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Test tasks to test the knowledge of workers by profession: “Pumping unit operator. Topic: machinist of compressor units Tickets for machinist of process pumps and compressors

Examination tickets are compiled according to the requirements of the professional standard according to the requirements of the qualification requirements for professions and the professional training standard

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 9, 2015 N 619n “On approval of the professional standard “Worker for the operation of compressor units of a thermal power plant”

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 21, 2015 N 1070n (as amended on March 17, 2016) “On approval of the professional standard “Worker for the maintenance of pumping or compressor installations of the engineering infrastructure of housing and communal services (in water and heat supply systems)”

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 08/02/2013 N 917 (as amended on 03/25/2015) “On approval of the federal state educational standard for secondary vocational education in the profession 240101.02 Technological pump and compressor operator”

Professional standard requirement (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 2, 2013 N 917)

PM.01 Maintenance and repair of process compressors, pumps, compressor and pumping units, gas drying equipment

have practical experience:

maintenance and repair;

performing plumbing work;

ensuring safe working conditions;

be able to:

follow the rules for the maintenance of pumps, compressors, and gas drying equipment;

prepare equipment for repair;

carry out repairs of equipment and installations;

comply with fire and electrical safety rules;

prevent and eliminate malfunctions in the operation of pumps, compressors, gas drying equipment;

exercise control over waste, wastewater, emissions into the atmosphere, disposal and processing methods generated during the production of products;

implement labor protection, industrial and fire safety requirements when repairing equipment and installations;

assess the state of safety and environmental regulations at gas drying plants, pumping and compressor installations;

prepare technical documentation;


design and principle of operation of equipment and communications;

maintenance rules;

layout diagrams of workshop pipelines and inter-shop communications;

rules and instructions for performing fire and gas hazardous work;

rules for maintaining technical documentation;

technology for draining and pumping liquids, gas drying;

rules for preparation for repair and repair of equipment and installations;

pipelines and pipeline fittings;

methods for preventing and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of pumps, compressors, gas dryers;

labor safety rules during repairs

PM.02 Operation of process compressors, pumps, compressor and pumping units, gas drying equipment

As a result of studying the professional module, the student must:

have practical experience:

conducting the process of transporting liquids and gases in accordance with the established regime;

regulating the parameters of the process of transporting liquids and gases in the serviced area;

conducting the gas drying process; regulation of the technological mode of gas drying;

operation of electrical equipment;

ensuring safe operation of production;

be able to:

ensure compliance with process parameters;

operate equipment for transporting liquids, gas and gas drying;

monitor the consumption of transported products according to instrumentation readings;

take samples for analysis; carry out bottling, packaging and transportation of products to the warehouse;

keep records of the consumption of products, fuels and lubricants, and energy resources;

maintain reporting and technical documentation;

comply with labor protection, industrial and fire safety requirements;

comply with environmental safety rules;


basic principles of liquid and gas transportation technology;

basic principles of gas drying technology;

technological parameters of processes, rules for their measurement;

purpose, design and principle of operation of automation equipment;

diagrams of pumping and compressor units, rules for their use;

diagrams of gas drying installations;

industrial ecology;

basics of industrial and fire safety;

labor protection;

metrological control;

rules and methods of sampling;

possible violations of the regime, causes and solutions, warning;

maintaining reporting and technical documentation on the operation of equipment and installationsMDK.02.01. Operation of equipment for transporting gas, liquids and gas dryingOK 1


Topic 1. General requirements for compressor units and pipelines

Topic 2. System of monitoring, control and emergency automatic protection of compressor units

Topic 3. Operation of electrical equipment of thermal power plants

Topic 4. Maintenance and repair of compressor units

Regulatory and technical literature:

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 9, 2015 N 619n “On approval of the professional standard “Worker for the operation of compressor units of a thermal power plant”

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 21, 2015 N 1070n (as amended on March 17, 2016) “On approval of the professional standard “Worker for the maintenance of pumping or compressor installations of the engineering infrastructure of housing and communal services (in water and heat supply systems)”

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 08/02/2013 N 917 (as amended on 03/25/2015) “On approval of the federal state educational standard for secondary vocational education in the profession 240101.02 Technological pump and compressor operator”

PB 03-581-03 “Rules for the design and safe operation of stationary compressor units, air and gas pipelines”

PB 03-582-03 “Rules for the design and safe operation of compressor units with piston compressors operating on explosive and harmful gases”

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

state budgetary professional educational institution

Sterlitamak College of Chemical Technology


at a meeting of the Central Committee

mechanical cycle

Protocol No.

from " "___________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.N. Ivanova


Director of SHTK

G.A. Gubaidullin

« ____»__________2017

Examination tickets

qualifying exam

by profession

Evening department

Teacher I.I. Sadykov

Teacher E.Kh.Saginbaeva

Explanatory note

Scope of examination cards

Examination tickets are part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the professionProcess pump and compressor operator.

