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Requirements for furniture for the HR department. Are there any special requirements for the HR office? Search for the necessary laws and specialized literature

"Human Resources Department of a Budgetary Institution", 2011, N 10

As is known, each type of workplace has its own ergonomic, sanitary, organizational and other requirements contained in the relevant advisory, dispositive or imperative standards, the implementation of which ensures safe working conditions for health. All this obliges the employer to know the standard requirements that apply to workplaces, in particular, of certain categories of personnel service employees - personnel inspector, timekeeper, psychologist, personnel training engineer, etc.

Taking into account such nuances obliges the administrative and economic services of the employer to organize each workplace, that is, to equip and layout it, taking into account the professional specifics of the work of each group of (individual) employees. Fully equipped workplace, as well as its rational layout, allow you to best organize the work process and, as a result, increase its efficiency<1>.

<1>See, for example, GOST 12.2.032-78: SSBT "Workstation when performing work while sitting. General ergonomic requirements" and SSBT "Workstation when performing work while standing. General ergonomic requirements", put into effect by the Decree of the USSR State Standard of April 26, 1987 N 1102, as well as SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work." Electronic versions of documents are available in legal reference search engines and on the Internet.

Typical workplace for HR specialists

To imagine the requirements for a typical HR officer’s workplace, according to the Qualification Directory of Employees<2>to the category of specialist employees, we will use the recommendations for the creation of specialized positions for personnel officers, proposed at one time by the Main Directorate for Labor and Social Affairs of the Moscow City Executive Committee to simplify the certification of jobs in Moscow organizations.

<2>Qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 08/21/1998 N 37 (valid as amended on 03/14/2011).

What is meant by the workplace of an employee of the personnel department of organizations in Moscow? The specialized literature says the following: for personnel officers, it means, located on a volume of space per employee determined by standards, an appropriate set of furniture and technical equipment necessary to perform production functions - working with people and working with documents. In an office layout, it should have a work area in which there is a wall cabinet, a desk with a rotating attachment for easy movement of the necessary devices and documents, and a lift-and-swivel chair. In addition, the workplace must have a work area for receiving visitors and workers, in which there is a table and several armchairs or chairs for the convenience of writing and processing the necessary documentation by persons arriving at the personnel service. Such a workplace must be located in a separate room, specially equipped for working with visitors (future employees) and employees of the organization.

The equipment of the workplace should provide the personnel officer with the opportunity to receive high-quality information in a timely manner and use it in preparing management decisions. The set of office equipment should include communication equipment (telephone, fax), small office equipment (calculators, etc.). If the organization has put into effect "ASU-cadres" - a complete set of technical means ensuring the operation of this system<3>.

<3>See: Dictionary-reference book for the work of personnel services. M.: Moscow Personnel Center at the Main Directorate for Labor and Social Issues of the Moscow City Executive Committee, 1989. The document is currently contained in reference and legal search systems and on the Internet.

Standard requirements for the workplace of the head of a personnel department

In contrast to the requirements for the structure, sanitary and hygienic parameters and the level of technical equipment of the workplace of a personnel specialist, the workplace of a person engaged in managerial work is called a work office in all regulations and special literature devoted to this topic<4>. Nevertheless, all the analyzed acts and other sources (containing, as a rule, advisory standards for creating standard jobs for managers at different levels of management) suggest the following. Like other employees, at the workplace of HR managers of all types there must be a designated work area that is certified for its health safety and meets the requirements of sanitation and hygiene of anti-epidemiological standards. This requirement is contained in paragraph 1 of Art. 25 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (as amended on July 19, 2011), which states that working conditions, the workplace and the labor process should not have a harmful effect on humans. Requirements for ensuring safe working conditions for humans are established by sanitary rules and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

<4>See, for example, the brochures: Scientific organization of managerial work. M.: Progress, 1968; The work of a leader. M.: Economics (series of annual thematic issues: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978); Typical design of a production manager's workplace for light industry. M.: IPK Minlegproma USSR, 1970; Intersectoral guidelines for preventing overwork of physical and mental workers. M.: Research Institute of Labor, 1979.

From paragraph 2 of Art. 25 of this Law it follows that individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are obliged to carry out sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures to ensure safe working conditions for humans and to comply with the requirements of sanitary rules and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for production processes and technological equipment, organization of workplaces , collective and individual protective equipment for workers, work, rest and consumer services for workers in order to prevent injuries, occupational diseases, infectious diseases and diseases (poisoning) associated with working conditions.

For the most part, the recommendations are standard and can be a guideline when introducing a certain type of executive workplaces (offices) in organizations in different sectors of the economy. Then workplace designs are adjusted depending on the specifics of the work, the level of management and taking into account the latest achievements of science and technology. Please note that workplaces must undergo timely certification (usually once every five years) to improve working conditions and rationalize work and rest regimes.

The main features of the work of managers at different levels and professional groups are, firstly, the implementation of diverse functions in organizing a production or other process and, secondly, monitoring the activities of subordinates. These functions consist of solving many issues of a promising and current nature, participating in production and social events, that is, the type of activity is constantly changing - from 30 to 100 times per working day. And the higher the level of management, the more diverse and the more difficult it is to formalize the activities of the manager.

