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Creative meeting with parents “We invite you to visit a fairy tale. Competition “Who takes the longest?”

1 child.

Everyone, everyone, everyone

Good morning to you!

Welcome to our kindergarten, come in

Everything is ready for fun

Dance, sing, have fun

And let laughter reign everywhere!


Everyone gather in a circle

Let's play together

One two three four five

Game "Let's get to know each other."


Look at the hut

There's an old lady living there

Maybe old and angry

Maybe a good young man.

It scares everyone and gets angry,

Then he weakens and frolics.

Our grandmother is Yozhka.

Bone leg.

Game "Seen"

(if they agree, they say - they saw it, if not, they clap)

Baba Yaga flies in a mortar

How a helicopter is controlled by a broom

There's a black cat living in grandma's house

The black cat sleeps without worries and hassle.

Baba Yaga will meet the traveler

In the bathhouse he will wash you, feed you, wash you, and greet you.


Let's invite Grandma Yozhka to our holiday.


You little hut, spin around,

Turn your porch towards us.

Come out to us Baba Yozhka

We'll play a little.

Baba Yaga.

What's that noise? What's all the fuss?

And general chaos.

To me, a quiet, meek old lady

Timid, weak and peaceful

No peace again

Or found a shelter

The songs and dances are just terrible

Now I'll catch you

I will punish and scare

Everyone should laugh


You won't catch grandma

Game "Baba Yaga"

Baba Yaga.

What a disgrace, what kind of holiday is this fun! Why aren't you afraid of me? That's right, he who has fun is not afraid.


Yagusya, look how many children are here, and how beautiful they are, let’s listen to the fairy tale that the children will tell.

The Tale of the Kolobok


Everyone just take a moment

I want to start a fairy tale

What's the name of a fairy tale?

I ask you to guess

Everyone is ready to listen kids

There will be a fairy tale, give it time

The old man says to the old woman

Bake me a bun

Grandfather and grandmother come out

I wanted a kolobok

There is both butter and flour

Would you knead the dough?

Treated everyone today


I'll get down to business with pleasure

Although the task is not easy

To make the dough fluffy and white

I'm not the only one who needs flour

Requires attention and skill

Don't forget about salt and sugar

What better way to make a treat?

I'll start kneading the dough


I'll run away from the tub

I don't want to be a kolobok

I feel bad here, I feel stuffy here

Over the edge, and run

Very rich dough

I can't sit here

I don't have enough room in the basin

It's cramped - cramped - y - be - gu!

Grandma, the dough ran away


Ay, ah, ah, where, where!

How did I oversleep?

What a misfortune, what a disaster!

Dough, dough, where are you going?

In a fairy tale you are a bun

Your side is ruddy!

Wait, wait a little

Stay at least at the threshold

A knock is heard, but who is it?

The hare runs in

Dear bunny, is that you?


Must meet Kolobok

Where is he - one torment

Dough - the dough ran away

It didn’t become a bun

They began to think and grieve

Kolobok - where can we get it?


Oh, I'm upset grandpa

I'll be running until lunchtime

I'll tell all the animals in the forest

I won’t bring the bun


A knock is heard, but who is it?

The bear runs in


I was waiting for Kolobok in the forest

Met a red fox

She was looking for a bun

She cried loudly, loudly


The dough, the dough ran away

It didn’t become a bun

They began to think about grieving

Koloboka - where can we get it?


Punishment, this is melancholy

We'll be lost without a bun

We will become sad in the forest

I don't know what to do?

A knock is heard, but who is it?

The fox runs in


Well guys you're stuck

Have you met Kolobok?

I want to eat so much

Well, I don’t have to listen to you


The dough, the dough ran away

It didn’t become a bun

They began to think about grieving

Koloboka - where can we get it?


That's a shame, that's a problem

Why did we come here

Without a kolobok we will be lost

And we won’t get home

Don't be sad animals, be quiet

And we’re not afraid

Let's run and frolic

Sing songs and have fun


Children, where is our Yagusya?

Where did she go, let's call her.


You little hut, spin around,

Turn your porch towards us.

Stop being bored grandma

Come out for a walk with us

Baba Yaga.

That's a nasty little hut

Torments the poor old lady

Everything is spinning like a spinning top

Here's a habit I picked up

Baba Yaga.

