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Tips for girls on how to take a beautiful selfie. How to take a selfie correctly: the most important rules for face-sitting selfies

We think selfies arose 5-6 years ago, when smartphones were equipped with the corresponding function. In fact, they appeared at the same time as the first camera was invented.

The initial “self-photos” were taken in a mirror using a device mounted on a tripod. After 100 years, technology allowed us to move away from the mirror and experiment with self-photography.

There are a lot of “self-talks” being posted online. How to make a frame look original and bright among many similar ones? The proposed selfie poses for girls will help solve this problem.

  1. Take care of your appearance. I think it’s unnecessary to remind you that your hair should be clean, don’t build a “Tower of Babel” on your head, on the contrary. The more natural the hairstyle, the better the photo will be. Makeup differs from everyday makeup with a bright accent; here it is advisable to study the pros and cons of your appearance; if you have beautiful lips, make them brighter.
  2. Choose a background. It happens that you look at photos of girls taken at home. The girl is charming, and behind her there is a Soviet-style wall, boxes, all sorts of rubbish. The impression is not the most positive. A good old carpet on the wall would be better. Joke. Interesting shots are obtained in nature, because the sky, bodies of water, and plants are a wonderful backdrop for photographs.

Beautiful poses for selfies and how to take selfies correctly.

  • Classic pose. We photograph the head, neck, and optionally capture the shoulders. To look attractive in such a photo, make sure you turn your head. An angle of 35-45 degrees is ideal; in this position, the jawline looks expressive. It’s better not to shoot from the front, as you risk looking inharmonious.

  • Head tilted to the side. The photo is taken either from the frontal view or from the profile. Roll your shoulders, wink or close your eyes, smile. The main thing here is to follow the direction of the light so that it falls on the face, then a sparkle will appear in the eyes, and the skin tone will become even.

  • "The view from above is better." You can take interesting pictures if you hold the camera above your head. The figure looks slimmer, the eyes are more expressive. Surrounding objects fall into the frame. Do you have a luxurious neckline? Then choose this angle! The main thing is to remember to keep your back straight and your neck slightly extended.

  • Tilt back. This pose is used to capture the “fifth point”. To make your butt look more attractive, arch your back, then bend forward slightly. In this position it is better to shoot from top to bottom or from the side. The first method is suitable if this part of the body is of appetizing size, but if you cannot boast of lush volumes, all that remains is to increase the deflection and experiment with changing the position of the camera.

  • Down up. The pose is quite popular. One caveat - you can’t lower your head down, you risk getting a double chin, even if you never had one. Keep your head straight or slightly raised up. In this position, facial features are not so clearly visible, but the photo promises to be memorable.

  • Standing. Such pictures look advantageous in the “arm on side” or “one leg bent” position. This position is suitable for those who want to show off new dresses or shoes.

Secrets of a sexy selfie

What girl is complete without a sexy selfie? Right! None! But looking at such photographs, you are often frightened by their courage and shamelessness. How to take a sexy selfie and not a vulgar one?

For a sexy selfie you will have to learn a few rules:

Well, a few words about lighting when taking a sexy selfie. Here, experts - masters of photography and Photoshop - advise taking selfies in advance in good lighting, rather than posting them online or sending your loved one a photo of a figure at sunset with distortion of light and outlines. Therefore, sexy photographs are taken in any suitable setting - in bed against the backdrop of silk linen and plain walls, in the kitchen while no one is watching breakfast, in the bathroom while showering. It is the morning or daytime in natural light that makes it possible to take gorgeous pictures of a sexy body. Artificial lamps require careful approach and certain knowledge of the incidence of the light beam on your body.

photos of girls in the shower

These are good selfie poses. Try, fantasize, choose! What if, as a result of the search, you find something special, then such a selfie will not be lost in the millions of pictures that flood social networks.

Selfie mania, which swept the entire planet a few years ago, does not seem to be slowing down. That’s why we want to devote today’s article to how to take a selfie so that not only you like it and get a lot of likes.

We will reveal lifehacks and secrets of successful selfies using the example of 10 ideas for beautiful photos.

A selfie is not only a portrait photograph taken with one’s own hand. This is a photo in which you are present or only part of your face or body that you took yourself. To make your feed more diverse, do not overload it with the same type of selfies, which only show your face in close-up.