Exam tickets can be used:

in additional vocational education, vocational training and retraining on the basis of secondary (complete) or basic general education. No work experience required.

Goals and objectives – requirements for mastery results:

Examination cards are developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the professionProcess pump and compressor operatorin order to assess the level of students’ mastery of:

1. PM.01Maintenance and repair of process compressors, pumps, compressor and pumping units, gas drying equipment,in terms of mastering the main type of activity (BA):

Maintenance and repair of standard technological equipment, including professional ones (PC):


PC 1.1

Identify and eliminate malfunctions in the operation of equipment and communications.

PC 1.2.

Bring technological equipment out for repairs, participate in the delivery and acceptance of it from repair.

PC 1.3.

Follow safety rules when repairing equipment and installations

have practical experience:

Maintenance and repair;

Carrying out plumbing work;

Ensuring safe working conditions;

be able to:

Follow the rules for the maintenance of pumps, compressors, and gas drying equipment;

Prepare equipment for repair;

Repair equipment and installations;

Comply with fire and electrical safety rules;

Prevent and eliminate malfunctions in the operation of pumps, compressors, gas drying equipment;

Exercise control over waste, wastewater, emissions into the atmosphere, disposal and processing methods generated during the production of products;

Carry out compliance with labor protection, industrial and fire safety requirements when repairing equipment and installations;

Assess the state of safety and environmental regulations at gas drying plants, pumping and compressor installations;

Prepare technical documentation;


Design and principle of operation of equipment and communications;

Maintenance rules;

Layout diagrams of workshop pipelines and inter-shop communications;

Rules and instructions for the production of fire and gas hazardous work;

Rules for maintaining technical documentation;

Technology for draining and pumping liquids, gas drying;

Rules for preparation for repair and repair of equipment and installations;

Pipelines and pipeline fittings;

Methods for preventing and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of pumps, compressors, gas dryers;

Labor safety rules during repairs

2. PM.02Operation of process compressors, pumps, compressor and pumping units, gas drying equipment

Maintenance and repair of standard technological equipment, including professional ones (PC):


Name of learning outcome

PC 2.1.

Prepare equipment and installation for start-up and shutdown under normal conditions.

PC 2.2.

Monitor and regulate the operating modes of technological equipment using means

PC 2.3.

Keep records of the consumption of gases, transported products, electricity, fuels and lubricants.

PC 2.4.

Ensure compliance with labor protection, industrial, fire and environmental safety rules, automation and instrumentation

In order to master the specified type of activity and the corresponding professional competencies, during the development of the professional module, the student must:

have practical experience:

Conducting the process of transporting liquids and gases in accordance with the established regime;

Regulating the parameters of the process of transporting liquids and gases in the serviced area;

Conducting the gas drying process;

Regulating the technological mode of gas drying;

Operation of electrical equipment;

Ensuring safe operation of production;

be able to:

Ensure compliance with process parameters;

Operate equipment for transporting liquids, gases and gas drying;

Monitor the consumption of transported products according to instrumentation readings;

Take samples for analysis;

Carry out bottling, packaging and transportation of products to the warehouse;

Keep records of the consumption of products, fuels and lubricants, and energy resources;

Maintain reporting and technical documentation;

Comply with labor protection, industrial and fire safety requirements;

Comply with environmental safety rules;


Basic principles of liquid and gas transportation technology;

Basic principles of gas drying technology;

Technological parameters of processes, rules for their measurement;

Purpose, design and principle of operation of automation equipment;

Schemes of pumping and compressor units, rules for their use;

Schemes of gas drying installations;

Industrial ecology;

Fundamentals of industrial and fire safety;

Labor protection;

Metrological control;

Rules and methods of sampling;

Possible violations of the regime, causes and solutions, warning;

Maintaining reporting and technical documentation on the operation of equipment and installations

Structure of exam papers.

The assignments are based on the educational material of the main sections of professional modules. The tasks are divided into 5 parts:

1. Assignments for the discipline Occupational Safety and Health.

2. PM tasks 01.

3. Assignments for PM 02.

4. Assignments for educational practice.

5. AssignmentsFundamentals of hydromechanical and thermal processes

The content of questions for parallel options is formulated so that the tasks are equivalent, i.e. approximately equal in difficulty.

