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How much can you earn by reselling clothes? Reselling goods as a business

The basic rule when resale of goods is used as a business for a novice entrepreneur is to purchase trade products at a minimum cost and sell them taking into account their own markup. This type of business activity does not require significant investment.

New technologies have expanded the capabilities of a simple buy-sell trading scheme that has existed for centuries. The active use of innovative ways to sell products opens up prospects for resellers to earn big money from resale of goods. On the resale market, trade ranges from small accessories to apartments and cars. Anyone can become a successful entrepreneur in this direction if they have a smartphone with a set of necessary functions.

How to make money by reselling goods?

In 2019, the concept of a shortage of goods has lost its significance compared to 90 years, the resale of goods as a business flourished at that time and was the only source of income for many citizens. The Russian economy has recently improved, and enterprises have learned to make high-quality products for the population. The idea of ​​resale remains relevant today; you can start doing this business without investment or at low cost.

When a person decides to try himself in business as a reseller of products, he can go in 2 ways:

  1. A simple way of trading - bought cheaper, sold more expensive, this used to be called “speculation”.
  2. I purchased products at a minimum cost, improved their quality, and sold them at a trade markup.

Trade can be carried out in different ways: large wholesale, small batches. Business resellers always have “close” relationships with retail trade.

When organizing your own business reselling goods, it is difficult for a novice entrepreneur to understand how to find suppliers of products and what type of activity is best to engage in. There are several areas identified by experts as promising for earning a good income:

  • purchase and sale of apartments requires substantial money to start activities, knowledge of the real estate market, and monitor changes in the cost of living space;
  • car resale, this segment of the business requires special knowledge from the entrepreneur; if the businessman cannot evaluate the car, you need to contact an experienced automobile mechanic, this is a stable market with a good income;
  • purchasing imported products on Internet resource platforms: trading with Aliexpress is a good option for beginning entrepreneurs, there is an opportunity to make a good profit;
  • participation in auctions on Internet resources, here you can buy an inexpensive lot of goods, but with good potential for resale.

The resale market for goods is very wide in range, there are niches in which only large businessmen work and earn substantial money: resale of yachts after modernization, improved apartments, and other areas. A novice entrepreneur is more interested in resale options, where you can get a good income, but with minimal investment.

Internet sites

Let's consider the work of the online resource Aliexpress, with a huge range of products from China. This is a popular platform where popular goods are bought and sold, from clothespins to large household appliances.

Organizing a business for the resale of goods of various types does not require a business plan, but the entrepreneur must create an effective model for this in order to make a good profit:

  • it must correspond to modern trends (trends of changes in market demand for popular volumes of goods);
  • the business model should not depend on seasonal supplies and take into account the wave of demand for the seasonal product category;
  • focus in pricing on popular product names and the purchasing capabilities of target consumers;
  • Pay attention to branded products; supply should not exceed demand for products.

An interesting option for a novice entrepreneur would be to work with eBay - an online resource that makes it possible to display any product on its platform. The most advantageous offers for buyers can be found on this resource, the administration of which is an intermediary in the transaction; it does not participate in financial relations and the shipment of goods to the buyer. The buyer uses the resource for free.

Operating principle of the site:

  • costs for delivery of goods are borne by the seller, or by agreement with the buyer;
  • the platform has rules for bidders, the administration has the right to intervene if they are not followed;
  • When purchasing in bulk, you can look at reviews about the seller of the products on the resource;
  • automatic confirmation of legal documents when establishing the cost of goods;
  • products on the resource can be purchased from Finland, from any country, there are no restrictions;
  • the platform on which the purchase takes place is multilingual, there are no communication barriers;
  • the resource offers different ideas for selling goods, low cost for its placement.

There is an option to start a resale business by opening your own online store using the dropshipping system.

This system of interactions allows a businessman:

  1. Don't think about purchasing goods.
  2. An entrepreneur may not think about the product range.
  3. About the volume of products to be purchased.
  4. Frees you from the thought of renting warehouse space.
  5. There is no need to rack your brains and worry about delivering the goods to the buyer.

An excellent option for a novice businessman would be to cooperate with the Russian platform DROPO, if he wants to invest money in order to receive a monthly income, he just needs to open an online store. The Internet platform has many suppliers for different products in various product niches; they are constantly willing to cooperate with online stores.

The suppliers at Dropo are verified and the products are of high quality. It is delivered to the buyer using courier companies. The purchase package and its redemption are carried out by the Internet resource DROPO. An aspiring entrepreneur takes several steps to work with this platform:

  • open an online store;
  • select product category;
  • indicate the website address and receive products electronically on the website;
  • attract potential buyers to purchase.