We will teach you how to diversify your profile content and how to take a selfie using simple tips.

1. Beautiful selfie. Find the lucky light

Before starting any photo shoot, the photographer first of all chooses good lighting. The ideal light for selfies is natural. Photos near the window, when the bright sunlight falls on the face, are often the most successful. This light itself can hide any imperfections in the skin and make the eyes brighter.

Avoid taking selfies with flash and in very dark rooms. In the first case, colors may be greatly distorted and the eyes may become red. In the second, the graininess of the photo increases greatly, and you risk getting a low-quality selfie with blurry details.

If it is possible to use artificial lighting for selfies, it should be of high quality and properly directed.

The light should be soft, or better yet, diffused, directed towards your eye, but from the front. Otherwise, the face may be either overexposed or sharp shadows will fall on it.

Alternatively, you can also use additional flashlights, phone flashes and miniature lighting panels.

#selfie #girl #beauty #instagirl

2. A beautiful selfie. Find a good background

Carpets on the walls, doors and floral wallpaper will not contribute to the success of your selfie. In order to focus the attention of Instagram users on you, and not on the background, it should be uniform or less bright than your makeup and clothes. Or vice versa, if you want to stand out in a photo with a bright wall, choose clothes in pastel colors or a monochrome color scheme for this look.

This is why it is so difficult to take a great selfie against the backdrop of nature - the riot of colors and numerous details simply do not allow you to focus attention on your face.

The ideal background for a selfie will always be brick walls, wooden panels, sky, sand, bed.

3. Beautiful selfie. Find good selfie poses

There is nothing surprising in the fact that each girl has her own successful selfie poses. One boasts long legs, another boasts lush breasts, and the third boasts beautiful long hair.

Finding a good angle for a selfie is also very important, because we all have a “working” side of our face – the one with fewer imperfections of all kinds.

Avoid frontal photos: very often the lighting can let you down and your chin will merge with your neck. In addition, this angle for a selfie will emphasize the existing asymmetry of facial features, if one eye is larger than the other, and one eyebrow is raised higher. It’s better to take a selfie half-turned, ¾ of the face – in this angle, the chin and cheekbones become sharper and the face looks chiselled.

Selfies in which part of the face is missing or in which an unusual angle is found look very impressive. You can lift the phone almost above your head and look into the camera.

#instagirl #beautifulgirl #beautifulbody #selfie

4. Beautiful selfie. Find something interesting to do with a selfie

Selfies in which Instagram users can only see their own face can quickly get boring, and they will lose interest in your account. In order to diversify the subject of your photos, show your followers what your daily life is filled with.

Maybe you have some interesting hobby - needlework, scrubbooking, soap making. Then the Instagram community will be curious to see you at work - take a selfie in the process of creating your works.

All these cute girly things will always serve as an excellent setting for a selfie and will cause a stream of enthusiastic comments.

You can also take beautiful selfies in store fitting rooms while shopping, asking users whether this outfit is worthy of becoming an addition to your fashionable wardrobe.

#handmade #knitting #brags #handicrafts

5. Beautiful selfie. Show what you can do

Anyone can do the boring duck face by artificially pouting their lips. And show on Instagram that you are capable of more.

A healthy lifestyle is back in fashion. Therefore, a selfie from the gym is a great opportunity to tell everyone that you are improving yourself, and your workouts are not in vain. Confirmation of this is your beautiful body captured in a selfie in a large mirror.

A popular trend in selfies on the topic of a healthy lifestyle has become photographs depicting intricate asanas during yoga classes.

#fitness #sport #workout #yoga #bodyshape

6. Beautiful selfie. Don't waste time

If you want to capture a memory or image, do it right after creating it - don’t put it off. Otherwise, you risk that an unwanted shine may appear in the T-zone over time, the lipstick will lose its brightness and clarity of contour, and the lush curls created by such efforts will unwind.

In addition, selfies of beautiful makeup look very good against the backdrop of a beautiful dressing table. Especially if your mirror is equipped with additional lighting.

#beautifulmakeup #makeup #muotd #instabeauty

7. Beautiful selfie. Full length

Look for large mirrors to capture your full length, or at least capture more of yourself in the frame. Elevator looks are still relevant, because it is in elevators that you can most often find ceiling-to-floor mirrors, and unlike shopping centers and shop windows, only you will be in the photo.

