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A unique affiliate program of the “Big Bird” service with a double reward system. The "Big Bird" system organizes effective online accounting for trade and warehouses Big Bird cloud accounting system

Beginning entrepreneurs are faced with a huge number of tasks, worries and daily responsibilities. Take accounting and tax accounting, for example - almost every company, even a small one, has its own accountant on staff. This is really advisable because the work of maintaining and preparing financial statements requires special knowledge and is very labor-intensive. If an entrepreneur, especially a beginner, decides to do his own accounting, he will have practically no time left for all other tasks.

As part of the reviews on the site, we have already talked about a number of resources that are designed to help entrepreneurs run a business by taking on a number of tasks: you can get acquainted with them in the section. Today we want to talk about another very useful service in this area, which has received many positive reviews on the Internet.

"Big Bird" is an online accounting system for business. The specificity of the service is that it does not affect such type of activity as accounting, but is entirely focused on helping executives and managers in their daily work and decision-making:

  • Warehouse accounting
  • Financial flow management
  • Control of mutual settlements

Who is “Big Bird” suitable for?

The service is aimed at small companies operating in the field of trade or services. The service is not suitable for large organizations with complex business processes, supermarkets, etc., because it has limited functionality. However, this is not a minus!

In its niche, “Big Bird” does an excellent job; its developers initially abandoned redundant functionality in order to please everyone. 90% of small companies need only the most necessary set of functions for management accounting, a simple and convenient interface that would make it easy to work with the system. Why does a person need a Swiss knife with a nail file, wire cutters, a screwdriver, a flashlight and a bunch of other bells and whistles if he just needs to cut off a piece of bread?) This is the approach of the developers to the interface and functionality of their brainchild.

Online accounting system from the inside

The developers of Big Bird are proud of the rich interface of their service. You can’t immediately tell by its appearance that you are working not with special software, but with an online service.

The interface, as already mentioned, is simple and intuitive. You understand the logic of working with system elements immediately, and it does not cause “rejection”, as happens with many highly specialized programs. For example, to move a product or position from one category to another, you just need to “grab” it with the mouse and simply drag it to the desired location (the “Drag-and-Drop” principle).

“In both the interior architecture and the design elements, a lot of the little details, we put a lot of effort into getting it right and doing it well. We've created a tool that lets you do what you need without getting in your way.", say the developers of Big Bird.

Service functionality

As you know, a good interface is not enough if the product does not fulfill its intended task. What kind of business organization work can you safely entrust to the system? So, the online service “Big Bird” allows you to:

  • Store information about products, partners and other accounting objects in convenient directories
  • Manage product purchases
  • Place customer orders and monitor the progress of orders
  • Conduct wholesale sales, ship goods, monitor the status of mutual settlements with customers
  • Organize the retail sales process at several retail outlets using the seller interface
  • Register warehouse operations for the movement, write-off and receipt of goods, conduct inventory of the warehouse
  • Use a scanner, as well as special printers to print receipts and labels
  • Account for cash in the cash registers and bank accounts of the organization
  • Generate various analytical reports: on sales and balances of goods, on the status of mutual settlements with partners, on the movement of money through cash registers and banks, and many others


There is both a free tariff plan (“Hummingbird”) and a paid “Albatross” with a cost of 590 rubles/month. The differences between them are clearly visible from this table:

It should be noted that a free tariff plan is perfect for a small company, within which you can organize accounting for one company and warehouse and maintain information about one hundred partners and a thousand products. Well, for a company with higher business activity, you will need to switch to the Albatross tariff.

Bottom line

The Big Bird service is an affordable and high-quality tool for maintaining warehouse, financial and operational accounting. If you are an individual entrepreneur or the owner of a small company, then the service will save you a lot of time by taking on many routine operations. This will save your time and allow you to spend it on developing your business!

Main features:

  • Wholesale sales: working with orders and reserves, processing the sale of goods, issuing invoices for payment, accounting for mutual settlements with partners;
  • Retail trade: issuing sales receipts and returns, printing price tags, labels, connecting a barcode scanner;
  • Warehouse accounting: reserves, balances, movement of goods and batches;
  • Procurement management;
  • Creating, printing and sending by e-mail all documents necessary for accounting;
  • Integration with online stores.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Mobility and accessibility;
  • Availability of a free tariff “Hummingbird”;
  • Accounting for several companies;
  • Flexible configuration of access rights;
  • Safety and reliability;
  • Rich interface.

    Not detected.


Elba is a convenient web service for individual entrepreneurs, as well as small LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII and patent. Allows you to submit all reports via the Internet, calculate taxes and reduce them, speed up work with documents. In addition, in Elba you can organize cloud storage of documents, as well as pay fines.

