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Existing signs about birds. Jay Day An omens jay flew into the house

Many superstitions are associated with birds. There are different, positive and negative, folk signs about birds. People meet them every day under any circumstances. They can prompt or warn about unexpected changes in life, report good or bad news or events.

Folk signs about birds

Folk signs about birds can help you cope with the unknown and avoid dangerous life situations. Since ancient times, people have observed various natural phenomena and their impact on life. This connection is reflected in signs. We should not neglect the knowledge that has been formed and passed on from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

Folk signs include:

  • natural phenomena;
  • weather;
  • animal world.

People have created a variety of superstitions about birds. Long-term observation of life and the characteristics of their behavior allowed people to compare it with climate change and changes in their own lives.

Any bird, whether wild or domestic, can tell a lot of stories. You just need to be careful and listen to what your intuition tells you.

Signs about wild birds

If you rely on the wisdom of folk wisdom, then when it circles over a person for a long time predatory bird, this could be a warning of betrayal.

  1. If you notice an eagle above your head, then this is a good sign and predicts that your desired goals will soon be achieved.
  2. When a flock of birds flies towards a person, this is a sign of success.
  3. If you heard the nightingale singing, then expect success in an important matter.
  4. If you hear an owl or an owl near your home, expect more to come soon.
  5. Seeing a wagtail nearby is a sign of positive changes in life.
  6. If you see a sick or dead wagtail, you should beware of failure.
  7. The appearance of a jay may herald the beginning of a happy stage in life. If you follow the bird, you may come across signs of fate that open the way to happiness.
  8. If a hoopoe often flies to your home or has even settled there and built a nest for itself, then you should be more careful about your own finances.

Signs about poultry

When people talk about poultry, chicken and rooster immediately come to mind. The crowing of a rooster on the threshold of a house foreshadows the arrival of imminent guests. If brood hens behave anxiously at night and do not fall asleep, then soon disagreements and disputes with neighbors are possible.

If you keep geese at home, they can promptly indicate possible troubles in the near future. It is considered a bad sign if a goose lays 2 eggs or when a goose disappears from the yard for any reason.

Signs about urban birds

The swallow, magpie, crow, and dove live in cities, which has led to the emergence of many superstitions associated with them.

  1. When a swallow has built a nest near your window, this bodes only good things and good luck will favor your home. But if the bird suddenly leaves the nest, then this is bad, luck has turned away from you for some reason.
  2. If any bird easily flies into your window and soon flies out, then positive news awaits you. If the bird was restlessly darting around the entire room, you can prepare for equally disturbing news.
  3. When a magpie flies near a sick person, you can expect a quick and successful recovery. Such a positive outcome can be evidenced by the rather energetic jumping of the magpie around the neighborhood of the house.
  4. Crows are associated with not the most good omens, but still these are not harbingers of bad things, but only signs from fate. When a crow flies overhead for a long time and croaks quite loudly, you should expect trouble, and if a bird croaks on the roof of a church, then someone will die soon.
  5. When a dove unexpectedly swoops down on you, this is a reason for joy; it tells you that any business you have in mind will definitely succeed.

Signs about the weather

There are a huge number of signs about the weather associated with birds:

  • if a magpie has built a nest at a high altitude, then the next month promises sunny and little windy weather, but if the nest is located quite low, bad weather should be expected;
  • when a crow screams loudly and does not stop moving from place to place, rain is expected;
  • a high flight of a swallow means clear weather, and a low flight means bad weather;
  • return of the swallow from warm regions in early spring- before a thunderstorm is imminent, there should be weather favorable for growing crops.

The national holiday “Soykin Day” is celebrated on December 11 (according to the old style - November 28). In the Orthodox calendar, this is the day of honoring the memory of the martyr Irinarch of Sebaste. Other names of the holiday: “Irinarch’s Day”, “Winter Stepans”, “Jay Bird”.