One of the popular ways of buying and selling is to work with Alibaba, an Internet resource where users can officially communicate with the product supplier. The Alibaba resource is not an online auction, but a platform on which you can make large wholesale purchases, clarify the volume and criteria of the product, and have direct communication with the product supplier.

How to set a price for a product for resale?

Reselling goods as a business should make a profit; for this you need to be able to set the cost of the products sold. For novice businessmen, it is sometimes difficult to understand the intricacies of creating the cost of products, especially when the assortment is very large. They intuitively set the price for the product.

There is a formula that is used in “retail”, the markup must be correct to make a profit, this is: HT=C*NT%, Where

  • NT – trade markup;
  • WITH – cost of production;
  • NT% — markup in percentage terms.

A resale business must also take into account costs in the markup on products: storage costs, delivery to the consumer, payment of hired labor, tax collection. To obtain a monetary understanding of the markup and make a profit, NT = C * NT (40%) + costs.

Classic type of markup formula, calculation example:

Sites where you can resell goods without investment

An easy way to start a business is to sell your own things. To implement this idea, you can use Internet resources. By posting an offer on Avito, a user can receive up to several dozen responses to it within a day. You can resell via the Internet using different projects:

  • to “From hand to hand”;
  • through social networks;
  • other resources.

Internet flea markets are ordinary platforms where goods are bought and sold. The seller places an advertisement about the product, its photo, technical parameters, and leaves contact information. A potential buyer interested in the product will immediately respond to the offer.

How much can you earn from resale?

You can really make money on resales, as evidenced by the example of my friend selling a washing machine on Avito. A Samsung brand unit, the desired profit is 3 thousand rubles, for the auction he requested an initial price of 3 thousand 500 rubles. The cost of a used unit was not taken from the head, we looked at the website pages a little, analogues cost 20-40% more.

Calls from buyers began to arrive immediately. Thanks to the price, a friend sold a used unit (washing machine) in a day. Accounting for markups for trading and receiving the desired 3 thousand rubles. The buyer came to pick up the machine himself, there are no delivery costs.

It all started when I grew up. How did you grow up? I turned 19 years old, and I didn’t have a job as such. And money was needed more than ever. Where can I get money when I don’t want to work, I thought and turned to the Internet.

I can’t say that I found something useful for myself, but at first, the work I found online completely suited me. Of the most useful activities that brought me money, I can highlight the following: , (), (I studied and created templates for various sites), (I was an ardent participant in all kinds of fashionable night parties and did reviews on my blog) and, in fact, the most attractive option - . But more on the latter a little later.

One day, when I was typing up another article, there was an American program on TV (I always had the TV on so that it could be heard in the background), where guys bought junk in containers for several hundred or thousand dollars, and then resold what they had in these containers. containers with goods worth tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. After this program, I dropped everything and started thinking. I thought about it for two days, and then decided that it was possible for me to do the same thing?

In fact, reselling goods is a very profitable business. The main feature of this line of business is that no knowledge is required as such, and investments are likely to be minimal. Now we will look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity in this article.

Earnings from resale of goods. How to start?

Many successful entrepreneurs started by reselling goods. What exactly can you do with a product to get a large amount of money for its resale?

There are two (I know only two) options with which you can make a profit on resale:

  1. Buying a product in one place and selling it in another (this is speculation).
  2. Purchasing a product, modernizing it (improving it) and selling it at a higher price.

It is clear that goods can be sold both retail and wholesale. Typically, entrepreneurs who want to survive as much as possible try to establish connections with various trading enterprises that sell goods to citizens.

Real estate

The most profitable of this type of activity will most likely be the sale of real estate. But sales should be carried out only on the primary market. For example, there is a house that is being built. The prices for apartments in the building that is being built are ridiculous. But when it is put into operation, the price may rise several times. Therefore, your task will be to buy an apartment in a house that is under construction. But to implement this idea, you need to have solid start-up capital. Pay attention to developer companies and it’s better to work with proven ones so that you don’t get scammed.

Modified real estate

The difference between this business and the first one is that the businessman must buy an existing apartment, which is in terrible condition. Then he invests in its repair and redevelopment, if necessary. In the end, he must sell it at a much higher price than he bought it for. For this, it is important for a businessman to have his own team that will not fool him and will work with him in good faith.


Car resale is very popular in our country, right? When buying cars at a low cost, people invest in their repairs and then resell them for a high amount. For a more confident result, you need to understand the prices on the automobile market and take into account the region where the car will be sold.

This business also requires good starting capital, since the owner who wants to sell his car will want to immediately receive the full amount for it.

