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Modern forms of service in restaurants. Types of services and their features

Such forms of service contribute to improving the service culture, increasing the volume of services provided, and increasing sales of own-produced products.

A progressive form of service in restaurants is the organization of buffet-style catering and is to speed up the service to visitors (the average time for receiving and eating food during breakfast is 15-20 minutes, lunch and dinner 25-30 minutes).

With buffet-style service, visitors do not have to wait for waiters to bring them the ordered dishes and write out the bill. They choose their own dishes according to their own tastes.

Methods of establishing contact with the client.

Send nonverbal signals, this will help establish contact with the client. Start a conversation from a distance that is comfortable for the other person, that is, at a distance of one to four meters. Lean slightly towards the person who is nearby and listening to you. Your tilt angle can be from 45 to 90 degrees. Avoid closed poses. A smile should come from your lips. The face should not be tense and feignedly businesslike or feignedly sincere. Don't lose sight of your opponent's gaze. Don't try to gesticulate too much. When entering the room for your first meeting, try to be confident. Give voice signals. Every word spoken out loud must be said loudly and confidently. Saying it very loudly will intimidate you. The interlocutor will decide that you are the aggressor. Quiet speech equals uncertainty. Only a chest voice at low frequencies can act soulfully. Let every word spoken be confident and friendly. Don't chatter, but don't hesitate either. Speech speed should be optimal. Let your future client hear you and give him enough time to think about your words. Establishing contact with a client is guaranteed to you if you are able to “mirror” everything that is said. A verbal way to interest a future client. The client should feel comfortable, speak politely. At the first meeting, introduce yourself and offer to introduce yourself to the client. When addressing a person, say his name. Good compliments are the key to success. They should not sound ingratiating. Say, for example, that you feel that in front of you is a pro in his field.

Psychology of the service process.

The service provider must take into account that paying clients ensure the stability and prosperity of the company. It is not only the quality of the service that is important, but also the ability to serve the client. Each client has individual psychological characteristics, an individual understanding of life’s problems and perceives the service through the prism of personal characteristics.

However, to this day, the vicious practice of focusing on one’s own interests to the detriment of the client’s interests continues to live and operate. And to become a true service professional, you need to study methods, techniques and psychological techniques that help convince a client to purchase a service. Techniques that allow you to transfer a buyer from “potential” to “real” are not born in the mind on their own. They need to be learned, mastered and modified in relation to your service, your client, and your personal characteristics. And only when the acquired knowledge becomes internal beliefs will they be perceived and acted upon.

An employee focused on the interests of the buyer finds an approach to him and presents arguments that are convincing for each specific person. Communication with a true professional leaves the client with a feeling of relaxed conversation, a feeling that he was treated with attention and understanding, even if he did not buy anything. This approach allows you to retain regular customers and attract new ones, creates an attractive image for the company, and a stable business reputation.

The entire service process can be divided into 3 stages:

1) collection of information about the client and presentation of the service;

2) making a decision, working with the client’s doubts;

3) completion of the transaction.

Service tactics at the stages of ordering.

Complaints and conflicts during customer service.

The main reasons for customer complaints are failure to meet order deadlines, poor quality of execution, and rudeness of service personnel. Complaints are always breaks in normal organic connections between subsystems (aspects) of service culture. These gaps are caused by failures and defects in the work of the service enterprise and its related partners.

Consequently, disruption of the normal operation of a store (studio) will inevitably affect the service culture. When dealing with customer complaints and complaints, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

Put yourself in the position of the applicant;

Keep calm;

Remain polite;

If it is impossible to resolve the complaint (claim) yourself, inform the senior person about this.

Conflict is the interaction of people who have incompatible goals or ways of achieving these goals. Translated from Latin, “conflict” means “contradiction.” Conflict is characterized by the fact that in it people oppose each other. The number of participants in the conflict may vary. Thus, a conflict is a contradiction that arises between people in resolving certain issues. Of course, not every contradiction leads to conflict. Thus, the customer and the receptionist may disagree with each other in their assessment of certain fashion trends, have different aesthetic tastes, but, nevertheless, the order will be made. Conflict is caused only by contradictions that deeply affect the needs of clients, their human dignity, prestige, etc.