Now I'm young kids

But I'm cunning and harmful

And I can destroy everyone

You'll have to forget about the holiday


So that Grandma Yaga would become kinder

I didn’t get angry and didn’t scare the kids

We must call her affectionately

And her heart will become kind

(choice kind words for Baba Yozhka)

Baba Yaga.

Was an old hag

Evil Baba-Yozhka

Becoming beautiful, young

I'll dance a little.

Everyone dances together

Holiday for students primary school“A fairy tale has come to visit us!”

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes MBOU Secondary School No. 9, Ulyanovsk.
Description of work: I present to your attention extracurricular activity based on fairy tales, which is aimed at organizing leisure activities for primary school children. This material will be useful for primary school teachers and teachers of after-school groups.
Target: creating a fabulous holiday atmosphere.
- introduce children to fairy tales;
- to educate children in the ability to show positive emotions, have fun and bring joy to their friends;
- create a favorable microclimate at the holiday.

Progress of the event:

The song “Little Country” performed by Natasha Koroleva is playing.
Children enter the hall in fairy tale costumes.

Student 1:
If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
Hurry up and let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
If you scare it a little, it will fly away.

Student 2:
You follow her to the threshold,
And she’s already jumping and jumping,
Like a round bun
Rolling through the forest...

Student 3:
She has a supply of miracles!
And always ready...
Every time for all of us
Golden word!

Student 4:
There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them!

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! I am very glad to see you all at our holiday. I think that everyone is familiar with the words of A. S. Pushkin:

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows!

Presenter: Today we invite you to a lesson dedicated to fairy tales. (Each child chooses a coloring book, so the class is divided into 4 groups).

A girl appeared in a flower cup.
And there was that girl bigger than a marigold.
She always slept in a nutshell,
What a girl she was, she was very small!

Who read the book about this
Will he name our baby?
Group 1 – Thumbelina.(Those guys who painted Thumbelina).

He has a house on the roof.
He is a naughty man, a funny comedian,
Braggart and arrogant,
What should he be called? Guess what!
Group 2 - Carlsons.(Those guys who painted Carloson).

This boy is very strange
Unusual - wooden.
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?.. (Pinocchio.)
Group 3 – Pinocchio.(Those guys who painted Pinocchio).

She's beautiful and sweet
And her name comes from the word “ash”.
Group 4 – Cinderellas.(Those guys who painted Cinderella).

The guys are told
That the train is leaving
Sends immediately
From Moscow station
Up to the first letter - “A”.
The steam is separated by the locomotive,
I lit two lanterns
And rushes with the roar of wheels
According to the lines of the primer.
We drove off
From Moscow station
And finally we arrived
Up to the first letter - "A".

Presenter: We remember fairy-tale heroes and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter “A”?
Presenter: That’s right, there is such a fairy tale - “Aibolit”, the hero is Aladdin...
And also, there is such a word... attribute. An attribute is an object that is an integral part of someone or something.
Exercise 1. Each team needs to put together its own attribute from the mosaic.
(Thumbelina - swallow, Carlson - Baby, Pinocchio - golden key, Cinderella - slipper).

Aladdin's lamp,
Take us into a fairy tale.
Crystal slipper,
Help along the way!
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth.
May goodness forever
Evil wins!
Presenter: Let's move on - the letter "B". We remember fairy-tale characters and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter "B"?
(Baba Yaga, Pinocchio, Barmaley, Bremen Town Musicians...)

Presenter: And also, there is such a word... “bye-bye”.
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge.
The little gray top will come
And he grabs the barrel.

Task 2. Each team needs to write a Bedtime Story. A bedtime story is a long wish Good night, as a rule, imbued with tenderness, love and, of course, care. Remember what a bedtime story read by your grandmother or mother sounds like? Probably quiet and even, it also calms and lulls you to sleep.
(Each team composes its own fairy tale. If desired, you can act it out.)

Presenter: Let's move on - the letter "B". We remember fairy-tale characters and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter "IN"?
(Wolf, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, Vasilisa the Beautiful...)