To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used:

1 – familiarization (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2 – reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance);

3 – productive (planning and independent execution of activities, solving problematic problems).

The final grade is the sum of the six assignments.

Assessment system for test tasks:

Number of incorrect answers







up to 60%

9 or more


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 1

I approve

Head evening department

A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Hydrostatic phenomena.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 2

I approve

Head evening department

A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Law of hydrostatics.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 3

I approve

Head evening department

A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Cast iron. Become. Non-ferrous metals. Heat treatment.

    Classification of centrifugal pumps. Device. Features of pump components.

    Occupational safety when servicing pressure equipment.

    Types of fluid movement.

    Flow control and measuring devices. Types of flow meters.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 4

I approve

Head evening department

A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Pressure and binary flow.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 5

I approve

Head evening department

A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Types of briefings.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 6

I approve

Head evening department

A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 7

I approve

Head evening department

A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Technical specifications. RMB.

    Parallel and sequential operation of a centrifugal pump. Advantages.

    Respiratory protection.

    Reynolds criteria.

    Instrumentation designed to control product quality.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 8

I approve

Head evening department

A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Fire extinguishing agents.

    Information about their heat engineering.

    Glass level gauges.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 9

I approve

Head evening department

A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 10

I approve

Head evening department

A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    PCM maintenance during operation.

    Malfunctions of the centrifugal pump.

    Adverse production factors and their effects on the body.

    Gas state parameters.

    Instruments for measuring temperature, thermometers.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 11

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Centrifugal compressors (CCM). Options.

    Compressor equipment malfunction.

    The concept of the process of combustion and explosion.

    Basic gas laws.

    Flow meters, device, installation.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 12

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Performance characteristics of the CMC.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 13

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Axial force of the CMC. Causes of occurrence.

    Auxiliary equipment. Classification.

    Instruments suitable for measuring pressure. Classification.

    Classification of premises according to the danger of electric shock.

    Hydrostatic phenomena.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 14

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Law of hydrostatics.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 15

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Water hammer. Warning.

    Classification of centrifugal pumps. Device.

    Fundamentals of process safety.

    Flow rate and average flow rate.

    Instruments applicable for flow measurement. Classification.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 16

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    PCM performance. Methods for regulating productivity.

    Fast action factor.

    Factors influencing the outcome of electric shock.

    Fluid movement mode: laminar, turbulent.

    Thermocouple device and installation.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 17

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Basic information about mechanisms. Mechanism details. Types of transmissions.

    Gas caps for their purpose. Operation of the software.

    Rights and responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection.

    Hydrostatic phenomena.

    Instruments for measuring pressure. Types, classification.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 18

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Performance characteristics of the CMC.

    Lubrication system malfunction. Causes.

    Types of industrial water supply and sewerage.

    Basic thermodynamic processes.

    Automated process control system.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 19

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Piston pumps. Classification. Device. Duty cycle.

    Heat exchangers device, operating principle.

    Microclimate parameters in the workplace.

    Law of hydrostatics.

    Instruments suitable for measuring temperature. Classification.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 20

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    PCM cooling. Cooling methods.

    Scheme of a centrifugal pumping unit.

    Fire extinguishing agents.

    Information about their heat engineering.

    Glass level gauges.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 21

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Piston pumps. Classification. Device. Duty cycle.

    Heat exchangers device, operating principle.

    Microclimate parameters in the workplace.

    Law of hydrostatics.

    Instruments suitable for measuring temperature. Classification.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 22

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    RMB. Classification. Duty cycle.

    Operating principle of a centrifugal pump. Options. Efficiency

    The procedure for training workers on labor protection.

    Pressure and binary flow.

    Pressure control and measuring devices.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 23

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Bearings. Basic information.

    PP equipment. Installation. Performance regulation. Lubrication.

    Investigation and recording of industrial accidents.

    Law of hydrostatics.

    Level control and measuring instruments.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 24

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Compressor communications. Scheme, parameters.

    Operation of a centrifugal pump after preparation for reserve.

    Safety of work with increased danger.

    The concept of ideal and real gas.

    Safety valves, installation.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Technological cycle

Protocol No._____

from "__" _________2017

Chairman of the Central Committee

_______N.G. Abdeeva

Qualifying exam Professional training cycle of the profession Process pump and compressor operator

Examination card No. 25

I approve

Head evening department

__________ A.I. Rafikova

"___" __________ 2017

    Requirements for lubricants. Lubrication system. Lubrication methods.

    Pump installation methods. Revision.

    Types of briefings.

    Flow rate and average flow rate.

