol obliges the remaining 35 industrialized countries to reduce gas emissions into the atmosphere by 5% from the level of the 1990s. Thus, it is assumed that the main goal - reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 5% over the next 15 years - will be achieved. But this will not stop global warming, but will only slow down its growth slightly. And that's the best case scenario. So, we can conclude that serious measures to prevent global warming are not being considered or taken.

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The purpose of the action was the need to reduce the amount of electricity consumed, and therefore reduce the volume of carbon dioxide emitted into the planet’s atmosphere. This is how, according to WWF members, humanity will be able to avoid global climate change. Despite the fact that the role of carbon in global warming has not yet been proven, such a large-scale action deserves great respect. This means that humanity, if necessary, will be able to act as a single organism and save its planet. This year, about 75 countries and 530 cities around the world took part in the event. Earth Hour is coming! On March 28, 2009, at exactly 20:30, a billion people on our planet, under the auspices of WWF, turned off the lights for one hour. This year, Earth Hour has become one of the most widespread events in the last decade. People who care about the fate of our planet spent an entire hour in complete darkness. Turn off the lights and stop global warming. The lights of the Colosseum went out in Rome. In Athens, the parliament and city hall buildings were temporarily cut off. And in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​the main city squares remained without lighting. Greenpeace, commenting on the IPCC findings, said that “if the 2001 report sounded like a wake-up call, this one is a fire siren” warning of the danger looming over all of humanity. On the eve of the publication of the 2001 IPCC report, a campaign was held among scientists in Europe “Let's give the planet five minutes of respite.” Its organizers called on the population to leave their cars at least for a day and save electricity. In Paris, the lights on the Eiffel Tower were turned off.

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Eyes. To withstand contact with pollutants in the atmosphere, a person's eyes will become smaller and more pig-like. The transparent membrane (which can now be found in the inner corner of the eyes) will become larger in size and will serve as a second eyelid of the nose. It will increase in size and be equipped with a system of compartments and caves to better purify the air. For the same reason, your nose hair will become thicker and longer. Lungs. They will increase in size and have a denser circulatory system, which will allow them to extract from the air the small amount of oxygen that remains in it. Liver. Since its function is to purify the blood, it will increase to enormous sizes in order to more successfully filter toxic substances. Leather. It will become rougher, with keratinized areas to avoid burns from chemical pollutants in the atmosphere. Hair. Will disappear due to severe climate warming. Ears. Increased noise pollution will cause folds in the ears, making them more dog-like. A person will be able to raise them to listen and lower them to reduce noise. Bone structure. The person will become short. This will be caused by a relative lack of vitamin D (due to reduced exposure to sunlight and a poorer diet) Respiratory apparatus. Immediately after birth, the person will be attached for some time to a special apparatus that will help him breathe for the first weeks of life. Appendix. It will again become a working organ, helping to process food, which by that time will become exclusively plant-based (since meat will become unfit for consumption due to environmental pollution). Kidneys. They will acquire a new function - extracting water from urine and preserving water in the body. Character. The person will be slightly crazy. This will be caused by the presence of toxic substances in food. Despite this, scientists believe that long before the physiological changes described above occur, humanity will become extinct.

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Switch to energy-saving lamps - they produce less heat than incandescent lamps, consume less electricity and can last for years. The disadvantage is the price. Use the energy of the sun - you can install solar panels on the roof. A system of batteries, an accumulator and a converter, which will ultimately provide you with a voltage of 220V. To reduce energy consumption, it is recommended to replace old window frames in apartments and entrances of houses with double-glazed windows that retain heat. Doors can also be insulated. According to scientists working on the problems of global climate change, humanity is able to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere, and everyone can participate in the struggle for the survival of the planet. We have calculated how much these measures will cost. Walk, take public transport or ride a bicycle. Reduce the use of disposable plastic bags and plastic bottles. The fewer plastic bags used, the fewer they will be produced (plastic production produces huge CO2 emissions). In European stores they are already being replaced with reusable fabric bags. The same goes for plastic bottles, you can reuse them or not buy them at all. When leaving home, turn off electrical appliances. This will reduce the consumption of electricity and the volume of its production and emissions of thermal power plants into the atmosphere.

