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Lesson: new principles of organizing modern production. Organization of production at an enterprise - basic concepts of the theory of production organization - basic principles of organization and functioning of production

Lesson 1. Structure of modern production.

Purpose: during the study of the module you will become familiar with the concepts of division of labor, specialization of labor, industry, activity; with types of enterprises; production structure of the Jewish Autonomous Region.

Learning new material.

Sphere of professional activity.

Goal: formation and deepening of knowledge about the division of labor, specialization of labor, industries, activities

Assignment: Based on the knowledge gained in geography lessons, answer the test.

1. Human activity in his profession and specialty in a certain form and branch of production is

2. a system of interconnected types and forms of labor activity specific to each historical era is

A) activity B) professional activity

C) specialization of labor D) division of labor

A) activity B) professional activity

C) specialization of labor D) division of labor

A) activity B) professional activity

C) specialization of labor D) division of labor

A) meeting the needs of the manufacturer

B) the emergence of commodity-monetary relations

A) material production

B) intangible production

B) both productions

A) activity B) cooperation

B) industry D) labor specialization

— run the test.

For each correct answer - 1 point

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Using the test materials and additional text, answer the questions:

1. Write down in your notebook the definition of what an activity is.

2. Write down in your notebook the definition of what professional activity is. What are the functions of professional activity.

3. What features does professional activity depend on?

4. Can we say that a person who repairs his car or electrical wiring is engaged in a professional activity?

5. Fill out the diagram

Areas of professional activity

6. How does the sphere of material production differ from the non-production sphere?

7. Give examples of the connection between material production and intangible production.

Work independently or in pairs in a notebook

Checking answers to questions

Types of enterprises; production structure of the Jewish Autonomous Region.

Goal: get to know the types of enterprises; production structure of the Jewish Autonomous Region.

Using additional text, answer the questions.

1. Name the organizational forms of enterprises.

2. How do enterprises differ in terms of ownership of tools?

3. fill out the table: Organizational

forms of enterprise

Features of the enterprise

Based on the knowledge gained in geography lessons, answer the questions.

1. There are 5 districts in the region. Name the areas with an agricultural type of economy.

2. Name the areas with an industrial-agrarian type of economy.

3. What does the specialization of the region’s economy depend on?

Work independently or in pairs in a notebook

Working with the class, checking

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Purpose: to check the assimilation of acquired knowledge.

1. How does professional activity differ from non-professional activity?

2. Name the reason for the emergence of professional activity.

3. Name the positive aspects of the division of labor.

4. Prove with examples that labor specialization is progressive for economic development.

Working with the class, checking

3. Complete the practical work “Description of the goals of the activity, features of production and the nature of the product, requirements for the qualifications of workers at the enterprise” of any enterprise in our region)

Additional text

Having summarized the types of activities characteristic of all people, we will name the main ones: communication, play, learning and work.

Professional activity performs the following functions: creation of material and spiritual values ​​and benefits, obtaining funds for human life and society, promoting the general and professional development of the individual and others, transforming the environment.

Professional activity is characterized by its inherent characteristics (environment, setting, conditions of rest and work, object and subject of work).

Based on the results of labor activity and the products of labor, two large spheres of the economy are distinguished: the sphere of material production and the non-production sphere.

They are also areas of professional activity.

In the sphere of material production, two types of products are produced: means of production and consumer goods.

The non-production sphere covers industries and types of professional activities serving the population, other sectors of the economy and management.

Successful mastery of professional activity primarily depends on understanding its content. To do this, you need to gain knowledge in this profession and certain experience. It is a mistake to consider a professional activity to be a temporary occupation without prior theoretical preparation. Without possessing rational techniques, skills, abilities and knowledge, he may not only fail to eliminate the malfunction, but also aggravate it.

The success of mastering a professional activity depends on the motive for choosing a given profession, professional orientation and the correspondence of the employee’s personality traits to the chosen field. In addition, in any professional activity there are health restrictions.

Depending on their legal status, modern enterprises, in accordance with the forms of ownership of the means of production, are divided into: state, cooperative, private, open and closed joint-stock companies, holdings.