Presenter: And also, there is such a word... “seasons”.
Task 3. Each team needs to remember fairy tales that describe one time of year.
(Thumbelina - winter, Carlson - spring, Pinocchio - summer, Cinderella - autumn).
(Teams compete).
Presenter: Our journey is coming to an end, dear guys and distinguished guests! And finally, please continue...
The story behind the fairy tale... (won't get away).
Every joke in a fairy tale... (good).
Every fairy tale happens... (end).
Eat the porridge and listen to the fairy tale: figure it out with your mind and mind... (shake).
The fairy tale is beautiful in its complexion, and the song... (in harmony).
Either action or fairy tales... (say).
On fairy tales that on... (sled).
Fairy tale - fold: listen... (sweet).
Listen to the fairy tale, and to the saying... (listen).
Soon the fairy tale will unfold, but not soon enough... (done).
A fairy tale is not a fairy tale, but... (saying).
That’s the end of the fairy tale, but who listened...

Galina Prokofieva
Entertainment script “Come and visit a fairy tale!”

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 167"

Leninsky district of Saratov

Entertainment script

« Come visit a fairy tale»

V senior group "Gold fish"


Prokofieva Galina Ivanovna, teacher

TARGET: improve children’s knowledge about fairy tales.

TASKS: repeat and consolidate the concept of folk fairy tales and fairy tales, written by writers; continue to teach how to solve riddles;

awaken the joy of meeting your favorite characters;

develop imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech;

cultivate interest in fairy tales, a feeling of empathy, a desire to help the heroes, faith in goodness, friendship, and triumph over evil.

EQUIPMENT: tape recorder with music recordings, multimedia equipment, d/i "Collect a picture", 4 tables, felt boots, Russian scarves, a model of a seven-flowered flower with riddles written on its petals, hats masks: frogs, mice, hedgehogs, hare, fox, wolf, bear; elements of costumes for Little Red Riding Hood, Kolobok, Doctor, Pinocchio, Alyonushka and Ivanushka; illustrations for fairy tales: R. n. With. "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Swan geese", C. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood",IN. F. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich", A. N. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio", K. Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit"; sweet treat for children.

PRELIMINARY WORK: reading p. n. With., fairy tales K. Chukovsky, A. S. Pushkin, A. N. Tolstoy, V. F. Odoevsky, T. Alexandrova "Kuzya the Little Brownie", looking at illustrations, asking riddles; drawing on topic: "Doctor Aibolit and his friends", “Let’s help Grandma Fedora”; modeling on topic: "Little Red Riding Hood carries gifts for grandma» , “Who, who lives in the little house”; design on topic: "Kuzya the Little Brownie" (from natural material); learning poems for characters fairy tales, songs, dances; mobile and didactic.

Progress of entertainment:

To the music « Come fairy tale» (music by V. Dashkevich) children enter the hall and sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle. In the hall Illustrations for fairy tales are hung, there are tables on which there are cut-out pictures depicting animals from fairy tales"Dr. Aibolit".


A fairy tale goes through the forest, a fairy tale leads by the hand, comes out of the river fairy tale, from the tram, from the gate! What kind of round dance is this? This round dance of fairy tales! Fairy tale - clever and charming, walks next to us, so that, so that again the good will defeat the evil! To convince the good and the evil to become good. IN fairy tale the sun is burning, justice reigns in him! Fairy tale - clever and charming, the path is open to her everywhere!

Guys, you already know different fairy tales. And today we'll talk about fairy tales, with whom you are familiar from a very young age, and about fairy tales people you met in kindergarten.

Which are the very first fairy tales will all children in our country recognize this? (Turnip, Kolobok, Chicken Ryaba).

Eat fairy tales, which are composed by the people, and there are literary fairy tales. The authors of these fairy tales are the writers. What writers? you know the storytellers? (A. S. Pushkin, K. Chukovsky, C. Perrault, Odoevsky). IN fairy tales collected folk wisdom. Each fairy tale enriches us with life experience, teaches us goodness and justice. Each fairy tale is instructive. Let's invite our loved ones fairy tales to visit us? And this magical flower called... will help us with this. (showing a flower)

Children: Seven-flowered flower!

Presenter: You know that the seven-flowered flower fulfills any desire. Today he will help us meet fairy tale. To do this you need to tear off the petal, say the magic words, the seven-flowered flower will ask us a riddle and as soon as we guess it, we will immediately meet the hero fairy tales. And the magic words such: “I tear off a petal, I invite you to visit a fairy tale» . Let's repeat them all together (children repeat).

