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Hooray vacation game program script. Competitive autumn program in elementary school

Municipal government agency

"Solonetskaya average comprehensive school»

Scenario extracurricular activity

Prepared by:

Fateeva Olesya Nikolaevna

teacher - organizer


Target: create good mood, give children the opportunity to demonstrate their physical abilities, and cultivate a sense of teamwork.

Venue: gym

Equipment: rattles, jump ropes, bags, balls, balloons, handkerchiefs, jackets, sneakers and laces, candy, pots, clothespins.


Hello, dear friends! Congratulations on your holiday... Which one? How is it, what? Happy holidays! The longest academic quarter has ended.

I know that during the week you have already taken a break from your studies and today you will be happy to play with us! And we invite you to take part in the sports program “Hurray! Holidays!".

Playing sports is beneficial, and fun sports are doubly beneficial. After all, every minute of exercise prolongs a person’s life by one hour, and every minute of fun sports prolongs a person’s life by two.

And even with minutes, don’t you believe it? Check it out for yourself!

Today we are having not just a festival of relay races, but an hour of fun relay races, which means that we will not only compete, we will also be charged with cheerful laughter and noisy fun! So, good luck! We begin!

And now we are pleased to present the teams: So, the first team ( name and motto)

Second team - name and motto

1 team:"Jolly Dwarves"

Motto: More laughter, less tears

Never hang your nose!

Team 2:"Carlson and the kids"

Motto: Don't whine, don't cry in the morning,

Half the trouble and the joy!


- The teams introduced themselves, now it's time to introduce the jury: (introduce)

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle,

He will follow it without any mistakes.

Who will be friendlier?

May friends win!

Our competition consists of two stages:

STAGE No. 1 is called “Dreamers”

STAGE No. 2 is called “Who is faster?”


- Teams in place! Begin!

STAGE 1 “Dreamers” starts off funny:

1. relay race with rattles

(the children run to the chair and return, while doing so they need to rattle the rattle)

The winning team gets 2 points, the losing team gets 1 point.

2. Running on all fours

(also assessed)

3.Running with sideways jumps

4. Moving in a “wheelbarrow”(one participant holds the other’s legs,

and the other one walks in his arms like a wheelbarrow)

5. Running together hugging

6. “Three legs for two”(we tie two participants one leg at a time)

7. Running in sacks(we run to the chair, carry the bag back in our hands)

8. Jumping rope ( jumping rope back and forth)

9. Running while hitting the ball ( run and hit the ball)

10. "Centipede" ( two people run holding hands, then another one joins them, and so on)


Stage 1 is completed. Now for a short break. While the jury will fail

results of the first stage “Dreamers”, we will solve riddles.

    Waking up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,

I make the bed myself

I quickly do... (exercise)

    Not offended, but inflated,

They lead him across the field,

And if they hit me, it doesn’t matter

Can't keep up with... (ball)

    On the ice platform there is a cry,

The student rushes to the gate -

Everyone shouts: puck! Hockey stick! Hit!

Fun game… (hockey)

    Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These red horses

And their names are... (skis)

    Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running a race.

And it’s not the horses that carry me,

And the shiny ones... (skates)

    I took two oak blocks.

Two iron skids.

I filled the bars with slats.

Give me snow. Ready...(sleigh)


And now the jury speaks– (the results of the first stage are announced)

The jury announced the results and it was time for the second stage “Who is faster?” The conditions of this stage are speed, intelligence, dexterity.

    Competition "The fastest fireman" ( There is a jacket hanging on a chair - run up, put on the jacket, fasten the buttons, Sit on the chair and say “Fireman ready”, take off the jacket, hang it on the chair and run to your team, then the next participant does the same)

    Unlace and lace up sneakers(there are sneakers on the chair, the first participant runs, laces, and runs back to the team, the second unlaces and brings the lace to the next team member)

    "Put on a scarf"(balls hang on the crossbars, one by one you need to put a scarf on the ball. The first participant ties the scarf. The second unties it)

    “Attach clothespins” - ( the first participant attaches the clothespins to the rope, the next one unhooks them)

    "The most accurate" ( whose team is bigger sweets will throw in pan, and all the candies that are in the pan will go to the team, and everything that is missing will go to the jury.)