The work of managers at all levels of management (from director to foreman) includes common types of professional activities: personal contacts (meetings, conversations, visits to structural units to communicate with employees, etc.), work with current official and other documentation, preparation and organization of their work, familiarization with reports on work done and completed assignments, etc. Data from the analysis of time-keeping and self-time-keeping questionnaires show that the proportion of working time allocated to performing a particular task depends on both the level of management and the scale of the organization.

It has been established that a lot of time (in different organizations the figure ranges from one to six hours per working day) is required to conduct “flight meetings” - operational meetings regarding unexpectedly changed circumstances related to the work process. The longest meetings are held at the beginning and end of the week. The time spent on main activities (meetings, working with documentation, drawing up reports, signing documents, receiving visitors, etc.) fluctuates slightly during the week.

With a variety of mental work, the activities of managers at a higher level of management are often carried out against the background of neuropsychic tension (30 - 40% noted nervousness arising from conflicts) and restrictions on physical activity (60 - 65% of the time is spent sitting, less than 1 km is walked during the working day ). Middle-level managers are engaged in sedentary work 30 - 45% of the time and during the working day they cover a total distance of 5 to 7 km.

All management employees perform extensive and responsible social work, on which up to 10% of the working time budget is spent. The lunch break for managers at higher management levels lasts from 20 to 50 minutes, for mid-level managers from 40 to 60 minutes.

Based on specialized literature, the working day of low-level managers averages from 8 to 9 hours, the average level - from 10 to 14 hours, the high level - from 9 to 15. The larger the organization, the longer the manager’s working day.

Managers spend from 50 to 70% of their time in specially designated rooms - separate offices. The workplace, as it is commonly called, the “office of the manager,” for example, the director of human resources or the deputy director of personnel management, as a rule, consists of three functional areas: a work area, a meeting area and a recreation area.

Work zone(office) must be isolated from other premises of the organization, except for the emergency exit (according to fire safety rules), in order to ensure the ability to work with documentation of varying degrees of complexity without interference.

The work area must be equipped with appropriate furniture and technical devices, as well as a specialized module for the electronic document management subsystem, which is part of the automated workstation system. When choosing equipment for a work area, sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, and area standards for executive offices must be taken into account.

Typically, the office is adjacent to the rooms of assistants who contribute to the professional activities of the manager (secretaries, assistants, etc.), and with deliberative zone- the room where the manager receives and holds meetings. The area of ​​this zone should correspond to the expected number of visitors who will be present there at the same time.

Rest zone- individual rooms for natural needs and sanitary hygiene, as well as a room for psychological relief.

Microclimatic conditions (permissible temperature, air exchange rate and relative humidity) in the manager’s office must comply with the SSBT “Working area air. General sanitary and hygienic requirements” (GOST 12.1.005-76). When designing or equipping an office for a manager of any rank, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary standards for illumination of the workplace SNiP PA 8-72 “Natural lighting. Design standards”, PA 9-71 “Artificial lighting. Design standards”. The noise level in the work area should not exceed the permissible standards stipulated by the SSBT "Noise. General safety requirements" (GOST 12.1.003-76).

Problems with job creation

Jobs, despite the mention of them in Part 4 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employment contracts of the vast majority of employees are not indicated. In our opinion, the fact is that employers, employees and control and supervisory authorities for compliance with labor legislation do not have a common understanding of what should constitute a workplace, which is proposed to be designated in an employment contract by agreement of the parties.

If we turn directly to Part 4 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then a natural question arises: how to create a work area where an employee will perform his work function, so that it can be considered his workplace? In other words, what does the process of creating a job include, which an applicant will need to be familiarized with when applying for a job? The overwhelming number of employers will answer the question posed as follows: it is enough to initially enter a vacant position, profession, specialty into the staffing table; then allocate (sometimes even in a room not suitable for work) a chair and a table for the employee, and a workbench or machine for the worker. Next, advertise in the media that there is a vacant job in the organization, or disseminate information about this in another way, for example, through the employer’s employees. But in this case, the introduction of a vacancy occurs without the creation of a workplace properly equipped for a specific category of workers, and, moreover, without its certification for health safety.

Let us remind you that according to the Procedure for certification of workplaces according to working conditions, which is approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2011 N 342n (hereinafter referred to as the Certification Procedure), all workplaces are subject to certification - from the head of the organization<5>to loaders and cleaners of industrial premises. The certification commission must rely on the relevant standard workplace designs and labor safety standards for workers.

<5>See, for example, the current Methodological Recommendations (MR) "Physiological justification for organizing a standard work and rest regime for executive employees of industrial enterprises", approved. By order of the USSR Ministry of Health of July 10, 1980 N 2184-80. The document was not published. Its electronic version is available in legal reference search engines and on the Internet.