Methods of conflict resolution.

Resolving a social conflict is overcoming the main contradiction in the interests of the parties, eliminating it at the level of the causes of the conflict. The resolution of the conflict can be achieved by the conflicting parties themselves without the help of any outsiders, or by involving a third party (mediator) in the solution. Thus, a conflict resolution model is a set of certain methods for overcoming it. This is not a randomly chosen method, but directly depends on the indications of the diagnosis of a specific conflict.

The forceful method is used when one of the subjects is very active and intends to continue in the conflict to a victorious end.

Separation of the parties to the conflict. In this case, the conflict is resolved by stopping interaction, severing relations between the conflicting parties, isolating them from each other (for example, divorce of spouses, separation of neighbors, transfer of workers to different areas of production).

The compromise model is a way of reconciling conflicting interests, which consists of mutual concessions in the positions of the conflicting parties.

Service culture.

Service culture is a system of reference labor standards, high spiritual values ​​and ethical behavior of service workers, the principles of which are consistent with both the national traditions of the country and the modern requirements of world standards, indicating high-quality customer service.

Service culture levels:

· the entire national service sector of the country,

· or to one industry

· enterprise, firm.

service culture.

1. Requirements for professional training, level of qualifications of service workers.

Vocational training;

A high level of professionalism (discipline, responsibility, mastery of professional skills, mastery, broad knowledge);

Organizational and technological improvement of labor.

Professionalism in work forms a positive image of the company in the minds of clients, which is accompanied by its growing income and good reputation in the professional environment.

2. Requirements for the psychological environment in the organization of the service sector and for the personal qualities of each of its employees.

Cultivate the constructive individual psychological qualities of workers who come into contact with customers, i.e. it is important to carefully select workers who work within the contact zone, in contact with consumers;

To guide the overall service environment in a positive psychological direction;

Create conditions for the manifestation of positive psychological properties of consumers.

It is important for a contact zone employee to have the ability to come into contact with the consumer, the ability to unobtrusively find out his requests and offer the right product or service. The employee himself must remain friendly and discreet throughout the entire period of contact with the client

Catering enterprises accept a variety of forms of service, differing in forms, methods and methods of service.

First of all, there are two forms of service: with the participation of waiters and without the participation of waiters, i.e. self-service.

Serving visitors to public catering establishments with the participation of waiters can be carried out in various ways. Traditional ways of serving food are served in French, Russian and English.

Service in French. The most complex and expensive type of service. It is not widespread and requires trained personnel. The waiter uses an auxiliary table where food preparation is completed and portions are determined. As for sauces and some desserts, the dressing is done on a cart. Before serving, the dish is offered to the guest or the “leader” of the group of guests to sample (for approval), as are wines. The shortened version of French service is used in old prestigious hotels and restaurants, where the chef completes the preparation of dishes in front of the customers. This type of service is sometimes incorrectly considered to be served in English.

Service in Russian. The waiter serves a dish for several servings and the guests take the food themselves.

Service in English. The food is served on one platter for everyone at the table, and the waiter fills the guests' plates. English style service is also called family style.

Nowadays, due to practicality, low cost and convenience, maintenance has become one of the most common maintenance methods in the world. American style. This is a type of service that does not require special training of personnel. The ordered food is placed into portions on plates in the kitchen, which guarantees the desired temperature of the food and makes the waiter’s work as easy as possible.

Self-service– a form of service in which visitors to a catering establishment independently select dishes from the proposed menu at the serving counter, pay for them and receive them.

Self-service can be implemented in most food service establishments. Self-service is advisable at industrial enterprises, construction sites, and educational institutions. The introduction of self-service dramatically increases the capacity of canteens, cafes, buffets, etc.