I would also like to draw your attention to the competition, which is extremely high in this business. In order to resell a car profitably, you need to prepare it for marketability, take into account the prices of potential competitors and supply your own, which could compete with the others.

How to make money by reselling goods on the Internet?

Chinese goods market

First of all, let's talk about the resale of goods from foreign online stores, mainly Chinese.

AliExpress - online store of Chinese goods

Business on goods from China is a very profitable business. As you know, in China the prices of goods are very low (as is the quality =)), but not all people have access to the Chinese goods market. Therefore, it is possible to purchase some goods that people cannot find in our country and sell them at a higher price. It is noteworthy that people who purchase goods from such Chinese online stores are given good discounts on bulk purchases. Accordingly, profit will directly depend on this factor. You can sell such goods not only to your friends and acquaintances, but also open your own online store.

Children's clothing

Children's clothing is in high sales demand. That is why young mothers use this factor to their advantage when they are. This is a very good idea to replenish your family budget in your free time.

Inexpensive things for children, as well as toys, can be purchased in online stores. Having purchased such a product, you can resell it to other mothers, but with a small markup. Alternatively, you can sell things on your page on a social network or create an appropriate community or group. If everything is well organized, then you will have a good business, and your baby will always be dressed in beautiful clothes.

DIY goods

This is a very simple way to earn extra income. To do this, you need to decide what you can do with your own hands and how beneficial it will be for others. Embroidery, drawing, interior items, and whatever your heart desires, you can sell and receive additional income for it.

Internet auctions

This method is an excellent option for making money on the Internet from scratch. Online auctions are a great way to make money that does not require investment. All that is necessary is to buy the product at a low price and resell it for a higher price. Such online auctions operate around the clock. You can sell your items or buy them and then resell them at a higher price.

Sales market

To sell goods, you need to decide on the nature of the sales market. Who will we sell the goods to? This diagram looks like a seller - buyer. A seller needs a buyer to sell his product. This factor will depend directly on which product sales scheme you choose. For example, you can purchase goods online to order for a specific buyer. This scheme will work one hundred percent. To do this, you need to advertise on the Internet and wait for a potential buyer to contact you. If you want to create a wide network of products on your online store, then you simply need to invest additional funds in advertising, advertisements, and catalogs. Today there are several options for reselling goods on the Internet. Some of them require additional investment, but with the right approach and organization they quickly pay off.

Reselling goods through an affiliate program

This is the easiest and most reliable option for reselling goods online. Using affiliate programs from existing online stores to sell goods is not only an opportunity to make money personally, but also helps in the development of companies that provide such services.

What does it look like? The user goes through the registration procedure at one of these stores as a partner, and then receives links to products that he must place anywhere, for example, in the form of advertising, on social networks, on his own resources or message boards. When a user clicks on such an ad or link and makes a purchase, the partner receives bonuses from the online store.

“Contractual” reseller

This method is suitable for those who have their own Internet resource with good traffic. The scheme looks like this: you look for a product in online stores that interests you, contact its owner and negotiate for him to reduce the price of this product. You, in turn, provide advertising and information about this product on your website. This method, as you can see, does not require investment, but also does not allow you to earn a lot of money.

Online store

Selling goods through your own online store is the best way to make money by reselling goods on the Internet. But, be careful! This method, as a rule, is expensive, and the opportunity to recoup the costs may not even arise. Only the right product, a well-selected customer base, as well as a well-functioning system for organizing procurement and working with customers can save you from failure.

Today, opening your own online store will not be difficult. Fortunately, there are quite a few services on the Internet that provide ready-made templates for this type of site. If you want a unique resource, but don’t want to learn all sorts of codes, manuals and instructions, then feel free to contact freelancers and webmasters who can, for a fee, create a resource, fill it out and configure it so that it is adequately accepted by search engines. Once all this is done, you can fill your store with the most popular products. In the case when your funds allow you to spend money without fear, you can purchase a small batch (wholesale) of goods, since when purchasing in bulk, the goods have a lower price than in the case of retail. The next task is to sell the product through your online store.

What to do if there are no funds for wholesale purchases? Then we do the following: you need to find a product in another online store, place it on your website, with all the information and photographs, and indicate the price with a small markup. If you are lucky and the buyer orders the product from you, then all you have to do is order this product where you originally found it. Then simply send it to the specified address and you're done! Thus, you act as an intermediary (speculator).

Thus, we can conclude: it doesn’t matter which method of resale you choose, but the only important thing is that there is always a buyer for your product.

Crisis and sales. How and what to sell?

It just so happens that our country is always in crisis. Even when we come out of a crisis, as we are told, something happens that forces us to return to crisis again. As always. Therefore, the question of what to sell during a crisis will always be relevant.