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The melting of the glacier led to the release of a large number of icebergs. The accumulation of icebergs prevents the release of cold waters from the seas, which in turn leads to a disruption of the ecological balance (one of the consequences, for example, is the death of penguins, who were unable to reach their usual food sources due to the fact that the ice in the seas lasted longer than usual). One of the most visible processes associated with global warming is the melting of glaciers. Over the past half century, temperatures in southwest Antarctica have increased by 2.5 °C. Glaciers are being destroyed. The entire process of glacier destruction takes just over a month. Before this, many glaciers remained stable for 10 thousand years, since the end of the last ice age. Over thousands of years, the thickness of the glacier decreased gradually, but in the second half of the 20th century, the rate of its melting increased significantly. An acceleration of the process of permafrost degradation was also noted. Since the beginning of the 1970s, the temperature of permafrost soils in Western Siberia has increased by 1.0 °C, in central Yakutia - by 1-1.5 °C. In northern Alaska, temperatures in the upper permafrost layer have increased by 3°C since the mid-1980s.

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Korosteleva Valentina Ivanyushkina Regina Under the guidance of physics teacher Kochergina O.Yu.

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Global warming and me

There has been a lot of talk about global warming lately, and a lot of publications in the press. Global warming has come into our lives. For example, in the Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad, I saw that there was a lot of snow during the days of the battle. Now, 66 years later, snow in winter in our area has become a rarity. And I wondered, is it global warming? About the author I, Fritzler Viktor, a student of 3rd grade B of secondary school No. 30. I am 9 years old. I like to read and solve non-standard problems

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Project focus

Development of skills to independently work with information. Development of skills in conducting research, collecting statistical information and processing it.

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Typological features of the project

The main activity in the project is research and information. Contents: man and environment. Duration – long.

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Project goals and objectives

Attracting students' attention to the problem of global warming. Research of public opinion on the issue of Propaganda of an environmentally correct lifestyle.

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Stages of work

Searching for information on the problem Conducting research (throughout the entire work) Sociological survey Action: “Drawings in defense of nature” Class hour, creating a presentation

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Global warming

Global warming is the process of a gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean. The graph shows that the average temperature on Earth has risen by 0.7°C compared to the start of the Industrial Revolution (in the 1850s)

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The greenhouse effect was discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824. This is the process by which the absorption and emission of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases causes heating of the atmosphere and surface of the planet. The glass walls of greenhouses also work. On Earth, the main greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane. Coal-fired power plants, car exhaust, factory chimneys and other human-made pollution sources together emit about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year. Livestock farming, fertilizer use, coal combustion and other sources produce about 250 million tons of methane per year. About half of all greenhouse gases emitted by humanity remain in the atmosphere.

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Changes in Solar Activity Solar activity causes phenomena such as solar flares, streams of accelerated particles, changes in electromagnetic radiation, disturbances in the solar wind, etc. Some scientists associate warming with changes in solar activity.

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Cooling due to global warming?

The opposite effect Global warming does not mean warming everywhere and at all times. According to one hypothesis, global warming will lead to a stop or serious weakening of the Gulf Stream. This will cause a drop in average temperatures in Europe, as the Gulf Stream warms the continent by transporting warm water from the tropics. The Gulf Stream is a warm sea current in the Atlantic Ocean. Due to the Gulf Stream, European countries adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean have a milder climate than regions at the same latitude, since masses of warm water heat the air passing over them, which is carried by westerly winds to Europe.

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Frightening forecasts

By the end of the 21st century, scientists expect: an increase in average temperature by 6°C; an increase in the level of the World Ocean by 0.5 meters. Entire countries with low-lying terrain, such as Bangladesh, may be flooded. The most likely changes in weather factors include increased precipitation; higher maximum temperatures, an increase in the number of hot days and a decrease in the number of frosty days in almost all regions of the Earth; reduction of temperature spread.