    Pressure gauges device, operating principle.

Teacher: I.I. Sadykov


For question 5 of the exam papers

Technological compressor operators

Ticket No. 1

The procedure for training workers in safety and labor protection measures (instructions and knowledge testing, permission to work independently), industrial safety and fire safety. (Clause 4.2. ESUOT in OJSC Gazprom VRD 39-1.14-021-2001).

4.2.1. Training of employees (workers, other employees) in safe labor methods and techniques should be carried out in all branches of the organization, regardless of the nature, complexity and degree of danger of production.

At facilities controlled by state supervision and control bodies (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, Gosenergonadzor of Russia and other bodies), only persons who have a document confirming completion of the appropriate special training are allowed to work.

4.2.2. Training workers and other employees in safe labor methods and techniques includes:

induction training;

initial training at the workplace;

industrial (theoretical and practical) training on safe labor methods and techniques in the amount of at least 10 hours, and when training workers in professions that are subject to additional (increased) labor safety requirements, as well as in professions and work related to servicing objects under control state supervisory authorities in industry, construction, transport, etc. at least 20 hours during on-the-job training under the guidance of a teacher, foreman (instructor) of industrial training or a highly qualified worker;

internship of at least 2 - 14 work shifts;

primary test of knowledge - admission to independent work;

repeated training in the workplace;

unscheduled on-the-job training;

targeted training in the workplace;

another knowledge test;

extraordinary knowledge test.

4.2.3. Admission to independent work of persons who have not undergone appropriate training and the necessary internship is prohibited. Training, internship and admission to independent work are formalized by order of the head of the branch (group, section, workshop, service, department) with an entry in the order log and personal instruction registration card.

Induction training

4.2.4. Introductory training on occupational safety is carried out with all newly hired workers, regardless of their education, work experience in a given profession or position, with temporary workers, business travelers, students arriving for internships, and excursionists.

4.2.6. Introductory briefing provides for familiarization of those instructed with the internal labor regulations, specific features of this production, basic labor protection requirements, hazards and hazards, technical, fire, blowout, gas safety and industrial sanitation at the facility.

4.2.7. Introductory briefing is carried out by employees of the labor protection service or persons who are assigned these responsibilities by order (instruction) of the organization (branch).

Specialists from relevant services may be involved to conduct introductory training on special issues.

Initial training at the workplace

4.2.18. The purpose of initial training at the workplace is to train each worker or employee in correct and safe work techniques and methods. During the briefing, the person being instructed should be familiarized with the equipment, devices, their characteristics and design features, possible hazards, safe work practices, the procedure for preparing the workplace, the use of protective equipment and the rules for providing first-aid care.

4.2.19. Initial training at the workplace is carried out before the start of production activities:

With all those newly hired into the organization (branch), transferred from one unit to another or in the unit where they were transferred to work in another profession;

with employees performing new work for them, business travelers, temporary workers;

with builders performing construction and installation work on the territory of an operating organization;

with students and students who arrived for on-the-job training or practice before performing any type of work, as well as before studying each new topic when conducting practical classes in educational laboratories, classes, workshops, areas, during extracurricular activities in clubs and sections.

4.2.20. Initial instruction at the workplace is carried out according to programs developed by the head of the branch (shop, service, etc.) and approved by the heads of organizations or branches. The programs are coordinated with the labor protection department (engineer) and the trade union committee of the organization or branch.

Industrial training on safe work methods and techniques

4.2.24. All newly hired workers and other employees, after initial training at the workplace, undergo industrial training on safe methods and techniques of work for at least 10 hours, and when training workers in professions for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed , as well as in professions and work related to the maintenance of objects controlled by state supervisory authorities in industry, construction, transport, etc. at least 20 hours during on-the-job training;

Training is carried out according to programs approved by the chief engineer of the organization or branch and compiled on the basis of standard occupational safety programs approved by OAO Gazprom.


4.2.28. Workers and other employees, after undergoing initial on-the-job instruction and industrial training, must, during the first 2-14 work shifts or days (depending on the nature of the work, qualifications), undergo an internship under the supervision of persons appointed by order for the service (shop, section, group , department, etc.).

Note: The management of the service (shop, site, group, department, etc.), in agreement with the production service (department) for labor protection and the trade union committee, may exempt from internship an employee who has at least 3 years of experience in the specialty, transferring from one workshop to another, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment on which he previously worked does not change.

Testing knowledge - admission to independent work

4.2.29. Before admission to independent work, after introductory briefing, initial briefing at the workplace, on-the-job training and internship, a knowledge test is carried out.

