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Cleaner of industrial and office premises. Model job description

is a document that contains the basic rules of employee behavior in the workplace. In case of failure to fulfill the duties assigned to him in the instructions, the employee bears responsibility as provided by law. We will tell you in this article how to correctly compose a document.

Cleaner profession

A cleaner is a specialist who is responsible for the cleaning and sanitary condition of premises and territories.

The All-Russian Classifier of Occupations establishes that group 9414 OKZ includes the following positions:

  • garbage chute cleaner;
  • cleaner in foundries;
  • territory cleaner;
  • metallurgical waste cleaner;
  • cleaner of industrial and other areas.

Cleaners clean (manually or using special devices) the territory entrusted to them. The occupational classifier classifies a janitor in the same group of positions; however, the difference between a janitor and a janitor is that the latter is typically responsible for cleaning the outside area while a janitor works inside a building (the exception is a groundskeeper).

Job description of a cleaner

The job description of a cleaner is developed by an employee of the human resources department or an official responsible for labor protection at the enterprise. The document is approved by the head of the enterprise after agreement with the immediate supervisor of the cleaner.

Job description of a cleaner/ cleaning lady consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions.

    This part of the document specifies the name of the position and structural unit in which the cleaner works, in accordance with the staffing schedule approved by the enterprise. It also defines the procedure for appointing and dismissing an employee and replacing an employee in the event of his absence. We recommend that you indicate the qualification requirements for the employee in the section.

  2. Main tasks and functions.
    This section indicates the main areas of activity of the cleaner; the territory of its activities is determined and specific types of work are listed.
  3. Job responsibilities.
    This part of the document includes a list of responsibilities that are assigned to the cleaner. For example, we are talking about the types of cleaning of the assigned territory, the schedule for cleaning individual rooms and the list of available tools used for this.
  4. Rights.
    The section contains an indication of the rights that are guaranteed to the employee in connection with the performance of his duties. For example, in order to improve the quality of her work, a cleaner has the right to make proposals to senior management about making changes to her activities.
  5. Responsibility.

This indicates the forms of responsibility that an employee bears in the event of failure/improper performance of his/her official duties.

Don't know your rights?

Important! The employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with the job description against signature. All changes and additions to the document are made only after notifying the employee.

Job responsibilities of a cleaner of industrial and office premises

IN job description for office cleaner the territory that constitutes his work front is specified. The list of specific responsibilities of the employee depends on this. For example, if we are talking only about the office part of the institution, then a cleaning schedule is possible, which is drawn up in accordance with the work schedule of office employees, so that the cleaner does not distract them from their work activities. If we are talking about a workshop, for example, a metallurgical one, then in this case it is possible to clean the room using improvised means and a special protective suit.

The cleaner must clean everywhere, keep stairs, windows, walls, floors clean within the established area. However, the employer can specify what type of cleaning is required: dry or wet. In addition, some parts of the room can be treated with special detergents (disinfectants). We also recommend mentioning this in the instructions.

Job Description for Industrial Cleaner must also include a list of property that is issued to the employee to perform his duties. For example, various equipment in the form of rags, brooms, etc., detergents and cleaning materials.

Job responsibilities of a grounds cleaner

The territory cleaner is responsible for the area entrusted to him and, using available means, must perform general duties:

  • clear it of snow/ice;
  • remove leaves and other debris;
  • monitor the sanitary condition of the territory;
  • water bridges, sidewalks, flower beds;
  • dig and clean ditches to drain water;
  • empty trash cans from garbage.

Of course, the list of job responsibilities can be expanded depending on the specifics of the territory that is assigned to the cleaner.

For cleaning, the employee may be given the following supplies:

  • broom;
  • shovel;
  • bucket, etc.

The employee is financially responsible for all received property, and therefore is obliged to keep it in working order.

Thus, the job description of a cleaner is a document mandatory for execution by the employee. In case of improper implementation of his duties, he may be held liable in accordance with current legislation. The employer must reflect as fully as possible the entire list of job responsibilities of the cleaner, so that in practice no questions arise regarding the employee’s performance of his activities.