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Causes of global warming

Other theories Currently, none of these theories has a significant number of supporters among scientists. They believe the main cause of warming is the emission of greenhouse gases. There are many other hypotheses, including: The observed warming is within the limits of natural climate variability and does not require a separate explanation. The warming resulted from the emergence from the cold Little Ice Age. Warming has been observed for too short a time, so it is impossible to say with certainty whether it is happening at all.

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The Kyoto Protocol commits thirty-eight industrialized countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 5% from 1990 levels by 2008-2012: the European Union must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8%. USA - by 7%. Japan - by 6%. India and China did not join the agreement. In December 1997, at a meeting in Kyoto, Japan, on global climate change, delegates from more than one hundred and sixty countries adopted a convention obliging developed countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

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Not everyone shares the concerns

Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish ecologist and economist, believes that global warming is not as threatening as some experts and journalists echo them. “The topic of warming is overheated,” he says in Cool! Global warming. Skeptical leadership." The famous British naturalist and TV presenter David Bellamy believes that the most important environmental problem on the planet is the preservation of tropical forests in South America. In his opinion, the danger of global warming is greatly exaggerated, while the disappearance of forests, in which two-thirds of all animal and plant species on the planet live, is indeed a real and serious threat to humanity.

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Research work.

Collection of statistical information. Conducting a sociological survey. Presentation of the project to classmates and school teachers.

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Conducting independent research

Throughout the entire work, starting from October 2008, I took temperature measurements daily (at 14.00 Moscow time). The results are shown in the graph. This work will continue, and in a year I will be able to compare the data obtained and analyze the temperature change in our city.

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Society's attitude

Sociological survey 17 people aged from 9 to 85 years were interviewed. The survey results are shown in the diagram. It is noticeable that almost all respondents consider global warming to be a serious problem. Do you think global warming is a serious problem?

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Should we take action against global warming? 17 people aged from 9 to 85 years were interviewed. The survey results are shown in the diagram. Almost three-quarters of those surveyed believe that it is necessary to counteract global warming. Sociological survey

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Alexander Mikhailovich Lives in the Kotovsky district of the Volgograd region for more than 50 years. - Climate warming is very noticeable. Winters have become much warmer than when I was a schoolboy and student. Unlike those years, there were almost no snowfalls and frosts.

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Nadezhda Ivanovna Lives in the Northern Urals for more than 50 years. - It seems to me that winters have become warmer now. About 30 years ago, in winter in the Urals it could be up to 50 degrees below zero, but now it’s no colder than -35 degrees.

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Vladimir Davydovich Lives in the Volgograd region. Remembers times 80 years ago. - Everything was exactly the same. My clothes were bad, but I didn't freeze. Although, of course, it doesn’t happen from year to year. This autumn seems colder to me than it was several years ago...

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Project results

Based on the results of the work carried out, it can be argued that the problem of global warming really does exist. I have studied the concept of global warming, its causes and ways to prevent it. A class hour was held where this work was presented. The attention of students in grades 3-4 was drawn to this problem. Conclusions were drawn about the personal contribution of each: - the use of environmentally friendly materials (paper bags, aluminum cans, etc.). - a proposal was formulated for adults: to buy cars with low fuel consumption.

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Drawings in defense of nature

Galkina Yulia Gorodzhiy Dima Dolgavina Alena Konovalova Victoria Manaenkov Maxim

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Thank you for your attention!

In preparing the report, the following were used: materials from electronic resources materials from the book “Schoolchild's Encyclopedia. 4000 fascinating facts" photographs from the family archive. The author thanks the managers Budnikova I.N. and Fesenko V.I. as well as parents for their help in preparing the project.

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Presentation on the topic "Global warming" on geography in powerpoint format. The purpose of this presentation for schoolchildren is to show the relevance of the environmental problem at the present time, to talk about the causes and consequences of global warming.

Fragments from the presentation

Global problems of humanity

This is a set of socio-natural problems, the solution of which determines the social progress of mankind and the preservation of civilization. These problems are characterized by dynamism, arise as an objective factor in the development of society and require the united efforts of all humanity to be solved. Global problems are interconnected, cover all aspects of people's lives and affect all countries of the world.

