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Curriculum of the professional retraining program content manager. Program "Management in Education"

Description and content

Professional retraining under the “Organization Management” program (520 hours) provides the opportunity to obtain knowledge and a standard diploma necessary for heads of organizations (enterprises) to carry out professional activities in the field of management. In accordance with current legislation, professional retraining is necessary for those who occupy a leadership position in an organization (enterprise) and do not have documentary evidence (diploma) of managerial qualifications. In addition, professional retraining will be useful to everyone who, in a short time and with maximum convenience, wants to master an interesting program of additional education in order to increase their competitiveness in the labor market.
Professional retraining under the program “Organization Management” (520 hours) is addressed to:

  • heads of organizations (enterprises) of various forms of ownership;
  • specialists in the field of organization (enterprise) management.
The professional retraining program “Organization Management” (520 hours) provides for the study of a wide range of issues relating to the general theory of management, the marketing approach to managing an organization (enterprise), methods of management psychology and conflict management, quality management and monitoring methods.

Documents issued upon completion of training in the additional educational program: Based on the results of the training, a diploma of the established form on professional retraining is issued for the right to conduct a new type of professional activity with the entry “The diploma of professional retraining provides the right to conduct professional activities in the field of Organization Management.”
Diploma sample. Attention! The diploma is sent by Russian Post by registered mail.

The main goal and effectiveness of the program: professional retraining of education workers to perform professional activities in the field of education management. The results of training are the developed competencies of a manager.

Issued document: Diploma of professional retraining.