Finguru is a well-thought-out service for online accounting and an outsourcing accountant who will not only keep records, but also submit all reports to the appropriate authorities in a timely manner. It has a set of useful functions, including an archive of primary documents with a convenient filter, integration with the bank, and the ability to check counterparties.

My business is online accounting for small businesses and freelancers. The program's capabilities are quite extensive and allow you to print and issue invoices, control payments and account balances, certificates of completed work, and reports for the tax service. All data is encrypted during storage and during transmission. The program contains an online consultation with an accountant and a tax calendar.

Installation principles

  • Registration in the service;

    Demo version;

    Menu "Warehouse";

    List of warehouses;

    Goods movement report;

    Warehouse balances;

    Cash flow report;

    Banking report;

    Movement of goods according to orders;

    “Total Sales” report;

Big Bird is a service created to make life easier for small organizations and entrepreneurs. It has a set of functions for convenient accounting and a rich interface that resembles desktop programs.

“Big Bird” is developed in accordance with the principle “It’s better to do one thing, but do it very well.” The main task that the system solves is maintaining operational records. At the same time, the service developers are guided by the typical interests of small businesses and are very careful in selecting functionality before adding it to the application. As a result, users receive a simple product. Therefore, Big Bird has a low barrier to entry, and companies do not need to spend time training their employees so that they can start working productively in the system.

Service capabilities

In “Big Bird” you can:

  • register the receipt and sale of goods;
  • manage orders;
  • monitor the availability of goods in the warehouse;
  • exchange data with online stores;
  • take into account cash flow;
  • control mutual settlements with partners;
  • create and print the necessary documents;
  • generate and analyze reports.

Now in more detail.

For wholesale sales

You can work with orders and reserves, issue an invoice for payment, register sales of goods, provision of services and returns from the buyer, and keep records of mutual settlements with partners.

For retail

Processing sales receipts and returns, working with shifts. Connecting a barcode scanner, receipt printer, printing labels and price tags. Simple seller interface.

For warehouse accounting

Accounting for goods in one or several warehouses: balances, reserves, movement of goods and batches. Registration of basic warehouse operations: movement, write-off, capitalization, inventory.

For procurement management

Registration of receipt and return of goods. Work with orders to the supplier, tracking the status of orders, flexible procurement planning. Acceptance of services from third parties.

Banking and cash transactions

Maintaining several current accounts and cash registers, processing receipts and write-offs, monitoring balances and cash flows. Formation of a cash book.


Creation, printing, sending by e-mail all documents necessary for accounting. Establishing connections between documents. Display facsimiles of signatures and seals.

Detailed reports

Prompt assessment of the situation and analysis of the company's activities using various reports. Saving user settings, flexible filters and data grouping.

For data exchange

Uploading data to 1C: Accounting. Data exchange with client-bank programs. Import and export of “Products and Services” and “Partners” directories. Integration with online stores.


The service has only 2 tariffs: completely free “Hummingbird” and paid “Albatross”. Moreover, the free tariff does not reduce the functionality of the service and there is no time limit, which means that small companies can save a lot of money. Well, for larger companies it’s 590 rubles. It's not that much money per month. So you can safely register and try for free!

Registration and work in the system

I think the second advantage after price is ease of use! Solving any complex problems in the service is as easy as shelling pears. Watch the video below and see for yourself, it shows the entire process from registration to creating a company, products, clients, etc.

Rich interface

Another important advantage is the user-friendly interface. In Big Bird you can work almost in the same way as with familiar desktop programs. The system supports simultaneous work with several open windows: there is no need to complete work on one task before moving on to another. Windows can be minimized, reduced, closed, or placed side by side to compare, for example, data from two reports.

For more details about the interface, watch the video:


As I said at the very beginning, the service is indispensable for small businesses. I think you are convinced of this. The free plan gives you the opportunity to test the service without any investment and continue to use it. But if the free one is not enough, then the price for the paid one is quite small. That's why register, try it and I think you will like it.

Big Bird is an online accounting service for small businesses.