Self-service forms are classified depending on the method of payment for the products chosen by the consumer.

When self-service with prepayment, visitors first get acquainted with the assortment of dishes on the menu, and then purchase checks or coupons for the selected dishes at the cash register, after which they are sent to distribution to receive them. Distribution capacity is limited due to the fact that dispensers must review and sort receipts and food coupons.

A more advanced version of this form of self-service is the sale of set meals using pre-purchased subscriptions or checks. If this type of service additionally uses pre-sorting of dining tables, then servicing consumers is much faster.

Self-service with subsequent payment has two types: payment for the selected product after receiving it and payment after its consumption.

When self-service with payment for the selected products after receiving them, visitors choose dishes and culinary products at the dispensing counter, at the end of which they pay their cost to the cashier. In this case, customers are not limited in the choice of dishes, and distributors are freed from the operations of parsing checks and focus their attention on dispensing dishes. As a result, the throughput of the dispensing rack increases. However, with this form of self-service, control over cash transactions is weakened, which is due to two reasons: firstly, most visitors do not control the correctness of the amounts indicated on the check, and secondly, existing types of cash registers do not allow reflecting the quantity and range of products sold.

When self-service with payment for the cost of products after consumption, a number of disadvantages of the form discussed above are eliminated: after choosing products, customers receive a check from the cashier-controller, which is paid after eating when leaving the sales area. If the distribution lines are located away from the entrance doors, then the visitor upon entering the sales area is given a token, which he presents to the cashier-controller at the end of the distribution line, receiving a check.

Self-service with direct payment for the cost of dishes is characterized by the simultaneity of the processes of selecting, receiving and paying for the cost of culinary and other products.

In this case, product release and payment are carried out by one employee. Most often this form is used in buffets and snack bars.

Self-service according to the self-payment system is characterized by the fact that payment for public catering products and purchased goods purchased by the consumer is carried out without a cashier.

At industrial enterprises, a possible form of service in the canteen is the supply of packed lunches with advance payment using checks or subscription coupons. This type of service ensures high throughput of the dispensing line.

School canteens located in the same area can be supplied with breakfast and lunch by school-based facilities. A specially developed assortment with a specific portion yield requires non-cash forms of payment. Complete breakfasts and lunches are sold with pre-purchased subscriptions. Self-checkout tables and buffets without a salesperson are used. It is advisable to involve schoolchildren in pre-setting tables a few minutes before the break.

At catering establishments operating using the self-service method, two main types of distribution are used:

Specialized distribution - carry out the sale of certain types of ration dishes from specialized sections for the distribution of cold appetizers, sweet, hot dishes and drinks. At such distributions, as a rule, two or more distributors are occupied;

Universal distribution - served by one distributor, who releases all dishes and products to the visitor.

Each form of self-service corresponds to a certain type of distribution: for prepayment - universal, for subsequent payment - universal, for heavy flow - specialized, and for payment after a meal - specialized.

When organizing breakfasts, lunches and dinners, the following service methods are used: “a la carte”, “a parte”, “table d’hote”, “buffet”, budget service.

A la carte- a type of service that involves the guest, with the active assistance of a waiter, selecting dishes and drinks from the proposed menu with the subsequent transfer of orders to the kitchen, preparation and serving of ordered dishes and drinks.

And the desk- a type of service in which guests place an order in advance, and service is carried out by waiters within a strictly established period of time.

table d'hote- a type of waiter service for a group of guests according to a lunch or dinner menu with a limited assortment of dishes at pre-set tables for 4, 6, 8 people. Table d'hote differs from the previous method in that all guests are served at the same time and from the same menu.

Buffet- a type of self-service that allows guests to freely choose from a large assortment of dishes any they like, in unlimited quantities for a prepaid fixed amount.

Buffet service- based on the use of the principle of self-service. The range of dishes and snacks is replenished by a waiter or bartender, who also performs a number of other functions: opening bottles of drinks, preparing tea or coffee, removing used dishes and cutlery.