Irinarchus lived in the third century AD in Armenia, which at that time was part of the Roman Empire. He was an executioner. For many years he was engaged in torturing martyrs who were sentenced by Emperor Diocletian to suffering and death. One day, during the execution of seven Christian women, he realized that he also wanted to become a Christian. Irinarch immediately declared this publicly and recognized Jesus Christ as the true God. After this, he suffered martyrdom at the hands of a fellow craftsman.

In Rus', on this day they honored the jay - a small bird with bright plumage, a wide crest on its head and a long tail. The word "jay" is a diminutive version of the Old Russian name for this bird - "soy", which, in turn, comes from the verb "to shine".

The jay is a forest bird that is known for imitating the songs of other birds. It can also reproduce other sounds - from the sound of an ax to a human voice. In Rus', in the old days, they said that if on your day a jay flies to the window and starts screaming, then this is a good sign. a wise man, having heard such a signal, will leave the house and follow the bird. It was believed that the jay could show the way to happiness.

In Rus', the jay was the patroness and protector of newborns. They believed that “the jay asks for the intercession of a flock of crows and a blizzard for the one born on this day, and brings happiness and good luck to the one born on its tail.”

The jay was popularly called the soothsayer. There was a belief that this bird had small mirrors on its wings in which you could see your future. It was possible to find out what awaits you that day without the help of this bird. The peasants came to the well and listened to the water. If you heard a tinkling sound, you could expect profit, but if there was silence, you shouldn’t even count on success.

Also on December 11th they used coins to tell fortunes. To do this, they took several pieces and threw them into a snowdrift, and then took them out one at a time. If the first coin found turned out to be the largest of those thrown, then they believed that good luck would definitely smile on the person. If the smallest coin came across, then this indicated that one could not count on success in business.

Sayings and signs:

If a jay sits on the window that day and starts screaming, this is a good sign.
- If you follow the jay you meet, it will open the way to happiness.
- If on this day crows fly across the sky - there will be a quick snowfall, if they spread out on the ground - there will be a thaw, and if they sit in flocks on the lower branches or in the very crown of the trees closer to the trunk - there will be bad weather with the wind.
- Something jingles in the well on Soykin’s day - to wealth.
- Those born on December 11th especially love the color blue. They are destined for an amazing and wonderful fate.

Today the memory of the bishop of the Russian Church is honored Theodore Simonovsky ( in the world of Ivan). He was born in Moscow, exact date birth unknown. Born around 1339-1340.

His father was the brother of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and his grandfather was an influential person at the court of Radonezh Prince Andrei. The saint’s mother died early, and his uncle was involved in his upbringing. He tonsured Ivan as a monk at the Trinity Monastery with the name Fedor. At the monastery, the young man learned icon painting, learned Greek, and read a lot. In 1370 he founded his monastery, which 9 years later was moved to a new location.

After the Battle of Kulikovo, Fedor becomes the spiritual mentor of Dmitry Donskoy. He leaves for Constantinople for some time, after which he returns to his homeland.

The saint was a gifted and well-educated man, a good diplomat. Died on November 28, 1394. Since the 15th century he has been venerated as a saint.

Video: church calendar for December 11

December 11: traditions, fortune telling and customs

The name of this day is dedicated to a bright and small bird with a long tail and a crest on its head. The jay's feathers shine in the sun. The bird perfectly imitates various sounds, for which it was nicknamed the mockingjay.

In ancient times, it was considered a good sign if on December 11 a bird flew to a person’s home and sang a song. Then you had to leave the house and follow her. They believed that the singer could lead a person to happiness.

There was a belief that there were small mirrors on the wings of jays, by looking into which you could see the future. For this the bird was called a prophet.

December 11 is a good day for fortune telling. Our ancestors annually cast spells on this day for money, love and fate. Some of the fortune telling are offered below.

Fortune telling for money on Soykin Day

To find out if it improves financial position, people came to the well and listened to the water. If a splash was heard, then the person will soon become rich. And if it’s completely quiet, then a series of failures is coming.