An office cleaner is an employee who professionally carries out work to maintain cleanliness in office premises. At the same time, he uses various tools and equipment, as well as chemicals for disinfection, cleaning and disinfection.

Despite its apparent simplicity, such work requires certain training and knowledge. In addition, the requirements for the work functions of employees in a given specialty may vary significantly depending on the field of activity and the needs of the organization. In particular, the job responsibilities of an office cleaner in healthcare, where the requirements for cleanliness of the premises are prescribed at the legislative level, and the job responsibilities of an office cleaner in a small office, where it is enough to clean a couple of times a week, differ markedly.

Small organizations may not have cleaners on staff at all. They use the services of cleaning companies and offer their services to both organizations and individuals. And large companies have their own separate services for maintaining cleanliness in their offices and production areas. And the job responsibilities of a premises cleaner in such companies are not similar to each other.

Therefore, it is very important for any organization to correctly draw up a job description for a cleaner. It reflects the skills and knowledge necessary for this profession, the rights and responsibilities of the employee and the employer, as well as all the requirements that are needed to perform the work well.

What rights does he have?

Any employee, when performing his job function, has certain rights, which must be indicated in a separate paragraph in the job description.

A worker whose job function is to maintain order in the entrusted territory may have the following rights reflected in the job description:

In addition, any employee is subject to all rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, even if they are not listed in the job description. The cleaner, along with other employees, has the right to regular vacation, timely payment of wages, undergoing initial and periodic medical examinations at the expense of the employer, etc.

What are the responsibilities of a cleaner?

The quality of indoor cleaning largely depends on the correct and detailed description of the job function in the job description. If a store's floors are washed only once a day, this will lead to the store closing. Therefore, the more accurately the job responsibilities of a store cleaner are described, the longer each employee will be able to receive their wages.

In the job description, the job function is described as a separate item. For example: 2.1. Cleaner of industrial and office premises job responsibilities: And then follows a list of what the employee must do.

These are the general duties of a cleaner of industrial and office premises that are present in any field of activity.

But there are cleaning requirements that differ depending on the needs of the employer, as well as the category of the employee.

How might this work be different?

The main function of all cleaners is the same - maintaining cleanliness and order in the premises. But the quality of cleaning depends on the established sanitary requirements. School cleaning requirements are different from office cleaning requirements. Let's consider what responsibilities of a school cleaner differ from what is included in the responsibilities of an office cleaner.

Cleaning lady at school

Cleaning lady in a small office


Regulated by law

Employer regulated


Several times a day

Few times a week


The employee is hired

Can be performed by specialized companies

Duration of cleaning

Full time work

Few hours

Common areas

After every change

Once or twice a day

Additional functions

Regularly during the holidays

Only as an exception

Job titles may also not be the same. For example, in schools sometimes there is a cleaner, and sometimes a technical worker (technician). What are the responsibilities of a school technician? The same as the duties of a school cleaner. In addition to the types of work already indicated, these are:

  • regular cleaning of bathrooms - after every change;
  • assistance in school renovations during the holidays;
  • work on a personal plot;
  • other.

But since the titles of the positions are different, two job descriptions must be approved - for each position separately.

The responsibilities for a cleaner are very varied. The cleaning lady can take care of green spaces, order the necessary hygiene products, monitor the cleanliness of the dishes, etc. Therefore, when describing the job responsibilities of the cleaning lady, you need to indicate the frequency of performance for each type of work. Or make a separate cleaning regulation, which you can refer to in the instructions.

A detailed job description will help to hire an employee with the required qualifications, simplify and speed up the process of becoming familiar with the specifics of the job.

Cleaner's Responsibility

Every employee in an organization has their own area of ​​responsibility. Cleaning workers also have it.

Correctly defined areas of responsibility will help avoid controversial issues between the employee and the employer.

Cleaner job description sample

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a cleaner of industrial premises, sample 2019/2020. A person can be appointed to this position without presenting requirements for education and work experience. Don’t forget, every instruction given by a production facility cleaner is handed out against a signature.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that an industrial cleaner should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is part of the huge library of our website, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. A cleaner of industrial premises belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person is hired for the position of industrial premises cleaner without presenting requirements for education and work experience.

