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How much money does it take to open a canteen? MSU student canteens: a look from the inside

  • Pros of this business
  • What equipment to choose for the dining room
  • How much money do you need to open a canteen?
  • Dining room opening technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Nowadays, canteens have gained a foothold in the corporate catering market, which is developing extremely dynamically and is very attractive. Catering is more like selling products with predicted demand.

In Soviet times, canteens were, as a rule, classified as sensitive enterprises and organized meals exclusively for their employees. Canteens of this type are still found today, but less and less often and mainly in government institutions.

In addition, cafeterias are making a comeback not only as corporate catering, but also as a new option for dining outside of home or work.

Modern classification of dining rooms

  • Closed canteens (intended for feeding groups).
  • Open-type dining rooms (serve visitors coming directly from the street).
  • Location (canteen at an office center, hospital, factory, holiday home, school canteen).
  • Technological principle (dining room with pre-cooking kitchen or industrial (closed) type dining room.
  • Form of customer service (distribution line, free flow, with the participation of waiters).
  • Form of payment to visitors (cash, non-cash payments using credit cards).

The canteen market today is considered extremely attractive for investors: demand in this market still significantly exceeds supply.

The designer of a canteen faces the main task - the facility must provide the ability to feed a large number of people in a limited time period. The principle of a set menu helps solve this problem: the client is offered a choice of two or three types of set meals. When compiling such complexes, the nutrient content, as well as climatic, age and professional characteristics are taken into account. The set menu has both its pros and cons.

Pros of this business

  • No queues, fast customer service.
  • Due to the limited number of dishes and the presence of a constant number of visitors, it is possible to draw up a production plan quite accurately.
  • The number of canteen staff is small.
  • Rational use of equipment.
  • Payments to visitors are very convenient.

There is one minus, but a very significant one: limited range of dishes, depriving customers of the right to choose.

The modern format of canteens is free flow. The main principles of this format are affordable prices and self-service. The equipment is arranged according to the island principle, which allows the client to choose the desired dishes himself, moving from one “island” to another. Having chosen what he likes, the visitor goes to the checkout. This format significantly reduces the time spent serving one client, which helps eliminate queues.

The effectiveness of such a format as a canteen is recognized by other players in the segment - restaurants and classic fast food. Various versions of canteens are the most promising type of organizing mass catering. Moreover, the canteen does not compete with restaurants for clientele: people go there to eat, while they go to restaurants for the atmosphere.

To open a canteen, you need to follow a certain algorithm, which is quite complex and lengthy.

