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Technology for the production of protein bars. Own business: chocolate production

24-year-old Novosibirsk resident Artem Parfenov receives 1.6 million rubles. revenue per month from protein bars and peanut butter. Producing food turned out to be more profitable than trading everything

Entrepreneur Artem Parfenov

“I was always excited by the thought that someone would have my products on their table, someone would eat them for dinner or breakfast,” says Vasco founder Artem Parfenov. Since the age of 18, he has been involved in business: he sold souvenir magnets and sweatshirts and finally found a business he liked.

At first, the entrepreneur prepared the candy bars for himself, then he figured out how to make money from them. The first batch of bars and peanut butter under the Vasco brand appeared on the shelves of Novosibirsk sports nutrition stores in December 2015. Now the bars are sold in 200 stores in 40 cities in Russia and the CIS. For ten months of 2016, Vasco sales brought the entrepreneur 7 million rubles. revenue, in October the project turnover amounted to 1.65 million rubles, net profit - 380 thousand rubles.

Sports nutrition market

According to IndexBox, the sports nutrition market fell by 7% in 2015 due to a reduction in imports. At the same time, production in Russia increased 3.2 times. The share of domestic sports nutrition now reaches 44.7%.

The most popular Western brands in Russia: Optimum Nutrition, BSN, Ultimate Nutrition, MusclePharm, Twwinlab, Universal Nutrition, Weider. According to IndexBox, the main manufacturers of sports nutrition in Russia are: ART Modern Scientific Technologies, Superset, NPK Actiformula, Apollux, Pure Protein, R-Line, Geon.

Protein bars are sold under the brands Combat Crunch, Doctor’s, One, Power Crunch, Detour, Kind Plus, Go Protein Bar, etc.

Money out of thin air

Artem Parfenov was born in Bratsk. “This is a small northern city. But this is not the north where they pay a lot, but the one where there is no work,” says Parfenov. Artem began looking for opportunities to earn money as soon as he entered the law faculty of the Siberian Institute of Management RANEPA in Novosibirsk.

One day, Artyom’s friend ordered a cover for his student card with an Internet meme in the capital. Delivery from Moscow had to wait three weeks, and the cover cost 450 rubles. At that time, only ordinary boring covers were sold in Novosibirsk, but the student wanted to stand out. Artem looked at the prices of Moscow printing houses - the cost of a cover in a wholesale batch was only 5 rubles. He decided that he could sell fashion covers in Novosibirsk for 200-250 rubles.

To order the first batch, Artem borrowed 10 thousand rubles from his parents. I inserted then popular memes and demotivators into the cover layout, which I downloaded on the Internet, and found a suitable printing house in Moscow. Initially, he expected to negotiate the sale with stationery stores at universities, but they could not complete the purchase - the entrepreneur did not have a legal entity.

Then Parfenov began selling covers by hand at the entrance to his university - the product turned out to be in demand, the first batch sold out in a few days. The entrepreneur offered to work for the same students and sell covers from universities and hostels for a percentage of sales. Parfenov also promoted products on social networks. After creating a group dedicated to funny covers on VKontakte, people from neighboring cities began to show interest - they began purchasing covers from Parfenov in bulk.

The first business consistently brought in 100-200 thousand rubles. revenue per month. And Parfenov even figured out how to diversify it. One day a student from Tyva approached him and asked him to make a magnet with views of his homeland. It turned out that such souvenirs were in short supply. As with the covers, the entrepreneur found colorful photographs of Tyva on the Internet and ordered a batch of magnets. This time a suitable printing house was found in Novosibirsk. The purchase cost 10-15 rubles. per piece, and he sold magnets to students for 200 rubles. The magnets were flying out at a rate of 100 per day.

For two years, the entrepreneur was engaged in covers and magnets, but over time, competitors appeared, and demand fell. Then the entrepreneur switched to sweatshirts with symbols of Russian universities. He ordered his first sweatshirts from a local manufacturer, but there were many similar clothes on the market. To differentiate himself from competitors, Parfenov decided to supply HoodieBuddie hoodies from the USA, which had headphones built into the hood cords. I ordered in bulk on eBay, and sold first in a group on VKontakte, and then opened an online store. It was made by a university friend for a sweatshirt.

The sale of sweatshirts brought in 200-300 thousand rubles. profit per month. But the business had to be curtailed: in 2014, an official representative of the brand appeared in Russia. He demanded that sales be stopped and that the domain be transferred to the trademark owners. At first, Parfenov tried to negotiate and offered to sell his online store. But in the end, I just had to shut down the business: representatives of the American brand threatened to sue.

All these experiments brought in a little money, but they bore little resemblance to a real business. It could all end at any moment. Parfenov did not even register a legal entity and did not pay taxes, believing that he first needed to test the business model, and only when the company proved its viability, draw up documents. Of course this is not true.