Large mirrors will allow you to show your OOTD (outfit of the day) in all its glory, without hiding a single wardrobe detail from your followers.

#outfit #ootd #liftoluk #selfie #selfishmelfi #crossbow

8. Beautiful selfie. Don't miss the details

The cute things that surround you can serve as an excellent setting for a beautiful selfie.

On the eve of the New Year, they can be Christmas tree decorations, a cup of cappuccino with a beautiful topping, or an interesting book.

Your face may not be included in such a selfie, but the details that you want to focus on should definitely be included in the frame - a new pair, a beautiful bag, a chunky knit sweater, a warm scarf.

#shoes #bag #details #girlie #new thing

9. Beautiful selfie. Use a monopod

An arm's length is not always enough to capture all the important details you want to show in the frame.

For this purpose, you can use a monopod (selfie stick) with a telescopic handle. Its length will allow you to capture the entire space around you for a selfie. We strongly recommend not using the front camera for this purpose, as its properties are inferior and selfies are of worse quality than those taken with the phone’s external camera.

#holiday #couple #nature

10. Beautiful selfie. Use photo editors

If the built-in list of filters for photos on Instagram seems insufficient to you, use photo editors. With their help, you can play with lighting, lighten or darken certain areas of the photo, and add funny captions.

In addition, photo editors will help you hide those imperfections that were included in the selfie - a pimple, a mole, a disheveled strand of hair.

Here is a list of the most popular photo editors for phones:

  • Instabeauty
  • Avatan
  • Snapseed
  • Facetune

Bonus life hack on how to take a beautiful selfie

Smile. Followers and guests of your profile will like a smile on your face more than an expression of sadness or melancholy.

If your life is not full of events, then you are familiar with the situation that there is practically nothing to post on social networks except selfies. But rows of monotonous photographs also look ridiculous. How to get out? Make your selfies varied and take interesting poses!

By the way, if you still think that you’re bad at taking selfies, this material is also for you. You probably just can’t choose a good pose.

Open face and nothing more

Raise your face up a little, and also point the camera from above at a slight angle. Make sure that the shoulder looks natural and does not show that the arm is extended. Take several shots from different angles - so you will find the one that definitely suits you. By the way, remember this: when taking pictures with friends, you will be able to quickly take a good pose in order to definitely look good in group photos (which will be posted without your knowledge).

Direct look

Original angles are fraught with a lot of dangers. If you lift the camera a little higher, you’re already saying hello to the photo shoots of almost ten years ago, when girls took massive photos from under their brows. It looked creepy, and nothing has changed since then.
If the phone is a little lower, you may find yourself with a second (third, fourth...) chin and giant cheeks. And in general, the “front camera accidentally turned on” effect best describes the problem of photographing from below.

Half turn

This pose can help out a lot of people - this is how you can hide your unloved face shape and nose. And besides, add variety to the same type of photographs. Pay close attention to what degree of rotation you should stop at - the half of your face that is further from the camera may turn out to be completely without light, and the shadow will fall so that bags under the eyes, nasolabial folds and other troubles will magically appear.

Laughter and smile

Capturing sincere laughter means creating a cool photo. An important detail: laughter should be natural. If you have doubts about the naturalness of the selfie you took, it’s better to try again.

Poses for selfie in the mirror

If you sometimes take full-length photographs, remember the rules for selfies in the mirror.
Standing relaxed and awkward is a bad idea. Everyone already knows that you are taking a photo, the effect of a random shot and “I didn’t mean to” will not work here. Therefore, straighten up, straighten your shoulders, hold the phone just below your shoulder. Look at the phone screen - most likely, looking in the mirror in the photo will look creepy.

26.12.2016 22:31:23

In one of the articles we looked at how to set up the Internet on a Fly phone.

Today, selfies are the most common photo genre. Open the user’s page on a social network, on Instagram. 8 out of 10 photos will probably be taken in the selfie genre. The selfie genre is considered to be the simplest of all. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here: he extended his hand, focused, and took a picture. But even here there are many pitfalls, due to which a huge number of initially successful shots turn out to be hopelessly ruined. Let's try to figure out how to take a selfie correctly so as not to disappoint yourself and others.