Step-by-step plan for opening a dining room

  • Opening a canteen is a project, so at the initial stage the future owner of the establishment faces an organizational task. It is necessary to assemble a team ready to solve certain problems associated with the opening. The team consists of two or three people, it is desirable that this group includes someone who at least has a general understanding of the production process.
  • The next stage is the creation and approval of the general concept of the future dining room. It is necessary to determine the footage, the concept of the establishment, the work schedule, the expected portrait of the visitor, the interior, and the time frame for the canteen.
  • In full accordance with the identified concept of the future establishment, announce a competition and select a canteen design organization. Most often, this service is offered as an additional service by large suppliers of canteen equipment.
  • With the help of a designer, create a design project and approve it. The design project reflects the location of various premises - production, auxiliary, administrative, dining room. The project also reflects how all the premises will be decorated.
  • Development of a working project. The document contains a detailed description of the canteen's communications: electrical networks, water, sewerage, television and computer networks. The document also includes a plan for the arrangement of equipment and furniture.
  • Next, the financial side of the project is calculated. You should plan for at least two years. An important point is the sources of financing (own or borrowed funds).
  • Selection of a general contractor for repair work. The contractor can be a serious company or a familiar team from the CIS countries. In this case, everything depends on the scope of work and the willingness of the future owner of the canteen to control the activities of the builders.
  • The next stage is the coordination of project documentation with state control bodies: UGPS (Fire Service), Committee for City Property Management, Sanitary and Epidemiological Control (GSEN), Technical Supervision, Committee for Control of the Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments.
  • If the first floor of a residential building is used as a premises, it is necessary to transfer the premises to non-residential premises. Although, most often this point is not required, since canteens are rarely opened in residential buildings.
  • Repair of the premises in accordance with the project. It is advisable that the organization that prepared the design project monitor the repair work. If the project organization for some reason refused to carry out supervision, the project team will have to do this.
  • Carrying out preparatory work for the study of gas communications. In principle, this point can be omitted, since most modern canteens run on electricity.
  • Wiring of security, fire, telephone and computer networks in full accordance with the project.
  • Wiring of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Design installation of water supply, water treatment and sewerage systems.
  • Selection, purchase and configuration of canteen automation systems - cash register, warehouse and accounting.
  • Carrying out the official handing over of the premises to the state commission, signing acts of the State Sanitary Service, KUGI, Technical Supervision, UGPS, GIOP.
  • Purchasing furniture for the dining room, arranging chairs and tables in accordance with the design project. It is advisable to purchase twenty percent more furniture than stated in the project: this way you can avoid problems with inevitable furniture breakdowns in the future.
  • Order and supply of necessary technological equipment. It is best to purchase equipment from one organization: this way you can get discounts and decide on the location of warranty repairs and maintenance. Very often, suppliers offer additional warranties for those who purchase turnkey equipment. Equipment is delivered on average in one to two and a half months.
  • Purchase of dishes, kitchen utensils, cutlery, glass. All these goods can be purchased from the organization supplying the equipment. It is advisable to purchase twenty to thirty percent more dishes than are required for the needs of the dining room.
  • Development and approval of the organizational structure of the institution. It is necessary to decide how many cooks will work in the canteen in the cold and hot shops, cashiers, dishwashers, workers on the distribution lines, support workers and managers. The number of staff is determined based on the expected number of clients in the canteen (in addition, you need to take into account the number of lunches that are supposed to be sent to offices for delivery). It is advisable to start recruiting personnel a month before the planned opening of the canteen, since finding qualified workers is not so easy.
  • Instruction and training of personnel.
  • Development of advertising materials (flyers, questionnaires, business cards, etc.).
  • Preparation of design and ordering of uniforms for staff.
  • Concluding an agreement with an advertising agency that will promote the canteen.
  • Approval of the design of street advertising and signage on the facade of the building. Coordination of the sign with state supervisory authorities, obtaining permission. Installation of signs and advertising structures.
  • Selection of television and audio equipment used in the hall (plasma TVs, speaker systems).
  • Purchasing furniture for utility rooms.
  • Concluding agreements with food and beverage suppliers.
  • The final stage of cosmetic improvements to the premises, cleaning.
  • Development of regulations according to which food will be prepared in the cafe and inventory will be carried out.
  • Formation of the start menu. It is necessary that the menu include dishes from pork, beef, poultry, and fish. Vegetarian dishes are highly recommended.
  • Obtaining permission from GSEN for the assortment.
  • Signing contracts with companies involved in deratization, waste removal and disinfection.
  • Signing an agreement with companies involved in servicing computer systems.
  • Selection of a medical institution where personnel will undergo medical examination.
  • Installation of a payment terminal under an agreement with the bank.
  • Development of a presentation for the dining room.
  • Registration of cash registers with the tax service.
  • Initial purchase of products in accordance with the starting menu.
  • Last cleaning of the premises before the start.
  • An advertising company targeting potential clients. Notifying employees of nearby offices about the opening of a new catering outlet is considered a very effective way.
  • Grand opening.

As you can see, there are a lot of tasks, but none of them are overwhelming. To open a canteen, you need time, a budget, a willingness to take certain risks and a charge of optimism.

What equipment to choose for the dining room

An ordinary canteen may have advantages that allow the establishment to successfully compete with cafes and fast food. First of all, this is the location. It is extremely important that the canteen is located close to its “target audience” - an office center, a student campus, an industrial enterprise, etc.

If the canteen is organized in a small enterprise with up to ten employees, you can get by with the simplest kitchen appliances. For canteens serving 30-100 visitors, a mini-kitchen without a serving line is sufficient. The dining room has over a hundred seats and is equipped with all types of equipment, including distribution lines.

A distribution line is a specific type of table equipment designed for quick delivery of ready-made dishes to the client.