    "Drag in a circle" ( one team stands in a circle and the other outside. The players stand facing each other. The task of the players inside the circle is to drag their opponents into the circle; those standing outside the circle are to pull the opponent out of the circle. The game starts as soon as the music starts, as soon as the music stops everyone freezes, then the game continues as soon as the music starts again. The team that has the most players left at the end of the game wins.


Thank you. And now the jury speaks, summing up the results and presenting gifts. Prizes.

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come.

Our speech will be brief:

We say to everyone: “Goodbye!”

“See you happy next time.

The song by I. Reznik and A. Pugacheva “Starry Summer” is played.

The whole earth is warmed with warmth,

And I run along it barefoot

I sing and the stars of summer

They shine on me even during the day, even during the day

I want it so much

So that summer doesn't end

So that it rushes after me

Follow me

I want it so much for children and adults

Amazing stars gave light!

Presenter 1:

Dear kids:

Both girls and boys.

Congratulations on your holidays

I invite everyone to participate in the celebration.

With you for a long, very long time

We will sing, dance, play,

And of course and of course

We will dance with you!

Here's a dance to start with

So that you don't get bored.

A dance is being performed.

Presenter 2:

Who is not lazy to get B's and A's?

We invite you to come out,

We will reward you all!

Presenter 1:

Lists students' names and class.

Chocolates are presented and everyone is invited to take their seats.

The recipients take their seats.

Presenter 2:

For those who have excelled in their studies,

You need to clap from the heart.

There is applause.

Now open the doors

Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

A girl runs in wearing a bright sundress and a wreath. This summer.

I am hot Summer, rich Summer,

I am dressed in a fragrant wreath of flowers

I came to congratulate you on the holidays,

She brought some amazing guests with her.

I'll tell you riddles

Guess what kind of guests they are!

Summer makes riddles:

Warm, long - long day,

At noon there is a tiny shadow.

The ear of corn blooms in the field,

Strawberries are ripening

What month is it, tell me?

Summer: Correct. June.

June has arrived and the air is bright,

And the blue above your head,

There is a cheerful wind among the branches

Plays with delicate leaves.

And strings of sunlight

They sing their own melody

About the fact that summer has come,

The holidays are coming again!

June is coming.

Presenter 1:

June came to visit us,

With the singing of birds, with the hum of bees

Hello, hello our month!

What will you give us as a reward?

I am the very first month of Summer -

June. People call me Kresen,

Godson, Multicolor, Blush of the Year. And also -

An ant, because there is grass around - an ant grows.

People have come up with many different proverbs and sayings about me.

Here are some of them:

The month of June has arrived and there is no end to work.

In June the yard is empty, but the field is thick.

June is cheerful, flowers are blooming, nightingales are singing.

June is a hoarding month, the harvest is saved for the whole year.

Every day I give you

There is a bright dawn in the sky,

Field, river, summer heat

And the whole native land is in flowers!

A song is being sung about native land or about nature. Maybe about Luga.

Hot, sultry, stuffy day,

Even chickens seek shade.

The mowing of grain has begun,

Time for berries and mushrooms

His days are the peak of summer,

What is the name of this month?

July enters.

Here I am, July - mid-summer.

People call me Cherven,

Senostav, Stradnik, Grozovik, Serpen, Haymaker,

Zharnik, Sweet Tooth, Berry.

In July the sun burns without fire.

In mid-July, the oats were half grown.

July doesn’t know how to get tired, she picks up everything.

July hot time!

At least the days are getting shorter.

It's ungodly heat,

Not only during the day, but even at night.

The people are barely alive from the heat

He hurries to the river to swim.

And cool down under water -

And you can enjoy life.

And now I want to know

Don't be shy and don't wait,

Come out quickly!

There is a competition for the best poem about summer.