Classification of global problems
  • Ecological
  • Demographic
  • Preventing world nuclear war
  • Use of the world's oceans
  • Peaceful space exploration
  • Overcoming the backwardness of developing countries
  • Food
  • Energy and raw materials

Ecological problem

  • Environmental degradation (deforestation and soil depletion)
  • Pollution by solid, liquid and gaseous waste
  • Poisoning of the environment by chemicals created during the production process

Consequences of an environmental disaster

  • Most apocalypse scenarios, which come out with alarming regularity from the pens of the most authoritative scientists, involve a terrible environmental catastrophe. Ecologists trying to prevent deadly climate change constantly frighten humanity with a global flood that will result in the melting of glaciers, the movement of the poles, powerful hurricanes, terrible drought and other cataclysms that threaten enormous destruction and casualties among the population. Someone even proved that after warming there will be a severe cold snap.
  • Recent research conducted under the auspices of the UN has completely deprived earthlings of the opportunity to escape from a worldwide catastrophe. A new computer model has shown that global warming could exceed a critical threshold already this century and become a rapid, irreversible process.
  • Man is no longer able to stop global warming. First of all, this means that we do not have a single way to at least somehow delay the environmental catastrophe that threatens us in the coming decades.

Ice drift

  • The mass of ice began drifting 16 months ago from the coast of Ellesmere Island, which is located about 800 km from the North Pole, but then no one noticed it.
  • Scientists have discovered a drifting ice island leaving behind a trail of ice debris in satellite images.
  • Within a few days, the floating shelf was carried away from the coast several miles. He traveled about 60 kilometers to the west until he became frozen in sea ice due to the early winter.
  • Experts fear that prevailing winds will carry the ice island uncontrollably drifting south into the Botfort Sea and into the area of ​​offshore oil and gas fields.
  • The Eilis Ice Shelf, with an area of ​​approximately 106 sq km, was one of the six largest in the Canadian Arctic. According to scientists, this is the largest event of its kind in Canada in 30 years, and clearly indicates climate change towards warming. .
  • According to scientists, the area of ​​remaining Canadian ice shelves has decreased by 90% since 1906.
  • Canada's ice shelves are made up of ancient ice that is over 3,000 years old. They swim in the sea, but are connected to the mainland. Scientists say that glaciers are becoming more fragile every year due to rising average annual temperatures.
  • The Arctic has many shelves much larger than the Eilis, but warming threatens that many glaciers will begin to break off from the Arctic ice mass and drift.

Figures and facts on Earth's climate change

  • Let us present some figures and facts confirming the process of global warming and climate change on planet Earth.
  • From 2002 to 2005, due to the melting of the Antarctic shelf alone, the level of the World Ocean increased by 1.5 mm;
  • From 1996 to 2005, the melting of ice in Greenland doubled; the overall increase in water levels is about 3 mm per year;
  • Since the pre-industrial period of the mid-18th century, concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane have increased by 31% and 149%, respectively, about half of the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide has occurred since 1965.

Impact of global warming on fish

  • Global warming is causing more and more changes in the environment. The most famous of them are the melting of glaciers, rising sea levels and associated rumors about the possibility of a new “global warming” in the future. However, there are things that are not so striking to the average person, but are visible only to a specialist. In particular, this is how warming affects the planet's wildlife.
  • Biologists studying this problem, meanwhile, are ready to sound the alarm. Their observations showed that entire schools of cod, whiting and sole (a family of fish in the order flounder) are leaving their usual habitat and heading to northern latitudes. The same schools that still remained in this sea went to a much greater depth of habitat. Scientists came to the conclusion that the reason for the atypical behavior of the fish was the increase in water temperature in the North Sea.

