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The Three Little Pigs in a new way with words. Scenario of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” for adults

Characters: Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, Wolf-policeman, Hedgehog-sage, 3 Bunnies-boys, 2 Fox-sisters, 2 presenters.

Musical arrangement (songs with words):
m/f “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” song “We are Bandito”
m/f "Bremen Town Musicians" song "They say we are baki-buki...",
m/f “Dog in Boots” song “We are poor sheep, no one will herd us”
film "The Investigation is Conducted by Experts" song "If someone here and there sometimes..." film "Brigade" soundtrack or film "Boomer" soundtrack,
m/f “Little Raccoon” song “Smile”
Progress of the event
Scene 1.

1st Presenter:

Somehow in some kingdom,
In a distant country
Once upon a time there were piglets,
The boys were bullies.

(The piglets come out to the song “We are banditos...” from the film “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”)

2nd Presenter:

Here they are walking along the forest,
Get rid of stress:
Here Nif-Nif picked flowers,
And then he trampled them,
Here's Naf-Naf for the hare boys
Shchelbanov pointed with his finger,
And Nuf-Nuf of sister foxes
I pulled my pigtails for a long time.

(The piglets illustrate the words of the leaders with actions)

And in the end all three together,
The song was sung like a howl.

(Atamansha’s song from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”)
Scene 2.

1st Presenter:

It's been a year now
The forest people are suffering.
From such piglets
The animals moan and cry:

Little bunnies:

Help, for God's sake!
We can't live so poorly.

Fox sisters:

No peace for anyone
In our nice little house.

Little bunnies:

Oh, we are tired of rudeness!
Will the ordeal end soon?!

(Song of the sheep from the film “Dog in Boots” “We are poor sheep, no one will graze us..”)
Scene 3.

2nd Presenter:

Suddenly, out of nowhere,
The hedgehog sneaks like a lynx.
He was reputed to be wise, no matter what!
He has tons of advice.

Hedgehog sage:

I heard a rumor
Why can't you bear the torment?
That the three brothers got you
No one was allowed to live.
I'll give you some advice, little animals:
They are too tough for you.
The wolf is our policeman -
This is who will give them an example here.
He'll calm them down right away
And it will set you in a peaceful mood.
Call him together -
In an instant he will be here, on the spot.

1st Presenter:

The animals were silent for a bit
And everyone shouted together:

Hares, Chanterelles:

Uncle Wolf is a policeman!
Come, give them an example!
Scene 4.

2nd Presenter:

And to that heart-rending cry
The wolf appeared straight away.

(Wolf’s exit to the song from the film “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts” “If someone here and there sometimes cannot live peacefully...”)

Wolf policeman:

Are there bullies here in the forest?
I'll blow their heads off!
Even if the Brigade itself
He'll ambush me here!
Come on, where are the piglets?!
Call them, little animals!

(Piglets appear on stage to a song from the film “Brigada”)

Nif-Nif: Who called us?

Nuf-Nuf: Who can't sleep?

Naf-Naf: Who wants Shchelbanov?

Wolf policeman:

I called you, Wolf - the guardian of order.
Are you the Brigade here?!
Are you being a bully or making a fuss?
Oh guys, look
How will I take you under arrest?
You'll get tired of fighting in no time.
This is necessary, for the area
copyright - http://site
The little thing scared me!
Come on, come forward.
Promise that people
You don't hit in the forest anymore,
You're being quiet here.
Well, I'll take care of it for you:
I'll visit you at school!

Nif-Nif: Oh, sorry, sorry.

Nuf-Nuf: Don't come to our school.

We promise not to be rude,
Be friends with the beast with everything.

Wolf policeman:

Well, look, I'll give you a deadline.
If you fulfill your vow,
I won't go to school with you,
But I won't take my eyes off you.
Scene 5.

1st Presenter:

Since then there has been peace in the forest,
Robbery is not a concern here.
The piglets calmed down
The word was justified in action:
They don’t be rude, they don’t offend,
And they help the animals.