The number of certified workplaces is determined based on the list of staffing units in the staffing table. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the number of people using one workplace in shifts during a calendar day, and the types of work performed by specific categories of workers. Certification of newly organized workplaces must begin no later than 60 working days after their commissioning (paragraph 4, clause 8 of the Certification Procedure). In accordance with clause 12 of the Certification Procedure, the certification commission assigns each workplace a unique serial number (no more than 8 characters: from 1 to 99,999,999). It is reflected in all workplace certification documents, that is, it is not difficult for the employer, if desired, to reflect this number in the employment contract, explaining its meaning to the future employee. Please note that in organizations operating around the clock, the same workplace may be reflected in the employment contract for all employees replacing each other.

From the point of view of employees and representatives of state bodies exercising control and supervision of compliance with the requirements of labor legislation, the process of an employer creating a workplace for a potential employee should be as follows.

First, there is an actual creation of an equipped workplace to perform a specific job function according to standard or individual projects. Then it undergoes certification for working conditions, which can either be safe for work or contain harmful and (or) hazardous production factors. In this case, all pathological factors identified in the workplace, including those leading to microclimatic discomfort (exceeding the norms of illumination, noise, etc.)<6>), oblige the employer to find ways to reduce or level them out. If any deviations from plumbing and other standards are identified, the employer must take measures to eliminate them - either determine methods of individual protection for the employee and issue him with PPE prescribed by law, or re-equip and re-equip the dangerous workplace. And only after this, the employer can reflect the workplace in the staffing table as meeting the requirements of special legislation on labor protection and advertise the search for applicants for this vacancy.

<6>"MR 2.2.9. Health status of workers in connection with the state of the working environment. Prevention of stress in workers during various types of professional activities. Methodological recommendations", approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2007, together with the Methodology of Mental Self-Regulation. The document was not published. Its electronic version is available in legal reference search engines and on the Internet.

So, subjects who have the right to assess the completeness of the process of creating a workplace as one of the additional conditions of the employment contract have different understandings of whether it was created and formalized properly or improperly. Such uncertainty about the actual workplace often becomes the cause of disagreements between the employee and the employer when they have already entered into labor relations. And if this point had been reflected in a timely manner in the employment contract, this would have prevented a labor dispute.

But before you deal with the problems that prevent you from specifying a specific workplace in an employment contract during employment, you need to understand how the staffing level of personnel officers in budgetary institutions is determined. This will be the subject of research in the material that will be published in one of the upcoming issues of our magazine.

N.A. Brilliantova


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Answer to the question:

Having considered your question, we can say that, unfortunately, the legislation does not contain certain requirements for the HR department office. At the same time, the labor activity of HR department employees is reduced to compiling and recording personnel documents, including personal data of employees. In turn, responsibility for the safety of personnel documents lies with the head of the organization and the head of the personnel service. Therefore, his task includes not only the correct organization of work with documents, but also, above all, the creation of conditions that ensure their safety. Since the current legislation provides for administrative liability for the loss of documents, as well as for the destruction of papers before the due date.

Don't miss: the main article of the month from a practical expert

All rules and terms for storing personnel documents in a visual cheat sheet.

The peculiarities of storing personnel documentation in an organization are determined by the tasks of limiting unauthorized access to documents containing personal data of employees and effectively searching for the necessary information.

Therefore, ideally, the HR office should have at least three adjacent rooms: a room for department employees, a manager’s office and a room where cabinets and safes for documents, files and filing cabinets are located.

At the same time, there should be one entrance to the HR department. Recommendations for the arrangement of premises for storing documents are given in the Rules approved by the decision of the Rosarkhiv board of February 6, 2002, and the Rules approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated January 18, 2007 No. 19.

However, it is not necessary for commercial organizations to comply with all the requirements for the equipment of special premises for storing documents (paragraph 3 of the introduction to the Rules, approved by the decision of the Rosarkhiv board of February 6, 2002, clause 1.1 of the Rules, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated January 18, 2007 No. 19). The only mandatory requirement for storing documents in joint-stock companies is that organizations must store documents in locked cabinets that ensure the safety of documents and protect documents from dust and light (clause 3.6 of the Regulations approved by Resolution of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia dated July 16, 2003 No. 03 -33/ps ). The LLC must specify storage features in its charter (Clause 2, Article 12 of Law No. 14-FZ of February 8, 1998). It would be logical if the LLC also included in its constituent documents a requirement to store the organization’s documentation in locked cabinets or premises.

Thus, we can say that the legislation does not contain specific requirements for the premises of the personnel department. However, if the organization does not have a special room for storing documents and all personnel documents are stored in the personnel department, then at least the basic conditions must be met:

The personnel service premises must be equipped with fire and security alarms. It is desirable that the entrance door of the personnel service be double metal, and the windows are protected by metal bars. The room must be spacious enough to, firstly, provide working conditions for service personnel, and secondly, there must be space to place cabinets and safes for routine storage of documents. We also note that the employer is responsible not only for the physical safety of personnel documents, but also for the protection of personal data of employees (Chapter 14 of the Labor Code). Failure to comply with the requirements for the protection of personal data may entail not only administrative, but also criminal liability - up to arrest for six months in accordance with Art. 137 of the Criminal Code.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

1.Answer: How to store documents in the personnel department

N.Z. Kovyazina

Documents required for storage

What personnel documents should an organization keep?