“The activity was systematic and generated large amounts of income, so the entrepreneur was threatened with Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles, or arrest for up to six months. Why Parfenov did not register a legal entity is unclear to me. Registration is inexpensive, an entrepreneur with similar income could afford the services of an accountant,” says Alexey Ponomarev, a lawyer at the New Arbat Bar Association.

Vasco products (Photo: Nikita Khnyunin for RBC)

Protein dream

In 2014, Artem went to the USA under the Work&Travel program. He worked as an attraction operator, cashier and photographer, and in his spare time he shopped for his Russian friends for a small commission. He soon got tired of hired work, he bought a camera and began selling photographs directly to tourists. Saved up several thousand dollars.

Returning to his homeland, Parfenov decided to fulfill his old dream - to open some kind of production. The solution was found in the kitchen. The entrepreneur has always loved cooking, experimenting with products, and playing sports. He often made oatmeal bars for himself and took them for walks and cycling sessions.

The most popular product on the sports nutrition market is protein. But it is usually sold in powder form, which must be mixed with water or milk. This is not always convenient, especially if the training takes place outside. The entrepreneur decided to make protein bars. “Protein is a common supplement. If the composition does not include preservatives and other chemicals, then it is just protein,” says Vasily Smolny, founder of the Internet project “Mad Drying”.

The entrepreneur planned to spend two weeks on the start: find a technologist, develop the product, package it and start selling. But it was not possible to find a suitable specialist either in Novosibirsk or Moscow. I had to develop the recipe myself in the kitchen. There was almost no information about the food industry in Russian in open sources; English-language websites and forums saved the day.

It ultimately took three months to develop the bar in my own kitchen. The first bars became moldy and dried out. Other samples retained their shape, but laboratory tests at the Novosibirsk Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing showed that the product was unsuitable. Through trial and error, the entrepreneur achieved the desired result. Tests confirmed that the bars are safe to eat. Parfenov received a certificate for the sale of food products and finally registered an LLC.

The bars contain whey protein isolate, milk protein isolate, soluble corn fiber, peanut butter, glycerin, erythritol, water, flavoring, sucralose. All raw materials are imported: whey protein isolate is imported from France, and peanuts from Argentina. Parfenov buys ingredients from Russian distributors. Moreover, the first batch cost him free - the suppliers gave free samples, which were enough for the first thousand bars.

In addition to protein bars, Parfenov immediately began producing peanut butter. This is an ingredient for bars. The entrepreneur decided that since the paste still needed to be made, it could be packaged separately and sold. He was right—the peanut butter market is growing rapidly. Pasta also contains a lot of protein, so it is interesting for athletes. Over the past two years, about 30 companies producing pasta have appeared in Russia. According to Maria Maltseva, owner of the peanut butter company “King Nut,” there are still few competitors among Russian producers, but their number continues to grow. She had heard about Vasco, but declined to comment on the competitor.

In December 2015, both products under the Vasco brand were ready for sale. There are now six products in the line: variations of a protein bar and a paste. Anna Novikova, World Class trainer, is wary of Russian sports nutrition brands. She doesn't recommend Vasco bars to women who want to lose weight. But protein bars and pasta, in her opinion, are suitable for men.

Economy Vasco

At first, Parfenov worked alone in his own kitchen - he spent 21 thousand rubles on laboratory tests. In December 2015, he rented a small utility room for production from friends for 5.6 thousand rubles. per month. 200 thousand rubles were spent on the purchase of equipment for packaging, and 30 thousand rubles for the production of pasta. Another 50 thousand rubles. spent on developing and printing the first batches of packaging.

The entrepreneur began selling his products through groups on social networks, then agreed on supplies with several sports nutrition stores in Novosibirsk. He personally delivered the goods to stores, convinced them to try to sell a trial batch, and attacked them with “cold calls.” Many refused: the brand was new and unknown, but after a few months Artem returned again with his offer - the store owners gradually gave up. Revenue in the first month amounted to 50 thousand rubles.

The first employee of Vasco was the girl Parfenova - she was engaged in production while Artem delivered finished products to customers and negotiated with store owners. Now Parfenov already has 20 people working for him: ten people in production, the same number in the office.

The entrepreneur hunted for some employees for several months. The production is led, for example, by Denis Karyukin, former deputy production manager of the local Mars representative office. According to Parfenov, he brought American and Japanese lean manufacturing technologies to the company. Nevertheless, for example, labels are glued manually, because, according to Artyom’s calculations, employee costs are currently cheaper than purchasing special equipment.

Now production occupies about 200 square meters. m. 47 thousand rubles are spent on renting production premises. per month. Another 30 thousand rubles. - for office rent. As demand grew, Artem had to buy additional equipment - in five months, a total of 500 thousand rubles were spent. The savings ran out, so I had to take out a consumer loan from the bank - 100 thousand rubles. Vasco does not have a large warehouse; production works to order.