They also guessed with money in other ways. They threw a handful of coins of different denominations into a snowdrift and began to take them out. If a large denomination coin comes across first, then next year the money will always be in the fortuneteller’s wallet. If it’s small, then you shouldn’t expect profit.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

After dark, the girls cast a spell on their betrothed. To do this, everyone got together and wrote the names of guys they knew on pieces of paper in a circle. A light thread was threaded into the needle and placed in the center of the table, point down. The girls took turns carefully lifting the thread. In the direction of which name the needle swung, that is how the betrothed will be called by the fortuneteller.

Fortune telling

Even on Soykin’s day they wondered what the next year would be like. To do this, take a handful of beans and divide them into three even piles. Each of them characterized a separate sphere of human life:

  1. Health.
  2. Work.
  3. Personal life.

People believed that a person born on this day would live a long and happy life.

December 11: signs and beliefs

  1. If it suddenly warms up, it will soon become very cold for a long time.
  2. Geese often flapping their wings indicates a thaw.
  3. Cold and dry weather promises a dry and hot summer.
  4. The ash in the stove goes out quickly - this means warming.
  5. Crows dance in the sky - for snowfall, sit on the lower branches of trees - for the wind, walk on the ground - for thaw.

A person born on December 11th, according to the horoscope, is Sagittarius. These people are hardy and strong-willed, they have powerful energy that can be felt from a distance. They are leaders who are not afraid to take on responsibilities and responsibility for others. Opal is suitable for them as a talisman.

Video: signs and fortune telling for Soykin Day

Other holiday names: Winter stepans, Jay bird, Irinarch's day, Prophetic jay.

Among the people, this is a holiday to welcome the jay. This is a small bird with bright plumage, a crest on its head and a long tail. The most interesting thing is the fact that she can imitate any sound, from the singing of other birds to human speech.


Irinarch was an executioner. He lived in the second century AD in Armenia in the city of Sebastia. For many years he was engaged in torturing martyrs, who were sentenced by the ruler to suffering and death.

Once he was present at the execution of seven women. The pagans sentenced them to death because they, being Christians, converted their husbands to the Orthodox religion and refused to sacrifice to pagan idols by drowning them in Lake Sebaste.

Observing the steadfastness and courage of women, watching how they proudly branded their tormentor with shame, Irinarch realized that he wanted to become a Christian. He immediately declared publicly his decision and recognized Jesus Christ as the true God. After this, he suffered martyrdom at the hands of a fellow craftsman.

Traditions and rituals on Soykin Day

— The jay is a forest bird that is known for imitating the songs of other birds. It can also reproduce other sounds - from the sound of an ax to a human voice. In Rus' in the old days they said that if on its day a jay flies to the window and starts screaming, then this is a good sign. A wise person, having heard such a signal, will leave the house and follow the bird. It was believed that the jay could show the way to happiness.

— In Rus', the jay was the patroness and protector of newborns. They believed that “the jay asks for the intercession of a flock of crows and a blizzard for the one born on this day, and brings happiness and good luck to the one born on its tail.”

— The jay was popularly called the soothsayer. People believed that this bird had small mirrors on its wings in which you could see your future. It was possible to find out what awaits you that day without the help of this bird. The peasants approached the well and listened to the water: if a tinkling sound was heard, they could expect profit, but if there was silence, there was no point in counting on success.

“They also used coins to tell fortunes on Soykin’s day. To do this, they took several pieces and threw them into a snowdrift, and then took them out one at a time. If the first coin found turned out to be the largest of those thrown, then they believed that good luck would definitely smile on the person. If the smallest coin came across, then this indicated that one could not count on success in business.

Signs and sayings for Soykin Day

  • If a jay sits on the window that day and starts screaming, this is a good sign.
  • If you follow the jay you meet, it will open the way to happiness.
  • If on December 11, crows fly across the sky - there will be a quick snowfall, if they spread out on the ground - there will be a thaw, and if they sit in flocks on the lower branches or in the very crown of the trees closer to the trunk - there will be bad weather with the wind.
  • Something tinkles in the well on Soykin’s day - to wealth.
  • Those born on this day especially love the color blue. They are destined for an amazing and wonderful destiny.