An enterprise is a subject that conducts production activities and has independence in making business decisions.

Organizational forms of the enterprise:

Lesson 2. Forms of division of labor.

Study material with assignment instructions

Learning Guide

Purpose: during the study of the module you will become familiar with the forms of division of labor, classification of areas of professional activity; learn the difference between the concepts of “profession” and “specialty”

Read the purpose of the lesson carefully.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Purpose: to check the mastery of basic concepts and terms on the topic “Structure of modern production”

Run the test

The activity of a person in his profession and specialty in a certain form and branch of production is

2. A system of interconnected types and forms of labor activity specific to each historical era is

A) division of labor B) specialization of labor

C) professional activity D) activity

3. A form of social division of labor, expressed in such an organization of production, when individual people perform only certain labor operations in the process of manufacturing any product - this is

A) division of labor B) specialization of labor

C) professional activity D) activity

4. Creative transformation, improvement of reality and the person himself is called

A) professional activity B) activity

C) specialization of labor D) division of labor

5. The reason for the emergence of professional activity

A) the emergence of commodity-monetary relations

B) meeting the needs of the manufacturer

B) transformation of the environment

6. Based on the results of work, areas of professional activity are distinguished

A) material production

B) both productions

B) intangible production

7. A historically established set of enterprises, industries, organizations, characterized by the unity of the economic purpose of the products or services produced is

A) activity B) cooperation

B) labor specialization D) industry

Work independently notebooks - take the test.

Working with the class, checking the test. For each correct answer - 1 point

Learning new material.

Forms of division of labor

Goal: formation and deepening of knowledge about the forms of division of labor; concepts of “profession” and “specialty”

1. Make a diagram of “Forms of division of labor”

Forms of division of labor

2. What are the differences between a profession and a specialty and position?

3. What is classification?

4. List the main reasons for the need to classify professions.

5. Make a diagram of “Methods of classification of professions”

6. Write down the definitions of “profession” and “specialty” in your notebook.

7. Give examples of professions and specialties.

Work independently or in pairs in a notebook

Work with the class, checking answers to questions.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Purpose: to check the assimilation of acquired knowledge.

Find and correct errors in the table



Tractor driver


Literary critic

Car driver


Fighter pilot

Semiconductor Device Assembler

International carriage conductor



Mathematic teacher

Work independently or in pairs in a notebook

Checking the progress of the work

2. Homework - notes in notebooks

3. Complete practical work “Description of the goals of the activity, features of production and the nature of the product, requirements for the qualifications of employees at the enterprise.”

Additional text

In the conditions of scientific and technological revolution, under the influence of complex mechanization and automation of production processes, the material basis for the division and specialization of labor is changing.

Mental work is work in which a person spends mainly his intellectual efforts.

Physical labor is work in which a person spends primarily his physical efforts.

Sectoral division of labor is the division of labor into sectors of material (industry, agriculture, transport, construction, etc.) and non-material production (science, education, trade, medicine, etc.)

Subject specialization is the specialization of enterprises for the production of homogeneous finished products (car plant, clothing factory, sausage shop, etc.).

Detailed specialization is the production of individual parts and components of the finished product (for example, products of a ball bearing plant, products of a carburetor plant, products of a tire plant, etc.).

Stage (technological) specialization - the implementation of individual operations, parts of the technological process (for example, the production of blanks for machine-building enterprises in foundries, the production of yarn for weaving factories in spinning factories, etc.).

Functional division of labor - specialization according to the functions that people perform in production (engineering and technical workers, office workers, junior service personnel, etc.).

Professional division of labor is an association of workers depending on their profession or specialization (turner, accountant, economist, etc.).

Qualification division of labor is the differentiation of workers within a professional group depending on their level of qualification (grade, class, category).

The division and specialization of labor is the objective basis for the emergence of professions and specialties. These concepts should be distinguished.

A profession is a type of work activity that requires special knowledge and experience and provides the conditions for the existence of an individual.