For promotion, Parfenov relies on the Internet: he spends about 50 thousand rubles monthly. on contextual advertising and social networks. The product is specific, so the price of traffic is low. According to Parfenov’s calculations, every 10 thousand rubles spent on contextual advertising brings in about 200 thousand rubles. revenue.

Now Vasco products are presented in two hundred stores in 40 cities from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. These are sports nutrition networks “KultLab”, Maximum muscle, “Do4a”, “Academsport”, “Fitness Formula”, Power Way, Strong Fit. Delivery is carried out by transport companies. On average, delivery of a batch costs partner stores 500 rubles. The cost of the bar at retail is 155-170 rubles, partners receive the product for 115 rubles. Competitors' products cost about the same.

According to Stanislav Volkov, manager of the St. Petersburg sports nutrition store Power Way, Vasco representatives contacted them themselves. The products are in demand, but the bars are still far from the top sellers - protein and keratin. Parfenov says that on average it takes three weeks from a “cold call” to a deal.

Natalia Rimsha, nutritionist, specialist in nutrition and healthy lifestyle

“Buyers should read the ingredients of popular “healthy” products more carefully. For example, whey protein isolate, unlike concentrate, contains fewer nutrients. Heating it can damage the structure of the protein, then the product will be less digestible. Poor quality peanuts can cause allergies and inflammation. The content of Vasco bars that confuses me is sucralose, a sugar substitute. It is used in dietary dishes and low-calorie foods. But sugar substitutes are unhealthy."

“Vasco’s composition is not very natural”

Elena Shifrina, founder of BioFoodLab, manufacturer of Bite bars

“The market is moving towards the development of new technologies that make it possible to use fewer chemicals and provide a natural composition with long shelf life. Vasco's composition is not very natural. These ingredients help reduce costs.

Perhaps someone is looking for bars for themselves in a certain price category and these products will suit them. The market has such great diversification, there is a buyer for every product. For some, price is of primary importance. The bars won’t be healthy, but they won’t do any harm either.”

“The crisis has created enormous opportunities for Russian companies”

Ivan Sidorok, founder of the Mabius culinary startup center, co-owner of the Nizhny Novgorod oil and fat plant

“The healthy food market in Russia has grown by more than 60% over the past five years and reached $178 million in 2015. Until recently, a significant part of the market was represented by imported products, but the crisis has created enormous opportunities for Russian companies.

True, the barrier to entry into the category remains quite high. A food FMCG startup needs a strong team. FMCG requires many competencies, including marketing, sales, food technology, logistics, and purchasing. Financial resources are needed for product development, packaging and branding, as well as working capital.”

Of course, these protein bars, called Chapul Bars, aren't made entirely of crickets. These are completely ordinary bars, and when you bite into them, the cricket's leg will not crunch on your teeth. To the usual chocolate and cereal bars for sports nutrition, the owner of the store and production, Patrick Crowley, simply added cricket flour, and this is not so disgusting.

Topic of the day: edible insects

The fashion for eating insects came to us from the east; it was not introduced yesterday by an American from the Mormon state, Patrick Crowley.

We all know that the Chinese eat grasshoppers and locusts. The Vietnamese, the Thais, and the inhabitants of Laos also have a strange diet... And if you delve into the traditions of the Middle East, which is closer to us, Europeans, then experts in religion (early Christianity, in particular) will remember that the hermits who retired into the desert, they ate there the so-called “honey and locusts.”

Moreover, the honey was the honey of wild ground wasps, which had to be found by digging out the cunning burrows of the ground wasp, which it made right in the ground, in the steppe. And “acrids” are the same cicadas and grasshoppers that are discussed in our material.

Do you see how Nature has cleverly arranged everything? If the locusts devoured your crop, then you will not die of hunger, since you, in turn, will eat the fattened locusts.

By the way, the hermits who ate honey from earth wasps and locusts did not starve at all. They ate better than many - if you look at the composition of the nutritional formula of their diet. No fat, but proteins, carbohydrates and minerals with vitamins are in abundance.

Therefore, Patrick Crowley and his sports company Chapul Inc from Salt Lake City, which began producing energy protein bars Chapul Bars, adds flour from chitinous cricket shells ground into powder.

Crickets and us

Now there is a pan-European (and American) cricket boom. Everywhere there are advertisements for farmers: “Crickets. Breeding for food."

Yes, we are more accustomed to raising pigs and geese for food... But don’t you want to raise crickets for food?

Thai cuisine and Thai culture in general are moving across the planet by leaps and bounds. It was the Thais (not the Chinese) who made Europeans and US residents look favorably on insect-based cuisine.

Insects contain practically no fat, but they contain protein and minerals. Nutritionists all over the world are fighting with ordinary people to force them all to become “Thais,” so that the food crisis and obesity problems in white Europe would be solved.