4.2.30. Testing the knowledge of workers and other employees is carried out by an examination committee (EC), created by order (instruction) for a branch of the organization. The head of the workshop (service, section, etc.) is appointed as the Chairman of the EC.

The number of members of the commission must be at least three people.

4.2.31. Knowledge testing should be carried out individually:

from managers and specialists on approved programs, in accordance with clause 4.1.11;

from workers and other employees according to the approved List of labor protection instructions and production instructions. For workers in professions that are subject to additional (increased) labor safety requirements, as well as in professions and work related to the maintenance of facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies of Russia, in addition to the List of instructions, references to the necessary points of the current rules and other safety standards are indicated labor and industrial safety.

4.2.33. The next test of knowledge of workers and other employees is carried out at least once a year from the moment of passing the exam according to the schedule (Appendix 4.7.) developed by the foremen and approved by the head of the workshop, service, etc. indicating the calendar date of the next knowledge test.

4.2.34. Knowledge test schedules are brought to the attention of workers and other employees by immediate supervisors no later than 15 days before the day of the knowledge test.

4.2.36. If, during a knowledge test, an employee shows unsatisfactory knowledge of labor protection, then he is not allowed to work independently, must undergo additional training and, no later than one month, pass the knowledge test again.

4.2.37. Failure to appear for the next knowledge test without objective reasons or the employee’s unpreparedness for the knowledge test is considered a violation of labor discipline.

4.2.38. An extraordinary test of workers’ knowledge is carried out:

when changing the production (technological) process, replacing or upgrading equipment and mechanisms;

upon the introduction of new safety rules and standards, instructions on labor protection and safe work;

in case of violations by employees of safety rules and labor protection instructions;

by order or direction of a higher organization, a branch of the organization;

at the request of state supervision and control authorities, in case of detection of insufficient knowledge by employees of labor protection instructions;

The list of questions for an extraordinary knowledge test is established in each specific case by the branch management, incl. taking into account the instructions of state supervision and control bodies.

Persons who, for any objective reasons (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.) were absent during the next knowledge test, are required to pass the knowledge test within 15 days from the date of return to work. In this case, the period for the next inspection is extended by the specified period.


4.2.40. All workers, regardless of qualifications and work experience, must undergo repeated training at least once every six months according to the initial training program at the workplace in full, and persons employed in work with increased danger, the list of which is determined by the management of the organization (branch), undergo repeated instruction at least once every three months, with the exception of workers for whom, due to the specific features of the work performed, special rules set other deadlines.

Unscheduled on-the-job training

4.2.43. In special cases caused by production needs, workers and other employees should be given unscheduled instruction on the safe conduct of work.

4.2.44. Unscheduled briefing is carried out earlier than the established deadline in the following cases:

changes in the technological process, modernization or replacement of equipment, devices and tools, changes in raw materials, materials and other changes;

violation by workers of instructions, rules, regulations, as well as the use of incorrect techniques and methods of work, which could lead to an accident or accident;

when introducing new rules and instructions for the safe conduct of work, safety standards, information letters and accident reports and orders on labor protection issues;

at the request of state supervisory and control authorities or the administration of the organization (branch);

during breaks in work - for work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed for more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - 60 days.

4.2.48. Persons who, for any reason (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.) were absent during unscheduled instruction, receive instruction on the day they return to work.

Targeted training in the workplace

4.2.49. Targeted instruction is carried out when performing one-time work that is not related to the direct performance of work in the specialty, i.e. not included in the list of instructions for a given profession of a worker or other employee (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory, one-time work outside the organization’s workshop, etc.), as well as in eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes; production of work for which a permit, permit and other documents are issued. If the work is not formalized with a work permit, a permit, where a record of the briefing is made, then this type of briefing is formalized by an entry in the briefing log at the workplace of the workshop where the work is performed.

Ticket No. 2

1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EXAMINATION TICKETS

Ticket No. 1
1. Compressors, classification.

2. The concept of bypass lines.

3. Fuel economy of compressors operating with drives.

4. Types of plumbing work and their purpose.

5. General safety requirements when placing compressor units in premises.

Ticket number 2
l. Classification of piston compressor units.

2. Pipeline insulation, its purpose, types of insulation.

3. Water management of compressors. Cooling towers and pools for cooling water, their design and principle of operation. Filters for water purification.

4. Compressor unit operator’s working tools, purpose and care for them.

5. Basic safety requirements when installing compressors.

Ticket number 3
1. Operating principle of piston compressor units.