The legislation obliges all employers to ensure storage that are generated in the course of their activities (). The personnel department of an organization is, as a rule, responsible for storing documents on personnel.

In commercial organizations

In addition, the obligation of organizations to store documents is enshrined in the laws on joint stock companies and LLCs (,). Documents required for storage, in particular, include:

  • regulations, orders, etc., mandatory for execution by all employees of the organization.

The LLC specifies in its charter information about how it will store documents (). Joint-stock companies store documents in the manner established. Storage rules can be specified in internal documents of the organization, for example in ().

Document storage conditions

Where should an organization store personnel documents?

To store documents, the organization needs to equip special premises (safes or cabinets). Recommendations for the arrangement of such storage facilities are given in the approved ones. Commercial organizations do not have to comply with all requirements for the equipment of special premises for storing documents (Approved Rules).

In commercial organizations

The only mandatory requirement for storing documents in joint-stock companies is that organizations must store documents in locked cabinets that ensure the safety of documents and protect documents from dust and light (Regulations approved). The LLC must specify storage features in its charter (). It would be logical if the LLC also included in its constituent documents a requirement to store the organization’s documentation in locked cabinets or premises.

If an organization stores documents in electronic form, then it is necessary to ensure a storage mode that prevents loss, destruction or distortion of information. In addition, during the storage of such documents, it is necessary to rewrite them onto new media as the old media becomes obsolete. This is stated in the Rules approved.

In order to ensure effective storage of documents both in paper and electronic form, the organization (, Rules, approved). Documents with expired storage period (Rules approved).

Advice: form orders for personnel that have different ones into different ones, otherwise the organization may have problems transferring such “mixed” cases for archival storage.

From the very beginning, assign different numbers to different documents. Using coding, you can separate orders that are (about hiring, transfers, relocation, bonuses, etc.) from orders that are (about business trips, etc.). This will make it easier to file them into different cases.

Responsibility for violations committed when working with archival documents

What liability is provided for violations committed when working with archival documents?

For violation of the rules of storage, acquisition, accounting or use of archival documents, administrative liability is provided ().

Responsibility measures - or an administrative fine in the amount of:Quest game for personnel officers: check if you know how work has changed since the beginning of the year
There have been important changes in the work of HR officers that must be taken into account in 2019. Check in the game format whether you have taken into account all the innovations. Solve all the problems and receive a useful gift from the editors of the “Personnel Business” magazine.

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  • “...If you choose your friends wisely, your business will go well.

    If you choose your business wisely and the people who will work with you, you will prosper.”

    (Warren Helman)

    Not a single organization in the context of modern progressive trends can exist without a service (department) involved in staffing the organization, maintaining all documentation related to the hiring and dismissal of employees, and many other specific activities that, in our opinion, cannot be performed by other services, although there is an opinion among employers that the functions of the personnel service (HR department) can be performed by a secretary or accountant. Yes, in general, he can, for example, fill out a work book or fill out a work time sheet, but no more. Properly register the employee when hiring, make changes to the employment contract, comply with all the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on July 24, 25, 2002, June 30, 2003 , April 27, August 22, December 29, 2004, May 9, 2005, June 30, 2006) (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and other regulations, only a “professional” personnel officer can do.

    It must be said that since October 2006, significant changes have been made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which allows personnel services (departments) or other employees performing personnel work to be more responsible in formalizing labor relations with employees (especially in concluding an employment contract). Of course, there is still a lot that needs to be explained, but this will all be done over time, as they say - everything is learned by practice.

    Let's return to the transfer of HR functions to other persons.

    The practical implementation of the opinion regarding the transfer of the functions of a personnel officer to a secretary or accountant often leads to personnel errors. For example, in practice there are often incorrectly drawn up employment contracts that violate the rights of the employee. The author also, in practice, when hiring an employee, is often faced with incorrectly entered entries about labor activity in his work book, which may lead to the need to confirm the insurance period upon retirement. So we can advise employers one thing - do not skimp on organizing a personnel service (department) at your enterprise; this will result in high production results, and most importantly, peace of mind.

    It’s not for nothing that they say: HR department is the face of the company.

    It is with the personnel service (department) that a potential employee begins to become acquainted with the organization. It depends on the personnel service (department) whether the person who comes will continue to get a job with you or, due to the fact that he has received dubious or incomplete information about his potential work, will refuse further communication with your organization.

    Therefore, a personnel service employee must have not only education, but also a set of certain qualities. An HR employee must have a presentable appearance - first of all, he must be attractive, have an open look and well-spoken speech.

    Requirements for a HR employee will be discussed a little later.

    And now about the personnel service (department) in general.

    Let's consider structure of the personnel service (HR department).

    Usually, but not everywhere, the head of the personnel service (personnel department) is head of personnel department(HR department), who is often the deputy head of the organization (nowadays this position is often called - Deputy Director for HR). In my opinion, a synonym for the title of this position is HR manager(judging by the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37 (as amended on November 12, 2003) (hereinafter referred to as the Directory) has the same functional responsibilities). Subordinate to him are employees occupying the following positions: personnel manager, personnel training engineer, personnel specialist, personnel inspector. The structure of the personnel service (department) may also include clerks and typists. In general, variations in the structural formation of the personnel service (department) can be different. So, for example, in an organization there is only one HR employee and his position is HR specialist.

