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Carpentry workshop as a business from scratch. Business plan for opening a carpentry shop Carpentry workshop as a business profitability

Wood is a universal natural material that is used in the construction and decoration of houses, in the architectural and artistic design of buildings, and in furniture production. Carpentry workshops produce wooden products. The list of products that can be produced using the labor of professional carpenters, as well as special machines and tools, is very wide: these are windows, doors, frames, furniture, and interior elements. A carpentry workshop as a business is a good option both for those who love and know how to work with wood, and for those who have organizational skills and the talent of an entrepreneur. In this article we will tell you how to open such an enterprise and how much you can earn.

Features of a business idea and options for opening a workshop

Opening a carpentry shop is a relevant and promising enterprise. Such a business has a number of advantages:

  • high demand for finished products;
  • stability (wood products will never go out of fashion, since it is a high-quality, natural, environmentally friendly, durable material);
  • relatively low competition in the industry;
  • no need to invest large sums at the start;
  • low running costs.

Some experts recommend choosing a narrow niche when starting a carpentry business. For example, technical (windows, doors, balcony blocks, etc.) or artistic (making crafts, souvenirs, decorative elements). The scale of activity may also vary. This can be a small workshop, where only individual parts of a simple profile are made by one or two workers, or a large workshop in which joiners, carpenters, and woodcarvers work, carrying out the complete assembly and design of products.

Which option to choose depends on the wishes of the entrepreneur, the market situation (level of supply/demand, characteristics of competitors) and the available resource base.

Do not know, ? Read about the most promising areas of entrepreneurship and learn recommendations for choosing an idea for your own business.

Material and technical base and workshop personnel

You can carry out carpentry work even in your own garage (see). This will not bring too much money, but it will allow you to accumulate funds for organizing a workshop over a period of time.

The base for such an enterprise is a premises with an area of ​​about 200 square meters. m with a wall height of at least 3 meters, the necessary set of equipment and tools and a team of specialists.

The workshop area should have:

  • raw materials warehouse;
  • finished goods warehouse;
  • area for the production of solid woodwork;
  • site for the production of individual elements;
  • assembly shop;
  • paint shop;
  • staff room and bathroom.

It is necessary to have all utilities: heating systems, water supply, electricity supply, sewerage and supply and exhaust ventilation. It is advisable that the room have a three-phase power line with a voltage of 380 Volts.

The workshop should have natural and artificial lighting. To prevent damage to materials, it is important to ensure compliance with the temperature regime (optimally 18-20 ° C) and maintain the recommended humidity level (about 50%). You can use dehumidifiers and heat guns for this.


The lion's share of the costs when opening a workshop goes to purchasing equipment and tools. The number and functionality of machines depends on what you will produce. If you plan to produce a wide range of products, then you can purchase universal equipment. We will present the names and approximate prices in the form of a table:


Average cost, rub.


Cross-cutting machine



Milling machine

Drilling machine



Electric saw

Electric planer


Staple gun

Set of hand tools

Thus, about 465,000 rubles will have to be spent on equipping the workshop. This is not counting workbenches, cabinets and shelves, which, as a rule, craftsmen make on their own. Many modern manufacturers provide the opportunity to purchase equipment on lease. One way or another, it’s not worth saving by purchasing used or low-quality machines. Not only the quality of the finished product, but also the safety of workers depends on them. Read which one is better to choose.

To open a carpentry shop you will need several people. The main work will be done by professional carpenters. They will need handymen to help them. To carry out paint and varnish work, it is advisable to hire a qualified wood painter.

The production foreman or technologist must monitor the work of the workshop and carry out control functions. In addition, you will need an estimator or accountant, as well as a customer service manager.

Formation of assortment

One of the most common options for the carpentry business is making custom furniture. The greatest demand among customers is for kitchen sets, bar furniture, wardrobes, and beds. In addition, you can include interior items in the range: balusters, railings, steps for stairs, frames for mirrors and pictures, flower stands.

If a workshop opens in the private sector, then garden furniture (tables, benches) and small ready-made structures (gazebos, animal houses, etc.) will be in demand.

In areas with active development, income will be generated by finishing materials: parquet boards, wall panels, decorative beams.

The success of the enterprise will depend on the number and volume of orders, as well as on the quality indicators of the products you produce.