Breeding insects that are suitable for food is a new American-European trend. Huge areas that were previously devoted to meat and dairy cattle breeding will now be freed up and become virgin again. Not disfigured by human economic activity.

What kind of insects are generally bred for food? The most edible and delicious insects are:

  • crickets,
  • grasshoppers,
  • dragonflies,
  • swimming beetles,
  • bamboo worms and even
  • scorpions!

Is entomophagy our future?

Now in the West, entomophagy (eating insects) is gaining momentum, is striving for the peak of fashionable popularity and will soon reach this very peak.

Interest clubs, restaurants and cafes for entomophagists... Cuisines of the world based solely and exclusively on insect dishes... There is something to study - there are about a hundred such unique cuisines, and their distribution area is not limited to Thailand alone...

Entomophagy is practiced in South America, Australia, and Africa.

Entomophagy is considered today the “third way” of the Human diet, and an alternative to veganism and vegetarianism.

Of course, a European will not be able to see a whole “cockroach” on his plate without experiencing disgust.

But adding chitin flour from crickets and other creeping creatures to the ordinary kitchen seems like a pleasant compromise, which, perhaps, over time, will make eaters unaccustomed to entomophagy more tolerant.

In the meantime, a sports nutrition store from Salt Lake City and its owner, Patrick Crowley, add flour from grasshoppers (crickets) to chocolate and grain “bars for jocks” and call the whole mess Chapul Bars... Would you like to try it? .

Business ideas in public catering, emerging in the USA, Europe, Southeast Asia and Australia, sooner or later reach Russia. Trends in 2018 include personalized service, automation and environmental friendliness.

Canadian startup DoseBiome has created a drink that improves oral health and reduces the risk of tooth decay. “1000 Ideas” tried to find products whose usefulness could be increased.

A bakery doesn’t have to smell like good old recipes and traditions. In this collection you will find 30 unusual ideas on how to turn your bakery into a unique business.

Walmart is testing a new revolutionary food delivery service. The courier is allowed to enter the house and place groceries directly into the customer's refrigerator.

There is perhaps no better way to get out of a creative slump than to admire the cakes that home bakers create.

In many countries around the world, many social projects revolve around stale food. The poor get food for free or almost for nothing, and retail chains find a way to sell illicit goods.

The invention relates to the food industry and its confectionery industry. The low-calorie food bar contains a protein component, dietary fiber, a source of fat, a sweetener, binders, additional recipe components, a confectionery coating and fillers. It contains milk protein as a protein component. Contains water-soluble citrus fibers and polydextrose as dietary fiber. Contains vegetable fat as a source of fat. Contains lecithin, caramel molasses, glucose-fructose syrup, glycerin as binders. Contains maltitol powder as a sweetener. As additional prescription components, it contains the preservative potassium sorbate, a natural antioxidant, and coconut cream flavor. Contains maltodextrin and coconut flakes as fillers. In this case, the initial components are used in the following ratio in%: milk protein 14-20; water-soluble citrus fibers 2-7; polydextrose 3-7; vegetable fat 4-8; lecithin 0.2-0.6; caramel molasses 8-10; glucose-fructose syrup 8-10; glycerin 2-3; maltitol powder 11-12; potassium sorbate 0.1-0.2; natural antioxidant 0.04-0.06; coconut-cream flavor 0.7-1.0; confectionery coating 15-17; maltodextrin 7-11; coconut flakes - the rest. The invention makes it possible to obtain a product with increased biological value, stable quality organoleptic characteristics and an increased shelf life without deteriorating consumer characteristics. 3 ave.

The invention relates to the food industry, to its confectionery industry, namely to the production of low-calorie food bars.

The composition and method of preparing the confectionery bar “Muesli” are known. The method involves preparing invert syrup, preparing a basic syrup-bundle from invert syrup, molasses and honey with the addition of a moisture-retaining additive. In another embodiment, the main binder syrup is prepared on the basis of fructose with the addition of gum arabic, citric acid and sodium carboxymethylcellulose. The syrup is prepared in two stages, in the first of which a mixture of fructose and water is boiled in the presence of citric acid, and in the second, gum arabic and sodium carboxymethylcellulose are added to the resulting syrup. A mixture of dry ingredients is prepared from oat flakes, an extruded product, dried pineapples, orange zest, raisins, chocolate icing, and nuts. The syrup is added to the mixture of dry recipe ingredients, the candy mass is prepared, and the products are shaped and packaged. Variants of the composition of the bars are characterized by certain high-calorie components (RU 2270581 C2, A23G 3/00, 2006).

This product has a wide range of beneficial properties and high nutritional properties.