    What should be the size of the personnel service (department) to ensure the normal functioning of the organization.

    To do this, it is necessary to determine the cost of working time for staffing and accounting and other functions of the personnel service (department).

    The main document used to determine the cost of working time for staffing and personnel accounting work, as well as to justify the required number of workers engaged in these works, remains to this day the Intersectoral integrated time standards for staffing and personnel accounting work, approved by the resolution of the USSR Ministry of Labor dated November 14, 1991 No. 78 (hereinafter referred to as the Standards). The validity period of the standards has been repeatedly extended and since new time standards for performing personnel operations have not yet been adopted, its provisions, as not contradicting labor legislation and regulating the standardization of work for personnel service employees (department), continue to be applied.

    There are no other regulations regulating the size of the personnel service (department).

    Associate Professor MGIEM, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Yurashev V.V. I was able to figure out this problem using strict data formulas in the Standard. In my opinion, Yurashev’s research most fully and quite clearly answered questions about the size of the personnel service (department), which often arise not only from personnel officers, but also from heads of organizations.

    Yurashev made calculations on the time spent on only four works performed by the personnel service (department): registration of admission and dismissal, vacations and documents of employees retiring. But this turned out to be enough to determine how many personnel officers there should be per number of employees.

    First of all, it is necessary to explain what functional responsibilities are performed by employees of the personnel service (department).

    Only a few of them are covered by the standards, since over the years after the approval of the standards, work on the preparation and provision of documents for individual (personalized) accounting in the state pension insurance system, work on social insurance, health insurance and a number of other very labor-intensive work. These works are not taken into account by the Standards, but regardless of the number of employees of the personnel service (department), they are carried out.

    Thus, clause 1.3 of the Standards specifies the following work:

    1) preparation of documents when hiring workers and employees;

    2) preparation of documents upon dismissal of workers and employees;

    3) registration and accounting of work books;

    4) preparation of documents to record the movement of personnel;

    5) preparation of statistical reporting on personnel records;

    6) drawing up certificates, participation in the development of plans and other work performed by employees for staffing and accounting;

    7) work on time sheets;

    8) work in the pass office;

    9) work in the military registration desk;

    10) work related to automated control systems;

    11) other works.

    According to the Standard, the standard time for completing a unit of standardized work is determined by the formula:

    Where Nvr – standard time for performing a contractual standard type of work (person hours);

    Topr – standard operating time for performing this work, established according to the Standard (person hours);

    k – coefficient that takes into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, personal needs, etc. (in %).

    Yurashev received the following:

    “For 100 workers, the annual labor intensity of only 4 jobs is:

    11.88 people h – registration of vacations;

    19.7 people h – registration of a pension;

    15.15 people h – dismissal;

    26.64 people h – hiring.

    In total, based on 100 employees, the annual labor intensity of these works will be 73.37 man-hours.”

    Yurashev then identified “ of the key factors that directly influences the workload of HR employees is staff turnover ».

    “... g the number of people dismissed per year, we must hire the same number of people per year; We consider the percentage ratio of workers and employees unchanged. If, for example, we take a company with a staff of 100 people, of which 20% are workers and 80% are employees, then with k = 8% and with the monthly dismissal of 1 person and the hiring of 1 employee, the HR employee will need to spend 14.01 hours. If there are a person such persons, then it will take 14.01 ґ a hours. With the useful working time of one employee in hours equal to 1910 hours, the number of employees is determined by the formulas:

    Because the A is the number of people calculated per 100 staff units, then a is simultaneously the percentage of people fired and hired.

    Yurashev believes that the hiring of workers and employees is carried out in their percentage ratio, that is, in a year 2.4 workers and 9.6 employees will be fired and hired, provided that the monthly dismissal and hiring will be 1 person.

    In the case when the company has 20% employees and 80% workers, the formulas for determining the number of personnel department employees change and take the following form:

    Yurashev calculated the number of personnel officers in a company with a staff of 500 people (20% employees and 80% workers) using the following formula

    Thus, Yurashev concluded that personnel turnover affects the number of personnel officers, and also calculated that only two jobs (registration of hiring and dismissal) require 1 personnel employee in a company with a staff of 500 people with a turnover of 27% per month.

    One can only imagine that to perform two dozen jobs with similar conditions, about 10 employees of the personnel service (department) will be required.

    Table 1. Time standards spent on personnel operations

    The table does not list all the operations performed by employees of the personnel service (department), but the list presented already seems impressive.

    Table. 2. Approximate standards for the number of employees of the personnel service (department)

    The tables presented will help HR workers organize their work more rationally.

    So, one of the managers who believes that there is no point in organizing a personnel service (department) is wrong; let a secretary or accountant handle personnel affairs. We can tell you with all confidence - YOU ARE WRONG!

    To have a personnel service (department) or, at worst, a personnel specialist in the structure of the organization - this speaks of the stability and economic sustainability of your organization.