Legal basis

A carpentry shop, like any business, requires registration of business activity with the tax authority. If you are planning a large-scale enterprise, then it is better to immediately register a legal entity, for example, a limited liability company. This organizational and legal form will allow you to cooperate with large companies, take part in various tenders and develop in almost any direction.

We talked about this in one of the previous articles. We can only add that when filling out an application for registration, you should indicate code 43.32 (“Carpentry and carpentry work”) as the code for the type of main activity according to OKVED. As codes for additional types of activities, you can designate 31.01 (“Production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises”), 31.02 (“Production of kitchen furniture”), 16.23 (“Production of other wooden building structures and carpentry”) and others - depending on what you will be doing.

These types of activities are not subject to licensing. But before putting the workshop into operation, it will be necessary to coordinate its opening with the local authorities of Rosptrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as obtain the necessary permits from these services.

Marketing plan

Advertising and market promotion play an important role on the path to the success of any enterprise. These issues must be approached with full responsibility. If you want to start your own trademark, start with a name for a carpentry shop. It should be positive, original, speaking about the specifics of your products. Examples of successful names: “Forest Tale”, “Royal Chambers”, “Cabinetmaker”, “ArtBrus”.

The workshop must have its own website, on which it should post a photo gallery with examples of work, information about the materials used in the work (if there are screen copies of certificates and declarations of conformity), and reviews from satisfied clients. You can use search engine banners and promotion on social networks as online advertising.

Outdoor advertising, cooperation with local trading enterprises, and placement of information in newspapers and magazines on relevant topics are considered effective.

In a month, an average workshop can produce and sell up to 6 sets of furniture made of natural wood for a total amount of about 800 thousand rubles. At the same time, the costs of raw materials, rent of premises, wages of workers, advertising, taxes, transportation and other expenses in total will amount to about 700-720 thousand rubles, and the net profit will be at the level of 80-100 thousand rubles. With such indicators, the investment will pay off in about a year.

The products of the carpentry shop can be sold wholesale to trade organizations and retail to private clients. Over time, you can open sales on the Internet. Additional income can come from repairing and restoring old furniture, as well as providing assembly and installation services.

Check out these other interesting woodworking ideas. For example,

Wood products are constantly in demand on the market. This is never a luxury item, but more often a necessity.

Furniture, windows, doors - you want to have all this made of wood, as it is convenient, reliable and environmentally friendly. Therefore, the carpentry business will find its buyer at any time.

Business organization options

The plan for generating income from carpentry work can be based on one of the following options:

  • Making wooden objects.
  • Mediation in the sale of goods.
  • Providing carpentry services.

Intermediation has recently been losing its position, as manufacturers, wanting to reduce the price of goods, seek to get rid of this intermediate link. The only popular mediation option is specialized stores.

The least expensive thing to start is your own home business providing carpentry services. In this case, you will only have to spend money on purchasing equipment and finding clients. But then there is a high risk of being unemployed for a long time, since the demand for such services shows some seasonality. In winter, people rarely look for craftsmen.

But a person will always find money for basic necessities, under any circumstances. Therefore, it is best to base your home business on carpentry manufacturing.

What to produce

What items should you base your small business on? To do this, you need to study the market of the area where you plan to work. Walk through furniture showrooms and talk to consultants. Check your interests with your friends and family. Visit specialized exhibitions. Only after collecting and analyzing information can you create an accurate and detailed business plan.

Workshop space

To work, you will need a dry and bright room of approximately 50 square meters. m. It is desirable that it have a length of at least 5 m, so that products of 4 m can be processed. You can use a household power supply, but for some types of work you will need a professional tool. In this case, you need to take care of a 380 V power supply. If you are opening an official business and not a home one, you need to bring the premises in accordance with the requirements of fire inspection and SES standards. In general, a converted garage or basement will be suitable for the job.

Necessary equipment

Your equipment purchasing plan should be consistent with the products you intend to manufacture. Sometimes you can buy a used instrument, rent one, or make one yourself. This will reduce start-up costs.

Equipment can be divided into the following main groups:

1. Woodworking machines. First of all you will need:

  • drilling;
  • turning;
  • milling;
  • edgebanding;
  • grinding.

2. Woodworking tools:

  • chisel;
  • jointer;
  • plane;
  • saw;
  • drill;
  • hacksaw and others.