Many experts argue that during a crisis it is better to sell those goods that can actually be sold quickly. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that people's needs, in such difficult times, can always change.

As practice shows, during a crisis, those businessmen who rent places or premises for trading often go bankrupt. Therefore, in our opinion, it would be better to sell goods on the Internet. It's both cheaper and more convenient. Also keep in mind that, if necessary, you need to change the direction of activity so as not to be left with nothing. Therefore, the best option for sales or resales during a crisis is sales to order. It is better to create a small website or page where some products will be listed, and when a person places an order, this product can be ordered from a Chinese online store in the required quantity. Somehow like this.

Disadvantages and advantages of resale business


  • There is no need to create your own brand, since you are reselling existing products.
  • No need to hire staff or purchase equipment
  • Possibility to avoid taxation or pay under a simplified scheme
  • You do not provide any guarantees to buyers. Their choice is theirs
  • No large capital investment required
  • Ability to independently set product prices


  • Impact of the economic situation on prices
  • There may be problems with the sale of unnecessary goods and the costs of purchasing them
  • As the range expands, prices may go down


After reading this article, most likely you already have an idea of ​​how and where you can invest your money. But to become a successful businessman, you need to think and work a lot so as not to make fatal mistakes. If you organize everything correctly, then you will increase your income without any problems.

In a free market, there are plenty of ways to make money without extra effort. Buy cheaper and sell more expensive, and put the difference in your pocket - what could be simpler? What goods to buy for profitable resale, where to purchase and resell them, how not to remain in the red - we’ll talk in this article.

    • What you need to know for this business
    • Where can you resell goods
    • Where to buy goods for resale
    • How can you resell services?
    • How to make money by reselling goods: useful tips

What you need to know for this business

The history of resale begins from the moment people learned to trade. If at the dawn of centuries the services of intermediaries were not in great demand, then as civilization developed, the chain of intermediate links between the manufacturer and the final consumer became longer and longer. A modern person buys a lot of goods from all over the world - most of them have come a long way and have significantly increased in price during the process of resale.

Before starting this small business, many people wonder what products can be resold profitably in order to earn a lot?

Keep in mind that resale is a delicate matter: in order not to be in the red, you need to clearly understand the difference between the purchase price and the sale price, as well as the rate of sales of this category of goods. It makes sense to resell products with high margins, low overhead costs and fast turnover.

In order to make money on resale, you need to understand all the intricacies of the market, know about your competitors and understand what price is acceptable. Before starting this business, carefully study and analyze all these indicators.

Where can you resell goods

The easiest way is resale through bulletin boards. You buy a certain product and then resell it in your city through Avito or other free message boards. How much you can earn from this depends on the demand for the product, as well as on the ratio of the purchase price and the average selling price of this product in your city. For example, you can cheaply buy some goods for children or phone cases on Ali Express, and then sell them for 2-3 times more expensive. For some categories of goods, the markup can be 100-500%.

It is important to understand whether there is a demand for this product and what price people are willing to pay for it. To do this, it is enough to test the demand by advertising before purchasing the goods. The advantages of this method include the fact that you do not need to register a company or become an individual entrepreneur, pay taxes, etc.

A difficult way for advanced businessmen is resale on a website/online store. You can make a simple one-page website yourself or order it from a freelancer. You can also create your own store or resell on existing large sites:

  • Ebay - on this largest platform you can buy or sell electronics and more. It is possible to sell at a fixed price and put lots up for auction.
  • Aliexpress - now sellers from Russia can register on the largest platform for Chinese goods. True, for this you need to be a legal entity and enter into a contract with an intermediary - the PickPoint company.

Selling through websites is suitable for those who want to build a serious business on the resale of goods, and not just sell an item one time. It is clear that this will not happen without associated costs, including advertising costs.

These are the most popular ways to sell products online. Of course, no one can stop you from doing things the old fashioned way: renting a place in a store or market, or even going door to door, offering your goods. But in the twenty-first century, it makes sense to trade online - it is much easier and more profitable for any seller.

Where to buy goods for resale

So we come to the most important question - where to buy goods for resale? It cannot be answered unequivocally: it is one thing if you want to sell purebred puppies, and quite another if you decide to sell computers.

If you plan to purchase goods from abroad, you first need to select the country. The undisputed leader in almost all directions is China - there you can buy cheap clothes, equipment, and a million other goods. Resale of goods from China is increasingly gaining momentum. But for branded clothing, it makes sense to go to France or Italy. If you do not have the opportunity to fly to pick up the goods in person, you can order online with delivery to the desired city.