Impact of global warming on animals

The effects of global warming affect more than just fish behavior. Many representatives of the Earth's fauna change not only their habitat, but also their established “habits”. Researchers have found that recently brown and Himalayan bears have stopped hibernating, since due to warming they can now easily get food at any time of the year. In Africa, warming, on the contrary, makes animals starve. The increase in drylands threatens the existence of elephants, rhinoceroses, lions, leopards and buffaloes. So soon the number of animals listed in the Red Book may increase sharply. And the reason for this will not be so much unregulated shooting, as was the case in the last century, but rather the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Greenhouse effect The greenhouse effect is the delay of the planet's thermal radiation by the Earth's atmosphere. Any of us has observed the greenhouse effect: in greenhouses or greenhouses the temperature is always higher than outside. The same thing is observed on a global scale: solar energy, passing through the atmosphere, heats the surface of the Earth, but the thermal energy emitted by the Earth cannot escape back into space, since the Earth’s atmosphere retains it, acting like polyethylene in a greenhouse: it transmits short light waves from the Sun to the Earth and delays long thermal (or infrared) waves emitted by the Earth's surface. A greenhouse effect occurs. The greenhouse effect occurs due to the presence of gases in the Earth's atmosphere that have the ability to trap long waves. They are called “greenhouse” or “greenhouse” gases. Further

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The climate on Earth is changing and this is becoming a global problem for all humanity. The fact of global climate change is confirmed by scientific observations and is not disputed by most scientists. And yet there are constant discussions around this topic. Some use the term “global warming” and make apocalyptic predictions. Others predict the onset of a new “ice age” - and also make apocalyptic predictions. Still others consider climate change to be natural, and the evidence from both sides about the inevitability of the catastrophic consequences of climate change is controversial... Global climate change Let's save the climate - let's start with simple energy solutions! Further

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The main driving force of climate is the Sun. In addition, climate is affected by changes in the Earth's orbit, its magnetic field, the size of continents and oceans, and volcanic eruptions. All these are natural causes of climate change. Until recently, they, and only they, determined climate change. Recently, one more factor has been added to natural factors - anthropogenic, i.e. caused by human activity. The main anthropogenic impact is the strengthening of the greenhouse effect, the influence of which on climate change in the last two centuries is 8 times higher than the influence of changes in solar activity. Causes of climate change Let's save the climate - start with simple energy solutions!

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Greenhouse Gases The most well-known and common greenhouse gases include water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and laughing gas or nitrous oxide (N2O). These are direct greenhouse gases. Most of them are formed during the combustion of organic fuel. In addition, there are two more groups of direct greenhouse gases, halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Their emissions into the atmosphere are associated with modern technologies and industrial processes. Their quantity in the atmosphere is absolutely negligible, but their influence on the greenhouse effect is tens of thousands of times stronger than CO2. Further

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Greenhouse effect But an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to an increase in the greenhouse effect and disruption of the Earth's thermal balance. This is exactly what happened in the last two centuries of civilization. Coal-fired power plants, car exhaust, factory chimneys and other human-made sources of pollution emit about 22 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year. Let's save the climate - start with simple energy solutions!

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Water vapor Water vapor is the main greenhouse gas, responsible for more than 60% of the natural greenhouse effect. An anthropogenic increase in its concentration in the atmosphere has not yet been observed. However, an increase in the Earth's temperature, caused by other factors, increases the evaporation of ocean water, which can lead to an increase in the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere and to an increase in the greenhouse effect. On the other hand, clouds in the atmosphere reflect direct sunlight, which reduces the energy input to the Earth and, accordingly, reduces the greenhouse effect. Further

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My Contribution Against Global Warming Get as much information as possible about global warming: awareness is the key to success. Next So, here are simple ways that, if followed, will not harm your well-being, but will make you more economical and at the same time help the climate take control. Turn off the TV, lights and other electrical appliances when not in use.

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Methane Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas. It is released due to leakage during the development of coal and natural gas deposits, from pipelines, during the combustion of biomass, in landfills (as a component of biogas), as well as in agriculture (cattle breeding, rice growing), etc. Livestock farming, fertilizer use, coal combustion and other sources produce about 250 million tons of methane per year. The amount of methane in the atmosphere is small, but its greenhouse effect, or global warming potential (GWP), is 21 times greater than CO2.