Buffet or buffet service is the basis of buffets, brunches, business lunches, and sometimes the main concept of the restaurant.

Guests with this form of service are not limited in either the variety or quantity of food consumed and therefore leave the restaurant in a good mood. Thanks to the large selection of dishes, the customer gets the impression of abundance and the feeling that there are much more offers than the cost of lunch or dinner.

A buffet can serve as an attribute of both a democratic restaurant and a high-class establishment. Buffets and brunches help attract the public, for example, on Saturday and Sunday mornings, which naturally requires additional advertising.

A buffet with appetizers significantly saves time for guests and the restaurant, which is especially important for hotel restaurants. Fast service is especially necessary for business people staying in hotels, which is achieved with the help of a buffet. That is why in many restaurants a salad bar of ready-made cold appetizers is included in the business lunch menu.

For a restaurant, an important factor can be a pattern: the establishment’s profit from the buffet directly depends on the number of customers. The more guests gather for the buffet. The higher the restaurant's profit will be. An insufficient number of visitors leads to a situation where the buffet becomes unprofitable. For a high-end restaurant, 45 customers are needed for a buffet to be profitable, while for a luxury restaurant, about 100 guests are needed. Therefore, organizing a buffet without a preliminary advertising campaign is inappropriate.

Organizing buffet-style catering consists, first of all, in speeding up the service for visitors: the average time for receiving and eating food during breakfast is 15-20 minutes, lunch and dinner - 25-30 minutes.

With buffet-style service, visitors do not have to wait for waiters to bring them the ordered dishes or write out the bill. They choose the dish themselves according to their taste.

To serve the buffet, a team is created under the leadership of a foreman. Each worker included in the team performs a specific type of work.

The team of cooks, like the team of waiters, must be permanent and free from work in the production hall. The foreman of waiters or the foreman of cooks receives products for breakfast or lunch using pick-up sheets or an invoice and a cash register receipt, together with team members arranges the products on the buffet, monitors the assortment throughout the day, and, as sales progress, replenishes it with the missing products for based on additional entries in the intake sheet, invoice.

A team of waiters sets dinner tables and removes used dishes. At the request of visitors, waiters can serve them at the table, taking into account age, physical and other reasons.

Modern forms of service in restaurants include:

Sales of packed lunches for people staying in hotels, upon pre-order;

Organization of express lounges and express tables;

Organization of the tea table;

Organization of family dinners;

Conducting tastings of national cuisines.

Such forms of service contribute to improving the service culture, increasing the volume of services provided, and increasing sales of own-produced products.

A form of service is a way of providing services to a consumer.

A form of consumer service is a variety or combination of methods (methods) of serving consumers.

Method (method) of servicing consumers - method (method) of selling products to consumers, organizational measures in the process of providing services.

Modern forms of service bring the service closer to the consumer, reduce service time, and create convenience for the service consumer. These forms include:

Serving consumers in inpatient settings;

Home-based consumer service;

Contactless service at the place of residence of consumers;

Service using exchange funds of goods.

Service to consumers in stationary conditions is carried out in the premises of a service organization in the hall or service salon. In stationary conditions, both material and socio-cultural services are provided.

When providing catering services, hotel services, and product manufacturing services, a stationary form of service is the most convenient and, often, the only possible form of service delivery.

When providing material services in stationary conditions, technological operations are performed in specialized workshops equipped with various types of technological equipment for the repair and production of products. Stationary service allows us to perform complex types of repairs, maintenance and manufacture of products according to individual customer orders.

Some service companies provide the consumer with a rental service for household appliances if the repair requires stationary conditions and takes a long period. The consumer pays for the rental of this equipment only for the repair period established by the rules. If the enterprise violates this repair period, the consumer uses the rented devices free of charge until he receives his devices from repair.

The main methods of servicing consumers in stationary conditions are service by a service specialist and self-service.