Poems about summer:

The summer forest is calling us all

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Will spend July guys

Along forest paths

Will give you some ripe berries

Full of baskets!

What is summer?

That's a lot of light.

This is a field, this is a forest,

These are thousands of miracles.

There are clouds in the sky

This is a fast river

These are bright flowers.

This is the blue of heights.

There are a hundred roads in the world

For baby feet.

It's good that it's summer again

The sun is high again.

That the water in the pond is heated,

Like fresh milk.

Rain, pour down, pour down

On me and on people

Water with a bucket

On Egorov's house

Rain, pour down, pour down

Scatter my geese.

My geese at home are not afraid of thunder.

Thank you for the poems,

I'll give everyone candy!

(gives sweets).

Now hurry up to the place

And for our dances

Clear the stage!

A dance is being performed.

The maple leaves have turned yellow,

Flew to the countries of the south

Swift-winged swifts

What month is it, tell me!

Presenter 1:

August is coming here to us,

What does he bring to people?

Augustus enters wearing a crown of ears of corn.

August is the third month of summer. And I am also Serpen, Gustar, Zhniven, Flax-growing, Soberikha, Pripasikha. Although I am the smallest of all the summer months, I have something to be proud of. There are proverbs about me too:

In August there are three worries: mowing, plowing, and sowing.

August is a gatherer, a storekeeper of everything.

Whatever you collect in August, you will spend the winter with.

August, August – hospitable

Invites everyone to the table,

He treats you with fruits,

Mother Earth's gifts.

I am the generosity of the Russian summer, its most abundant time. In my time, bread, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts ripen, and mushrooms appear after the rains.

Let's take a rest, guys.

We will hold an auction of summer words.

I'll start, you continue,

Do not repeat spoken words.

Rain, rainbow, mushrooms,

Presenter 2:

We are closing the auction

We give the winner a prize!

(a prize is awarded).

I want to amuse you

Surprise and make you laugh,

The room is bright, theatrical,

Give it to you guys!

Miniature theater scene.

Presenter 1:

The music sounds again

We invite you to dance.

A dance is being performed.

Presenter 2:

And now for a physical education minute

Not serious, but with a joke!

Pairs of boys are invited to the stage. It is possible from different classes for the boy. The guys become pairs opposite each other. They are given an equal number of clothespins.

Exercise 1:

In 10 seconds, attach as many clothespins as possible to the clothes of the partner who is dodging.

(The presenters count and determine the winners,

They are rewarded with sweets.)

But they warn you not to remove the clothespins.

Presenter 1:

And now the “deadly number”

Blindfolded, you have to remove all the clothespins from your partners in 10 seconds!

The winners are awarded.

Summer is the time for flowers.

Did you know that there are amazing legends about each of the flowers, and their names can tell a lot about them.

I will introduce you to such legends, and you will guess what flower we are talking about.

Reads from cards:

First legend:

For some reason, the Germans call this flower with the strange name “stepmother”. Legend says that the largest and most beautiful flower petal is the stepmother. The other two petals, smaller ones, are also very beautiful - her own daughters. And two nondescript, modest and small petals are stepdaughters. The stepmother herself grew at the top of the flower, brought her daughters closer to her, and offended her poor stepdaughters and kept them below. But one good wizard punished an evil woman: he turned the flower over so that the stepdaughters were on top, the stepmother was on the bottom, and the daughters grew mustaches (dark lines on the petals).

Guess what flower the legend is talking about.


When the answer is known, show the flower.

Second legend:

One day, the goddess flora descended to earth to bestow names on the flowers growing on her. Having given names to all the flowers, she was about to leave, but suddenly she heard a thin, weak voice: “Give me a name too, Flora!” She realized that she had forgotten about some flower, looked around, but did not notice anyone. Flora again decided to leave, but the same voice again faintly squeaked something. Taking a closer look, she saw a very tiny flower, gave it a name and endowed it with a wonderful thing - to return to those who forget their homeland, their loved ones.

Name the flower that the legend tells about.


You can also show a flower.