Ebay - on this largest platform you can buy or sell electronics and more. It is possible to sell at a fixed price and put lots up for auction. Aliexpress - now sellers from Russia can register on the largest platform for Chinese goods. True, for this you need to be a legal entity and enter into a contract with an intermediary - the PickPoint company.

It is not necessary to order the product from the manufacturer. If you plan to sell a product on Avito and other message boards, it may be enough to order it on AliExpress - provided that you are satisfied with the price offered there.

In rare cases, you can even purchase a suitable product from friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc.

How can you resell services?

Resale of blogs, websites, articles, videos. The essence of this method is that you are looking for a webmaster who will do some work for you cheaply, and you will resell it at twice the price to other people, acting as an intermediary. But here we must take into account that most people are not looking for a ready-made website/blog/article/video, but order them “from scratch” to suit their requirements. Therefore, it is more logical to take a specific order and give it to the contractor at a cheaper price than the customer pays.

This is what video marketers often do - they look for clients for a video, advertise, find a customer and negotiate with him, and outsource all the technical work to a freelancer. Neither the customer nor the final performer in this scheme know each other - they deal only with the intermediary. The functions of the intermediary can be reduced to communication with the customer and the performer/performers, or he can do some part of the work (for example, write a script for a video).

Reselling other people's services. Another way is to resell other people's services; it is very close to the previous one. The difference is that it’s easy to make money here, and your work is not limited to writing test tasks. You can make a website and offer certain services on it, receiving a percentage for it.

This could be the services of a company for exemption from the army, a company for finding domestic staff: housekeepers, nannies, gardeners, and so on. Another option is to simply run contextual advertising or advertising on social networks. Many people, even being professionals in their field, do not know how and do not like to “sell themselves,” and happily transfer the sale of their services to someone else’s shoulders.

Watch the video life hack from Andrey Merkulov on this topic:

What products can you resell to make money?

Below are all the types of goods you can make money by reselling.

  • Electronics. The most popular product today is various gadgets: smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. You can buy in bulk at one price and sell in your online store at a slightly higher price.
  • Kids toys. They can also be bought in bulk and sold on the above sites.
  • Antiques. These goods have been valued at all times: collectors are willing to give millions if the item is worth it.
  • Cloth. Most people buy clothes through online stores, so this category can be resold.
  • Site names. For each domain name you can earn $10 or more.
  • Cars. You can create a company and earn millions by reselling used cars.
  • Cases and other accessories for mobile phones, tablets and other gadgets. As a rule, such things are not cheap in regular stores, but on AliExpress or in China you can buy them for pennies. This also includes adapters, cords, etc.
  • Decorations. Nowadays, many people make handmade jewelry, but not everyone knows how to sell them. Handmade products are always at a premium, so you can take on the role of an intermediary and work for a percentage.
  • Small household appliances - you can find very cheap goods at sales in online stores (especially if you get promotions and discounts), but on Avito or your own website you can sell them for much more.

This is not a complete list of goods from which you can resell. You can sell anything, even greyhound puppies (literally and figuratively), as long as there is a demand for it, as well as the difference between the purchase price and the resale price that is acceptable to you.

If you want to engage in resale, it is important to follow a few important rules.

  1. Test demand. Before purchasing a product, advertise, pay for inexpensive advertising and see how many people are interested in your offer.
  2. Calculate your margin. It is important to understand how much you will earn from selling one unit of goods. Don't forget to factor in shipping costs and other costs.
  3. Consider force majeure. The goods may be delayed in transit, or problems may arise at customs - you must be prepared to deal with such problems.
  4. Prepare your sleigh in the summer. You must always be one step ahead. It is better to buy school backpacks not in August, when their prices skyrocket, but in March. It makes sense to order swimsuits in winter, and fur coats in summer.
  5. Analyze your competitors. You won't be the only seller on the market, so it's important to know what others are offering and at what price. Remember that the buyer almost always chooses the cheapest offer - if you can't undersell others, you'll have to work hard to account for the price difference.
  6. Love your clients - and they will love you back. Hold promotions, give small gifts and always honor your obligations.
  7. Advertise your product. Test different advertising methods and choose the most effective one.

Reselling goods and services can be quite a profitable business if you approach it wisely, carefully analyze the market and choose the right niche. If you want to know more about the best ways to make money online, click here: 50 Best Ways to Make Money Online

Every person can earn money, just a few make maximum efforts to realize their dreams. You don’t have to invent something new; there are so many interesting things to do around you! Resale business is very popular.

Where to begin

The first thing you need to think about is how exactly you plan to offer the product. There are two main ways:

  • online store;
  • your own small company.

Next, we study the sales market and determine demand. It's actually quite simple. There are categories of goods that a person always needs, which means that regardless of the financial situation, he will purchase them. Such goods include food, household items, shoes and clothing. What is more profitable to resell in a certain region is up to you to decide.