Receivers, consultants, administrators, and craftsmen (hairdressers, cosmetologists, repairmen, salespeople, waiters) act as service specialists working with consumers.

Self-service involves the consumer independently performing part of the technological operations of the service. Self-service is performed using technical means and materials costs of a service company. The self-service method is used in the provision of retail trade services, catering services, dry cleaning and laundry services.

Self-service in retail trade and public catering is based on the consumer’s independent selection of goods and culinary products in the sales area of ​​a self-service store, in a cafe, bar or canteen.

Self-service in dry cleaners and laundries is based on the individual independent use by consumers of the enterprise’s technical equipment (stain removers, washing and ironing machines, dryers) for washing, removing stains, and ironing things.

Home-based service is most convenient for consumers. This form of service is used to provide repair services for large household machines and appliances, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, televisions, electric stoves, personal computers, apartment and house renovation services, landscaping services, and cleaning services.

On-site catering services are provided to customers, including the organization of lunches, banquets, and ceremonial picnics.

A service specialist will visit your home based on an order at the reception center, by phone, or via the Internet. A service specialist (repairman) performs maintenance at a time agreed with the consumer.

Maintenance with mandatory travel to the consumer is required for repairs of heat, water, energy supplies, apartment renovation, and agricultural services. Off-site catering services, services for the delivery of ready-made meals and semi-finished products, and services for organizing and holding corporate events have gained popularity.

The provision of services can be carried out using the express service method, in which the consumer’s order is completed within an accelerated time frame. The price of express services is usually higher than services provided within regular terms.

Contactless service does not involve direct communication between the consumer and the service provider. Contactless service is currently used in the provision of dry cleaning and laundry services, information services, communication services, etc.

When providing dry cleaning services, items are received using storage containers located in residential buildings. Consumers place laundry or dry cleaning clothes in the container along with a completed receipt. Clean linen or clothing is transported to the consumer’s home at a predetermined time. Payment for services is made upon receipt of the order.

The provision of a significant part of utility services for heat and energy supply, etc. can be classified as contactless service. When providing various types of information services and communication services, contactless service is also used. Payment for services is made by prepayment of services using fast payment cards, which are registered on the organization’s website on the Internet or by phone.

Service using exchange funds of goods is based on the urgent exchange of a faulty household appliance for a similar repaired appliance with payment of the cost of repair. This form of service is used to repair watches, electric shavers, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, washing machines, refrigerators, etc.

Services to consumers in hospitals and at home can be provided on the basis of a service subscription, which the consumer purchases for a certain period. Service is carried out after a certain time or at the request of the consumer. If it is impossible to carry out repairs at the consumer’s home, the service organization transports the goods to the repair shop and back.

Subscription services are used in service organizations for the repair and maintenance of durable goods, dry cleaners and laundries, hairdressers and beauty salons.

Individual service as a field of professional activity. The increasing spread of services to the population has led to the need to formalize this activity as professional, ensuring the satisfaction of someone’s needs at an appropriate level. Initially, this means, above all, a process of individual service. In addition, this type of professional activity requires compliance with certain rules or regulations, namely:

Mandatory offer of related services;

The use of these services is optional (they cannot be imposed);

Elasticity of service, which means a wide “package” of service activities that give the opportunity to choose;

Convenience of the service (it must be provided in a place, at a time and in a form that suits the buyer);

Technical adequacy of the service, taking into account the technical level of production and at the same time contributing to the creation of original technical solutions for service technology;

Information return of the service (enterprise managers should listen carefully to service information);

Reasonable pricing policy in the service sector (service should, first of all, be an incentive to purchase the company’s goods and a tool for strengthening consumer confidence);

Guaranteeing compliance of production with service (so as not to put the consumer in a “serve yourself” situation)

Service form– an organizational technique, which is a variety or combination of methods of serving consumers.

The forms of service differ:

1. the nature of the services provided;

2. place and conditions of their implementation;

3. the nature of the work of service personnel;

4. form of payment by consumers.