  • Lesson 1. Management in an educational organization and its role in improving the quality of education
  • Lesson 2. Educational innovations in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Lesson 3. Modeling psychological safety in an educational organization
  • Lesson 4. The right to education and educational law
  • Lesson 5. Legal status and legal responsibility of teaching staff
  • Lesson 6. Effective management: model of educational activities of the team
  • Lesson 7. System of legal guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of teaching staff
  • Lesson 8. Legal regulation of property relations in the education system
  • Lesson 9. Practical techniques for resolving conflict situations in an educational organization
  • Lesson 10. Legal support for the modernization of Russian education
  • Lesson 11. “Conflict-free school”: reconciliation service
  • Lesson 12. Preparing an educational organization for the licensing procedure
  • Lesson 13. Social and psychological aspects of interaction in a group: team management
  • Lesson 14. Innovations in education: modern pedagogical technologies
  • Lesson 15. State public management of PAs: extra-budgetary financing or attracting additional investments
  • Lesson 16. Dispute resolution procedures involving educational organizations
  • Lesson 17. Management and leadership as socio-psychological phenomena of management
  • Lesson 18. External documentary audit of an educational organization questions and answers
  • Lesson 19. Management psychology: the main psychological characteristics of an employee and their use in managing an organization
  • Lesson 20. Creating an atmosphere of psychological support in the children's team
  • Lesson 21. Self-management and self-motivation: managing your behavior and emotional states
  • Lesson 22. Quality control of education
  • Lesson 23. Self-audit of the educational process
  • Lesson 24. Psychological support for resolving conflict situations in an educational organization
  • Lesson 25. Problems of managing preventive work of various types of deviant behavior of children and adolescents in an educational organization
  • Lesson 26. Prevention of crime among students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard: features, mechanisms, documentation
  • Lesson 27. Information technologies. Introductory lesson
  • Lesson 28. Introduction to information technologies and their evolution
  • Lesson 29. Hardware platform and software of information technologies
  • Lesson 30. Information technologies for processing text information
  • Lesson 31. Information technologies for processing numerical information
  • Lesson 32. Information technology multimedia
  • Lesson 33. Network technologies for information processing. Internet technologies
  • Lesson 34. Marketing system in education. Consumer behavior, market segmentation and positioning of educational services
  • Lesson 35. Product development and product policy. Features of pricing in marketing
  • Lesson 36. Distance educational technologies: status and prospects
  • Lesson 37. Potential capabilities of the Moodle distance learning platform
  • Lesson 38. Product distribution system in marketing. Assessment of product competitiveness
  • Lesson 39. Marketing communications in the education system
  • Lesson 40. Marketing management in an educational institution
  • Lesson 41. New opportunities of information technologies in the development of ICT competencies of teachers and students. Application in inclusive education
  • Lesson 42. Paid educational services in the context of the implementation of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”
  • Lesson 43. Individual educational route of a teacher as a system of continuous pedagogical education in accordance with the professional standard of a teacher
  • Lesson 44. Introduction of information and communication technologies into the education of schoolchildren in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Lesson 45. Management of ICT competencies of teachers and students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education
  • Lesson 46. Technologies for accompanying children during the transition to new learning conditions
  • Lesson 47. Specifics of interaction management in the changing living conditions of family and school
  • Lesson 48. System-activity and competency-based approaches as a methodological basis for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO
  • Lesson 49. Methodological recommendations and practical experience in developing interaction between family and school
  • Lesson 50. Education in the pedagogical process
  • Lesson 51. Procedure for certification of teaching staff. Establishment of qualification category
  • Lesson 52. The system of scientific and methodological work of educational institutions as a condition for the professional and personal development of a teacher
  • Lesson 53. Basic educational program of basic general education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard LLC
  • Lesson 54. Innovative educational project in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Lesson 55. Professional competence of a modern head of an educational organization
  • Lesson 56. Psychological and pedagogical support for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards LLC: work with the teaching staff on the prevention of “emotional burnout”
  • Lesson 57. Using modern educational technologies when designing a lesson aimed at implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Education
  • Lesson 58. Technologies of activity-based pedagogy in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education
  • Lesson 59. Application of cooperation technology in the classroom as a way to implement the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO
  • Lesson 60. New aspects of planning educational work in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Lesson 61. Development of a development program for an educational organization: stages, structure, monitoring of educational activities
  • Lesson 62. New procedure for certification of teaching staff. Comments and clarifications to the order of April 7, 2014 No. 276 and regulations
  • Lesson 63. Certification of teachers: new rules. What changes have been made to the certification procedure?
  • Lesson 64. Organization of monitoring in public organizations in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Lesson 65. Organization of intra-school control in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Lesson 66. Types and directions of pedagogical monitoring
  • Lesson 67. Legal regulation of education quality management in the Russian Federation
  • Lesson 68. Regulatory support for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards LLC: “Regulations on the assessment system, forms and procedure for conducting intermediate certification of students”
  • Lesson 69. Systematic approach to assessing the quality of education: expert map on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard; educational organization rating card
  • Lesson 70. Quality control of education: internal and external assessment
  • Lesson 71. Monitoring in the education quality system
  • Lesson 72. Accompanying gifted preschoolers in the educational space of preschool educational institutions
  • Lesson 73. Managing the process of psychological and pedagogical support for working with gifted children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Lesson 74. Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education: accompanying a preschool child within the framework of his individual trajectory
  • Lesson 75. Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education: the basics of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a preschooler
  • Lesson 76. Organization of educational and research activities of students in the context of Federal State Educational Standards LLC
  • Lesson 77. Designing an individual educational route for a student in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Lesson 78. Formation of cognitive activity of schoolchildren in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the classroom and outside of school hours
  • Lesson 79. Features of preparing students to carry out educational, research and design work for participation in all-Russian and international competitions
  • Lesson 80. Organization of monitoring in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education
  • Lesson 81. Pedagogical diagnostics and monitoring: organizational features
  • Lesson 82. Monitoring the speech development of preschool children 2–7 years old using the software and diagnostic complex “SONATA-DO”
  • Lesson 83. Monitoring the personal achievements of preschool children 3–7 years old using the software and diagnostic complex “SONATA-DO”
  • Lesson 84. Monitoring, diagnostics and evaluation of professional activities of a modern teacher
  • Lesson 85. Monitoring in the education quality system
  • Lesson 86. Monitoring the formation of personal and meta-subject universal educational actions using software and diagnostic complexes “SONATA-DO”
  • Lesson 87. Monitoring universal educational activities in primary and secondary schools using the “SONATA-DO” software environment
  • Lesson 88. Projective methods for diagnosing mental states of middle and high school students
  • Lesson 89. Rating assessment as a means and method of improving the quality of educational activities of students
  • Lesson 90. Diagnostics of primary schoolchildren’s achievement of the planned results of educational educational activities in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Non-Educational Education
  • Lesson 91. Diagnostic work in an educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Diagnosis of emotional and personal characteristics of children
  • Lesson 92. Introduction of a rating system for assessing the educational activities of students
  • Lesson 93. Organization and conduct of internal control of an educational organization in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Requirements for students


To enroll in professional retraining programs (SPP(F)) / advanced training programs (STK(F)), students must provide:

A prerequisite for issuing the original document to a student about additional professional education received in our organization is that his personal file is fully complete with the necessary documents.

* Please note that for certain categories of education workers, Professional Standards and the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Education Workers” (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n) require special qualification requirements. .

Requirements for registration of documents for enrollment

Documents on foreign education and/or foreign qualifications recognized in the Russian Federation must be legalized and translated into Russian in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Reviews (68)

Thank you very much for the quality training. The training information is presented very clearly. I am a new person in this field, but I think that I have learned the material well to begin with. listening to the lectures was very interesting. I will definitely take training from you again.

Thank you for distance learning!
I chose this because it is cost-effective, you don’t have to spend money on travel, accommodation, it’s convenient. You can undergo full-fledged training in your usual environment (at home or at work), without interrupting your current affairs.
Distance learning combines the possibilities of conventional learning and the convenience of Internet technologies, which eliminate the need to take notes on lectures, provide the opportunity to ask questions and discuss interesting problems with participants and the presenter, gain access to all educational materials, and save correspondence. I will recommend your sai to everyone.