Basic equipment for the canteen: digestive tilting boilers, electric stoves, refrigerated tables, convection ovens, combi steamers, meat grinders, vegetable cutters, potato peelers, boilers, refrigerators, dishwashers, scales. Neutral equipment includes racks, production tables, washing baths, pallets, etc. Kitchen equipment: pots, cauldrons, frying pans, trays, knives, strainers, graters, colanders, stewpans, sauce and pouring spoons, rolling pins, tongs, bowls, bottle openers, etc. For table setting you need trays, plates, spice sets, saucers, cutlery, glasses, glasses and cups.

How much money do you need to open a canteen?

An entrepreneur who decides to open a canteen must immediately calculate the profitability of the business. Experts recommend immediately providing for the main expenses:

  • Rent of premises - from one to 1.5 million rubles per year (relevant for Moscow and other large cities).
  • Equipment - from seven hundred thousand to 1.5 million rubles.
  • Personnel costs - from two million per year (for Moscow and St. Petersburg).
  • Transport costs (depend on region).

How much can you earn by opening a canteen?

The income of the canteen consists of profits from the sale of dishes, from money received for banquets, weddings and corporate parties. On average, the canteen pays for itself in one to two years, which is considered an excellent indicator.

Opening a canteen involves certain expenses and risks. There is a lot of work to be done in various areas: approvals, supervision of repairs, recruitment of personnel, work on advertising, etc. It is important to understand that the profitability of a canteen depends on its location: if it is located far from offices and government institutions, the establishment will not pay for itself. If all factors go well, the canteen will be guaranteed to bring a stable income to the owner. After all, the catering market in our country has seriously swayed since Soviet times and people have almost forgotten what inexpensive and high-quality mass catering is.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a canteen?

When registering a business, you should indicate the main OKVED code 55.51, which is used directly for canteens and public catering places. Additional codes are:

  • 30 - activities of cafes and restaurants;
  • 40 - bar activities;
  • 52 - supply of catering products.

Which tax system to choose

If the size of the hall does not exceed 150 sq. m when registering a canteen you can use UTII or simplified tax system. In the event that the dining room has an area of ​​more than 150 sq. Only a simplified taxation system is suitable. In the event that it is planned to supply lunches to offices, even with a small room, the choice is given to the simplified tax system “income minus expenses”.

What documents are needed to open

To open a canteen you will need to complete a special package of documentation:

  • Drawing up technological regulations for the production of dishes;
  • Agreements for the provision of disinfection and deratization services;
  • Agreements with public utilities for ventilation maintenance, waste removal and disposal;
  • Equipment maintenance agreements;
  • Availability of a bank account;
  • Registering a cash register.

Do I need a permit to operate?

Opening a canteen does not require special licensing. Permits will have to be obtained from the SES, fire inspectorate, and Rospotrebnadzor. Also, the presence of quality certificates for raw materials involved in the food preparation process is mandatory.

After registration IP or OOO you need to obtain all the necessary documents. First of all, a permit for retail trade from Rospotrebnadzor.

After this, you contact local authorities to obtain permission to work in this territory.

In order to be able to sell alcohol, a company needs an authorized capital of at least 15-16 thousand dollars.

In addition, to open a public catering establishment, you will need the following documents:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. The list of sanitary requirements for the dining room can be found in SanPiN To prepare for all inspections, it is also worth studying the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”;
  • Product quality certificates. All dishes in the dining room must strictly comply with state standards. You can order such a service from private certification centers that certify product compliance with all requirements and standards;
  • Developed production control program, which must be agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Permission from Rospozharnadzor. To obtain it, it is necessary to install a fire alarm, purchase fire extinguishers, develop an evacuation plan and ensure the availability of two emergency exits;
  • Agreement on disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation systems;
  • Waste disposal agreement.

If you have a large city, then coordination with law enforcement agencies regarding the placement of the canteen will also be required. The establishment must also be equipped with a panic button.

Requirements for the dining room

You should start with choosing a location and premises. Since the canteen usually does not advertise itself in any way, you need to choose a busy place in a city with good traffic.

Most often, the dining room is located in a separate building or on the ground floor of a residential building. In the latter case, the premises are first transferred to non-residential use.