3. Equipment for applying varnish and paint.

Raw materials

Where and what kind of raw materials to get for production also depends on the range of your products. Almost any type of wood can be purchased at woodworking plants or in specialized stores and markets. For example, the cheapest raw material is slab, from which you can make benches, stools, tables and other furniture for home and cottages. If they are decorated with carved elements, they can be sold for much more.

In this case, a simple bench sells for 2.5 thousand rubles, and a carved one - 3.5 thousand. Over the summer, you can set a plan to make 75 such benches. Small household utensils can be produced. For example, coasters for hot dishes, which are sold for 25 rubles. piece, napkin holders for 250 rubles. or bread boxes for 1 thousand rubles.

Production of doors and windows

If you decide to build your home business in the production of doors and windows, your production plan will consist of the following stages:

  • cutting of material;
  • creation of blanks and their processing;
  • product assembly;
  • sanding and applying the necessary coatings.

Almost every stage requires the purchase of a special machine. If this is expensive, you can do some of the steps in woodworking centers. Or include a multifunctional installation in the purchase plan, which will cost less than each machine separately. In addition, this installation will save you space.

Manufacturing technology

No matter the size of your home business, production technology begins with creating sketches that convey the basic idea of ​​the order. When it is approved, you can move on to the detailed drawing. The product is shown from the side, front and top. In complex models, the component parts are drawn separately. Drawings are made in pencil so that changes can be made at any time.

Product sales options

You can sell finished products at markets or fairs if they are produced in small quantities. With established production, it is worth concluding agreements with stores. Alternatively, consider starting your own store. A good option for sales and developing a customer base is participation in specialized exhibitions.

Expense and revenue parts

This home business will require the following expenses:

  • tools - 2.5 thousand dollars;
  • materials and raw materials – 300 dollars;
  • electricity – $20;
  • rent – ​​200 dollars

In total, to open your own business, you will need approximately 3.17 thousand dollars. As a rule, carpentry workshops produce doors. An inexperienced worker makes about 10 doors per month, costing from $120 each. That is, the monthly income will be 1.2 thousand dollars, from which we must subtract 270 dollars of the cost of the material. In just one month, you can get $930 in net profit from a carpentry workshop. Business profitability – 23%. It can pay for itself in 4 months if you open it before the start of the construction season.

The carpentry business is stable even in times of economic crisis. With small financial investments and the right approach to organizing production, you will make a profit. A prerequisite for success is attracting regular customers.

There are segments of woodworking production that have not reduced their volumes even during the economic crisis.

Such sustainable industries include the carpentry business. While production volumes in the auto industry, mechanical engineering and construction have decreased by 50%, things are going quite well in the carpentry industry.

The opportunity to enter the carpentry business at relatively low financial costs makes it very attractive to enterprising and skillful people.

Production capabilities

The carpentry shop makes it possible to produce, serially or individually, a very impressive range of products and thus allows you to quickly respond to changes in demand. Most often, using carpentry equipment, they produce:

  • Doors;
  • Window;
  • Stairs;
  • Various interior elements;
  • Furniture items;
  • Equipment for restaurants, cafes, etc.;
  • Moldings.

Financial investments

The amount of financial investment in this business has no clear boundaries. It all depends on the future specialization of production. If the carpentry workshop is supposed to be located in an individual garage, you can count on an income of approximately 50,000-100,000 rubles. monthly. At the same time, it is quite possible to produce a fairly diverse range of finished products.

A modest production of solid wood doors can be started for about $15,000-20,000. This amount includes renting premises (in industrial areas it will be inexpensive) and purchasing equipment for production. This amount is calculated for the purchase of domestic equipment: machines - thickness planer, jointer, milling machine, circular saw and additional imported tools.

Technological process

The sequence of operations in the process of manufacturing wooden interior items is as follows:

The first stage is wood harvesting: twigs and branches are removed from the sawn trunks, then sawed into bars and boards. Wood with defects is rejected. Next – drying to 6-8% humidity. The wood is now ready for use in carpentry.

The carpenter cuts the workpieces, taking into account the tolerances for the thickness of the tool. These blanks are subsequently subject to processing, since they inevitably become deformed during the preparation process. When finalized, they must acquire the required shape and size.

A jointing machine with mechanical or manual feed is designed for this purpose; longitudinal milling machine or thickness planer. After bringing the workpieces to the desired shape and parameters, they are trimmed on a cross-cut (single-saw) or end-to-end (double-saw) machine.