3. A cleaner of industrial premises is hired and dismissed from the position of __________ organization upon the recommendation of __________. (director, manager) (position)

4. A cleaner of industrial premises must know:

a) special (professional) knowledge for the position:

— industrial sanitation requirements;

— purpose and concentration of disinfectants and detergents, cleaning rules;

— design and operating rules of the equipment being serviced.

b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

— rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

— requirements for the quality of work (services) performed and for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

— production alarm.

5. In his activities, a cleaner of industrial premises is guided by:

- legislation of the Russian Federation,

— Charter (regulations) of the organization,

- orders and instructions of the ___________ organization (general director, director, manager)

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The cleaner of industrial premises reports directly to ___________ (a worker with higher qualifications, the head of production (site, workshop) and the director of the organization)

7. During the absence of a cleaner of industrial premises (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed _________ organization (manager position) upon the recommendation of ___________ (position) in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for fulfillment of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of an industrial premises cleaner

The job responsibilities of an industrial cleaner are:

a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

— Cleaning of production waste and garbage in workshops and other production areas.

— Wiping dust, sweeping and washing manually or using machines and devices of floors, stairs, stairwells, windows, walls, ceilings in industrial premises.

— Preparation of various cleaning and disinfecting solutions for washing floors, walls, windows and ceilings.

— Transportation of waste and debris from production premises to a designated location.

— Obtaining detergents, equipment and cleaning materials.

— Filling tanks with drinking water, placing trash cans, cleaning and disinfecting them.

— Cleaning and disinfection of toilets, showers, dressing rooms and other common areas in production.

b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

— Compliance with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

— Fulfillment, within the framework of the employment contract, of the orders of the employees to whom it was repaired in accordance with these instructions.

— Carrying out work on acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning the workplace, fixtures, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition.

— Maintaining established technical documentation.

3. Rights of a cleaner of industrial premises

A cleaner of industrial premises has the right:

1. Submit proposals for management’s consideration:

— to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction,

— on bringing to material and disciplinary liability workers who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the industrial premises cleaner

The industrial premises cleaner is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description for a cleaner of industrial premises - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of an industrial premises cleaner, rights of an industrial premises cleaner, responsibilities of an industrial premises cleaner.

Tags for the material: job description for a cleaner of industrial premises, job description for a cleaner of industrial premises at an enterprise, job description for a cleaner of industrial premises at a school, etc. job description for a cleaner of industrial premises.

The profession "cleaner of industrial premises and office premises", quite rare and necessary, has a number of features and subtleties. This profession involves regular cleaning of special types of premises using various chemicals. The main task of the employee is not only to properly clean the premises, but also to understand the structure of his work very well, so as not to endanger his own health.

A little about the profession

It is important to know that a cleaner of industrial premises and office premises is, first of all, an employee who has a high level of skills and knowledge in electrical safety. All cleaners undergo special professional training: introductory and regular (after each period of time specified by law).

Before starting work, a potential employee must undergo a paid internship in order to demonstrate his ability to perform the job in accordance with all standards and requirements. The profession is very labor-intensive, requiring responsibility, but at the same time well paid.

Features of the profession

The main feature of this job is that it is quite easy to get it if you comply with all the requirements and undergo initial training. A potential employee may not have any education. However, do not forget about responsibility, because often the work involves cleaning complex and important technical objects and premises. You need to take your work seriously.

The profession does not attract many people due to its low prestige, but it is in great demand on the labor market. Employers submit a huge number of applications to fill vacancies every day. The future employee will be familiarized with all his rights. The salary for this type of work is quite high, because cleaning technical and office premises is quite harmful to health. Most companies also provide health insurance to employees.

A cleaner or cleaner of industrial and office premises is an employee for whom special requirements are put forward. Let's look at them below.