Dear Uchmet employees! What a wonderful opportunity to improve your skills, take retraining courses, etc. without leaving home! You study in your free time. The material can be copied and used in your future work. The course material is voluminous and informative! Uchmag is my lifesaver in my professional activities. Prosperity and success to you!!!

Thanks to the UchMet portal and the Uchitel publishing house for the opportunity to study at home. Very convenient offline form. I liked the choice of different forms of providing educational materials, I used all of them, and, if necessary, additionally read in other sources. The materials are interesting. Thanks again.

I liked that the course was capacious, the issue was large-scale, but at the same time we managed to touch on all the topics. I consider an important advantage of this training to be the absence of the need to travel somewhere and the opportunity to study at a pace that suits me. I liked how informative the material was.

Very rich and informative material for each lesson. Presentations can be used in teaching activities when organizing pedagogical councils and meetings of school methodological associations. Thank you!

I really liked the words from the lecture on management “Life is long and who knows where we will find ourselves tomorrow...” Wherever we find ourselves today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, a leader working in an educational institution must be modern, literate, able to think - something new, to work creatively, to lead a team of like-minded people, so that children would be happy to run to kindergarten, where parents would be happy with the work, where teachers would work well, that is. to be competitive Therefore, a manager must promptly improve his professional level and be not only a teacher, but also a good manager (manager), so that he can plan, make the right decisions, and manage the team. Your lectures are excellent, easy to understand, a lot of new, additional material that helps when passing tests. Good luck to you in your future work, optimism, prosperity. Thanks a lot!

Thanks to the UchMet portal and the Uchitel publishing house for the opportunity to study at home. It’s very good that there is an “offline” form. With a high workload at work, I was able to choose the time for retraining. The deadlines were realistic and allowed me to calmly work through the sections of the course. I liked the choice of different forms of providing educational materials, I used all of them, and, if necessary, additionally read in other sources. Interesting materials, especially on conflict management and quality management, are needed for work. Thank you again. I am planning advanced training courses as a subject teacher.

A wonderful portal that helps people develop in the shortest possible time for a reasonable fee. For any questions, you can contact the support service, which does an excellent job. Thank you for the opportunity to improve your skills and self-esteem!

I really like this portal. A convenient form of training allows you to independently plan your time for training, which allows you to develop professionally without interrupting your work. What I like about this course is the presentation of the material, simple and clear explanations.

Dear organizers of the “Management” course, thank you for the course!
I liked the content of the course, everything that a manager needs to know. Although I knew a lot from my line of work, this did not stop me from studying it again and learning some new things for myself. Video lessons are very successful, sometimes you don’t have the opportunity to read - you listen and do other work in parallel. Thanks to the organizers for their leniency regarding the payment and timing of my training. It so happened that during this period I planned to change jobs, and I had to spend a lot of time at work preparing and transferring my affairs before leaving for a new job. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pay for the courses according to my financial capabilities. This is definitely a plus when you meet a student. Of course, we can’t relax too much either :-) we must meet deadlines, but we also need to put ourselves in the position of a student. Thank you so much for this!!!
What I would like to offer:
1. Open tests for each topic after completing its training (or after paying for the next stage). It is very inconvenient to perform a large number of tests at the end of training. And knowledge is a little forgotten.
2. If possible, remove backgrounds from presentations. Very often you print out educational material so as not to read from the screen and perhaps make notes on the printout, but the presentations are large - it’s a pity for the printer’s cartridge, since a lot of ink is spent on the background image of the slides and the printing speed becomes longer (the printer tries to load very “heavy” ones). graphic documents in memory).
3. It would be a good idea to ask some online problematic question (at least one) at the end of each topic, so that the listener answers the problematic question in his own words.
This is probably all of the main proposals for organizing training.
Thank you!

Thank you for the opportunity to improve your skills and learn a lot of new things in a convenient (remote) format. Reasonable prices, interesting methodological and didactic materials. Sincerely, Lakhman Vladimir Mikhailovich.

Home > Lectures


Rector of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education NSPU

HELL. Gerasev

"_____"_________ 2011


"Management in Education"

Novosibirsk, 2011

Target: Listener category: Training period Lesson mode

Name of disciplines


Forms of control

Lectures Off-site classes, internships, business games, etc. Individual work (distance learning mode)
Special disciplines.
Specialization disciplines
Final state certification

Final qualifying work


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher professional education "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers


Rector of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education NSPU

HELL. Gerasev

"_____"_________ 2010


Professional retraining programs

"Management in Education"

Novosibirsk 2011

Target: development of professional competence of students in the field of modern management in education. Listener category: The program is designed for heads and deputy heads of institutions of preschool, general, and additional education for children who do not have a higher management education. Training period: the total complexity of the program is 502 hours over 1 year. Lesson mode: classes are conducted partially away from work, using distance learning technologies (classroom classes are supplemented by individual work of varying levels of complexity).