Name day December 11

Alexey, Andrey, Anna, Vasily, Grigory, Daniil, Ivan, Konstantin, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Fedor.

Our ancestors believed that birds, among all representatives of the animal world, symbolize spirituality and have a strong connection with heaven and earth. In ancient times, they were harbingers of bad or good events. Let's find out what signs about birds exist and what they promise us.


As popular superstitions say, seeing an Eagle, Kite or Hawk falling in the garden means a great threat to the lives of pets or children.

If a bird of prey enters your yard and screams, expect trouble and big troubles.

A kite sitting on a church cross, according to some beliefs, portends great success, according to others - great misfortune.

Eagles or kites are digging the ground in your area - beware of bad and envious people.


Folk signs about birds have different interpretations, depending on their type and behavior:

  1. If a wild bird hovers over your head, betrayal or betrayal on the part of a loved one awaits you.
  2. When an Eagle flies over a person’s head, this sign indicates that he will soon achieve his goal.
  3. Pack wild birds, flying towards you, means that success and good luck will accompany you.
  4. Hearing the Nightingale sing is a thing that at that moment they thought would be successful.
  5. An Owl or an Owl screams near your house - expect an addition to the family. This can be not only the birth of a child, but also the offspring of animals.
  6. Wagtail. Many people admire the beauty of this little bird. Seeing it on a tree, in the yard, on the porch or on the roof is a sign that foretells happy events for you. If you happen to find a dead wagtail, be careful in your actions and words. They can bring you trouble.
  7. If you saw a Jay (Mockingbird) fluttering above your head, it means that a happy period in your life will soon begin. Many people associate it with the blue bird of happiness. If she constantly flutters near your house or on your property, do not move away and follow her. She will show you the right path to happiness.
  8. A Hoopoe often flies into your garden - expect great luck in both personal and financial affairs. Builds a nest in the garden - be careful in your expenses. Don't even try to drive him away, otherwise financial difficulties will become even larger.


Among the people there are different signs associated with poultry.

  • a rooster crows at the owners’ doorstep or in front of it - there will be guests soon;
  • brood hens behave restlessly and cannot fall asleep in the evening - troubles, empty chores and quarrels with neighbors await you;
  • a goose that suddenly disappears from the yard foreshadows big troubles for the owner;
  • bad events are indicated by a goose that laid only two eggs.

If suddenly a parrot flew into the apartment through a window or front door, a big financial profit awaits you. For such a sign to come true, do not drive her away, but rather feed her and shelter her.

If a parrot dies in a cage, it is not good. This is a sign that there will soon be trouble in your family.

There is another old belief among the people - if there is at least one black individual in a flock of poultry, this means that such a house is under reliable protection from evil spirits.


Folk superstitions and signs about urban birds have different meanings.


Almost all folk beliefs about birds flying into a house or apartment through a window indicate that a person is waiting for news. The situation with swifts is a little different.

If a swift flew into a house or apartment and immediately flew out, good news awaits you. Seeing a swift hitting the glass and rushing around the apartment is bad news. If a swift breaks, this is a kind of warning of trouble.


If a magpie lands on the windowsill and does not fly away for a long time, it means that the one who is sick in the family will soon get better.

A sign indicates a speedy recovery when a magpie actively jumps on the roof of a house, on a windowsill or on a balcony.


Most often, folk signs about crows have a negative meaning:

  • if a crow arrives, hovers above you and croaks, expect big trouble;
  • crows scream and circle over the church - someone will soon die in your area;
  • to see on the way home sitting on a stone - an unpleasant guest will appear soon;
  • sits against the sun on the roof of your house and shouts - trouble awaits you at work;
  • a flock of crows flying out of the forest - there will be a lean year;
  • noticed how one crow feeds another - rejoice, this phenomenon promises you great luck and success;
  • a mass gathering and the cry of crows near the house - to a quarrel with a friend;
  • see a dead crow - betrayal from loved ones awaits you.