A profession unites a group of related specialties. For example, the profession of a teacher includes specialties: physics teacher, mathematics teacher, history teacher, etc.

A specialty is a narrower area of ​​application of a person’s physical and spiritual forces within a particular profession.

Position is the official position of an employee provided for in the staffing table, which determines his duties and remuneration.

There is a need to classify professions and specialties due to the following reasons:

There are such ways of classifying professions, i.e. distribution according to certain characteristics:

Lesson 3. Areas of professional activity.

Study material with assignment instructions

Learning Guide

Purpose: during the study of the module you will become familiar with the classification of areas of professional activity.

Read the purpose of the lesson carefully.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Purpose: to check the mastery of basic concepts and terms on the topic “Forms of division of labor”

1. Name the main forms of division of labor.

2. Determine what form of division of labor the given items belong to:

A) science, education, trade, medicine

B) turner, accountant, economist

D) industry, agriculture, transport, construction

D) technical workers, office workers, junior service personnel

E) teacher, doctor, salesman

G) production of bearings, carburetors, headlights

H) production of buses, cars, furniture

Work independently notebooks

test verification.

5b - 4b "3"

Learning new material.

Goal: formation and deepening of knowledge about the subjects of labor, .

Assignment: Using materials from additional text, answer the questions

1. By what criteria can spheres of professional activity be classified?

2. Fill out the table: “Characteristics of areas by subject of labor”

Objects of labor

Objects of labor

Areas of work

Professional quality

man - nature

Soil, water, forest, seeds, plants, animals

man - technology

Mining and processing of rocks; installation, repair of equipment, buildings; vehicle control

man is a sign system

Computers, charts, indicators, measuring instruments, diagrams, documents, money.

man - man

Leadership of people, education, training, service to people (trade medical)

man - artistic image

Artistic image and patterns of its creation

3. Based on the diagram, decipher the formula of the profession of the private sector, consisting of 4 letters, where the first is the type, the second is the class, the third is the department, the fourth is the group of the profession.

Work independently or in pairs in a notebook

Work with the class, checking answers to questions.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Purpose: to check the assimilation of acquired knowledge.

Complete the practical work “Defining the goal, formula of your future profession.” Present your work in the form of a table

1.Profession name: ———



Field of professional activity

1. Purpose of work

2. Subject of labor

3. Tools

4. Working conditions

5. Results (products) of labor

6. Professional qualities

2. Profession formula.

Work independently in a notebook

2. Homework - notes in notebooks

3. The teacher selectively takes notebooks for checking.

Additional text

Sphere is the limit of distribution of any action.

The sphere of professional activity is a branch (or area) of labor that has certain boundaries of application.

There are several criteria for classifying areas of professional activity.

In each industry, areas of professional activity can be distinguished according to their focus, i.e. on the subject of work.

The subject of labor is what a person’s labor is aimed at, what the worker influences, modifying and adapting it to meet personal and social needs.

Subjects of labor include: nature, technology, sign system, man, artistic image.

According to the subject of work, there are 5 areas of professional activity:

Areas of professional activity can also be classified according to the goals of work:

Based on tools of labor, professions are divided into the following groups:

According to working conditions, professions are divided into the following groups:

The classification of areas of professional activity can be schematically depicted:

Working conditions:

Group of professions


Departments of professions

Labor goals:

Job classes

Subjects of labor:

Ch-P, Ch-T, Ch-Z, Ch-H, Ch-H

Types of professions

Lesson 4. Division of labor. Horizontal and vertical division of labor.

Study material with assignment instructions

Learning Guide

Objective: As you study the module, you will become familiar with the concepts of horizontal and vertical division of labor.

Read the purpose of the lesson carefully.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Purpose: to check the mastery of basic concepts and terms on the topic “Spheres of professional activity”

1. By what criteria can spheres of professional activity be classified?

2. Determine which professional qualities are named incorrectly:

A) H - nature: love of plants and animals, physical endurance, coordination of movements, tolerance and perseverance, technical thinking, politeness, imaginative memory, working memory, observation.