    The success of any business depends not only on new ideas or technologies. The main secret of success is the human factor. The HR department, first of all, faces target– providing the organization with conscientious, qualified, responsible, productive employees, creating optimal conditions for the organization’s employees to successfully perform their job duties.

    Benefits to the organization as a result of rational and optimal construction of the personnel service (department):

    1) complete and reliable information on each employee;

    2) knowledge of the organization’s needs for new employees, for training and advanced training of employees;

    3) specification of job responsibilities and level of responsibility;

    4) preventive actions by the organization’s management to eliminate negative phenomena (for example, when releasing employees in the event of staff reduction);

    5) and as the main aspect - the absence of appeals to courts and other authorities due to incorrect execution of personnel documentation.

    Quite often, a beginning HR manager is faced with the difficult task of organizing HR records. To make this process easier, use the step-by-step guide below. It will not only explain where to start, but also help you gain experience.

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    What is HR management?

    - This is the most important part of document flow in any company. Its purpose is to maintain clear records of the activities of the company's existing industries.
    Personnel records management is necessary in order to:

    • regulate work processes occurring within the organization;
    • find unused or frozen reserves;
    • timely monitor and eliminate problems in the HR area;
    • be able to competently convey to the audit bodies the course of economic and intra-system processes.

    Search for the necessary laws and specialized literature

    Main bills and acts on personnel records management:

    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • regulations on labor law;
    • bills related to personal data and trade secrets;

    Reference literature on this topic can be found using the HR Package electronic library. It not only contains samples of all the necessary documents and forms, but also provides examples of how to fill them out. The authors of this step-by-step guide described the processes of all personnel operations in an accessible form and presented additional material in the form of thematic books and advisory notes.

    Determine which documents the organization has and which it does not.

    To compile a list of documents available or absent in the HR area, it is enough to use this list:

    • employment contracts;
    • statements relating to the payment of wages to employees or any compensation;
    • labor regulations within the organization;
    • work books and their log books;
    • documents relating to the protection and processing of personal data of employees;
    • approved form of payment documents;
    • staffing schedule;
    • orders for hiring or dismissing employees.

    Having prepared all the necessary documentation required by the legislation of the Russian Federation, you should check with the director of the enterprise which of the optional acts remain to be drawn up. Additionally, you need to find out what conditions management prefers to see in the company’s internal documents and employee employment contracts.

    Determining persons responsible for documents

    When starting personnel work, the first thing you need to do is find out whether the head of the enterprise is properly registered. If there is no order for his appointment, then it is necessary to formalize him for a leadership position. Step-by-step instructions for such registration can be found in the “Personnel Package”. It contains samples of the necessary documents and consultation material on the topic “Registration of labor relations with a hired director.”

    It is necessary to resolve with the director the issue of who should be responsible for maintaining work records. Since the personnel have not yet been registered for work, the director of the enterprise must keep the books. In order to transfer these powers to the director, an appropriate order must be issued stating that the director assumes responsibility for maintaining work records. In the future, the director has the right to transfer these powers to the accepted personnel officer by means of an order.

    Organization of the personnel officer's workplace

    To increase labor efficiency, an employee of the personnel department must be able to properly organize his workplace. To do this, first of all, you need to make sure that the work area is as comfortable as possible. It is important to have a comfortable chair that will not allow your spine to get tired and will support your posture. The distance to the monitor should not be less than 50 cm, otherwise the eyes will become very tired. Lighting also plays a significant role; it must be comfortable, otherwise the employee’s well-being may worsen, headaches or excessive fatigue may occur.

    The HR Officer must maintain all documentation in correct chronological or alphabetical order. Additional documentation in the form of forms or applications should always be at hand.

    Required programs

    For the convenience of maintaining documentation, the company’s management should take care of purchasing a special accounting program. There are quite a lot of similar programs and they are all convenient, however, the most popular functionality is recognized as “1C: salary and personnel”.

    Staffing table

    If the organization does not yet have a clearly drawn up staffing table, then it should begin to develop it. First of all, it is necessary to agree with the director on the content of the internal labor regulations and other regulations. The finished version of the documentation must take into account all the comments of the company management, and also comply with the laws of the labor code.
    The staffing table is based on a unified form. If you encounter difficulties with drawing up documents, you can familiarize yourself with the step-by-step guidance presented in the “Personnel Package”.

    Compliance with the staffing table and the data described in employment contracts

    The contents of the completed staff documentation must be verified with the information specified in the employment contracts of the company’s employees. Discrepancies in data indicate a violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which may ultimately lead to the imposition of penalties. You should also check the consistency of all employee signatures and the authenticity of the dates specified in the contracts.
    If contracts with personnel were drawn up in the proper manner, but changes were subsequently made (salary increase, employee transfer, etc.), then additional agreements need to be prepared for each individual case.

    HR journals

    Despite the fact that in all modern companies document flow is carried out electronically, HR journals are important components of HR work. The forms of the magazines are standardized and can be purchased in specialized stores.

    Mandatory journals include:

    • work record book;
    • vacation registration log;
    • book for registering vacation orders;
    • journal of registration of employee employment contracts and additional agreements;
    • book of registration of orders for personnel.