2nd Presenter:

Spectator, spectator, old and small,
Haven't you dozed off yet?
Are you tired yet?
The finale is approaching.
Don't look beyond the distance!
You've seen this forest,
This fairy tale about Russia -
And about us in it - that’s the moral!

(All participants go on stage and perform the song “Smile” from the film “Little Raccoon”)

Script for the theatrical production “The Three Little Pigs”

in the preparatory group for children with severe visual impairments.


Strengthen children's ability to play the roles of characters in works of art.


  • To develop in children the ability to use intonations that express various emotional states (sad, happy, angry, surprising, admiring, pitiful, contemptuous);
  • Develop the ability to create images using gestures and facial expressions.
  • Continue to enrich and activate children’s vocabulary, consolidate and clarify the meanings of words;

Arouse and maintain children’s interest in theatrical activities, the desire to perform together with a group of peers;

Foster friendly relationships between children and a sense of respect for each other.

Participants: parents and children preparatory group, teachers.

Roles performed by: the presenters are the group teachers, the characters of the fairy tale are children.

Venue and design:preschool group, the central wall is decorated with elements of a clearing, silhouettes of piglets' houses, additional chairs for parents and children.

Previous work:Revealing the artistic and creative abilities of children in the process of questioning and conversation. Discussion of costumes and makeup. Group design design. Informing families about the day and hour of the fairy tale performance through an individual invitation.

Attributes required for the holiday:

1. Costumes – piglets, wolves.

2. Wall decorations corresponding to fairy tales.

3. Silhouettes of houses.

4. Tables and chairs according to the number of participants.

5. Image of a burning boiler.

6. Camera for a general photo.

7. Musical accompaniment.


Shepherd - swineherd

Piglet Nif – Nif

Pig Nuf – Nuf

Piglet Naf – Naf

Three Piggies


1. Organizing time.

Educator: Hello, guys! Look how many guests you have today, let's say hello to them and give each other a good mood with smiles!

Motivational moment

I'm not just a teacher, I'm a Wizard, I have a magic wand that will help you go on a fabulous journey! Today you will be my assistants, and together we will tell and show a fairy tale for our wonderful guests. So the magic begins!

If a fairy tale knocks on the door,

Hurry up and let her in

Because a fairy tale is a bird,

You'll get a little scared and won't find it.

Educator: I suggest you sit down on the chairs and remember the fairy tale that you already know. Its heroes are little piglets. Have you guessed the name of this fairy tale? (Children's answers)

Dramatizing a fairy tale

Music is playing.

First little pig:

I'm piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy

Cheerful, fat and funny.

My name is Nif-Nif, guys

I am very brave and mischievous.

Para-pa-pa-pa-pa...(dances and spins)

Second little pig:

I cheerfully raise my hooves,

I wag my tail here and there.

My name is Nuf-Nuf, do you recognize it?

I always dance happily.

Para-pa-pa-pa-pa...(dances and spins)

Third little pig:

My patch is both clean and beautiful

My smile is good.

Naf-Naf is always hardworking,

He likes to work slowly.

Para-pa-pa-pa-pa...(dances and spins)


Listen, brothers, now everything

In the central Russian zone

Cottages are being built.


Rich people build cottages

This requires bricks

AND different material Certainly.

And I found out about the houses in the village,

They can be built cheaper.

And the air there is much cleaner.


And I would build it for piglets

Reliable, durable kindergarten.


So you came up with the construction.

I think there is no point in it.


I would also suggest

So that each brother lives separately.


Okay, I'll live next door to you

We will go on visits and make friends at home.

Well, brothers, let's get to work!


To work, to work(yawns)

I don't feel like it today.


Nuf-Nuf values ​​his work,

Work is not a wolf; it will not run away into the forest.


Listen, brother, it's already moon

The forest lit up a little.

And it’s time for you and me to sleep,

We'll lie down here.


How will we sleep in winter?

Then you and I will freeze.


Now we'll get some sleep, and in the afternoon

Let's start building houses.

The song “Safe Home” plays.