2. The concept of pipeline corrosion, measures to combat corrosion.

3. Steam compressor facilities. Schematic diagram of steam supply for turbine-driven compressors.

4. Control and measuring instruments for compressor unit operators, their purpose and care.

5. Basic requirements for the safe operation of instrumentation and equipment.

Ticket number 4
1. Schematic diagram of the compressor.

2. Pipeline equipment, its purpose and marking.

3. Lifting and transport devices for compressor units.

4. The concept of the technological process.

5. Basic safety requirements for cooling compressor units.

Ticket number 5
1. Theoretical compression process of a single-stage compressor.

2. Rules and locations for installing fittings.

3. Basic rules for operating a running compressor.

4. Technology of metalworking of parts.

5. Basic safety requirements for compressor lubrication.

Ticket number 6
1. Multi-stage compression.

2. Design and principle of operation of taps, valves, valves, check valves and safety valves.

3. The main possible malfunctions during the start-up and operation of the compressor, their causes and methods of elimination.

4. Basic operations of the technological process of metalworking of parts.

5. Basic safety requirements for air intake and purification by compressor.

Ticket number 7
1. Compressor performance. Compressor efficiency

2. The concept of valves having electric, hydraulic and pneumatic drives.

3. The concept of diagnostics and maintainability of a compressor unit.

4. The concept of dimensional deviations and tolerances of parts

5. Basic safety requirements for moisture separators and air collectors.

Ticket number 8
1. Methods for regulating the performance of piston compressors.

2. Testing of installed pipelines for strength and density.

3. The procedure for assigning maintenance and repairs to the compressor unit.

4. Types of measuring and testing instruments, design and rules of use.

5. Basic requirements of the instructions for the safe maintenance of compressor units.

Ticket number 9
1. Automatic control of compressor performance.

2. Types of drives for compressor units. Selection of drives.

3. Scheduled preventive maintenance, their characteristics and timing.

4. Preparing the compressor for work.

5. List the cases that require immediate stop of the compressor.

Ticket number 10
1. Lubrication systems for piston compressors.

2. Electric drive of compressors. Types of electric motors.

3. Methods for detecting faults and defects in machines and devices.

4. Sequence, methods of disassembling compressors.

5. Causes of fire in a compressor unit.

Ticket number 11

1. The use of oil for lubrication of compressors, their main characteristics.

2. Internal combustion engines used to drive compressors.

3. Sequence, methods of disassembling compressors.

4. Bending, purpose. Cold and hot bending. Calculation of the workpiece for bending.

5. Occupational diseases and their main causes. Prevention of occupational diseases.

Ticket number 12
1. Oil pumps, their structure.

2. Compressor drive from steam and gas turbines.

3. Methods for washing and cleaning parts. Branding of parts.

4. Felling, purpose and use of manual cutting. The sharpening angle of the working part of the chisel on the bottom of steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metals.

5. Medical and sanitary services for workers at the enterprise.

Compressor unit operator" 4th category

1. Classification of compressors.

Purpose. A compressor is used to compress, increase pressure and move (transport) air or gas. The compressor is the basis of the compressor unit, which in addition to it includes auxiliary interstage devices, a drive, gas pipelines and various systems (lubrication, cooling and regulation).

Compressors are used in the chemical, metallurgical and mining industries, energy, mechanical engineering, construction, transport and other sectors of the national economy to ensure the technological production process and for auxiliary purposes.

Classification. Compressors are classified by purpose, principle of operation, final pressure, supply, method of heat removal, type of drive, type of installation.

By purpose Compressors are classified depending on the type of production in which they are used (chemical, gas pumping, general purpose, etc.), as well as by their intended purpose (starting air, brake air, pumping, etc.).

By operating principle Compressors are divided into volumetric and dynamic. The first include piston compressors with reciprocating piston movement, rotary (plate) ) with rotational movement of displacer pistons, screw ones with variable pitch rotors and membrane ones, in which the membrane plays the role of a piston. Dynamic compressors (turbocompressors) are divided into centrifugal with a gas flow directed radially from the center to the periphery, and axial with a gas flow moving in the axial direction when the wheel with blades rotates.

By final pressure There are low pressure compressors that create a gas pressure of 0.2...1.0 MPa (2...10 kgf/cm2), medium -1...10 MPa (10...100 kgf/cm2), high -10... 100 MPa (100... 1000 kgf/cm 2) and ultra-high pressure - over 100 MPa (1000 kgf/cm 2).

By submission compressors are divided into machines with small (up to 0.015 m: 7s), medium (0.015...1,500 m 3 / s) and large (over 1,500 m 3 / s) flow, different for each type of compressor (volumetric or dynamic).