Now, pay attention! Tales are asked: “And now, you, friends, get to know us!

We invite you to guests first fairy tale?

Children: Yes!

I invite the child to tear off a petal and say the magic words.

I'm asking a riddle: Without socks and without stockings, without shoes and boots, he could roll on the grass in the nursery fairy tale...(Kolobok)

Presenter: Well done guys, you guessed it quickly! (child Kolobok comes out and approaches the illustration fairy tale)

Kolobok: I was baked with flour, mixed with sour cream, chilled at the window, rolled along the path. I was cheerful, I was brave, and on the way I sang sang: I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather!

(look at the illustration)

Presenter: What happened in fairy tale with kolobok?

Children's answers.

Presenter: Guys, Kolobok invites us to dance.

DANCE "KOLOBOK"(music and lyrics by E. Yaremenko, Bell magazine)

The child tears off the next petal and says the magic words.

I'm asking a riddle: Beware of any illness - flu, sore throat and bronchitis, the good doctor calls you all to battle... (Aibolit)

Presenter: That's right, guys! Look, someone is rushing towards us.

A child, a doctor, comes out and approaches illustrations:

I am the good doctor Aibolit! Who is in pain? I’ll give you some medicine and pills and I’ll quickly cure you, kids! (look at the illustration)

Presenter: Guys, who did Dr. Aibolit treat? (Children's answers.)

Presenter: Let's divide into 4 groups, go to the tables and collect pictures of the animals that Dr. Aibolit cured.

A d/game is being held "Collect a picture".

Presenter: We continue our meeting with fairy tales.

The child tears off the next petal and says the magic words.

I'm asking a riddle: This is not a difficult short one at all question: “Who stuck a wooden nose into the ink?

Guys, who is this riddle about? (About Pinocchio)

Pinocchio comes out and approaches illustrations:

Hello, I am Pinocchio, a very sweet little man. Malvina was my friend and taught me good manners! (look at the illustration)

Presenter: Guys, tell me what you know about this fairy tale? What were Buratino and his friends looking for? How did it end fairy tale?

Pinocchio invites the children to dance.

Dance "Pinocchio" (music by A. Rybnikov lyrics by Yu. Entin)

I'm asking a riddle: Grandma loved the girl very much and gave her Little Red Riding Hood. The girl forgot her name, please tell me what her name was?

Children: Little Red Riding Hood!

Presenter: Well done boys! And here she came.

A girl comes out - Little Red Riding Hood.

I'm in went to visit grandma, brought her some pies, Gray wolf He followed me, deceived my granny and swallowed me!

Presenter: Guys, I really feel sorry for Little Red Riding Hood. How it ends a fairy tale about her? (Children's answers, looking at the illustration).

IN: It’s wonderful that both Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood survived. Little Red Riding Hood, please sing us your wonderful song.

Song of Little Red Riding Hood (music and lyrics by E. V. Mashechkova, magazine "Bell" 20/01)

Presenter: Let's meet the next one fairy tale.

The child tears off a petal and says magic words.

I'm asking a riddle: What a house on the edge of the forest. Gave shelter to a Hedgehog, Frog, Mouse, Hare, Rooster? A house with a chimney at the top? Smoke is coming from the chimney, this house... (Teremok)

Presenter: And here are the inhabitants of the tower!

Children come out wearing masks of a hedgehog, mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, and bear. Suitable for illustrations:

Knock-knock1 Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place?

I am a little mouse, I am a croaking frog, I am a hedgehog with no head or legs, I am a running bunny, I am a little fox-sister, I am a wolf-gray barrel, And who are you? I am a bear, let me live with you.

Presenter: No, Mishenka, you are too big and you'll ruin the tower. Better play a game with the guys.

Round dance game “Who woke up the bear? (music and lyrics by T.V. Bokach, magazine "Bell" 41/08)

Presenter: Let's hurry, guys, to meet the next one fairy tale.

The child tears off a petal and says the magic words.