Author – audio commentator:The piglets wake up and begin to prepare for construction. Nif-Nif rakes up the straw, and Nuf-Nuf lays out the branches. While the piglets are engaged in construction, their friends, cute pigs, are very bored without them. The pigs take the stage.

The pigs come out to the music of “Merry Girls” and sing ditties.

First Pig:

And I'm a fighting pig,

I am a fighter.

All the piglets went into the forest,

But we stayed here.

Second Pig:

I'm wearing a white collar

With a thin frill,

And I dream about my fiance

Plump little oink.

Third Pig:

Oh, girlfriends, you are girlfriends

Give me some water.

I can’t, I’m saddened

On the pig's snout.

All the Pigs together:

And we are young pigs

And we sing from the heart.

Maybe the Piggies will hear us

In that dark forest wilderness.

The pigs are leaving.

How are the piglets doing?

New houses will be built soon!

Nif-Nif is already resting carelessly,

Or maybe he just spared his strength.

He knows neither sadness nor sadness,

He covered his house with only straw.


I built a grass house in the meadow

Now I can dance without worries and without hassle.

I can sing songs and dream

And it’s sweet to sleep on straw.

Nif-Nif playfully waved his tail

And he fell sound asleep on the straw.

Nuf-Nuf is also not used to working for a long time

He should sing and have fun.

He brought branches and twigs for the house

Placed them together and there you go!


I built my house from twigs and branches

It’s a great house and I feel comfortable in it.

Now can I stretch my hooves

And enjoy a peaceful sleep.

Nuf-Nuf lay down to stretch his tired sides

Confident that the house was built to last.

Naf-Naf worked conscientiously

He kneaded cement, he was not lazy.

The foundation and walls were laid out

And he made doors from metal.


I built my house from strong bricks

It is durable, strong, how comfortable it is.

The spacious house has enough space for everyone

The house is built and there are no problems.

And how he built his house,

The builder fell fast asleep.

Construction completed, houses built

And the piglets changed their place of residence forever.

Celebrating a housewarming party without friends

And they are not at all bored here.

The song “We are not afraid” plays Gray wolf».

At that time a wolf was wandering in the forest

He heard the piglets and he hurried towards them.

The song of the wolf sounds (Rap Potap).


I am a beast of prey and terrible,

It doesn't matter who I eat.

What kind of animals are these?

I don't believe my eyes.

So these are piglets, funny guys

They sing and have fun and are not afraid of the wolf.

So here's a good dinner

Right now I need it.

Music plays and a wolf howls is heard.


We ran home

I'll get you there too.

I'll come and break the house,

Who's hiding in it?

The wolf knocks on the house.


I'll blow away the house then I'm yours

You will still be mine.

The wolf blows on the house. Nif-Nif runs to Nuf-Nuf's house.

The grass walls fell and the roof collapsed into the sand.

The piglet quickly ran away.

Nif-Nif tucked his little tail

And he ran from the wolf to his brother.

He runs up to the house and knocks.


My brother, open it quickly

The predator is chasing me.

The wolf destroyed my house

Almost swallowed me.


Come in brother quickly

Let's close the door tighter

We'll live together now,

Together we will not be lost.

The piglets dance and sing the song “We are not afraid of the gray wolf.”


I hear, I hear, they sing here,

But they are not waiting for me.

I'll have a double lunch

I'll make a pate out of them.

Knocks on the door. Blows on the house.


I'll take more air

And I'll blow longer.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf together:

Brother Naf, open the door for us

The beast is chasing us.

He's toothy and hungry

Help us, dear brother.


Come on in, what now?

Let's lock the door.

My house is built reliably

You can live in it carefree.

The wolf cannot destroy the house

And he won’t eat us, friends.

The wolf runs up to the house. Breathing heavily. Knocking. Blows on the house.


Well, perhaps the house is practical,

Sturdy, durable, it's made of brick.

Don't break it, don't blow it away.

What can I come up with now?

The door was locked,

Smoke from the chimney into the sky.