It is best to have one in a building that has already housed an institution of a similar type.

The most important requirement for a dining room is that production areas (kitchen, warehouse) must be separated from the dining room.

For a small dining room you will need approximately 200 square meters. Of these, 100 sq. m. is a kitchen and household premises, about 70 is a dining room, the remaining 30 square meters are occupied by a bathroom and a corridor.

Also, any public catering facility must meet the following requirements:

  1. Availability of ventilation, air conditioning and fire extinguishing systems;
  2. Ceiling height from two meters;
  3. Compliance with building regulations. Requirements can be found in Construction Norms and Rules SNiP 31-06-2009 “Public Buildings and Structures”;
  4. Two emergency exits.

Equipment (prices)

Where to start equipping a dining room? From the arrangement of the kitchen and distribution line.

You will need:

  • Cutting and cooking tables (from $50 each);
  • Refrigerators and freezers (from $450);
  • Cabinets for cooking and frying (from $300);
  • Electric stoves (from $500);
  • Dishwasher (from $3000);
  • Equipment for cutting, cutting food, meat grinders, mixers (such a set will cost about $2,000);
  • Kitchenware and tableware for visitors ($800-1000);
  • Cupboards ($250-$400);
  • Food counters – distribution line (from $2,000);
  • Showcase for dirty dishes ($200-300).

You can also place a refrigerator with drinks in the visitors' lounge. Add tables and chairs here (4 chairs per table). Each table should have napkins, pepper, and salt.

You can find out in advance how much inexpensive dining room furniture costs on the website of any furniture supplier for cafes and restaurants.

On average, you need to invest $1000-1500 to purchase and decorate 10-12 tables with chairs.

Equipment (brands)

The best manufacturers of canteen equipment:

  1. "North";
  2. Smeg;
  3. Asora;
  4. Airhot (China);
  5. Alto Shaam;
  6. Amika;
  8. UNOX;
  9. Electrolux;
  10. Polair;
  11. Carboma;
  12. "Pole";
  13. "Ariad";
  14. "Mariholodmash"


A small self-service enterprise requires a minimum number of employees. It is necessary to hire two cooks, a manager, a dishwasher, a kitchen assistant and a helper, as well as a cashier and a cleaner. Accounting is best outsourced.

Costs and profits

Let's look at the costs of everything you need to open a dining room in detail.

Registration and obtaining permits and certificates – about $1000. Renting, renovating the premises, installing the necessary systems and communications will require an investment of 3-4 thousand dollars.

For furniture, taking into account the choice of the most inexpensive manufacturers, you will need 13-15 thousand dollars. The initial costs also include the first month’s salary to employees and the purchase of products. That's about another $4,500.

In total, to open a canteen from scratch you will need at least 22 thousand dollars. At the same time, monthly expenses reach 6-7 thousand dollars. The net profit of such an establishment begins at $4000 per month.

As you can see, a public canteen is not the easiest thing to do. But it is definitely profitable, and with the possibility of expansion.

The popularity of good dining “among the people” is growing quickly, so every month you can count on an increase in the influx of visitors.

Good day! We continue to consider today article about canteen income and expenses.

After analyzing the scant information available on the Internet, which gives more questions than answers, I am writing this article.

Making an accurate calculation of the income and expenses of a canteen is quite difficult, just like with any business.

Everything is very individual: the location of the canteen, the work schedule, the purchased equipment, etc. As you can see, there are quite a lot of factors that affect income and expenses.

I will try to conduct an average analysis and at least make approximately calculations; more accurately, you will do them with a business plan in hand, which in any case needs to be prepared independently based on local preferences.

Canteen opening costs

The costs of opening your own canteen can be divided into two types:

  1. One-time expenses;
  2. Fixed expenses.

Let's start with one-time expenses:

  1. Room renovation. Most likely, the premises you rent will need cosmetic repairs; this will cost about 70,000 rubles;
  2. Entrance beautification and signage. Canteen premises are most often located either in separate buildings, or simply have their own separate exit. It will be necessary to have a sign and an entrance so that it is clear that this is a dining room. Cost about 30,000 rubles;
  3. Purchase of equipment. Naturally, before starting your business, you need to equip the canteen. It is necessary to equip a kitchen area, an area for visitors and a distribution line. Depending on your preferences and the size of the dining room itself, the cost of the equipment will be from 800,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. (although there are things you can save on and the amount will naturally decrease);
  4. Obtaining all permits may deprive you of an additional 100,000 rubles.