I'm asking a riddle:

Alyonushka's little brother was taken away by birds. They fly high

they look far away. Did you recognize this fairy tale, Guys? (Swan geese)

Alyonushka and Ivanushka come out and approach illustrations:

The sky is blue, the birds are scary. Rechenka save me and my brother! (look at the illustration)

Presenter: Guys, what happened to the heroes of this fairy tales? (Children's answers.)

Presenter: Let's play a game "Swan geese"

P/game "Swan geese"

Presenter: Guys, look, there is only one petal left, which means there is one fairy tale, which we have not visited yet.

Can I tear off this petal?

Presenter: Oh, guys, who is it there? I'll go have a look.

I return and bring Brownie Kuzya by the hand.

Presenter: This is Kuzya the Brownie, guys!

Kuzya: I, guys, have been living in your kindergarten for a long time, I know all of you, I follow you. I see how you play and study together, you read fairy tales. I remember and love them all. And at night I guard your kindergarten, sometimes I play with your toys. You're not angry with me because of this, are you?

Presenter: No, no, Kuzya. We are very glad that you live in our kindergarten. Guys, let Kuzya tear off the last petal. (Kuzya pulls him away and says the magic words)

I'm asking a riddle: Once upon a time there were two sisters, one was lazy, the other was a craftswoman.

One day, in order to get a bucket, they had to climb into the well, to the bottom...

Kuzya: Oh, I’m like that I don’t know the fairy tale...

Presenter: Children, what is this called? fairy tale?

Children: Moroz Ivanovich!

I draw the children’s attention to the illustration and invite them to watch a fragment from the cartoon.

Kuzya: Ay, ay, ay, what a lazy girl! What happened to her? What about the needlewoman? (Children's answers)

Yes, that's how it happens. Laziness and greed are punishable. But it’s probably cold in visiting Moroz Ivanovich? I would also like to go to him, but my felt boots are thin.

Presenter: Don't be upset, Kuzya. You will have new felt boots.

Let's guys dance for Kuzi "Felt boots"

Dance "Felt boots" (Russian folk song performed by L. Ruslanova)

Kuzya: What a wonderful dance, and what good felt boots!

Presenter: Kuzya, the guys and I are giving you these new felt boots. Now you can go to Moroz Ivanovich in them. Look with the guys how this ended fairy tale.

Kuzya: Wonderful fairy tale! Thank you guys and for fairy tale, and for felt boots. I also brought you gifts. I know that you all have a sweet tooth, so I prepared a sweet treat for you.

Kuzya treats the children with sweets. The children thank Kuzya and invite him to the group for tea.

GBOU Secondary School No. 1245 (preschool department, Chertanovskaya St. 61B)


"Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales"

Leisure in the younger group

Compiled and conducted:

Romanova O.V.

Teacher 1st quarter categories

Gushchina O.V.

Moscow, 2014


1) encourage children to actively participate in theatrical play;

2) develop the ability to coordinate actions with other children - the heroes of the fairy tale;

3) develop auditory attention, imagination, interest in performing arts;

4) consolidate interest in Russian folk tales


1.Show parents that fostering interest and love for fiction- one of the foundations for the formation of a cheerful, responsive, proactive child capable of creative activity.

2. To intensify the interest of parents in the activities of the preschool institution and the life of the child in it, to create a favorable emotional climate for all participants in the holiday.


Theater toy bi-ba-bo bunny; hut; stump; bench; two artificial trees; two balls (large and small); box;set of items for the game “Who was here and forgot what? ";Balloons ; books; costumes for children for the fairy tale “Teremok”, for grandmother, Masha, and the presenter.

Preliminary work:

Creating conditions for theatrical activities in the group, showing them to children puppet theater“Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, looking at illustrations based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, discussing the content of the fairy tale, watching and listening to Russian folk tales“Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok” on video and audio recordings, exhibition of drawings “My Favorite Fairy Tale”, inviting parents to a holiday

Integration educational areas:

“Socialization”, “Communication”.

Progress of the event.

Playback: Hello, our dear guests. Today we invited you to the entertainment “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”. There are probably no parents who would not want to teach their children to read quickly and expressively, and to instill in them an interest in reading. goodthe book is and educator, and teacher, and others. Today we will hold a competition for fairy tale experts, in which two teams will participate - a team of parents and a team of children. And our children will show you the fairy tale “Teremok”.