Dear guys, this is the beginning of a wonderful time!

Help me, give me hints, finish the sentence.

Summer is a wonderful time,

The kids are screaming...(Hurray!)

We have rivers and forests

Give in the summer... (Miracles)

Who performed the miracle?

Summer into a fairy tale...(Turned)

Who made the whole world like this:

Loud, joyful,...(Colored)

Into the world of goodness and beauty

Transform the world...(Flowers)

Presenter 1:

The red summer will pass -

The school will call you again.

In the meantime, take a walk

Tan in the sun.

Gain new strength.

We wish you rest

It was good for you!

The song “Saying goodbye to school” is playing.

Municipal budget educational institution
Additional education Center creative development
"Oktyabrsky" Izhevsk

Methodological development

"Hooray! We're on vacation"

Compiled by:
Nelyubina Svetlana Vitalievna,
artistic methodologist

Entertainment program within World Day child protection
"Hooray! We're on vacation"

Goal: Create favorable conditions for the children of the neighborhood and children school age vacationers in summer school camps through inclusion in different kinds collectively - creative activity and the formation of positive life positions in them.

Territory of the State Institution "Zoo of Udmurtia".
Any is possible playground on the territory of the camp shift.

Children's contingent relaxing in summer health camps. Members of children's creative groups.

The entire area will turn into playground, brightly decorated balloons And soap bubbles, where there will be an area for master classes, a concert area and a games room for lovers of active recreation.
Performances by children's creative groups and trained animals will take place on stage.
At the entrance to the Zoo, children are greeted by life-size animal puppets: Polar Bear, Zebra, Lion, Penguin.

Song "Sunny Circle"
performed by the Wind Orchestra

Fanfare - The presenters enter the stage.

1 presenter: S Good morning, our planet!
The earth is warmed by the sun's ray.
On a warm, bright day at dawn
Cheerful and happy children wake up.

Presenter 2: Hello, our young and wonderful children!
We are pleased to meet you in the amazing corner of nature “Udmurtia Zoo” and welcome you to the wonderful event “Hurray! We're on vacation."

Game "Shouting - answering"

Presenter 1: We will now ask you to clap your hands loudly if you recognize yourself in our funny questions.
- Are you boys? - (answer)
- Are you girls? - (answer)
- Boys, are you naughty? - (answer)
- Girls, are you all exemplary? - (answer)
- Why do boys’ bruises shine? - (answer)
- Girls, do you like to tease boys? - (answer)
- Do you like to eat ice cream? - (answer)
- Do you prefer to skip classes? - (answer)
- Will you jump, run and walk in the summer? - (answer)
- Will you sit at the computer at home? - (answer)
-Are you afraid to get your feet wet? - (answer)
-Are you tired of clapping and being silent? - (answer)
1 presenter: Well, then we want you
shouted loudly!
2 presenter: Dear girls and boys,
today marks an exciting
fun party joy and joy
childhood - Children's Day!

Song "Childhood"
(text by M. Plyatskovsky, music [Download the file to see the link])

Presenter 2: Hello, golden summer!
Everything around is warmed with warmth:
Meadows, fields and gardens,
Forests, rivers and ponds.
We all live happily
We sing songs together!

Phonogram - the phone is ringing. A girl runs out with a phone and hands the phone to the presenter.

1 presenter: Hello? Who's speaking? (listens as if someone is talking on the phone)
Elephant!? yes, yes, everyone has already gathered!
(Addresses the children): Dear children! We just received a telephone message that artists are coming to us, they have prepared many surprises for you.

Dance “My phone rang” - sports dance group

The presenters come out from different directions, holding balloons in their hands.

2 presenter: On this day, all humanity on Earth shows its kind, ardent desire to protect children, to make childhood carefree, joyful and happy!
1 presenter: Each ball is a piece of a child’s soul, it is a piece of kindness, participation and empathy! Let goodness spread throughout the world and bring joy and happiness to those who need it!

Fanfare - balloons are launched into the sky.