Name of disciplines and topics


Forms of control

Lectures Off-site classes, internships, business games, etc. Individual work (distance learning mode)
General professional disciplines
Educational Marketing

Sociology and psychology of management

Business conversation


Special disciplines

Educational systems management

Innovation management in an educational institution

Documentation support for management



Final state


Final qualifying work

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher professional education "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers


Professional retraining programs

"Management in Education"

Novosibirsk, 2011

    Explanatory note

Target: development of professional competence of students in the field of modern management in education. The content of the program reflects not only the fundamental, classical achievements of management theory and practice, but also the changes taking place in modern education. Each module contains new approaches to the issues under consideration. Listener category: The program is designed for heads and deputy heads of institutions of preschool, general, and additional education for children who do not have a higher management education. Training period: the total complexity of the program is 502 hours over 1 year. Lesson mode: classes are conducted partially away from work, using distance learning technologies (classroom classes are supplemented by individual work of varying levels of complexity).


Regulatory and legal framework for managing educational institutions

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, other laws, the content of which affects the activities of educational institutions. Child's rights. Convention on the Rights of the Child. International legal norms in the field of education. Legal basis for the activities of educators. Structure of regulations on education. Legal status of the educational institution. Features of the application of labor legislation in the education system. Legal protection of subjects of the educational process.

Educational Management

Development of management science, evolution of management thought; methodological foundations of management in education; management infrastructure; the nature and composition of management functions; strategic and tactical planning in the management system; organizational relations in the management system; forms of organization; motivation of activity; regulation and control in the management system; modeling and development of solutions; group dynamics and leadership; person management and group management; leadership: power and partnership; style and image of the manager; conflict; factors of management effectiveness. Educational Marketing The essence of educational marketing. Modern marketing concept; comprehensive research of the educational services market; methodological foundations of market research, market segmentation; the role of marketing activities in the process of developing and creating a service of market novelty; organization of marketing service activities in education. Sociology and psychology of management Management as a social phenomenon; object and subject of sociology and psychology of management; modern trends and principles of management of educational organizations; personality and small groups in an organization; relations in an educational organization are the subject of the leader’s work; organizational culture as a socio-psychological problem; conflictology, the role of conflict in management; social roles of the head of the organization; manifestation of individual personality characteristics in behavior, activity and communication; motivation of individual behavior in an organization; psychodiagnostics of entrepreneurial and organizational abilities; social and psychological foundations of management decision making; social responsibility of an education manager. Business conversation Business communication as a means of implementing managerial functions of a manager. Verbal and non-verbal means, as well as barriers to communication; business conversation as a form of business communication, criteria for the effectiveness of the conversation; functions of the meeting, its features as a form of business communication; tasks of the leader in conducting the meeting; structure and participants of the meeting, their main characteristics. The goals of the leader at the meeting and the means to achieve them; criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the meeting; public speaking as a form of business communication; structure of the speech and criteria for assessing its effectiveness. Accounting Accounting for material assets. Payroll accounting. Revenue part of the budget; expenses; balance; modern accounting methods; deposits; analysis of economic activities of economic units; tax system.