Maybe into the house through a pipe

I'll get to the piglets.

As I blow and as I move,

I'll take the piglets out of the house.

The wolf howls.


And now we know for sure

The house is built very solidly.


Both spacious and practical

The house is reliable and excellent.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf together:

It's okay brother, the three of us

Shall we live in your house?


What's more fun together?

Our brothers will live.

We will celebrate housewarming

Let's have fun.

The song Naf-Naf sounds.

It became fun for the pigs

But they don't have enough girlfriends.

We called them in the capital

The girls are coming to visit them.

Music is playing. Dance with pigs. A wolf howls is heard.

Suddenly all the pigs noticed

A crying wolf by the path.

They felt sorry for him

Kindness conquers evil.

They approach the wolf and sing. They dance around the wolf and stroke its back.


Gray wolf, gray wolf, he sits alone

He is all tattered, he looks askance.

Gray wolf, gray wolf, we will feel sorry for you,

We will treat you and warm you in our house.

The wolf cheered up and healed

And he has changed radically.

Since then he has not eaten either a pig or a hare,

Our wolf became a vegetarian.

And in construction our main hero is

Occupied position: General.

The artists bow.

Somewhere in the fairy-tale expanses: in hollows, perhaps, or in holes, lived three meat animals - three ruddy piglets. The eldest of them was Naf-Naf, very smart - that's a fact. The middle one was called Nuf-Nuf - not smart, but not stupid either. The younger one, with the nickname Nif-Nifa, was their “Sifa” instead. And that pig did not come out with the mind, and the figure was not Schiffer. Having no goals in life, they devour from the ground, warming their plump sides under the sun, in general, three homeless boars spend their idle days - life was easy for them. But time passes, and after a very warm summer, autumn immediately comes. It's too bad to lie on the ground - we should build a house.

Building a house is work. The flies die from labor. Labor is a thankless process, especially if it’s for nothing. The eldest builds from stones, the middle one from tree branches. The younger one is a mediocrity; he, alas, builds a house out of grass. After a week, the three lazy pigs showed themselves in action. Naf-Naf has a whole house - the builder used a lot of engineering tricks in it. Nuf-Nuf has a worse house, both inside and outside. The younger one built slowly from grass and reeds. And the end result was something like a hut.

In addition to the three pig friends, the forest at that time was inhabited by many other animals. Among them was a gray wolf who knew a lot about piglets. One day, on his name day, he decided to eat pork. He goes to visit Nif-Nif:
- Open up, hook-tailed one. Open it without delay, sign the invitation. Tomorrow there will be a name day with a main dish of pork. Choose your filling: would you like to add an orange? And we’ll fill it with buckwheat inside, and you’ll lie in the oven for an hour.
- Get out of this porch.
- Well, as far as I understand, my speech is not getting through. What a pathetic attempt to save yourself from the stove. Well, I don't blame you for that. You are very arrogant, brother, since you so rudely refused to head my menu. Persuasion is useless, so I’ll use force.
Having obtained matches somewhere and set the hut on fire, the wolf sits on a tree stump and waits for the pork pie to “reach” on the fire. The door of the hut opened and pig ears appeared. The pig ran as fast as he could to his brother's hut - the wolf could not catch up with him. Out of frustration, out of chagrin, he sat down on a stump again.
- Well, that’s probably better. We'll wait a little and eat two at a time.
He sets fire to the hut, smoke billows above the top. But our greedy wolf didn’t know what kind of house he set on fire. The roof is all made of hemp: drug stashes suddenly sprouted in the spring. The hemp began to smoke, smoke went into all the cracks. Laughter is heard from the hut:
- We are again more alive than everyone else. If you don’t see our tears, go eat the bark from the birch trees. Eat a fly agaric, don't loom in front of the fence.

The wolf loses consciousness, the cannabis restores it. And the desire to be devoured by a wolf began to possess. With the main thought about pork, lard, meat, boiled pork, he sits under the windows, waiting for everything to burn out so that he can taste the pigs in their own juice in the evening. And in the hut there is noise: the smoke not only makes you happy, but the door is already on fire. The two unfortunate piglets squealed very loudly.