2 presenter: There is such a country under heaven,
Where the words are called a song,
Where children's voices sound,
Scattering across the sky like birds.
There is such a starry country,
Where golden clusters ring
Our songs in the pink sunset
Scattering children's faces.

1 presenter: In that country, ringing bells
Boys and girls will sound
Always noisy and restless,
Clouds riding snow-white.
In that country, even mothers and fathers
Briefcases and hats will be thrown up
And they will take it out of the old closet
The faces are kind, sensitive and gentle. (Text author - E. Gorshunova)

Song “Clouds” (text by S. Kozlov, music by V. Shainsky)

Game “Two Friends” (conducted by the presenters)

Friends are here with us: Me, you, him and her!
Smile at the neighbor on the left, smile at the neighbor on the right.
Wink to the neighbor on the left, wink to the neighbor on the right.
Hug the neighbor on the left, hug the neighbor on the right. We are a family!

Song “On the Road of Good” (S. Nikitin)

Dance “Happy Bees” - Choreographic group

Dance "Clowns" - children's creative group

1 presenter: We invite all the guys who like to have fun frolicking and creating with their own hands to the Creative Platforms “Necklace of Creativity”.
Work of creative platforms

Master class “Animals - with your own hands” (central alley)

Robotics Academy (on the zoo stage)

Pop the ball (in the hall at the entrance to the pavilion with monkeys)

Score a goal (at the wolf enclosure)

Get into the basket (near the aviary with eagle owls)

Vernissage of drawings “My Beast” (at the enclosure with walruses and seals)

Playground - children's games (at the main entrance to the Zoo)

Knock down the pins (near the leopard enclosure)

Fanfare - the exit of the presenters. Event participants are returning.

Presenter 2: It’s so good when children laugh
All over the Earth, all over our planet!
May peace always reign for you
May the children be happy
1 presenter: Shine your smiles, warmed by the sun!
Peace and happiness to you, children of the planet!
Performance by dance groups.

Final song “I wish I could sing and dance”
1 presenter: All people on the big planet should always be friends,
2 presenter: Children should laugh and live in a peaceful world!


1. Children's songs (disc)
2. Phonogram “Dance on the spot”
3. 2 chairs
4. A long cord with two elastic bands at the ends and a mark in the middle.
5. Plates.
6. Skittles.
7. 3 boxes.
8. 3 scarves
9. Matchboxes
10. 3 stations - mug
11. Cones in a bag
12. Elastic bands for hands.
13. Long cord
14. 5 newspapers
15. 3 newspapers + funny soundtrack
16. 2 glasses, 2 spoons, 2 vessels + water
17. Board with the chorus of the song “Smile”.

Game Show Program

Children's songs are played. The children are seated in the hall.

Presenter: Good evening! Dear friends! I congratulate you on the occasion. Which one? How is this what? Happy holidays. I hope you've been anxiously awaiting the call for this big change. And then it rang. Holidays started. Hooray!
- I know that you want to take a break from schoolwork, be with friends, do what you love, sing songs and play. And that’s why we offer to take part in game show program"Hooray! Holidays!".
Let's start with a musical song - games"Dancing on the spot."

  1. Dance on the spot.

Presenter: I will find words everywhere:
And in the sky and in the water,
On the floor, on the ceiling
On the nose and on the hand.
Haven't you heard this?
No problem! Let's play the word.

Competition "Find the word". Children name words that combine with the following concepts.

On the nose
On the ceiling
On a cat
In the pocket.
4 winners are called and take part in the next game.


Carry a chair without using your hands. Carry chairs from start to finish.

Twist yourself in a rope. The rope is put on the belt between the two participants, after which they begin to get tangled in the rope. The task of the third participant or team is to unwind the rope. When wrapping, unraveling participants should not peek.

Carrying pins blindfolded. Throwing a matchbox in pairs. (Who can keep the boxes in the air longer).

Carrying matchboxes on the shoulders. 4 couples participate. Pairs stand at different ends of the hall - participants and assistants. Participants run up to the assistants, who place one box on their shoulders. Participants run back, run around the obstacle and again to the assistants, who add one more box at a time, etc. Whoever has more boxes.