The closest in technical essence and achieved result is a low-calorie food bar. The three-layer nutrition bar has less than 110 calories per 28 gram serving and contains a core layer, a caramel layer separate from the core layer, and a compound coating applied to the surface portions of the core layer and the separate caramel layer. In this case, the core layer contains protein flakes, caramel, water-soluble dietary fiber and a binder in the form of a continuous mass, and the caramel layer contains water-soluble dietary fiber (RU 2383207 C2, A23G 3/00, 2010).

The disadvantage of the production of the specified three-layer nutritional bar is the complexity and duration of the technological process, multi-component nature, the presence of sucrose in the product composition and deterioration of presentation during long-term storage.

The objective of the invention is to simplify and reduce the production time of a low-calorie food bar compared to the prototype, completely eliminate sucrose in the recipe, reduce the cost of the product due to partial reduction of expensive recipe components, and also increase the shelf life to 12 months without deteriorating the presentation.

The technical result is that the claimed food bar is a low-calorie product with increased biological value, stable quality organoleptic characteristics and increased shelf life without deteriorating the consumer characteristics of the finished products compared to the prototype.

To achieve the specified technical result, a low-calorie food bar contains a protein component, dietary fiber, a source of fat, a sweetener, binders, additional recipe components, a confectionery coating and fillers; according to the invention, it contains milk protein as a protein component, and water-soluble citrus fruits as dietary fiber. fiber and polydextrose, contains vegetable fat as a source of fat, contains lecithin, caramel molasses, glucose-fructose syrup, glycerin as a binder, contains powdered maltitol as a sweetener, contains the preservative potassium sorbate, natural antioxidant, flavoring as additional prescription components coconut cream, and contains maltodextrin and coconut flakes as fillers in the following ratio of initial components in%:

Milk protein14-20
Polydextrose 3-7
Vegetable fat4-8
Lecithin 0,2-0,6
Caramel molasses8-10
Glucose-fructose syrup8-10
Maltitol powder 11-12
Potassium sorbate 0,1-0,2
Natural antioxidant 0,04-0,06
Coconut-cream flavor0,7-1,0
Confectionery coating15-17
coconut flakesrest

The claimed low-calorie food bar may additionally contain a vitamin and mineral premix.

The analysis of the level of technology carried out by the applicants, including a search through patent and scientific and technical sources of information and the identification of sources containing information about analogues of the claimed low-calorie food bar, allowed us to establish that the applicants did not find an analogue characterized by features identical to all the essential features of the claimed low-calorie food bar. food bar.

Therefore, the claimed low-calorie food bar meets the “novelty” criterion.

To check the compliance of the claimed low-calorie food bar with the state of the art, the applicants conducted an additional search for known solutions in order to identify features that coincide with the features of the claimed invention that are distinctive from the prototype.

The search results showed that the claimed invention does not clearly follow for a specialist from the known level of technology determined by the applicants; the influence of the transformations provided for by the essential features of the claimed method on the achievement of the technical result was not revealed.

Therefore, the claimed invention meets the “inventive step” criterion.

The criterion of the invention “industrial applicability” is confirmed by the fact that the claimed food bar is a low-calorie product with the complete exclusion of sugar, having increased biological value, stability of qualitative organoleptic characteristics and an increased shelf life without deteriorating the consumer characteristics of the finished products compared to the prototype. In addition, its production is simpler and less time consuming compared to the prototype by a factor of 2. Due to the partial reduction of expensive prescription components, the cost of products is reduced. The shelf life of products is also increased to 6 months compared to the prototype without deterioration in presentation.

The present invention is illustrated by specific examples of implementation, which, however, are not the only possible ones, but clearly demonstrate the possibility of achieving the required technical result.

Example 1: Production of a low-calorie food bar.

Take water-soluble citrus fibers in an amount of 4/5 of the total mass, mix them with water in a ratio of 1:6 and leave for 15-20 minutes. Polydextrose is added to the swollen citrus fibers. A syrup is prepared from maltitol, caramel molasses and glucose-fructose syrup, heating to 100-105°C. A swollen mixture of citrus fibers and polydextrose is added to the finished syrup. Boil together with syrup to 114-117°C. The resulting mixture is cooled to 65-75°C. The remaining components are mixed separately: milk protein, lecithin, glycerin, potassium sorbate, natural antioxidant, maltodextrin, coconut flakes, the remaining 1/5 of the citrus fibers. Pour the cooled syrup into the resulting mixture and continue to knead until a homogeneous plastic mass is obtained. At the end of the kneading, add coconut-cream flavoring, stirring for another 2-3 minutes. The temperature of the finished mass is brought to 35-45°C. The resulting mass is sent for molding by rolling and cutting (longitudinal and transverse) of the cooled layer. The piece products are coated with a confectionery coating, such as chocolate glaze, and packaged. Moreover, these components are taken in the following ratio in % by weight:

Milk protein20
Water-soluble citrus fiber 2
Polydextrose 3
Vegetable fat4
Lecithin 0,2
Caramel molasses 10
Glucose-fructose syrup8
Glycerol 2
Maltitol powder 12
Potassium sorbate 0,1
Natural antioxidant0,04
Coconut-cream flavor0,7
Confectionery coating 15
Maltodextrin 7
coconut flakesrest