B) H - technology: technical thinking, technical hearing, resistance to monotony, visually imaginative thinking, creative thinking, concentration, love of technology.

C) H - person: politeness, honesty, physical endurance, courage, precision of movement, artistic taste, observation.

D) H - Sign system: accuracy of movement, visual perception, logical thinking, coordination of movements, resistance to monotony, love of nature, honesty, love of people.

3. Name the profession to which this formula could apply: a) TIAO

Work independently notebooks

task completion check

Learning new material.

Horizontal division of labor.

Goal: developing knowledge about the horizontal division of labor.

Assignment: Using materials from additional text, answer the questions

1. What is the main meaning of the division of labor?

2. What determines the effectiveness of an organization?

3. Name the types of division of labor.

4. What is the essence of the horizontal division of labor?

5. What are the characteristics of horizontal division of labor? Describe these features.

The organization of the recruitment process is carried out on the basis of defined principles, ensuring. more efficient use of means of labor, objects of labor and labor itself. The purpose of these principles is to complete planned tasks within the established time frame. The production process must be organized rationally. The principles determine the efficiency of the production process. It is expressed in a high level of labor productivity, in minimum, other things being equal, levels of product costs and high quality.

The principle of specialization is a process of social division of labor. In industry, it is expressed in the creation of corresponding industries, in industries - enterprises, associations, scientific and technical complexes for the production of products. In the pre-production areas there are workshops, in the workshops there are sections, in the sections there are workplaces. The level of specialization at the enterprise depends on the volume of production of products of the same name.

Principle of standardization – promotes increased. level of specialization. Article refers to the procedure for establishing and applying rules in order to streamline any activity. The standards are applied in all areas of human activity. The standard limits the varieties and types of products for the same purpose, thereby increasing the production volume of identical products and increasing the number of technological technologies of the same name. operations.

Principle of proportionality – when all production departments of the enterprise work with the same productivity, ensuring. implementation of the production program provided for by the business plan within the established time frame. Achieving proportions is based on standards that determine the quantitative relationship between the elements of production:

Technological performance standards Equipment, time standards for performing technological operations, standards for inventories and material costs. and energy resources, etc.

Continuity principle – the production process must be organized in such a way that there are no breaks in it or they are minimal. In mechanical engineering, the implementation of this principle is associated with great difficulties and is fully achieved only when, during the production of a product, all technological operations are equal or multiple in duration to each other. The requirements of this principle are fully implemented on continuous production lines and in automated production.

The principle of rhythm – is to ensure the release in equal periods of time of one total or uniformly increasing amount of product. Compliance with the rhythm of product release is a guarantee of completing the production program on time. The rhythm of work in the main production depends on the uniformity in accordance with the schedule of auxiliary and service production.

Direct flow principle – conclusion in ensuring the shortest path for the publication to pass through all stages and operations. It requires, if possible, eliminating the return movement of parts during processing, reducing the transport routes of parts, components, and assemblies. The rational arrangement of buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise and technological equipment in workshops and areas in accordance with the course of technological processes is the main way to comply with the requirements of the principle of direct flow.

Parallel principle – is to process products simultaneously, as much as possible, in parallel on several machines.

Principle of concentration – consists in concentrating operations on technologically homogeneous products at individual workplaces, sections, lines, and workshops. The basis for this is the commonality of manufacturing technology, which makes it possible to use the same type of equipment.

The principle of differentiation and combination – depending on the complexity of the product and the volume of its production, the production process can be carried out in any production department (workshop, section) or it can be dispersed across several departments.

Automatic principle – is to free the worker to the greatest extent from the costs of manual, low-productive labor when performing a technological operation (computers and robotics are used).

The principle of flexibility – lies in the need to ensure rapid readjustment of technological equipment in conditions of a frequently changing range of products. The requirement for flexibility is of particular importance in conditions of single and small-scale production. The implementation of this principle is carried out most effectively through the use of electronics and MP technology.