Advantages and disadvantages of owning an online store

It is worth noting that online stores are also different. Creating a separate web page, promoting it, choosing an attractive design, taking care of the system for searching and delivering goods - all this is very difficult and takes a lot of time. The most important thing today is to make a separate page on a social network and post products there. Let's look at the pros and cons of this method.


  • no need to invest money to create a page;
  • the opportunity to conduct a direct dialogue with a potential client;
  • quick recruitment of clients, over time they themselves will add the page to their favorites;
  • rapid dissemination of information.


  • there is a risk that a person will not buy the ordered product;
  • you can only work with the region in which you live (delivering goods to other places will be inconvenient and expensive);
  • many competitors.

Own company: advantages and disadvantages

  • there will always be demand;
  • quick payback;
  • constant flow of clients.
  • initial investment required;
  • many competitors.


When it comes to talking about what is more profitable to resell, food products immediately come to mind. This is not surprising, because absolutely every person goes to stores to buy food. Before opening your grocery store, you need to carefully consider some details.

Important details:

  1. You need to find a place for your store so that there are no more competitors nearby. It is very profitable to open a grocery store near residential buildings.
  2. It is important to take care of the assortment. Not only essential products should be on sale, but also semi-finished products, confectionery, even
  3. Before opening your own small business, you should definitely consult with a lawyer, calculate the possible income, payback of the enterprise and losses. You need to take into account everything, including renting premises, paperwork, advertising, paying salaries and purchasing products.

Car resale

It’s worth noting right away that to implement this idea you will need to have start-up capital, and a decent one at that. It is not necessary to register your company. You can do everything in the garage. Of course, there are risks, but the rewards are worth it. The income generation scheme is very simple:

  1. You purchase a car in poor condition.
  2. Bring it to mind, give it a decent appearance.
  3. You take into account the initial cost and repair costs, set a markup and sell it.

You can start such a small business if you have all the necessary knowledge and skills in vehicle repair. Over time, there is a possibility of expansion and increased income. You fill out documents to open a company, hire employees and continue your activities. There will be an opportunity to buy and resell more cars.

Clothes and shoes

Another type of profitable business. What is more profitable to resell from this category? Of course, children's clothes and shoes. In this case, it is best not to open your own store, but to create a page on social networks. Mothers do not always have the opportunity to go shopping, because they still need to do laundry, cook food and take a walk with the child. It’s much more convenient to surf the Internet, order what you need, and wait for the order to arrive.

Business in the resale of children's goods implies the presence of many competitors on the Internet. True, you shouldn’t be afraid of them; there will always be a buyer for you.

Income generation scheme:

  1. Looking for a place from where you will take the goods. It could be a foreign store. Study all the conditions - delivery times to your region, discounts, etc. Copy product photos and size chart.
  2. Create a page on a social network. Place photos in various photo albums and indicate prices. By the way, you should always notify the client about profitable offers and discounts. Place the information in the status - ready.
  3. Add friends. The first thing you need to do is find the same online stores in your region; they always have a large list of friends. You send out invitations to a few yourself, others will eventually start “knocking” on your door.
  4. A potential buyer looks at the products on offer and places an order. You tell us the delivery time and take the phone number.
  5. When the order arrives, you call the person and tell him where to go to pick it up.
  6. You take the money - the difference in cost will be your income.

Reselling goods in this way has only one drawback. A person may simply not redeem the order. However, a way out of the situation can be found. You create another album, add photos there, and believe me, sooner or later the product will be bought.

Holiday offers

People always buy a lot before the holidays approach. There are common holidays - New Year, Christmas, Easter. Individual ones are birthdays, christenings, anniversaries. You should follow the same procedure as in the case of clothing. Pay special attention to ensuring that in your albums a person can find a gift for any occasion, age and gender.

What can be resold profitably:

  • balloons (various colors, shapes and sizes);
  • candies themed on common holidays;
  • children's toys (soft and radio-controlled);
  • women's and men's accessories;
  • disposable tableware (for example, for a children's birthday party).

Household items

Any woman wants to fill her home with coziness and comfort, so household little things are very popular. You can also make a page on a social network. This is convenient, since most often women who are on maternity leave buy it. Again, due to lack of time for shopping.

What is more profitable to resell:

  • bath and kitchen towels;
  • bed linen (regular, 3D, 5D);
  • kitchen utensils - spatulas, baking dishes, blenders;
  • dishes - bowls, cups, plates, etc.;
  • kitchen scales and clocks, timers;
  • vegetable cutters, vegetable peelers, knife sharpeners.