    Other documents

    Particular care must be taken when creating documentation reflecting the company’s work processes. These include:

    • introducing amendments and additions to employment contracts and job descriptions;
    • vacations;
    • translations.

    Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of documents for. In the event that an employee and management do not separate by mutual consent, the dismissal procedure must be carried out in full compliance with the law, otherwise serious problems may arise.

    Data from court proceedings in such matters prove that the court most often takes the side of the employee rather than the management of the company.

    Vacation schedule

    No later than two weeks before the New Year holidays, the company must draw up and approve a vacation schedule. If the company is small, then the HR manager himself can interview employees and agree with them on a schedule based on their wishes. In a large organization, this process becomes somewhat more complicated. It is necessary to ensure that the simultaneous departure of several employees of one department on vacation does not affect its functioning.

    If at the time of drawing up the schedule, it is related to the timing of vacations, then the information should be brought to the attention of the authorities and a schedule should be drawn up based on the decision of the management.

    No later than 14 days before the start of the vacation, the employee must be notified of its start and an order must be issued. The start of the vacation can be postponed by the employee in agreement with his superiors. If during the onset of vacation days an employee falls ill and takes out sick leave, then it is necessary to postpone the rest period to a period convenient for him.

    Documents for translation

    If management has decided to transfer an employee to another department, or he himself has expressed such a desire, then the appropriate transfer documents should be prepared. Their samples and an example of filling them out can be found in the “Personnel Package”. Once the documents are ready, they must be submitted to the director for approval, after which the employee’s transfer will be carried out.

    Introduction 3
    Chapter 1. Equipping workplaces for employees of the personnel service of government institutions 7
    1.1. Organization of labor of personnel service employees 7
    1.2. Equipping the workplace of a personnel service employee 11
    1.3. Labor standards for personnel services employees 14
    Chapter 2. Study of the organization and equipment of workplaces for employees of the personnel service of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal" 18
    2.1. Socio-economic characteristics of the enterprise 18
    2.2. Analysis of the activities of the personnel service 19
    2.3. Equipping workplaces for employees of the HR department of MGUP Mosvodokanal 24
    Conclusion 41
    References: 43


    Relevance of the topic.
    Currently, the level of human resources management, and therefore the effectiveness of the commercial activities of an organization of any type of ownership and legal form, as well as its social management, largely depend on the work of the personnel service, which performs traditional functions, and the personnel management service with a broader range of responsibilities.
    The effectiveness of personnel management is determined by the results of the work of personnel officers, which has a certain specificity of content (communication with people during interviews, interviews, hiring, assessment of business and professional qualities; resolving conflict situations, etc.) and nature (organizational, educational, creative, requiring knowledge in many areas of economics, sociology, law, etc.). The end result of work is the adoption of decisions that are assessed not quantitatively, but qualitatively, depending on the impact on achieving the objectives of the economic and social development of the organization.
    At the same time, the practice of using the labor of personnel of personnel services in terms of qualifications, numbers, etc., as well as its organization and regulation, does not meet the requirements of modern personnel management.
    The increasing complexity of modern production and the restructuring of economic management have caused a significant increase in the amount of information in the field of personnel management. The volume of official documents increases every year. The introduction of machine document processing in a number of personnel departments of large enterprises and associations did not reduce the number of personnel, but, on the contrary, led to an increase in the number of employees associated with office work. But since a simple increase in the number of management personnel does not produce a positive effect, significant efforts are needed to solve the organizational problems of office management of personnel services.
    The effectiveness of the entire HR management process depends on the correct organization and the most complete automation of document processing processes. Most of the time is occupied by documentation services: preliminary review, accounting, storage, control over the execution of documents, various orders, etc.
    Organization of office work of personnel services involves solving a number of issues:
    firstly, a clear organizational structure of the work of personnel departments and the choice of the most rational form of organizing work with documents;
    secondly, the correct delineation of functions between individual performers and departments according to their qualifications, the introduction of modern methods of record keeping. This issue is resolved through the development and implementation of regulations, standards, and job descriptions. Particular attention must be paid to the correct
    development of job descriptions for inspectors and supervisors of personnel services;
    thirdly, proper standardization of labor for personnel services employees. It is designed to ensure the normal workload of workers during the working day, week, month, year with normal labor intensity at each workplace, and also help in assessing the work of each employee;
    fourthly, continuous improvement of the qualifications and work culture of personnel services personnel. The organization of this process is the direct responsibility of the HR manager. It is implemented both by creating courses and seminars directly in production, with or without interruption from work, and by sending workers to advanced training courses at institutes, universities and other organizations, as well as by organizing internships, including at foreign enterprises and in organizations;
    fifthly, rational organization of workplaces and provision of favorable working conditions. The workplace of each HR department employee must be properly organized so that the specialist’s mental and physical efforts are directed towards performing job functions, and not at overcoming inconveniences at work.
    Favorable working conditions are understood as a set of factors in the working environment that have a positive effect on human health and performance during the work process. Such factors are sanitary and hygienic conditions (proper lighting, maximum silence, optimal temperature, humidity); an appropriate set of furniture and office equipment for workplaces (desks, office cabinets, console tables for computers, lift-and-swivel chairs, racks for storing filing cabinets, desktop filing cabinets, a set of office supplies, telephones, document staplers, correspondence trays, etc. .).
    The purpose of this course work is to study the equipment of workplaces for employees of the personnel service of the state institution MGUP Mosvodokanal.
    As part of the course work, the following tasks will be solved:
    - the mechanisms of labor organization of personnel service employees were studied;
    - the requirements for equipping the workplaces of personnel service employees were considered;
    - an analysis of the activities of the personnel service of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal" was carried out;
    - a study was conducted on the equipment of workplaces for employees of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal".