Philosophy and development of education The social nature of education, its epistemological concrete historical nature; continuity of upbringing and education; systemic and functional approaches to education, ontology of education; the social and activity essence of the individual and its relationship with the outside world; philosophical aspects of goal setting in education; phenomenology of education; main contradictions and patterns of development of education; modern theories and concepts of educational development; developmental education; ideas of humanization of education; student-centered education; modern concepts of educating the younger generation; features of the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​of the individual in modern socio-economic realities of society development. Design of educational systems. Educational technology Concept of system; types and functions of educational systems; federal, regional and municipal educational systems and their features; assessment and planning of education quality; methods for assessing and designing the conditions for the functioning and development of the educational system: organizational, personnel, material and technical, financial, legal, etc.; assessment of the effectiveness of educational systems management; assessment of the quality of organization, planning, control and management of personnel in educational institutions; control system design methods; checking and assessing the effectiveness of management systems and the quality of implementation of individual management functions. Modern educational technologies. Management of educational systems. Regional and municipal educational system as an object of management; systemic, process and situational approaches to management; management of the functioning and development of educational systems in the region; management functions; effectiveness of educational system management; educational authorities in the region; control in education management; methods of monitoring educational, financial and economic activities and execution of decisions; monitoring the quality of education in the region and municipal district; organizational structures for managing the development of education in the region and municipal district; building a regional system for state certification, accreditation and licensing of educational institutions; planning and examination of the effectiveness of introducing innovations in regional (municipal) education; features of the construction of municipal and regional systems of additional education for schoolchildren; specifics of educational systems for children with disabilities; correctional pedagogy and special psychology in the education system; development of regional systems for child care and protection, prevention of social orphanhood; the origin and development of scientific approaches to the management of educational institutions; organizational structures for managing the development of educational institutions, the innovation process and its stages; assessment and selection of innovations, planning of testing and development of innovations, assessment of the results of the innovation process; motivation of personnel when implementing innovations; overcoming resistance to change; systemic management of the development of an educational institution. Personnel management in an educational institution Human resource management tasks; bodies and structure of personnel management services in municipal and regional education systems; personnel, information, technical and legal support for the personnel management system; analysis and planning for the development of human resources potential of educational systems; moving in the education system, working with reserves, planning a business career; methods of selection and career guidance of teaching staff; system of work with young specialists; professional and organizational adaptation of personnel; training, retraining and advanced training of management and teaching staff in the regional and municipal education systems; assessing the effectiveness of personnel management systems in education. Organization of financial and economic activities in education Fundamentals of organizing economic activity in education; techniques and methods of management, forms and structures of organizing economic activity; estimated financing and budgetary regulation of expenses; estimates of income and expenses of education systems; extra-budgetary funds for financing education; fundamentals of entrepreneurship in education; organization of labor and wages in education: basic principles, models, mechanisms; unified tariff schedule; categorical payment system; systems of material incentives and principles of their construction. Innovation management in educational institutions Basic strategies for innovative development; resistance to innovations and ways to eliminate them; management of experimental work in an educational institution; new educational paradigms, innovative technologies; new approaches to educating the younger generation; documents regulating innovative processes in education. Documentation support for management Contents, meaning of office work; documentation and secretarial services; main types of documents: official letters, telegrams and telephone messages, certificates, acts, notes, orders and extracts from them, protocols and extracts from them, other types; organization of document flow, work with documents; office management software; business correspondence. Information technologies in educational activities Purpose and areas of application of ICT in education and management of educational systems; design of education management information systems; computer monitoring of education quality; computer bank of innovations; new information technologies for developing management decisions; information technologies for regulatory and legal support of the work of educational institutions; distance learning of personnel in education; software and methodological support for information technologies.


By listener's choice

The program is implemented in the form of lectures, seminars, as well as practical classes for managers at various levels in educational institutions of the city and region. It is expected that students will organize independent work (study and analysis of regulatory documents, pedagogical and management documentation, scientific publications, etc.). During the implementation of the program, the use of distance consulting, case technologies for individual requests of students, interactive forms of training organization: role-playing and simulation games, various types of discussions, projects, critical thinking technologies, essays, reflection, self-control, etc. are provided. Consultations are organized during the program on individual requests, current problems of managing a modern educational institution with the involvement of the teaching staff of the department and university, as well as leading specialists of the regional education system. Resource center computers with Internet access, didactic materials on electronic media, etc. are used as teaching tools.

    Test tasks

Current control. During the implementation of the program, students complete practical assignments, solve cases on current problems of management practice, take test papers, forming a creative portfolio. The presence of a completed creative portfolio based on the results of training is a condition for admission to the final qualifying work.

5. Requirements for final state certification

The final state certification of an education manager involves the preparation and defense of a final qualifying thesis. The final certification tests are aimed at determining the practical and theoretical preparedness of a specialist to perform professional tasks established by the program. The thesis is preliminarily reviewed by experts on this issue. The educational qualification certificate of the educational manager is educational and qualifying. Its content and topics must correspond to the level of knowledge acquired by the student in the scope of special disciplines. The work can be done individually or as part of a creative group. VKR should be a logical and complete solution, ready for use in the field of educational management. The procedure for conducting the defense of high-tech research is determined by methodological recommendations. During the defense of the thesis, test papers in all disciplines may be presented for review by the certification commission for the most complete assessment of the certified student. As evidence of qualifications, the student may be asked to explain any of the work presented to the committee.


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    Tretyakov P.I. Technology of modular teaching at school: practice-oriented monograph. – M., 1997.

    Tretyakov P.I. Managing a school based on results. New school. – M., 1998.

    Department of preschool education - No. 6. 2002., No. 3. 2002. Education Quality Management/Ed. M. M. Potashnik. M., 2000. Quality management: Textbook for universities / Ed. S.D. Ilyenkova. - M., 2003. Efficiency and quality management. Modular program /Trans. from English Ed. I. Prokopenko, K. Norta. - M., 2001. Ushinsky K.D. On the moral element in Russian education. – St. Petersburg. 1894. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Innovation management. - St. Petersburg, 2004. Fedorova L.A. Regulatory documents on inspection and legal support of preschool educational institutions. - M., 2005. Fomichev A.N. Administrative management: Textbook. - M, 2003. Khargadon E. Innovation Management. Experience of leading companies. M., 2007. Kharlamov I. F. Moral education of schoolchildren: A manual for class teachers. - M.: Education, 1983. Chepikova L.V. On continuity in the education of moral culture among children of senior preschool and primary school age / L.V. Chepikova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2007. - No. 8. Shadrikov V.D. Development and education of spirituality. // School of spirituality. - 1997. No. 1. - P. 21. Shatalov A.A., Afanasyev V.V. and others. Monitoring and diagnostics of the quality of education. M., 2008.