The second stage is the formation of tenons, eyes and grooves for fastenings. They are formed by flat and cylindrical milling on machines (milling and tenoning). If you need to make profiles, use a milling machine. Universal machines today can perform several operations: milling, sawing, thicknessing, grooving, drilling.

The third stage is sanding to prepare for cladding and finishing. For veneer veneering, wood is prepared on grinding machines with crawler and roller feed.

Fourth stage: gluing. The glue can be applied either manually or using a special machine. The parts are clamped using a clamp, clamp or clamp and fixed for a sufficient time for gluing.

If necessary, the workpiece can be lined. The pre-prepared workpiece is puttied, polished, and zinc-plated. Preparation of veneer includes marking, cutting, and jointing of edges. Next comes the lining operation in hydraulic presses.


Like any business, carpentry production should be planned starting with sales. The safest and most inexpensive way to start your own business is to use the services of proven and experienced woodworking companies for some operations.

It’s not difficult to find many woodworking shops on the Internet. In addition, there is an exchange where you can buy small workshops, machines and used equipment at a profit. Naturally, it costs much less than a new one.

A simple example: one person needs to spend one or two days to make one wooden door. By simple calculations we come to the conclusion that 15 doors can be made in a month.

The simplest wooden door costs 3,000-4,000 rubles. Monthly turnover – from 45,000 to 60,000 rubles. We subtract the cost of wood, rent for premises, utility bills and the cost of consumables.

  • Let’s say that the production of 15 doors will require 2-2.5 cubic meters of block (10,000-12,500 rubles).
  • Payment for electricity is 300-500 rubles.
  • Consumables – 500 rubles.
  • Total, about 13,500 rubles.
  • The profit in the draft version will be from 31,500 to 46,500 rubles per month.

Another example of a carpentry business is the production of balusters. You will need a lathe, a square meter of area, 220 V electricity and, in fact, wood. At a price of 5,000 rubles per cubic meter of timber, the cost of one piece for a 4x90 cm baluster will be about 7.92 rubles.

Electricity – approximately 8 kW/h per day. In retail, one baluster costs 200-250 rubles. It is quite possible to make 10-20 pieces per day. The monthly income is approximately 36,000-72,000 rubles.

And yet, for the sake of fairness, let’s clarify:

  1. The economic effect will only be with a constant clientele (the work must be continuous, the load must be full).
  2. Profit will directly depend on large orders of the same type of product, so that there is the possibility of operational distribution of workload among workers (everyone is busy only with their own operation, which will sharply increase productivity and, as a result, the output of finished products).

A carpentry workshop as a business is an ideal option for an entrepreneur. The demand for high-quality furniture and other products made from wood is increasing every year. There are minimal costs required to register and get started.

- 25-30%, so the probability of destroying it is negligible. Thanks to this, the likelihood of bankruptcy or employment at a loss is significantly reduced.

Important: if there is a high level of demand, you should not expect quick income. The minimum payback period varies from 8 to 10 months.

To get started, you must go through several mandatory steps:

These steps are fundamental, without which it is impossible to start work.

Advantages and disadvantages of the workshop

The main advantages of opening a carpentry shop include:

  • annually increasing demand for high-quality wooden products
  • if desired, you can manufacture wooden products with a unique design, which entails an increase in cost
  • minimum initial costs - from 100 thousand rubles
  • payback

Additionally, there is a low level of competition, in contrast to other types of business with small financial turnover.

Negative side of the business:

  • direct dependence of reputation on the quality of manufactured products, i.e. on the professionalism of workers
  • high competition - not in all regions
  • difficulties in the first months of work with finding sales points

The main task of the carpentry business is to create a positive reputation in the market from the first orders. Consumers want to purchase furniture with a long service life.

It is important to try to produce goods in accordance with customer requirements, otherwise sales volumes will decrease significantly.

Points of a carpentry business plan

Before you begin purchasing the required equipment and recruiting personnel, it is important to draw up a business plan that describes in detail:

  • market analysis
  • sales prospects for finished products
  • projected costs and profits

Video on how to make money doing carpentry:

Having calculated the preliminary initial amount of costs, you can begin to register your business.

Case registration

A company can be opened in any convenient form. For small workshops, an individual entrepreneur would be the best option.

Among the features:

  • takes no more than 3 days
  • You only need to pay the state fee - 800 rubles.