Save us, brother Naf-Naf. We'll die here - that's a fact.
- Come on, let’s all come here together. I will save you from trouble.
- Not here, brother, but here - is there a problem with the grammar?
- Well, pigs - don’t you mind? May God save you. I’ll light a candle for you and go to sleep on the stove.
- This is a joke, you understand - take us to your place now. Open the door, otherwise it’s kaput.
- Okay, I'll give you five seconds.

The pigs gathered quickly: they broke through the fence. The door slammed shut - the wolf was broken off again. Having recovered from the influence of dope not too early, the wolf thought: this is bullshit, I can’t afford a pig. The third house is tightly built - even a match won’t help. It was so damn fate that the fight was lost. And the inside of the stomach is empty and sad from these thoughts. And I’m removing the damned pig from the menu.

This one is fun, original and fabulous. New Year's scenario for adults on the theme of the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs", which was written especially for the New Year holiday of the Year of the Pig by the modern author Galina Gvozdeva, I really liked it. We hope you like it too. Thanks to the author!

New Year's scenario - three little pigs (adults)

Good evening, dear friends!

Celebrating the New Year is an amazing time, always busy, always exciting. And we pronounce the words “Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness” with a special feeling, with hope for a miracle that will definitely happen next year and our life will change for the better, what we dreamed about will happen.

And today we congratulate you

We wish you all from the bottom of our hearts

Let this one New Year

He will bring you with him

More joy and laughter

Success in business, success in love,

Always have pleasant, bright days,

Health for yourself and for your friends,

And for the family the same

May God bless you.

And sadness, misfortune and misfortune

Leave it in the past year.

Don't meet them again

Let love reign in your heart!

So that you don't get bored today

And they remembered this meeting

And not just songs, dances,

A performance, a joke, a fairy tale.

A fairy tale, but there’s a hint in it

Good fellows - a lesson.

(Piglet Naf-Naf is sitting by the telephone at the table, counting, writing, there are a lot of papers on the table, glasses)

(Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif walk around and are full of pride in themselves, happy, preening, looking at everyone with a desire to brag about themselves, approach Naf-Naf several times, but he is busy.)

(Finally Nuf-Nuf can’t stand it and comes to the table)

Take a break from work for an hour,

Look how tanned you are!

I was at sea, in the Bahamas,

Oh, what sunshine there!

Nif-Nif: (stroking his athletic figure)

No, look here quickly

Will you find me stronger.

Everyone's health is most important, guys.

And we are healthy and rich!

I grabbed the boots there!

And what, brothers, cats...

They wanted to tear me apart

They only looked at me.

I would be there for a whole year

How can you offend the ladies here?

And they're cute, I see

I won't offend anyone.

(Sends a kiss to those sitting, winks)

Ah, Hierdahl recently told me,

He sent me such a mummy,

That I will live to be 100 years old,

Not like this skeleton.

(Points to Nuf-Nuf)

I bought a mink fur coat

Angora sweater,

From a crocodile purse,

Let everyone envy me.

(Points to other piglets and spectators)

And I was in the pool yesterday,

I bought foreign dirt,

Legs smeared and sirloin,

I'll also be healthier.

How will you celebrate the New Year?

Why are you silent like an idiot?

What have you done here?

While I was partying with my friends?

Naf-Naf: (Modestly, reluctantly answers)

Yes, here, I saved up some money,

I bought a new farm

Hired a whole staff of servants,

I work from morning to night, friends.

Nuf-Nuf: (looking down, drawing circles with his toes)

Naf, by the way, you asked me

Get something from the plumbing,

Sorry, I didn't get it

I didn’t get into that market...

Either closed or registered

Then the store manager is visiting his aunt.

Do not be sad! I bought everything

Replaced all the plumbing

Ah, I see that my friend is cute

You blocked the roof now,

Replaced the fence, planted trees,

Yes... your village is blooming.