    Sheppel V.M. Human competence of a manager. – M., 1999.

    Shchurkova N.E. Classroom management: theory, methodology, technology. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.

Regulatory support of the program

    GOST R ISO 9000:2001. Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary. – M., 2001. GOST R ISO 9001:2001. Quality management systems. Requirements. – M., 2001.
  1. GOST R ISO 9004:2001. Quality management systems. Recommendations for improving activities. – M., 2001.

    Budget Code of the Russian Federation. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Regulatory, administrative, and instructional documents governing issues of general education (legal framework “Consultant-Plus”).

Internet resources

    “Russian Education” - Federal portal. Novosibirsk Open Educational Network (links to sections “To the Director”, “Education Management Bodies”. Novosibirsk information and educational website. /met_rus/podpiska_rukovoditel.htm Magazine "Directory of the Head of an Educational Institution". http:// www. director. ru magazine "School Director", "Legal Journal of the School Director". /OP/index.html monthly newspaper “Education and Law”.
Program developers:_________________k. Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Zhafyarova M.N., __________________Ph. ped. Sc., associate professor Selina T.M., __________________k. ped. Sc., associate professor Zhuravleva N.N., __________________ k. ped. Sc., Associate Professor Potsukova T.A.

You need professional retraining if:

  • You have a higher education and are striving to build a career in management;
  • You are already a manager and want to master current management technologies, acquire skills in solving management problems, and discuss your professional experience with colleagues.

The professional retraining program is built in accordance with the requirements of the Federal educational standard "Organization Management" and will give you the opportunity to:

  • master the “working” tools of a professional manager;
  • improve in practice the skills of making management decisions, setting goals, control, timely and competent adjustments to the actions of your team;
  • receive recommendations from practicing teachers who will generously share with you their experience in solving management problems;
  • Confirm your level of professionalism with a diploma of professional retraining!

Course program

Ask your manager for a detailed program for each section.

  • Economics of organization (36 academic hours).
  • Management strategy: from the choice of methodology to practical application (24 academic hours).
  • Practical management (36 academic hours).
  • Modeling business processes in a company: the procedure for description and implementation (36 academic hours).
  • HR tools in the work of a manager (24 academic hours).
  • Documentation support for management (12 academic hours).
  • Contractual practice: basic business contracts (12 academic hours).
  • Management accounting and budgeting (72 academic hours).
  • Tax optimization. Risk reduction methods (24 academic hours).
  • Accounting (financial) reporting (12 academic hours).
  • Financial analysis (72 academic hours).
  • Project management (36 academic hours).
  • Management by objectives: 10 steps to business success (12 academic hours).
  • Formation of a management team: how to learn to achieve real results (12 academic hours).
  • Methods of making effective management decisions (12 academic hours).
  • Mind maps as a method for solving business problems (12 academic hours).
  • Cost management (24 academic hours).
  • Anti-crisis management (72 academic hours).
  • Managing change in an organization: when changes are necessary and how to overcome resistance to change (36 academic hours).
  • Preparation and defense of the final work (24 academic hours).

Classes are taught by practical teachers with experience in various areas of business, business consultants, and coaches.

Educational materials: manuals specially developed for students of the program, including sample documents, as well as practical cases (models of work situations), solutions for which are discussed in class.

Distance course program

« »

Goal and tasks additional professional educational program for advanced training "Management in education or educational management ».

Target: familiarization of specialists with higher pedagogical education with the basic concepts and directions of educational management, with its typical tasks and approaches to solving them.


- understanding the essence of educational management and its place in the organization’s management system;

Studying the main directions of educational management and their features;

Determination of educational management tasks and methods for solving them.

Specialists of the education system with primary vocational, secondary specialized or higher education.

Predicted results:

Knowledge of the basic concepts, methods and tools of the theory of modeling organizations;

Knowledge of basic information technologies in the field of educational management;

Ability to simulate the educational process;

Possession of quantitative and qualitative analysis skills for making management decisions;

Proficiency in information technologies for forecasting and management of education;

Knowledge of active methods of teaching management disciplines.

As a result of studying the course, students shouldhave an idea:

- Oplaceeducational management in the organization's management system;

On the problems of educational management as specific management problems;

ABOUTfield of activity of an educational manager;

- about the main approaches to organizing management;

- Omethodologies and standards in the field of management.