Example 2. Carry out similarly to example 1. Except that a vitamin-mineral premix in the required quantity is additionally introduced into the composition. And the remaining components are taken in the following ratio in % by weight:

Milk protein14
Water-soluble citrus fiber 7
Polydextrose 7
Vegetable fat8
Lecithin 0,6
Caramel molasses 8
Glucose-fructose syrup10
Maltitol powder11
Potassium sorbate0,2
Natural antioxidant0,06
Coconut-cream flavor 1
Confectionery coating 17
Maltodextrin 7
coconut flakesrest

Example 3. Carry out similarly to example 2. And the indicated components are taken in the following ratio in % by weight:

Milk protein16
Water-soluble citrus fiber 5
Polydextrose 7
Vegetable fat8
Lecithin 0,6
Caramel molasses 8
Glucose-fructose syrup8
Glycerol 2,4
Maltitol powder11
Potassium sorbate0,2
Natural antioxidant0,04
Coconut-cream flavor 1
Confectionery coating 15
Maltodextrin 11
coconut flakesrest

The resulting products were evaluated by a group of 10 tasters based on the appearance of the product and its organoleptic properties. Ratings were made on a scale from 1 to 5. Overall, the tasters liked the product. It was awarded the highest rating on the accepted scale as a product of the highest quality in appearance, with a light structure and organoleptic properties, with an attractive aroma and taste of coconut.

Thus, the claimed food bar is a low-calorie product with the complete exclusion of sugar, having increased biological value, stable quality organoleptic characteristics and an increased shelf life without deteriorating the consumer characteristics of the finished products compared to the prototype. In addition, its production is simpler and less time consuming compared to the prototype by a factor of 2. Due to the partial reduction of expensive prescription components, the cost of products is reduced. The shelf life of products is also increased to 12 months compared to the prototype without deterioration in presentation.


A low-calorie food bar containing a protein component, dietary fiber, a source of fat, a sweetener, binders, additional recipe components, a confectionery coating and fillers, characterized in that it contains milk protein as a protein component, water-soluble citrus fibers as dietary fiber, and polydextrose, contains vegetable fat as a source of fat, contains lecithin, caramel molasses, glucose-fructose syrup, glycerin as binders, contains powdered maltitol as a sweetener, contains the preservative potassium sorbate, natural antioxidant, coconut flavoring as additional prescription components. cream, and contains maltodextrin and coconut flakes as fillers with the following ratio of initial components in%:

milk protein14-20
water soluble citrus fiber 2-7
polydextrose 3-7
vegetable fat4-8
lecithin 0,2-0,6
caramel molasses8-10
glucose-fructose syrup8-10
maltitol powder 11-12
potassium sorbate 0,1-0,2
natural antioxidant 0,04-0,06
coconut cream flavor0,7-1,0
confectionery coating15-17
coconut flakesrest

It is difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to chocolate - it is both a wonderful treat and a product that promotes the production of endorphins, which can improve mood. The technology for making chocolate at the best confectionery factories is constantly being improved, and using various ingredients, bars of the required color and taste are obtained.

The process of making real chocolate

How is chocolate made at the factory, and what ingredients are needed to make this amazing delicacy? According to the correct chocolate production technology, the seeds of the evergreen cocoa tree, which originates from the subequatorial regions of America, are used. The plant, whose scientific name is Theobroma cacao, belongs to the Sterculaceae family and is widely distributed in the tropics.

Today, cocoa, called chocolate tree in our country, is grown on other continents. But in the wild it can be found on the coast of Mexico, in Central and South America. The height of the tree depends on the place of growth and ranges from 10 to 20 meters. When cultivated, the height is regulated by pruning, and it rarely reaches 7 meters. Cocoa leaves are thin, oblong-elliptical, up to 30 centimeters long, the flowers are small, waxy, pinkish-white, appearing on the surface of the trunk and large branches. The fruit, which lasts four months to ripen, is small in cocoa, and its length ranges from 20–38 centimeters. In appearance, it resembles a large cucumber or a small melon, with a leathery, slightly woody shell of red, reddish-brown, green or yellow, changing in the process of ripening. One cocoa fruit contains from 20 to 50 beans, immersed in a viscous, sticky liquid that hardens in the open air. The individual seed (bean) is covered with an oily skin.

Based on where they grow, cocoa beans for real chocolate are divided into American, African and Asian, and the largest exporters of cocoa beans are countries such as Côte d'Ivoire, Venezuela, Indonesia, Ghana, Cameroon, Brazil and Ecuador.

The group of Criollo varieties, characterized by a mild taste, is considered to be the best. It is bred in Venezuela, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The varieties of the Forastero group are the most common among producers and exporters. The Ca Labasillo group of cocoa beans is the cheapest of all, but also the lowest quality.