Matchbox snake. Run back and forth.


Antlers and rings are walking by the river. (Sheep)
- We have known since ancient times that this bird is a postman. (Pigeon)
- Without it there will be no sea, ocean or river, not even a puddle in which puppies splash around. (Water)
- There are two oak trees standing on oak trees, a barrel on it, and a forest on it? (Human)
- Many arms, one leg. (Tree)
- Sits on a spoon, legs dangling. (Noodles)
- Guess how many cones are in the bag. (Then scatter these cones around the hall)

Collection of cones: hands behind with an elastic band.

Elusive cord. Throw rope to each other. The task is to catch the end. (2 people)

Crumple the newspaper in one hand.

Tear the newspaper into small pieces while dancing.

Transfer the water with a spoon, moving backwards.

U lybka is a song with an unusual chorus (come up with a chorus).

With such thunderous applause, we thank today the winners of the competitions, the fans, and the leaders who brought you here. And let's all welcome the upcoming holidays together: HURRAY!!!

Scenario game program

"Hooray! Holidays!"

for students in grades 2-4

Presenter: Hello, dear friends! I congratulate you on the occasion. How?... How is this?... Happy holidays. I hope you've been anxiously awaiting the call for this big change. And then it rang. Holidays started. Hooray!

The holidays have arrived - a wonderful time,

And you don’t have to wake up at seven in the morning!

Let's go to Africa, let's go to Mars

And our school will not run away from us .

Guys, what are vacations? I propose to hold an auction that will help us learn more about the holidays. You will name words associated with holidays. Whoever says the last word will win a prize!


Well done guys, you know a lot of words!

Everyone turn to each other and shake hands.

Raise your arms all up and move them at the top.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurray!" It's time to start the holiday!!!


Tanya raised her hands up.

Olya and Vicky screamed.

Nastya, Sveta waved,

Natasha clapped her hands,

Misha, Sasha and Seryozha whistled,

And the Marinas all sat down,

Ksyusha and Dasha meowed in unison,

And the Maxims grunted a little.

Nikita, Danil and Anton - shout “Oh”

Lena, Yulia and Andryusha - shout “Ay”

Who didn't I tell you about?

And today I was silent,

Like one family

Let's shout "I" together!

Now I know your name. Do you know who I am?

Don't be afraid, don't tremble!

Allow me to explain.

Everyone around me knows me

For the guys - me best friend!

Traveling around the world

I'm singing this song.

Buy - I sell, if I don’t sell, I’ll give!

Adventures for you

Every day and every hour.

From resentment and grief

Buy adventure.

SELLER: So, I'm an adventure seller and I have sad news for all the guys... something terrible happened, and I stopped speaking in rhymes out of frustration.

And for fairy-tale heroes, this has a bad effect on health...

My adventure chest was stolen.

But there is a way out. If we go together to the magical rainbow hills and try to find my magic chest, then everything will be as before!

Who's ready to go with me?

Well, raise your hands?

Great! And first we will go to the red hill.

Red hill of fun and songs.

Very interesting for children.


All fairy-tale heroes live on rainbow hill - tell me who they are?

Riddles - for answers, tokens.

My father had a strange boy,
Unusual - wooden.
On land and under water
I was looking for a golden key,
Does he stick his long nose everywhere?
Who is this?

She was an artist
Beautiful as a star.
From the evil Karabas
Escaped forever.

The baby doesn't know anything
composes fables,
And he's dressed like a parrot.
Guess his name!

Gobbling up rolls
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess.

Someone for someone
He grabbed it tightly:
- Oh, I can’t pull it out!
- Oh, I’m stuck tightly!
But more helpers will soon arrive.
Defeat the stubborn one
There must be common work!
Who stuck so tightly
And held on tenaciously?

Fat man lives on the roof
He flies higher than everyone else.

As a child, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away:
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan.
(Ugly duck.)

It was baked from flour,
It was freezing at the window.
Ran away from my grandparents
And he became lunch for the fox.