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Sectoral structure of the national economy of Russia National economy Industries of material production Non-production industries

3 slide

Sectoral structure of the national economy of Russia Industry is a set of qualitatively homogeneous primary links, characterized by special conditions in the system of social division of labor, unity of purpose of the products (works, services), professional composition of personnel; a separate area of ​​economic activity, production, science (industry, agriculture, construction, trade, healthcare, education, science. Industries include large units of production - sub-sectors. A sub-sector is a part of an industry that specializes in the production of a specific type of product (work, service). Each Of these, they have their own technology and their own professional structure of personnel.Industry is the most important branch of social production; consists of two large groups of industries - extractive and manufacturing; is also divided into the production of means of production and the production of consumer goods.

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Basic concepts Career guidance (vocational guidance) - a system of measures aimed at providing qualified assistance in choosing or changing a profession; recommendations for improving important psychophysiological qualities and training; includes information about professions and educational institutions, individual consultations, testing, etc. Vocational guidance and professional self-determination allow you to form a clear, holistic idea of ​​work, develop the ability to quickly and correctly navigate the general nature of work and determine your suitability for specific professional activities. The study and description of labor is carried out using the methods of individual sciences and applied disciplines to develop recommendations and special documents (professiograms), which serve as an auxiliary tool for professional selection. Such disciplines include physiology, hygiene and occupational psychology, sociology and labor economics.

7 slide

Basic concepts Profession is a type of work activity that requires special knowledge and experience and provides conditions for human existence. A specialty is a narrower area of ​​application of a person’s physical and spiritual forces within a particular profession. Qualification is the degree of a person’s preparedness for a particular type of work activity, the set of knowledge and skills necessary to perform work of a given complexity.

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Professiogram Professiogram (professiography) is a detailed hygienic description of a certain profession indicating the sequence, duration and frequency of each work operation, working environment conditions, severity and intensity of the labor process; allows you to: identify the compliance of the conditions and nature of work with the physiological and psychological capabilities of a person, the impact of production factors on him; develop a set of measures aimed at optimizing working conditions, ergonomic rationalization of workplaces, increasing efficiency, and preventing industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

Slide 9

Contents of the professional program: level of mechanization and automation of the production process; list and levels of hygienic factors in the working environment; structure of labor operations; structure of individual techniques and actions; working posture; description of the workplace; intra-shift work and rest schedule; shift work; timing data on the time spent on main and auxiliary operations; pace of work; qualitative and quantitative assessment of factors characterizing the severity of labor (by indicators: the mass of a manually moved load, the number of stereotypical movements, the magnitude of the static load, the nature of the working posture, the number and depth of body bends, movement in space) and the intensity of labor (by indicators of emotional, sensory and intellectual loads, monotony and shifts of work, work schedule); the degree of compliance of the conditions and nature of work with the requirements of regulatory documentation.

10 slide

Professionogram. Psychogram A psychogram is a part of a professionogram, which indicates the mental properties of a person that are most suitable for a given profession. A complete professional profile includes a technological, economic, social, medical and psychological description of the profession.

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Option for drawing up a professiogram A professiogram includes: general information about the profession; characteristics of the labor process; sanitary and hygienic working conditions; psychophysiological requirements; ways to obtain vocational training; economic and legal aspects of professional activity.

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Temperament Temperament (translated from Latin means “ratio of parts, proportionality”) is a set of mental properties of a person that characterize the degree of his excitability and are manifested in his behavior and attitude towards the surrounding reality. Main components: general activity, motor manifestations (tempo, rhythm, etc.), emotionality. People differ in four main types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic. Choleric - strong, impetuous, unbalanced; strong excitation and relatively weak inhibition (“a stream powerfully and rapidly throwing its waters off a cliff”); characterized by a high level of activity, impulsiveness and vivid expression of emotional experiences. A person with such a temperament is not recommended to work in extreme conditions, when in a matter of seconds it is necessary to make the only right decision (tester, cosmonaut, miner, submariner, high-altitude assembler, athlete - in many sports, employee of some units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue services and special forces ). Sanguine - strong, balanced (“running of a mighty stream”); characterized by high activity, a variety of facial expressions and gestures, emotionality, impressionability, and mobility. A person with such a temperament is prone to active activities and can work in extreme conditions.