These are one-time expenses that you will incur immediately, before you even start a business. The approximate amount of one-time expenses when opening a canteen is about 1,000,000 rubles.

Now let's move on to the fixed expenses that you will incur monthly:

Soviet canteens are one of the unshakable stereotypes. A set lunch served on a plastic tray is always first, second and compote. Anyone who, for one reason or another, is afraid of the globally expanding fast foods, goes to the canteen for food more or less adapted to the usual diet.

The dining room is always relatively inexpensive, but not always tasty, but this is the only place that preserves the traditions of catering from the times of the USSR. Canteens where soup costs 6 rubles and pasta costs 10 cannot be found in the center of Moscow. But they are in tram depots, universities or at factory entrances. For example, the canteen of the Energoremont plant on Entuziastov Proezd. Alas, this option is hardly acceptable for those who happen to exist within the Garden Ring. In search of inexpensive, normal food, we looked into canteens in the center of Moscow and found out what is included in a set lunch and how much it will cost.

Restaurant House "Central"

"Central" is located in a high-rise building on Kudrinskaya: gilded ceilings, marble columns - a typical Stalinist interior, perhaps too colorful to be the backdrop for a dining room. The atmosphere here is calm, there is no crowd, but the spirit in the restaurant house is rather Soviet - if you compare it with the canteen in GUM, for example.

Set lunch – 169 rubles

Cabbage salad with apple

Stuffed peppers

Black bread

Restaurant House "Central"

Kudrinskaya sq., 1
m. Barrikadnaya
Mon-Sun 10-22

The cafe is open as a canteen until 5 pm: on the distribution line there is wheat porridge with milk for 38 rubles, eggs with mayonnaise for 26 and soups costing from 40 rubles. Office workers, grandmothers, mothers with children are standing in line - one of the most popular canteens in the area.

Lunch for 200 rubles

Potatoes with mushrooms, 89 rubles

Fresh vegetable salad, 47 rubles

Chicken noodles, 37 rubles

01 cafe
st. Chayanova, 11

m. Novoslobodskaya
Mon-Sun 10-17

Modern canteen: at the serving line, everyone is wearing white shirts and talking on the phone or discussing business. There is a cafe on the ground floor, and a dining room on the second floor overlooking Leninsky Prospekt. A fairly affordable and pleasant place for lunch.

Lunch for 240 rubles

Goulash, 100 rubles

Boiled pasta, 35 rubles

Belyash, 35 rubles

Compote, 20 rubles

Broth, 50 rubles


Leninsky Prospekt, 15a,
m. Oktyabrskaya
Mon-Fri 11-20

Cafe "Zhiguli"

They say that this place is popular among those who work on the Arbat. Soups here cost from 60 rubles, hot dishes – from 70. The radio plays from the speakers, and beer is poured here along with the “first” and hot dishes. If you take a set lunch, you can dine at Zhiguli very cheaply.

Set lunch – 149 rubles

The vinaigrette

Cafe "Zhiguli"

st. New Arbat, 11
Mon-Sun 10-20

The most fashionable of retro canteens with all the attributes of Soviet charm, one of which is a soda machine for 5 rubles. The hall is crowded every day, and the prices for lunch are more like in an average restaurant, although here you can find cocoa for 40 rubles or fried doctor's sausage for 35.

Lunch for 270 rubles

Solyanka, 70 rubles

Olivier, 65 rubles

Homemade cutlet, 80 rubles

Peas, 30 rubles

Lightly salted cucumber, 25 rubles

Krasnaya sq., 3
GUM, 3rd line, 3rd floor,
m. Okhotny Ryad, Lubyanka
Mon-Sun 10-22

The place looks more like a banquet and wedding restaurant than a cafeteria. There are two types of soups and three types of salads to choose from. Okroshka with kvass is like a living and for some reason bubbling organism.