Yes, it's blooming! Yes I have a thought

There is still a car park to start,

I will transport cattle to the city

So as not to feed speculators.

ABOUT! At the same time you can give me a ride

To my friends - Zoyka, Katya,

Cool chicks I'll say

As soon as I remember them, I tremble.

I'm celebrating New Year there

Oh, and I'll pump myself up,

I'll have a blast on New Year's Eve

Whoever meets you lives like that.

Naf-Naf: (Answers the ringing phone)

How much milk did you give?

Did they bring you a bull?

Call more often, Petya! (hangs up)

(Addresses Nuf-Nuf)

Where does the wife meet? Children?

Yes, what is a wife to me, what are children to me?

I only live once in the world,

Drink, walk while you're here,

In the next world they won’t give it.

I despise your poison

I celebrate the New Year with walruses,

I'll take a steam bath, take a swim,

I won't grow old until I'm a hundred years old.

And yesterday I bought it for the kids

Italian I tablets

You will take two tablets

The infection will disappear immediately.

And who, Nufinya, will come to us?

For the year 2000?

Who will lead the century

And the little one will rule?

I was told it was a dragon

Very menacing and strong.

Will fly breathing fire

The soul freezes.

(closes eyes, clutching heart)

They say the heat will blow

So everything will go up in flames

And he won't spare people

Many of us will burn in the fire.

(Dragon enters)

Who remembers the dragon?

And dies without seeing?

(Nuf-Nuf faints)

Here you go! I didn't say a word

And one has already fallen.

Get up my friend, take 100 grams

And I'll give you a gift.

(Addresses the audience)

They say I'm very formidable

People are all afraid of me.

Opening a new century

A person is always afraid.

And looking back a century

Your eyes will bulge out of fear.

What have you done here?

The country was completely destroyed.

Good things were stolen to the ground

You can hardly collect it now.

They made people beggars

They bred…..kings here.

Not kings... sorry... moment,

What about them... these... presidents.

People die in war...

And all the anger was attributed to me.

I fundamentally disagree

And I will interfere in people's affairs.

And I'll start from the beginning of the century

I am correcting a person.

I flew to you in Tolyatti

There are a lot of very important things to do here.

Who went too far - I will besiege

And whoever worked, I will reward.

Let's start with you guys

Come here, little pigs!

(Addresses Nif-Nif)

You are healthy, my friend, in body.

So do something useful

Temper your neighbors' children

Make your friends healthier!

(Addresses Nuf-Nuf)

Noof-Noof! Do you like to dress up?

And get drunk like a pig,

You will now be the supplier

And you'll forget about the girls.

Dress warmly people

Don't put alcohol in your mouth.

(Addresses Naf-Naf)

On 'F! You already have everything

You spare no effort for the cause

I'll send you good luck in your business

Happiness, joy to boot.

Teach and help others.

(Addresses the audience)

And I congratulate you, ladies.

I don’t know what to give you

I only know - New Year

It will bring something new.

Those who grieve have fun

Who lived closely - so housewarming

He who was poor has wealth

Someone who is lonely is brotherhood with a friend

Someone who is indecisive has courage

So that everyone would like love.

Go for it - you will achieve everything

And you will live wonderfully.

Health to you and your children,

All the beautiful things in the world.

In life you won't let us down

Receive congratulations,

One by one you come

And you will receive gifts.

One day, three little pigs escaped from a pig farm. It was in June. The pig farm where the piglets lived was located next to a forest, behind which stretched a huge clearing, so the fugitives had to try hard to overcome the impenetrable thicket of the forest before they got out into the spacious meadow.

Summer was just beginning, and the piglets were happy that there were still many sunny days ahead. They frolicked and played with pleasure in the meadow. However, all good things come to an end quickly, and after a couple of months it began to get colder, and when the leaves on the forest trees began to turn yellow, the piglets realized that autumn had come.

The piglets no longer wanted to play, nor did they want to return to the pig farm, where they could hide from the cold autumn wind and rain. The piglets remembered very well how the farm owner threatened to “let them eat” pigs’ knuckles, so the conversation about their former home did not even begin.