Correct technology for making chocolate

What is chocolate made from in modern factories? Cocoa beans of all three varieties are used to produce chocolate. They are cut from tree trunks with large, long knives (machetes) and collected in baskets. The harvest is then dumped into heaps and the fruits are cut into several pieces. The next stage of the chocolate making process is to separate the cocoa beans from the pulp - an experienced carver opens up to five hundred fruits of the chocolate tree within one hour.

In the process of making chocolate, cocoa beans are laid out on pallets and left for several days to ferment - under the influence of natural yeasts and enzymes, they darken and acquire a bright chocolate smell and taste. Upon completion of this process, according to the correct technology for making chocolate, the fruits are dried in the sun and fried, removing the husk. They are then sorted and packaged for further processing.

At the next stage of chocolate production at the factory, cocoa beans are ground to obtain a paste-like mass called cocoa mass. It is interesting that the fats that make up cocoa beans melt when heated and after grinding the cocoa liquor is obtained in liquid form, but thickens and hardens during the cooling process. The product is now suitable for the production of chocolate, as well as for use in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

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The most valuable product obtained by pressing cocoa liquor is cocoa butter. It is not only one of the essential ingredients of chocolate, but is also used to prepare ointments in cosmetics. It is cocoa butter that gives chocolate its unique taste. But it also has some unique properties, as it consists of three types of fats. One of them is identical to the fat in olive oil. The second is a type of so-called saturated fat, which is converted in the liver into a fat similar to olive oil fat. The third type of fat helps strengthen the cell membranes of our body. All this suggests that the fat contained in cocoa butter is not harmful to humans.

The dry residue obtained during preparation is ground, and the well-known cocoa powder is obtained, used in confectionery production and for preparing cocoa drinks.

Watch a video of how chocolate is made in modern factories:

Chemical composition and nutritional value of chocolate made from cocoa beans

The cocoa beans of the chocolate tree contain up to 300 different beneficial substances. The approximate chemical composition of chocolate from cocoa beans is as follows: fats - 54%, proteins - 11.5%, cellulose - 9%, starch and polysaccharides - 7.5%, tannin - 6%, water - 5%, minerals and salts – 2.6%, organic acids – 2%, saccharides – 1% and caffeine – 0.2%. Among the substances contained in cocoa beans are: anandamide, arginine, dopamine, epicatechin, histamine, cocohil, serotonin, tryptophan, tyramine, phenylethylamine, polyphenol, salsolinol, magnesium.

Considering the chemical composition of chocolate, the nutritional value of the product is very high. The calorie content of 100 g of finished chocolate bar is about 550 kcal.

Numerous studies note that the fats contained in cocoa beans belong to the so-called saturated fats, but do not have a harmful effect on the human body - chocolate does not increase cholesterol levels in the blood. The composition of cocoa beans is such that the elements it contains organically complement each other. For example, chromium is involved in the breakdown of glucose, maintaining normal blood sugar levels, and promotes fat metabolism. We need all this both in cosmetology and with proper nutrition.

Read also:

Chocolate Sticks Cookies Recipe
Tangerine slices in chocolate: recipes with photos
Recipe for chocolate cupcakes in molds
Recipe for chocolate balls for decorating a cake
Recipes for biscuit-chocolate in boiling water in the oven and slow cooker
Homemade chocolate recipes with sour cream

Chocolate is not just a product, but a real joy that children and no less adults experience in anticipation of feeling the taste of a delicate delicacy melting on the tongue. It can lift your spirits on a gloomy day, charge you with energy during a break, help out on almost any holiday, and even become a kind of “bribe” when you need to ask someone for something.

Whatever one may say, chocolate makes people happier. Do you want to give joy to others, and even get paid for it? Open your own chocolate production. This business will always be in demand, and people will not stop eating sweets even in times of crisis.

What does a chocolate manufacturer need to know?

The presence of a large number of competitors will not affect your products if you strive for high quality and do not skimp on components, replacing them with cheap analogues. It is better to make a product more expensive than a cheap and low-quality one. Few people will skimp on pleasure, and chocolate is that for most.

The use of various additives “dilutes” the cost of the finished tile, reducing it by 20-40%. Therefore, do not be afraid to introduce chocolate with various fillings into your assortment, thinking that this will increase costs (rather, it will be the other way around).

When starting a business, concentrate on one product - choose either the production of chocolate bars or the production of bars. This will allow you to save on the necessary equipment, carefully consider one recipe (in different variations) and purchase less raw materials than if you produced everything at once.