    The object of study is the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise “Mosvodokanal”.
    The subject of the study is the principles of equipping workplaces for HR employees.
    Structurally, the course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

    Chapter 1. Equipping workplaces for employees of the personnel service of government institutions

    1.1. Organization of labor of personnel service employees

    To solve the problem of improving the organization of work of personnel service personnel, it is advisable to use domestic experience as recommendations, namely theoretical and methodological developments on the scientific organization of work.
    The main directions of the scientific organization of labor (NOT) were adopted at the All-Union Conference on the Organization of Labor (June 26–29, 1967):
    development and implementation of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor;
    improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces;
    design and implementation of rational methods and techniques for performing labor processes;
    creation of favorable working conditions;
    application of progressive forms and systems of incentives and remuneration;
    improvement of labor standards, etc.
    Subsequently, these areas of work on organizing the labor of workers of various categories were supplemented and justified by relevant scientific and theoretical developments and methodological provisions.
    HR service personnel are characterized by functional, technological and professional-qualification division and cooperation of labor.
    Functional division and cooperation of labor are inextricably linked with the structure of the enterprise (organization), the creation of divisions and services focused on performing certain functions of labor resource management, for example, the creation of a personnel management service along with the human resources department.
    A clear delineation of the tasks, functions and forms of work of various services should be reflected in the regulations on this structural unit of the enterprise (organization).
    The functional division and cooperation of labor of personnel service employees are based on job responsibilities determined by the staffing table and the organizational structure of the personnel service. For example, in the traditional version, the work of recruiting and recording personnel is performed by a labor inspector; in timekeeping - timekeeper, in the pass office - duty officer.
    The basis for the technological division and cooperation of labor is the development of a clear technology for the work (functions) performed.
    When developing technology for work performed by personnel personnel, it is recommended to use concepts such as “operation”, “operation element” and “procedure”.
    An operation is a content-stable part of the process of performing any work (function), carried out by one performer, which does not have an independent goal, but is necessary to achieve the results of this work.
    An element of an operation is an action of one performer, which cannot be divided and is expedient only in conjunction with the other elements of the operation.
    A procedure is a specific sequence of performing a set of operations to process a documented goal, ending with results defined in form and content.
    The technological division of labor is characterized by the assignment of individual operations or their complex to a specific performer. For example, one employee draws up documents when applying for a job, draws up an order on the basis of which an entry is made in the work book, draws up a personal file, and introduces the employee to the labor regulations; the other is engaged in the preparation of statistical reporting and certificates on personnel records, reports on the number and composition of specialists with different levels of education, on the movement of personnel, etc. The basis of this division is a list of assigned operations and procedures indicating their volume and, accordingly, costs working time for their implementation.
    Professional-qualification division and cooperation of labor involve the distribution of responsibilities between workers, taking into account the activities performed and the qualifications required to perform the work and the establishment of relationships among workers in their work activities.
    The professional and qualification division of labor is carried out on the basis of the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 “On approval of the qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees.”
    The qualification directory (QD) includes the qualification characteristics of positions of managers, specialists and other employees performing the functions of personnel management at an enterprise (organization). The characteristics of each position contain three sections:
    “Job responsibilities” - lists the functions that must be fully or partially performed by employees holding this position;
    “Must know” - contains the requirements for an employee holding this position in relation to knowledge in the specialty, legislative acts, regulations, instructions and other normative documents, as well as methods and means used in the performance of job duties;
    “Qualification requirements” - the level and profile of the employee’s special training necessary to perform basic functions and responsibilities, and the requirements for work experience are determined.
    The CSD, regulating the work of workers, promotes the organization of rational division and cooperation of labor by defining job responsibilities and requirements for the qualifications of workers.
    In order to clearly separate the labor functions and responsibilities of specialists and technical performers and regulate their work in relation to the conditions of a given enterprise (organization), job descriptions are developed for all types of positions provided for in the staffing table, except for the position of a manager, whose rights and responsibilities are determined by the relevant regulations.
    The job description allows you to eliminate duplication, ensure interconnection in work, timeliness and mandatory implementation of work assigned to specific performers. When developing job descriptions, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of a given enterprise (organization), the availability of modern computing equipment for working with information personnel documentation, etc.
    The choice of options for the division and cooperation of labor of personnel service workers should ensure their maximum employment with optimal and equal labor intensity, as well as the interchangeability of workers in the process of their work.

    1.2. Equipping the workplace of a HR employee

    It is important for every HR employee to organize...