In most cases, it is a harbinger of good events.

If a pigeon or dove flew over you and touched you with its wing, you can safely begin your planned business, it will be successful.

If a pigeon flew into the house through the ventilation, long-awaited guests will soon arrive or you will receive news from close relatives.

If he makes a nest under the roof or on the balcony, great happiness and wealth await such a person.

A dove knocks on the window - expect pleasant and cheerful guests.


There are several folk superstitions about swallows:

  1. Dead in an apartment or in a house - only sorrows and tears await the owner.
  2. If you died on the street and met on your way - good luck for the whole year.
  3. A flying flock of swallows is always a harbinger of good events. Flew over your head - expect great luck in financial matters. If a flock flies over the newlyweds’ home, it means they will live in love and harmony all their lives.
  4. If a swallow lands on your head, your wish will certainly come true.
  5. A bird crashes into a car by accident - a person faces great financial losses. After the impact, the windshield cracked - there will be a big crack in your personal and financial affairs (discord, misunderstandings, waste, etc.).
  6. Knock down a swallow's nest or step on it own premises or near it means bringing trouble to your home. People believed that after such an act a fire would occur.
  7. Catching and deliberately killing a swallow is a sign of depriving oneself of joy. To inadvertently cause harm is to jeopardize your own well-being.
  8. If you see her building a nest in your yard, rejoice and put your hands towards her - soon you will become happy man. To keep it in your yard, try to disturb it as little as possible.
  9. A dead or wounded swallow fell to the ground right at your feet - one of your relatives will become very ill.

Signs about the weather

Folk signs based on birds help determine the weather. There are many such beliefs. The most popular of them:

  1. If in the spring a magpie has built a nest high in a tree, the weather will be clear and calm for a month. If it is low, spring frosts are coming.
  2. Pigeons bathing in a puddle means the day will be warm and sunny.
  3. If by spring swallows fly high in the sky, signs say the weather will be good; low above the ground, it will most likely rain.
  4. A woodpecker knocks on a trunk in winter - it will snow soon.
  5. If sparrows hide their heads under their wings at the end of autumn, the first frosts will soon begin. If they swim in puddles, wait for warm weather.
  6. A nightingale sings for several evenings in a row - expect strong and gusty winds in the coming days.
  7. In winter, when there is a thaw, they swim in the water - expect slight and short-term warming.
  8. Many crows have gathered near the pond - expect inclement weather (storm, rain, hurricane).
  9. A flock of kites rushes in the sky and screams - expect inclement weather.

The meaning of negative signs

The worst thing is death. People have different superstitions about birds in this regard.

It doesn’t matter if she died in a chimney, drainpipe or ventilation - the omen does not bode well, only trouble. Getting hit by accident on the road is a warning sign that you should reconsider your life and change something in it.

If she died on your doorstep, be careful in communicating with strangers, perhaps there are ill-wishers among them. Bury it in the garden to neutralize negative signs about birds.

She suffered, but did not die, carefully pick her up with your hands, bring her home and try to save her. Then there will always be comfort, prosperity and happiness in your home.

Signs associated with the cemetery

Whether a bird is sitting on a grave or on its cross, you need to look where its tail is directed - in that direction trouble will happen.

Folk signs about birds say that if a deceased person flies and sits on the fence, he gives you a sign that everything is fine with him.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Shvedova - Two signs about birds that are harbingers of misfortune

A bird flew into the window - a good or bad omen?

Other signs

Among all the existing superstitions, folk signs about birds that love to shit on us are the most popular.

A bird swearing at people means great luck and money. A sign has the same meaning if you see her droppings on your car.

As popular superstitions say, if a bird flies in and marks your work or service uniform, expect a promotion.

If she behaves anxiously and knocks on your window, expect news and most likely bad news. Such a messenger should not be driven away. Also, you shouldn’t let him in and keep him in the house, otherwise trouble will inevitably happen.


As you can see, folk beliefs associated with birds bring people different news and changes in life. Whether you believe in them or not is up to you.