An example of forms of service could be the sale of culinary products through vending machines or self-checkout tables, like a buffet, or the sale of set lunches.

Self-service is a service method in which consumers themselves perform a number of operations, and depending on this, use the following forms of self-service:

1. complete. The consumer performs all operations independently;

2. partial. Some of the work is performed by service personnel or mechanisms (collecting dishes, delivering dishes, conveyor for collecting dishes, etc.).

Depending from the form of payment distinguish:

· self-service with advance payment:

o the consumer gets acquainted with the menu, purchases a check at the cash register, and receives dishes with a check at the counter. Negative aspects of this form of service: the consumer does not see the selected dishes, deals with money;

o organization of complex meals using pre-purchased subscriptions and checks: tables are pre-set, then set breakfasts, lunches and dinners are served, which speeds up the service process. This form is used to organize meals for tourists, students, participants in seminars and conferences;

· self-service with subsequent payment:

o with payment after receiving the dishes: the consumer gets acquainted with the menu, selects the dishes on hand, pays for the selected dishes, consumes and, finally, removes the dishes. The advantage of this form of service is the ability for consumers to clearly select dishes; negative aspects: the consumer stands in line, deals with money;

o self-service with payment after meals. The consumer gets acquainted with the menu, selects dishes, receives a receipt for the dishes, eats food and then pays when leaving the hall. Positive aspects: the service process is accelerated; negative: the number of service personnel increases;

· self-service with direct payment.
The consumer simultaneously selects, receives dishes and pays for their cost. With this form of service, the release of products and settlement with the consumer is carried out by one employee. This form of service is used in PBOs, buffets, snack bars, and through the bar counter in bars.

Waiter service method used in restaurants, bars, snack bars, as well as some canteens (at sanatoriums, holiday homes, etc.). At the same time, the process of servicing consumers, from their meeting to payment, is carried out by waiters.

At full waiter service All operations are carried out by waiters. This type is characterized by a high culture of service and is used in luxury and high-class enterprises during the entire operating time of the hall, during banquets and receptions, and in the evening - in enterprises with recreational activities.

Partial waiter service involves the performance of a number of operations by consumers. Waiters deliver products from the serving station to the hall, place dishes on the table, at which visitors serve themselves. This form allows you to speed up the process of serving visitors, increase the capacity of the hall and reduce the number of service personnel.

When serving by waiters, the following forms of payment are used:

1. preliminary. The consumer, having familiarized himself with the menu, purchases a food check at the cash register. This form is also used when serving participants at conferences, seminars, etc. In this case, consumers purchase receipts or meal passes in advance;

2. subsequent. Payment is made at the end of service by the waiters.

The considered forms of payment have two varieties: direct and cashless payment.

Waiter service by nature of work divided into two forms:

1. individual. All operations with the visitor are performed by one waiter, who is assigned a certain number of tables in the hall;

2. brigade. A team of several waiters divides all consumer service operations among themselves (one meets the consumer, takes the order; two serve food and drinks, etc.). This form allows you to speed up the process of servicing consumers; it is also used when servicing banquets and receptions.

Combined service method consumers is a combination of different service methods (for example, self-service with waiter service).

In addition to traditional methods and forms of service, public catering establishments use special (progressive) forms of service, the purpose of which is to speed up service to a large number of consumers. Such forms are used to serve participants of congresses, conferences, seminars, etc. These include: express rooms, express tables, buffets.

Express lounge(usually for 40–50 seats) is organized in restaurants and cafes to speed up service to consumers with a limited amount of time. The menu is a set lunch. By lunch time, all tables in the express hall are set, and a menu is placed on each table. As soon as visitors sit down at the table, the waiters serve appetizers and sweet dishes, then bring soups, followed by hot dishes. The consumer's time spent on such a lunch is 15–20 minutes.