This is not the entire list yet. There are many interesting household accessories that are in great demand.

  1. Never expect to make a big income right away. Net profit will become noticeable only after several months.
  2. If there are no clients right away, don’t despair; be patient, because soon the business will start working for you.
  3. Don't put a high markup on goods. Try to make the price more attractive to the consumer than that of competitors.
  4. Remember the main rule: you cannot earn money without investing. To develop even a small business you will need minimal capital.
  5. Never develop a business alone in an area where you know nothing. In this case, you definitely need to have a more experienced assistant.
  6. Be sure to assess all risks and losses before opening a business. Consult a lawyer.

There are many ideas for a profitable business. This means that you can make money even in a crisis. If there is a desire, then opportunities will appear. Money won’t just fall from the sky; to achieve what you want, you need to work hard.

It all started when I grew up. How did you grow up? I turned 19 years old, and I didn’t have a job as such. And money was needed more than ever. Where can I get money when I don’t want to work, I thought and turned to the Internet.

I can’t say that I found something useful for myself, but at first, the work I found online completely suited me. Of the most useful activities that brought me money, I can highlight the following: , (), (I studied and created templates for various sites), (I was an ardent participant in all kinds of fashionable night parties and did reviews on my blog) and, in fact, the most attractive option - . But more on the latter a little later.

One day, when I was typing up another article, there was an American program on TV (I always had the TV on so that it could be heard in the background), where guys bought junk in containers for several hundred or thousand dollars, and then resold what they had in these containers. containers with goods worth tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. After this program, I dropped everything and started thinking. I thought about it for two days, and then decided that it was possible for me to do the same thing?

In fact, reselling goods is a very profitable business. The main feature of this line of business is that no knowledge is required as such, and investments are likely to be minimal. Now we will look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity in this article.

Earnings from resale of goods. How to start?

Many successful entrepreneurs started by reselling goods. What exactly can you do with a product to get a large amount of money for its resale?

There are two (I know only two) options with which you can make a profit on resale:

  1. Buying a product in one place and selling it in another (this is speculation).
  2. Purchasing a product, modernizing it (improving it) and selling it at a higher price.

It is clear that goods can be sold both retail and wholesale. Typically, entrepreneurs who want to survive as much as possible try to establish connections with various trading enterprises that sell goods to citizens.

Real estate

The most profitable of this type of activity will most likely be the sale of real estate. But sales should be carried out only on the primary market. For example, there is a house that is being built. The prices for apartments in the building that is being built are ridiculous. But when it is put into operation, the price may rise several times. Therefore, your task will be to buy an apartment in a house that is under construction. But to implement this idea, you need to have solid start-up capital. Pay attention to developer companies and it’s better to work with proven ones so that you don’t get scammed.

Modified real estate

The difference between this business and the first one is that the businessman must buy an existing apartment, which is in terrible condition. Then he invests in its repair and redevelopment, if necessary. In the end, he must sell it at a much higher price than he bought it for. For this, it is important for a businessman to have his own team that will not fool him and will work with him in good faith.


Car resale is very popular in our country, right? When buying cars at a low cost, people invest in their repairs and then resell them for a high amount. For a more confident result, you need to understand the prices on the automobile market and take into account the region where the car will be sold.

This business also requires good starting capital, since the owner who wants to sell his car will want to immediately receive the full amount for it.

I would also like to draw your attention to the competition, which is extremely high in this business. In order to resell a car profitably, you need to prepare it for marketability, take into account the prices of potential competitors and supply your own, which could compete with the others.

How to make money by reselling goods on the Internet?

Chinese goods market

First of all, let's talk about the resale of goods from foreign online stores, mainly Chinese.

AliExpress - online store of Chinese goods

Business on goods from China is a very profitable business. As you know, in China the prices of goods are very low (as is the quality =)), but not all people have access to the Chinese goods market. Therefore, it is possible to purchase some goods that people cannot find in our country and sell them at a higher price. It is noteworthy that people who purchase goods from such Chinese online stores are given good discounts on bulk purchases. Accordingly, profit will directly depend on this factor. You can sell such goods not only to your friends and acquaintances, but also open your own online store.

Children's clothing

Children's clothing is in high sales demand. That is why young mothers use this factor to their advantage when they are. This is a very good idea to replenish your family budget in your free time.

Inexpensive things for children, as well as toys, can be purchased in online stores. Having purchased such a product, you can resell it to other mothers, but with a small markup. Alternatively, you can sell things on your page on a social network or create an appropriate community or group. If everything is well organized, then you will have a good business, and your baby will always be dressed in beautiful clothes.