By heat removal method compressors are divided into machines with cooling (air or water) of the compressor and the discharge gas;

By drive type- for compressors with an electric motor, steam or gas turbine, internal combustion engine;

By type of installation- stationary (on a foundation or special supports) and mobile (on a chassis or frame). 2. Design and purpose of separators and filters included in compressor units and requirements for them.

Separators (Oil and moisture separators) are used to purify gas from oil and moisture (in turbochargers - from moisture). Separation occurs when there is a sudden change in the direction of gas flow due to different densities of the gas and the oil and moisture droplets it contains. The direction of gas flow is changed by installing additional partitions in the cylindrical body, placing the gas inlet and outlet pipes at an angle, or making the inlet pipe in the form of a branch that changes the direction of flow (Fig.

2.45. Air intake (suction) by an air compressor should be done outside the compressor station at a height of at least 3 m from the ground level.

For air compressors with a capacity of up to 10 m 3 /min, which have air filters on the machine, it is allowed to take air from the compressor station premises.

2.46. To clean the intake air from dust, the suction air duct of the compressor is equipped with a filter protected from the ingress of atmospheric precipitation.

The design of the filter device must provide safe and convenient access to the filter for cleaning and disassembly.

The filter device should not deform or vibrate as air is sucked in by the compressor.

2.47. Filtering devices can be individual or common to several compressors. In the latter case, for each compressor it should be possible to disconnect it (in case of repair) from the common suction pipeline.

2.48. For enterprises where there may be a high level of dust in the intake air, compressor units should be equipped with filters and other special equipment in accordance with the design documentation.

2.49. In compressors equipped with end coolers, moisture-oil separators should be provided in the pipelines between the cooler and the air collector. It is allowed to combine an end cooler and a moisture-oil separator in one apparatus.

2.50. If it is necessary to have deeply dried air, in addition to end coolers, compressors are equipped with special drying units. Drying units operating using the method of freezing moisture using refrigeration units must be located in rooms isolated from the compressor unit.

Drying units operating using the method of moisture absorption by solid sorbents and using non-toxic and non-explosive refrigerants can be located in the machine room of the compressor unit.

3. Preparation for start-up, starting and stopping the piston compressor.

Preparing the compressor for start-up

To prepare the compressor for start-up, the following steps must be taken:

– carry out an external inspection of the equipment, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the compressor service area, that the compressor is equipped with thermometers and pressure gauges;

– check the reliability of tightening the fastening of moving parts of coupling halves and anchor bolts;

– check the level and quality of oil in the circulating lubrication oil tank and lubricators for lubrication of cylinders and oil seals; The oil level should not be below the middle of the indicator glass; if necessary, add oil;

– check the cleanliness of the oil tank filter mesh and the circulating lubrication system;

– clean the filter of the circulating lubrication unit with scrapers;

– check the closure of the shut-off valve on the bypass pipes of the oil cooler;

– check the position of the three-way valve on the circulation lubrication pipeline - the valve must connect the pressure fitting of the pump to the coarse filter;

– turn on the electric motors of the pumps for circulating lubrication and lubrication of cylinders and seals;

– check the oil supply to all lubrication supply points for cylinders and oil seals, using oil check valves;

– check the opening of shut-off valves at all lubricant supply points, check the oil pressure to lubricate the movement mechanism;

– using a turning mechanism, rotate the compressor shaft 3–4 turns to better distribute the oil over the rubbing surfaces and check the absence of foreign objects in the compressor

– turn off the turning mechanism by placing the handle in the “off” position and turn on the electric motor of the turning mechanism;

– include instrumentation and automation systems into operation;

– open the valves on the water inlet and outlet to the compressor;

– check the flow of water to the compressor cooling points using test taps;

– open the shut-off valves installed on the return water pipelines at the bypass refrigerator;

– check the opening of valves on pressure gauges;

– close the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the spark plug, the purge valves on the purge manifold (the valves on the low-pressure nitrogen purge pipeline must be closed and sealed with nameplate plugs);

– open the shut-off valves on the central heating and water supply pipelines at the bypass refrigerator; the shut-off valves on the discharge and intake manifolds must be closed;

– turn on the blower system for the compressor electric motor.

If it is necessary to purge the compressor system after any type of repair, perform the following measures:

– open the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the spark plug;

– remove the plugs and open the valves on the low-pressure nitrogen supply line for purge;

– close the shut-off valves on the bypass pipeline between the receiving and discharge manifolds;

– blow out the intake and discharge buffer tanks of the compressor;

– close the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the spark plug, and the purge valves on the purge manifold;

– open the shut-off valves on the bypass pipeline between the receiving and discharge manifolds;

– close the valves and install plugs on the low-pressure nitrogen supply line for purge.