(The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays, children enter the hall and sit on chairs).

Playback: So here we go.

Attention! Attention!

Residents and guests

Fairytale states

Kindergarten, mysterious

Cheerful, talkative

Funny and happy

In our wonderful kindergarten

The holiday will be interesting.

Kirill: Everyone in the world loves fairy tales

They love adults and children .

They teach us how to live,

To be friends with everyone around you.

Visit a fairy tale at this hour

We'll leave now.

Playback: Guys, do you want to take a trip through the magical, amazing country of “Fairy Tale”?

Children: Yes!

Playback: Okay, today we will visit “Visiting a Fairy Tale”.

One. And two, and five, and eight, we transfer them all into a fairy tale. (gentle-sounding music plays. Children spin around). So we found ourselves in a magical land. Let's take a walk along it. Oh, guys, look, there’s a chest, and in the chest there’s a magic ball, it will show us the way.

Children follow the teacher.

Playback: Guys, look, the bunny is sitting and crying. Let's ask him what he's crying about (children ask).

Bunny: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. She asked to come to me, but she kicked me out.

Playback: Children, who can guess what fairy tale we are in?

Children: " Zayushkin's hut ».

Playback: Right. Now we’ll ask the parents, remember all the heroes of this fairy tale and tell us who was the first to come to the bunny’s aid, who was the second, and the third.

Parents: Dogs, bear, rooster.

Playback: Our ball has rolled on and we will follow it.

"You ball, roll, roll

IN a new fairy tale prove yourself."

Playback : Where did the ball take us? What kind of pictures are these?

(considering ). What fairy tale are these pictures from?

Children: Masha and the Bear

Playback: And now we’ll ask our parents how Masha got into the forest, who brought her home?

Parents' answers.

And now we'll playgame "Bear the Bear in the Forest."

While the children are playing, Granny-Funny appears to the music.

B.-Z.: Hello guys! I learned from the magpie that you were traveling around our country and decided to ask you a few riddles.

I didn’t tremble before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught......(bun)

We had a golden egg,

And the basket was left empty.

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying,

But they are consoled by……(Rock-pock hen).

A house grew in a clearing,

The animals were housed in it.

Suddenly a shaggy man came
He crushed the house with his paw. (teremok)

Playback: Grandmother is Fun, and our children have just prepared the fairy tale “Teremok”. Let us look at it, and you can help them.

B.-Z.: Well, let's go.

Screening of the fairy tale "Teremok".

B.-Z.: Hey guys, what great guys! And now, your teacher and I will conduct a short literary quiz. And let's see who knows the fairy tale better, you or your parents.

For children: At Alyonushka's sister's

The birds took my brother away.

They fly high

They look far away. (Swan geese)

To parents: "I lived alone in a dense forest

Yes, he took the mistress into his house

Let her run the household

I wish I could bake pies"()

For children: "Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs

Three beds, three pillows

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?(Three Bears )

To parents: I went to visit my grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed(Little Red Riding Hood)

For children: We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children? (Kids from the fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats »).

To parents: “When I was a kid, everyone laughed at him.

They tried to push him away

After all, no one knew that he

Born a white bird"(Nasty duckling )

To parents: "Eating rolls

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess"(By magic)

Playback: Well done, everyone completed the task. Guys, guess the riddle.

“They live in a mink, gnawing crusts

Short legs, cats are afraid"

Children: Mice.

Playback: Question for parents: name fairy tales in which the hero is a mouse.

Parents: “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “", "Spikelet", "Winged, shaggy, oily."

Playback: And now we will play the game “Mousetrap”. Parents will make a mousetrap, and children will be mice.

Game "Mousetrap"

Playback: “You ball, roll, roll.

Find yourself in a new fairy tale"

B.-Z.: And there is something on the table. Ahhh, now I’ll hold a competition “Who was here and forgot what?”

(based on the items presented, identify the works from which they are taken)

egg (" ")

sieve (“Kolobok”)

three wooden spoons ("Three Bears")

Galoshes (“Telephone”)

samovar (“Fly - clatter”)

apple ("The Tale of the Dead Princess")

There is a knock on the door, and Masha enters the group to the music.

Playback: Look, a guest has come to us, Masha.