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Global Warming Global warming is a gradual increase in the average temperature on our planet caused by an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. According to direct climate observations (temperature changes over the past two hundred years), average temperatures on Earth have increased, and although the reasons for this increase are still the subject of debate, one of the most widely discussed is the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. An anthropogenic increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere disrupts the natural heat balance of the planet, enhances the greenhouse effect, and as a result, changes in air temperature and global warming. Further

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Human Impact The idea of ​​humanity's significant contribution to the greenhouse effect is supported by most governments, scientists, public organizations and the media, but is not yet a definitively established truth. Some argue that: the concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere have increased by 34% and 160%, respectively, since the pre-industrial period. Moreover, it has not reached this level for hundreds of thousands of years. This is clearly related to the increase in consumption of fuel resources and the development of industry. And it is confirmed by the coincidence of the graph of the increase in carbon dioxide concentration with the graph of the increase in temperature. Others object: 50-60 times more carbon dioxide is dissolved in the surface layer of the World Ocean than in the atmosphere. Compared to this, the human impact is simply negligible. In addition, the ocean has the ability to absorb CO2 and thereby compensate for human impacts.

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The impact of global warming on the world around us Next Global warming will greatly affect the lives of some animals. For example, polar bears, seals and penguins will be forced to change their habitats as polar ice disappears. Many species of animals and plants will also disappear without having time to adapt to the rapidly changing environment.

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The impact of global warming on the environment An increase in the number of climate disasters, an increase in the number of floods due to hurricanes, desertification and a reduction in summer precipitation by 15-20% in the main agricultural areas, increases in ocean levels and temperatures are expected, and the boundaries of natural zones will shift to the north. Moreover, according to some forecasts, global warming will cause the onset of the Little Ice Age. In the 19th century, the cause of such cooling was volcanic eruptions, in our century the cause is different - desalination of the world's oceans as a result of melting glaciers. Further

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Impact of global warming on humans In the short term: shortage of drinking water, increase in the number of infectious diseases, problems in agriculture due to droughts, increase in the number of deaths due to floods, hurricanes, heat and drought. Destruction of established and customary agricultural systems under the influence of droughts, irregular rainfall, etc. could actually bring about 600 million people to the brink of starvation. And in Asia and China, due to melting glaciers and changes in precipitation patterns, an environmental crisis may occur. Next Let's save the climate - let's start with simple energy solutions!

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The impact of global warming on humans An increase in temperature of 1.5-4.5 ° C will lead to a rise in sea level by 40-120 cm. This means the flooding of many small islands and floods in coastal areas. In the long term, this may lead to the next stage of human evolution. Our ancestors faced a similar problem when the temperature rose sharply by 10°C after the Ice Age, but this is what led to the creation of our civilization.

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Measures against global warming 1. Reduce the burning of fossil fuels. Today, 80% of our energy comes from fossil fuels, the combustion of which is the main source of greenhouse gases. Next are practical actions that we can take at school, at home, throughout the local community to reduce the anthropogenic impact on climate change. 2. Use renewable energy sources more widely. Solar and wind energy, biomass and geothermal energy, and tidal energy are key factors for the long-term sustainable development of humanity.

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Measures against global warming Next Practical actions that we can take at school, at home, throughout the local community to reduce the anthropogenic impact on climate change. 4. Reduce energy losses during energy production and transportation The transition from large-scale energy to small-scale local power plants will reduce energy losses. up to 50% energy! 3. Stop destroying ecosystems! All attacks on pristine ecosystems must stop. Natural ecosystems absorb CO2. Forests are especially good at this. But in many regions of the world, forests continue to be destroyed at catastrophic rates.

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Measures against global warming Next Practical actions that we can take at school, at home, throughout the local community to reduce the anthropogenic impact on climate change. 6. Reduce energy consumption in the construction and housing sector. Regulations should be adopted requiring the use of energy-efficient materials and technologies in the construction of new buildings, which will reduce energy consumption in homes by several times. 5. Use new energy-efficient technologies in industry Currently, the efficiency of most technologies used is about 30%! It is necessary to introduce new energy-efficient production technologies.