A selfie (from the English selfie, self, oneself) is essentially a self-portrait taken using a smartphone or camera. The selfie genre began to gain popularity in 2000, when mobile phones and smartphones began to come with good cameras. This word first appeared in 2002 in Australia on the ABC Online forum. The first self-photo portraits began to be taken at the beginning of the 20th century, when Kodak released the Kodak Brownie portable camera. So for more than 100 years, everyone has been taking selfies, regardless of gender, age or social status. In 2013, it became so common that it was included in the Oxford Online English Dictionary.

Selfies can be divided into several types:

Wifi – the most touching photo with friends.
Relfie – a selfie with your loved one.
Groofy – group photo. You can do this using a special selfie stick.
Beefy - selfie in a swimsuit.
Belphie - photo taken from the back. As a rule, girls do it to show off an expressive figure.
Liftlook - a photo taken in an elevator mirror.
Hot dog selfie - a shot of tanned legs.
Extreme selfie – photography in an extreme situation.

Basic rules for selfies

Just holding out your hand and taking a photo is not enough for a good selfie. Several important conditions must be met:

Choose a good camera. More often, selfies are taken using the front camera, which, as a rule, has a lower resolution than the rear one. If the front camera doesn’t have enough megapixels, but you can take a great shot, it’s better to turn the phone around and take a photo using the main camera. It's best to take selfies in good lighting. In twilight or semi-darkness of the room, the front camera may not capture the frame and the picture will turn out “noisy” and blurry. Try not to use wide-angle lenses. Pictures taken this way are stretched and distorted.

Correct angle. The ideal angle for a selfie is when the camera is slightly above eye level, with the head slightly tilted. If you take a full-length selfie, it is better to stand slightly half-turned. This is especially important for girls who like to photograph a chiseled figure. Don't lower the camera too low if you don't want your face to blur, appearing like a double chin and giant nostrils. It is not recommended to take a selfie strictly from the front - the image turns out too flat and inexpressive. Don’t tilt the horizon too far so that you don’t get the feeling of a falling frame.

Correspondingly, the correct angle is associated with the correct posture. The number of selfie poses is practically limitless. You need to start from what you want to emphasize or, conversely, hide in the photo.

Watch the lighting. Competent photographers advise choosing diffuse daylight for photographs, not standing in front of the sun, and using fluorescent lamps in the room. You need to make sure that there are not too many bright light sources in the frame.

Correct background. Even if you choose a good camera and take the right pose, you can ruin your selfie if you don’t think about the right background. When taking a selfie at home, pay attention that the frame does not include the mess in the apartment, unwashed dishes in the kitchen, or dull wallpaper. When taking photos on the street, make sure that there are no passers-by in the frame who could attract the viewer’s attention. Of course, the ideal background for a selfie is natural. It’s difficult to ruin a photo taken against the backdrop of mountains or a waterfall, even if you’re completely inept at photography.

Facial expressions. The best facial expression for a selfie is a sincere smile, which can reap a “harvest” of likes on social networks. Don't be afraid to experiment, show your acting talent. Try to portray sadness, fear, disappointment - the main thing is that the facial expression is natural. Falsity in the photo will not be forgiven.

Pets. A pet in the frame will, in any case, provide an excellent selfie. Animals do not need to “play” on camera; they are already as natural as possible. All that remains is to play along slightly for a greater “cuteness” effect.

Assistive devices. To get as many details as possible into the frame, for example, when taking a selfie with friends, or against the backdrop of landmarks, it is better to use a special selfie stick - a monopod. How to choose a selfie monopod, as well as about special applications for selfie sticks, read our article. Since the smartphone is fixed, the photo comes out clearer than one taken at arm's length. You can add some zest to your selfie using filters, for example, making the photo black and white or sepia for the effect of an old photo.

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How to take the right selfie for girls

Remember to tilt your head slightly. Don't bend too low so that your neck appears to be crooked. It is better to choose selfie poses in such a way as to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes and the contours of the figure. For example, turn around 30 degrees. The chest can be slightly raised, just make sure that it does not look vulgar and vulgar. Watch the lighting so that it doesn’t turn out that one part of the body in the photo is well lit, while the other is in the shadow. Don't overdo it with makeup. It is better to slightly tint your eyelashes and apply a light lip gloss. By the way, do not overuse false eyelashes. Please note that the picture can also easily be ruined by thick shadows and sloppy eyebrows.