  • Maintain warehouse and financial records
  • Create and print documents
  • Maintain business-needed reference books
  • Generate various reports

Main characteristics

  • Creation of documents. “Big Bird” generates, prints and sends by e-mail such documents as an invoice for payment, an act of provision of services, a bill of lading, an invoice, a cash receipt order, an outgoing cash order, a payment order, a receipt invoice, a transfer invoice, an act reconciliations of mutual settlements, power of attorney to receive inventory items and others. In this case, documents can be issued both without VAT and including VAT.
  • Storing information in directories with a convenient and easily customizable structure. “Big Bird” directories are a quick search for the necessary information and auto-filling of documents. The following directories are available in the system: companies, goods and services, partners, employees, cash flow items and others.
  • Accounting for receipt, sale and movement of goods. “Big Bird” processes all necessary operations related to the purchase or sale of goods, their reservation in a warehouse for a specific buyer, and internal warehouse accounting.
  • Accounting for receipt and sale of services. “Big Bird” generates all the necessary documents to record purchased and provided services, including in terms of contracts.
  • Accounting for cash flow. “Big Bird” takes into account the movement of cash and non-cash funds, tracks bank and cash balances, and can be used to maintain a cash book.
  • Control of income and expenses. In "Big Bird" all the company's income and expenses can be distributed among cash flow items using either a ready-made directory of items or one customized to the specifics of a specific business.
  • Analytical reports. To quickly assess the state of affairs and analyze business results, Big Bird provides the following reports:
    1. balances of goods in warehouses;
    2. goods reserves;
    3. movement of goods;
    4. the state of mutual settlements with partners;
    5. sales report (with profit assessment for each type of product using FIFO and average cost methods);
    6. sales dynamics;
    7. movement at the cash register;
    8. movement around the bank;
    9. movement of money by item.
  • User-friendly interface. “Big Bird” is implemented on the principle of desktop accounting programs and, in this regard, has the following key features:

the ability to work with multiple streams of information in different windows; deleting and restoring data from the recycle bin, step-by-step repetition and cancellation of user actions; customizable quick access panel to all system functions; and much more.

  • Managing multiple companies under one account. "Big Bird" allows you to organize separate accounting for several companies without the need to register different accounts.
  • Multi-user access with distribution of roles. In Big Bird, it is possible to configure restrictions on access to information for each specific user.

August 2013: Update: support for retail functionality

Owners of online stores using Big Bird had to manually update data on products and prices in the store, and transfer information about incoming orders to the accounting system. Now this is done automatically.

Synchronizing the accounting system with online stores helps automate internal business processes, increase the speed of order processing, reduce the number of errors, and timely update information on prices and product balances. Ultimately, running a business more efficiently results in increased company profits.

“It’s no secret that the majority of the market is still occupied by desktop accounting applications,” noted Oleg Sidorenkov, director of development at Eteron. “In turn, Big Bird is a modern web application. Undoubtedly, those people who are already business on the Internet are more loyal and open to the idea of ​​keeping records online. Therefore, it is especially important for us to be in demand for this part of our target audience. Development of integration with online stores is one of our main priorities."

All office work is gradually moving from the usual desktop computer to the clouds, where there is mobility, security, and savings. Accounting in trade is no exception - online services for small businesses of this kind appear with enviable regularity. Today we will talk about the popular “cloud” service “Big Bird” - an online system for maintaining warehouse, financial and operational accounting.


What can he do?

“Big Bird” has all the necessary functions for convenient accounting. In the system, you can register the receipt and sale of goods, monitor the availability of goods in the warehouse, account for funds in the cash register, control mutual settlements with partners, conduct banking transactions, generate documents, create and analyze reports, and much more. That is, everything that most companies need.


You can find out more about all the capabilities of the system on our official website.

Rich interface

One of the main advantages of “Big Bird” is its rich interface. The system is simple, understandable, reminiscent of “desktop” applications and looks familiar to users. If you remove the toolbar, it will be difficult to guess that this is a website. This allows you to master it quickly and without much difficulty.

Every action in the system is accessible through the main menu. Tasks open in a new window that appears in the top bar - just like the Start button and taskbar in Windows.

Mobility and accessibility

The “Big Bird” online accounting system allows you to be in touch with your business at any time, from anywhere in the world, from any computer. There is no need to install or update the program.

Safety and reliability

Ensuring data security is one of the most important issues related to the use of cloud services. Big Bird servers are located in certified data centers. Access to information is strictly regulated, backups are carried out continuously. In terms of reliability, such a system is in no way inferior to Internet banking, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your data.


“Big Bird” supports aspiring entrepreneurs whose every penny counts. For those who are taking their first steps in business, a free and unlimited “Hummingbird” tariff is provided. Within this tariff, one user can keep records of one company and one warehouse, store information about one hundred partners and one thousand products. There are no restrictions on the number of entered documents.

If your business is already firmly on its feet, then the “Albatross” tariff is suitable for you, which allows you to use all the functionality of the system without any restrictions, with the ability to separate access rights. And all this for a reasonable fee - from 590 rubles per month.


The online accounting system “Big Bird” is well suited for both a wholesale company and a small retail store; every employee can master it in a short time. In general, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Try “Big Bird” and see how simple everything can be even in such a complex and important matter as management accounting.