Slide 13

Temperament Phlegmatic - strong, balanced, but with inert processes (“calm flow of a high-water river”); usually characterized by slowness and calmness of facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy of feelings and moods, which are poorly expressed outwardly. A phlegmatic person starts work slowly, having prepared himself, he clearly organizes his work and is diligent. A person with such a temperament is not recommended to work in extreme conditions that require making operational decisions. Melancholic - characterized by weakness of the processes of inhibition and excitation, depth and duration of emotions, low activity, restraint of motor skills and speech (“a weak stream on the plain”). A melancholic person tends to work in a calm and familiar environment, and has a hard time withstanding conditions that require emergency action. He feels comfortable in small groups and in small spaces (librarian, accountant, editor, proofreader, composer, designer, writer, PC operator, breeder, etc.).

Organization of production at the enterprise Topic 6

  • The production process and principles of its organization
  • Types of production and their technical and economic characteristics
  • Production structure of the enterprise
  • Production cycle and its structure
  • Production organization methods

Industrial production- this is a complex process of transforming raw materials, semi-finished materials and other items of labor into finished products that meet the needs of the market.

Manufacturing process- this is the totality of all actions of people and tools necessary at a given enterprise for the manufacture of products

  • Phase - a set of works, the implementation of which characterizes the completion of a certain part of the technological process and is associated with the transition of the subject of labor from one qualitative state to another.
  • Operation - part of the technological process performed at one workplace (machine, stand, unit, etc.), consisting of a series of actions on each object of labor or group of jointly processed objects

Operations also differ depending on the means of labor used:

  • manual
  • machine-manual
  • machine
  • automated


Principles of organizing the production process

Principle of proportionality

Principle of differentiation

Combination principle

Principle of concentration

The principle of specialization

The principle of universalization

Principle of standardization

Parallel principle

Direct flow principle

Continuity principle

The principle of rhythm

Automatic principle

The principle of compliance of the forms of the production process with its technical and economic content

2. Types of production and their technical and economic characteristics

Type of production – the totality of its organizational, technical and economic features.

The type of production is determined by the following factors:

The range of manufactured products;

Volume of issue;

The degree of constant range of manufactured products;

The nature of workload.



Type of production

Range of manufactured products


Constancy of nomenclature




Issue volume


Assigning operations to workstations


Equipment used


Tools and equipment used



Universal + special (partially)

Worker qualifications

Universal + special

Product cost

Mostly special

Mostly special

Production specialization of workshops and areas


Mostly low



Production structure of the enterprise- this is a set of production units of an enterprise (shops, services) that are part of it, and the forms of connections between them.

The production structure depends from

  • type of product and its nomenclature,
  • type of production and forms of its specialization,
  • on the characteristics of technological processes.

3. Production structure of the enterprise

  • Shop- this is the main structural production unit of an enterprise, administratively separate and specializing in the production of a specific part or product or in the performance of technologically homogeneous or identical-purpose work.
  • Plot is a group of jobs united according to certain characteristics.

3. Production structure of the enterprise

The enterprise consists of the following divisions:

  • Main workshops
  • Auxiliary workshops
  • Service shops
  • Production farms

The main production workshops (in mechanical engineering, instrument making) are divided into:

  • - for procurement;
  • - processing;
  • - assembly.

3. Production structure of the enterprise

Workshops and sections are created according to the principle of specialization:

  • - technological;
  • - subject;
  • - subject-closed;
  • - mixed.

  • Production cycle - this is a calendar period of time during which a material, workpiece or other processed item goes through all the operations of the production process or a certain part of it and is transformed into a finished product.

It is expressed in calendar days,

with low labor intensity of the product - in hours.