The advantages of registering as an individual entrepreneur include:

It is possible to form an LLC, but in this case, the earned funds cannot be quickly withdrawn - once every 3 months (quarter) after the transfer of tax fees. When opening a company with a partner, LLC is the best option.

Registration of a legal entity entails the following advantages:

  • liability to creditors solely on the authorized capital
  • after stopping business activities, there is no need to transfer insurance and pension contributions
  • the company can be divided between the founders - each has their own area of ​​responsibility

The choice of business form depends on the specific situation.

See how to make the right choice when registering a company:

During the registration period, you need to select the OKVED code 16.23.

There is no need for a license to produce wood products. A certificate is required for the manufacture of children's toys.

Package of documents

Table 1: package of documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

List of documents for individual entrepreneurs

Package of documents for LLC

Passport in original format + copy of all completed pages

Application for company registration according to form P11001

TIN - if available

Passport of each founder - original + copy of all completed pages

Application for registration in form P21001

Receipt for payment of state duty

Receipt for payment of state duty (RUB 800)

Minutes of the meeting on the establishment of the LLC or the decision of the sole founder - depending on the situation

Statement on the chosen tax system

Formed Charter of the Company

Application for transition to the selected tax system

To register a company, you must contact the tax authority at the place of business activity.

To organize a carpentry workshop, you can choose any room, including a garage or basement. The main condition is dryness - the tree does not like moisture and deteriorates from it.

When choosing a room, you need to consider the following features:

  • the area should be sufficient for comfortable work - optimally 300 sq.m., but not less than 50
  • when organizing a large workshop, the premises should have an area of ​​about 700 square meters. m.
  • in the case of the production of window blocks and doors, the length and height should not be less than 4 meters

Additional requirements include:

In the case of door production, it is necessary to divide the carpentry shop into separate production areas:

  • drying wood
  • production of solid woodwork
  • production of auxiliary elements
  • assembly
  • grinding
  • Painting works

Thanks to this, it is possible to establish a continuous production process.

Analysis of the market, competitors

If you have a sufficient amount of start-up capital, the best option would be to place an order for marketing market analysis from professionals. If you wish, you can obtain most of the information yourself.

If you have had experience in a similar field, local conditions should be familiar. By visiting several specialized stores and companies producing wood products, you can find out their range.

After analyzing prices and studying the demand of the local population, you can understand: what needs to be produced in larger quantities, and what needs to be made for individual orders.

Which assortment to choose

The products offered by carpentry shops are extensive. Highlight:

  • entrance and interior doors
  • window blocks
  • furniture: sofas, cabinets, tables, etc.
  • numerous small items for the kitchen
  • souvenir products
  • Kids toys

The best option at the beginning of an entrepreneurial career is to choose one or several areas, and then expand in the future.

Doors and windows are products from the category of constant demand. Wooden window blocks are being replaced by plastic, but wood is still in great demand today due to its quality.

The production of kitchen utensils is a profitable business with mass demand and a large assortment.

In this direction you can engage in production:

If you add decorative elements to your inventory, you can sell them as souvenirs.

The most attractive direction in this area is the production of gingerbread rolling pins/boards with recesses and convexities in the form of:

  • patterns
  • animals
  • fruit

Souvenir products made of wood are popular - from numerous magnets to carved boxes. Many manufacturers sell “Knock on Wood” amulets. It is made from birch logs or boards, and then decorated with birch bark.

You can produce:

  • chairs
  • benches
  • tables
  • cabinets
  • chests of drawers, etc.

Children's toys made of wood are highly valued among the population because they are environmentally friendly and have a high level of durability.

Products are made cheaper by applying paint. Without the use of paint and varnish, products for children are expensive, but you need to achieve the smoothest possible surface.

Important: the production of children's toys requires a certificate.

Sales routes for finished products

The optimal and reasonable option at the beginning of an entrepreneurial career is to start selling through local operating stores and markets.

It is quite difficult to get your products into large retail chains, which is why it is better to act through small entrepreneurs selling goods from this area.

If you have additional capital, you can additionally open your own sales point and begin selling products directly from the workshop.

The best option is to develop an online store in which you can post photographs of products from different angles. With its help, you can not only sell personal goods in your city, but also effortlessly enter the all-Russian sales market, and with minimal financial investment.