I persuaded my brother
Older sister:
"Don't drink from a puddle
Muddy water."
The boy didn't listen -
He turned into a kid.
(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.)

Ivan's arrow
Like a bird in flight.
Ivan's wife
Lives in a swamp.
(Princess Frog.)

One day a mouse found
A completely empty house.
I began to live and live,
Yes, let residents in.

The granddaughter went to her grandmother,
I brought the pies to her.
Gray wolf I was watching her
Deceived and swallowed.
(Little Red Riding Hood.)

And the hare and the she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.
(Dr. Aibolit.)

Almost became the mole's wife
And a mustachioed beetle!
I flew with the swallow
High under the clouds.

And now we're heading toorange hill. But in order for us to get there faster, we need to laugh out loud!

What a wonderful path?
There's an orange cat...
From orange clouds
And the same river...
And we can pass this hill only when we name everything that is orange.

GAME Ping-pong “Words of Orange” (throwing the ball)

And now we will go to the next hill - yellow! And we will fly up this hill in hot air balloons. Here they are! Oh, we don't have captains. So, now we will create our own cheerful captains.

COMPETITION “CHERRY FRIENDS” relay race of 5 people

In a certain amount of time you need to draw a funny face on a balloon. (1- eye, 2- nose, 3- mouth, 4- eyebrows, 5 ears.)

Well done! Well, let's take off!

( Music is playing ) During the flight we will perform the movements

One, two - they flew, (hands to the side )

3.4 everyone sat down, (squat )

5 we take off again (stand up, arms to the sides )

Gaining altitude (stand on tiptoes, raise your hands.)

And we all hum loudly “Oooh”

There's a coup in the air

The flight stops.

( Repeat several times)

Welcome to the yellow hill:

Meet the yellow hill of friends.

We hold our faithful friend in high esteem

And that’s why it’s light all around!

Here they love to greet the sun and smile - smile!

They also love to clap! Who's louder?

And the residents of the yellow hill do exercises - and not just exercises,

and the solar one is magical.

Solar charger. Dance marathon.

Sun - nose to nose

The earth is ear to ear.

Water - shoulder to shoulder

Sheaves - back to back

Path - foot to foot

Bumps - hand to hand.

Children dancing to music

Well done! It's time to go to the green hill.

Green hill - friends, sit down,

You will look around you and spin around merrily!

On the green hill live residents who care very much about their nature, their forests and rivers, fields and lakes. They never litter. Let us help make our planet clean.


(buckets - 2 pcs., paper balls) who is bigger

- The blue hill awaits us ahead,

Fly to him faster than a bird!

Guys, on the blue hill everything is airy and light. Just like our balloons. And now I invite you to play with me.


At a signal, participants throw the ball up and try to hold it, chasing only with their nose. The winner is the one who keeps the ball in the air the longest.


And now, at my signal, you need to throw the ball forward. Whose ball will fly the farthest?


choose the strongest

2 participants and 2 seconds are invited - they will count the blows inflicted on the opponent. Participants must not leave the boundaries of the ring.


choose the fastest team.

Hold the ball on the racket, run to the pin, and return back.

Well done, just great!

So, guys, let's remember which hills we've already been on. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue... That's right, we still have to visit the blue and purple hills. Ready?

The blue hill is waiting for you, friends,
You can't yawn here!

So, here we are on the blue hill. It is inhabited by children who stomp loudest. Do you want to compete with them? The boys are stomping... girls stomp... and now all together. Well done!

Violet distances

All the pictures were scattered.


Friends, it's time for you

Find my suitcase (gives me a note with a secret).

Text: Take 5 steps from the hall,

15 steps straight down the corridor,

Turn right,

Open the door that says "Colored Pencil Street."

Bring your suitcase to the hall!

The children are looking for a suitcase. They find it and bring it to the hall.

All the colors of the rainbow are repeated in the hall.

And now it’s time to open the lock on my chest,

Waiting for us all, without exception,

It's time for adventure!