Here is an example of good photos:

But you don’t need to do this:

How to take the right selfie for guys

Men, unlike girls, rarely bother taking a selfie correctly. Guys are better off not trying to take pretentious poses. Guys take winning selfies hugging animals, celebrities, and in nightclubs.

Pumped up powerful biceps in the gym? Take a selfie in the mirror, and an influx of likes and new subscribers is guaranteed.

If you don’t have special muscles, you shouldn’t portray them. The spectacle will be pathetic:

Fans of extreme sports should take a monopod and a GoPro camera with them. Nothing attracts attention like photos taken during a skydive several kilometers high, under or above water, on a roller coaster at an amusement park, or over a raging river or waterfall. Don't overdo it - taking an extreme selfie involves risking your life.

The main rule for a good selfie is your sincerity. This applies to both boys and girls. The more natural you look in the frame, the more viewers will appreciate the photo. Forget duck lips. Not only is this an unnatural grimace, but it has not been trendy for a long time. Don't be afraid to try different angles, choose backgrounds, and invite your best friends into the frame.

If you are interested, you can read the article where we reviewed the main

It's time to talk about how to take a selfie. The trendy selfie is a great and fun way to show the world your confidence, personality and sense of style. Everyone takes self-portraits - from presidents to famous Oscar winners. It is a mistake if you think that you just need to point the camera at your face and click without planning everything first, because eye-catching photographs are a real art that your friends will be very happy to see on their social networks.

Choosing a good pose for a selfie

1) Choose a favorable angle

Instead of rushing to take selfies, experiment with different angles to show off your best features. If you turn your head a couple of degrees to the left or right, your features will look less flat. At the same time, holding the camera above your head and pointing it at yourself will make your eyes look a little larger than they actually are, plus you will be able to avoid the “potato nose”. Below are a few more ideas to help you find a good angle:

  • Think about your “best side” and try to take photos from that side of your face. It will not be difficult for you to choose it - this is the side that looks more pretty, balanced and symmetrical.
  • Holding the camera slightly above your head and taking a photo of your face and chest will highlight your bust. And even though it's not a natural pose, you'll definitely know where your camera is focused in a selfie like this.

2) Showcase something new

If you've been thinking about taking a selfie of yourself to show off your new hairstyle or a pair of new earrings, you'll need to set up the camera so that the subject you're taking the photo for is clearly visible and prominent in the photo.

  • A selfie highlighting your new hairstyle should be taken from the best angle you can find. At the same time, if the impetus for creating a new photo was a perfect mustache, then the camera should be directly in front of the face. Likewise if you want to show off your new glasses.
  • You can also take a selfie while holding some new stylish accessory you recently purchased, or even a food you plan to eat in the near future.

If you plan to take a close-up photo of your face, consider highlighting one feature while slightly deemphasizing the others. This works great if you have a trait that you're particularly happy with.

  • For example, if you love your eyes, highlight them with mascara and add some bright eyeshadow, while keeping your complexion and lips as natural as possible. In this case, the lips should be left unpainted, or a pale gloss or lipstick should be used.
  • At the same time, if you adore your charming smile, then you should not brightly paint your eyes and powder your cheeks. Focus on your lips with stunning bright lipstick.

4) Make an interesting facial expression

You can't go wrong if you smile. It is quite possible that smiling at the camera of a mobile phone, or just a camera, will make you feel a little stupid, but, for that matter, taking a photo of yourself using your phone is already a rather stupid and simple activity. If you are very serious now and have no time for smiling, then a calm and calm expression on your face will also look great.

  • It's no secret that you can smile in different ways, therefore, you have the opportunity to choose which smile suits your face best. A shy, closed-mouth smile can be just as appropriate as a wide, cheerful grin. No matter what, a smile will always be the most common and captivating facial expression you can display.
  • It's not always easy to make a facial expression seem natural and genuine. But there is at least one way to make it more real - to click yourself at the moment when you are overwhelmed by any emotions. Try taking a selfie while watching a movie that makes you laugh out loud, or right after you read unexpected and shocking news.

5) Take a full-length photo

Whether you want to show off your newly acquired outfit or your amazing figure after a grueling diet, you will need to stand in front of a large mirror to capture your body from head to toe. Please note that in this case the face will not be a priority and you will not focus on it.