  • advertisements on regional websites
  • advertisements in newspapers
  • social networks. You can create a personal group

Interesting video about carpentry:

In the case of producing high-quality products at affordable prices, word of mouth will additionally play a role. In practice, with its help, sales volumes increase significantly.

Carpentry equipment

Equipping a carpentry shop with the necessary equipment is the largest cost item for the business in question. Reducing costs is only possible if you have the right tools.

If you wish, you can buy used devices - the main thing is that they are in good technical condition.

Table 2: required equipment for organizing a carpentry workshop.

List of tools

Minimum cost, thousand rubles.

Wood lathe


Miter or circular saw

26 — 27


From 90


Milling machine

From 120





From 10

Some devices can be made independently according to existing drawings:

  • lathes
  • vice
  • workbenches

Video about the required range of equipment:

The best option would be to purchase a woodworking center that can combine equipment that significantly reduces the space occupied.

The average cost is 150 thousand rubles.

Purchase of raw materials

When working in a carpentry workshop, a variety of raw materials are used, the selection of which depends on the type of products being manufactured and the level of financial situation of the end consumers (use expensive or budget materials).

For example, the most durable products are made from oak, and alder is excellent for making decorative furniture. An expensive product is made from walnut.

Other tree species are used depending on the type of product:

  • ash is the best option for carving
  • beech is used in the production of bent furniture

The most expensive species include mahogany and ebony. Furniture is produced from them only to order and with full prepayment. Products made from mahogany are valued when arranging business offices in expensive homes. Needles are used in the production of interior doors.

In addition to wood, the future entrepreneur needs to purchase additional consumables:

  • wood glue
  • oil
  • specialized sanding belts
  • paints and varnishes
  • nails, screws, etc.

A separate cost item includes fittings: numerous corners, wheels, closers, handles, etc.

Personnel search

To produce carpentry products, a minimum of several assistants is required - subject to the independent organization of the work of the workshop. In the absence of such an opportunity, there is a need to hire a production manager and a foreman.

Additional staff:

  • handyman
  • sales specialist
  • Sales specialist (search and selection of clients)
  • accountant

If you want to produce non-standard products, you must additionally use the services of a designer.

Important: the process of manufacturing wood products is accompanied by a risk of injury, which is why employees must be allowed to work after they have been given safety training.

Calculation of profitability in a business plan

Suppose an entrepreneur opens a workshop for the production of windows and doors. To do this, they hired several employees and rented specialized premises.
Workload - 50%.

Table 3: one-time and monthly costs.

Entrepreneur's cost item

Monthly costs, thousand rubles.

One-time expenses, thousand rubles.

Official registration of a business case

40 thousand rubles.

Registration of a lease agreement for premises

Payment of utilities (electricity)

Purchasing the necessary tools

Arrangement of the premises

Purchase of raw materials

Purchasing additional materials


Social contributions

Administrative costs

The total financial costs amounted to 568 thousand rubles.

Table 4: production diagram.


  • total income from wholesale sales of products - 480 thousand rubles.
  • expenses (production and non-production) - 388 thousand rubles.
  • net income - 92 thousand rubles.
  • profitability - from 15%

Employees can spend the remaining period on making furniture for individual orders, bringing in an additional monthly income of 100-150 thousand rubles.

The payback period for investments is from six months.

Video about furniture production:

With a small starting capital, you can open a small workshop with an initial investment of 100 thousand rubles:

  • equipment costs - 70 thousand rubles.
  • purchase of raw materials - 20 thousand rubles.
  • monthly rent for production premises is 10 thousand rubles.

With an average monthly income of 30 thousand rubles, the initial investment can be recouped in a period of 4 months.

Purchase of a ready-made carpentry workshop

If you do not want to create your own business from scratch, you can purchase a ready-made business. The cost depends on the region of residence.

Analyzing message boards on the Internet, the average cost of such a business is:

  • Tula - 500 thousand rubles
  • Chelyabinsk - 1 million rubles. - depends on production volumes
  • Angarsk - 350 thousand rubles.
  • Moscow - 1 million rubles.
  • St. Petersburg - 1 million rubles.

The cost of the finished case depends on the following factors:

The last factor is key. In small towns, the cost of production is lower than in megacities. At the same time, the monthly profit is also smaller, but there is a chance to become a monopolist. We have one such workshop in our city, they mainly repair furniture, although it is possible to make it to order, but such orders are given very rarely, earnings are mainly from repairs .