The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, as well as other legislative and regulatory acts;

Fundamentals of Russian administrative, civil and labor law, the procedure for resolving civil and labor disputes;

Legal norms for putting forward legislative initiatives in the field of education;

- basic problem solving methodseducational management;

- main goals and objectives of educational management planning;

Main types of organizational structures of educational management.

be able to:

Draw up educational, methodological and regulatory documents, regulating the activities of educational systems;

Use information technologies used in the management of educational systems;

Organize the record keeping of education authorities;

- perform an analysis of the state of existing educationalthsystems;

- draw up a calendar plan for the creation/development of educational management and organize the process of its implementation;

- carry out an assessment of the economic efficiency of educational management.

Course abstract

Educational management is a new branch of knowledge that has emerged at the intersection of various areas of management.

To successfully master the material in the discipline “Management in Education or Educational Management,” students must attend such special disciplines as: “Management in Education", "Educational Marketing", " The essence and basic principles of management of educational systems",« Methods of managing educational institutions", " Fundamentals of personnel management", " Office work in the personnel service", "Information technologies in educational activities».

The program of the discipline “Educational Management or Management in Education” provides for online lectures, as well as students completing self-study tasks as part of independent work, as well as preparing for practical classes, completing tests and tests.

Lecture classes

Lectures are held for 21 hours. When conducting lectures on issues related to the consideration of both theoretical issues of studying the discipline and practical methods of work, special equipment (personal computer and the Internet) can be used.

Practical lessons

Practical classes are conducted for 21 hours. When conducting practical classes, students need free access to the global Internet to complete a number of individual tasks.

Independent work

Independent work (16 hours, of which: 2 hours for each module, 2 hours for writing the final work) involves preparing students for lectures and practical classes, based on lecture materials and literature and Internet sources recommended by the program, as well as others information sources, consolidation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, preparation for passing tests to master the material covered.

Independent work is also a complement to the lecture course and practical work; it will allow you to expand and deepen your knowledge through independent study of individual topics and questions.

Current, intermediate and final control:

Current, intermediate and final control (28 hours) are carried out using organizational forms and quantitative indicators of control assigned to this discipline in accordance with the current system for assessing student performance.

The study of the module ends with a test or a differentiated test, which includes testing the students’ theoretical knowledge and acquired practical work skills. A prerequisite for students to receive credit is to complete all practical work and have the required number of points for current control.

The curriculum is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard.

Main content of the program

Module 1.

Topic 1. Methodological foundations of management in education:
Development of management science, evolution of management thought;

Management infrastructure;

Sociofactors and ethics of management in education;

The nature and composition of management functions.

Topic 2. Strategic and tactical planning in the management system:

Organizational relations in the management system, forms of organization;

Motivation for activity.

Topic 3. Regulation and control in the management system:

Modeling situations and developing solutions;

Group dynamics and leadership, human management and group management; -Leadership: power and partnership;

Manager's style and image;


Factors of management effectiveness.

Module 2. Educational Marketing:

Topic 1. Essence educational marketing:

- Essence

Prefeducational marketing links.

Topic 2. Modern new marketing concept:

Service (product) in Marchcatering activities;

Comprehensive researchdevelopment of the educational services market;

Methodicallybasics of market research;

Market opportunity assessment;

Formirovaservice selection policy and market strategygii;

The role of marketing activities in the process of developing and creating a service of market novelty;

- Development of pricing policy, promotionmeadows, sales and service in marketing activitiessti, demand formation and stimulationsales

Topic 3. Organization of marketing activities services in education :

- Specifics of educational services;

- What is the school’s marketing service;

- Functions of the school's marketing service.

Module 3.

Topic 1. Functional management development and development of educational systems :

- Educationalsystem as an object of control;

Systemic, proprocess and situational approaches to management;

- Management concept.Control system. Control functionsnia;

Contents of education management functionstelny systems;

Management efficiencyeducational system;

- Planning the functioning of the educatornal systems;

Basic organizational structureseducation management systems;

Educational authoritiesniem;

Control in image managementvaniyam.

Topic 2. Monitoring quality of education :

Organizational structures for managing the development of education in the region and municipalitynom district;

Building a regional systemimplementation of state certification, aclending and licensing of educationalinstitutions;

Planning and examination of the effectiveness of introducing innovations in education;

The effectiveness of management innovations.

Topic 3. Targeted comprehensive development program as a tool for managing educational systems:

- Functions of targeted comprehensive programs;

Types of targeted comprehensive programs;

Mechanism for the development and implementation of targeted comprehensive programs.

Module 4.

Topic 1. Methodological foundations for managing educational institutions:

The origin and development of scientific approaches to the management of educational institutions;

Control functions. Control system. Efficiency of management of an educational institution;

Educational institution as an object of management. Types and types of educational institutions;

Planning the functioning and development of an educational institution;

Organization of management of the functioning and development of educational institutions;

Motivation of organizational behavior;

Methods of stimulating labor activity of personnel in educational institutions;

Assessing the effectiveness of teaching staff.