  • Take full-length photos in a tidy room without unnecessary things. Your figure should stand out in the photo, not the background.
  • Your body will look a little slimmer if you tilt your hip slightly towards where you are holding the camera. The shoulder farthest from the lens needs to be moved forward a little, and the free hand can simply hang down or you can find a good place for it on the waist or hips for the photo. The chest should naturally be slightly forward and the legs should be crossed at the ankle.

6) Give a natural look

You can take a standard selfie where you look exactly as the outside world is used to seeing you every day, but a photo of yourself with your hair sticking out from sleep or minimal makeup can create the illusion that you are giving your social media followers a chance to catch a glimpse of the “real” you . It can be equally intriguing and sexy.

  • However, if you look more like a nightmare than a wonderful dream when you first get out of bed, you can clean up your act. In fact, even a little makeup will give the confident impression that you are showing off your “real face,” especially if those around you are used to seeing a lot more makeup on you.

If you decide to take a selfie of your feet after purchasing a fashionable pair of shoes again, you should choose an angle in which your legs will appear slender and from which your new stylish shoes will be clearly visible.

  • Point the camera straight down. The edge of the future photo should be somewhere in the hip area. This angle will make your legs as long as possible.

There are certain selfie poses that were once wildly popular, but now it's safe to say that their best time has long passed. You can add these photos to an album with other images for variety, but do so with caution, letting your friends know that you are joking. After all, such selfies are treated as negatively as the famous “duck face”, muscle tension, pretending to be asleep, or photographs in which girls pretended to be caught by someone by surprise.

  • “Duck face” is an awkward combination of elongated lips and huge eyes, made famous by American actress Snooki and her friends. If you are brave enough, do this at your own peril and risk!
  • Taking pictures of yourself and pretending that someone is taking the camera away at the same time. Based on your pose and posture, it won’t be difficult to guess what kind of selfie it is, and then mountains of criticism from your friends are guaranteed. But if you take a photo like this with a slight smile on your face or a slight wink, your friends will immediately understand that this is a deliberately sarcastic pose.

How to take a selfie? Setting up the background

1) Pay attention to good lighting

Having a powerful light source is the main key to successful photography in general, and self-portraits are no exception. If you try to take a selfie in a dim room, or in a room lit by fluorescent lights, you will definitely not achieve the desired result. Natural sunlight will work best for your photos, so try to take photos near a window or outside.

When taking selfies, keep these tips in mind:

  • For the best shot, stand in front of the sun or other light source. The light will make your features appear brighter and softer without leaving harsh shadows on your face. If the light source is behind you, unsightly shadows will appear in the photo and your features may appear distorted.
  • Consider using a thin curtain to diffuse artificial light or sunlight. It will soften the light and enhance the photo, creating the impression of a smooth, unobtrusive background against which your face will look more attractive.
  • Natural light brings out colors much better than artificial light, but you can use artificial light to fill out shadows. If you don't have access to proper lighting, most modern digital cameras have built-in automatic correction that can help improve your selfies.
  • Don't use your flash if you can do without it. It will create highlights on your forehead, distort your features, and possibly give you red-eye.

2) Use your phone's back camera

Many smartphones are equipped with two cameras: one of them is located on the back panel (the main one), the other is located in the front of the device. Instead of using the front camera, take photos with the main one. It takes pictures of much higher resolution than the front one, which will most likely give you only blurry selfies. You will have to turn your phone around in such a way that you cannot see the future photo. But this inconvenience is worth using the rear camera.

3) Only use a mirror if it is the only way to get the photo you want.

The image will be reflected, the phone will be visible in the photo, and you will most likely take a photo of yourself looking strange. In addition, your photo may turn out distorted, since the mirror does not always reflect an absolutely accurate image. It's much better to just reach out and grab the phone with your wrist and take a photo. It may take a little practice to get the hang of grabbing your entire face, but after a while you definitely won't be cutting off the top of your head.

  • The exception would be when you want to take a full-length selfie. It is very difficult to take such a photograph, capturing an area more than from head to chest, without the use of a mirror.
  • Practice using both your hands to take a selfie and see which angle gives you the best shot.

The best photographs are those that capture not only the face, but also something interesting in the background. Wherever you decide to take pictures, indoors or outdoors, first of all, look around and study the surrounding area. Choose a position where future viewers can see what you want to show them.