Personnel requirements

Anyone wishing to fill a vacancy must meet a number of the following requirements:

  1. Under no circumstances should a person be allergic to various types of chemicals.
  2. Do not suffer possible loss of consciousness due to various reasons and any types of diseases of the central nervous system.
  3. The employee must have good vision.
  4. The sense of balance and general condition of the vestibular system, according to the results of a preliminary medical examination, should be satisfactory.

A profession of this kind should be treated with utmost care and responsibility. During work, the cleaner has to come into contact with a large number of cleaning products for different purposes, as well as various hand tools. All instructions on working with chemicals will be carried out on site. When starting to perform his duties, the cleaner must clearly be able to analyze and distinguish between all the solutions and substances with which he will have to work.

Job description (cleaner of office premises): text

Each staff unit in the organization has its own job description that must be followed.

The job description of a cleaner of industrial and office premises is a labor document regulated by law, the purpose of which is to describe in detail the profession and all its instructions: the rights and responsibilities of the employee.

You should read the instructions before submitting your resume and undergoing an interview. This way you will have the most complete information about the profession and will be able to decide whether it is suitable for you or not. Often people do not bother to familiarize themselves with the features of the profession “cleaner of industrial premises and office premises”, and after the first briefing they refuse the vacancy, thus wasting their time and the employer’s. All aspects of the job description are discussed later in the article.


The job description for a cleaner of industrial and office premises describes the rights of employees:

  1. Each employee has the right to demand detailed information about all aspects of work and their responsibilities.
  2. An employee has the right to offer management ideas on how to make work more efficient and effective.
  3. Management must assist the employee. All benefits and appropriate salaries must be provided.

Cleaner of industrial premises and office premises: responsibilities

The instructions of the profession require the employee to comply with the following rules:

  1. Work regulations must be strictly observed.
  2. An employee must always use special work clothes for their intended purpose and monitor fire safety.
  3. Every time when cleaning premises in which various types of heavy chemicals and flammable substances are stored, follow fire safety rules.
  4. It is good to know and carry out everything you have learned
  5. After work, be sure to follow the rules of hygiene. (carefully wash hands and other areas of the body that were exposed to chemicals during cleaning).
  6. After completing work, put all work equipment in specially designated storage rooms.
  7. The instructions for the office cleaner indicate cleaning the premises in the following order: premises intended for eating, premises for staff rest. Service rooms intended for heating or cooling, wardrobe, smoking rooms, hygiene rooms.
  8. The premises must be cleaned daily.
  9. The employee is responsible for the quality and timeliness of his work, for causing material damage and non-fulfillment or poor performance of his official duties.

Job description
office cleaner[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A cleaner of office premises belongs to the category of workers.

1.2. A cleaner of office premises is appointed and dismissed from the position by order of the head of the enterprise upon the recommendation of [fill in what is required] and reports directly to [fill in what is needed].

1.3. The office cleaner must know:

Sanitation and hygiene rules for maintaining premises;

Design and purpose of equipment and devices used in work;

Cleaning rules;

Concentration of detergents and disinfectants and rules for their safe use;

Rules for the operation and storage of sanitary equipment and fixtures;

Rules and regulations of labor protection and fire protection;

- [enter as required];

2. Job responsibilities

Office cleaner:

2.1. Cleans office premises of administrative buildings, corridors, stairs, bathrooms, public toilets, apartments.

2.2. Removes dust, sweeps and washes by hand or with the help of machines and devices walls, floors, ceilings, window frames and glass, door blocks, furniture and carpets.

2.3. Cleans and disinfects toilets, bathtubs, sinks and other sanitary equipment.

2.4. Cleans bins of paper and rinses them with disinfectant solutions.

2.5. Collects garbage and takes it to the designated place.

2.6. Complies with the rules of sanitation and hygiene in cleaned areas.

2.7. [Enter as appropriate].

3. Rights

The office cleaner has the right:

3.1. Receive from enterprise employees the information necessary to carry out their activities.

3.2. Submit proposals on how to improve the organization and quality of your work for consideration by your immediate supervisor.

3.3. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

3.4. [Enter as appropriate].

4. Responsibility

The office cleaner is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. [Enter as appropriate].

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]