Masha: Hello friends, I stopped by for a minute. It's very noisy and fun. What are you doing here?

Playback: We have a holiday “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”.

Masha: I also love holidays, games, jokes.

Playback: That's great, stay with us.

Masha: I would love to, but I don’t have time. I need to go. My grandparents are waiting for me, they are worried. I’ll just tell you a riddle, if you guess it, I’ll give you balloons.

I'll tell you a riddle, guys.

Try to guess it.

There is a grandfather in this fairy tale,

Grandmother and granddaughter.

A cat lived with them,

Mouse, dog Bug.

We lived peacefully, did not grieve,

There was no concern.

Friendly, fun, eagerly

They did the work.

Children: Turnip.

Masha: Well done, and now a question for the parents.

Name the fairy tales in which Masha is the heroine.

(Masha and the Bear, Three Bears).

Masha: Well done everyone, they answered correctly, keep the balls as promised. And it's time for me to leave. Goodbye!!

Children: Goodbye!!

B.-Z.: And it's time for me to leave.

I had a lot of fun with you

I am addressing you, dear children.

There is nothing more useful than a book in the world.

Let books come into homes as friends,

Read all your life, gain your mind.

Playback: Look, guys, our ball has become quite small, which means our journey is over and it’s time to return to kindergarten.

One, and two, and five, and eight,

We transfer everyone to kindergarten.

Playback: Dear parents and children!

The competition is over!

But you, the reading people,

Love books all year round!


Mikhailova M.A. National holidays, games and entertainment. And at our gates there is a merry round dance./Mikhailova M.A.: artist Kurov V.N. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2005. – 224 p.

Polyak L.Ya. Theater of fairy tales: scripts in verse for preschoolers based on Russian folk tales. – St. Petersburg: “Childhood-PRESS”, 2009.-48 p.

Stepanov V.A. Fairytale riddles for the younger one preschool age– Tver: LLC Publishing House “Flamingo”, 2005. -16 p.

Internet resources:

It happens that guests come by invitation, sometimes without it. Guests suddenly came to the cheerful hedgehogs. But the hedgehogs were not at a loss, and neither were the guests, by the way. How did everyone get out of the sticky situation? Fabulous!

A Tale about Guests

Once upon a time there were funny hedgehogs. They did everything together. And they cleaned up the house together too. And then one day squirrels came to visit them. Without an invitation. And the hedgehogs were just cleaning the room. What did their house look like? The rooms are not tidy, things are lying around...

“Let’s ask the squirrels to sit in the kitchen, and we’ll quickly clean up,” suggested the hedgehog’s mother.

- Or maybe I should occupy them with something interesting, while you clean up the place? - Dad asked.

“Let’s leave everything as it is,” the hedgehogs’ daughter Ezhelina expressed her opinion.

“I’ll just apologize for the mess,” Grandma said.

- Maybe we should all go for a walk together? - submitted good idea son of hedgehogs Hedgehogs.

- What to do, what decision to settle on? - thought the owners.

And while they were thinking, the squirrels took rags that caught their eye and began to wipe the bookshelves.

“How awkward,” said the hedgehog’s mother.

“Nothing,” the guests answered.

The hedgehogs' house gradually began to shine. Everyone worked together and quickly. Someone was humming a funny song, someone was dancing with a rag. Grandfather the hedgehog entertained everyone with funny stories.

Through the joint efforts of hedgehogs and squirrels, order in the house was quickly restored. The hedgehogs spent much less time and effort.

And then in a clean room everyone drank tea together. It seemed especially tasty. By evening the squirrels were getting ready to go home.

— We are waiting for you to visit us next week! - the squirrels said to the hedgehogs.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

Who came to visit the hedgehogs?

Why was the hedgehogs' house a mess?

What solution regarding the guests did the hedgehog mother propose?

Which option for guests did you like best?

If you have things scattered in your room, and a friend comes to visit you, how will you behave, will you apologize for the mess?

Who participated in putting things in order in the hedgehogs' house?

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

The world is not without good people.
Order is the basis of everything.
Straight friends are like brothers.

The main meaning of the fairy tale is that true friendship is not only about having a pleasant time, but also about working together. The squirrels did not take any special position, but simply began to help. Help on time means twice the help.