Topic 2. Control in the management of an educational institution:

- Methods of monitoring the educational, financial and economic activities of educational institutions and the implementation of decisions;

Basic strategies for the development of educational institutions;

Organizational structures for managing the development of educational institutions.

Topic 3. Innovation process and its stages:

Evaluation and selection of innovations, planning, testing and development of innovations, evaluation of the results of the innovation process;

Motivation of personnel when implementing innovations;

Systematic management of the development of an educational institution;

Target development program as a management tool.

Module 5.

Topic 1. Methodological centers and personnel departments in the education management system and their functions:

Tasks of personnel management in education. Bodies and structure of personnel management services in municipal and regional education systems. Personnel, information technology and legal support for the personnel management system. Functional division of labor in education. Analysis and planning for the development of human resources potential of educational systems. Movements in the education system, working with reserves, planning a business career. Methods of selection and career guidance of teaching staff. System of working with young specialists. Professional and organizational adaptation of personnel.Topic 2. Certification of teaching and management personnel in education.

Training, retraining and advanced training of management and teaching staff in education systems. Training in new technologies. Motivation of behavior in the process of work. Labor incentive systems for teaching and management personnel. Conflicts in the workforce: methods of preventing and resolving conflicts.

Topic 3. Assessing the effectiveness of personnel management systems in education:

- Methodsassessmentsefficiencysystemsmanagementstaff;


Performance indicatorspersonnel management systems in education.

Module 6.

Topic 1. State standards for documentation: document, forms, classification and unification, details, requirements for forms, forms:

Contents, meaning of office work;

Documentation and secretarial services.

Topic 2. Main types of documents: official letters, telegrams and telephone messages, certificates, acts, notes, orders and extracts from them, protocols and extracts from them, other types:

Organization of document flow, work with documents;

Cases: nomenclature of cases, formation of cases;

Tools for composing text documents, means of copying and online reproduction, means of storing and retrieving documents, means of transmitting information, using a PC in office work, office work software.

Topic 3. Business correspondence:

- General requirements for business correspondence;

Basic requirements for the text of the letter;

Types of business letters;

Features of a business letter.

Module 7.

Topic 1. Design of educational management information systems:

Purpose and areas of application of computers in education and management of educational systems;

Computer monitoring of education quality;

Computer bank of innovations.

Topic 2. New information technologies for developing management decisions:

Information technologies for regulatory and legal support of the work of educational institutions.

Topic 3. Distance learning of personnel in education:

Software and methodological support for information technologies.

Scope of the program 72 hours

The amount of hours

Lecture part

Independent work

Practical work








Name of sections, modules,


Total hours

Of them



independent work

practical work

number of hours



Module 1. Educational management:







Topic 1. Methodological foundations of management in education;



Topic 2. Strategic and tactical planning in the management system;



Topic 3. Regulation and control in the management system.



Final testing


Module 2. Educational Marketing:






Diff. test

Topic 1. Essenceeducational marketing;



Topic 2. From the time ofnew marketing concept;



Topic 3. Organization of marketing activitiesservices in education.



Final testing


Module 3. The essence and basic principles of managing educational systems:








Topic 1. Management is functioningdevelopment and development of educational systems;



Topic 2. Monitoringquality of education;



Topic 3. Targeted comprehensive development program as a tool for managing educational systems.



Final testing


Module 4. Methods of managing educational institutions:







Topic 1. Methodological foundations for managing educational institutions;



Topic 2. Control in the management of an educational institution;



Topic 3. Innovation process and its stages.



Final testing


Module 5. Fundamentals of HR Management:








Topic 1. Methodological centers and personnel departments in the education management system and their functions;



Topic 2. Certification of teaching and management personnel in education;



Topic 3. Grade

system efficiency

personnel management in

education system.



Final testing


Module 6. Office work in the HR department:







Topic 1. State standards for documentation: document, forms, classification and unification, details, requirements for forms, forms;



Topic 2. Main types of documents: official letters, telegrams and telephone messages, certificates, acts, notes, orders and extracts from them, protocols and extracts from them, other types;



Topic 3. Business correspondence.



Final testing


Module 7. Information technologies in educational activities:








Topic 1. Design of educational management information systems;



Topic 2. New information technologies for developing management decisions;



Topic 3. Distance learning of personnel in education.



Final testing


Final practical work or testing









Requirements for equipping a student’s workplace

(if programs that require additional PC equipment will be used)



operating room


Windows 7 and above

Access to


Mozilla Firefox browser, Internet access

Slide editor

Computer and


Intel Pentium(or similar AMDAthlon) or higher



2 GB


120 GB



Printer, scanner

As assignments arrive (if required)

Means of communication

Skype, email