"Chocolate technology": stages and processes

Chocolate production begins with the primary processing of cocoa beans. They are sorted, cleaned, subjected to thermal procedures and crushing, then the cocoa vella (shell) is removed. This is how you get cocoa liquor. Next, it is pressed, broken and sifted. As a result of processing, two components are obtained - cocoa powder and butter. Then they proceed to dosing and mixing the components according to the recipe. The resulting mixture is rolled and crushed in specially designed mills.

Conching: stages

After this, the main stage of production begins - conching. This process is very important and largely determines the taste and quality of the finished product. It consists of continuously stirring the chocolate mass for a long time. The minimum is a day, but this is in the case of making cheap tiles. On average, the process takes three days, and in the production of elite varieties it takes up to 5 days. This stage is implemented in three approaches:

  1. Mixing cocoa powder and powdered sugar, that is, dry ingredients.
  2. Removing excess moisture from the mixture.
  3. Adding cocoa butter and kneading the already heated chocolate mass.

The described procedure is carried out in special conche machines, resulting in a homogeneous thick mass - it is called homogenized.

Final processes

The next step is the formation of chocolate masses in the form of bars, bars or candies and their filling, if provided by the manufacturer. You can add various nuts, raisins and candied fruits, puffed rice, flakes, waffles, liquid and cream fillings, etc. to chocolate. These components allow you to expand the range of products without the use of additional recipes.

The finished masses are poured into molds (special molds) and kept at a temperature of 33 degrees for half an hour. The procedure is called "tempering". Finally, the completely cooled products are removed from the mold and sent for packaging.

Equipment for chocolate factory

In addition to the main question of how to produce chocolate, there is another, no less important and more significant financially - where to produce it. Equipment in this business is the main cost item, but you can’t do without it. According to various estimates, it will take about 10-15 million rubles to purchase all the necessary equipment. Naturally, they will pay off, and more than once. But first you have to invest.

Equipment for the production of chocolate is a fully functioning line consisting of the following mandatory attributes:

  • ball mill - the rolling process takes place here;
  • conche machines - for the conching procedure;
  • grease boiler - for kindling cocoa butter;
  • tempering machine;
  • refrigeration tunnel;
  • conveyor line;
  • aeration units, heated pipelines;
  • stamping machine for making molds;
  • packaging machines;
  • thermostats, hoods.

As you can see, there is a lot needed. Equipment for chocolate production is not limited to two or three main positions. Moreover, every machine is important at some stage, so you won’t be able to do without something. There are, of course, a number of auxiliary installations that will be needed in the case of the production of a certain range. For example, equipment for caramel (if you use it as a filling for bars or bars). But at the initial stage, you can do without such acquisitions.

Raw materials for quality chocolate

The basic composition of a chocolate bar is no secret. Just look at any packaging where the well-known components are listed. This is cocoa butter, cocoa mass and powder, powdered sugar, and sometimes flavoring (vanillin). In addition, depending on the specific type, there are other ingredients (for example, nuts, raisins and other fillings).

But not everything is so simple; many manufacturers, in order to save money, replace high-quality components with cheaper analogues. For example, they use carob instead of cocoa powder or palm oil, vegetable fat instead of cocoa butter (or together with it). This allows you to reduce the cost of the chocolate bar several times, but the taste will suffer.

If you care about long-term reputation and the presence of regular customers, then it is better not to use such tricks. Offer your customers quality chocolate, albeit more expensive. If the product is truly tasty, then there will always be demand for it.

At the same time, you will not be left at a loss. For example, making a kilogram of high-quality dark chocolate (from cocoa powder, cocoa butter and powdered sugar) will cost about 400-500 rubles. At a price of 80-100 rubles per 100 grams, you will earn 2 times more than you spend.

Requirements you need to know about

Every entrepreneur, of course, is concerned about compliance with all the rules and regulations of the law applicable to his type of activity. Chocolate production belongs to the food industry, so communication with the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary and epidemiological station cannot be avoided. First, let's say a few words about the premises for organizing production. Basic requirements for the workshop and warehouse:

  • presence of exhaust hood and ventilation;
  • installed air conditioning system (to maintain air humidity at 75%);
  • temperature in the warehouse - 16-18% (this is important for preserving the properties of raw materials such as cocoa beans);
  • water supply, sewerage.

As for specific documents, you will need technological instructions for approval with Rospotrebnadzor, a certificate of conformity for the production of chocolate products, registration documents, sanitary records for all employees. If you comply with sanitary rules, fire safety, and production technology, then there will be no problems with supervisory authorities.


Organizing chocolate production is both simple and difficult at the same time. All the basic processes have long been known and worked out; every entrepreneur can create a recipe and organize the production of products. However, at the initial stage you will have to decide on a number of important points regarding the raw materials used, the purchase of all necessary equipment, and the collection of documents for starting a business.

All this will require considerable effort and time, but the undertaking is worth it. If you correctly draw up a business plan for the production of chocolate, you will soon be able to recoup the costs and begin to make a very good profit. And how much new joy you will give people in the form of chocolate bars!