Composition and structure of working time

Work time

Work process time

Break times

Independent of personnel

Personnel dependent

Unproductive work

Productive work

Preparatory and final time



Workplace service time



Organizational services


Auxiliary time

4. Production cycle and its structure

Production cycle T ts :

T c = T vrp + T vrp,

where T vrp is the work process time

T vpr - time of breaks

4. Production cycle and its structure

During the working period, technological operations are performed

T vrp = T shk + T k + T tr + T e

T shk - piece-calculation time;

Tk - time of control operations;

T tr - time of transportation of objects of labor;

T e - time of natural processes (aging, relaxation, natural drying, sedimentation of suspensions in liquids, etc.).

4. Production cycle and its structure

The sum of the times for piece work, control operations, and transportation is called operational time (T def ):

T def = T shk + T To + T tr

4. Production cycle and its structure

T shk = T op + T pz + T en + T oto

T op - operational time;

T pz - preparatory and final time when processing a new batch of parts;

T en - time for rest and natural needs of workers;

T oto - time for organizational and maintenance (receipt and delivery of tools, cleaning the workplace, lubrication of equipment, etc.).

4. Production cycle and its structure

Operating time:

T op = T os + T in

T OS - main time

T V - auxiliary time

Auxiliary time:

T in = T y + T z + T ok

T u - time for installing and removing a part (assembly unit) from the equipment;

T s - time of fastening and unfastening the part in the device;

Tok - time of operational control of the worker (with equipment stopping) during the operation

4. Production cycle and its structure

Break time (T vpr ) is due to:

  • T rt - labor regime
  • T mo - interoperational tracking of parts
  • T r - time of breaks for overhaul maintenance and equipment inspections
  • Torg - time of breaks associated with shortcomings in the organization of production

T vpr = T mo + T rt + T r + T org

4. Production cycle and its structure

Interoperative follow-up time(T mo) :

T mo = T steam + T cool + T kp

T pairs - partition breaks

So - waiting breaks

T kp - picking breaks

4. Production cycle and its structure

In general, the production cycle is expressed by the formula

T c = T def + T e + T mo + T rt + T r + T org

4. Production cycle and its structure

The main directions for reducing the production cycle are

improvement of technology

use of more productive equipment, tools, technological equipment

automation of production processes and the use of flexible integrated processes

organization of continuous production

flexibility (multifunctionality) of personnel

specialization and cooperation


many other factors affecting production cycle times

Method 1 - Non-flow production


they process objects of labor of different design and manufacturing technology, which move along complex routes during processing, creating long breaks between operations

workplaces are placed in the same type of technological groups without connection with the sequence of operations

5. Methods of organizing production

Non-line production used:

in single production

in serial production

takes two forms

carried out in the form single-technological(processed objects of labor are not repeated)

batch-technological method

subject-group method

5. Methods of organizing production

n- the number of objects of labor processed on this equipment;

t- standard time for processing objects of labor;

T- planned operating time of a piece of equipment for the year;

Kv.n.- coefficient of fulfillment of time standards

5. Methods of organizing production

Flow production is characterized by the following main features:

  • specialization of each workplace to perform a certain operation;
  • coordinated and rhythmic execution of all operations based on a single calculated pace of work;
  • placement of workplaces in strict accordance with the sequence of the technological process;
  • transfer of processed material or products from operation to operation with minimal interruptions using a conveyor (conveyor)

5. Methods of organizing production

  • production line– a number of interconnected workstations located in the sequence of execution of the technological process and united by a common productivity standard for all (it is determined by the leading flow machine)

5. Methods of organizing production

Production flows can be classified according to a number of criteria:

  • according to the number of lines - into single-line and


  • in terms of production coverage - by

local and end-to-end;

  • according to the method of maintaining the rhythm - with free and

regulated rhythms;

  • by degree of specialization - multi-subject and


  • according to the degree of process continuity - discontinuous and


5. Methods of organizing production

1 parameter:

tact (rhythm) of the production line (r) - the period of time between the release of two finished products or batches of finished products, one after the other:

  • T- planned line operating time for the billing period, min.;
  • P- volume of production for the same period in physical terms

5. Methods of organizing production

2nd parameter:

number of workplaces (N) is calculated for each operation:

  • tts- duration of the working cycle