DIY goods

This is a very simple way to earn extra income. To do this, you need to decide what you can do with your own hands and how beneficial it will be for others. Embroidery, drawing, interior items, and whatever your heart desires, you can sell and receive additional income for it.

Internet auctions

This method is an excellent option for making money on the Internet from scratch. Online auctions are a great way to make money that does not require investment. All that is necessary is to buy the product at a low price and resell it for a higher price. Such online auctions operate around the clock. You can sell your items or buy them and then resell them at a higher price.

Sales market

To sell goods, you need to decide on the nature of the sales market. Who will we sell the goods to? This diagram looks like a seller - buyer. A seller needs a buyer to sell his product. This factor will depend directly on which product sales scheme you choose. For example, you can purchase goods online to order for a specific buyer. This scheme will work one hundred percent. To do this, you need to advertise on the Internet and wait for a potential buyer to contact you. If you want to create a wide network of products on your online store, then you simply need to invest additional funds in advertising, advertisements, and catalogs. Today there are several options for reselling goods on the Internet. Some of them require additional investment, but with the right approach and organization they quickly pay off.

Reselling goods through an affiliate program

This is the easiest and most reliable option for reselling goods online. Using affiliate programs from existing online stores to sell goods is not only an opportunity to make money personally, but also helps in the development of companies that provide such services.

What does it look like? The user goes through the registration procedure at one of these stores as a partner, and then receives links to products that he must place anywhere, for example, in the form of advertising, on social networks, on his own resources or message boards. When a user clicks on such an ad or link and makes a purchase, the partner receives bonuses from the online store.

“Contractual” reseller

This method is suitable for those who have their own Internet resource with good traffic. The scheme looks like this: you look for a product in online stores that interests you, contact its owner and negotiate for him to reduce the price of this product. You, in turn, provide advertising and information about this product on your website. This method, as you can see, does not require investment, but also does not allow you to earn a lot of money.

Online store

Selling goods through your own online store is the best way to make money by reselling goods on the Internet. But, be careful! This method, as a rule, is expensive, and the opportunity to recoup the costs may not even arise. Only the right product, a well-selected customer base, as well as a well-functioning system for organizing procurement and working with customers can save you from failure.

Today, opening your own online store will not be difficult. Fortunately, there are quite a few services on the Internet that provide ready-made templates for this type of site. If you want a unique resource, but don’t want to learn all sorts of codes, manuals and instructions, then feel free to contact freelancers and webmasters who can, for a fee, create a resource, fill it out and configure it so that it is adequately accepted by search engines. Once all this is done, you can fill your store with the most popular products. In the case when your funds allow you to spend money without fear, you can purchase a small batch (wholesale) of goods, since when purchasing in bulk, the goods have a lower price than in the case of retail. The next task is to sell the product through your online store.

What to do if there are no funds for wholesale purchases? Then we do the following: you need to find a product in another online store, place it on your website, with all the information and photographs, and indicate the price with a small markup. If you are lucky and the buyer orders the product from you, then all you have to do is order this product where you originally found it. Then simply send it to the specified address and you're done! Thus, you act as an intermediary (speculator).

Thus, we can conclude: it doesn’t matter which method of resale you choose, but the only important thing is that there is always a buyer for your product.

Crisis and sales. How and what to sell?

It just so happens that our country is always in crisis. Even when we come out of a crisis, as we are told, something happens that forces us to return to crisis again. As always. Therefore, the question of what to sell during a crisis will always be relevant.

Many experts argue that during a crisis it is better to sell those goods that can actually be sold quickly. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that people's needs, in such difficult times, can always change.

As practice shows, during a crisis, those businessmen who rent places or premises for trading often go bankrupt. Therefore, in our opinion, it would be better to sell goods on the Internet. It's both cheaper and more convenient. Also keep in mind that, if necessary, you need to change the direction of activity so as not to be left with nothing. Therefore, the best option for sales or resales during a crisis is sales to order. It is better to create a small website or page where some products will be listed, and when a person places an order, this product can be ordered from a Chinese online store in the required quantity. Somehow like this.

Disadvantages and advantages of resale business


  • There is no need to create your own brand, since you are reselling existing products.
  • No need to hire staff or purchase equipment
  • Possibility to avoid taxation or pay under a simplified scheme
  • You do not provide any guarantees to buyers. Their choice is theirs
  • No large capital investment required
  • Ability to independently set product prices


  • Impact of the economic situation on prices
  • There may be problems with the sale of unnecessary goods and the costs of purchasing them
  • As the range expands, prices may go down


After reading this article, most likely you already have an idea of ​​how and where you can invest your money. But to become a successful businessman, you need to think and work a lot so as not to make fatal mistakes. If you organize everything correctly, then you will increase your income without any problems.