  • Nature will always play the role of an excellent backdrop. In spring or summer, you can pose next to a small planting of trees, or near flowering bushes and flowers, which will perfectly cope with the function of a quickly selected background. In autumn you can capture the falling leaves, and in winter the majesty of snow and ice.
  • If nature isn't your thing, you can stay at home and take photos right in your room. Remember clean things. You can show off something interesting in your home as long as the item doesn't distract attention from your face. For example, if you love to read, bookshelves make a great backdrop. But a huge poster on the wall with a picture of many faces will not be a very good background.

Common culprits like younger siblings, crying children, and dogs taking a bath behind you can seriously ruin your photo. Before you take a photo, take a good look around to see if anyone is hiding in the shadows, waiting to ruin your selfie.

  • In case your photo fails for one of the above reasons, you can always take another photo and wait until the photo destroyer is removed.
  • Sometimes unexpected guests fit into the photo quite well. Don't delete a photo just because it shows your sister's face. The joyful, silly face of a child combined with your serious expression can add originality to the photo.

6) Call a couple of people for a selfie together

The main requirement of a selfie is your presence in the frame, however, no one claims that you should be alone in the photo! Call your friends, your sister and her dog, to take a photo together. The photo will not be predictable, but visually funny and interesting for other people who will view it and like it.

  • This is a great way to take photos of yourself in public if you're shy about taking pictures of just yourself.
  • The more people in the photo, the more pages will publish it. If you have a lot of friends, imagine how many times they will share the photo and how many people will see and like it.

Upload your image and play a little magic with it

1) Experiment with filters

Most people who take selfies are lucky enough to have apps that can add an interesting twist to the image using color and filters. Not every filter will work well for every selfie, so it's best to try a few options and then settle on one.

  • The most simple filters, such as " black and white" (black and white) and " sepia"(sepia) are available on any phone and do not require installation of a special application.
  • Other popular filters will allow you to make your selfie look vintage, romantic, darker or lighter. Don't be afraid to try each option and see which one suits your particular photo best.

2) Edit the photo

If you have the right software, for example, you can correct facial imperfections such as pimples and blemishes before you post the photo on social media. You can crop out unwanted parts of the background and resize the photo to make the face look different, change the light and shadow in the frame, and much more. Many of these features can be right on your phone without installing any apps, but there are dozens of apps you can look at that can handle these tasks.

  • However, small changes should be made so that the photo looks natural. If you can't make the changes look natural and almost unnoticeable, remove any filters you've previously applied before posting an obvious fake.

3) Upload photos to all your accounts

Share your selfie on Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and Instagram and all your friends will see it. In most cases, you can add a caption to describe what's happening in the scene, but you can also let the image tell you where you were and what you were doing.

  • When you upload an image, acknowledge that it is your selfie. Pretending that you wanted to take a photo of something else but your face was suddenly in the frame won't fool anyone, so you need to show off your pretty face proudly.
  • Be prepared for the fact that some people find selfies annoying and may write some less than flattering comments on your photo. But if all your albums are filled with similar selfies, you should think about diversifying them.
  • Leave other users comments under their images only those that you yourself would like to see in your album. The more likes you give, the more you get!

4) Be trendy

Selfies have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years, and it's quite fun to take part in selfie trends. Photos turn into a kind of food that we need. Feel free to upload your own photos. Here are some selfie drills:

Some places are completely unsuitable for taking selfies, such as a funeral or crime scene. And, although most of these situations are quite common, ask yourself whether your photo shoot will upset or offend anyone. If the answer is yes, reschedule the selfie for another time.

  • Weddings, funerals and other special occasions are outside the rules. If you are at an event dedicated to other people, put your smartphone away and do not block the photographer of the young people.
  • Likewise, if you are at a memorial for people who died, keep your phone in your pocket. Avoid taking selfies near monuments or memorials, especially if tragic events have occurred nearby.
  • Look as natural as possible so that you don't seem like you're trying hard to look good. On the other hand, it's all about selfies!
  • The body will look slimmer if photographed from above or below. But while you are proud of your appearance, you should not forget that it does not yet determine your positive human qualities.
  • Men may be advised to leave their shirt slightly open rather than fully buttoned. This will give the appearance of slight negligence.
  • The valley between your breasts will look more impressive if you lie down on the sofa or floor and support yourself with your elbows.
  • Impressive muscles will appear in all their glory if you slightly raise your arm.

Now, show your selfie in the comments! ;)