Express table organized in restaurants at hotels, airports, and railway stations. It is designed for 20 people, has a round shape with a rotating central part, on which snacks, dishes, culinary and confectionery products, and drinks are installed. The fixed surface of the table is served with snack plates, cutlery, and napkins. Consumers, sitting at the table, independently select products from the rotating part of the table. Waiters bring hot food and drinks and pay consumers.

Catering by type "Buffet" serves to speed up the service of large groups of tourists, organized at catering establishments at hotels. Cold appetizers, sweet dishes and confectionery are placed on the tables, and steam tables are installed for the sale of soups and hot dishes. The waiters' job comes down to helping with portioning.

The essence of service technology.

A specific service technology is a set of interconnected expedient actions of an employee, his implementation of standard labor techniques, as well as finding creative solutions carried out with the help of technical means and auxiliary materials for the production of a service or service product. In any technology, we can highlight, firstly, narrow production aspects related to the ability of personnel to organize the service process, the skills of a particular employee to handle auxiliary materials, use tools and equipment involved in maintenance, etc. Secondly, service aspects that are aimed at direct relations with the consumer, taking into account his requests. Such a distinction is conditional, since these aspects of technology are closely intertwined with each other. However, in practice, not every novice employee manages to master all these aspects. More often than not, a novice masters the production aspects more easily, while service proficiency comes later with experience. The bulk of service technologies are the result of long-term development of optimal service techniques. There has long been a tradition of recording the purpose and description of technology in writing. Currently, such a description is presented in methodological documentation, which is specially compiled in relation to any technology. A person who has mastered a particular profession of sociocultural service must know these methodological documents well. Of course, mastering technology is not limited to studying its description. It includes visual teaching by the teacher to the student in the “do as I do” mode, as well as the transfer of theoretical concepts associated with this technology. Methods for describing technologies in service products, the production of which involves complex equipment and a large number of specialists, are drawn up especially carefully and in detail.

A form of service is a specific way of providing services, consisting of a set of specific service technologies and benefits for the consumer. Within the same type of service, different technologies and different forms of service may be used, which are developed for the convenience of clients, to bring service processes closer to consumer needs. Different segments and areas of service activity are developing their own traditional forms of service. The rapid development of the service stimulates the introduction of new technologies and more convenient forms of service for clients. There are outdated and modern forms of service. Individual service is an independent type of service in many segments of service practice. There are many types of services that allow you to focus in more detail on individual requests, although the service becomes much more expensive than mass types of services. Personalized service is easier to implement in the personal and recreational services area. Service products are of high quality; they carefully develop service technologies, many of which may be unique. All this is reflected in the price of the service product, affecting the small consumer segment of the market, whose representatives have high incomes. For those service enterprises that are focused mainly on mass service, the individual form of service remains too labor-intensive and unprofitable. However, despite objective limitations, personalized service finds ways to reach a wide range of consumers. Within the framework of mass service, elements of individual service begin to operate. Such options, where individual and mass forms of service are mixed, are becoming widespread in modern practice of tourist, recreational, and educational services. In modern sociocultural services, the growing popularity of individual forms of service is associated with a number of factors. At the current stage of market relations, it is impossible to completely ignore the individual needs of customers on the part of manufacturers. In various areas of the service business, the level of competition currently remains extremely high, which forces manufacturers to look for new ways to expand their clientele. Mass forms of service have a considerable number of insurmountable costs of a socio-psychological nature, which reduces the competitiveness of those firms that focus exclusively on these forms. Subscription service is associated with the conclusion of an agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, according to which the consumer, subject to payment of a fee, is given the right to prompt service. Contactless service; in-home service is used for repairing large equipment; accepting orders at the place of work; self-service allows consumers to satisfy some of their needs for household services on their own; field service; The combined form of service consists in offering the maximum number of services in one place while ensuring a minimum consumption of consumers’ time. In each type of service activity, in different forms of service, normative ideas about the time it takes to complete a service are always variable. However, this does not reduce the value of the time parameter. The time factor in all cases plays an important role and must be taken into account in any area of ​​service activity, in each type of service.