The compressor is started in the following sequence:

– open the shut-off valves and the electric valve on the receiving manifold;

– displace nitrogen from the compressor installation system with the working medium into the atmosphere through a spark plug, purge the intake and discharge manifolds, and compressor discharge buffer tanks;

– close the shut-off valve, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the spark plug;

– if there is permission to start, turn on the main electric motor of the compressor; circulate the working medium through the bypass line for 5...10 minutes, check the flow of oil to all points of the compressor lubrication system, the serviceability of the movement mechanism and intake and discharge valves.

– open the shut-off valves located on the compressor discharge manifold, smoothly reducing the flow area of ​​the shut-off valves on the compressor bypass line, supply the working medium for circulation through the bypass refrigerator, close the shut-off valves on the compressor bypass line;

– gradually establish the required flow of the working medium into the reactor block system, gradually reducing the flow area of ​​the shut-off valves on the working medium supply line to the bypass refrigerator;

– inspect the operating compressor, discharge and intake manifolds;

– after starting the compressor, make an entry in the logbook about the start time and technical condition of the compressor.

Compressor stop

The compressor is stopped in the following sequence:

Smoothly open the shut-off valves on the compressor bypass line, while simultaneously closing the shut-off valves located on the compressor discharge manifold.

Close the shut-off valve located on the compressor intake manifold.

Stop the main compressor motor. After the compressor has completely stopped, it is necessary to stop the blower fan of the main electric motor, the cylinder and oil seal lubrication unit, and the circulating lubrication unit.

Open the shut-off valve, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the spark plug.

5...10 minutes after stopping the compressor, it is necessary to stop the supply of circulating water to the oil cooler of the compressor. Make a note in the logbook about the time and reason for the compressor shutdown. After stopping the compressor, make a record of the time and reason for stopping the compressor, and its technical condition.

4. System of planned preventive maintenance of equipment, its essence and goals.

The PPR system is a set of organizational and technical measures for the supervision, maintenance and repair of equipment carried out according to a pre-drawn up plan and helping to increase its durability at optimal operating parameters, prevent accidents, improve the culture of operation and the level of organization of repairs.

The PPR regulations provide for the following types of repairs and overhaul maintenance:

overhaul service



average renovation

major renovation.

Maintenance is a set of works to monitor the technical condition of equipment, timely warning, malfunction, replacement of quickly wearing parts, which entails minor disassembly of the equipment. At the same time, the volume is specified

preparatory work for current, medium, and major repairs. For the period of maintenance, the equipment is switched off from the technological cycle (stopped). In this case, only such equipment malfunctions are identified and immediately eliminated, in the presence of which it is impossible to operate it normally until the next repair. Maintenance is carried out by repair personnel under the supervision of a repair service mechanic.

5. Causes of fires during operation of compressor units and fire prevention measures.

At oil and gas refineries, where large quantities of flammable gases and liquids are processed and stored, fire safety measures are organically related to the technological process itself. In factories, fires can occur as a result of various organizational and technical shortcomings, for example:

deviations from the established operating mode of the installation (temperature, pressure) and irregular preventive inspection of equipment;

failure to comply with fire safety requirements when placing and installing installation equipment;

failure to comply with fire safety regulations established for this installation.

All fire safety measures can be divided into two groups - prevention (prevention) of fires and elimination of an existing fire.

Fire prevention is a set of measures aimed at preventing fires and limiting their size.

Elimination of the causes of fires is achieved by the correct selection and arrangement of technological and auxiliary equipment. Limiting the spread of fire is carried out by: design and construction measures, including proper planning and placement of buildings and equipment; the use of structures and materials that meet the requirements of fire standards; installation of fire protection zones and embankments.

Measures are provided to ensure the evacuation of people and property in case of fire. This includes: arrangement of the required number of stairs, doors, passages both on the territory of the installations and in the premises; placement of devices in compliance with the required width of the passage or passage between them; emergency lighting device and others.

Preventive measures also include those that ensure successful extinguishing of a fire if it occurs.

For example, the construction of roads for free access by frying machines to buildings; communication with the fire brigade; providing the enterprise with sufficient quantities of necessary fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers, water, sand, etc.).

An important role in ensuring fire safety is given to the managers of workshops, installations, and foremen. Being responsible for fire safety in their area, they are obliged to develop, together with the fire protection authorities, fire safety instructions, train their subordinate personnel in the measures that must be taken in the event of a fire, as well as the rules for using fire extinguishing agents.