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Measures against global warming Next Practical actions that we can take at school, at home, throughout the local community to reduce the anthropogenic impact on climate change. 8. New ways to move. Today, in large cities, vehicle emissions account for 60-80% of all emissions. It is necessary to encourage the use of new environmentally friendly modes of transport and develop infrastructure for cyclists. 7. New laws and incentives. Laws should be passed to impose higher taxes on businesses that exceed CO2 emission limits. Redirect financial flows to the development of these technologies and industries.

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Measures against global warming Practical actions that we can take at school, at home, throughout the local community to reduce the anthropogenic impact on climate change. 9. Promote and encourage energy conservation and careful use of natural resources by residents of all countries

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My contribution against global warming Make the most of natural light. Next So, here are simple ways that, if followed, will not harm your well-being, but will make you more economical and at the same time help the climate take control. Replace your old light bulbs with fluorescent, energy-saving ones

Data analysis shows that over the past century, our planet Earth has warmed one degree above average. According to scientists, in the next 50 years the temperature will rise by another 3-5 degrees, which will lead to dire consequences both for the Earth and for people and wildlife. 3-5 degrees 3-5 degrees

Scientists have recorded for the first time the mass death of polar bears in the ocean waters off the coast of Alaska, where they apparently drowned after swimming a long distance in the meltwater of the Arctic ice shelf. Bears spend their lives mainly on floating ice floes, where they hunt and raise their young.

Climate change on Earth occurs both as a result of natural internal processes and in response to external influences, both anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic. Among the main external influences are changes in the Earth's orbit, solar activity, volcanic emissions and the greenhouse effect. Climate change on Earth occurs both as a result of natural internal processes and in response to external influences, both anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic. Among the main external influences are changes in the Earth's orbit, solar activity, volcanic emissions and the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Without it, the existence of living organisms on Earth would be impossible. The average temperature on Earth, which is currently 15 degrees Celsius, would be much lower, only minus 19 degrees Celsius, and life on it would practically freeze. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Without it, the existence of living organisms on Earth would be impossible. The average temperature on Earth, which is currently 15 degrees Celsius, would be significantly lower, only minus 19 degrees Celsius, and life on it would practically come to a standstill

Car exhaust, factory chimneys, and other man-made sources of pollution together emit about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year. Car exhaust, factory chimneys, and other man-made sources of pollution together emit about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year.

Scientists' ideas for saving the Earth from global warming. Proposals for solving the problem of global warming from leading scientists are sometimes fantastic in nature, but are considered by experts seriously because they may turn out to be useful, sooner or later.

Today, the Earth absorbs 70% of all the radiation it receives from the Sun, so something needs to be done to reduce this figure. Astronomer Roger Anzel proposes placing millions of lenses around the Earth with a diameter of 60 cm and weighing several grams, which will be able to reflect the sun's rays. This will lead to a decrease in solar radiation. Astronomer Roger Anzel proposes placing millions of lenses around the Earth with a diameter of 60 cm and weighing several grams, which will be able to reflect the sun's rays. This will lead to a decrease in solar radiation. The academician, director of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, proposed his version of saving the earth: To reduce the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere by 1-2 degrees, it is necessary to pump about 600 thousand tons of aerosol particles into the stratosphere. To do this, it will be necessary to burn thousands of tons of sulfur. The academician, director of the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, proposed his own version of saving the earth: To reduce the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere by 1-2 degrees, it is necessary to pump about 600 thousand tons of aerosol particles into the stratosphere. This will require burning thousands of tons of sulfur

According to another similar idea, it is proposed to create a ring of small particles or spaceships around the Earth, which can shade the tropics and thereby moderate the climate. Reflective particles can be taken from mining on Earth, the Moon or asteroids. The fact is that global warming is gradually turning the Earth into one large desert, where, along with the growth of the world population, water resources are noticeably decreasing: the melting of the so-called “Ice Cap” due to climate change leads to the fact that many of the sources of fresh water will soon time will be poisoned.