The piglets thought and thought about what to do and decided to build themselves a small house. The planned event was complicated by the fact that the piglets had absolutely no knowledge about construction. Luckily, one of them had a smartphone with Internet access. The piglets rattled their hooves on the buttons of the marvelous device for a long time, until a browser opened on its screen, and, clicking on the search engine, one of them said:

Ok, Google, how to build a house yourself?

Google grunted in response and displayed several options for building a house on the smartphone screen. The piglets stared at the phone. One of them liked the idea of ​​​​building a house from straw, another from logs, and a third from stone. So they decided that everyone would build a house that he liked.

The little pig, who started building a straw house, completed his task very quickly, which he couldn’t be happier about, because by nature he was extremely lazy. He spun and spun around the new house, never ceasing to praise himself. But his happiness did not last long.

In the forest, next to which there was a meadow, lived an angry and formidable wolf, a gourmet and a glutton. He simply loved to catch animals unaware of danger in the forest and prepare various dishes from them. Today, quite by chance, he found himself next to a field and noticed that a new thatched house had appeared on its edge. The wolf decided to check who was living in the house. He hid in the bushes and after a while he saw a piglet singing an unobtrusive song. The wolf wanted to taste the fresh pig and headed towards the house. Meanwhile, the piglet entered the house and closed the door behind him.

After some time, the wolf found himself next to the piglet’s home. He said menacingly:

Piglet, quickly unlock the door for me!

I won't unlock it! - said the frightened piglet.

Oh, you pork chop! - the wolf threatened.

The wolf got angry, took in as much air as possible into his lungs, and as soon as he blew, the straw house scattered as if it had never existed. The wolf grabbed the defenseless pig and put it in his bag with the words:

And here comes breakfast!

The wolf threw the bag over his shoulders and went further along the edge of the clearing, in case he was lucky enough to get hold of another animal. It was not for nothing that the wolf believed in his luck: at the edge of the meadow he saw another small house, only not made of straw, but of wood. Another pig was busy next to him: he was nailing down the last plank. The wolf hurried to the new building, he wanted to grab the piglet right on the street, but he didn’t have time - the piglet slammed the door in front of his nose. Then the wolf screams:

Piglet, come on, open the door!

I won't open it!

Oh, you, pork kebab with vegetables on the coals!

The wolf became furious, inhaled as much air as he could, and when he blew on the wooden house, the house swayed and crumbled into splinters. The wolf caught the second little pig and put it in his big bag with the words:

And here comes lunch!

The third little pig was just finishing the construction of a stone house. He and the door from the very durable wood planed And the piglet was not afraid of rain, snow, or a fierce enemy.

The wolf noticed a stone house and hurried towards it. By the smell he determined that there was a pig living in the house. Having reached his home, the wolf growled menacingly:

Come on, let me in, little pig!

And the piglet only laughed in response:

Try to log in yourself!

Yes, I'll cut you into pork steaks! - the wolf shouted.

The wolf bristled with anger so that his fur stood on end. He took a deep breath into his lungs and blew like never before. However, the brick house did not move from his efforts. Then the wolf ran across the clearing and hit his head against the door with all his might, almost breaking his forehead. But the door did not budge, as if it were made of iron.

The wolf looked at the stone house again and realized that he could not destroy it. Swearing pork knuckles, ribs and pork cutlets, the wolf decided to use cunning.

He climbed onto the roof to get into the house through the hood. The little pig who built the stone house was very smart. To avoid running into the woods in the winter and avoid freezing, the pig brought electricity into the house, installed an electric stove and made an extractor hood. On the roof of the house there was a small pipe through which steam was escaping.

The wolf climbed into this pipe and crawled into the house. Meanwhile, soup was cooking on the stove.

The wolf ended up in the house, but he just landed in a pot of boiling water. The wolf was so badly scalded that he barely carried his legs away, forgetting about the bag with the caught piglets.

Since then, three little pigs began to live in a strong house made of stone.